How to separate the ground floor outside the house. The better and cheaper to separate the base

A very important above-ground part of the foundation and the bottom of the external walls of the construction is the base. It not only carries a decorative function, but also acts as the basis on which the building stands, it serves to protect it from the penetration of moisture and cold. Facing protects the base level from the influence of various external influences. Thus, the choice of facade materials for finishing the base in a private house is the question of not only aesthetic, but also safety. Consider the most popular methods for trimming the base in this article.

Most of the foundation of the building is hidden from the eyes, however, above the ground level, part of this carrier structure, called the basement, is usually opposed. When planning construction work, it is worth considering that if there is a base with a height of less than 40 cm to equip reliable waterproofing of the walls will be difficult.

The bases are usually emitted from stone or bricks, concrete slabs, and also poured from reinforced concrete. The stone base looks quite aesthetically and solid, and does not need further cladding, in other cases it will be necessary to separate it with a suitable material. It should be noted that these work is carried out not only in order to decorate the building. For cladding the base, use facade materials with a significant margin of strength, as they need to perform protective functions. Together with the base itself, its covering is carrying a functional load - assumes the load from the wall structures of the building and distributes it to the foundation of the construction. It is required that it can withstand the pressure and protect the base part of the building from the effects of negative external factors - temperature drops, precipitation, high humidity.

Types of base structures

There are several basic constructions of the base - it can be arranged in a building with a building, act either to fade relative to the surface of the walls. Most often, private houses are equipped with a serving or smooth base unit, although the trees are less susceptible to the effects of precipitation and can serve longer. In the presence of a welding base, it is easy to hide the waterproofing, equip reliable insulation and bind the design by any suitable materials. If there is no basement in the house, the finishing materials of the base part of the building also perform reference functions and take the pressure of the soil, while to some extent support the safety of the entire design. If the cellar or the basement is present, the cladding of the base helps to increase the heat-shield properties of the base level, since in the presence of a cold base, a significant part of the heat will leave the building. If a basement is provided in the building, or if the walls of the building are not thick enough, the most appropriate arrangement of the protruding base with their means, since this design will provide additional thermal insulation of the building. The same successful is the design of the base unit, located in the evening with the outer wall - in the presence of thin walls, in such cases the appearance of condensate and dampness indoors can not be avoided.

Constitution materials

Thus, it is necessary to choose the material for triming the base with the following operational characteristics:

  • reliable grip with the surface of the basic design, as well as strength to mechanical damage and wear resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity to protect the building from heat loss;
  • steam permeability, as well as low hygroscopicity - it is required that the finish prevents the penetration of moisture into the foundation and wall structures.

For facial finishing, it is important to avoid moisture transfer. In order to avoid the appearance of condensate, drowshes, freezing and detachment of cladding of the base, it will take to apply the material that will ensure protection against moisture and at the same time will not prevent the outflow of the pair of rooms.

The stated requirements correspond to various facade materials.

Currently, the following cladding materials are most popular for finishing the base:

  • various types of siding;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • clinker tiles, polymerpess, based on resin or stone;
  • pVC panels;
  • profiled sheet;
  • special plaster coatings (decorative, including mosaic, plaster).

When choosing the most suitable method of finishing, it is worth considering compatibility with the base base materials. For example, the facade paint that is suitable for a brick base should not be used for a concrete base.

Finishing base plaster

The simplest and affordable way of finishing the base is its plastering. Nevertheless, such a facing is distinguished by several shortcomings - it is not too durable, besides, it looks not too aesthetic. In mechanical effects, the plaster has a property to crumble, in addition, it is not too effective as protection of the base level and the foundation from the adverse effects of the external environment. Nevertheless, due to its availability, the method of finishing the base plaster has gained wide popularity.

Replacing the usual plaster on its decorative variety (for example, waterproof based on the resin with the effect of shallow mosaic), can significantly improve the type of base level. The decorative trim of the base allows him to give it a more aesthetic appearance. After applying plaster it can be painted. In addition, with the help of a rashpil, it is easy to put the surface of the freshly mounted plaster, the effect of brickwork, paint the base and highlight the seams with contrasting color. The plastered base can be further bred by finishing material in its taste.

Decorating the base with special coatings

As a reliable protection of the base level, it is possible to choose special coatings for trim. These include:

  • facade paints, distinguished by highly resistant to atmospheric influences;
  • special plastering formulations.

These finishing materials are conveniently applied to the surface, but not too durable. Nevertheless, they provide high-quality protection of the base from external influences. Syloxanic plaster has proven well - this finishing material is distinguished by permeability for steam, provides reliable insulation from moisture (including when temperatures drops), perfectly masks the irregularities of the treated surface. This mixture is imposed on a metal mesh-reinforced mesh, the coating can be painted on top.

Finishing the base of brick and stone

Traditionally, the central level of buildings are separated by brick. Such cladding is durable and durable. Its deficiencies include its high cost compared to more modern ways of finishing (for example, siding and tiles), as well as the emergence of a significant additional load on the facade of the building. A clinker tile, imitating brickwork, uses considerable popularity. The selection of this material allows you to significantly reduce the trim of the base level - and also it is important, to reduce the weight load on the supporting structures.

Natural stone as a material for facing concrete monolithic or slab base is practically beyond competition. The decoration of the base of the base provides the most durable, resistant to external influences and a durable coating that looks solid and presentable for long years. According to its taste and dedicated amount, you can pick up various types of stone for finishing the base level of the building - status marble or granite, as well as cheaper sandstone, cobblestone either plate. Natural stone provides environmental safety and has a unique pattern, which can not always be imitated in artificial materials. The shortcomings of such a cladding of the base include its high cost, as well as the considerable weight of the material and complexity of the laying.

Alternatively, this natural material can be successfully applied to its artificial analogues made from concrete with the addition of chemical and organic fillers and dyes. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain a frost-resistant, durable and reliable, resistant to moisture facing material that simulates various types of natural stone (shapeless or correct form). Such a finish looks great on the facades of buildings and is resistant to various types of external influences. This type of concrete cladding is less than a natural stone, as well as an affordable price.

Finishing base siding and clapboard

To finish the base level of buildings, cladding and block house are used. The wood finish in the form of thin boards (lining), as well as thin rounded rails of block house, provides high-quality sound insulation, is favorably distinguished by naturalness, as well as an affordable price. At the same time, the sheathing of the piece of wood is distinguished by tangible disadvantages - it is necessary to mention the susceptibility to rot due to negative weather influences, damaging insects - to avoid such consequences it will be necessary to apply special antiseptic compositions. The wooden cover of the base will require regular care at least once every six months.

Special types of siding are also used for cladding bases. Such a finish is varying, differs in low weight and ease of installation, does not require special care, is characterized by reliability and durability (its service life reaches 50 years). At the same time it is necessary to choose siding for the base. This material is different from the usual wallpaper manufacturing technology and its characteristics, its composition includes special reinforcing additives. Thus, the decoration of the base of siding can withstand significant loads. It is easy to choose the base panels of various textures (including under the stone or under the tree), in various color solutions. This finishing material can be mounted in any weather, it is characterized by resistant to various weather and mechanical effects, not subject to corrosion and burnout, effectively protects the foundation from moisture penetration. Smooth siding panels are easy to install, they will not need to paint in the future.

Metal: non-combustible facing material, does not fade and resistant to corrosion, is not demanding of care and allowing the design to "breathe". Vinyl siding is non-toxic and non-combustible finishing material, resistant to various weather influences, insect attacks, as well as the appearance of fungus and mold. With such a modern finishing, it is easy to give a neat look.

Finishing base PVC panels and straw

PVC panels for external walls with imitation of brick masonry or mosaic plaster can be purchased in a wide range of shades. This finishing material is characterized by stability to a variety of weather effects. Such panels are equipped with a groove-cream system, weigh a little. The decoration of the base panels is conveniently installed.

In private houses, the trim of the basement is widely used. It should be noted that this material is not suitable for finishing the base level of buildings from the bar or logs, since under the influence of high humidity is subject to corrosion - thus, such a cladding can lead to the rotting of the wood.

Tile trim tile

For cladding the base, the following types of tiled material are used:

  • clinker tile - such a finish does not absorb moisture and reminds masonry from clinker bricks. Linear tile dimensions resemble bricks. Nevertheless, the tile is much thinner (its thickness is in the range of 8-20 mm), and has a slight weight. To simplify finishing work, you can purchase special angular elements;
  • the polymer-sand tile is made of a composite material that has proven itself to finish the base level of buildings. Such cladding tile with imitation of a torn stone or brickwork is characterized by moisture and frost resistance and is suitable for any climatic zones, it is enough plastic, does not form chips and cracks. Since this finishing material is characterized by a low weight, they can be separated by the grounds in the presence of any, including the most lightweight supporting structures;
  • a resin-based tile is a facing material with a smooth or corrugated surface, imitating sandstone or clinker brick. A similar tile is distinguished by a small thickness (3 mm), as well as considerable flexibility. When finishing the base of this material, it will not be necessary to purchase angular elements, as it can be flexing in the desired way. In addition, it can be chopped with scissors.

Finishing the base level with your own hands

Deciding with the choice of the most appropriate material and preventing the necessary amount of it, you can begin the execution of finishing works. Most chain finishing options are quite affordable. Depending on the type of foundation of the building, various cladding technologies can be used. If there are minimal skills, these works are easy to perform yourself.

When planning the execution of work on the decoration of the base, with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  • it is worth considering that the wooden frame is not distinguished by durability, so it will require a replacement in a few years (it will also need to repeat finishing work);
  • the trim of the base of the wood house should be performed after the final shrinkage of the construction. In the presence of a pile foundation, it will be necessary to first build a frame fixed on piles from wooden bars or a galvanized metal profile, to which in the future it is necessary to lay thermal insulation and then insulating from the penetration of moisture finishing material;
  • the surface of the brick or concrete base must be prepared, clearing from stains, dust and dirt. It must be smooth - therefore, if necessary, you should knock down the speakers and fill the existing deepening with a special solution. Next, you will need to apply a waterproof primer composition of deep penetration.

Depending on the selection of the finishing material, the following facing methods are applied:

  • facade panels, clinker tiles or stone "plant" on a special adhesive solution. As a result of the use of other glue, there is a risk of waiting for cracking and detachment;
  • the polymer tile is fixed on a specially built cage (in this case, warming can be performed) or directly on the surface of the base using self-tapping screws;
  • thanks to a convenient groove-crease system, the installation of siding will not be much difficult. It will be necessary to use the building level to control the laying of the horizontal panels. This finishing material is attached to a predefined shell frame from a metal profile or directly to the surface of the base - with fixing panels on self-stairs;
  • natural and artificial stone are placed on cement-sandy solution or special glue for working with heavy tiles. The space between the finishing elements should be filled with a special solution for narrow or wide seams;
  • for reliable fixation of the finishing material on the surface of the protruding base, it is necessary to establish special eaves, otherwise the material may turn due to adverse weather influences.

To protect the trim of the base from the penetration of moisture, the surface of the porous materials makes sense to treat with colorless water-repellent composition (hydrophobizer) - it is applied with a brush or roller. According to the surface treated in this way, water will be drained, not absorbed into it.

When the house box has already been built and finishing work remained, the question arises: how best to separate the exterior surfaces, including the foundation of the house, what materials are used for finishing and cladding? In this case, saving money for materials is undesirable, since the protection of the basement walls is one of the primary tasks in the construction of the house. What to choose: aesthetics or practicality?

Since the base is an overhead part of the foundation design, then it is necessary to protect: from moisture, temperature differences and frost. In addition, the facade of the house, and its base should look aesthetic and harmonize with each other. Various finishing materials meet all these conditions.

Photo Gallery: Cool Decorating Varieties

Burous on the bottom, panels have a small weight and textured surface, imitating natural stone. Large fractions look great with the front tiles, harmonizing not only with their shade, but also fit into the overall design of the architecture, the basement is distinguished by the tile
In this case, siding shades perfectly fit into the overall architecture of the house in the plaster Added a Pigty dye, a refreshing general view of the house.

Types of materials for finishing and facing

Today, the foundations are used for finishing:

  • plaster;
  • siding (panels);
  • tile;
  • stone (natural and artificial);
  • brick.
  • Each type of finish has its advantages and disadvantages presented below. In addition, the methods of finishing works are also distinguished.

    Table: Comparison of finishing materials

    Important: The foundation finishes should be carried out necessarily, since concrete will absorb moisture that has a destructive effect on it when temperatures drops.

    Before carrying out finishing works, it is necessary to prepare the surface: remove contaminants, align the foundation wall, sailing cracks and chips. After leveling, the surface is ground so that the finish is better grabbed with the main surface.


    It is the most accessible and simple finishing material. For it, sand with cement, filled with water and mixed in proportion 3: 1: 0.5. In this case, quite the cement brand M400. The solution itself is applied to the reinforcing grid, which serves as a fixer. The grid is attached to the above ground surface of the foundation by fastening dowels.

    The course of work when plastering is as follows:

  • A grid is attached to the prepared surface.
  • The first layer of plaster is applied to the base. The layer thickness should be 0.8-1 cm. The primer coating can be given a decorative shape using a scraper or a bristle with a metal bristle. To do this, the solution is applied with wave-like lines.
  • After grappling the first (primer) layer must pass at least a week, after which you can apply the finish finish. The thickness of the decorative layer may vary from 0.3 to 0.5 cm.
  • Note: The primer (first) layer must be constantly moisturized throughout the week. Wetting water should be carried out up to four times a day, covering the surface of the film every time after moisturizing.

    You can also add pigment dyes into the solution for the finishing layer. In addition, the plaster is decorated with rashpil: contours are cut on the surface as when laying brick or stone.

    And for imitation of "fur coats", the solution for the decorative layer is not applied, but they pounce in small portions. This turns out a textured surface that can hide small irregularities and foundation defects.


    This includes siding - the material is modern, comfortable, easy. In addition to the available price and variety of colors, siding distinguishes that it is optionally glued to the surface of the base - it is enough to use fasteners and a frame for installing panels.

    Note: For the manufacture of a frame, you need to use special profiles.

    Siding finish the foundation is as follows:

  • The prepared surface of the base is dried.
  • It is manufactured and attached to the foundation of the frame-cutter. The fastening is carried out by self-tavern with a dowel-insert.
  • The panels are connected to each other using special groove locks, after which the facing is attached to the shapper with self-draws.
  • Important: There should be a small air layer for circulating air between the panels and the main wall of the socle. This is necessary to prevent the maintenance of moldiness of the main wall in the formation of condensate.

    Siding is also distinguished by the fact that for its installation it is not necessary to carry out the perfect leveling of the main surface.


    Strength, aesthetics and durability are three components that can be characterized by the tile. Today, the facing tile is divided into three types: clinker, polymerpess and porcelain. They are distinguished by production technology, size and weight. And the laying technology is similar to a cladding stone.

    The clinker tiles of appearance and production technology is similar to a brick, but its thickness is only 2 cm. Laying tiles is made on special glue, which manufacturers are offered in the form of a finished dry mixture. The laying technology is the same as for artificial or natural stone, after laying, it is necessary to use a grout for interputric seams.

    Tip: For a better effect, the tile grout can be selected a contrasting color, straight-distinguished from the color of the finish.

    The polymer tile is manufactured from plastic and sand waste, and therefore has a smaller weight than clinker. It can be fixed both on the self-tapping screw and plant on the tile glue.

    Plus such a tile is that there is no closure of intercutric seams - it is enough to cut the right amount of tiles and stick fragments on the frame

    Note: The polymer tile is used, as a rule, for foundations with low bearing capacity.

    The porcelain tile is made of burned clay. Since the tile is pressed, the material density is elevated, as a result of which such a finish is sufficiently heavy. The thickness of one element may vary from 0.3 to 3 cm. However, the coefficient of moisture absorption of porcelain is quite low.

    The porcelain tile is mounted only on a special adhesive solution capable of withstanding the adhesion of the element with the surface. However, since an increased requirements of strength and resistance to atmospheric influences are presented to trim the base, then plant tiles on glue, additionally fastening its fragments by brackets and clammers.

    Stone, artificial and natural

    This type of finish is considered not only the most expensive, but also the most beautiful. The difference between materials is only in different costs and operational period.

    For cladding the base, the stone will require a finishing material and adhesive solution. The solution is made of ready-made dry mixtures, but it can be replaced by a cement-sandy mixture of its own manufacture. The thickness of the adhesive solution should be 0.3-0.5 mm.

    The facing stone is placed on a pre-prepared surface with an adhesive solution already applied. Fragments of the stone are also coated with a thin layer of the solution from the wrong side and are attached to the main surface. After laying the residues of the solution are removed from the finish.

    Note: The laying requires an ideally smooth surface; Otherwise, the finish will not last long.

    For a natural stone, it is advisable to use a glue solution of high clutch for a stronger finishing retention.

    The foundation is considered completely completed when, after laying the finishing material on top, the slope is fixed to protect the base from the accumulation of rainfall

    Tip: Natural stone after sticking can be dried and coated with a protective layer - varnish or hydrophobic solution. This is how the effect of "wet" cladding the base is achieved, in addition, the coating protects the finish from the moisture to enter the stone and the destruction of the material during the period of low temperatures.


    Perhaps this is the most durable facing material for the base, and at the same time having certain selection rules. The correctly selected brick will protect the base from destruction and the foundation from overload.

    So, for monolithic foundations, standard material can be used. But for tape or bar foundations, finishing is desirable to perform with a special brick.

    Installation of bricks is carried out on anchor bolts connecting the main wall with trim. For the suspension, it can be used as a fastening of a dowel, linked with wire. Wire fixed on the ends in the seams of finishes.

    Important: Also between the brick and the main wall there should be a small gap for air circulation.

    The air layer will avoid the condensate accumulation, destructively affecting the main wall.

    According to experienced builders, a mating from a wire when cladding bricks must be made from the calculation in increments of 0.5-0.7 m per 1 m2. In other words, for greater tensile strength, the fastening is required with the main surface in the amount of 4-6 mating.

    Tip: For styling bricks, a solution of cement with sand is used, cement brand - M500.

    Video: Chading chair decoration

    The selection of the foundation cladding will depend on the owner and its budget. Someone will like to use the panels, someone will prefer the tile, and some owners will decide to make the facing "on the century" and choose a natural stone. The essence of the decoration of the base is to protect the above-ground part of the foundation from the devastating effects of frost and moisture for a long time.

    The base is the bottom of the facade of the house. The main purpose of the base is to ensure reliable protection of the facade from all sorts of pollution and various kinds of damage. It is for this reason that the constructive element under consideration should be made from reliable and durable materials. At the same time, the lower part of the house should be beautiful. To solve this problem, you can use a variety of various materials. At the same time, the trim of the base without any problems is performed with their own hands.

    Regardless of which the material you decide to use with your own hands to finish, before starting work, the base should be cleaned from any kind of pollution and thoroughly align. To eliminate recesses, use a special leveling solution. Speakers are configured in a convenient way.

    The surface of the base is necessarily soaked with a primer emulsion. Without such treatment, the base will absorb moisture from the adhesive solution, which will not be better reflected on the reliability and quality of the facing.

    Some finishing materials, for example, artificial stone, before the start of installation, you need to process with special water-repellent compositions. They will help reduce the water absorption indicator of the finishing material and an increase in the stability of the facing to a variety of pollution.

    A large selection of hydrophobizers is available on sale. These are colorless solutions to apply rollers, brushes and other comfortable tools. By cladding treated with a high-quality hydrophobizer, moisture will simply flock down, without absorbing the finish and leaving no traces on it.

    The base with such a facing appearance very much resembles a wall laid out of simple clinker bricks. But the tile has a significantly smaller weight and is much fine-thin compared to the mentioned brick. The thickness of the tiles is usually varied from 8 to 20 mm. Width and length most often are the same as the clinker brick.

    First step. Determine the starting level. To do this, add the value of the width of the future seam to the width of the element, and then divide the height of the base to the resulting value.

    To calculate the principle is more understandable, consider the following example. The height of the house is 400 mm. The width of the tile used is 65 mm. Switch width - 6 mm. In total, you will need to stick 6 rows of clinker tiles. The starter level must be postponed by 26 mm down from the planned level of the earth.

    As a result, an approximately 6 mm gap will remain as a result of the last upper number of facing. You will fill it with polyurethane or acrylic composition.

    The second step. Place the facing on the entire surface. Lay out smooth horizontal rows. For fixation, use an elastic adhesive solution necessarily with frost-resistant properties. Sollar applies toothed spatula and on the base, and on the tile.

    Do not cover with glue immediately large area. It dries on average for 15-30 minutes. Usually, for this time, it is possible to bind about 1 m2 base. Leave the finished facing to dry about 2-3 days.

    Third step. Fill the seams with an elastic solution designed specifically for clinker fugging. The composition must have frost-resistant properties.

    Such a tile does not require processing hydrophobizers and.

    The finished cladding will be somewhat recessed into the surface (after the corresponding finishing finish of the outer walls), therefore there is no need to arrange the refrigerated cornice.

    Stone facing has a chic appearance, but requires significant financial costs. Most often, limestone is used for the basements or sandstone. The most expensive and luxurious option is marble or granite cladding.

    Finishing elements can have a different size and texture. At this moment, focus on your taste. Sandstones and limestone require pre-treatment with water-repellent compositions.

    The order of facing the stone is very similar to the tile cladding and is performed in a few simple steps.

    First step. Determine the lower level of stone fastening. The calculation is the same as in the case of the shelling previously considered tiles.

    The second step. For a pre-purified base, apply a solution for gluing a stone. The same solution must be applied on the revolving side of the cladding elements. Use strictly adhesive for fixing the stone. The use of other compositions will cause the formation of cracks in the finish and will very quickly lead to peeling tiles.

    Select the width of the seams according to the size of the tiles. Between small elements of the facing, leave the seams in half centimeters. Between large tiles enough 2 mm seam.

    Third step. Fill the seams with a special composition for fugging. Make sure the makeup was frost-resistant and enough elastic.

    If the plane of the base is issued against the background of the general plane of the house, be sure to install the protective treasure eaves. Without it, your facing will begin to crumble after the very first frosts.

    Externally, such material is as much as possible to its natural analogue. Special additives and various types of aggregates allow you to obtain a finishing material with excellent operational and properties, and dyes - pick up the facing, perfectly inscribed in the landscape.

    A large selection of materials in various forms that imitate a variety of materials are available on sale.

    Facing is carried out almost the same as in the case of tiles.

    First step. Apply to the pre-cleaned surface of the base and directly on the cladding of the glue composition. Clay can use elastic or ordinary. Specify the specific composition in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of artificial stone.

    Lick the entire surface. Seam can be done both narrow and wide ones.

    The second step. Fill the seams specifically designed for this solution.

    Third step. Cover the finished cladding of the water-repellent composition. Also, cladding elements can be subjected to this processing before they are mounted on the wall - no difference. Thanks to this processing, even after a few years, the finish will look almost like new.

    At the end, it will only be left to install a tump to protect the base of atmospheric precipitation.

    This is a relatively new finishing material. Externally, mimic the "torn" stone and decorative brickwork. Such a tile is characterized by a small mass, which allows you to successfully use it even for cladding structures with a small bearing capacity.

    The facing in question is characterized by quite good plastic properties, which eliminates the risk of formation of cracks and various chips. The tile is resistant to moisture and negative temperatures. Pre-processing is not needed by moisture-repellent.

    First step. At the pre-purified base, attach the clamp items. Collect the cake from wooden plates. Select a step between the rails according to the size of the cladding elements used.

    The second step. Fill the cells of the crates insulating M material. If the insulation of the base is not included in your plans, you can also not do the crate. In this case, the tile will be attached straight to the wall.

    Third step. Start securing the polymerpess tile from the lower corner of the base. For fixing, use screws. Capture tiles to the crate or the material of the house wall, depending on the selected installation method. Facing the entire base.

    An additional advantage of using a polymer tile is the possibility of laying insulation simultaneously with the completion of the facing.

    Externally, this material can successfully imitate sandstone or clinker brick. The big advantage of such a tile is surprisingly small thickness - 3 mm. The material is characterized by good flexibility, it can be used even to clamp arcuate grounds. Also, such a tile can be safely bent on the angular joints of the walls, which greatly facilitates the work.

    If necessary, the tile is easily cut with scissors. It can be glued to plaster, concrete base and even on the insulation. Tile can have a corrugated and smooth surface. A good choice of colors is available.

    First step . Determine the top level from which you start the installation of cladding elements. The best option is to lay a whole number of tiles. Therefore, determine how much horizontal rows of tiles can be glued to your basement, determine their total height, and then take away from the larger value. So you will define the desired gap.

    Set aside the required gap from the upper boundary of the base. At the end, you will fill in the remaining cracker acrylic or other suitable composition.

    The second step. Start gluing tiles. Installation of elements Start from the corner of the base. Glue apply already familiar to you with a toothed spatula. In one occasion, glue 4 rows of cladding at once.

    Seams can not fill. With the functions of the aggregate perfectly cope with the protruding glue. You only need to carefully distribute it along the seams with a brush.

    Third step. Protection tiles from rain. For this, the facing can be, for example, to cover with a polyethylene film. The protection can be removed after the complete drying of the glue, i.e. After 2-3 days.

    Externally, such a cladding is practically no different from finishing with natural materials, it is much cheaper. To protect the base, be sure to install rain eaves (s).

    Such plaster formulations have a grain structure. The grain size can reach 3 mm and even a little more. After applying the solution on the wall, a pattern is formed, similar to a multi-colored mosaic. The function of the binder component performs resin. Thanks to her, finishing at the same time receives vapor-permeable and moisture-proof properties.

    Mosaic plaster is not afraid of frosts and various mechanical damage. It is forbidden to apply such a composition on heat-saving and limestone plasters. The base from various artificial materials is also not suitable. The best option is concrete and other substances based on mineral components, gypsum, cement and, of course, lime-sand plasters.

    First step. Prepare the solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Also prepare the tool for applying a stainless steel grater.

    The second step. Start applying stucco from any comfortable angle, better from above. The layer must have the same thickness. The thickness of the decoration layer should be equal to the size of the grains contained in the plaster.

    The applied composition should be smoothed with a grater to dry out. The stucco is applied and rubbed strictly in the same direction.

    Third step. Treat the coating with a high-quality hydrophobizer.

    Up to 8 kg of plastering can leave for 1 m2 of the base. Specific flow depends on the size of the crumb.

    Thus, the decoration of the base can be performed using a wide variety of materials. At the same time, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the arrangement of any available cladding. You only need to follow the instructions and take carefully to the procedures performed.

    PVC panels are great for facing small cottages and country houses. In particular, the plastic is combined with siding. PVC panels have a small weight, easily processing and do not deliver any hassle during the installation process.

    First step. Fix the crate on the wall. It can be metallic or wooden. Choose that material with which you are more convenient and easier to work. Wood must be pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. Pagting the crates in accordance with the sizes of the panels.

    The second step. Start the mounting panels. Start the skin with the bottom of the base. For fastening the panels of cladding to the crate can use selflessness or even liquid nails. Among themselves neighboring planks are bonded by factory ridges and grooves. Lick the entire surface.

    Siding (PVC wall panels)

    Third step. Close the top border with a special overhead profile.

    Fourth step. Close the corners of the corner elements.

    Additional facing processing is not conducted by the composition. For the trim, you can use panels of different sizes, choose to your taste.

    Good job!

    Video - finishing the base with their own hands

    The base of the house requires reliable protection against moisture penetration, wetting, sunlight and mechanical damage. For a solid foundation and uniform weight load use various facing materials. In this article we will analyze in detail than to bind the base of the house, we will provide the characteristics of the materials, their advantages and disadvantages.

    Types of base structures

    The most reliable appearance is the soaring base. Its device perfectly protects the structure from mechanical and atmospheric damage, and for its device there is no need to build a drain. Timber looks great and complements the building.

    The protruding base is shuting up in frame houses with thin walls. This type requires draining device to maximize the basement of atmospheric precipitates.

    An important point in the device of the base is its waterproofing. Before choosing a facing material, such moments should be taken into account:

    • brickwork expands the base structure;
    • inside the frame is laid insulation, which reduces heat loss;
    • the frame system allows any repair work at any time;

    The main purpose of the cladding of the base is:

    • minimize the negative impact on the foundation of the house of atmospheric precipitation, humidity, temperature differences and direct sunlight;
    • preventing ingress of the house of dirt, chemicals that are able to cause the destructive processes of the foundation;
    • protection of the foundation from mold formation, spots, fungus and insects;

    Full characteristic of facing material

    Facing the base of the house and what material it is better to choose this question arises from each owner of the country house. We offer to consider popular materials to finish the foundation.

    Decorative stucco finish

    Stucco applied for any type of structure. This mixture is well in contact with other construction materials. The advantage of plastering is:

    • high vapor permeability;
    • well reacts to temperature differences;
    • easily repaired;
    • easily applied to the surface;
    • ability to combine with other materials;
    • affordable price.
    • a small operating period;
    • requires constant coating update (painting);
    • if you get a mud to the surface there may be difficulties with their washing.

    The finishing process consists of simple actions:

    • before plastering, warming up and align the surface;
    • fix the plastering tiles;
    • use paint with resistance to frost and moisture;

    The photo shows the plastered facade

    Finishing siding

    For cladding the base, the siding panels intended for these works are used. The advantage of such a facade is:

    • high strength and reliability, the panel is capable of protecting the entire surface;
    • easy to care, you can easily wash it away;
    • durable to shocks and damage;
    • panels do not fade into the sun;
    • the installation of panels is possible for any kind of foundation;
    • replacing parts does not deliver unnecessary trouble.

    From flaws can be noted:

    • mounting will take a lot of time and strength;
    • the cost of finishing material is higher, due to the installation of additional elements (frame, rail);
    • the material is easily flammable.

    Facing the facade siding follows after:

    • installation of the root;
    • perform high-quality sealing of all connections;
    • perform and take into account the size of the gaps.

    For your information. Recently, manufacturers began to produce panels under the brick. This finish looks very beautiful and original. The product resembles a stone, sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish. Such similarity is achieved by the fact that in the production of siding panels make the cast, which clearly transmits the entire structure and roughness of the stone. The photo shows the element of the panel under the brown stone.

    Facade finish using stone

    Facing the foundation of the house by artificial stone is an optimal and inexpensive option. The lined facade of the house has such advantages:

    • large selection of forms, textures and color palette products;
    • high strength of the product;
    • large service life;
    • easily repaired;
    • non-futured installation.

    Disadvantages of artificial stone:

    • the laying of the material is possible only at the plus temperature;
    • the work is quite laborious and takes a lot of time.

    Natural stone for facing the facade part will increase the cost of buying materials. It is worth noting, the manufacturers have learned how to produce an artificial stone, the appearance of which is not different and completely reminds the structure of natural. The facade with its use looks natural and naturally. The photo shows a facade of stone

    Run styling with a stone yourself without everyone. As a rule, specialists are attracted for such works.

    Using clinker tile

    The cladding of the clinker tile will cost almost the same as the brickwork. This material has a number of its advantages:

    • the manufacturer produces ready-made corners, external and internal elements;
    • products are easily fixed to the foundation;
    • due to the low weight, the facade is experiencing a minor load;
    • a variety of decorative coating;
    • tile does not require additional finishes;
    • large service life;
    • ensures reliable protection of the foundation;
    • the tile is easily clean when contamination;
    • has high strength to mechanical damage and shocks;
    • large selection of color palette.

    For information! Clinker tiles can give an interesting appearance of the facade part of the private house. With properly completed styling of products, it is difficult to distinguish from natural stone.

    It is worth noting, the clinker tile allows you to perform additional decoration of walls and even the corners of the structure. The material is perfectly combined with tiles and gives the house an attractive appearance.

    Performing its laying use special glue, resistant to freezing. The tile is glued as an ordinary tile, the only small nuance is, the soil level is variable throughout the perimeter of the structure. Before laying, it is necessary to close the seams with a solution for the box.

    In the photo, the facade part, trimmed by clinker tiles

    For information! Clinker tiles are perfectly combined and gets along with other construction materials.


    The most economical option for facing the facade of the building is the use of professional flooring. To perform work, a galvanized product is used or with a polymer coating. Such a cladding reliably protects the foundation from destruction and has a long life.

    The surface of the material is resistant to corrosive processes. For fastening, professional flooring will require waterproofing, thermal insulation and fasteners. The final result is quite attractive. The photo presents a house covered by a professional flooring

    Flushing device

    The instrument of sings can reliably protect the protruding part of the foundation from moisture and water. Machine from different materials:

    • metallic are made from galvanized steel, the surface of which is caused by a polymer coating, which prevents products from corrosion;
    • aluminum products are produced from sheet copper, this is quite expensive product, which will become an excellent addition to the copper roof of the structure;
    • plastic flows are the cheapest material that have a short service life, most often plastic sals are used in combination of PVC siding;
    • the tump made of profile ceramic blocks will be a good addition and protection for brick or clinker tiles on the facade part of the building.

    As you can see, there are a large number of options than you can bind the base of the house. The choice of material directly depends on the financial capabilities and features of the project of the private house.

    The trim of the private structure performs not only the decorative function, but also protects the lower part of the building from the environment. The base is a part of the foundation that fences it from moisture and cold towering above the ground surface. Therefore, it should be lined with durable and persistent, but at the same time beautiful material.

    Types of finish

    To date, the building materials market offers a variety of types of foundation finish. An ordinary consumer often worries the question of which material is ideal for the cladding of the private house.

    Options for finishing the base set, most importantly, choose the most suitable for your home

    Options for the most popular finishing materials:

    • natural or artificial stone;
    • decorative plaster;
    • facing brick;
    • siding;
    • clinker tiles;
    • sandwich panels.

    Natural stone trim

    This finish is the most expensive option. In addition, it is a very long-term event. But natural stone in its characteristics is better than many materials, it is resistant to the effects of the environment and is extremely durable. If they put the facade of a wooden house, he will give the building an expensive and solid look.

    Most often it is performed from limestone, sandstone, marble, granite or onyx. Natural stone does not require additional care. Tile is released different sizes - from bricks to plates and textures (smooth or grainy).

    Installation of stone tiles:

    1. With the use of adhesive composition for working with a stone, the tile one passes on the base. To avoid detachment and cracking, only this glue should be used.
    2. To achieve the effect of integrity, the distance between small tiles should be no more than 6 mm, and between large - 2-3 mm or 1-2 cm, with visible separation.
    3. The filling of the seams is made by a frost-resistant solution, and the processing of sandstones and limestones is carried out by a water-repellent means.

    Finishing base with artificial stone

    Existing versions of artificial stone, as well as a large selection of colors, allow you to choose the material for every taste. It should be durable, resistant to the influence of moisture and temperature drops.
    Artificial material is visually almost indistinguishable from natural, but has a smaller cost.

    Installation of artificial tiles.

    The stone tile is glued on an elastic or simple solution. The lined base is better to treat the water-repellent means, this measure will increase the operating period for more than 3-4 years.

    Decorating the base of siding

    Facing the base of siding is an economical and rapid form of finishing. The material is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and exposure to moisture, it makes it possible to use in any conditions.
    The cost of siding panels is significantly lower than stone, and the finishing works are faster and easier. In addition, this material is quite beautiful, and also looks solid.

    Installation process base siding

    Walking the base

    This is a relatively inexpensive, but effective way to make insulation and protection of the foundation from the environmental impact. In former times, the base is simply shuffled, now it is mandatory for the insulation of the foundation with all sorts of insulating materials with further applying plaster.

    Warming prevents cold penetration to the foundation of the building, while the grid creates a solid base for applying the solution and the strength of the structure. To protect against moisture and improving the appearance, the surface of the foundation is then painted.

    You can fade a ready-made base stone or siding.

    Decorative finish of foundation

    This decoration is to decorate the foundation using staining, creating effects, siding. You can also create a brick or masonry like a brick or stone masonry, designate the contrasting stack of the seam or lining a stone.

    Finishing base house mineral plaster

    This type of material has in the composition of small fractions from 0.8 to 3 mm in diameter. The stucco-based resin gives it water-repellent properties. In this case, the material is resistant to cold, mechanical damage. Possesses vapor permeability.

    Apply the material is possible on concrete, gypsum, as well as mineral plaster. Mosaic plaster can not be imposed on top of the unfulfilled bases.

    Plaster overlay process:

    1. Mineral plastering is done manually. Before imposing a mosaic plaster, the basis should be slightly covered with plaster mortar to enhance adhesion to the foundation.
    2. Mosaic plaster is layered by the corresponding diameter of fractions. Smoothed a stainless steel grater before it is dry. The direction of movement is not changed. Work is carried out on a wet surface to avoid visible joints.
    3. The finished base in the very first days is treated with hydrophobic composition.


    Thermopanels are glued to the base as an ordinary tile. Adhesive foam or glue for polystyrene is superimposed on their ends. The panels are glued and the seams are rubbed. Paste for grouting should be in color as thermopanel or white. For the optimal shrinkage in it there is a marble crumb.
    The insulation of the corners of the wooden house is performed with the help of an angular thermopanel manufactured by manually using a building knife.

    The advantages of the thermopanel:

    1. It does not need processing, as well as color.
    2. Not contaminated, there is a self-cleaning effect.
    3. Easy installation and replacement of damaged thermopanel.
    4. The outer layer of the panel is protected from moisture and vapor permanent.
    5. It is insensitive to ultraviolet, well reflects the rays.
    6. Thermopanels are inherent elasticity, strength, durability.
    7. It is resistant to temperature drops.
    8. Has heat-insulating, as well as soundproofing properties.
    9. The panel is not subject to mold.

    Facing the base of thermopanels with clinker tiles

    Similar thermopanels can not only improve the appearance of the base of the private wooden house, but also make the insulation of the foundation.

    The clinker tile imitates the brick, but for the price much cheaper. It is manufactured by the firing way, like a natural clinker brick.

    Thermopanels are plates from extruded polystyrene foam, decorated with corresponding decorative elements. They are easy and quick in installation, ensure insulation, as well as protection against moisture.

    Clinker tile

    The foundation covered with such a tile looks like a wall of clinker bricks, only much easier and thinner. The tile is glued to plaster, concrete and thermal insulation. It can bend and stick even on arcuate surfaces.

    Finish the base with your own hands:

    1. First, the line is determined from which the tiles sticker begins (the height of the base, divided by the width of the tiles, plus the seam width).
    2. A glue is applied to the tile and base of 1 square meter.
    3. Starting from the corner, the 4 first tiles are pasted.
    4. After 2-3 days, intercutric seams can be filled with a cold-resistant solution for fugging. This is not necessarily, because the fugu can replace the adhesive protruding from the seams.
    5. Such a tile does not need water-repellent impregnations, because it does not absorb moisture.

    PVC panels

    This material will be a good choice for the owners of a private house, who decided to do without wet works. Panels can be easily installed on their own. According to the form they can resemble the mosaic plaster or the surface of the wall of the brick. They are granulated from natural material, recessed in the plane of the panels.

    Panel installation:

    1. The level is set and the starting profile is installed at the bottom of the foundation.
    2. With the help of grooves and crests, a connection of adjacent elements is made.
    3. The upper part of the base is covered with an overhead profile.
    4. Corners are closed with angular elements.
    5. The base, which is covered in this way, does not need to be treated with a water-repellent means.

    The foundation can be separated in small (0.4 per 0.18 m) or large (0.6 to 0.18 m and 1.2 per 0.18 m) panels in 40 color combinations.

    Touching the base of the wooden house with sandwich panels

    The panels are made of two layers of material (mainly metal) connected by the insulation by the method of hot pressing. Due to the layered panel structure, it provides excellent insulation, durability and durability. In addition, they look pretense and easily mounted, without excessive load on the base.

    The surface is smooth, decorated or profiled.

    The above materials for cladding the base are most popular with the consumer, due to their decorative, heat-insulating and water-repellent qualities. The insulation of the base of the wooden house can be performed using any of them.