Construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation. Subscription for documents


"Management of the Ministry of Construction"

Crimea will receive its building codes by the end of the year

The Ministry of Construction will approve building codes for Crimea by the end of the year, a representative of the department told RBC. Earlier, regional deputies submitted to the Duma a bill that could extend the effect of Ukrainian rules until early 2017
More details on RBK: 08/2015 / 55bc97b79a7947452d2afe66

The mayor of Zvenigorod became the first deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services.

12/05/2013, Moscow 14:03:38 Leonid Stavitsky became the first deputy head of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities (Ministry of Construction) Mikhail Me. The appointment was signed by Dmitry Medvedev. In addition, the Prime Minister appointed Elena Sierra to the post of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Construction. The corresponding orders are published on the government portal.

The fact that the mayor of Zvenigorod L. Stavitsky may become the first deputy head of the Ministry of Construction, December 3, 2013. "RBK daily" was informed by a source in the government of the Russian Federation.

L. Stavitsky graduated from the Faculty of Heat and Power Construction of the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. After that, he took part in the construction of facilities of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the territory of the USSR and abroad. L. Stavitsky's political career began in 2000.
link: 20131205140338.shtml

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Construction of Russia will cooperate in creating a state information system in housing and communal services

Moscow, November 12, 2013. - The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolay Nikiforov and the Minister of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation Mikhail Men held a working meeting, during which they agreed on cooperation in creating a single all-Russian resource, which will contain all information in the field of housing and communal services.

Earlier, at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was instructed to create a state information system (GIS) of housing and communal services, which will allow authorities to receive information in real time for conducting analytics when making managerial decisions throughout the country, and citizens - complete and up-to-date information about your house, payments for housing and communal payments. It is assumed that GIS Housing and Utilities will become part of the Unified Portal of Public Services and will be developed in close cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, which will form the requirements for the analytical component.
link: index.php? id_4 = 44139

Andrey Chibis appointed as Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Utilities

The composition of the deputy ministers of construction and housing and communal services of Russia is finally formed. Andrey Chibis has been appointed the new deputy minister. The corresponding order was signed by Dmitry Medvedev.

It is worth noting that Andrei Chibis has long been one of the leading experts of Rossiyskaya Gazeta in the field of public utilities. Previously, he served as executive director of Razvitie, a non-profit partnership for promoting the development of housing and communal services, and was also the head of the working group of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation for the development of housing and communal services.
link: zamestitel-site-anons.html

Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation shared powers

The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation has completed the process of delineating powers with the newly created Ministry of Construction, Interfax reports, citing a statement by the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev.
“If we talk about the structure, we have completed organizational and staff changes, clarified the provisions on the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Construction, these provisions were approved by an act of the government. Clarified the number, functionality. Therefore, the delimitation of powers has been fully completed, ”the minister said.
link: show_34118 /

Deputy ministers of construction and housing and communal services appointed

Deputy Ministers of Construction and Housing and Utilities of Russia have been appointed. Leonid Stavitsky was appointed First Deputy Minister, Elena Sierra - Deputy Minister.

On this occasion, government orders have been signed. Stavitsky Leonid Oskarovich previously served as the head of the urban district of Zvenigorod in the Moscow region. In his new position, he will coordinate the work of departments of the department in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning, housing policy and housing and communal services. In addition, in his powers - control over the implementation of projects for the construction of facilities at the expense of state investments.

Sierra Elena Odulivna previously held the post of deputy head of the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Ministry of Regional Development. The sphere of her activities in the new position will include issues of regulation of urban planning activities, public services in construction and licensing activities of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Earlier, Vladimir Tokarev and Yuri Reilyan were appointed to the posts of deputy ministers of construction and housing and communal services of Russia. Alexander Plutnik took the post of State Secretary - Deputy Minister. Consultations are underway on the candidacy for the last remaining post of deputy minister. This appointment will take place in the very near future.
link: naznachenie-site.html

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation will be responsible for preparing the construction of infrastructure for the 2018 World Cup

MOSCOW, November 20 - RIA Novosti. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation was empowered to approve the list of construction projects for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the corresponding document was posted on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday.

Dear users of the official website of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation!

Section "Documents" has an advanced search that will help you find the desired document.

You can search for a document by four parameters: the name of the document, the status of the document, the type of document, and affiliation with a particular department of the ministry. Filters can be applied individually or together.

1. How to find a document by name?

By clicking on the "Search by documents" field, enter the name of the document and press the Enter key.

2. How to find a document by status?

To find draft documents, you must click on the "Draft documents" button. If you only need valid documents, you must press the button "Valid documents". To search for the specified parameters, click the "Apply Filters" button.

3. How to find a document by type?

When you click on the "Documents by type" button, a list will open in which you can select the required document types. To search for the specified parameters, click the "Apply Filters" button.

4. How to find a document on belonging to the departments of the ministry?

By clicking on the "Documents by Department" button, open the list of departments and select the necessary ones. To search for the specified parameters, click the "Apply Filters" button.

The new official website of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Russia (Minstroy) began its work on 4 August. Previously, the ministry posted all information about its activities on the website of the State Construction Committee, which was reorganized in November 2013.

The website of the Ministry of Construction of Russia will become a platform not only for posting news about the activities of the ministry, its structure and documents, but also a convenient navigator for everyone involved in construction and housing and communal services.

The site has created sections "For Citizens" and "For Specialists", the structure of which the department will fill on the basis of user requests. Both of these sections are broken down by industry: housing construction; urban planning; Housing and communal services. Documents, useful links and answers to frequently asked questions from residents and professionals will be published here.

On the main page of the site, a section "In the spotlight" has been created, where frequently requested and new documents in the sectors supervised by the Ministry of Construction are published. In addition, a convenient search has been created in a separate section "Documents", which will help the user to find the required document. The option of viewing, downloading the document and sending it by e-mail works.

Information on the activities of the Ministry of Construction is divided into sections, which provide information, including statistical information, on specific areas of the department's work at the moment.

Separately, the site has created a section "Citizens' Appeals": residents and organizations through the electronic reception will be able to send a letter to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, complain about the provision of public services.

In the section "Open Ministry" on the main page of the site, open data of the department and other materials related to the interaction of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Open Government will be available.

Recall that the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia) is a federal executive body formed by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on November 1, 2013 by transforming the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Utilities (Gosstroy). Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services - Mikhail Alexandrovich Men.

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