High-quality waterproofing of a wooden balcony. Independent waterproofing of the open balcony The structure of the base of the level terrace

The balcony is a fenced plate, which is constantly under the action of atmospheric precipitation. In winter, the moisture fell into the pores of concrete expands, as a result of which microcracks appear. If you do not take action to protect, then the balcony stove is rapidly destroyed, but also will constantly spare from the dampness of the belongings on the balcony. Each owner of the balcony should be aware of the peculiarities and methods of waterproofing.

On the peculiarities of waterproofing

Scheme of waterproofing balcony

The water-repellent and waterproof additional layer on the floor, the ceiling and balcony partitions creates reliable protection of the destructive ingress of moisture.

Waterproofing is necessary regardless of the location of the balcony. For example, a balcony of the first floor moisture is not only from the environment, but also from the basement. But the balcony on the middle floor of the house threatens leaks from neighbors from the top floor.

Properly made waterproofing increases the service life of the balcony without overhaul, and also increases its comfort.

The technology of waterproofing the balcony depends on such factors:

  • type of balcony: open or glazed;
  • the location of relatively neighboring balconies: near or separately;
  • balcony design material.

On the open balcony of the last floor, the roof and ceiling waterproofing is performed. With a complex configuration of the balcony to the floor, liquid waterproofing is stacked.

Before waterproofing a wooden balcony, all design elements are processed by protective material, and natural ventilation is placed. Under the flooring of a wooden floor, a bias and drain on the street.

Main options for waterproofing

When choosing an option for waterproofing the balcony, not only the condition of its surface is taken into account, but also the material from which it is made.

Simultaneous use on one balcony of various options is allowed. The main waterproofing options are:

Works on waterproofing balconies are performed in three stages:

  • preparation;
  • selection of materials;
  • laying waterproofing.

Preparatory work

The quality of waterproofing and durability depends on the preparation. Preparatory work is performed in a specific sequence:

  • prepared base under the waterproofing layer. It should not have loose layers and protruding reinforcement. All irregularities are cut with a grinder;
  • iron brush the base is cleared of all contaminants;
  • concrete is removed around the protruding reinforcement. The reinforcement is cleaned of corrosion traces and is covered with a protective layer;

  • the ceiling is examined, and the volume of work on sealing is determined;
  • the balcony partitions are examined, and the volume of work on sealing is determined.

It has long been found that the waterproofing of the glazed balcony is reliable than the open. That is why double-glazed windows are installed on the basis of waterproofing on the balcony. Their tightness depends on the presence of outer cornice and from high-quality installation foam.

Choosing materials

The result of waterproofing equally depends on the compliance with the technology of work and on the correctly selected material. Conditionally materials are combined into several types:

When choosing, some features of waterproofing materials are taken into account.

  1. Folgisolone and Tekhtonikol rolled rolling materials are supplied in two versions for creating various types of coatings:

  • self-adhesive coatings - a durable clutch with the surface occurs due to the lipomy bitumen layer. Aluminum foil gives material strength. Laying such materials is a time-consuming, but inexpensive process.
  1. The coating materials in the form of various mastic is simpler for use. Their feature is that the screed is required on top.

Mastics with bitumen are sold in the finished form, so they are immediately ready for use.

Mastics with cement are purchased in dry form, and then, bred by water according to the instructions. The resulting mixture retains its qualities of no more than two hours, so it is prepared with small portions and immediately applied to the surface.

Step-by-step instruction for the floor

Depending on the materials used and the method of performing work, various technologies of balcony floor insulation are used. The most common technologies are most common.

  1. Cast method.

Reliable, but expensive technology, which for a long time solves the problem with the water waterproofing on the balcony. The moisture-repellent layer is created by two options. If you comply with the requirements of the instruction, then work is easy to perform on our own.

"Hot" Option:

  • from the base of the floor, dust and garbage removes. To do this, we use the vacuum cleaner;
  • all cracks are embarrassed;
  • the concrete slab dry out well. We use a construction hairdryer;
  • liquid bitumen solution grounds the base of the floor;
  • around the perimeter of the balcony plate placed a formwork from plywood or dense cardboard high to 400 mm high;
  • metal grid is stacked for creating strength;
  • according to the instructions, the mastic is heated and poured;
  • with the help of scrapers, the mastic is evenly distributed over the entire balcony plate.
  • after drying, two more layers of mastic are stacked.

"Cold" option.

It differs from the "hot version" by the fact that the mastic is not heated. The sequence of work remains the same:

  • the surface is cleaned, and all cracks are removed;
  • the concrete plate is drying and covered with primer;
  • on the perimeter of the balcony, formwork is installed;
  • metal grid creates strength for the laid mixture;
  • the cold mixture is poured, and then, aligned with the rule or scraper.
  1. Fooling method.

Simple technology made this method popular with balcony owners.

Its advantages include, firstly, special knowledge is required to apply, secondly, service life up to 6 years, thirdly - affordable price. At the same time there is a disadvantage: bitumen is rapidly destroyed at a negative temperature. It limits the use of materials on open balconies without special additives.

The coating materials are superimposed in a hot or cold form on the following technology:

  • from the surface removed dirt, dust, leaps;
  • degreased coating location;
  • 2 layers of primer are applied;
  • the hydrochroopying composition is distributed on top of the soil.
  1. Paintack method.

The technology associated with sticking several layers of sheet or rolled material, familiar to many. It is equally suitable for balconies made of concrete and wood. However, such technology recently is rarely used due to such flaws:

  • before laying requires painstaking surface preparation;
  • it is difficult to lay material with large dimensions on a small balcony platform;
  • after laying some time on the balcony, a specific smell of material is preserved;
  • between fragments of the glued material are formed seams that often give leaks;
  • temperature fluctuations are negatively reflected on waterproofing for such technology;
  • the waterproofing layer is necessarily protected by a concrete screed. If you make a screed, there is no possibility, then another waterproofing technology is selected.

Works on this technology are performed in the following order:

  • rights are removed from the balcony plate, and cracks close. Then, it is cleaned and dried;
  • the material is dispedicued by the size of the balcony;
  • a brush is applied mastic;
  • we bring the material on the walls of at least 20 cm;
  • rolled and stacked on mastic roll material;
  • if necessary, the second and subsequent layers are also stacked on mastic;
  • the edges of the rolls are put on moisture-proof material with additives from polymers.

Important! During the work on such a technology, the air temperature and the balcony should not be descended below +10 ºС.

  1. Stuccoat.

The technology has gained widespread use due to simple laying. It is suitable for any surface. Inexpensive mixtures with cement or polymers are used as a material. Plastering isolation well interacts with various coatings, for example, with tiles.

Works are performed in such a sequence:

  • the surface of the plate is cleaned and put off;
  • the thin layer is applied primer and is left for drying;
  • a stucco solution is prepared;
  • the first layer is superimposed. Special attention to the joints and corners;
  • after 30 minutes, the next layer of solution is applied. Consistently stacked no more than four layers;
  • the laid waterproofing coating dries several days. At this time, it should be protected from mechanical impacts. In addition, so that the coating does not swing, in the first day every three hours it moistened from the sprayer. In the future, moisturizing is made up to three times a day.

At the final stage of the waterproofing of the floor on the balcony slab mounted frame frame. OSB plates are attached to it, and the linoleum or other finish coating is stacked on top.

Step-by-step instructions for the ceiling

Atmospheric precipitation requires to protect the ceiling. This is especially important when the balcony is located on the top floor, or the upper neighbors did not take care of the sealing of its balcony.

Usually the upper balcony stove is isolated penetrating composition. At the same time, this sequence is selected for the arrangement of waterproofing:

  • the entire surface of the ceiling is thoroughly swelling from whitewash and paint with a metal brush;
  • the prepared surface is wetted by water;

On the balconies of the last floor of the house, work on the sealing of the roof is additionally performed.

This sequence of work is selected:

  • on the roof, the backrueroid is stacked;
  • on top of the rubberoid applied a protective layer of mastic;
  • sometimes an additional protective design of roofing materials is mounted;
  • insulating joints of the joints;
  • mounted taps for assembled after rain of wastewater.

Usually after waterproofing the ceiling, the stall state of the balcony is checked. Frames installed in violation of technology, a frequent cause of moisture from hitting the balcony.

Step-by-step instructions for balcony partitions

Waterproofing is made according to the technology that does not differ from the treatment of the floor and the ceiling. Optimal is the isolation using foil polystyrene foam plates. The stove is glued to the partition with a building mixture with high moisture resistance. For interputric seams, a reinforcing grid is used.

The following sequence of work is selected:

  • the coating waterproofing layer is applied to the moistened surface of the plates;
  • not earlier than five hours, perpendicular to the first layer is applied another protective layer;
  • outdoor cladding of the layer is performed by painting or plaster.

So, if waterproofing work is performed neatly without disrupting technology, the safety of the balcony and the comfortable decor on the balcony is guaranteed. In addition, it is possible to perform waterproofing a balcony for any owner having small skills in construction.

How quickly and just make waterproofing floor balcony, look in our video:

When the device of balconies and level terraces, the developers often make mistakes in the base structure. As a result, there are leaks and freezing of the balcony plate, which ultimately leads to its destruction.

The base of any terrace or balcony should have a slope in the opposite side of the house to ensure the natural drainage of precipitation. If this is not done, the water will be stood, soak the underlying layers of the base, and at negative temperatures to expand and tear concrete.

The required slope of 1.5-2% can already have a balcony plate or slab overlapping a level terrace. Either on the horizontally mounted plate performed the bias-forming layer in the form of a screed.

The specified minimum bias is so small that the above technological layers will not slip spontaneously. The incident layer in its very thin place can not be thinner than 3.5-4 cm. Otherwise, it can start crumble. Thus, with a 3-meter width of the terrace, the thickness of the evasive layer at the edge of the wall at 2% of the slope is 10 cm. The mass of this layer may be significant, so it should be taken into account in the design calculations.

The presence of a slope is only a prerequisite, and the integrity of the design cannot be provided to them by one. An important point is the waterproofing of the base. The modern market offers a number of materials with which it is possible to effectively water the balcony plate or slab overlapping the level terrace. This can be both all kinds of waterproofing masts and rolled materials (films and membranes). In order to prevent errors in creating an outdoor "cake" and not to throw money into the wind, you need to accurately comply with the manufacturer's recommendations and withstand technological breaks.

Structure of the base of the level terrace

Under the level terrace means a wide balcony located over any room or based on the pillars. If the room under such a terrace is operated, its overlap (it is the basis of the terrace) it is necessary to insulate. In this case, you can combine the insulation layer with the evasion-forming, if you use special wedges from expanded polystyrene foam. If a bias-forming screed is performed or the ceiling slabs themselves have a minimal bias, then insulation is performed by plates of conventional or extruded polystyrene foam or foam glass. The last two insulation in this case are more preferable, since they practically do not have water absorption, but they are respectively more expensive. The polystyrene foam for the insulation of the floor of the level terrace has a brand PSB-C-35 and higher.

As an example, consider the standard version of the outdoor cake of an open level terrace located above the operated room.

The lowest layer is the slab of the overlap (1). It can be mounted with a slope outside or without it. The advantage of the first variant is the lack of the need to perform a bias forming layer (2), which will additionally load the overlap if it is a cement screed.

On top of the slab or embossed screed, a layer of vapor barrier (3) from a construction film or rubberoid, which will protect the insulation from moisturizing with water vapors, imflowing outwards from the dwelling. This vaporizolation should be taken to the wall to the door threshold.

The insulation (4) is stacked with a shared layer of 12-20 cm with displacement of seams.

From above, the insulation is protected from moisture from above the waterproofing layer (5). It can be a polyethylene or polypropylene construction film with a thickness of 0.2 mm. It also performs the separating function, allowing the overlying pressure screed (6) and to work as a thermal layer independently of each other.

The clamping layer (6) is a reinforced cement screed with a thickness of 4-5 cm. Reinforcement is performed as a mesh with 10 × 10 cm cells of 3-millimeter steel rods. In the presser layer, temperature seams should be provided: wall and forced. The latter shake the screed to the area of \u200b\u200babout 4 m². The width of the forced seams is 10-12 mm, and the used - minimum of 15 mm. Forced temperature seams in a reinforced screed are performed using a pre-laying of metal corners, which are removed after the cement solution is grabbing. When the screed dates (at least 14 days), the seams are filled with an elastic cord (10), the diameter of which is slightly larger than the width of the seam. This cord needs to be introduced into the seam so that it does not reach the bottom of the groove, otherwise the voltage arising during the shrinkage will be transmitted by the lower layers, and this is undesirable. The upper part of the seam remaining above the cord is filled with an elastic mass, forming a concave meniscus on the surface.

A solid waterproofing (7) is performed on top of the presser layer, which is a waterproof seamless membrane from a polyurethane or mineral mass with a thickness of at least 2 mm.

The upper finishing coating (14) is stacked on top of the waterproofing layer. It can be a frost-resistant ceramic tile or terraced board. When laying a tile coating, it is necessary to provide compensation (temperature) seams, which are longitudinal slots of about 10 mm wide filled with a special elastic cord from polyurethane or polyethylene. The seams can also be filled with acid silicone for outdoor work, forming a concave meniscus in the seam profile.

Weak link - waterproofing

Before applying liquid waterproofing, concrete base should be primed, which will reduce its hygroscopicity. Most often use mineral primers that penetrate into the base at a depth of 2 mm. The best result will be at twofold processing.

The most vulnerable points of foundation need more thorough waterproofing. This is primarily corners (11), adjoining the wall and compensation seams. In the above places, sealing tapes are paved (9). These, due to its elasticity and stability in a wide range of temperatures (+ 90 ... - 40С °), are resistant to cracking.

The waterproofing of the terrace is recommended to be carried out by polyurethane mastic or mineral mixtures (single or two-component), as they have sufficient elasticity. To apply mastic is needed in two layers with an interval of 4-8 hours. The coating waterproofing should capture the sealing tapes on a width of at least 2 cm. Waterproofing work should be carried out at a temperature not lower than -5 ° C and not higher than 25 ° C, and better in cloudy weather, because the material can be worried about and flowing into the sun. Before applying it, be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations for the application. Some masts are applied only on a dry base, but there are those that are applied to the wet. After applying, the surface should be protected from direct sunlight at least 12 hours.

Finishing terrace or balcony coating

Frost-building ceramic tile or porcelain stonewares are excellent options for floor terrace or balcony. They reliably protect the waterproofing coating from mechanical damage and are easy to clean. The tiles can be laid on the elastic adhesive solution (8) after 24 hours after applying the last layer of waterproofing. Interputer seams are filled with frost-resistant elastic fuga (13).

Temperature (compensation) clamping stoves are kept in the finishing coating. Their width is usually reduced, but retain the compliance of the axis of the main seam. Neither with adhesive solution, nor the fugue compensation seams cannot be filling out between tiles. It is necessary to make silicone sealant for outdoor work. In the same way, it is also coming with seams in places of adjoining to the wall (12).

On open terraces and balconies, the flooring will certainly be heated in the sun, and to reduce the maximum heating temperature, the tile of light tones should be applied. Dark tiles have more chances to turn off as a result of temperature skills.

Liquid waterproofing compositions are distinguished by the degree of elasticity, and to ensure tightness, experts recommend to close the compensation seams by sealing tapes. There are also materials on the market, allowing to abandon temperature seams due to high elasticity. This in turn enables and as waterproofing, and as an adhesive layer for flooring to use the same material - waterproof polyurethane glue.

September 9, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (bookmark the foundation, construction of walls, roof design, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobbies: Mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

Few know that the waterproofing of the balcony is one of the important and obligatory stages of its construction or decoration. For example, my son in the country house is located above the Erker. And if I did not take the appropriate measures in time, rain and melt water would penetrate into residential premises, because the tightness of the concrete slab is not enough to delay moisture.

Three days ago I performed the waterproofing of the open balcony in the private house of my client and it became a great reason to prepare for you the corresponding material. The instruction described below describes how to do everything quickly and efficiently.

The need for waterproofing

To begin, I want to say a few words about how important the waterproofing of a wooden balcony in the country or concrete loggia in a city apartment. If you neglect by this stage of construction and finishing, you risk in the near future not only to lose the exquisite decoration of this room, but also come across the appearance of leaks in the rooms.

I can turn off the only negative consequences of the operation of balconies and loggias (especially open) without a waterproofing layer:

  • damage to the decorative material that you used to arrange auxiliary premises;
  • corrosion of metal parts of the balcony and fittings of the balcony plate;
  • the appearance of fungi, mold and other microorganisms (this is especially dangerous if the balcony is wooden).

The worst option of all possible is a violation of the integrity of the carrier structures of the balcony. They can be contlected or rushing to such an extent that the design will be dangerous to operate.

It is very important to carry out the waterproofing of the balcony when it is insulated with mineral wool insulators. Their technical characteristics are very deteriorating during wetting, therefore the layer of insulation must be carefully protected from the penetration of atmospheric moisture.

Immediately note another important moment. If the open balcony is waterproofing under the tile or a similar floor covering, it is necessary to take measures to make rain or melt water, falling inside, removed through specially equipped drain holes. Otherwise, during a strong shower or spring melting of snow, he quickly turn into a pool.

Materials for waterproofing

I hope I convinced you that you need to protect the balcony or the water loggia. Now I will go to the story about what materials can be used for this. The description of all the technical characteristics of each waterproofer is not the purpose of this article, so going to be briefly:

  1. Cast. These are polymer compositions that are warmed up to the fluid state and are applied to the surfaces being processed (most often the floors). Plus, I consider excellent efficiency (the frozen polymer is absolutely sealed and does not have seams). Minus is the risk of cracking when the processed slabs is deformed. As an example, I can call Drizoro Maxelastic Pur.

  1. Picky. Materials based on bitumen resins, which, after frozen, form a homogeneous, hermetic and elastic membrane that does not transmit water to building structures. I often use bitumen mastic for processing balconies from the inside with your own hands. They are applied with a tassel, roller or spatula and work very effectively. An example of such material - mastic technology.

  1. Deep penetration. Waterproofing compositions (for example, penetron), which, after applying to wooden or mineral surfaces penetrate inside the material and form directed crystals, which delay water, but do not interfere with air infiltration. This is a very effective way of waterproofing, if you do not stop the high price.

  1. Powered. Rolled materials are used that are rolled through the surfaces processed and secured on them with glue or bitumen.

The minus of this method is the need to seal joints. Yes, and the milt technology itself is quite complicated. But the cost of waterproofing membranes is low.

I use a combination of various materials in my practice. For example, if inside the waterproofing of the floor of the balcony can be performed by improving mastic, then, for example, a roof is better to protect with inlet membranes. And hard-to-reach places to handle penetrating impregnations.

Technology of waterproofing balcony

Well, now I will proceed directly to the description of the process of waterproofing the balcony. Let me remind you that in my case we are talking about a balcony with a concrete slab overlapping and a fence, which is located on the 5th floor of a standard high-rise building in the city.

Preparation of surfaces

I start always with careful surface preparation. To begin, it is necessary to clean the concrete floor and partially walls from old finishing materials (if any), the residues of the building solution, oil and fat spots, dust and other pollutants, which may adversely affect the adhesic properties of the floor.

For this purpose, I use a rigid brush or vacuum cleaner, which is quickly and efficiently dedied to the mineral surface.

Then I processed the surface of the primer (), which improves the adhesic properties of the floor balcony and helps reduce the consumption of the waterproofing composition. I am always a stingy surface twice with an intermediate drying of the layers (for which it takes about two hours).

During the examination of the concrete slab overlap, I found several base defects. If you also happened, listen to how to repair:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove all the pieces of concrete, which themselves peeled and disappear. In these places, I additionally worked the pepperorator chisel so that the base shifts did not disrupt the integrity of the waterproofing layer.
  2. Two completely small cracks I did not touch the chisel, and I was a little stamped with a grinder with a cutting disc. Then, all defects filled with cement mortar and thoroughly crossed the spatula (naturally, of which dust and garbage removed from the vacuum cleaner).

  1. In one place, the stove broke down so that a piece of reinforcing rod became visible. I cleared it by sandpaper from the traces of corrosion, after which the surface was flushed with an anti-corrosion composition.

  1. Then, on top, this deepening with a rod, I also embedded with cement mortar. But you can use special repair formulations for surfaces (for example, neocret).

Having finished with the repair, I took the elastic tape (Lipex k-2) and sinked the places of the horizontal surface of the floor and the vertical surfaces of the walls (the so-called movable connections). This sealing tape will allow preserving the integrity of the waterproof membrane with possible bases of the base of the balcony.

After the end of all preparatory work, you should have a surface that meets the following requirements:

  1. The maximum allowable drop of the treated surface in height should not exceed 2 mm.
  2. There should be no sharp protrusions on the floor that can disrupt the integrity of the formed waterproofing layer.
  3. The surface humidity should not exceed 4%. If this parameter is higher, the excess moisture will be locked inside the ceiling slab, which will lead to gradual leaching of the mineral surface and, as a result, deterioration of the bearing capacity.

If you are going to hydroize the porous base (for example, foam blocks), then it, on the contrary, you need to moisten it a little, otherwise the dehydration of the sealing mastic will be incorrectly, and it does not form a waterproof layer.

Having finished the preparation of surfaces, one can move to the preparation of the selected waterproofing material for operation.

Preparation of sealing mixture

In the case described, I used bitumen-polymer mastic, which was supplied in the bucket and was already ready for work without any additional effort on my part. But some waterproofers (for example, on a cement basis) are sold in the form of a dry powder that needs to be prepared.

For this, the dry mixture is covered in the container where the desired amount of water is added (the temperature of the liquid should be between 15 to 20 degrees Celsius), after which the whole lot is mixed with a drill with a special nozzle. There should be a homogeneous mass without the slightest lumps.

Then you need to leave this mass for 3-5 minutes so that all components are activated (the solution "matured"), and then mix it all again. The solution thus obtained retains the suitability within an hour. Therefore, it is not necessary to breed a large amount of solution, otherwise it can free up before you use it.

It is very important for the quality of the complex the cleanliness of the container. Never seize a new portion of the solution in the same bucket where the old waterproofing material remains. Otherwise, it turns out a leakage of the waterproofing layer, and the usual debris, which will then have to consider and perform all the procedures again.

That is why, by the way, I prefer to use the finished mastic.

Application of waterproofing

Well, now it's time to reveal all the secrets of mastic applied to the floor balcony. Here, as you understand, you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead. It is enough to take into account the following points:

  1. It is possible only to work if the air temperature and the treated surface above + 15 degrees Celsius, and the humidity does not exceed 60%.
    At the same time, if the work is carried out on a glazed and insulated balcony, then it is necessary to create such conditions there in advance, no later than in two days before the start of work. In addition, the same temperature and humidity must be maintained within 12 hours after applying mastic so that it is normalized normally.
  2. Waterproofing I nano on the surface of the balcony with a wide brush. If the mastic is thick, it can be smeared with a spatula.

  1. The time of frozen depends on the thickness of the applied layer and the species of mastic. Usually carry out further work on the installation of flooring in two days after processing.

Features of waterproofing ceiling

Sometimes there is a need for waterproofing not only a horizontal balcony plate, but also a balcony ceiling (for example, in the case when it is located on the top floor). In this case, I advise you to use the caustic waterproofing with a glue layer activated by high temperature (gas burner or construction dryer).

In this case, the work scheme will be as follows:

  1. I cut in advance the sheets of inlet waterproofing (for example. Tehtonikol) on the segments of the desired length.
  2. After that heal the surface of the material with the help of a gas burner.
  3. I lay the membrane on a pre-purified and repaired surface.
  4. I glide the next band so that it overwhelms it to the previous distance of about 10 cm.
  5. After mounting the first layer of waterproofing over the entire balcony surface, I seal the joints between the strips using a liquid bitumen.
  6. Then lay the second layer of waterproofing, but so that the strips go perpendicular to the bottom. In this case, maximum waterproof is ensured.


Now you know how the waterproofing of the balcony is done with their own hands. If you are interested in the features of work in a wooden house, you can familiarize yourself with them in the video in this article. And I would like to ask you how you perform the waterproofing of the roof of the balcony on the top floor? What do the water do not get inside? Place your answers in the comments to the material.

September 9, 2016.

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An open terrace in a private house is convenient and beautiful. But the joy of the possession of the spot for tea drinking in the fresh air often ends with the onset of autumn: puddles are collected on the terrace, the ceiling in the room under the velocity is covered with wet spots, and mold begins to grow on the wall that is adjacent to the balcony. What is the problem? In the absence or in gross errors in organizing waterproofing terraces. To constantly not waste time and considerable amounts to correcting other pieces of miscalculations, you need to seal the floor once in the site - but correctly and reliably.

Regardless of which material is made of a terrace plate, it is only a base. The coating resembles a multilayer pie from materials that do not let moisture. Construction of insulating sandwich:

  1. The slab overlap is the base of the terrace.
  2. The first layer of waterproofing terraces is a vapor barrier membrane. Installed directly on the concrete base.
  3. Heat insulation layer. Taking into account the loading loads, the solid polystyrene foam plates are selected. The thickness of the layer should be at least 10 - 15 cm.
  4. The second waterproofing layer: a robust waterproof PVC film.
  5. Reinforced tie from the cement-concrete mixture. The solution adds compositions to increase the strength, reduce the permeability of the solution. A large cellular steel welded or a cellular grid with a side of a cell 10 - 20 cm is placed as the reinforcement.
  6. Third waterproofing layer: Liquid polymer membranes, rolled insulation, coating compositions.
  7. Frost-resistant waterproof glue for ceramic tiles.
  8. Porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles for outdoor work.

Open terrace: Paul lined with tiles

When arranging an open terrace, a dropper is installed for drainwater drainage. It is desirable to provide installation of the drainage gutter along the entire length of the terrace cornice.

Insulation functions: why warm and insulate the floor from moisture

Each of the waterproofing layers performs a specific function. Therefore, it should not be saved on the materials, the absence of one of the components may lead to the fact that all the work will have to redo.

Result of savings on waterproofing: rust and flowing gaps

A vapor barrier film or membrane, wall on the ceiling slab, protects the thermal insulation layer. From the residential premises, condensate penetrates through the concrete overlap and steam rises. If the moisture falls into the thermal protective material, it will significantly increase its thermal conductivity.

The membrane must be removed to a level up to 20 cm above the surface of the overlap on the terrace wall. Such a solution will protect the walls of the room adjacent to the open area, from leakage of moisture outside.
A layer of polystyrene or mineral insulation with fiberglass protects the room, which is under the terrace, from the loss of heat.

Waterproofing installed above the thermal insulation layer prevents the wetting of the material when the screed is frozen, protects it from wetting with the loss of tightness of the upper layers.

A screed that is poured over thermal insulation must necessarily be with a slope. Her task is to send rainwater streams at the inclination from the building to the drain. There are 2 options for arranging the inclined surface:

  • With one direction of slope from the wall to the edge of the terrace. Organize a single slope on small terraces of residential buildings, loggias and balconies of high-rise buildings.
  • Double slope. Method of moisture removal in two tilts from the edges to the center of the terrace: apply when arranging roofing drainage on large areas and operated roofs. In the center of the site lay a tray for collecting and removing rainwater, which is connected to the drain.

Elastic waterproofing coating, which is mounted above the cement screed, protects the solution from seeping water and cracking.

Ways to seal the surface of the terraces

Criteria that are necessarily taken into account when organizing waterproofing terraces:

  • The need for insulation of the base. If there are no heated premises under the site, the polystyrene layer can be saved.

Scheme of waterproofing device without insulation

  • Selecting decorative coating. Options: Laying of ceramic tiles, installation of boards, pouring polymeric floor.

Flooring floor on the terrace in a new house

Planning the construction of a house with a terrace over the first floor? Make sure that the builders have installed overlap plates under the terrace with a slope - you do not have to make a slope in the screed, which creates an additional load on the base.

Select the material of the floor covering. If laying of tiles, stone, porcelain stoneware is provided, - consider the heating device. Heating electric cable under the adhesive layer will increase the life of the decorative coating. The tile, pretty below, will not be removed and crack. In addition, in winter it will not be necessary to clean the platform from snow.

Option: instead of tile - polymer fill

In addition to facing materials, liquid polymer waterproofing mixtures, rolled materials are used as the upper layer. Laying synthetic elastic materials significantly saves the time of work.

It should be noted that over time the surface will lose shine. Elastic materials poorly carry mechanical damage. After a few years, the floor will have to be repaired.

Waterproofing platform without insulation

The terraces adjacent to the house at the level of soil or input to the house are shuting up without a thermal insulating layer if there is no basement or basement under the venue. All other layers of waterproofing are laid according to the standard scheme.

Installation of the base under the wooden platform without insulation

As an outdoor coat, apply:

  • A natural stone.
  • Ceramic tile.
  • Deck board.

Wooder terraces look luxuriously, but the cost of the material is high, because only superhard rocks are suitable for laying outdoors, with a low temperature deformation and moisture-absorption coefficient. Wooden floor will have to regularly maintain: apply special biocoa and moisture protection impregnations.

Emergency repair of the flowing overlap on the terrace

Problems with overlapping on balconies and terraces arise in autumn and in winter, when there is no possibility to make a full repair. Liquid waterproofing materials are used as emergency measures:

  • Refractory mixtures and solutions based on cement and polymers with a high degree of adhesion to any type of surface. Such compositions are well closed with fine holes and cracks. You can apply the composition of several layers directly on the old coating: concrete or tile.

Leaking areas can be urgently wasolate without dismantling the coating

  • Bitumen materials: rubberoid, coating. It is possible to close the large area of \u200b\u200bthe current base with a boronoid on a bitumen basis. There are membranes with a sticky layer that does not require warming up.

Fast sealing of the floor of the terrace will allow you to postpone the repair before the onset of the year.

Materials for work: ready-made foods for waterproofing

When choosing materials to carry out work on waterproofing, terraces are desirable to select products from one line of one manufacturer. For work it will be necessary:

  • Primer composition. Applied to cement ties and concrete bases before laying waterproofing.
  • Parosolation membrane. Also as the lower layer apply runneroids, membranes and rolled materials on a bitumen basis. In a private house, especially if the terrace is adjacent to the residential room, it is better to install a film: bituminous canvases make a sharp smell when heated. The material is bought with a margin for the output of the layer on the wall over the entire surface of the adjoining.

  • Insulation. Extruded polystyrene foam, mineral mats with fiberglass suitable as insulation. The thickness of the insulation, depending on the characteristics of the material, is up to 20 cm.
  • Waterproofing polypropylene or PVC film. Material thickness - from 0.2 mm.

Polyethylene waterproofing materials

  • Solution and reinforcement grid. It is necessary to calculate the amount of a solution for a thickness of up to 5 cm. The length of the sides of the cell in the grid is from 10 to 20 cm. The thickness of the rod - from 3 mm. Black boards and metal corners for deformation seams will also be required.
  • Elastic cord. The synthetic polymer cord is placed in deformation seams. The thickness of the bands should exceed the width of the seam, and the height should be less than the seam depth.

  • Basic waterproofing. The choice depends on the type of decorative coating. Under the tile use liquid polymer and mineral compositions. Also use rolled polymer membranes.

Two-component compounds

  • Glue for tile. Choose frost-resistant products for outdoor work.
  • Waterproofing ribbons on adhesive basis: necessary for treating corners, protrusions, bases of balasine.

  • Silicone sealant. Used to fill the gaps between tiles instead of decorative grout.

Step by step: independent waterproofing of the floor and walls on the terrace

It is necessary to equip the floor with waterproofing on the terrace in the warm season. Materials that are used have a limit at the minimum air temperature in +5. It is not recommended to work in the heat, especially to fill the screed. Maximum temperature - from 25 to 28 o.

Preparation of the foundation

Before starting work, you will have to completely dismantle the old decorative coating: tile, rubberoid. It is necessary to clean the surface to concrete. After cleaning, the overlap is carefully examined.

Old coating must be removed

All cracks need to be sewed, expanding them deep into and on the parties. Clean the old solution to a solid base.
Gaps, irregularities, cracks are necessarily sealed with waterproof solution. Before repairing the edge of the defects, is machined so that the repair solution is firmly held in the cavities.

After sealing defects align the base. If the surface is badly damaged, it makes sense to make an aligning layer of concrete fill with the necessary slope from the wall.

Fixation of primary insulation strips

After drying the base and setting the solution to the surface, vaporizolation is fill. The strips of the film are laid by the mustache, grabbing the edges of the sticky ribbon. The edges of the wall bend and fix the insulating tape at a height of 15-20 cm.

The film base is placed in thermal insulation. They are watching the slits between the sheets. Sheets laid tight jack.

On top of the polystyrene layer, the waterproofing film is filling. The edges wrap and fix on the wall: at the same height, like vapor barrier. At the bottom edge, the film is wrapped under the sheets of thermal protection.

Screed: Filling Rules

The next layer is a cement screed. The layer thickness ranges from 3 to 5 cm. At the edges of the site form a formwork. Put the reinforcement grid. It is advisable to add special compositions to the solution, which improve the coating characteristics: decreases the setting time, increases resistance to temperature difference.

Screed on the terrace: formwork and reinforcement layer

After pouring the solution, it is necessary to put the planks for the formation of seams. The deformation seams are left in order to protect the base from cracking and deformations. Planks laid around the perimeter along the walls. The width of the seam in the wall should not be less than 15 mm.

Laid elastic separator in the deformation seam

Along the platform laid metal strips with a thickness of 12 mm to a depth of 2/3 of the thickness of the screed. Step between seams - from 1.5 m.

Take out the planks after solidify the solution. In the resulting slots, tightly pressing, put the elastic cord.

Waterproofing layer: 3 water protection method

Before laying waterproofing on the terrace, the surface of the screed is treated with penetrating primer. When choosing liquid materials, several layers are applied to obtaining a common waterproofing layer with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm.

Coating with the processing of adjacent surfaces with ribbon

There are 2 types of liquid materials:

  • Ready compounds. They are applied with a spatula, do not require breeding.
  • Two-component mixtures. Applied after connecting and stirring components.

The layers are applied with brush, roller or spatula, with interruptions. For primary setting, the material takes about 4 hours. Complete drying occurs in 8 hours. When working with liquid materials, it is necessary to choose the right weather: it is impossible to allow wetting layers to complete drying.
Professional waterproofing polymer compositions are applied by special sprayers. You can choose liquid bulk mixtures that are aligned with spatulas.

Application of the bulk composition of waterproofing

Before applying waterproofing, it is necessary to carefully smoke with an insulating ribbon complex sections: in the corners, in the place of the surface of the surfaces.

Roll materials can be laid in 2 ways:

  • On the glue composition.
  • Without applying glue under the material.

Laying waterproofing on glue solution

The edges of the canvases are laid on the fixing tape of the online jack. It is monitored that when rolling the roll, the canvas was not crushed, and folds were not formed. The main waterproofing on the terrace is raised to the adjacent walls so as to close the edges of the vapor barrier and the film laid on the insulation.

If the installation of the heating cable is scheduled, then laying the cable over the insulating layer.

Laying of facing coating

Tile laying begin after the final drying of the applied waterproofing materials.

Primary requirements:

  • You can use only materials for outdoor work.
  • You can not rub the seams between the tiles of the standard decorative grout. It is better to fill the gaps with an elastic frost-resistant sealant.
  • If the terrace area is more than 20 square meters. m, then it is necessary to make a gap between tiles - dilatation seam. It is desirable that the seams shared equal on the surface area.

Video lesson: balcony insulation in a frame house

The scope of work that must be performed to high quality waterproof the terrace is quite large.

It is necessary to accurately comply with the technology of mounting each of the layers, calculate the right slope. Be sure to withstand the time to set the solutions. Independently engaged in repairing only with the arrangement of small areas - balconies, loggias. In the equipment of the overlapping of a large terrace, especially above the residential rooms of the lower floor, it is better not to risk - the error can do it much more expensive than the services of experienced specialists.

Often it is important to produce waterproofing the balcony, despite the fact that it is not glazed. Otherwise, an excess moisture can be absorbed into the floor, because of which the slab can be partially damaged over time (the risk of mold appearance) is also large. It is especially difficult to waterproofing the open balcony, because Its structures are constantly exposed to moisture. With internal waterproofing, you can cope with yourself, but for external it is recommended to invite professionals.

Available options

From the selected waterproofing option and the characteristics of the balcony depends on the process of conducting waterproofing work. Total two options for working and using materials will be allocated:

  • Picky.

The maximum easy way to make waterproofing the balcony yourself. Most often used to create a moisture-repellent layer from the inside of the loggia. In this case, bitumen masts that need to be diluted to waterproofing are used. Applied to the surface inside the covered balcony with a painting brush.

However, their level of protection is not enough for the external finish. Mastics are divided into two types - powder and coating. The first are sold in the form of a powder from quartz sand, cement, etc., are diluted with water or special solutions. The second type is applied according to the similarity of ordinary paint, it is necessary to heat a bit before use.

  • Rolled.

The process of application is characterized by increased complexity and requires special knowledge, so it is not recommended to make a rolled styling of the waterproofing layer with their own hands. Most effective with exterior decoration. Bituminous rolls of a certain size are laid on the surface and are migrated to it using a special device. Thanks to "gluing" with a concrete surface, the moisture protection layer serves the most long and efficient. However, on top of the bitumen sheet it is difficult to establish any elements of the external finish, therefore this method is most often used for floor-insulation of the floor on the open balcony and roofs.

  • Penetrating.

They are most racks to moisture, are mainly applied in crevices between the wall and the window frame, in the cracks, seams.


In addition to purchasing all the necessary mastics, it is necessary to completely clean the balcony. If on the floor, walls, ceiling, any trimming was installed, then before starting work it will be necessary to completely dismantle, leaving bare concrete. Then you need to check the quality of the concrete slabs themselves. If they showed any defects (cracks, mold, irregularities, etc.), then they are required to completely get rid of them, hinged them with plaster or removing damaged areas (in the case of irregularities). After the completion of the work, dust and dirt are completely removed, and the concrete can be treated with special antiseptics.

In the event that the walls, the floor and the ceiling rotted to such an extent that the rusty parts of the reinforcement are visible, then they are completely cleanred from rust to the maximum, and then apply special protective compounds for metals. Too big cracks will have to expand and fill in with a screed. Small faults can be filled with conventional plaster. All major irregularities are also removed using a spatula and embedded.

If the concrete plate is damaged too much, then it will have to be replaced completely, but most often it can be found only in old and emergency houses.

Provided that all preparatory procedures were carried out, mastic and sheets will be more tight and smoothly falling to the surface, thereby making the coverage of more durable and high-quality. The high-quality waterproofing of the floor of the open balcony is particularly relevant if it is over the ears of the neighbors below. They don't want to buy them anyone.

Waterproofing process

Application of the moisture-repellent layer may differ depending on the surface to which it is applied. Also, the stages of preparatory work can also be slightly different.

Floor insulation

If the balcony is above a residential room, then its gender is required to hydroize, because Condensate accumulates on it, which can be collected on the floor due to the temperature difference and slowly destroy it.

The waterproofing of the floor on the open balcony can assume the installation of a special flooring for the floor with a slope of about 1-2% - it is required for free extension of extra moisture. It is desirable to reinforce the metal grid (especially if it is planned to install a heater, decorative tile, etc.). The screed must be divided into seams that are the following types:

  1. Temperature - formed when laying the clamping layer.
  2. Wasted. Located in the place of adjoining the balcony plate to the facade, most suitable for small loggias.

The waterproofing of the open balcony under the tile requires that the resulting seams are about half (can be slightly larger or less) were filled with moisture insulating mastic. Then the insulation is added to the remaining space (if necessary) or it is simply poured by concrete, then the tile is then put on top.

You can also go an easy way - either bitumen sheets are stacked on the purified and repaired concrete slab, or mastic is applied. In the first case, it is desirable to entrust the case by a specialist, because Perhaps the sheets will need to "catch" to the floor. In the second you need to go on the walls by 15-20 cm up.

Ceiling insulation

The ceiling on a balcony of an open type can also be waterproofing, curing it with mastic. If necessary, an additional film is superimposed so that the mastic does not flow from the ceiling.

But a normal mastic is applied to the ceiling, which time to absorb concrete. Application occurs in four stages:

  1. The ceiling is cleaned and slightly moistened.
  2. The first thin layer of mastic is applied.
  3. After he dries it, it needs to be slightly moistened.
  4. The second layer is applied. After that, the ceiling is desirable to moisturize 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dh5auk96rpda. Video CAN "T BE Loaded: Resitrix / Resortrix Waterproofing Balcony (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dH5AUK96RPDA)