How to remove moisture in the house folk remedies. Increased dampness of the room: causes and methods of struggle

For a comfortable stay in a residential area, it is required not only to make quality repair and tastefully place interior items. It is also necessary to maintain the necessary state of the internal environment, that is, the microclimate. Excessive humidity in the apartment, turning into dampness, can harm not only the people living in it, but also the decor and finishing materials.

Reasons for high humidity

Permissible humidity indicators in residential premises should be in the range of 30 ... 60% (in accordance with GOST 30494 * 2011).

GOST in the current edition. Buildings residential and public. The parameters of the microclimate in the premises. PDF file.

Before taking measures to eliminate dampness in the apartment, it is necessary to determine the causes of its occurrence. Otherwise, the measures taken may not have the desired effect.

In the vast majority of examples, an increased level of humidity in a dwelling is caused by the following reasons:

The ventilation system must ensure the supply of fresh air to the apartment, which is necessary to create a good microclimate, and the removal of polluted air. Periodic ventilation will not be able to fully cope with this task. ventilation ducts can be blocked by the owners themselves, or the owners of other apartments are the culprits of the problem.

Often it is not possible to quickly determine leaks in communications due to the installation of boxes that mask them. Upstairs neighbors can also flood.

You can also determine the source of the problem by the location of the mold that has appeared. A biological lesion that has spread throughout the wall in contact with the street indicates poor thermal insulation. Mold in the upper part of the wall indicates the need to check the tightness of the interpanel seam.

If mold has appeared at the bottom of the walls in an apartment located on the lower floor, there is a possibility of poor waterproofing from coming from basement moisture or errors in the construction of the foundation. Of course, the problem with this load-bearing structure unlikely to be resolved. But it is possible to significantly reduce the dampness that appeared due to shortcomings in the insulation of the room from moisture penetration. To do this, it is recommended to take up the device of floor waterproofing. Required materials mass produced today.

It will not be possible to solve the issue of moisture penetration from the roof by carrying out measures for waterproofing the ceiling. The roof needs to be repaired.

If the cause of dampness in the apartment is a leaking roof, basement flooding, poor thermal insulation or leaky seams between the panels, you should contact management company.

The level of humidity in the apartment can be affected by linen hung out to dry, and a large aquarium installed, and a large number of indoor plants, and the contents of containers boiling on the stove. However, these factors have either a short-term or insignificant effect.

The source of the smell of dampness in the apartment can be washing machine. The reason is clogging of some parts of the unit, long-term storage of dirty laundry in the tank, dirt remaining at the bottom of the drum, etc.

Any of these problems can lead to dampness in a certain place in the apartment. Having found out the cause and taking timely measures to get rid of the misfortune, you can quickly eliminate the consequences to which this phenomenon leads and restore the optimal microclimate in the room.

Interesting! Of course, a hygrometer helps to determine the value of humidity in the room. However, you can conduct an experiment by connecting children to the event. To do this, you need a glass of water, which is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (it is necessary that the water temperature drops to 3 ... 5 degrees). After that, the vessel must be installed in a place where there are no devices nearby that regulate the microclimate. If, after ten minutes, dripping drops of condensate appear on the walls of the glass, the humidity in the room exceeds the optimal values.

Factors indicating a problem

It is possible to determine a significant excess of the humidity level in an apartment not only with the help of a special device, but also visually.

Mold and fungus appear on the ceiling or walls. Microorganisms multiply rapidly in enclosed space when the moisture content in the air exceeds 70% and the temperature environment greater than 18 degrees.

Symptoms of dampness are also problems with the condition of the finish: plaster may collapse, rot wooden materials or fall behind the walls of the wallpaper.

Condensation appears on plastic windows. The reason can be both a factory defect in the structures, and problems with the microclimate in the apartment.

In addition to the above problems from dampness in the room, for those in the apartment, an unpleasant smell will also provide discomfort, which cannot be eliminated with the help of any air fresheners.

What is dampness in a room?

As already noted, high humidity leads to damage to finishing materials and interior items. Particularly affected are products made from paper, wood or leather. Can even deform door blocks, fall into disrepair paintings and books. All this leads to the need for repair work.

But most importantly, dampness can cause irreparable harm to the health of households. The main dangers are young children and elderly residents. Spores of harmful microorganisms lead to exacerbation chronic diseases. Once in the respiratory system, they cause allergic reactions.

Much more often, apartment residents suffer from colds, and they occur in a more acute form. Damp textiles in contact with the body contribute to the development of rheumatism.

Staying at the apartment becomes uncomfortable. People experience reduced concentration, fatigue, and performance problems. Bad smell coming from clothing also does not add positive emotions. Finally, food has a reduced shelf life.

How to deal with moisture

Having diagnosed the problem that has appeared, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate the cause of the dampness that has appeared. If you can eliminate the source of danger on your own, you should do repair work. Otherwise, you need to contact the management company to solve problems with waterproofing, insulation and ventilation of housing.

It is also necessary to comply simple rules to maintain an optimal microclimate. It is important to periodically ventilate the room, as dampness does not tolerate Fresh air.

An excessive number of indoor flowers should not be installed in the room, watering which also leads to a violation of the microclimate.

The room most prone to dampness is the bathroom. To prevent this from happening, you need:

Important! Before processing the joints with sealant, a disinfectant should be applied.

Humidity reduction technology

Dehumidifiers help remove excess moisture from the surrounding air. Devices have different principle action, power and performance. They are placed on the floor, on a table or hung on a wall. For domestic use suitable models that can extract from the air from 10 to 20 liters of moisture per day. It is more convenient if the device is equipped with a built-in sensor that allows you to adjust the humidity in the room in automatic mode.

Prices for the range of air dryers

In the kitchen, where intensive steam generation takes place, you can not do without forced ventilation, for which they are installed there. The most demanded equipment has a capacity of 400 ... 600 m 3 / h.

Problems with high humidity can sometimes be solved with the help of installation. Poor heating during the cold season often leads to dampness.

Prices for different types of heaters


After the cause of dampness is found and eliminated, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate mold and fungi. Masking the problem area with the help of finishing cannot be limited. Dangerous microorganisms must be completely eliminated.

Elimination of mold on walls, floors and ceilings

Getting rid of mold is not easy.

Work technology.

Step 1. Foci of biodamage in the apartment are determined. It is important to provide access to all problem areas: move interior items, remove carpets or curtains, etc.

Prices for thermal imagers

Thermal imager

Step 2 During the event, it is necessary to use protective equipment, since many compounds are quite toxic: gloves, respirators and goggles.

Step 3 A rough brush eliminates a colony of microorganisms. To get to the base, you often have to shoot finishing material: wallpaper, plaster, drywall, etc. Moreover, it is necessary to clear a larger area so that it is possible to kill spores that have not had time to manifest themselves.

Step 4 The infected area and the area around it are being treated with the help of fungicides or antiseptics, which are presented today in a large assortment. The compositions are applied with a roller, brush or spray gun. Reapplication may be required depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. After that, the surface should dry.

Prices for different types of mold protection Pufas

Mold protection Pufas

Step 5 The treated area is primed before finishing finishing works. To do this, you must wait until the base is completely dry.

Table. Chemical agents for the elimination of mold and fungus.


Means for removing green plaque and mold from walls and ceilings, as well as for prevention.Used for surface treatment inside and outside buildings. Consumption: 50...100 ml/sq.m.

"Element T-0" ("Alpa")

The chlorine-free formulation is suitable for the elimination and prevention of bioinjuries (as a protective measure).It is used to treat mold and fungus on various bases: concrete, brick, stone, wood, plasterboard, plastered. Consumption: 1 liter per 10 m2 of surface.

An effective preparation for the treatment of mold and fungus on surfaces in rooms with high humidity.A product with a pungent odor is applied with a spray bottle. After application in 10...30 minutes the basis needs to be washed.

The composition with chlorine is designed to eliminate various kinds biological lesions from internal and external surfaces.Before use, the concentrate must be diluted with water (1:1). Bases and coatings for processing: concrete, tiles, plastic, wood, wallpaper, plasterboard, paint, stone, etc. Consumption: 1 liter per 15 sq.m.

"Mold Remover" (Neomid)

Rapid removal of mold from mineral surfaces.The composition is diluted with water (1:1), applied with a roller or brush on the surface for about 0.5 hours. The package is enough to process 20 sq.m. grounds.

To treat the surfaces of walls and ceilings, as well as to eliminate traces of biodamage from interior items, you can also use folk recipes:

Important! The use of folk remedies, as a rule, involves repeated treatment of the infected surface.

The smell of dampness absorbed by the bases and furniture can be eliminated with soda. It is necessary to prepare a mixture from it, the consistency of which resembles sour cream. You can remove the composition from the surface a couple of hours after application, using a vacuum cleaner.

Dampness in an apartment can not only damage the environment and nullify all efforts to improve the premises, but also harm the health of the household. It is important to remember that the sooner mold removal begins, the more effective it will be.

Video - How to get rid of the fungus in the house and apartment

It is uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous to live in an apartment with high humidity. In such rooms, a fungus appears on the walls, causing allergic reactions. Such a microclimate leads to health problems. In humid air, joints begin to hurt, constant colds torment, insomnia begins, chronic nasal congestion, general weakness and other unpleasant symptoms appear.

Damp air danger

The optimum humidity in a residential area is 45-60%. In winter, when the central heating batteries are working, the air in the apartment becomes drier. Both excessively high water vapor content and excessive dryness are equally dangerous for human health.

Most often, drying clothes on batteries and poor ventilation lead to an increase in humidity in the apartment.

If the air often becomes damp, sooner or later dampness will appear, from which interior items will suffer, furniture will deteriorate and leather upholstery, the plaster will crumble, the wallpaper will peel off, the wooden floor will deform. In a damp apartment, books and documents deteriorate, food quickly becomes moldy. But the most terrible consequence of dampness is mold and fungus that appear in the corners of the apartment. These microorganisms can spoil health and quickly render housing unusable, especially if the walls are made of wood.

In a damp apartment, the general condition of the body worsens. unnecessarily wet air- the cause of increased oily skin, greasy hair, skin rashes and allergies. People living in damp conditions are prone to lung disease, they may develop chronic bronchitis and other health problems. respiratory organs. Excessively humid air is heavy, the room smells bad, which makes it unpleasant to live in it. In a damp atmosphere, any bacteria multiply rapidly, so residents are susceptible to dangerous infectious diseases, including tuberculosis.

Causes of dampness in the apartment

Dampness in the room may appear on the internal and external reasons. To determine where the moisture comes from - from the outside or from the inside - it is enough to conduct a small experiment. For several hours, glass is applied to the wall facing the street. If the indoor area becomes damp, this means that dampness is entering the room from the outside. This is especially common in corner apartments or in houses, during the construction of which waterproofing standards were violated.

If covered with glass part of the wall turned out to be dry after a few hours, you need to look for the causes of dampness inside the room. It can be:

  • on the ground floor in a house with a basement - raising ground water or man-made flooding of the basement;
  • poor ventilation or lack of it - this happens when neighbors close the ventilation shaft;
  • leaking plumbing, for example, the bath does not fit snugly against the wall and while taking a shower, water penetrates the floor, accumulating under the bath in puddles;
  • drying a large amount of laundry in the apartment, what happens when the family has Small child or bedridden patient;
  • passion for houseplants indoor flower evaporates water with leaves and affects the microclimate in the apartment.

Sources of internal humidity on the 1st floor or any other, as well as in a private house without a basement, can be:

  • frequent showers or baths;
  • daily laundry;
  • cooking food;
  • respiration and evaporation of moisture through the skin;
  • the presence of aquariums in the apartment.

Microclimate correction

It is estimated that as a result of the economic activities of a family of 3, up to 100 liters of water are released into the air every week. It is not surprising that in apartments with airtight plastic windows and poor ventilation, the microclimate changes so much that the walls begin to dampen, and black mold appears in the corners.

To reduce the humidity in the apartment, the first thing to do is check the operation of the ventilation and the tightness of the heating and water pipes. If something is wrong with these systems, you will have to contact specialists. If the ventilation and pipes function flawlessly, you can reduce the humidity in the following ways:

  1. 1. Regularly ventilate the room - just open the windows wide open for at least 10 minutes and the damp air will go away.
  2. 2. At night, the bathroom door should be left open.

Residents of megacities can turn on air conditioning instead of airing. This will help get rid of dampness in the apartment and prevent its gas contamination.

An alpine window will help to dry the air ( supply valve). The device provides fresh air to the apartment even in winter. Alpine window is necessary in a room with poor gas exchange. To install the system, you will have to make a hole in outer wall. It is closed with heat and soundproof material. You can regulate the level of fresh air entering the apartment using a damper. The exhaust air leaves the room through natural ventilation. Alpine vents are installed above the windows. The device is not suitable for airing bathrooms, kitchens and toilets - forced ventilation is needed in these rooms.

Alpine window device

Alpine window - appearance inside and outside

Effectively reduces humidity and eliminates the smell of damp air conditioner. The appliance has a dehumidification function. You can simply use it as a hair dryer for apartment air by turning it on to the appropriate mode. But even during normal operation, the air conditioner dries the room slightly.

To remove the fungus and mold that appeared on the ceiling and in the upper corners after the next flood, a high-quality antiseptic will help. Such funds are sold in hardware stores.

The room, severely affected by the fungus, needs to be repaired. Wallpaper is being removed from the walls. Sometimes you even have to remove the plaster. All surfaces are treated with an antiseptic and cleaned of fungus and mold. Strongly affected areas of the walls can be smeared with creosote. After applying the impregnation, the walls and ceiling must dry completely, only then they can be finished. It is better to use wood and drywall for finishing. These materials absorb water in the presence of excessive air humidity, and release it in a dry atmosphere.

In winter, the room becomes damp due to the cold. To reduce humidity, it is enough to use electric heaters until they are turned on. central heating. They warm up the room and dry the air. Chemical means for draining apartments are also produced. For example, Henkel implements the "Stop-moisture" system, which consists of an absorbent and an absorbent. Atmospheric moisture is absorbed by the absorber and enters a special container, from where it can simply be poured into the sewer.

High humidity in the house can be caused by various reasons. Almost every second owner of an apartment and a private house faces this phenomenon. Moisture causes mold.

Therefore, excess moisture in the house must be dealt with. The source that causes this phenomenon should be found and appropriate measures should be taken. It is worth saying that the fungus and mold in the house appear just because of high humidity. In addition, dampness worsens the health of all residents living in the house. Therefore, today the portal will tell you about how to get rid of dampness in the house with folk remedies?

Why is there dampness in the house?

The cause of dampness is directly sought on the territory of the house itself. To quickly get rid of dampness in the house, you need to find a place where mold accumulates, and only then think about what can be done in such a situation. If a wall facing the street is exposed to increased dampness, then it must be lined with a reliable insulating material. Mold does not only appear in private homes. Quite often, mold occurs in modern apartments. Very seriously, this problem worries the owners of apartments on the ground floor. Usually in such rooms, mold forms in the lower part of the walls. contributes to this whole line unpleasant reasons. It could be:

  • Poor insulation of the foundation with the wall.
  • Damp basement with leaking pipes.
  • Bad ventilation.

It is worth saying that it is much easier to eliminate dampness in a private house. After all, you just need to organize proper ventilation or install thermal insulation materials. V apartment buildings it is very difficult to deal with this phenomenon. Here, the main reasons for the appearance of this factor are hidden in the first stages of construction. And if the developer misses important points, then the apartment will always deliver unpleasant problems to its owners. Moreover, being in this room will adversely affect the health of all household members. People who are constantly in an apartment with high humidity can get sick: asthma, tuberculosis and other more serious diseases.

What ways will help get rid of dampness in a private house

Now it's time to understand what to do with dampness at home and how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon in your home. Dampness in the house must be dealt with without fail.

In this case, you need to use all modern methods.

  • So, a special tool that can be purchased at any supermarket will help get rid of mold and dampness in the house. However, this remedy may seem ineffective if the cause of the mold lies in other factors. For example, application special means will prove to be a useless measure if there are problems with ventilation or ventilation in the house. If the wrong construction of the building was carried out, then the remedy also cannot bring an effect. After all, you need to fight the main causes of mold.
  • Mold on the walls in the house can form due to poor heating. Indeed, the walls of the blocks are able to pass the cold. In addition, they are crowded with bulky furniture that does not allow heat to pass through. All these reasons contribute to the formation of mold, which releases dampness and unpleasant substances into the air for years. Some people believe that such problems are very easy to solve with a special product from the supermarket. However, it is not. Here drastic methods are required. Even an air conditioner that will simply drive damp air around the apartment will not bring the desired effect. But there is no need to despair! After all, if the house is constantly damp, you just need to install plastic windows that will not have partitions. The window will allow natural light to constantly enter the house. In addition, with such an item it is possible to carry out high-quality and constant ventilation of the room.
  • Fighting mold is very difficult. And this should be remembered by every homeowner with such an unpleasant problem. In this case, you will need not only patience, but also a lot of effort. To make your family nest comfortable and cozy, you need to remove fungus and mold from the walls of the house. For such work, you will need to purchase a high-quality antiseptic that will clean the walls of the fungus and make them aesthetic again.
  • If the walls of the house are covered with wallpaper, then they are removed. In addition, the plaster affected by the fungus is removed. In order not to harm your health, all work must be done in a mask. Walls before treatment with an antiseptic must be cleaned of fungus and mold. Only after that they can be treated with an antiseptic and creosote. For the treatment of walls, other compositions are also allowed. For example, you can dilute stationery glue with water in a ratio of 1:4. It is allowed to treat the walls with urea. All of the above funds should be applied only to the affected areas of the walls. Before applying, the affected areas on the walls must be heated to 50 degrees. After finishing work, the walls must dry completely.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment and in the house? This question will be relevant at any time. As mentioned above, this process is difficult and painstaking. In addition, after removing the mold in the room, it is necessary to create special conditions that will prevent the formation of mold and increased dampness.

High humidity in the house: methods of struggle, causes

So, sunlight and fresh air will help prevent mold and dampness in the apartment. In addition, you need not to force all the walls in the room with furniture. Some plants can increase the humidity in rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to remove from the room where there is high humidity: geraniums and violets. If the dwelling is observed normal level humidity, then you can forget about mold and fungus on for a long time. Experts do not recommend drying wet clothes in the apartment and house. In addition, for repairs, you need to purchase dry building mixes.

A good effect can be given by the insulation of facades with a heater or foam. Dampness in an apartment is quite common. Therefore, everyone should know how to get rid of this phenomenon. In a room with high humidity, normal air circulation should occur.

So interior doors better to keep it open. But the doors to the kitchen should be closed during cooking. In this case, it is recommended to use a hood and vents to ventilate the kitchen.

For high-quality ventilation of the bathroom and toilet, you need to equip good ventilation. There is no need to invent something new and look for expensive solutions.


To save good health and excellent health must be removed from the rooms: mold, fungus and high humidity. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of your home and prevent this problem from occurring. For example, if an apartment or house is equipped with low-quality heating, then you need to purchase a heating convector that will dry the walls warm air. During wet cleaning you should wipe the floor well and monitor the condition of the walls on which the appearance of the fungus has already been recorded.

If all methods to combat the fungus have already been tried, if there is no good result, or there is no time to deal with such problems at all, you need to contact a special company that will send competent employees to deal with this problem.

Quite often, the owners of apartments and private houses have to deal with the appearance of mold. In this regard, they want to find the most effective ways remove the fungus at home. In this article, we will tell our readers about what types of fungi can start in a residential area, about the reasons for their formation, how to get rid of dampness in a house and what means are best suited for such purposes.

So how do you deal with mold in your home? If you notice white formations in the corners or on the walls that look like cotton wool or fluff, you should immediately find the cause of the development of microorganisms. By ignoring this sign, it will be possible after a while to see how gray, yellowish, purple or pink shades appear on the surface. In the future, it will be very difficult to get rid of such mold.

There are several types of mold in your home.

White house fungus actively destroys the structure of wood. It is able to change color, create cracks, drying the base.

Blue mushrooms. This variety also often found on wood. Microorganisms can destroy even the structure of dense coatings that are applied to the surface. wooden products- varnish, paint. After that, moisture will penetrate into the product itself. The colony of these fungi has a bluish gray tint.

Rot fungus. This variety can be dry and wet.

Wet type will actively attack wood, which is usually located near the ground, sewers or drainage pipes. Such zones quickly become loose and rotten, on which dark elements appear.

Dry fungus starts on walls and corners due to high humidity. Reddish pollen will appear on the surface. The tree will be destroyed by gray stripes.

There is also black and white mold. It appears not only on wood, but on almost any surface - stone, tile, plastic, tile, glass.

Actinomycetes are spores that soften the fibers of wood and cellulose. For several years, this type of fungus can destroy the structure.

In addition to the fact that these pathogenic microorganisms are capable of destroying many various materials, they also adversely affect human or animal health. It is for this reason that you need to know how to get rid of mold in your home. However, before you remove the fungus, you need to find out the cause of its appearance. This will allow after the removal of mold to stop its further occurrence.

Video "Fight against dampness"

From the video you will learn how to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold.

Reasons for the appearance

First of all, the owners should be aware of how the fungus appears in the house. Knowing the real causes of this problem, you can speed up the process of cleaning any surface, as well as prevent the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms in advance.

The main reason for the appearance of signs of mold is dampness in the house. It is very difficult to fight the fungus, since its spores are almost everywhere, and spread very quickly. As soon as favorable conditions appear for the development of microorganisms, mold will begin to grow on any surface: on the foundation, wood, plastic, tiles, wallpaper. Fungus on the walls and ceiling is a frequent occurrence if the microclimate is disturbed in residential premises.

In rooms where moisture constantly accumulates and does not have time to dry, a fungus will almost always appear. In wooden houses, this can become very big problem, since the roof and base in them are made of wooden beam. If mold has started there, then over time it can disrupt its structure, which will lead to deformation of the main parts of the building. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the colony of microorganisms as soon as possible.

The floor covering becomes damp very quickly, as well as the walls. Usually in a house, dampness is often observed at the lower levels. If this is a multi-storey building, then on the first two floors.

Such places are very favorable environment for the development of a colony of fungi and toxic spores.

There is another reason why dampness appears - the absence or poor ventilation of the room. V small rooms often bred houseplants that require constant care and watering. If there is no access to sunlight or the room is not regularly ventilated, then the appearance of mold will not take long. Hosts can also misuse humidifiers. That is why mold appears on the walls in the house.

Fighting mold in your home can be a huge problem as the spores stay indoors all the time. For effective destruction such microflora should know how to get rid of dampness in the house.

How to get rid of in a wooden house under the floor?

For any surfaces or products that are made of wood, the appearance of fungus can be fatal. How to get rid of dampness in the house if it has a lot of wooden elements?

Before looking for ways to kill mold, you should determine the cause of its formation. In the new wooden house mold does not appear immediately, since the construction material itself is used exclusively dry, and also treated with special solutions and impregnation. This reliably protects the structure from mechanical damage and exposure to microorganisms. However, if you see damp material (for example, in an old attic or cellar).

How to remove mold wooden surface? Only by eliminating real reason its appearance, it will be possible to completely remove the mold from the walls, ceiling or any other surface. Otherwise, the owners will encounter it again and again (perhaps in new places).

Wet cleaning in this case will not be a sufficient measure. Removing visible and contaminated areas does not guarantee a 100% result.

The first step is to remove the plaque that is on the surface. Some places may require brute force. For example, if the wood is completely rotten, then it must be removed with a planer or an ax. Items that cannot be cleaned must be thrown away and then taken out of the house. It is highly recommended to remove the soil under flooring. If the fungus was found on the walls or floor, then this may indicate that the ground under the house is infected with spores. How to remove mold in this case? To clean the area, you will need to treat it with a special solution. You can use dry clay, limestone, cement and gravel (it can be replaced with expanded clay).

It is very important to provide good ventilation in this place.

Solutions for wood processing

How to get rid of the fungus in the house with the help of special means? You can clean and process wood using an antiseptic primer. She is considered the most effective drug among all resources. The primer actively destroys spores and microorganisms, and prevents the appearance of new affected areas. This drug has an affordable price.

The cleaned area must be provided with regular ventilation for several days.

Cleaning mold in your home can be done with bleach, as it helps get rid of organic matter and spores. Bleach can be substituted for vinegar.

Areas with fungus can be cleaned with baking soda, ammonia, sodium fluoride. Rinse the surface thoroughly, dry it, and then treat it with the selected agent.

If you know that dampness in your house periodically appears in a certain season, then you should know in advance how to get rid of it and the possible consequences.

How to get rid of on the floor in a private house

How to get rid of dampness in a private house if mold has appeared on the floor?

Destroying mold in a private house requires more time than this procedure would take in an apartment. Usually in such a situation, the territory is much larger for inspection and looking for signs of mold.

If you find signs of mold or fungus on the floor, you can use one of the special preparations or potent active agents.

People have long noticed that there are rooms in which a person feels worse than usual. Some notice that they feel uneasy when they come to visit, move to new apartment. Often, the air that we are forced to breathe is to blame for the deterioration of well-being. If you notice that your apartment has high humidity, a fungus has appeared on the walls, it's time to think about how to remove moisture from the apartment. After all, the “wrong” microclimate at home causes a number of unpleasant symptoms - nasal congestion, insomnia, sneezing, general weakness, joint pain.

Regulatory humidity in housing

In a residential area, 60% humidity is considered optimal. This indicator can be measured with a hygrometer. It is allowed to lower the air humidity in the summer months up to 45%. On the human body both excessively dry and too humid air have a negative effect. Those who like to turn on the air conditioner should be especially careful. This device has the ability to "take" water from the room and reduce the level of humidity in the room.

If you dry clothes in the house, poorly ventilate the apartment, the air can be very humid. High humidity provokes the formation of fungus.

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Why you need to reduce the humidity in the apartment

Getting into the lungs of a person, mold contributes to the development of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. If a person often stays in conditions of high humidity, it is quite possible that he will more often experience migraine, runny nose, and work will be disrupted. of cardio-vascular system.

Lifestyle modern man contributes to the fact that in his home the level of humidity was increased. If earlier people took a bath about once a week, today they take a shower twice a day, wash their clothes often, etc.

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Sources of humidity in the apartment:

  • Human breathing through the surface of the skin and lungs;
  • Taking a bath or shower;
  • Washing and drying clothes;
  • Plants, aquariums;
  • Cooking food;
  • External atmosphere;
  • Excess groundwater;

How to lower the humidity in the apartment?

In a family of three, the volume of half a bathtub passes into the air every week. This is about 70-100 liters.

Humidity is the main factor for mold formation. To successfully deal with this, you need to find out the cause of the humidity.

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Find the cause and fix

If the humidity in your home is a temporary phenomenon, such as when you are cooking, it can be eliminated by ventilating the room or using heating appliances. Your main task is to thoroughly ventilate the room. If moisture is concentrated on the walls, the airflow must be significant. Arrange a draft for a few hours, and even better - for a few days.

If there is a lack of sunlight and heat in your room, this can also cause increased humidity. To reduce the humidity in the room, you need to use heaters that can heat the entire room.

In addition, the cause of high humidity in the apartment can be the deplorable state of the ceiling. Drying this part of the room is a rather complicated process. You can simply additionally plaster the room. It is better to wait for the plaster to dry completely without furniture. It absorbs moisture, and then begins to give it away, which can cause another increase in humidity.

hermetically sealed closed windows(e.g. PVC) often cause additional moisture. After all, in many apartments they become a barrier between the street and the room. It is better to immediately order frames with a well-thought-out ventilation system.

Remember how to reduce the humidity in the apartment, you need even at the stage of repair work. All plaster compositions contain water, so it is very important to dry the room thoroughly. This way you can prevent condensation from forming.

You can reduce the humidity in the apartment with the help of modern chemicals. For example, Henkel has developed a new tool that helps in the fight against excess moisture called Stop Moisture. This is a system that includes an absorber and an absorbent. Active crystals fight against the formation of excess moisture. Moisture is collected in special containers.