How the subfloor is attached to the joists. Draft floor in a wooden house: we make a strong lag base for a final finish

Before you start laying the final coating, you need to take care of the draft. In no case should this rule be neglected, because otherwise you risk all your repairs. Alteration floor covering and the floors themselves will require even more effort, cost and time. In addition, such a complex event can damage the entire interior of an apartment or house. So experts recommend once to come to grips with the issue of the subfloor and forget about it for many years.

There are two main ways to create a subfloor, which are divided according to the method and materials used: wet and dry. For wet, concrete or concrete expanded clay is used, and for dry, installation along logs is used.

Do-it-yourself concrete subfloor

This option is especially popular in standard city apartments, but if desired, it can also be used to equip a private house. The question is only in the foundation.

First you need to create high-quality waterproofing. You can do this with special film increased strength. If we are talking about repairs in an apartment on the second and higher floors, we recommend that you pay special attention to insulation. Your manipulations with the floor can cause a leak and affect the repair of the neighbors below. So be very careful when mounting the film. Along the perimeter of the apartment, it must be supplemented with foam flex with a thickness of 0.5 - 1 centimeter.

The next layer of the subfloor is responsible for the thermal insulation of the room. Previously, expanded polystyrene was mainly used as a material, but in Lately penofol is gaining popularity, consisting of two layers at once with a very good performance. The foil layer reflects heat and prevents it from leaving the room, and the polyethylene foam itself is responsible for thermal insulation. Whatever material you choose, it must also be covered with a layer of waterproofing film.

Next milestone- this is the filling of the floor with concrete or concrete-ceramsite. But it’s impossible to just pour the solution onto the future subfloor. The thing is that this layer will not be able to level itself. That is why special beacons are installed before pouring, which will become the basis for leveling the floor. All beacons must be level. Only in this case, you can get a beautiful and even subfloor as a result.

If you want to increase sound insulation, as well as thermal insulation, then pay attention to expanded clay concrete. This material has excellent properties and bypasses conventional concrete in many respects.

After mixing the solution and spreading it on the floor, carefully level it with the rule, placing the tool on the beacons. Remove excess solution, then leave the coating to dry completely. Your subfloor is ready.

Do-it-yourself wooden draft floor

To make a subfloor out of wood, you will need some sort of foundation. If the house already has concrete, then logs can also be laid on it. Just make sure that the concrete screed is level and has no height differences. Otherwise, your floor will turn out crooked and creak. Experts do not recommend the use of wooden blocks as a support for logs in the places of recesses. The problem is that over time the tree will shrink, and the logs will lose their stability. And your floors will sag and creak.

To avoid this, care must be taken preparatory stage. So, to begin with, the concrete base is leveled with a small layer of screed. The amount of solution is determined by the height difference in the room. After that, leave the resulting base until the solution dries completely.

The next item is the laying of a waterproofing film, all the joints of which must be glued with adhesive tape. On top of it, on the place where the logs will be laid, we lay a special soundproofing layer. Commonly used polyethylene foam or cork material. Without this layer, the floors in your home will make extraneous sounds with every step.

Now it's time to tackle the lags. But for this you need a beam. Professionals recommend not saving on logs and using a cutting board High Quality. Installation will take you much less time and effort, and the rough floor with your own hands will turn out much more spectacular and faster. To install the subfloor, you will also need edged board 25 mm x 100 mm. It can be used not only for installing lags, but also for mounting roof battens and other general construction works.

The logs themselves are installed on a pre-prepared base so that the layer of soundproof lining is strictly under them. The height and slope of the lags must be checked with a level.

Now they need to be attached to the base of the floor with the help of corners so that the logs do not move anywhere and serve as the basis for the next layer.

As soon as all the logs are firmly fixed, insulation is laid between them. In no case should he go to the lags themselves, only occupy all the free space between them.

A floorboard or plywood is laid on top of the lags. This is what the subfloor will look like. Working with plywood is much easier, but it has a certain drawback - a relatively high price. Batten the same quality will cost less, but installation will require more effort and more time.

The thickness of the plywood sheet must be at least 22 millimeters, because otherwise your subfloor will sag under the weight of a person. In addition, the distribution of furniture in an apartment or house can cause a change in the relief of the subfloor. Experts recommend using plywood of increased thickness if you plan to put heavy objects in the room: wardrobe, refrigerator, sideboard with large quantity utensils and more.

Sheets of plywood should be stacked in a checkerboard pattern to prevent joints from being located in one line. Screw the plywood to the joists using self-tapping screws, remembering to set a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the wall for shrinkage and ventilation.

The construction of a private house is a long process, requiring a large investment of time, labor and finances. Many, in an effort to save money, decide to carry out part of the work on their own. How to make floors in private houses without resorting to the services of builders? Making the floor yourself is quite realistic if you have necessary materials, tools and knowledge.

Which floor design to choose?

Before proceeding with the construction of floors in a private house, it is necessary to determine the type of construction of the future coating. Experts distinguish three types of structures:

  • Single;
  • Double;
  • Concrete floor.

The choice of one or another type of construction depends on the characteristics of the building in which the floor is laid. The determining factor can be recognized as the operating conditions of a private house. The single floor is the most simple design, the construction of such a floor does not take a lot of time and materials, since the floorboards are fastened with nails directly to the logs. The main disadvantage of a single plank floor is its limited use: such a coating would be appropriate only in small summer houses and at cottages. For the house where it is planned year-round living, single design is not suitable.

Scheme of the possible implementation of the "double" floor and concrete.

If you want to do private house, suitable for living at any time of the year, then you will have to deal with the arrangement of a double floor. This type of construction is warmer, reduces heat loss and ensures comfortable living in the house during the cold season. The double floor consists of several layers, the main of which are the rough and finish coatings. Between these two layers, hydro- and heat-insulating materials are additionally laid, protecting both the floor itself and the entire house from destruction.

Most often, the rough coating in a private house is collected from unedged board, and the finishing floor is made of grooved floorboards. All work, including the laying of thermal insulation from sawdust or expanded clay, can be easily done with your own hands.

Subfloor boards.

The third possible type of floor construction in a private house is a poured concrete screed. Compliance with all the rules for preparatory work, laying waterproofing, pouring cement mortar and the timing of its drying will allow you to get a solid high-quality floor, ready for finishing with any decorative coating.

Installation of wooden floors

When building a private house, many people prefer to make the floor out of wood. Such a desire to have quality underfoot wood flooring due to the desire to use environmentally friendly materials, which include wood. In addition to high environmental friendliness, such a floor has a number of other advantages.

Wooden floors are easy to install and easy to repair during operation. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, such a floor will keep heat inside the house without releasing it outside. Plank floor from quality wood characterized by a long service life and an attractive "natural" appearance.

To make a floor in a private house, you need to choose the right wood. Choice source materials should be based on the design features of the structure itself. Floor device in country house must necessarily provide for the presence of a subfield that performs the role air gap. If such a layer is absent, then the wooden floor will quickly become unusable due to moisture. In addition, for a good floor, it is important to have all the layers of the structure, including logs, rough flooring, hydro and thermal insulation, and a finishing coating.

The floor in a private house is subjected to significant mechanical stress, so for its construction it is required to choose wood with good technological characteristics. The boards must be well dried, the recommended moisture content is no more than 12%. Any chips and cracks on the surface of the material are not allowed. Experts recommend giving preference to coniferous wood, suitable for pine, larch, fir, cedar. To increase the life of the future floor, all boards must be treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

The installation of a wooden floor begins with the determination of places for the supporting pillars and their installation. The fertile layer of soil around the entire perimeter of the house is removed and removed, gravel is poured in its place, and sand is placed on top of it. Layers of gravel and sand must be well compacted. On the ends support pillars fit waterproofing material, most often for these purposes use the usual roofing material.

Filling with gravel.

Next, we make beams that need to be fixed on poles with metal corners. Floors in a private house are best done with double insulation. Experts suggest first laying plywood sheets on the sides of the beams, and then placing mineral wool or other insulating material on them.

When the insulation layer is ready, you can start laying the rough coating. The boards of this layer should fit well to each other, as their attachment to the beams, you can use ordinary self-tapping screws. It is better to leave some distance between the flooring and the walls of the house: a gap of 1.5 cm can be considered the norm for this part of the floor. These gaps provide ventilation for the entire floor structure and protect the walls from expansion of the floorboards when they dry out.

A layer of vapor barrier made of polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns is laid over the subfloor. The joints of individual pieces of film must be glued with adhesive tape, and the edges should be wrapped on the walls to a height of about 20 cm - to the height of the finish coating. When the film is laid and fixed, you can proceed to the assembly of the finished floor.

The finished floor is assembled from solid boards or plywood sheets. Plywood sheets are easier to attach, but in the end they do not look very attractive. Therefore, if you want to leave wooden floors in your house, then it is best to immediately collect the finish coating from a tongue-and-groove board, and if you plan to close it decorative material- it is enough to fix the plywood sheets. Plank floors after assembling the finished floor must be varnished, which will not only protect the material from external influences mechanical and chemical nature, but also emphasize the decorative qualities of natural wood.

Pouring concrete floor

Arrangement of a concrete floor in a private house begins with preparatory work. First, markings and gravel filling are done at the site of the future floor. The soil is preliminarily cleared of plants and the top layer, and then compacted. Next, a layer of gravel is poured, which also needs to be well compacted. In the construction of a concrete floor in a private house, gravel will play the role of thermal insulation. Sand is poured over the gravel. After it is compacted, a thick polyethylene film is spread on the surface, which acts as a waterproofing material.

How to make a concrete floor in a private house? After installing the waterproofing layer, you can start pouring the screed. A cement screed in a country house is poured in the same way as a screed in an apartment: levels are set and a mortar is poured, which is leveled from the wall to the door by the rule.

When pouring a concrete screed, several features should be taken into account. The solution for pouring must be fresh, for its preparation it is recommended to use cement grade not lower than M-300, screening of sand and water. To increase the strength of the concrete layer, you can add to the solution special formulations- plasticizers, which will give the future coating additional strength.

When pouring a screed with a height of 5 cm, you can use reinforcing elements or a reinforcing mesh, which is laid on the waterproofing layer before pouring. In the case of arranging warm water floors in a private house, the use of a reinforcing mesh and the addition of plasticizers to cement mortar are mandatory procedures.

When the concrete hardens a little after pouring, you can remove the beacons. The voids left after their removal are filled with the same solution. After filling and leveling all the cracks, the floor is covered with polyethylene and left to dry. Drying a concrete floor is a long and responsible undertaking. Concrete must dry itself within a month; if there is a floor heating system, it is forbidden to turn on heating until the screed is completely dry. By including heating elements, you will help the concrete to crack even before the start of the operation of the premises. When drying concrete screed it is recommended to periodically moisten with water and cover again with polyethylene: if this requirement is met, the coating will pick up maximum strength and does not crack.

To do it right cement filling, remove beacons and dry concrete, it is recommended to consider photos with the work of builders specializing in arranging floors in private homes.

fine finish

It is quite simple to make only a finishing floor in a private house from scratch, but sometimes laying is additionally required. decorative coating. You can also deal with this problem yourself. How can you cover the floor in a private house?

The best option for a private house can be considered a double floor of planks. The finish coating of this design can not be coated with anything additionally. This option is practical and beautiful, and also has a long service life when proper care. Before use, the boards should be treated protective compounds and cover with varnish, which will protect them from the effects of sand, dirt, water and chemical substances. For coating, you can choose both a transparent varnish, leaving the natural color of the wood, and colored, giving the floor a different shade.

The concrete floor in a private house assumes the presence of a top layer of decorative coating. Parquet or parquet board will look chic as a floor finish. Such a coating is quite expensive, but it is highly environmentally friendly, has good antistatic and thermal insulation characteristics. It does not make sense to make parquet, but in a house where you plan to live permanently, such a coating will look appropriate.

More affordable laminate, linoleum, carpet and ceramic tiles can be considered as analogues of parquet. Laminate is suitable for the living room and bedrooms, ceramic tile It will look appropriate in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway. Linoleum is also best placed only in the kitchen or in the hallway. The use of carpet is more limited: material fit for flooring in bedrooms.

The range of modern colors and textures of the listed materials allows you to choose a coating for every taste. In a private house, floors with natural patterns that repeat the texture of wood or natural stone will look appropriate.

Floors in wooden houses should be reliable, warm, durable and beautiful. You can achieve the desired result on your own or with the involvement of professional builders. Information about the features of the device floors in wooden house important in both cases. First, because it will take self-fulfillment works, and secondly - to control employees.

Process features

The floors in a wooden house consist of several layers. And to ensure comfortable conditions residence, it is important to correctly identify the components of the floor "pie".

main element building structure for the floor is strapping. For capital buildings, it is usually made from a powerful beam with parameters cross section not less than 150 x 80 millimeters.

Often the timber is replaced by several boards, securely interconnected. Board binding is more stable. The boards are not subjected to the stresses experienced by the timber.

Products used for strapping are subject to pre-treatment with an antiseptic. Used oils are often used as such. Oiled wooden details do not rot and do not absorb moisture, so they serve for many years. In the absence of oil, apply special means available at every hardware store.

To extend the life of the strapping, waterproofing must be laid on the foundation. Usually it is a roofing material folded in two layers.

By strapping, you need to install lags. These are wide powerful boards, which need to be strengthened on the edge. They, like the strapping, need to be treated with an antiseptic. Logs must first be carefully examined, cracks repaired if any. Boards with big flaws should be replaced with better ones.

In light buildings, it is allowed to make logs prefabricated. For fastening constituent parts use special staples or studs. Docking points should be supported for greater reliability.

If the load is planned to be significant, it is better to strengthen the structure in advance. For this, the lag section is calculated, and their step is made small, from 60 centimeters.

The logs are hemmed with boards, along which a membrane is laid to prevent the penetration of wind and moisture into the room. A heater is placed in the formed cells. Depending on the chosen method, it can be either expanded clay or polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam or mineral wool. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier. Further actions depend on the preferences of the owners of the house. Any floor can be used as a finishing floor. available options, including water heated floors.

Structure structure

It is not enough to build a wooden house, you need to sum it up correctly engineering Communication, such as the:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • electrical wiring.

The abundance of engineering structures in the premises does not look aesthetically pleasing, so it is customary to hide them under the floor. The space between the lags allows you to cover most of the pipes. If there is an underground ground floor under the subfloor, you can install an electric water heater, or you can equip a gas boiler room. Especially important is the location of the water heater under the floor for a small shower room.

When building a house, it is worth remembering that the wooden floor should be protected from water vapor. Modern building materials allow the structure to breathe and at the same time reliably protect against moisture damage. Excellent insulation is obtained from isospan.

Izospan is used both in the equipment of the first floor and the second. It is laid under the mineral insulation and above it. nonwoven fabric Supplied in small rolls. Separate parts during laying should be overlapped and glued with special double-sided tape. In places of contact with the lags, isospan is attached to them with a construction stapler.

The insulating layer is covered with a continuous flooring. Perhaps better than others, OSB plates are suitable for this purpose.

OSB boards widely used in housing construction. They are perfect for arranging floors in wooden houses. Oriented strand board floors are good for underlayment under boardwalk, parquet, linoleum, carpet and laminate. But top coat OSB is not worth it.

For laying on logs set in 50 cm increments, 18 mm is considered a sufficient thickness of the plates. If the distance between adjacent lags is 10 cm greater, a greater thickness will be required - 20 mm. OSB boards made by pressing with the use of a special adhesive composition. They are durable, do not rot and do not dry out. Floors laid on OSB sheets, do not creak when walking.

Laying is done quickly, because:

  • does not require special skills;
  • sheets are correct geometric shape, and time is not spent on fitting;
  • one standard plate (2500 x 1250 mm) covers an area of ​​3.1 m2.

Floor types

In private wooden houses, the type of floor depends on the method of overlapping. There are two options: concrete ( reinforced concrete slab) or wood. On the second floor, the floors are usually made of wood, since heavier reinforced concrete slabs only increase the load on the foundation.

Inside the house, you can equip any of modern options floors: laminate, parquet, cork, tiles and others.

Concrete the floors are formed by pouring the screed. In some cases, this option saves construction time. The screed is completely ready for further processing after a month. Raw wood requires drying, which takes much more time.

Concrete floors in wooden houses reduce the cost of finishing floors. A well-made screed can serve as the basis for finishing without additional layers and surface leveling.

If it is necessary to raise the floor to a certain height, light expanded clay is poured under the screed. This reduces the load on the base without increasing the thickness of the screed itself.

There is a high chance of cracking in a new house cement screed due to shrinkage of the building. Serious damage will not follow, however, heat loss is possible. You can prevent negative consequences by laying a reliable insulation.

Concrete floor possible after calculations. Usually, similar solution is accepted if the capital structure has a strip foundation.

The same is more suitable for a wooden house wooden floor . Wood is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergic reactions in residents: adults and children. Natural material is increasingly used by owners country houses, preferring it to bricks and various blocks.

Plank flooring is easy to sheathe with boards on both sides. Reliable fastening allows you to equip a "pie" of insulation, vapor and waterproofing. The multilayer structure can be made as a floating floor. In this case, it will not have direct contact with the base and walls of the house.

Preparatory work

No matter on the foundation, the ground, screw piles or just a building is being erected on brick columns, the arrangement of the floor begins with preparatory work.

First, prepare the walls, equipping them ventilation holes. The lack of air access to the underground will lead to the rapid destruction of the wooden components of the structure.

The materials necessary for arranging the overlap must be correctly calculated. It will not be superfluous and a stock of wood of 10-15 percent.

Installation can begin when the bars and boards are sufficiently dry. When the humidity becomes normal, the material is inspected, sorted and treated with agents against rot and fungus.

Draft two-layer floors are made where the base has to be laid directly on open ground.

There are several ways to lay the floor on the ground. If you lower the floor to a minimum, then you can tamp the ground, lay out a pillow of sand, gravel or expanded clay, and then fill it with concrete. True, this option is more suitable for a garage, and not for places intended for permanent residence people.

In the lung country house used for a seasonal stay, you need to do the floor differently. First you need to set up brick columns around the entire perimeter. It is very important to ensure that the surfaces of the supports have a single height (bring them to one horizon). On each support you need to lay a gasket made of roofing material or roofing felt. A 3 cm thick wooden lining treated with an antiseptic should be placed on the waterproofing layer.

This whole structure is closed with bars, along which lags are set with constant horizontal adjustment. The design is finally fixed with fasteners. The floor is located on the logs if the manufacture is carried out with a single flooring.

A double floor assumes the presence of laying insulation between the rough and finishing floor, hydro and vapor barrier, and, if necessary, other components.

Laying methods

Rooms in a wooden house will acquire a presentable appearance, and staying in them will become truly comfortable if the flooring is in harmony with the walls. Homogeneous material will make the interior of the room complete.

The choice of type of wood for the floor depends on:

  • material opportunities;
  • purpose of the premises;
  • planned loads.

With an unlimited budget, they choose the most beautiful, durable and dense materials from foreign countries. exotic trees, growing in tropical forests, have unique properties. They withstand strong moisture, are easy to process, resistant to abrasion. In addition, boards from such trees are distinguished by beautiful colors. For example, merbau wood can be golden orange or reddish brown. Floor purple can be done if you use rosewood. And striped flooring is obtained when buying very expensive zebrano wood.

Boards made of coniferous trees, including pine and spruce, will not require large expenses. From such floors, the room is filled with substances useful for humans and a pleasant aroma. The wood always remains warm, so it is pleasant to walk on the floor with bare feet.

For showers, baths and saunas, aspen and lime boards are required. They do not emit resin, are resistant to water and high temperatures.

On a veranda open to precipitation, the floor is best made of corrugated oak or larch boards.

The thickness of the floorboards must be chosen taking into account the distance between adjacent lags. With a distance of 600 - 700 mm, a thickness of 40 mm is sufficient. If the spans are larger than the specified size, boards with a thickness of 50 mm should be preferred. As for the width, it is set by the design project or the preferences of the owners.

If you decide to do the flooring with your own hands, remember that it is inconvenient to lay wide boards alone. In addition, the larger the canvas, the greater its shrinkage. The results of this inevitable process can affect the quality of the wood flooring. For this reason, it is better to take narrow and not too long boards.

One way to install the floor is to lay it apart, with this method, the joints of the ends of the boards should not coincide in adjacent rows.

If plywood is used as the base, parquet boards glued with mastic or glue and additionally fixed with self-tapping screws, as in the case with massive board. It is necessary to glue over the entire area, without voids.

In addition to the traditional straight styling, they use a diagonal one. Laying at an angle of 45 ° to the wall looks especially elegant in a spacious room.

Arranging the floor requires thorough preparation, quite a lot of time and physical effort. Despite this, many believe that it is possible self-installation without the involvement of specialists and additional costs. Indeed, having shown perseverance, observing step by step guide, you can do without outside help and save a lot of money.

If it is necessary to re-lay the floor, the worn top coat is removed, the condition of the substrate is checked and, if necessary, repaired. Logs that have flaws must be replaced, as well as other components of the base affected by rot or fungus. During overhaul floors change wet or caked insulation, as well as insulation.

If the logs are in good condition, but begin to sag, you need to put a lining under them, for example, from plywood smeared with parquet glue.

Instead of expensive membrane films, glassine can be used as a moisture barrier.

When laying under the finish coating is done with a sheet building material(Fibreboard, OSB, plywood), it is attached to the base with self-tapping screws. Fastening points should be located at a distance of at least 20 mm from the edge of the sheet with a step of about 150 mm. The heads of the self-tapping screws must be recessed into the body by 3 mm. The resulting recesses should be puttied. Without putty, the finish at the attachment points will be adversely affected. And after some time, traces of poor-quality work will appear on it.

The subfloor is a prepared base for the finishing coat: laminate, linoleum, parquet. The subfloor is wood and concrete.

Advantages of a wooden floor:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • thermal insulation;
  • good breathability.

The disadvantage of a rough wooden floor is that this design does not resist well. high humidity. Therefore, wooden logs cannot be installed in baths and steam rooms.

Concrete screed also has its advantages:

  • durability;
  • soundproofing;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to moisture, burning and chemical attack;
  • fast installation and affordable price.

The disadvantage of the screed is its cold surface. Such a floor must be insulated.

Regardless of the choice of floor, the technology for the implementation of both structures is laborious and requires careful work.

Do-it-yourself wooden floor

The implementation of a wooden floor has its own technology:

  1. Wood preparation.
  2. Framing arrangement.
  3. Insulation lining.

As the bars of the subfloor, you can use wood of the second or third grade. Those sides of the bars on which the floor covering will be laid should be leveled.

There are two ways to install logs: on the floor or on the base.

According to the first method, it is necessary to lay the logs bottom strapping and make grooves in them in those places where the logs of the upper trim will spread. The depth of the grooves is equal to the width of the upper bars.

The harness must be securely installed. To do this, perform brick columns that will serve as a support for the lags.

Installation of columns is carried out at the initial stage of the subfloor. This design is also called columnar foundation". The technology is like this:

  1. Holes are dug along the line of the overlap at the same distance from each other. Pits size: 20x20x40 mm.
  2. Gravel and sand are covered with layers at the bottom, tamping well. Then lay the reinforcing mesh.
  3. Pits are poured sand-cement mortar. Cement, sand and water are taken respectively in the following parts: 1:3:0.5.
  4. Roofing material is laid on the hardened concrete.
  5. Build brick pillars.

The distance between the lags depends on the thickness wood material: the thinner the timber, the closer the lags are. The stacked beams must be fixed to each other.

The device of the log "on the base" involves the removal of the top layer of soil and backfilling the surface with fine gravel. Logs with overlap are laid on the resulting base, as in the previous version.

A waterproofing film is laid on the lower base, and a layer of insulation is laid on top.

At this stage, you need to decide on the finish coating. If this sheet material Chipboard, then before laying it, it is recommended to carry out a crate of transverse bars, which are fixed on supports.

Flooring sheets are laid on the crate so that their joints are located in the center of the lintels.

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Draft concrete floor

When pouring the subfloor, flaws and irregularities are allowed.

The purpose of the rough screed is to equalize large surface differences in height and create a base for the finishing screed.

The step by step guide looks like this:

  1. Determine the differences in irregularities and install beacons.
  2. Prepare the base.
  3. Prepare the cement mixture and pour the floor.
  4. Check the condition of the tie.

First, you need to clean the surface of debris and use the level to determine the height of the screed.

Heaps serve as beacons cement mixture the desired height, on which the metal profile is laid. The guides are fixed with a solution. The height of the profiles is the level of the future screed.

For good adhesion of the rough screed to the base, it must be prepared. To begin with, all large depressions and cracks must be repaired with mortar. Next, the surface is primed to improve the adhesion of concrete to the base surface.

All wires will be embedded in the screed. But before pouring, all communications must be wrapped with insulating material and fixed to the base with dowels.

A damper tape must be glued along the perimeter of the room, which compensates for the deformation of the screed.

To prepare the solution, cement and sand are taken in a ratio of 1: 3. Water is added to the mixture gradually, until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Approximately, the water consumption is 0.5 kg per 1 kg of cement-sand mixture.

Necessary tools for preparing the mortar and pouring the screed:

  • shovel;
  • mortar container or electric concrete mixer;
  • buckets;
  • overalls.

The solution is poured between the beacons and the rail - the rule distributes it. If voids form, then the mixture is reported to those places and equalized again.

The cement mixture must be prepared in small portions, as the solution quickly hardens. It is recommended to fill the floor in one day so that the surface is uniform.

When drying, the screed may shrink. To prevent this, you must take the following measures:

  1. The first 3 days you can not walk on the screed.
  2. Exclude drafts and direct sunlight in the room.
  3. The next day after pouring, the screed must be covered with a film.

A good subfloor is a guarantee solid construction the entire room. High-quality installation and strict adherence to technology will allow the foundation to serve for many decades.

When building a new house or renovating an old one, it is very important to properly prepare the floor for laying flooring. If you are going to make a rough floor in a wooden house with your own hands, then you should know the methods of its construction and the execution technology for choosing the best option. To choose the right subfloor option for wooden house, you need to take into account the features of the flooring, as well as the need for hydro and thermal insulation.

floor construction

Regardless of the choice of the subfloor installation method, the following layers should be provided in the constructive cake:

  • Underlayment layer. This Bottom part floor pie. layer is needed for uniform distribution loads from the elements laid above. Usually, floor slabs, beams (logs), rammed soil or concrete preparation act as this structure.
  • Intermediate layer needed to connect the lower and upper elements pie in one piece (it is not available in all designs).
  • insulating layer performs the functions of heat, hydro or sound insulation of the floor. The choice of materials for this layer depends on the design features, the purpose of the room and the type of flooring.
  • Rough leveling layer. The purpose of this part of the pie is to level the bumps of the previous layer. Sometimes at this stage the required slope of the floor surface is provided. The arrangement of this layer can be carried out using a dry backfill of sand or gravel, or by installing a concrete screed.
  • Finishing leveling layer. It is not always needed. Laying the finishing layer is required when arranging fine finish floors with laminated boards, carpet or linoleum. Finishing alignment does not need to be done under ceramic tiles.

Two floor options are suitable for a wooden house:

  • arrangement of floors on logs;
  • you can make a dry or pour a wet screed.

In turn, the arrangement of floors along the logs in a private wooden house can be carried out on beams or a concrete base. By the way, such floors can be arranged in brick house or building from foam blocks.

Draft floor along the lags

Preliminary stage of flooring by joists

If you decide to make a rough floor along the logs with your own hands, please note that the logs are the supporting element for laying the rough flooring from plywood, boards, OSB. In turn, depending on the design of a private structure, logs can be laid on poles, beams or a mortgage element. They can be used not only in a private wooden house, but also in a foam block house.

If the room is large, then fixing the lag with the edges to the beams will not provide the proper strength of the base. In this case, intermediate posts must be used. The pitch of the support posts depends on the section of the lag. Usually the step is taken equal to 0.8-1 m. The material of the columns is brick or concrete. Even in a house made of foam blocks, it is better to make columns from durable materials.

The column is installed on a shallow concrete foundation. The installation of the foundation is carried out along a layer of compacted sand and crushed stone. The brick column is isolated from the log and the foundation with rolled insulating material, for example, roofing material.

The technology of the device subfloor on the logs

The draft floor in a wooden house with lags is done in the following order:

  1. Before mounting the log, it is necessary to stretch the fishing line above the surface and mark the places where the beams are attached. This will allow you to set the elements in the same level, which will make it easier further work by floor arrangement.
  2. If the installation of a log in a private wooden house will be carried out on a base of concrete, foam blocks or bricks, then they must be protected with a layer of waterproofing. So wooden elements will not absorb moisture from the base. As insulation, you can use a dense polyethylene film. In addition, the logs must be treated with flame retardants and antiseptics.
  3. The installation step of the lag depends on the load on the floor. For a living room, the optimal lag step is 45 cm. The lags are screwed to the base using self-tapping screws and dowels pre-installed in the drilled holes.
  4. All wooden structural elements must be treated with impregnations that protect the wood from rotting and burning.
  5. If the floor of the first floor is being installed, then the room must be protected from moisture and insulated. To do this, bars are nailed to the lower part of the side surfaces of the log on both sides. You can use a bar with a section of 50x50 mm.
  6. Next, you need to make a filing of plywood or boards for laying in the gaps between the insulation lags. To do this, plywood sheets are cut along the width of the gap between the lags and stacked on top of the bars. Plywood is nailed to the bars. As a result, you will get a structure made of wood, like the letter "Sh".
  7. Before styling thermal insulation material it is necessary to make a waterproofing layer. To do this, the insulating material is laid on the logs so that it sags in the gaps between them. For these purposes, you can take a membrane waterproofing or plastic film.
  8. Now the insulation is being laid in the gaps between the lags directly on top of the insulating material. Thermal insulation can be done with mineral or basalt wool. We attach the film to the lags with a stapler.
  9. To properly make the floor, you need to remember about the vapor barrier. To do this, the film is laid on top of the log and heat-insulating material. Be sure to overlap adjacent sheets by 15 cm. The joints are glued with adhesive tape.
  10. Now you can do the laying of the rough flooring. It can be made from plywood, chipboard, boards or OSB.
  11. Depending on the choice of flooring, a finishing floor can be laid further or a final leveling can be performed for laying tiles, laminate or linoleum.

Video instruction - installation of the floor on the logs:

Dry floor screed

Often the subfloor in frame house can be arranged on the ground. Sometimes such a base near the floor is also made in houses made of foam blocks or bricks without a basement. As a rule, a dry screed is laid on a certain base. In this case, the base of the floor will consist of the following layers:

  • rammed soil;
  • sand compacted pillow 100 mm high;
  • crushed stone backfill 100 mm high is also rammed (for additional waterproofing, crushed stone can be treated with cement milk);
  • this is followed by concrete preparation, which performs the functions of a preparatory floor layer (filling height 7-10 cm).

Important: if difficult geological conditions are observed at the construction site (swelling of soils, high level ground water), then mounting concrete preparation better to do with reinforcement.

For reinforcement concrete pouring use a rod with a diameter of 8 mm. A grid with cells measuring 150x150 mm is made from it. Installation reinforcing mesh lead to mortar piles so that after pouring the concrete preparation, the mesh is in the thickness of the layer. On each side, it must be protected by a two-centimeter layer of concrete. This must be done to protect the reinforcement from corrosion.

Subfloor dry screed technology

After pouring the concrete preparation, further installation of the floor can be done after 28 days. Work on the installation of a dry screed in a wooden house is carried out in the following order:

  1. To properly arrange a dry screed, you first need to make insulation. To do this, insulation is laid on the base polyethylene film. Strips of material must be laid with an overlap of 150 mm and brought to the walls of the room to a height 2 cm higher than the level of the screed. The joints of the film are glued with adhesive tape (see video).

Important: take care not to damage the integrity of the insulating material. If there are cuts or punctures, you need to apply patches.

  1. Further along the perimeter of the room, a damper tape is attached to the walls. It is needed to compensate for deformation changes in the floor surface, as well as to protect against impact noise. The width of the tape should be slightly larger than the thickness of the tie (see video).
  2. Now you can do the installation of beacons. As beacons, it is better to use drywall guides. Their laying is carried out on mortar heaps. The step of the beacons from the walls of the room is 30 cm, between themselves - along the length of the rule or 1 meter.
  3. After setting the beacons according to the level between them, it falls asleep granular material, for example, expanded clay sand. Its surface is leveled by the rule according to the lighthouses.
  4. Next, plywood sheets, OSB, chipboard or GVL are laid. They will perform the functions of the subfloor. Before laying the finish surface, they must be treated with a deep penetration primer.

Video instructions for installing a dry floor screed.