Dear neighbor, what kind of poet are we talking about. What Russian poet is referred to in this description

Classroom hour


primary school teacher

Stepnoyer secondary school

Altai region

Pushkareva Tatyana Petrovna

To reveal to children the essence of the concepts of "kindness", "kindness", "good deeds", "tolerance", "unity";

To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality;

Motivate children to do good deeds;

Teach children to analyze their actions and the actions of others;

To educate not only the desire, but also the need to show kindness to others;

Foster cohesion children's team, develop communication skills, create a good mood.

Preliminary work:

prepare readers;

divide children into groups, distribute roles in groups; discuss gift options that can be completed during class hours;

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Good day! Having said these words, I sincerely wish you good, peace and joy. I hope your heart will open to sincere and kind people.

Four centuries have flown by (Slide number 3)

Over our Russia since that time,

When swords clashed in battle

And the axes were raised.

Pozharsky and Minin soldered

And they saved their native Russia.

Townsman and boyar agreed

For your great military work.

And this day has not disappeared for centuries,

He lives in people's memory.

Russia will not run out of power -

After all, this force is our people!

(N. Merkushova)

Almost 4 centuries ago, in early November, the people's militia, led by the merchant Minin and the governor Pozharsky, drove the Polish invaders out of Moscow, thereby bringing the end of the so-called Terrible time closer.

The people collected the last money for armaments and went to liberate the land and restore order in the capital.

The unification of the Russian people around Minin and Pozharsky, the liberation of Moscow gave rise to the development of our powerful Russian state, which became Russian Empire. Therefore, this day is rightly called the Day of National Unity.

National Unity Day is also a holiday of kindness, a day of caring for people. Any, even the smallest good deed on this day

for everyone should be the first step towards the healing of the soul, and good deeds taken together will make the world a better place.

Unity is continuity, solidarity.

Good is everything good, positive, everything that brings happiness, benefit.

In unity and kindness great power! Many good deeds can be done every day, helping those around you. (Sk. 4)

Be attentive to people. Help the old lady cross the road. Give up your seat in the transport, help the kitten, listen to your friend, give a good useful advice. Don't forget to help your parents.

By joining forces and your kind hearts, you can help the whole country.

2. Formulation of the theme of the class hour.

So, what will be dedicated Classroom hour? Good deeds and people capable of good deeds.

The speech of the readers.

A. Dementiev

Kindness is for all people

May there be more good ones.

They do not say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it is not for nothing that we have

Wish "Have a good time."

Kindness is from the century

Human decoration...

Don't stand by indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always

And if someone, someone will help

Your kindness, your smile

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,

That you live for years not in vain.

3. The main part of the classroom.

Today we must find our way of Good to the planet of Good Deeds. (Slide number 5 + planet layout on the board)

Problematic situation. (Slide number 6)

On the way we have a bag and two chests with the inscriptions "good". Our task is to free our way. Lots in the bag different words, let's put them in chests. In one word that characterize a good person, the rest in another chest. (Children not only distribute the words into the chests, but also explain the meaning of the words.)

sensitivity(responsive, sympathetic), money

(means of payment, savings),

compassion ( Sympathy someone else's participation, excited by the grief, misfortune of another person.),

decorations(an item that decorates something)

delicacy(polite, gentle in handling),

gems(distinguished by beauty rare stones),

responsiveness(ready to help at any moment)

benevolence.(Showing a friendly disposition, participation in the surrounding people.)

Conclusion: Under the word "good" some people understand material values. Tell me, will only material good bring happiness? (children's answers)

It has long been noted that kind person always surrounded by sincere people, and this dignity cannot be compared with any material wealth. Everyone knows that kindness and love cannot be bought with money.

To do good, one must first of all possess it. Kindness is not given to us from birth, it is not inherited. It is necessary to try hard, day after day, to cultivate it in yourself - Kindness.

After discussion, appears on the board the first brick to the planet of Good deeds. ( Brick "Spiritual Good")

In the education of kindness, folk wisdom accumulated over the centuries will help us.

Group work.

Task: connect the beginning and end of the proverb, give an example of a life situation related to this proverb. (Slide number 7)

Good times will not be forgotten.

A good deed praises itself.

Self-lover loves no one.

A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog.

From goodness - kindness are not looking for.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

A good deed lives for two centuries.

What you wish for yourself, wish the same for others.

They pay good for good.

After the discussion, the children voice proverbs and explain their meaning, cite life situations as an example.

Each group attaches a brick of the Good Road to the board. . (Brick "Folk Wisdom")

Good Garden. (Slide number 8)

We are in the Good Garden. Let's go through this garden and remove the rotten apples. I will name the things that the guys do. If you approve of the behavior of children, (clap your hands) then the apple will remain on the tree. If you do not like the behavior of the guys, (stomp) then the apple will fall from the apple tree.

1) complain about everyone

2) give up your seat on the bus to an elderly person

3) say hello when you meet

4) make a birdhouse

5) interrupt adults who are talking

6) help water the garden bed in the summer

7) to litter in the classroom and in other public places

8) help a friend solve a problem

9) walk past someone who needs help

Well done! We can lay a new brick. Brick "Good deeds".

Look, we have almost built the Good Road, but there is still a package on the way. Let's see! (Slide number 9)

The teacher reads the inscription on the parcel. "Dear Guys! We are glad that you strive to be kind. Be always friendly, attentive to each other, benevolent! Be one!

Who wrote these good words? Let's try to find out.

The teacher takes out various objects and telegrams from the parcel. The task of children is to recognize a cartoon or literary hero.

Telegram #1 (Slide #10)

Item: bow.
"Guys! It’s more fun for the good to live in this world!” Cat Leopold

Telegram #2 (Slide #11)

Subject: caramels.

“The most necessary and dearest of all, the most trusting and stricter in this world is kindness!” Piglet Funtik

Telegram #3 (Slide #12)

Subject: heart.

“I have a heart! I became kind, sensitive! Tin Woodman

Telegram #4 (Slide #13)

"My Desperate, hot tears melted the ice in the boy's heart and made him good again." Gerda

Telegram number 5 (Slide 14)

"We built, built, and finally built." Cheburashka, crocodile Gena

Telegram #6 (Slide #15)

"I'm very glad! My good heart helped save the swallow!” Thumbelina

You coped with the task, recognized all the characters. Next brick: "Good friends"

Now I want to tell you one instructive parable.

Eastern parable (W. 16 - video)

Long time ago in ancient city the Master lived, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there a question that our Master could not answer?" He went to flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. Butterfly paws clung to his hands, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:

- Tell me, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?

He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.

Without looking at the student's hands, the Master replied:

- All in your hands.

Parable discussion.

All in our hands! Let's start with ourselves and give goodness every day, and it will definitely come back to us.

The last brick: "Everything is in our hands!" (Slide number 17)

Guys, I really hope that today we all have become even better, even kinder. I really want each of you to have a piece of kindness. Like a little sun.

Who do we call a good person?

A kind person is one who helps people, loves nature.

Kindness is like a medicine, it cures many ailments. Do not deviate from the path of Good!

Practical work The song "The Road of Kindness" sounds - a song from the film \Little Muk\

Now we will spend practical work(Hearts and wishes are on the tables.) On each heart you will stick your wish, which you will present to our guests)


"Be healthy!",

"Let dreams come true!",

"Peaceful sky above your head!",

"True friends!"

"Good luck

Warmth and kindness

So that all failures

burned to the ground!"

God bless you in your decisions

And the multiplication of the best qualities,

Great relationship with children

And understanding their eccentricities "

“We wish you health, happiness, light,

All that is called good."

The most popular feeling in life is kindness. It is difficult to describe, to give an exact formulation. It can do great things, reconcile neighbors, tame animals, make the world more beautiful. Such an important word must have its own holiday.

kindness day

The history of choosing the date of the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness is little studied. But it is known for sure that the initiators were numerous public and charitable organizations of the world. In November 1998, the first conference of the World Movement for Good was held. Venue: Tokyo. The event was attended by representatives of leading countries. The participants decided to celebrate the seventeenth of February as the World Kindness Day.

At first, 7 states participated in the action: the USA, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, England, Australia and Canada. Later European powers began to join. The Russian Federation pulled itself up to the movement quite recently. the main objective holiday - through good and positive encourage people to good, noble deeds. The holiday knows no boundaries, racial and religious affiliation. He fights inequality, gives positive energy, reconciles those who quarreled.

About good

Good in our world works according to the “boomerang principle”. It always returns good, only with a greater value! Dobro is an active participant in poetry and works of art. This term is included in the title of many songs and films. Here are the phrases we often use:

  • Good morning.
  • Good afternoon.
  • Good health.
  • Welcome.

A great example and call for kindness is this popular song:

The main highlight of kindness is not to demand retaliatory actions, not to seek benefits. You can remember the wonderful Soviet cartoon "Just like that." Generous animals gave each other a bouquet of flowers just like that. It was a rush of soul and heart, a desire to cheer up and cheer up the first person you meet. The cartoon is still loved by children and adults in Russia.

Outlook for 2018

No difficulties and changes in society can abolish the category of "good" from our lives. In the legislation of Russia there is no official holiday "Day of Kindness". Solemn events will not be held in the Kremlin, it is foolish to expect congratulations from the first persons of the country on this date. Only in science fiction films can the head of state congratulate the people on such a holiday by lowering the price of a communal apartment and raising wages ordinary people. Each person will be able to independently take the initiative and arrange a small holiday in his home or work team. And you don’t need much for this: a little creativity, love and fantasy. Conveniently, in 2018 February 17 falls on a Sunday.

How to live on February 17?

If you are a kind person, then be yourself. If you feel rude and greedy, then you have to work a little. Do something nice for a colleague who offended you, forgive an insignificant debt to a neighbor, move your grandmother across the road. Better yet, don't wait until that date arrives. Live positively and make small surprises to everyone around you. Remember - even despots gave hot tea to their victims before execution. If you work in the field of education, upbringing, culture, be sure to arrange a small holiday the day before.

It is often carried out in kindergarten, at school, university or library. Even in the camp for bandits, you can show a kind and heart-rending film "White Bim, Black Ear". Perhaps in some dark soul the string of anger and hatred will break. Kindness, care and attention are very much lacking in our lives. Many people do not remember what date is mom's birthday or wedding anniversary. Kindness Day can be considered a day of mercy, joy and a course for the better.

For the epigraph:

We are always happy to do good, it does not require a reward, give good just like that, you can’t buy it for a nickel!

The date of World Kindness Day is November 13, and it was chosen for a reason. Indeed, in 1998, a conference was opened in Tokyo for the first time under the auspices of the World Movement for Kindness.

What does the World Kindness Movement do?

An organization of volunteers and volunteers that extends its activities to the whole world, inspires people to do good deeds. The Kindness Movement was first performed in Japan in 1997. Anyone wishing to make a sincere, noble deed could join this action. After the Third World Kindness Conference was held in 2000, this movement was given official status.

Doing good deeds is hard?

Definitely not: doing good things is incredibly easy, the main thing is to start. After all, good is not measured by money and does not even always require a lot of time spent. Warm someone with your smile, raise someone close or, conversely, to a stranger mood is also a good deed. World Kindness Day is included in the calendar as a holiday only to remind us to do useful things. But each of us should adhere to this position for 365 days a year.

good ideas

If you're serious about dedicating your entire day to doing only good deeds, here are a few tips. Spend World Kindness Day helping others, make your loved ones happy, and enjoy life yourself.

To achieve harmony:

  • Do not turn on the TV, but give all your attention to the child.
  • Call your friends and tell them that they are very important in your life.
  • Go outside and just take a walk, giving passers-by a smile. Perhaps it is the World Kindness Day that will inspire you, and then you can add compliments, flowers, beautiful balloons or delicious sweets to your smile.
  • Make your own or buy a bird feeder and install it.
  • Plant a tree. And passers-by will be able to rest in the shade of his future branched crown. And if you choose fruit tree, then people will also be able to enjoy delicious fruits.
  • Collect everything that has not been eaten (of course, it's great if there are more bones) and put it in a separate container, and then take it to the trash can. And stray dogs will be able to feast to their heart's content without making any effort to find food.
  • Move Grandma across the road. Just don't forget to ask if she wants to get on the other side of the road.

It can be said that demonstrates the World Kindness Day pictures of the ideal life.

Why do you need it?

In addition to the fact that good deeds bring positive and good mood to everyone, they also have the best effect on well-being, increase vitality. Do not lose sight of the change for the better in relationships with everyone around you. After all, there is nothing more important than warm communication with your loved ones. And these are not just words, but facts proven by science.

Here are some research results:

  • Volunteers who volunteer for charities are significantly less likely to become depressed. And the self-esteem of such people is much higher than average, as well as the perception of life in general.
  • Resentment and the negative emotions experienced at the same time dramatically increase blood pressure. And it relieves the resulting stress.
  • Attention and kindness to a loved one, as well as pleasant little things, surprises, strengthen mutual understanding in a couple.
  • It makes it much easier for students studying proccess and friendly attitude towards comrades and teachers.

Everything is simple here: if you want to do good for yourself, do it for your neighbor. Remember that World Kindness Day can be held daily.

When did the holiday start?

It would seem that the word "kindness" lives in folklore and fairy tales different peoples so long ago that it’s hard to remember when it appeared, but the holiday has existed only since 1998. The idea was submitted by charitable organizations, thanks to which, the propaganda of the movement for kindness was picked up by such countries as:

  • Thailand;
  • Great Britain;
  • Canada;
  • Australia;
  • Singapore;
  • Japan;

European powers joined large-scale projects later, when volunteers and volunteers began to popularize charity events on the Internet.

On what date to celebrate the unofficial holiday (World Kindness Day), the participating states agreed on the same day - November 13 in Tokyo during the 1st conference of the World Kindness Movement. In a number of countries, November 13 is still considered the main solemn date.

Kindness in the vastness of Russia

In the Russian Federation, the holiday was first celebrated in 2009. And immediately with all the breadth of the Russian soul: a flash mob symbolizing the unification of peoples, magnificent celebrations, actions were held on Manezhnaya Square in the capital. Caring citizens wrote letters of encouragement, beautiful poems to elderly people from boarding schools in the Vladimir and Tula regions; flowers were given to passers-by on the streets. It was noticed that in this and subsequent years, during the holiday in Russia, more animals were taken from shelters than on other days.

In addition to giving fresh flowers on this winter day, it is customary to:

  • Treat chilled people with coffee;
  • Clear paths from snow;
  • Transfer old women across the road;
  • Make small surprises for colleagues;
  • Feed birds and animals;
  • Smile at others more often
  • Write congratulations and send funny postcards on social networks.

Among the little things, there are more global things - financial assistance to sick children, needy pensioners. According to the CAF (Charities Aid Foundation), about 80% of Russians annually participate in charity events. In 2014, donations amounted to 5,000 rubles, in 2015 - 3,300 rubles. It is likely that non-profit funds would be replenished with large sums However, the Russians are not entirely sure that the money will be used for good deeds, and will not end up in the pockets of soulless officials.

Also, in order to give hope to people in need, they organize:

  • sales of handicrafts in charity markets;
  • collection of blood in medical institutions;
  • canteens for the homeless;
  • visits of artists with gifts to orphanages.

On the side of good

To do less evil of a sane person is able to convince a weighty argument - concern for own health. After all, as confirmed by research, when thoughts and actions are unkind, there is a serious tension in the parasympathetic nervous system. Its processes lead to the internal organs, in the work of which discord also gradually begins. The bile ducts and liver suffer first of all, it is not without reason that people say “turned green with anger”. Conversely, passion good deeds and taking care of others tunes the body to proper functioning: endorphins are produced, stress and depression are neutralized.

Sayings of great people about kindness
Mark Twain Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Publilius Sir What cannot be achieved by force can be achieved by kindness.
Confucius Five things constitute perfect virtue: earnestness, generosity of soul, sincerity, diligence, and kindness.
Thoreau Henry David Kindness is the only garment that never wears out.
Miguel Cervantes Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness and kindness.


Option 1

    Match the name of the modernist movement and the names of the poets adjoining it

    1. symbolism a) Gumilyov b) Bryusov c) Akhmatova

      acmeism d) Khlebnikov e) Bely

      Futurism f) Mayakovsky g) Balmont h) Mandelstam

    Correlate the modernist trend and the relationship of poets to creativity

    1. symbolism a) The poet is the creator

      acmeism b) The poet is a rebel

      futurism c) poet - craftsman

    This trend contributed to the creation of a new philosophical culture, a new worldview, an attitude to art as a principle that unites people, refinement, sophistication of poetic means for better expression the complex world of the contemporary

    1. Futurism

    2. Symbolism

    The symbol is

    1. Detail of a landscape, portrait, highlighted in order to emphasize its special significance

      word or phrase in an allegorical sense

      artistic technique based on exaggeration

    1. hyperbola




    About what poet silver age is talking about: V early lyrics this poet's intention is to shock, to puzzle the reader. Art, according to the poet, is valuable in itself. He worships the artistic gift, creativity as a deity.

worship art,

Only to him, undividedly, aimlessly.

    What poet are you talking about? A prominent poet, critic and translator of the "Silver Age", from the group " junior symbolists". His work is imbued and illuminated by the dream of the Sun, of Beauty. Favorite technique is personification. He understood "poetry as magic."

    What poet are you talking about? Not only a poet, but also one of the greatest explorers of Africa. In 1912, he announced the emergence of a new artistic movement - acmeism. Romance and heroics are the basis of the poet's attitude. Romantic dreams were developed in the collection "Pearls"

a) Let the sea rage and lash, The crests of the waves rose into the sky, Not one trembles before a thunderstorm, None will turn the sails.

b) The chest is not compressed with a premonition of pain,
Look into my eyes if you want.
I do not like only the hour before sunset,
Wind from the sea and the word "go away."

Option 2

    Match the name of the modernist movement and the basic principles inherent in it

    1. symbolism a) rejection of mystical nebula, striving for concreteness, colorfulness, objectivity of images

      acmeism b) elitism, the ability to see behind the outside "a mystically suspected essence." Orientation to the reader - co-author

      futurism c) rebelliousness, outrageousness, denial of cultural traditions, experimentation in the field of rhythm and rhyme

    Correlate: which modernist trend is closer to which type of art

    1. symbolism a) painting

      acmeism b) painting, architecture, sculpture

      futurism c) music

    This trend proclaimed the liberation of poetry from symbolist impulses, a return to the material world, exact value words, proclaimed the cult of real earthly existence, major perception of reality, the authenticity of the image, the clarity of the composition.

    1. Symbolism 2. Acmeism 3. Futurism

    Artistic detail is:

    1. A poetic image that expresses the essence of a phenomenon

      An expressive detail that carries a semantic and ideological and emotional load

      An artistic technique based on a hidden comparison of one phenomenon with another similar to it

      A word or phrase in an allegorical sense

    Name the asset artistic expressiveness used in Gumilyov's poem "Giraffe"

And how can I tell you about the tropical garden,
About slender palm trees, about the smell of unimaginable herbs.

      Comparison 2. metaphor 3. epithet 4. personification

    To which Does this poem belong to the modernist trend?

Shadow of Uncreated Creatures
Swaying in sleep.
Like blades of patching
On the enamel wall.

    What poet are you talking about? The main features of his poetic world are an emphasized alienation from the vulgar modernity, an attraction to romantic exoticism, bright decorative paints, tense and sonorous verse. Did he proclaim the "intrinsic value" of the phenomena of life, the cult of art as a skill?

    What poet are you talking about?

The real name of this poet is Bugaev. This is a man of rare talent: a poet-lyricist, prose writer, researcher of Russian and world culture, literary theorist, critic and publicist, memoirist. Author of 4 poetic symphonies. In the Ashes collection, was the jubilant worldview supplanted by the influx of "mystical horrors" that the poet saw in contemporary Russia?


1 option

    1b,e,g 2a,c,h 3d,f

    1a, 2c, 3b




    a) Gumilyov

b) Akhmatova

Option 2

    1b, 2a, 3c

    1c, 2b, 3a




    a) Gumilyov