How to plant a plum tree in spring: a step-by-step guide
How to plant a plum tree in spring: a step-by-step guide
Planting plums in the spring is not difficult even for novice gardeners. The material presented is intelligible and...
Quince when it ripens
Quince when it ripens
For many decades, quince has been exciting humanity: Which fruit did Adam bite off: an apple or a quince? About a strange fruit...
Prickly plum - thorn
Prickly plum - thorn
In excavations of pile buildings two thousand years ago in Switzerland, thorn seeds were discovered, which indicates the venerable age of this...
Replanting plums in the fall - how to replant correctly
Replanting plums in the fall - how to replant correctly
Transplanting a plum tree in the fall will enable the root system to successfully take root in a new location. Next spring, the young plum will effectively...
Fighting plum sawfly
Fighting plum sawfly
The plum sawfly causes a lot of trouble for gardeners. It is found on fruit crops throughout European territory. Can...
Treating the garden in the fall from diseases and pests: step-by-step instructions
Treating the garden in the fall from diseases and pests: step-by-step instructions
Spraying is carried out for preventive purposes and also helps prepare trees for the winter. For treatment, prevention...