How to clean pipes in a private house. Cleaning the sewer in a private house! The use of improvised means to eliminate sewer blockages

A blockage in the pipes of the house always occurs at the wrong time. But to eliminate it, it is important to first find out the cause of the appearance. Only then can you start solving it. Most often, the siphon, the start-up or the sewer itself is clogged. This is due to the illiterate use of the system, overgrowth of the drain, installation errors and blockage of the riser.

Mechanical blockages

Misuse includes dumping waste in sinks, toilets. The result of such an attitude is a mechanical blockage. An insoluble solid object flushed down the toilet firmly blocks the riser. Pipes become impassable for sewage. In multi-storey buildings, blockages in the riser are a common situation. This is facilitated, as a rule, by residents of different floors living on the same side.

Overgrowth of runoff is typical for cast iron pipes. Roughness forms on their walls, catching even small debris. A small piece of soap sticking to the wall becomes the center of the blockage. As a result, the lumen of the pipe narrows, forming a cumulative blockage, and the sewer system is paralyzed.

Due to the accumulation of fat on the walls, internal growths form. They block the stock clearance completely. Blocks the system and the simultaneous discharge of a large amount of fat into it.

Excessively hard water contributes to the rapid formation of layers in cast iron pipes. In terms of hardness, they are comparable to stone. Therefore, the elimination of lime blockages is referred to as complex plumbing work.

Mounting blockages

Incorrect installation of the system by negligent designers and plumbers leads to installation blockages. The same problems due to the incompatibility of the toilet bowl of a special design with the installation site, incorrect determination of the inclination of the drain line.

The system may fail due to clogging of the siphon. A blockage is formed in it, blocking the work of the sewer.

Causes of clogged sewer pipes in a private house

One of the big troubles that can often be encountered is when the sewer system becomes clogged. Of course, this problem is not critical and for its solution there is no need to call a specialist - a plumber. Everyone can clean pipes at home without any special knowledge and tools.

You can understand that your system has become unusable due to the fact that it has become clogged by the following factors.

  1. There is a bad smell coming from the bath, sink or toilet.
  2. The water began to drain much more slowly.
  3. Under the drain grate too high level liquids.

To prevent the formation of sewer blockages, special grates and filters are widely used. But, they cannot guarantee the occurrence of blockages.

Often this problem is caused by fats and oils that enter the drain with water and other waste. They accumulate on the walls, which leads to a decrease in the throughput of the system.

As a result of the formation of such plaque, the flow is difficult, and in the future it may completely stop. Also, blockages in a private house can occur as a result of foreign objects entering the pipeline.

But, nevertheless, organic waste is a common cause. Cleaning in a private house can be done in the following ways:

  1. dry cleaning - carried out using products that have a caustic base;
  2. mechanical - using special tools;
  3. high pressure hydrodynamic cleaning.

Regardless of the design and materials used, cleaning at home begins with disassembling the siphon. The house has several siphons.

Every sink and bath has this device. With it, you can prevent the flow of unpleasant odors from the sewer.

For manufacturing, it is necessary to add four tablespoons of baking soda to three liters of boiling water. You can increase the effectiveness of the solution by adding vinegar.

If you understand what causes this, then you can eliminate it quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. Knowing all the causes of blockages, you can prevent trouble. To do this, it is necessary to identify weaknesses in the sewer structure and carry out the prevention of these sections of the drain system. It is best not to delay and clean everything in time.

If this still happened, then the methods of elimination differ, depending on the sewer. Also, in order to understand how best to clean the pipes, you need to know what material they are made of.

The presence of grates or plugs with filters in sinks or bathrooms does not provide complete protection. There is no guarantee that the pipes in the apartment will not become clogged. Even if we imagine that large dirt or hair can linger on the grate, water with greasy and oily drops from the dishes will penetrate anyway.

Thus, the permeability is constantly decreasing. The first signs of blockage will be:

  • Slow water drain into the drain;
  • The appearance of a strong sewer smell;
  • When the water is turned on, its level above the drain grate rises above normal.

An object can clog the sewer pipe at home. Tissues or toilet paper can get into the drain holes. However, such cases are not frequent. The bulk of the cause of clogging are organic and inorganic human waste.

Cast iron pipes at home become clogged much more often. The reason is susceptibility to corrosion. Over time, their walls become uneven, which contributes to the accumulation of fatty particles on them.

Plastic pipes get clogged less often. The main cause of problems is erroneous installation. If the required slope is violated, then the likelihood of clogging increases several times.

Causes of clogging sewer pipes not so much. They are:

  • non-observance of the installation rules (incorrect pipe slope and the use of cement mortar, for example, when installing a toilet bowl);
  • penetration into the body of the pipe of a foreign object;
  • the formation of a thick layer of build-up on the inner walls of the pipe as a result of long-term operation;
  • implementation of improper care or its complete absence.

To improve performance sewer system blockage must be cleared. And the sooner this is done, the better, otherwise an unpleasant musty smell may form, which will be very difficult to get rid of. This can be done both independently and with the help of a plumber specialist. However, his services cost decent money, so cleaning pipes at home is best option clearing the blockage.

Understanding the causes of blockages will help to eliminate them promptly. Trouble is always easier to prevent than to solve the problems caused by it. Therefore, a practical owner will try to identify in advance all the weak points of his sewer system. In a multi-storey building and a private house, they can be different.

The most serious enemy of sewer systems is grease. It remains after washing dishes and settles on the inner walls of pipes. This viscous plaque begins to hold all the small particles of debris: hair, food debris, sand, etc. Over time, the sediment thickens and the throughput of the pipe decreases markedly.

Ways to deal with fatty deposits

Forgetting about cleaning pipes at home will help install a grease trap (grease trap, fat separator). This device prevents clogging and allows you to significantly save on household chemicals for flushing pipes.

Grease traps are for domestic and industrial purposes, consist of two sections, and work as follows:

  • drains in the first container, passing through the filter system, are freed from debris;
  • in the second compartment, water is purified from fat.

Installing a grease trap under the sink will ensure long-term uninterrupted operation of any sewer system and its owner will not have a question about how to clean the sewer in a private house and eliminate blockages in the pipe.

The most common blockages in the house are cast iron pipes, which have a high resistance to drains. Due to corrosion over time, irregularities and deposits appear on the walls, blocking the free flow of water. Also, blockages can appear due to the rare cleaning of sewer pipes.

Long-term use of detergents containing surfactants can lead to the accumulation of fatty deposits. They trap small particles and over time lead to a decrease in the throughput of pipes. With an instant failure of the sewer system in the house, the cause may be the ingress of a foreign object into the pipe.

Cleaning sewer pipes is necessary if the following factors take place:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • decrease in the rate of water withdrawal;
  • raising the water level when it is turned on somewhere under the grates of the sewer drain.

If measures are not taken immediately upon the appearance of these signs, then very soon the pipe will clog completely.

The cleaning method largely depends on where exactly the pipe is clogged and what.

Modern private houses have all the conditions for a comfortable stay, and sewerage has become an essential attribute.

Since many private houses have a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, all blockages can be considered depending on the belonging of the pipes to one or another part of the house.

Broths are often poured into the kitchen sink, dishes are washed. It turns out that a large amount of fat gets into the drain. He does not leave the pipes without a trace. Fat particles settle on the walls of the pipes, forming a sticky film. Experts consider this layer on pipes to be the most important and dangerous cause of blockages. Because of it, the throughput of the structure is reduced.

Even this is not the most dangerous in body fat. They often become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. There is a characteristic unpleasant odor, which can be eliminated only by cleaning the pipes. In addition, the waste products of bacteria lead to the gradual destruction of pipes, especially metal ones.

In addition to grease, soap also gets into the kitchen drain. It mixes with other contaminants, settles on the walls of pipes and soon hardens. Such a blockage is already more difficult to remove.

Soap also settles on the walls of pipes in the bathroom, but it is far from being the only cause of pollution. Hair constantly gets into the drain, which clings to any irregularities in the pipe, tangles and forms a blockage. It is already more difficult to remove them than grease or soap, because they cannot be dealt with with improvised means. You have to use chemistry or mechanical cleaning.

Most often, people have to deal with blockages in the toilet. Due to the relatively large drain circle, large debris often gets into it, but it does not always cause blockage. More dangerous than plain paper. It is because of her that you often have to clean the pipes attached to the toilet.

As you can see, cleaning sewer pipes in a private house is necessary for the same reasons as in any other room. Its features are related to others.

Most often, it becomes necessary to get rid of a blockage in the sink, which occurs at the point of discharge from the sink or bath to the riser, since this is where dirt, grease and food debris accumulate, which interfere with the movement of drains. It may be necessary to clean the sewer in the area from the toilet to the riser; between the toilet and the bathroom, the area is much less likely to clog.

Types of reagents and features of their use

Home drain cleaners are available as a solution, gel, and powder. Each of the proposed options has its own advantages:

  • Dry products. They are implemented in packages, and they are compact.
  • Gel . This option is considered very economical. The density of the liquid structure leads to its slow spreading over the inner wall of the blanks and the effective dissolution of the layering on them.
  • liquid options. They are used for the most difficult blockages, for example, for fat accumulation.

Using a preparation for plastic pipes, it is not recommended to exceed the time interval specified in the instructions, because aggressive reagents can lead to the destruction of pipelines.

And after using a chemical agent for pipes made of plastic materials, they will need to be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of running water.

If it is written on the packaging of the product that this is a prophylactic, then with its help you can get rid of a slight contamination of the pipeline.

And only a product on the label of which has an inscription that it can cope with layers in stagnant liquid can eliminate such contamination.

What causes clogging?

Water standing in the sink or bathroom, the appearance of an unpleasant odor are signs of a blockage in the sewer pipe. Common reasons for its appearance are:

  • operation of a kitchen sink without a mesh;
  • getting large debris into the toilet;
  • fat accumulation in the pipes;
  • insufficient slope of the sewer line.
  • in a stand-alone system, a section of pipe may freeze or damage the system.

During the operation of cast iron pipes over time, there is a significant decrease in their diameter due to deposits and corrosion on the walls. A line with a section less than necessary quickly becomes clogged and requires a thorough cleaning.

Causes and signs of clogging

Main nuances

Any plumbing is characterized by the ability to clog at the wrong time. The presence of blockage is determined by the following signs:

  1. Unpleasant sewer smell from the holes in the sink.
  2. Decreased flow rate.
  3. The water in the sink or bath does not drain.
  4. The water in the toilet rises above the normal level.

Depending on the reason, choose the most suitable way for the cleaning. The main causes of clogging include:

  • Hit in the pipes of a large object. In a house where small children live, this situation can be observed quite often.
  • Deposits of solid sediments on the walls of pipes formed as a result of inorganic and organic human waste.
  • The ingress of fat particles. These particles form a sticky film, which, according to experts, is considered the most dangerous cause of blockages. It helps to reduce the throughput of plumbing, gradually accumulating and causing clogging. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears, which will disappear only after cleaning. Such congestion occurs due to the constant draining of broths when washing dishes. Such blockages are dangerous for metal communications.
  • Soap in the drain. Blockages arise from washing dishes in the kitchen and hands in the bathroom. Soap, getting into the sewer, mixes with other contaminants and settles on the walls of the pipes, and then freezes. Getting rid of such a congestion is quite difficult.
  • Plum hair. Tangled hair forms a blockage that can only be removed by chemical or mechanical means.
  • Errors in the design and installation of the sewer system. Cleaning up will only be a temporary measure.
  • The composition of water. Hard water causes salt deposits to form.
  • Human stupidity. Disposing of dried fruits from compote into the toilet is the most common mistake that a woman, a child, and a teenager can make.
  • Even toilet paper softened with water can clog.

Methods for cleaning sewer pipes in a private house

Mounting blockages

Partial or complete clogging of sewer pipes can happen in every home. Usually this happens suddenly, being a complete surprise for the owners of an apartment or house. However, this phenomenon may be preceded by some signs. For example, a decrease in the speed of draining water, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the pipes.

Signs of blockage and its causes

Determining the blockage that has arisen is easy. Water stops going down the drain, or goes too slowly. If the drain grate of the plumbing fixture is not clogged with anything, then there is a blockage.

Drain pipes are often clogged with food debris, objects, hair, threads that accidentally fall into the drain. Also, a large object, such as a rag or sponge, can get into the pipe, around which a cork of small particles will gradually grow.

Another reason for the formation of blockages is a gradual decrease in the cross section. drain pipes. On the walls of drain pipes, usually cast iron, a layer of fat is gradually deposited, which leads to a decrease in the drain rate, up to its termination. Plastic pipes are much less likely to suffer from such deposits. In any case, you need to know how to clean the sewer at home. There are several ways to deal with such a nuisance. You can use any of them, whichever is more to your liking and capabilities.

Determining the location of the blockage

It is better to start cleaning the sewer and removing blockages with siphons

Before you clean the sewer pipes at home with your own hands, you need to determine the location of the blockage. This will make it easier to eliminate it. Blockages often form at the bends of drain pipes. In particular, in the siphon itself, at the outlet of the kitchen or bathroom siphon. These are places in the areas between the plumbing fixtures and the drain riser.

You can identify the approximate location of the blockage yourself. To do this, you need to check how the drain from different points works. Suppose, in the kitchen and in the toilet, the water drains normally, but it does not leave the bath. Therefore, the cause must be sought in the area between the bathroom and the riser. If the water does not leave different devices, then the reason is a common riser.

Pipe cleaning methods

Consider how to clean the sewer pipes in a house or apartment. It is recommended that you first check the siphons under the sink or bathtub. To do this, they have to be carefully disassembled, and then rinsed with water. In most cases, blockages are located precisely on the bends of the siphons. If the siphon is clean and the water still does not come off, you should use one of the methods listed in this article.

thermal method

Pour 1-2 liters of boiling water into the drain hole. It is able to dissolve fatty deposits, as a result of which the drain passage will be released. This method cannot be used if there is water in the sink or other plumbing fixture.

mechanical way

For cleaning, you can use the following tools:

Tip: For a plastic pipeline, a metal cable must be used with caution, as it can, due to its rigidity, damage the pipe walls.

Consider how to clean the sewer pipes with one of the chemicals. There are special liquids and powders on sale, with which you can dissolve fat deposits inside the drain. These are Mole, Flup, Mister Muscle, MELLERUD, Tiret Turbo, Sanfor. The liquid is immediately ready for use. It is poured into the drain hole of the plumbing fixture, and then left for a while.

All chemicals are divided into 2 groups:

  • Acid. They perfectly dissolve hair and cope with soapy plaque. Such preparations are more suitable for bathrooms;
  • alkaline. Their purpose is to dissolve fats that accumulate on the inner pipe walls. Such tools have proven themselves better in the kitchen.

Important: The simultaneous use of alkali-based products and acid preparations is prohibited.

Household solvents

1. Baking soda. It can be used in several ways:

  • Half a pack of soda should be poured into the drain, and then pour the same amount of vinegar into it. Such a mixture effectively dissolves any fatty deposits on the walls of the pipes. It is recommended to close the drain with a stopper. After application, you need to wait about 2 hours without opening the drain. After a time when the reaction stops, the drain must be washed running water;
  • Soda is poured into the drain hole, after which boiling water is poured there. The reaction of soda to boiling water is gas formation with the release of carbon dioxide. This helps keep the pipes clean.

2. Salt mixed with soda. Ingredients in equal proportions are poured into the drain at night, and everything is washed off with water only in the morning.

How to clean the sewer with baking soda and vinegar is shown in the video.

To use this cleaning method, a special hydrodynamic machine capable of supplying water under high pressure is required. With the help of such a device, pipes with a diameter of 5-30 cm are cleaned.

Note: It is problematic to use such a machine in an apartment, but it can be used for a private house.

A flexible hose with a special nozzle at the end is inserted into a clogged pipe. High pressure water is supplied to the hose. Water exits through the nozzles of the nozzle and knocks all deposits from the walls of the pipe. Thanks to the resulting jet thrust, the hose moves further along the pipe, destroying blockages with the nozzle body.

Cleaning plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are much less at risk of clogging, as their walls are smoother. Deposits are practically not formed on them. Blockages inside such pipelines can occur only at bends, as well as in the presence of standing water. Sand deposits can also form in the lower parts of the pipelines. Often the siphon itself becomes clogged. How to clean plastic sewer pipes if they are still clogged?

If disassembling and flushing the siphon did not bring results, then the following cleaning methods can be applied:

  • plunger;
  • soda with boiling water or vinegar;
  • soft flexible cable (neat manual cleaning);
  • chemicals designed specifically for such pipes.

Tip: When buying a chemical product, carefully read its instructions. Some tools cannot be used inside plastic system because they lead to its destruction.

Mechanical cleaning with a rigid metal cable on plastic pipes is not recommended.


To prevent blockages inside the drain pipes from being a regular occurrence, you need to take preventive measures:

  • There is no need to throw foreign objects into the drain that can block the flow of water;
  • Use special grease traps installed on the drain holes. They are able to retain most of the fat;
  • Protect the drain hole in the bathtub with a grate that can trap hair. It is the hair that is the main cause of the clogging of the bathroom siphon;
  • Periodically clean the siphon from deposits and objects that have fallen into it;
  • Spill the drain with boiling water regularly. It would be even better to combine this action with pouring a certain amount of soda into the drain;
  • If possible, replace old metal pipes with PVC or polypropylene pipes. Blockages will occur much less often, and will be eliminated faster.

Using the methods listed above, you can independently cope with even the most unpleasant blockages in sewer pipes. Start the fight against trouble with the most simple ways. And only if the problem cannot be fixed, use more effective means.

Clogging is the most common and fairly common plumbing problem. In most cases, its elimination and cleaning of the sewer pipe can be done by hand. Methods for removing blockages in private and apartment building have no fundamental differences. The main cause of clogging of pipes is the accumulation of fatty deposits on their inner surface.

There are several ways to clean sewer pipes.

Basic cleaning methods

If the throughput of the pipeline is reduced, then cleaning the sewer pipes with your own hands will be sufficient. In difficult cases, the help of specialists will be required.

Cleaning sewer pipes is:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • folk remedies: soda, salt and boiling water; soda and vinegar.

How to clean the sewer with folk remedies in a private house

Finding a good stain remover is not easy. After all, the range of choice in this situation is very large.

This includes goods from Russian and foreign manufacturers. Goods of European manufacturers have a softer effect, they can be taken to work with any pipe materials. These are the products:

  • Tiret;
  • Tofix;
  • Mister Muscle.

A product from German manufacturers - Tiret is very popular for elimination.

It is produced in different consistencies:

  • species for light preventive measures;
  • enhanced impact option - Turbo;
  • professional.

- Mister Muscle

It is produced in the form of gel, granules and foam. This is a very effective drug that eliminates problems in half an hour. In addition, this drug perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors.

The foamy substance is used for prophylactic purposes, and liquid and granular options are compounds of increased activity.

– mole

The influence of "Mole" is characterized by caustic possibilities, because it has the presence of sodium hydroxide.

It is allowed to use it for metal-plastic and metal pipe-rolling products, which have high stability rates.

There are such modifications of this drug:

  • assets;
  • turbo;
  • professional.

The highest concentration of caustic ingredients is characterized by preparations of the “asset” and “professional” types.

– Pothan

This product represents a line of modern products that can easily solve the problem of even a very complex blockage in pipes.

It is an antibacterial chemical that easily dissolves buildup from food debris, hair, fish scales and grease. You can use the tool for any type of pipe.

Not so long ago, the market introduced a new proposal for elimination - a remedy in the form of a spray.

The principle of their operation is as follows: water is drawn into the sink, a product is released from the can into the drain hole. Compressed gas and water create a powerful current in the drain, which breaks through the mud plug.

Standard recommendations for the use of special preparations

When buying a special tool, you need to carefully study the instructions. First of all, you need to be sure that this species suitable for pipes installed in the apartment.

Video - removing blockages at home

And the standard requirements for the application are as follows:

  • The most important thing is to take care of safety. When working with chemicals in the house, ventilation should be improved. To do this, open the window and turn on the exhaust fan.
  • Hands should be covered with protective gloves, and the face with a medical mask.
  • The dose of the drug used must not be exceeded, its value is indicated in the instructions.
  • The drug is kept in the drain for the time specified by the manufacturer. Exceeding this time may lead to damage to pipe materials.
  • After the preparation, the system must be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of running water.

A home cleaning agent is selected depending on the reason for its formation.

When buying, it must be borne in mind that chemicals are effective in situations where clogging appears due to sediment on the walls of the workpieces.

And working with these tools, we must not forget about safety, their improper use can cause serious harm to human health.

And if the methods described above do not work, but it is necessary to proceed with a mechanical cleaning method at home.

Troubleshooting with a plunger

A plunger is often used to clean sewer pipes. It is available in almost every household. Before starting work, it is necessary to remove all grilles and filters.

You also need to plug the hole under the tap. If this is not done, then the efficiency of using the plunger will be reduced.

The plunger is applied to the drain hole through which the water drains. Then water is collected. It should completely cover the rubber part of the tool.

Then we repeatedly press on the plunger, which will eventually create a vacuum, which will promote the movement of water.

With the help of water, which moves under the influence of vacuum, all waste moves through the pipe. Of course, such a cleaning agent is used when the clogging is small. If necessary, cleaning of sewer pipes using a plunger can be carried out several times.

Elimination with a special cable

Modern sewer systems are most often mounted from plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene pipes. Due to the fact that their surface is smooth, most often the problem can be fixed with hot water and a plunger. If the first time cleaning does not help, you need to repeat the procedure.

Before cleaning in a private house with the help of mechanical devices, you should try to eliminate it with chemistry. If chemical agents did not help, then you can try to eliminate it in other ways, for example, using a hydrodynamic method or using a special metal cable.

Sewer blockages are divided into several types:

  • mechanical - arise as a result of large debris entering the system;
  • technological - appear when pipes are worn or design errors;
  • operational - accumulate in the process of using the pipeline.

If an object that has entered the system can only be removed mechanically, then the operational blockage is amenable to action special means. It usually occurs due to the deposition of fat on the walls, which attracts and holds various small debris.

Alkaline preparations

Cleaning sewer pipes at home is possible without the use of tools and unscrewing the fittings. To do this, you need to use one of chemicals presented in large numbers. Preparations have a different consistency:

  • powder - dry matter is easily poured into the pipe;
  • gel is an economical and effective agent that covers the entire surface of the walls and slowly drains;
  • liquid - used for complex blockages.

Any chemical agent is aggressive, before using it, you should wear gloves and leave the room after application so as not to inhale the fumes.

To remove the plug, acids and alkalis are used, one of these substances is caustic soda, which is used to clean sewers. She easily corrodes organic compounds and therefore should be handled with care. The drug may cause chemical burns. Work with her in gloves and glasses, and the room should have constant access to fresh air. The technology of cleaning with soda is very simple: two tablespoons of caustic are poured into the drain and poured with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the drain is washed with water.

The popular Krot sewer pipe cleaner is made on the basis of caustic soda. It is used to remove deposits and preventive maintenance. Processing with the composition 1-2 times a month will save the pipes from fat and food debris.

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Granular products

"Flup" is a drug in the form of granules, produced in two types: for use with cold and hot water. The powder is poured into the drain in the recommended amount and filled with water. The action time is 3-15 minutes, the pipe field is washed with plenty of water. The product removes limescale, fibers and food residues.

"Pothan" is a potent drug that dissolves paper, hair, fat. Do not allow it to come into contact with skin, clothing and surrounding objects. The powder is poured into a dry drain and after 3 minutes is poured with hot water. After another 3 minutes, rinse the pipe with warm water.

When choosing a chemical to clear a blockage in sewer pipes, you should consider the recommendations for use for various materials.

Sewer gels

Among gel preparations, Mister Muscle and Tiret are popular. Both tools are universal, they can be used for plastic and metal pipelines. Gels are effective for minor blockages and as a preventive measure.

The fact that the throughput of pipes is steadily declining is evidenced by several facts:

  • an unpleasant smell appears in the kitchen sink or in the bathroom;
  • the speed of water leaving the hole for its drain is reduced;
  • when you turn on any source of water, a rise in its level under the drain grates of the sewer ladder is noticeable.

These signals indicate that sewer pipes need to be cleaned. It is noticed that in the summer-autumn period blockages occur much more often. This is due to the fact that at this time, residents require a significantly larger amount of water. Consequently, the amount of garbage entering the sewer is also increasing. Experts recommend being especially careful during the period of harvesting country products and always have something in the house with which you can clean the pipes.

Very often, when deciding how to clean the sewer at home, they use folk remedies. Before proceeding with these works, it is necessary to check all available drains. This will help you determine if there is a local blockage or the main riser is clogged. After that, you will understand whether you need to clean the pipes only in the bathroom or kitchen, or you need to clean the main drain pipe.

The easiest way to use boiling water when a blockage occurs, it helps to remove fat deposits and often this is quite enough to eliminate the blockage.

It is effectively possible to deal with this problem with soda and vinegar. In this case, the siphon is first removed and cleaned, and if this does not help, then approximately 200 grams of ordinary soda is poured into the pipe, after which 300-400 grams of vinegar are poured there. As a result of the chemical reaction of these two substances, fatty blockages are effectively removed and the normal outflow of sewage water is restored. To prevent the foam that forms during the interaction of soda and vinegar from coming out, the hole must be closed.

Instead of soda, you can use Alka-Seltzer tablets, throw 2-3 tablets into the drain, then pour a glass of vinegar and after a few minutes rinse everything with water. This method allows you to get rid of not only blockage, but also from an unpleasant odor.

Our people are the most intelligent and creative. We will always find a way out of any situation. Folk recipes good not only in medicine, but also in everyday life. No, tea with lemon and raspberry jam will not break the cork, but soda and vinegar can.

First aid for blockages - 6 easy ways

Perhaps the following simple and completely harmless to pipes (of any kind) steps will be enough to clear a blockage in your kitchen sink, and you will not need to read the article further.

Method 1. Cleaning pipes with boiling water or hot water

Perhaps this is a measure of the very first aid, which is often enough to eliminate blockages.

  1. If the pipes are steel, pour about 1 liter of boiling water into the drain hole and wait 20 minutes. To clean plastic pipes, we simply run hot water from the tap for 20 minutes as well (water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees). A plug that is not too tightly set should drain into the sewer.
  2. We check the result by letting a small stream of water. Did not help? Let's try another method.

Method 2. How to clear pipes from clogging with a plunger

  1. We tightly plug all overflow holes in the sink with a wet rag to block the passage of air and provide a hydraulic column.
  2. We press the plunger to the drain hole, then sharply pull it towards us. We repeat these steps several times in order to properly “stir up” the cork and break it into small pieces.
  3. We check the result by releasing a small stream of water.
  4. We let the flow of hot water for a few minutes so that the cork safely goes into the sewer.


  • If there is no plunger at hand, and the blockage is not too complicated, then you can replace it with a glass or a rag. The actions are the same: we press it against the drain - we pull it out sharply.
  • If you have a two-section sink, then you need to have two plungers and use them at the same time. That is, when cleaning the drain in one bowl of the sink, you need to close the drain in the second. This will create more suction power. If there is no second plunger, then cover the second drain hole with a damp cloth and press it with your hand.

Method 3. How to clean the pipes in the kitchen from grease with soda and salt

A blockage in the sink in the kitchen is often formed due to the abundance of fat frozen in the pipes. In this case, regular salt and soda can fix the problem.

  1. Dissolve half a cup of salt and 1 cup of soda in a glass of water and pour the resulting mixture into the drain, wait 5-10 minutes.
  2. With a plunger (or a rag) we act as described above (see. way 2 ).
  3. Rinse pipes with hot water.

Method 4. Eliminate blockage with vinegar and soda

Another popular way to clean pipes in the kitchen at home is with vinegar (9%) and soda. The caustic foam formed as a result of the chemical reaction of these components should corrode the blockage.

  1. Pour 150 grams of soda into the drain hole, and pour the same amount of 9% vinegar on top.
  2. Close the drain with a stopper so that the foam does not come out.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes, then turn on the hot water with full force - this will help push the cork.

Method 5. Elimination of blockage ... Alka-Seltzer

If there was suddenly no soda in the house, but there is Alka-Seltzer, then he will also be able to clean a moderately clogged siphon. By the way, this tool has another bonus - the unpleasant smell from the sink will disappear.

  1. Pour a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets down the drain hole, and then pour 1 cup of 9% vinegar.
  2. After 2 minutes, run the hot water all the way down to help push through the dirt.

Method 6. How to clean the blockage in the pipes with a vacuum cleaner

Do you have a blower vacuum cleaner? Fine! We wrap the vacuum cleaner pipe with a rag so that it fits snugly into the drain hole. The strong airflow from the vacuum cleaner will push through the stagnation.

Eliminate congestion with folk remedies

Before starting work, knowing the scheme internal sewerage, identify the site of blockage.

To do this, check the kitchen and bathroom risers, see if the water in the sink is draining, and pay attention to the functioning of the toilet bowl.

If you find a problem in the kitchen or in the bathroom, then they are used to clean chemicals, improvised means or even hydrodynamic flushing. To clean the toilet bowl, a plunger or a plumbing cable is more often used. That is, there are several ways to break the blockage. There are mechanical, chemical and hydraulic solutions.

industrial chemicals

Chemical method - use special formulations to clear the blockage. The industry offers enough quality drugs. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before use. It is necessary to find out for which pipes the product is, in what condition the composition is poured into the drain, for how long to leave it before flushing.

Chemicals are produced in dry and liquid form. The product is poured into the drain for several hours, then washed with plenty of water. If it is a powder, then fall asleep at night and wash off with water in the morning.

Liquid products are more convenient to use. The most popular is the universal remedy - "Mole":

  1. Shake the contents of the vial or canister.
  2. Pour 200-250 ml of liquid from the bottle into the drain hole of the sink, observing the precautions.
  3. Leave in this state for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Flush drains with plenty of water.

Either an alkaline or an acid composition should be used. Mixing them for simultaneous filling can lead to the destruction of pipes due to the violent chemical reaction of substances.

Since the drugs are classified as potent substances, it is imperative to work with them with gloves, respirators are also recommended to protect the respiratory system.

The main reason for the clogging of the sewer system was fatty deposits. It appears inside while washing dishes. Due to its high viscosity, fat retains small particles of debris, such as hairs, pieces of food, grains of sand, and the like.

In order to prevent frequent blockages due to fatty deposits, it is necessary to install grease traps. These devices will prevent clogging, and you will save a lot on the purchase of household chemicals.

These devices consist of special sections that keep grease and debris inside. If a grease trap is installed, then you will not have a question how to clean drain system in a private house.

But if the fatty coating nevertheless overtook your sewer, then with a quick response, you can urgently eliminate everything. To do this, dry the sink completely with a dry cloth.

Then immediately pour boiling water into the drain hole of the kitchen sink. If she starts to leave, then you need to continue the process. Once the blockage is cleared, flush the drain pipe with hot water.

So you can clean the sewer pipe at home with ordinary soda and vinegar. In order to carry out this procedure, you need to follow it step by step.

  • Wipe the kitchen sink dry.
  • Pour one tablespoon of soda into the drain.
  • Prepare a sink drain plug or an old rag.
  • Pour half a cup of vinegar into the drain drain.
  • Close the sink opening immediately.

Video - we eliminate blockages at home with soda

Thus, it is possible to eliminate the blockage of the sink or bathtub at home.

Cleaning blockages with home remedies is carried out first of all after identifying the problem. It's not hard to make them yourself.

And the ingredients for this can be found at hand in every home.

Here are some of the ways to eliminate at home.

"Wine Vinegar and Clean Sewers"

  • 0.5 l of boiling water;
  • 1/3 cup wine vinegar;
  • 200 g of salt;
  • 200 g of soda.

elimination process.

  • Soda and wine vinegar are mixed in a plastic container.
  • The mixture is poured into a clogged drain, poured with boiling water and left all this for half an hour.
  • After this time, the water turns on and the drain hole is flushed for ten minutes.

"Vinegar and Purification"

To eliminate you need:

  • 200 g of soda;
  • 0.5 l of boiling water;
  • 200 g of vinegar.

Work process.

  • The sink is cleared of water.
  • Soda is poured into the drain and vinegar is poured.
  • To improve the results, it is recommended to close the drain with a tight stopper.
  • After 30 minutes, pour boiling water into the drain outlet.

This is the most simple recipes home mixes. Pipes should not be expected to become clogged, they should be cleaned regularly.

- Mister Muscle

– Pothan

thermal method
mechanical way


Causes of clogged pipes

  1. Soda and salt. ½ cup of baking soda solution and half a cup of salt is added to the drain hole and left for about 10 hours.
  2. Soda and vinegar. Place half a cup of baking soda and ½ cup of vinegar into the drain hole, stopper and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Soda and boiling water. Add one cup of soda to 3 cups of boiling water and place in the drain hole.

The use of soda with vinegar requires caution, as mixing these substances causes a violent reaction.

You can clean the pipe with home remedies that are at hand

If you just discovered that the sewer system is not working well, then the first thing you can do is try to clean the pipe on your own. This decision will be correct if the blockage occurs as a result of fatty substances being drained into the pipe. Once inside the sewer, they form layers on the walls, which prevents the normal flow of water.

What is the best way to clean sewer pipes?

The simplest and most effective home remedy is a bucket of boiled water, which must be poured down the sink hole. Most often, after performing this operation, it is possible to eliminate the blockage.

However, this method does not always allow you to restore the normal operation of the sewer. In this case, you can turn to the most secure and a simple remedy cleaning - plunger.

How to clean the sewer pipe in a private house?

Even if you live in a private house and are faced with the need to clean the sewers, then in this case you should do the same as the owners of a city apartment. However, you will have to carry out this operation outside the house, provided that you have a sewerage plan. By checking the most likely clogging sites, you can easily find out exactly where the debris has stagnate. After that, they begin to use the listed cleaning methods, which are quite effective for an apartment.

This method is simple, but it is "light artillery", since it will not be able to cope with serious blockages.

how to get rid of bad sewer smell

Prevention of blockages in sewer pipes

To prevent kitchen pipes from becoming clogged for as long as possible, you should follow these recommendations:

  • A clogged kitchen sink is a normal and inevitable problem for any home, but it is best to prevent it from occurring for as long as possible and carry out preventive measures in a timely manner. After all, the more often we clean the pipes, the faster and easier the blockages are removed, and the pipes and siphon do not wear out. Just get in the habit of running hot water or boiling water down the sink drain for 20 minutes every week, or cleaning the plumbing with a plunger.
  • Try not to pour liquids containing cooking oil down the kitchen sink, as it freezes in the pipes / siphon and provokes the growth of deposits on the walls of the water supply. If, nevertheless, this happened, immediately take preventive measures - let hot water / boiling water or pour soda and salt into the drain (see. Method 3 ).
  • Of course, all dishes before washing in the sink should be cleaned of food debris. Most often, the cause of blockages lies in our laziness 🙂
  • The drain hole must be supplemented with a special mesh that protects the pipe from large food particles.

Preventing a problem is easier than fixing it. Preventive measures will help keep the sewer system in good condition, preventing blockages:

In no case should you start the situation before the complete failure of the sewer. In difficult cases, without the appropriate equipment, the task of cleaning pipes on our own is impossible. That's why best way out- do preventive measures in time and know the combined methods to deal with the blockage problem, using both improvised and chemical means.

In order for kitchen plumbing to last as long as possible, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not pour cooking oil down the sink.
  • Be sure to remove large food residues from dishes before washing.
  • Cover the drain hole with a protective mesh.
  • Clean your kitchen sink weekly with hot water or a plunger.

It is better to carry out regular prevention of blockages than to clean sewer pipes:

  • rinse gutters with boiling water twice a month;
  • do not throw household, food waste, chemicals into the toilet, sink;
  • use a fat separator.

Both plastic and cast-iron pipes in a private house should be periodically washed with vinegar and soda. Sometimes a powerful stream of water is enough to maintain good patency of the pipes. The industry produces special cleaning products in the form of granules or gel. When processing the sewer system in a private house, substances are placed in the pipes for a certain time and prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits. Vinegar treatment is done about once a week.

It is effective to use fat separators in a private house. They are for industrial and domestic purposes, installed under the sink. The device works in 2 stages:

  1. Fatty and dirty water passes through the filter system, gets rid of various debris.
  2. There is a purification of water from fat, which then enters the sewer pipes.

Preventive measures will not only increase the life of the pipeline, but also save time and resources. You can often do the cleaning yourself. In difficult cases, it is necessary to contact specialists without delay.

You also need to make the following rule: at least once every 2-3 months, clean the walls of the pipes. It is best to use liquid products based on acids, which contain caring ingredients. During regular cleaning, it is worth pouring some chlorine-containing substances into the drain for disinfection.

Sewerage is an integral and very important part of any modern house, both multi-apartment and private. Due to constant use, there is always a risk of blockage in it.

Of course, the occurrence of an unpleasant situation can be prevented, but there are no absolute methods and guarantees. Therefore, it is always important to know how to clean sewer pipes in a private house and what tools will be required for this.

Preventing a problem is always easier, and often cheaper, than fixing it, this is clear to many. And problems with sewerage in a private house are no exception. Prevention measures will minimize the likelihood of pipe clogging if they are carried out regularly and systematically.

A significant problem can often be created by the very search for the place where the trouble occurred. This can be a difficult task for a non-specialist.

Usually, pipes do not clog immediately, but debris accumulates gradually. It accumulates in the pipe, interfering with the free passage of water. Respectively The main symptom of clogging is poor water flow..

Method number 3 - chemicals

Method chemical cleaning it is rather preventive or final after cleaning in another way to consolidate the result.

However, for health safety and to prevent any damage, a number of rules and precautions must be observed:

  1. Due to the specifics of the composition, various means can harm the communications themselves. This must be taken into account when choosing a tool for a particular type of pipe.
  2. Be sure to follow the necessary precautions when working, they are usually written directly on the packaging of chemicals, because many of them can have toxic fumes.
  3. Eliminate blockages in a well-ventilated area.

When you buy plumbing chemicals in a store, be sure to carefully read the instructions: the amount of the product prescribed for the dosage is poured into the drain.

Then, after the time specified in the instructions, the drain is washed with a strong stream of water. It can be either cold or warm - depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

In no case should different ones be mixed with each other, since the consequences of this can be completely unpredictable.

Method number 4 - hydrodynamic cleaning

If it is not possible to cope with the blockage of the sewer pipe by any method, it remains to resort to the latter, more radical - hydrodynamic. It involves removing the blockage with a jet of water under high pressure.

If all means have been tried, but there is still no result, then it remains to resort to hydrodynamic cleaning of clogged pipes. Just keep in mind that this procedure is not cheap, and only specialists can perform it.

Prevention and prevention of blockages

Currently, there are many different methods for effective fight with trash cans. But it is more important not to start the situation and not bring the sewer to a state of blockage.

Any Technical equipment and any communications need care and timely prevention, sewer pipes are no exception.

It is enough to follow the usual and accessible, but effective rules:

  1. Do not dispose of substances that do not dissolve well into the sewer. They belong in the trash can, not in the pipes.
  2. When installing sewer pipes, it is necessary to make them at a small angle, and large angles should also be avoided, since blockages can accumulate in them.
  3. At least once a week, and preferably more often, it is necessary to flush the sewer drains with boiling water for several minutes.
  4. In the drains, it is necessary to install special grates that will not allow debris to enter the pipeline and clog it. It is easier to clean the grate itself than to pull the waste out of the pipe.
  5. Never leave small objects in the immediate vicinity of the drain, as well as bags or rags - they can easily end up in the pipe and cause serious problems for you.

When carrying out repair or construction work in the house, pay double attention to the issues of drainage.

It is necessary to regularly clean the walls of the pipes from the layer of grease and other dirt accumulated in them. It is important to monitor very carefully so that foreign objects and household debris do not get into them. For example, peeling vegetables, plastic bags, cloth

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can learn how to properly use a plumbing cable in the following video:

Following a few simple rules and precautions will minimize the risk of clogging in your sewer system, wear and tear, chemical damage, and generally extend its life.

By preventing clogs and avoiding time-consuming clean-up operations, you can save not only a lot of time, but also money.

And which one do you use? Please tell us about it in the comment block. There you have the opportunity to ask questions of interest on the topic of the article, and we will try to answer them promptly.

A clogged sewer system is one of the most significant troubles that threaten residents of private homes.

I personally envy people who have never encountered clogged sewer pipes. It’s not pleasant enough, at first you don’t understand what is happening, why is there still water in the sink? Then it dawns on me that something went wrong. And it turns out that the sewer is clogged, but where and with what - you need to clarify. And then remove the blockage.

A sewer system is understood as a pipeline running from water inlets to a storage tank (sewage pit, septic tank). There are several ways to clear the blockage. It is not very difficult to do this. But still, it is better to prevent blockage than to deal with it later.

Not bad help to fight special traffic jams with a built-in filter. This option is relevant for households with a fully equipped drainage system. Such plugs are installed in places where water is drained. The purpose of installing these plugs is to prevent particles from entering the sewer system that can cause blockages. These particles include food debris, hair, animal hair. If there is no opportunity to put such plugs, then sooner or later homeowners are faced with blockages. In this case, the question arises: how to clean the sewers in a private house?

How to find clogged sewer pipes

In order to understand exactly where the trouble happened, it is necessary in turn to fill each plumbing fixture with water and start draining the water. The best option if a blockage is found in a particular device. Then, through the revision-cleaning installed at its siphon, and these cleanings are recommended to be installed at each device without fail,
You can clear blockages in sewer lines.

But if each device weakly releases effluents into the sewer, then the problem is systemic and is of a general nature.

Ways to eliminate blockage

The easiest way is to use special cleaning products, ranging from soda ash and large volume warm water, ending with various newfangled means. If such actions did not bring results, proceed to the mechanical method.

First, don't get upset. Even timely installation of plugs with filters is not a complete guarantee of blockage prevention. After all, these devices retain garbage, but the fatty substances that enter the drains from the dishes are deposited on the pipes, first creating a film, and then, as the clearance narrows, a real obstacle. Even ordinary gray drains cannot pass through a small hole in a cork made of fat at the proper speed. And the slightest dirt will lead to a complete blockage of the lumen in the pipe.

The most common cause of blockages are particles of human waste products, but large objects entering the sewer system are also common.

You can remove the blockage in the following ways:

  • chemically using products containing caustic soda;
  • mechanically using special tools;
  • hydrodynamic method using water, which is supplied under high pressure.

The main stages of blockage removal

At the preliminary stage, it is necessary to disassemble the siphons. They are built into the pipe under the sink. All siphons are removed at once: both the one in the kitchen and the one in the bathroom. It is also necessary to disassemble the siphon located under the bathtub or shower. Siphons are installed under all water inlets to prevent odors from entering the sewer system into the room. The shape of the siphon contributes to the fact that mud deposits accumulate in it. After dismantling the siphon, it is washed, after cleaning it is put in its original place.

Next, you can try using the self-cleaning feature. It will work if the cause of the blockage is fatty deposits. For this method, hot water is required in large quantities. It is advisable to use a bucket of freshly boiled water, it will pass into the sewage system, dissolve the fat and, accordingly, push through all the accumulations that prevent normal flow. Most often, such actions are enough to restore the full functioning of the sewer system.

This method can be used both in a city apartment and a private house. Residents of private households have more options for cleaning sewers. If you know the plan of the sewer system, you can accurately determine the location of the blockage. All other possibilities for cleaning drains are similar to those used in apartments.

Chemical cleaning of sewer pipes

There are many means of clearing sewer blockages; shelves in stores sag from them. But you have an equally effective tool at hand - baking soda. Dissolve it in hot water, in the proportion of 1 pack per 3 liters of water, and pour it into the siphons of all appliances connected to a clogged sewer.

Cleaning pipes with vinegar and baking soda

A solution of soda with water, corrodes very well organic matter. Hair, food debris, tissue, anything that could have accidentally entered the sewer pipe system.

The combination of baking soda and vinegar gives a good result in the fight against blockages. To achieve what you want, you must first pour soda into the drain hole in the amount of ½ cup, and then pour vinegar into it. Immediately after this, you need to plug the hole and leave everything for 2 hours. After this time, 4 - 5 liters of boiling water is poured into the drain. This will remove the sediment formed from the soda, push through the particles that caused the blockage. If the blockage is small, and there is no penetrating chemistry at home, then it will be the only option available to everyone.

Then draw water into all appliances and drain them at the same time. If the cause was really organic, then it is damaged by soda, under pressure should go into
the main riser and sewer will be cleaned.

If all else fails, and the blockage still prevents full flow, you need to resort to another method.

Chemical cleaning

Special chemicals allow you to quickly deal with blockages. They are sold in a wide range of stores. They can be in various forms: liquid, granular, gel, powder. General property these substances - the presence of such a component as caustic soda. There is a separate article about . All these products can break down fats, small pieces of organic waste.

These chemical preparations contribute to the rapid elimination of blockages. Their action is based on the ability to spread through pipes, enveloping all surfaces, splitting organic matter. Therefore, it is more expedient to use liquid and gel-like products. Bulk substances enter a certain area and can only partially destroy the blockage and fatty plaques. When buying such a product, you should not pay close attention to the manufacturer. After all, caustic soda is produced in all countries using the same technologies. And its quantity in different means is the same. The price here is also not a significant indicator. This is just the desire of the client: to overpay or not overpay for the brand. But it is necessary to pay attention to the consistency of the substance. After all, liquid preparations are more effective.

Before applying the chemical method, it must be taken into account that not all pipes can withstand such contact with a chemical. Different types of preparations have been developed for plastic pipes and metal pipes. Caustic soda is a dangerous substance. It can not only destroy the pipe, but also harm human health. Therefore, be sure to be careful, observe safety measures.

Key security features include:

  • use gloves to prevent chemical burns;
  • use a respirator to protect the respiratory system from negative effects.

House sewer cleaning video

Chemical agents are used in two cases: in the event of blockages and for prevention. If you use special equipment once every 7 to 10 days, you can completely avoid the occurrence of blockages. After all, fats cannot be deposited on the inner surface of the pipes, which means that particles of debris will not linger when moving through the pipes.

Cleaning with a plunger

We know how to clean the sewers mechanically, almost from childhood. To do this, we have a simple device - a plunger. It creates a kind of vacuum. Let's go through all the drains of the devices and vigorously pump them with pressure. If the blockage accumulated for a long time, overgrown gradually, then these manipulations should bear fruit.

Most often, when dealing with blockages in the sewers of private houses, they use mechanical method based on the use of a cable and a plunger. This method has been used for many years, but it is still considered very effective and reliable. Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the dampers, filters. After that, you can get to work.

The main stages of cleaning the sewer mechanically:

  1. The plunger is placed on the drain hole to prevent air from entering.
  2. Water is drawn into the sink, it should hide the plunger bowl.
  3. The plunger should stand so that water does not seep under it. If the water leaves, it is necessary to shift the plunger, achieving good contact with the sink surface.
  4. Next, vertical pushes are performed, slightly shifting the plunger handle to the side. In total, at least 10 pushes should be done. Then you need to sharply pull out the plunger and see if the water began to leave quickly enough. If she rushed noisily through the pipe, then everything is fine, the cleaning is over.

However, there are blockages spontaneous. You can accidentally wash the rag with dirty water. Flush leftover food down the toilet. Then the plunger can pass.

If it was not immediately possible to achieve a positive result, you must try again, but if repeated repetition does not work. We must turn to a different method.

Cleaning with a plumbing cable

If it was not possible to achieve results without cardinal intervention, they turn to cables, loops, spirals and other special equipment for cleaning sewer pipes. This tool will remove everything that has accumulated in the pipe. This is achieved by pushing the accumulated dirt further along the pipe, allowing the water to drain unhindered. Regardless of the type of tool, its main function is always the same - to destroy the resulting blockage. Anyone can buy this device. All of these tools are moderately priced.

The price in this case is also not a criterion for the quality of the instrument. If you need to save money, you can safely purchase the cheapest device and successfully use it for many years. Hooks are slightly different from other tools. They are needed when removing a large object stuck in the drainage system. Spirals and cables, on the contrary, are taken to push the garbage further. During the use of such devices, rotational movements are made in a clockwise direction, which contribute to the winding of debris particles on the cable.

Next, the wire is removed, and the debris leaves the pipe after it. The tension of the cable and translational movements destroy the accumulation of dirt directly in the pipe, then the debris is not removed outside, but goes further along the pipe. may be different types with a variety of nozzles. Before you start cleaning drains yourself, you need to prepare. First, put on your work clothes so you don't get frustrated by splashing dirty water. Secondly, spread an oilcloth in the place of work to prevent dirt from getting on the floor.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

This type of cleaning, at the household level, began to be used relatively recently. Previously, hydrodynamic machines were huge water carriers, with a compressor instead of a trailer. They were used exclusively at industrial enterprises and large construction sites, where before the commissioning of the facility, the finishers managed to clog the entire sewerage system with their solution.

Now hydrodynamic cleaning is available to everyone. The compact version fits in the trunk of a car.

The principle of cleaning in this way is as follows. The compressor supplies water under high pressure (about 150 atmospheres) to the hose. A special punching nozzle is attached to the end of the hose. Holes are made in the nozzle, breaking out of them, the jets twist into spirals and envelop the walls of the pipe. With these jets, the nozzle not only cleans
the walls of the pipes, but also repels them, and begins to move forward.

Considering how much pressure is created in the pipe, any type of blockage is guaranteed to be eliminated. And the pipes get a new life, because their walls are perfectly cleared of blockages.

Video - How to clean the sewer?

Advice! For severe blockages, it is better to use the hydrodynamic method. Unlike a cable, it does not destroy pipeline elements. After all, the water hose is devoid of sharp fragments that can damage the knee.

If there is no special installation, you can use a hose and a garden pump. The hose is connected to the pump and the other end is lowered into the sewer pipe. A strong jet of water will destroy the cork, get rid of the obstacle for the passage of wastewater. To improve the result, before this, you can use a chemical agent containing caustic soda. And then clean the drain with a strong jet.

Advice! It is better to clean an autonomous sewerage mechanically, avoiding caustic soda.

The first two methods will not require the intervention of unauthorized persons, you can do it yourself. But you can also clean the blockage yourself in a hydrodynamic way! If you plan to purchase a compact car wash, then almost all manufacturers offer a set of nozzles for cleaning the sewer system. Help yourself and help your neighbors.

Some people, seeking to take a break from the bustle of the city, spend their free time in the country or even move out of town. Having become accustomed to civilized comforts in the house, and not in the yard, they often arrange autonomous systems sewers, however, cleaning sewer pipes, as in an apartment, cannot be avoided in a private house, even if you take care of the sewer.

Are there any differences in technology?

Methods for cleaning the system in an apartment and a house are practically no different. But having a sewerage plan in a private house will allow you to clean pipes outside of it.

Most private houses have an autonomous sewer system installed, which involves the presence of waste containers and pipes with fittings in one area. The waste container can be represented by a cesspool or a septic tank. Sewerage of this kind is ideal for houses that are remote from central communications. For effective work the cesspool will fit pipes with a large diameter and characteristic parameters. It is this feature that distinguishes the sewer systems of private and multi-storey buildings.

Any plumbing is characterized by the ability to clog at the wrong time. The presence of blockage is determined by the following signs:

  1. Unpleasant sewer smell from the holes in the sink.
  2. Decreased flow rate.
  3. The water in the sink or bath does not drain.
  4. The water in the toilet rises above the normal level.

Depending on the cause, choose the most appropriate method for cleaning. The main causes of clogging include:

  • Hit in the pipes of a large object. In a house where small children live, this situation can be observed quite often.
  • Deposits of solid sediments on the walls of pipes formed as a result of inorganic and organic human waste.
  • The ingress of fat particles. These particles form a sticky film, which, according to experts, is considered the most dangerous cause of blockages. . It helps to reduce the throughput of plumbing, gradually accumulating and causing clogging. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears, which will disappear only after cleaning. Such congestion occurs due to the constant draining of broths when washing dishes. Such blockages are dangerous for metal communications.
  • Soap in the drain. Blockages arise from washing dishes in the kitchen and hands in the bathroom. Soap, getting into the sewer, mixes with other contaminants and settles on the walls of the pipes, and then freezes. Getting rid of such a congestion is quite difficult.
  • Plum hair. Tangled hair forms a blockage that can only be removed by chemical or mechanical means.
  • Errors in the design and installation of the sewer system. Cleaning up will only be a temporary measure.
  • The composition of water. Hard water causes salt deposits to form.
  • Human stupidity. Disposing of dried fruits from compote into the toilet is the most common mistake that a woman, a child, and a teenager can make.
  • Even toilet paper softened with water can clog.

Cleaning methods: household and professional

The main methods of cleaning sewers in a private house include:

  1. Master's call. This method is the easiest, but the too high cost of such services will convince any man to deal with blockages on his own.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Hydrodynamic.
  4. Chemical.
  5. Washing with boiling water.
  6. Cleaning with improvised means.

The effectiveness of the sewer cleaning method depends on the degree of blockage. Do not despair if the effect is not observed immediately, perhaps when choosing another method, the result will not be long in coming.

Rinsing with boiling water

Using boiling water, you can eliminate blockages caused by grease entering the pipes. Previously, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to determine the type of blockage. According to the place of localization, general or local are distinguished. With a general blockage, you will have to completely clean the entire sewer system. In case of local blockage, it is enough to clean an exceptionally problematic pipe. When determining the type of blockage, you should observe the pipes throughout the house and draw a conclusion.

Boiling water should be poured into the clogged pipe (approximate amount of water is 6 liters), then check the drain. If the water began to leave, then the problem of clogging the sewerage is solved. However, it is impossible to deal with a more complex problem in this way. It is strictly forbidden to clean the toilet bowl with boiling water, otherwise it can be damaged.

Every housewife in the kitchen has soda, vinegar and citric acid.

The process for preparing the cleaning solution is as follows:

  • Half a glass of soda and a similar amount of vinegar are poured into the pipe.
  • Close the drain hole with a cork for two hours.
  • Pour a few liters of boiling water.
  • Check the condition of the drain.

When cleaning the sewer, a combination of citric acid and boiling water, or a pack of edible salt and hot water, as well as a pack of salt and a bottle of vinegar, is allowed. Citric acid will cope with fatty particles no worse than soda.

Video: cleaning pipes with soda ash

This method is quite original and unusual. To perform this action, you need a vacuum cleaner with the ability to blow back air.

To clean pipes in this way, you must:

  1. Remove the wooden handle from the plunger.
  2. Cut a hole in the bowl that is compatible with the vacuum cleaner hose.
  3. Secure the hole with metal clamps.
  4. Connect the hose of the vacuum cleaner to the hole.
  5. Press the rubber part of the plunger to the hole of the clogged pipe.
  6. Turn on the appliance to the maximum possible power.
  7. Check the condition of the pipes.

With the mechanical method of cleaning sewers, special devices are used, such as cables, plungers, spirals, drills, loops, hoses. It is advisable to use this method if an object is stuck in the system. Starting to clean the sewer, you should first stock up on gloves, a rag, a bucket of water and overalls. It is desirable to cover the place of work with oilcloth.

The advantage of using a rope is that it has good penetration, but this method is quite laborious. Plumbing cables differ in such parameters as design, length and diameter.

Using a cable, you must:

  • Disconnect the sewer pipe in front of the blockage.
  • Insert the rope into the drain hole.
  • Rotate the fixture clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • In case of difficulties during rotation, push the cable back and forth.
  • Continue the above steps even if the blockage is broken.
  • Turn on the water and rinse out the remaining blockage.
  • Pull out the cable and flush the pipes.

The cables are divided according to their purpose - for the bath / washbasin and for the toilet. It is more expedient to purchase a toilet rope, because it has a handle.

A worthy replacement for the cable can be a special cleaning machine, which is designed to clean sewer pipes in automatic mode. But this technique is mainly used on an industrial scale.

The easiest household option for cleaning the sewer system is to use a plunger.

The technology of this method is as follows:

  • If there is a plug with a filter, then it should be removed from the drain hole.
  • The bowl of the plunger is lubricated with petroleum jelly or grease.
  • Fill a sink or tub so that the bowl is covered with water when immersed.
  • Insert the plunger into the water at an angle.
  • Close the drain hole with a plunger.
  • Make 10-20 pushes up and down, holding the plunger in a vertical position, making sure that water does not leak under the plunger.
  • Quickly remove the device from the water.
  • If the water began to quickly go into the drain hole, then the cleaning was successful, if not, repeat the procedure several times.

The use of chemicals

This method involves the use of chemicals in the cleaning of sewers. Such means include: "Mole", "Mr. Muscle", "Domestos", "Steril", "Tiret Professional" and others. Any hardware store has some assortment. When choosing, it should be noted that the main component of these products is caustic soda, and it eliminates the cause of the blockage, corroding it.

Carefully refer to the instructions on the packaging of the goods, which indicate which pipes this product is intended for. The cleaning process consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparatory - the necessary substance is selected and the instructions are studied.
  2. Sewer cleaning - at this stage, the product is poured into the drain hole and is expected chemical reaction over a certain period of time.
  3. Final - the pipe is washed with running water. There must be plenty of water.

Don't forget the safety rules:

  • Follow the instructions for the use of chemicals and proportions, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to the sewer pipes.
  • Wear rubber gloves when working.
  • Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
  • Ventilate the room.

Video: about the composition of chemicals for cleaning sewers

Hydrodynamic cleaning

The hydrodynamic cleaning method involves flushing pipes with water, which is supplied under high pressure. Electric or gasoline-powered equipment is used to increase the water pressure in the hose.

At the same time, the following sequence is followed:

  1. Insert the hose into the pipe and attach to the installation.
  2. Turn on water and compressor.

The jet, being under high pressure, will push the blockage to the exit. If such a device is not available, then you can use a regular hose for irrigation. After inserting it into the sewer and opening the water all the way, you should attach the hose to the garden pump and perform the same steps.

Thus, choosing any of the sewer cleaning methods, it is worth preparing in advance and purchasing everything necessary materials so that the elimination of blockages does not turn into global problem. You can face the problem of blockages less often if you take preventive measures.