Is there real magic in real life and how to master it. About magicians and wizards existing on earth Is there magic in the world

Researchers of magic and religion say: yes, witchcraft exists among all peoples of the world. From time immemorial, it was also common in Russia, sorcerers and healers lived in every village. They differed in that the sorcerer could cause damage, and the healer could take away. Love magic was practiced by natural and involuntary sorcerers.

People were considered involuntary, to whom, before death, sorcerers transfer their power, otherwise the mother-cheese earth will not accept them. To expose the sorcerers in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in hands in the church during bright matins. It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ashes from aspen logs, or simply from anxiety, and then he will expose himself.

Sorcerers come in different strengths: it is enough for one to look and send his unkind thought with a sidelong glance to make him wither. The one who is weaker needs either the powder of the curse, which he sends into the wind, or the witch's potion, or the trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed. Or you need a thing that they slander - conspiracies are common among both sorcerers and healers. Against all the intrigues of sorcerers, there have always been many amulets: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a headscarf, a slandered coin put in stockings, needles without ears sewn into a dress, etc.

love spell

Inquisitor monks of the 15th century wrote a practical guide to fighting witchcraft called The Hammer of the Witches, which describes cases of inducing sexual impotence and claims that men are bewitched more often than women:

  1. when they interfere with rapprochement in general;
  2. when a man's heart is ignited for one woman and turned away to another (potions, conspiracies, energy message, thought);
  3. when hatred is aroused between spouses;
  4. when sexual impotence of men is caused up to its paralysis;
  5. when there is an obstruction to the release of the seed. They argued that “the bewitchment of the feeling of love and sexual intercourse lies in the bewitchment of the will and that the doctor cannot cure this. Here the intervention of the church is necessary: ​​reprimanding, casting out demons.

Modern psychiatrists believe that only in 15 percent of cases they can provide effective help in the treatment of sexual impotence, the remaining 85 percent remain beyond what can be understood by modern biology. Like this! The monks explain who can be bewitched - either a sinner or an innocent - for the sins of his parents, the sin is also transmitted by hiding other people's sins. For violence in love in any of its manifestations, for the separation of lovers, for encroaching on someone else's happiness, for one's own sins, they are punished with sexual impotence. Sickness as a punishment for evil done is in itself a way of washing away this evil. Therefore, not all healers undertake such a cure, a person must work out and atone for his sin himself.

Until he has gone through suffering and illness, he will not be freed and will not wash away the evil done by him or his ancestors once. Sometimes this is a punishment for the sins of one's people, one's country, the most terrible punishment is the deprivation of the ability to procreate. It will hang over him: evil, once committed, will surely return like a boomerang. This is the cosmic law of development in a circle and return to normal. The infidelity of a husband can lead to the illness of an innocent wife, and the stronger the emotional closeness between the spouses, the more likely the deflection of the blow to the other. Probably, the reason here is the sacrifice of the lover, who takes the blow.

Sometimes such blows are taken by children, their spoiled life is the payment for the sin of their mother or grandmother, as a rule, this is retribution for treason, for killed love. The sphere of the occult is dominated by eroticism. Near the spell of love many different combinations of sexual charms, aimed not only at the termination of marriage ties, but also at strengthening sexual potency. There are three groups of love charms: suggestion by thought, occult activities, stimulants. Even the ancient Romans believed that the blood of a bat under a woman's pillow causes her passionate sexual desire.

And the Slovaks deeply believe that it is enough to run a charmed orchid flower over the body of a lover so that he remains faithful to them forever. Astrology has rendered a great service to human love: a love talisman has been created. It was cast from the metal of Venus - copper. It was round in shape, the signs of Venus were displayed on it on that day and hour that are dedicated to this planet, that is, on Friday, coinciding with the twentieth day of the month. They wore it around the neck in a bag, as a talisman against evil spells that encroach on love.

It should be noted that not only women, but also men are engaged in love charms. Many peoples of the world describe the ways that guys use to "dry" a girl, or mature men to beat off someone else's wife. In our literature, such cases are described Gogol, Kotsyubinsky, Kuprin, Bulgakov. One of the ways to separate, quarrel loving spouses is to weave tangled knots from ribbons of various materials and put them on the victim. In the 113th chapter of the Qur'an there is a report about women who weave such knots, and in the 114th it is told how Mahomet he was freed from the corruption inflicted on him by a girl who tied a rope of eleven knots. Sex magic creates nothing, it destroys everything, entails evil, for coercion is a misfortune for both sides. Magic rarely brings salvation to a person, because it is based on violence.

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For many people, at one point or another in their lives, the question “does magic really exist” begins to arise? Is this true and is our life really filled with some kind of secret secret knowledge, which is usually spoken about only in a whisper and only in a narrow circle of trusted persons? Let's figure it out and clarify all the pros and cons, but what do you think, is there magic and witchcraft?

From time immemorial, the study of this topic gives us many more questions than answers, perhaps because the world of subtle matters should not be studied and experimented, but felt. With the current rhythm of life, we forget about such eternal concepts and lose the ability to hear and feel ourselves, which already speaks of the world around us.

The phenomenon of "Magic", as expressed in our lives?

  • Matches. Has it ever happened to you, think about a person today, just remembered someone by chance and meet him at the checkout in a supermarket or at the next table in a cafe? Or let’s say you need to get from point A to point B, but you don’t have your own transport and you are standing at a bus stop, and a passing friend saw you and drove you to your destination. Is it magic or just a little bit of luck? Or maybe you just attract the right people into your life? But we will talk about this law of "attraction" later.
  • Clairvoyance. Many treatises have been written about this phenomenon, and the grain of such a gift is glimmering in each of us, and 99.9% of people have no idea about it and simply consider everything that happens to them to be a coincidence)) (see above). There are many varieties of predicting future events: clairvoyance, clairaudience and Dreaming (receiving information through dreams). Let's discard all the TV shows in which you saw psychics and sorcerers, this is unlikely to help you in life, but a prophetic dream or a warning dream for most people is quite common. So what happens? Are we all magicians and have supernatural powers? Or are these abilities inherent in us from the very beginning, just blocked? For what purpose?
  • Wonders. With the development of the Internet, we receive information from everywhere and often see news about how myrrh icons cry in temples all over the planet, how the sick are cured after talking with healers, or whose life is radically changing for the better by getting rid of "damage, the evil eye" and other bad stuff. Is it worth believing such statements if they are not advertising in nature and simply convey information to people? Do you believe in miracles? In the strength of a person who can influence another and heal him with the power of thought?
  • Dreams. The most favorite part of our readers. Turns out. we are all a little magicians and have the power to fulfill our desires and dreams not just by visualizing them, but also talking about them at every step)) Well, as usual, the stronger the mental message and the desire to fulfill the dream, the better and faster it will be fulfilled. And if, among other things, you also perform actions in the direction of fulfilling your dream, be sure: everything will come true!!! Here you need to remember: nothing is given to us immediately, there is such a concept of “time”, and so it is also needed for some reason. Why do you think?

And the most important conclusion: A person has a huge brain, and it is used by 4-5% of its capabilities. How could a bodybuilder's muscles grow if they were never used??? And how could such a brain develop? Strange evolution... Think about it.

P.S. Today I do not want to answer all the questions that are asked in this public, it is enough that you learn how to ask these questions correctly ... this is the first step to getting all the answers. In order to understand your opinion, click a couple of times in the poll or wait for your thoughts in the comments.

Is there magic: a real life story + 3 common myths about magic + 5 stages in development + 5 main trends in modern esotericism.

Under the concept of magic, everyone understands his own. For example, for some, this is not at all a chance meeting with someone we just thought about, the fulfillment of secret desires, or a more scientific definition of magic says about a purposeful influence on the course of events in a supernatural way.

Does magic exist at all? Many people ask this question. This is not surprising, because it is difficult for people to believe in something that cannot be touched, seen and even explained.

Yes, yes, this is not for you to grab a cup of hot coffee with your hands and not stare at the rainbow after the rain.

A couple of "proofs" that magic exists

And let's remember if something so amazing and even frightening happened to us, for which we cannot find an explanation. I think many people have experienced this at least once in their lives. Moreover, it forced to dispel doubts that magic exists.

Not? Then just listen to what the friend Vera told the author of the article.

“At one time, strange neighbors who were fond of magic lived on the same site with me, to put it mildly. Either they recited quite audible spells more than once, or they cursed the noisy children in the yard.

One day this happened. These people, having moved out of our house, asked to hand over the keys to the tenants, who allegedly now live in their apartment. A week later, no one came for the keys and no new tenants were even heard of.

Perhaps I would not attach any importance to this if it were not for the sharp onset of the “black streak” in the life of my family. I, a completely healthy eighteen-year-old girl, began to have serious health problems. My sister fell into a terrible depression, and my mother was suddenly fired from her job, which was also accompanied by poor health.

It was then that my mother "folded all the cards." Taking the enemy keys, we went to the grandmother in our yard. She was also good at magic. Taking this, as it turned out, a charmed object in her hands, the woman was horrified, but soon reassured us that everything could be fixed.

Real horror seized us when it happened. The former neighbor asked for a candle, saying that the light went out in their apartment.

But we, fortunately, were warned and did not succumb to the tricks of such magic. The next day, all the members of the family woke up in excellent health, and our affairs soon improved as well.

Now I don't wonder if magic exists, I know it exists."

There are quite a few such cases. And what, if not magic, can influence people so strangely?
If this example did not convince you, it's okay - the author of the article still has a lot of "trump cards in his hands."

Although, as a familiar teacher of philosophy used to say, everything must be doubted, including whether magic exists. Then why so much talk about it?

It was in them that many real myths about magic were born. Especially among those who have not yet decided on their attitude to otherworldly forces.

3 most common misconceptions among those who think that magic really exists

  1. Magic is pure evil, and exists only with a negative purpose (curse, bewitch, etc.). Associated with witches, Satan and terrible rites.
  2. Magic exists in white or black. In fact, it is colorless. The only thing that matters is for what purpose and how you use it.
  3. Magic does not require special knowledge. There is an opinion that having learned one spell, In this sense, it is the same science as, for example, mathematics.

Myths "grow" around almost all interesting things, especially about whether magic exists. And this often happens from a lack of information in a particular area, or because of the impossibility of logically proving something, as, indeed, in our case. But some things are worth looking at through time.

Think, for example, about water.

Surely from fairy tales everyone has heard about the so-called living and dead water. It was believed that the first is capable, if, in the literal sense of the word, not to revive, then at least to heal. The second, on the contrary, could worsen the state of health.

A few centuries ago, the one who introduced these concepts into our everyday life would simply have been laughed at. And now it has been fully proven that water has energy and memory. That is, these things really exist! A glass of water charged in some way can work wonders.

Hmm, well, how can you not believe that magic really exists and is friends with science?

And not only exists, but is constantly evolving. Here's how it has changed over time.

5 stages in history in the study of the question "Does magic exist?"

  1. Primitive age. At one glance at the strange rock symbols, we can talk about the presence of some belief in the supernatural. Then magic existed in close connection with religion. Objects were endowed with magical abilities to bring good luck, and nature was asked for help in all matters.
  2. Antiquity. Homer's writings describe magical objects, such as the "moth" flower, which protects against magic, as well as the performance of the rite of necromancy. At this time, curses, potions, and other magical attributes are actively being created.
  3. Middle Ages. Is there magic, colorfully shown during the Middle Ages. This period was marked by a fierce struggle with magic, namely with witches, who were accused of witchcraft and conducting "black" rites. Such black magic frightened ordinary people and was punished by the authorities.
  4. Renaissance. On the one hand, during the translation of works of antiquity, interest in magic returns, and on the other hand, with the development of science, people tried to interpret the world using a rational approach. But it is interesting that many things that are now supported by evidence were then perceived as something magical.
  5. Our days. Now magic exists mainly in cinema and literature and has a proud name - the genres of "fantasy" and "fantasy". But modern people and in real life more and more resort to specialists in this field. Performing magical rituals has already become commonplace - like going to the doctor.

Such widespread use has led to the fact that magic has been divided into several areas, each of which is interesting in its own way.

Magic Lessons

5 main directions in which magic exists in our time

In fact, magic is just a kind of abstraction and a very general concept of magic. Depending on its purpose and means of fulfilling the desired, magic exists in different forms.

It is interesting that modern people have learned to do without ancient rites, harmful
and curses. Recently, this phenomenon (like everything else, by the way) has progressed enough, and now, basically, magic exists for self-knowledge of a person, studying the features of his fate, and also for searching for secret abilities.

Among all the directions in which the current magic exists, there are five main ones:

  • Astrology. This is an old and rather complex science that has found a response and widespread use in our time. It is based on knowledge about the structure of the Universe and the assertion that man is its integral part.

    A skilled astrologer can fully describe your life, which will help you avoid some troubles, as well as correctly distribute your energy resources.

  • Ayurveda. The teaching is known for its amazing life-giving power. According to Ayurveda, a person's cure is based on the natural suppression of the disease without the use of artificial excipients.

    The actions of such a doctor are not aimed specifically at the disease, but at the person as a whole, in order to improve and strengthen him physically and spiritually.

  • Divination. Nowadays, magic exists mainly to help us learn about some events from the future. Guessing more often on cards and coffee grounds. This type is widely known for its seemingly simple execution.

    But, in fact, fortune-telling gives a big error, unless, of course, this is done by an experienced magician who understands not only symbols and meanings, but can also hear the prompts of the other world in the process, exist in time with higher powers.

  • Extrasensory perception. People who are called the true conductors of magic have long been a real discovery. They are able to feel what is inaccessible to an ordinary person, thanks to more developed senses.

    Such "wizards" are able to predict the future, look into the past, see from a distance and heal a person with the power of thought.

  • Numerology. The magic here is in the numbers. Numerologists believe that each number has its own energy and can influence a person. Therefore, the numbers from the date of birth carry specific information, having learned which, you can get the keys to your happy life.

In general, whether there is magic, everyone answers for himself. But still, there is no point in denying something supernatural, according to the author of the article. After all, the miracles that sometimes happen to us are truly amazing.

It should only be remembered that a certain connection with otherworldly forces was given to us to help, understand some aspects of our personality and warn against danger. So it is worth using them for your own good and not to the detriment of others.

Unexplained phenomena at least once happened in everyone's life. Some consider this intuition, someone is a manifestation of divine power, others are trying to find scientific explanations. But the fact that sometimes strange things happen, no one can deny.

Magic, religion or science?

On the one hand, magic has nothing to do with real life. On the other hand, all life consists of a chain of mystical events.

Everyone determines for himself the meaning of mystical manifestations in life.

  1. supernatural powers

Despite the fact that progress does not stand still, many continue to believe in supernatural powers such as:

  • Intuition, foreboding: the feeling of the inevitability of what is happening is familiar to everyone. Feeling that something bad will happen, but nothing can be changed. And it does happen!
  • Prophetic dreams: the consciousness of a sleeping person is disconnected from reality or, conversely, analyzes the events that have occurred. In any case, it cannot be denied that dreams can come true;
  • Witchcraft: “healers” are still in demand. Some have acquired offices and employees and continue to receive the suffering.

However, all this is considered a sin. Every miracle happens by the will of God.

  1. Church

Religion has had a huge impact on humanity precisely because many phenomena cannot be explained. So, these are divine manifestations:

  • Holy fire for Easter. The descent of the holy fire is perhaps the strongest proof of the existence of God today;
  • Prayers: in the most difficult situations, I want to believe that you can come to church, pray, and everything will change for the better;
  • Life and death: it's hard to believe that before birth, a person simply did not exist and after death he will again disappear into nowhere. Heaven and hell give motivation to life: no one wants to end up in hell, everyone wants to go to the gardens of paradise.
  1. Scientific explanations

Science explains many things. But scientists themselves confirm the actual existence of otherworldly forces:

  • Biofield. Special measuring devices fix the radiation emanating from a person. Remarkably, the radiations differ, have an individual color;
  • The soul of man was weighed by the researchers. Its weight is 21 grams.

It turns out that if magic exists in our time, then there are wizards. Who are these people with magical powers? There is an eternal question here.

People with magical powers

Those with supernatural abilities claim to have been born with certain skills, or acquired them through certain events.

Usually, stressful situations serve as impetuses for the manifestation of strength. They force a person to concentrate and express himself as much as possible. In history, there are many psychics who live an ordinary life up to a certain point. After going through deep spiritual experiences, they notice extraordinary phenomena and feel connected to their thoughts and actions.

Psychics have the ability to:

  • predict the future;
  • Move objects without physical contact;
  • Communicate with the world of the dead;
  • To force a person to obey their will;
  • Induce damage, perform rituals for various purposes.

Scientists conduct experiments with the help of psychics. And they come to the conclusion that there is no scientific explanation for many mystical manifestations controlled by psychics.

Those in need of support most often do not immediately turn to magicians for help. First, rational and scientific methods are used to solve the problem. And only at the end of painful attempts to achieve what they want, having tried all possible ways, having lost their last hope for improvement, people come to psychics.

In such critical situations, the body is exhausted by moral torment and people are ready to believe in any miracle. Reality and magic for them no longer has boundaries. This unstable psychological state is often used by charlatans.

Psychologists are manipulators who do not have magical abilities

It is not difficult to deceive a gullible person in a difficult situation. There is a whole trend that is working on changing consciousness in order to gain benefits.

Methods of mental influence on consciousness:

  1. In order to master the situation and be able to manipulate, pseudo-psychics enlist the trust of a person. The methods may be different, but it all starts with a heart-to-heart conversation. In which there is a similarity of situations that have arisen, and understanding, and sympathy. A person relaxes and does not notice how he falls under the influence, tells all the secrets. The goal is achieved, then you can take care of obtaining affordable benefits from the victim;
  2. Intimidation can be used to increase the impact on a person's mind. Fear is a powerful weapon in the hands of unscrupulous healers. One has only to mention the terrible consequences, and the person is completely demoralized.
  3. Another tool actively used in practice by charlatans is hypnosis. This is a whole direction that exists on the verge of medical knowledge. It is a serious introduction into the human mind. Represents a hazard when used by non-professionals.

All these manipulations in the skillful hands of scammers seem to be mystical manifestations. But is there magic in these cases? The answer is obvious - no..

Magic in real life

In the life of every person there should be a place for a miracle. Not only magicians and wizards are able to surprise. Truly miraculous events include:

  • Birth of a child. Is this real magic?
  • Sudden recovery of the patient after many years of treatment;
  • Meeting with a loved one, who later becomes a relative. Mother's love for children. Love to motherland. Love is a strong feeling that makes a person omnipotent, will argue with any magic.
  • Sudden events that happen exactly when needed.

Seeing magic is very easy. Enough to take a look.

A lot of mysticism happens every day. To recognize these phenomena as magical or not, everyone decides for himself. Actually no magic(in the sense that is shown in films and described in books) does not exist no matter how much a person would like to believe otherwise.

Video about the rationale for magical manifestations in life

In this video, the famous psychologist and critic Jacque Fresco will tell you whether there are actually different magicians and psychics:

From childhood, like everyone else, I was interested in the question - is there witchcraft in the world? And do witches exist? With bated breath, I listened to all sorts of mystical stories, adored the first film "Viy", read Gogol - "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", and other mysticism. But I was pretty sure it was all fiction. Almost, not because she doubted, but because, nevertheless, she left a place in her soul for a fairy tale. It's so cool to meet a real witch, to believe in all this damn thing seriously! And say: “Still, there is something unusual in the world!”

And this really happened. True, this happened already at a fairly decent age, when the passion for Gogol's work was left behind. And the witch turned out to be not some half-crazy neighbor, but my own sister-in-law, Tatiana, my husband's sister. And so is their grandmother. And it's all true.

My future husband Fedor and I studied at the institute then. Before the wedding, he took me to meet his grandmother. He jokingly said that if Baba Lusha did not give her consent, then there would be no wedding. This statement surprised me - I thought that the main thing in this event was my consent. But Baba Lusha turned out to be a nice old woman in a flannel robe and a white handkerchief. She hugged me and sat me down at the table. And we drank tea with her wonderful pies, chatting nicely. She smiled all the time, looking at me affectionately with her faded blue eyes. And when we were leaving, she said to Fedor: “You chose a good girl, granddaughter. Just remember what I told you! Do not disgrace our family! Later I asked him - what was Baba Lusha telling him about? But then he did not confess. The truth was revealed later. As usual, a husband has no secrets from his wife. Gradually, he told me everything.

It turns out that his grandmother was a real healer and even a clairvoyant. Although she was very religious, and in her youth she even sang in the church choir. Not only that, she was the daughter of a priest who was repressed in Stalin's time and disappeared in the camps. And Baba Lusha was engaged in witchcraft only out of cruel necessity - the heart is not a stone. She only took care of hopeless children whose disease traditional medicine could not cope with. And she treated such terrible diseases as: rubella (measles), jaundice (hepatitis), anthrax (anthrax), rodimchik (epilepsy), erysipelas and lupus. In short - incurable, fatal diseases at that time.

Including, Grandma Lusha once cured Fedor from Siberian. He was nine years old when he began to tear his finger on his hand. The doctors of the rural hospital, having made a terrible diagnosis - anthrax, sent him home to die. They were afraid that they would spread the infection. He told how his mother, hearing about the Siberian, began to scream terribly. And Baba Lusha stroked his head and told him not to be afraid of anything. She will heal him. She settled Fyodor in the summer kitchenette, blocking off the corner with a sheet, where he lay in oblivion with a fever. Only his grandmother came to him - she gave him decoctions to drink, washed him with something and sprinkled an ulcer, whispering something over his swollen hand to a disgrace. And soon the abscess began to subside, and a week later he was healthy. There was not even a scar left in place of the terrible ulcer.

“So what did Baba Lusha say to you?” - I asked my husband with special interest. And he split. “It was a long time ago when I was in ninth grade,” he said. - I was a prominent guy, I started playing with girls early - dates, dancing there, cinema. She didn't like it much. Once she put me on a chair and said: “I want to look into your future. Although it is a sin, but once it is possible. She put her hand on the top of my head, closed her eyes, stood for a moment, and then pushed me away and said: “Oh, woe! Bigamist! There were no such people in our family!” "I'm not a bigamist! Why do you think so?" he shouted. "That's good! Grandma Lusha said. - We must value our family! Then there will be happiness. Understood?". “She liked you,” he said.

With Baba Lusha, we really were friendly. She often invited us to visit and always baked her wonderful pies for us, although she was already well over eighty. And it turns out that she always knew that I was only the first wife of her grandson? But this cannot be! Our marriage was just perfect and always aroused the envy of others. Grandma made a mistake - I decided. And, to be honest, our woman Lusha did not look like a mystical witch at all. Well, she knows how to heal with herbs. She has such a talent. And whispering, perhaps, for the sake of appearance. To recover faster, believing in a miracle and in ancient spells.

After graduating from the institute, we left in the direction to a region remote from Krasnodar. And, sadly, Baba Lusha died in our absence. We returned three years later. We went to her grave, at home they commemorated the old woman with pies. As far as we could - where are we up to her masterpieces.
It was then that my sister-in-law Tanya shared some unexpected news with me. “You know,” she said, “I’ve become a healer now, too.” I looked at her - young, blooming, in a glamorous suit, with bright makeup on her face - and exclaimed: "Are you kidding?". “Nothing,” she sighed. “Baba Lusha gave me her gift before her death.” “And how was it? "Black magic" gave you? - I didn't believe it. “Yes, it was very simple - she put a yellow piece of paper into my hand and said: “These prayers help treat serious illnesses. Take it, it'll come in handy." I did, stupid. I read it later - some scribbles. Can you imagine, even with "yat" even! "And what is written in them?" “So, some kind of nonsense: two lines of conspiracies - from a relative, from an ulcer, and from something else. Yes, and it is written illegibly. “Interesting,” I said. “So what really helps?” “How should I know? - Tatyana said with annoyance. I don't even remember where that piece of paper went. I threw it away, probably for the funeral fuss. "It's a pity," I said, "it would be interesting to see." “And I'm sorry! Tatyana replied. “Because now I don’t know peace. Grandma now and then comes to me in my dreams and demands that I not give up the healer's craft. But as? Give an ad in the newspaper, or what? So I can't do anything! Will begin to demand love spells, lapels. Ugh!". “Well, if you don’t do this, what kind of healer are you? Get it out of your head!" I reassured her.

And she herself was surprised that the stories about the transfer of abilities before the death of the witch are not fiction. And I was even more surprised that such a good deed as the treatment of children, too, turns out to be witchcraft. Witches, in my opinion, should be evil, gloomy, unsociable. With a broom at the ready and a crow on his shoulder. And their knowledge is hidden not in handwritten scribbles, but in thick black books. And maybe I was wrong.

In short, I soon realized that my sister-in-law Tanyusha really acquired some kind of superpowers.
Firstly, she began to see every lie at once. Neither her husband, nor children, nor strangers, nor even gypsies could circle her around her finger. I have proven this many times. Igor, her husband, also understood this and was soon forced to nullify his tricks with countless girlfriends. Because Tatyana easily exposed them. And he had to give up drinking, though not completely. But he steadily lost his stash and burrows of alcohol. Tatyana also stopped his runs to drinking companions under the guise of working overtime and visiting sick employees. She came to the scene at the most crucial moment - bottling alcohol, making noise and dispersing a warm company. As if she smelled it. Drinking buddies to Igor just said: “Don’t cling to us anymore! You break the whole buzz!

And yet - with the dead, Tanya had some kind of mystical and inexplicable connection. Inexplicable - in terms of really confirmed information received from deceased people. They warned her - with whom from her relatives there would be trouble or who from her relatives would soon be taken to the next world. Moreover, when her Igor finally died from a fourth heart attack, he told her from there without difficulty where he hid his passbook - in the corner of a bookcase shelf. But what about - a book to a book, by kinship, so to speak. We thought he was as naked as a falcon, our Igor, drinking everything that fell into his hands. But no, I saved Tanya something for a rainy day. And this money helped her a lot then, although the amount was not so great.

I once asked Tatyana, they say, how do you manage to communicate with the dead? Are you afraid of them? Do you remember in a dream that they are already dead? She sighed heavily in response. He says: “I remember. And I'm afraid of them, what to hide. I'm a living person. I told them directly - to my father, mother, grandmother, sister-in-law, neighbors, acquaintances, and to everyone who paved the path to me from the cemetery: “Why do you keep coming to me? Go to others! I'm tired of you!" And they answered me: “So others do not hear us. And we have news for them. We miss you here, for the living, we want to convey the news, and we want to help you. What's the help, huh? Tanya exclaimed. “I would like to live like everyone else,” she sighed. - Not to know in advance - what will happen to whom, but who will die, but by what death? After all, nothing can be changed anyway. And why did I take that piece of paper from my grandmother? “Tanyush, how is Baba Lusha, in the next world? I asked her carefully. “They say that those who practiced witchcraft during their lifetime go straight to hell. Where is she now? In which place?". Tanya shrugged. “There is no hell there. There are better places - with the sun, with good houses, with an abundance of clothes and food, but there are worse places - there are shacks, poor, meager. Depending on how a person was during his lifetime - greedy and evil or generous and kind - he receives a lot. But even the dead can change their habitat there for a better one. If we pray for them here and forgive the evil that they have done to us. Yes, there are different ways to live. You can lower your hands, take offense at the whole world, vegetate. And you can help others there, make life easier, share. And also - to repent of bad deeds. You look - and the destiny will become brighter. And our baba Lusha is in a very good place.” Tanya looked askance at me and hesitated. But then I could not stand it and said: “I dreamed of her in a place that I would call paradise. And she served Jesus Christ himself there! Can you imagine? She gives him a book, talks to him easily. Can this be? Tanya relaxed, nodding at me. “Yes, that’s right, she serves there with the Lord. And he constantly asks Him for all of us. Otherwise, I don’t know where we would be.” “But, Tanya, she wasn’t a saint, was she? Not only that, she was a sorcerer. That is, she violated the church ban on witchcraft. “The only thing that matters is whether you did good to people or evil. And besides, you don’t know – Baba Lusha constantly prayed for everyone. Including for every child she cured. Because this is called changing one's fate, intervening in God's providence. The child was supposed to die, but because of her, he remained alive. That is why she did not take on adults. She said - let them answer for their sins. And she always thought that if God gave her a gift, she should do good with its help. And she never took money for her help, only food. Yes, and then they took them to the temple. ”
By the way, Tatyana herself has by no means become devout since she found out about a different world. So, sometimes he goes to the temple - on great holidays or put a candle on the canon for the dead. He says it's not important.
By the way, my husband Fedor and I, nevertheless, parted ways, as Baba Lusha predicted.

He was in high rank in one firm when a new economist, Lena, got a job with them. And she - beautiful, smart, braid to the waist - fell in love with him without memory. I saw her once at one corporate party - she didn’t take her eyes off us and even burst into tears for some reason. It was then that my Fedor shared his office affair. He says, they say, this Lena does not give him a pass, even uncomfortable in front of his colleagues. And what she said to him - nothing, they say, you don’t need anything, live with your family, I just want to give birth to a child from you. I sympathized with her even then: love is evil. She does not choose whether her chosen one is stamped in her passport or not. At that time, Fedor and I already had two children, peace and harmony, the house is a full bowl. But when later “kind” people reported that he had a serious affair with this Lena and, moreover, she was expecting a child from him, I put the suitcases out the door for him. It became disgusting that he looked into my eyes, and he ran to the other. It would have been better to leave immediately. Then he asked all the time back, often stopping by to see the children. But I thought - you can’t glue a cracked cup. Yes, and I was afraid that it would be as Baba Lusha said - our Fedor would become a bigamist and would rush between two houses. Let everything stay as it is. Honestly.

That's how I found out - is there witchcraft in the world? There is, no doubt.