How to mix concrete proportions in buckets. DIY concrete

The construction of any real estate object involves the preliminary pouring of the foundation. The durability and reliability of the base depend on the quality of the work performed and the correct selection of components in the composition of the cement mortar.

Do not forget that it is this part of the structure that must withstand all the loads without collapsing or sagging. How to choose the right proportions in the composition buckets, we will tell you in detail in our article.


On large construction sites, factory-made cement slurry is used.

However, not every ordinary resident can afford to order the delivery of concrete mix for the foundation, which becomes a good reason for preparing the mix on his own.

It is important to observe the correct ratio of components in order to end up with elastic concrete, but very durable.

The composition of the cement mortar

I would like to focus on the fact that before proceeding with the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to carefully analyze the features of the soil of a given area. It is this factor that determines the advisability of using special proportions of the components that are included in the composition of concrete.

Cement. One of the most important components of the solution is cement, thanks to which the creamy mixture is further transformed into a strong, reliable, durable base. There are different brands of cement on sale (M200, M300, M400, M500), each of which is designed to perform certain works.

Sand. Traditionally, "washed" sand or river sand is used. Before adding sand to the composition, it must be sieved to exclude the possibility of various impurities or objects getting into the mixture.

Crushed stone. Depending on the purpose for which the concrete will be used, the need to add crushed stone of the desired fraction is determined. For the foundation, crushed stone is taken, the fraction of which can vary from 5 mm to 20 mm.

Water. Without this component, the preparation of a cement mixture is simply impossible. However, do not pour water thoughtlessly. Only the amount that is stipulated in the proportion of concrete.

Supplements. To improve the properties of concrete, the mixture can be supplemented with various additives. With their help, you can speed up the process of solidification of the solution, increase its strength, etc.

Concrete preparation process

The foundation should be poured with concrete in small areas so that the mortar layer can be leveled in a timely manner. For maximum convenience of mixing the cement mixture, a bucket is used, which acts as a kind of measuring container.

However, it is important to remember that the bulk density of each component in the bucket takes up a different amount, namely:

  • Cement - 15 kg;
  • Sand - 19 kg;
  • Crushed stone - 17.5 kg;
  • Water as needed.


Observing the proportions in the buckets of the concrete composition for the foundation, you can achieve the impeccable quality of the finished product. Based on 1 cube of solution, it is necessary to add the indicated components with the same amount of C2: P5: Sh9.

Important! Remember that the solution tends to freeze, which dictates the need to prepare a mixture, which must be used within two hours.

When erecting not very high frame buildings, they are used, which does not require a special super-strength of the solution. Preparation of a cement mixture, when a bucket acts as a measuring material, is relevant:

  • If necessary, perform work of a small volume;
  • In the process of phased pouring of the foundation;
  • When there is no possibility of using special equipment at the construction site;
  • Remote distance from enterprises engaged in the manufacture and supply of finished stock.

Ratio of proportions

A concrete worker who has quite a lot of experience will be able to mix the required volume of cement mortar without any problems, observing the optimal proportions of the components. It will be extremely inconvenient to carry the scales with you. For convenience, you can use a measuring bucket.

Important! Depending on the selected brand of cement, the proportions of other components in the composition of the solution are determined, where the key component is cement in a volume of 10 liters.

The presence of cement, sand and gravel in one or another amount forms the composition of concrete, which has its own markings (M100, M150, M200, etc.).

Preparation of the solution

To knead concrete for the foundation in compliance with the proportions of the composition in buckets, you must stock up on the required amount of raw materials and inventory (2 buckets, 2 shovels). One bucket and shovel must be dry to work directly with the cement. All materials that need to be measured with a bucket should be tamped tightly with a shovel and leveled on top.

To prepare the solution, you can use wide containers with relatively high sides, so that it is convenient to mix the components. After the sand and crushed stone are thoroughly mixed on the surface, it is necessary to create a kind of furrows into which cement is subsequently poured. Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

By making a small indentation in the mixture, you can add the right amount of water. Dry components along the edges of the cone are poured into a depression with water so that they are well saturated.

Then a cone is formed again and the kneading procedure is repeated until the mixture acquires a uniform consistency of the desired density. If possible, you can also use a small-sized concrete mixer.

Useful video on the topic of the article:

Don't pour too much water at once. It is more advisable to add liquid in small portions. Strict adherence to the specified proportions and careful mixing make it possible to obtain homogeneous and plastic concrete, where voids are completely absent.

The ready-made concrete solution has a plastic composition that includes four essential components: cement, crushed stone (gravel), sand and water. Mixing of materials must take place in strict sequence. The proportions of the components for the foundation are approximately as follows: C - 1 share, U - 5 shares, P - 3 shares, B - 0.5 shares (C - cement, U - crushed stone, P - sand, V - water).

These figures may change, since in practice they depend on a number of factors, for example, on the required grade of concrete, the grade of cement used, physical and chemical characteristics of sand and crushed stone, on the type of additives and their dosage.

Features of concrete mixes

The key components that make up concrete are cement and water, which are responsible for the solidity of the structure and form a cement stone in tandem. However, during hardening, such a stone is subject to deformation, shrinkage can approach the value of 2 mm per meter.

The process is uneven, internal stresses arise in the material, the result of which is microcracks. No matter how you look closely, it is impossible to visually notice them, but the quality of the cement stone will be low. To minimize deformation, aggregates in the form of sand, expanded clay, gravel or crushed stone are included in the mortar.

The purpose of the aggregates is to form structural reinforcement, which will have to accept the shrinkage stress of the material. As a result, shrinkage is significantly reduced, while the strength of the concrete increases and creep decreases.

Concrete marking

For marking concrete use a digital designation that follows the letter "M". There is an extensive line of concrete: from M-75 to M-1000. A set of numbers indicates the calculated resistance of concrete to its compression (measured in kgf / cm2) at the time of its complete hardening, that is, after 28 days. For example, for the M300 brand, this value is close to 300 kg / cm2. Thus, the higher the number in the marking, the stronger the concrete.

Areas of use

Even an ignorant person in construction knows that concrete is the basis of the foundations. Each type of work corresponds to a certain brand.

  • M-100 and M-150 - used for the installation of pillows under the base of the foundation;
  • M-200 is the most common brand, used for pouring foundations, floor screeds, installation of retaining walls, blind areas and paths;
  • M-250 and M-300 - intermediate grades between M-200 and M-350;
  • M-350 is the most demanded brand, which is used for the construction of monolithic foundations, load-bearing structures, road surfaces;
  • M-400 and M-450 are rarely used, mainly in the construction of hydraulic structures;
  • M-500 and M-550 are used for the construction of facilities to which special requirements apply (these are dams, dams, metro, etc.).

For small construction work, it is convenient to measure the number of components in buckets. It is easier and faster to mix good quality concrete. How many buckets of materials are required in order to prepare the working staff depends on the amount of work. It is important to take into account the fact that all the components of the concrete test have a different bulk density: a bucket of cement weighs about 15 kg, a bucket of sand - about 19 kg, and the mass of crushed stone is about 17.5 kg.

The optimal proportions of the components in one cube of concrete test using buckets are approximately as follows: 2: 5: 9, where, respectively, cement / sand / crushed stone. Having measured the components, they begin to prepare concrete mortar m200, which can be used both for pouring the foundation and for screed floors, erecting porches, etc. Water is usually added to the concrete composition in an amount equal to half the volume of cement. The working solution is prepared immediately before the start of concreting in the amount that is planned to be produced in 2 hours.

For the construction of light frame structures, a columnar foundation is quite enough. Therefore, the concrete mass for pouring it does not imply ultra-high strength.

Preparation of concrete using buckets is relevant in the following cases:

  • to perform small-scale work;
  • when the foundation is poured in stages;
  • inaccessibility of the construction site for special equipment (concrete mixers);
  • remoteness from factories supplying the finished composition.

Component proportions

Even an experienced concrete worker cannot give an answer to the question: "How many components in weight equivalent should be taken to mix the ideal mortar?" Everything is too approximate, since in each particular case the constituent parts have different moisture content and fraction sizes. One thing remains - to adhere to the recommended proportions. It is more convenient to measure the ratio of components by volume in buckets.

Table of proportions of M-400 cement, sand and gravel:

Concrete marking
M 100 1,0: 4,6: 7,0 78 10: 41: 61
M 150 1,0: 3,6: 5,6 64 10: 32: 50
M 200 1,0: 2,7: 4,9 54 10: 25: 42
M 250 1,0: 2,3: 3,8 43 10: 19: 34
M 300 1,0: 2,0: 3,5 41 10: 17: 32
M 400 1,0: 1,3: 2,5 31 10: 11: 24

Table of proportions of M-500 cement, sand and gravel:

Concrete marking Component weight in kg (C: P: G) The volume of ready-mixed concrete obtained from 10 liters of cement, in liters Component ratio by volume (C: P: G)
M 100 1,0: 5,8: 8,1 90 10: 53: 71
M 150 1,0: 4,5: 6,7 73 10: 40: 58
M 200 1,0: 3,5: 5,5 62 10: 32: 49
M 250 1,0: 2,6: 4,4 50 10: 24: 39
M 300 1,0: 2,4: 4,4 47 10: 22: 37
M 400 1,0: 1,7: 3,3 36 10: 14: 28

Conversion to kilograms

It is convenient to measure components with buckets directly on the construction site. However, when purchasing materials, we are used to operating with kilograms. How to calculate how many and what components should be in one cube of concrete? Initially, you should decide on the proportions attributable to the ingredients.

If we proceed from the proportion 1: 3: 5, necessary for the construction of the foundation, then the shares are 9 (1 + 3 + 5). One cube contains 1,000,000 cubic meters. cm, we divide this number by 9 shares, we get 111111 cubic meters. see in 1 cubic meter. cm, the content of cement is 3.33 g, then in 1 cubic meter. its 333 kg.

Manual concrete mix

Two buckets and a pair of shovels are required to work. One of the buckets and one shovel are for cement only and must be absolutely dry. The second pair of tools is used for sand and gravel. The bucket weights are lightly compacted with a shovel and leveled on top. A wide container is used for mixing concrete. The sand and crushed stone are thoroughly mixed, creating furrows on the surface, into which cement is poured. All components are mixed as many times as necessary to form a mass of uniform color.

The mixtures give the shape of a cone, make a depression in it and pour water. The composition from the edges of the cone is poured into a depression with water, it should be completely saturated. Then, a cone is again formed from the mass and the previous steps are repeated until the concrete dough acquires the required consistency.

In the process of mixing, water must be added in small portions, an excessive amount of liquid will reduce all efforts to zero.

Compliance with the proportions will allow you to obtain a concrete mixture of the desired plasticity, homogeneity, and the absence of voids. And this means that the structure has been prepared for an impressive operational life.

One of the irreplaceable building materials is concrete. As you know, it is not sold in its pure form, but is created directly at the facility, using a special recipe and technology. The exact proportions of concrete in concrete mixer buckets are determined by several factors, including the brand of cement, the method of preparation and the type of work to be done.

general information

Even an inexperienced master knows what the concrete mix is ​​made of. The principle of preparation of this building material is very simple: prepared cement, gravel and sand are poured with liquid, and then stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed. After that, the composition is poured into a prepared form and wait for it to solidify.

The procedure for creating concrete can be difficult if you miss a number of important working points and nuances. One of them is to correctly calculate the proportions of the elements for the upcoming mixing. The exact parameters are determined by the components used and the purpose of the concrete. As you know, the following types of mixtures are used in construction:

We must not forget that the group of cellular materials also includes solutions for thermal insulation purposes, including polystyrene concrete, expanded clay concrete, arbolite. If their density corresponds to the required one, this will allow erecting a load-bearing wall structure with minimal thermal conductivity. Also, the material can be used to insulate already erected walls.

There are also modified types of concretes on the market, including hydraulic, auxiliary and special compositions. The first variety is resistant to moisture and is able to maintain high performance regardless of environmental influences.

The main components of the solution

It is no secret that the quality of the building material and the service life of the building to be erected directly depend not only on correctly selected proportions, but also on the choice of key components. Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully consider the composition of a particular grade of concrete, its properties and features of the components.

As you know, concrete solutions are created from the following parts:

  1. Cement mixture.
  2. Sand.
  3. Crushed stone.
  4. Water.

The main element of every concrete mix is ​​cement. It is the quality of this component that determines the duration of solidification of the final product and the strength of the future building. There is a wide variety of binders on the market with different series and properties. Among them, Portland cement is very popular, which guarantees the best adhesion of substances and the strength of the product.

On each package of cement, the brand is indicated with the symbol "M", as well as the coefficient of measurement in the form of kg / cm3. The strength characteristics of the material depend on this designation. For example, the proportions of M300 concrete in buckets differ significantly from the proportions for the M400, M100, M150, M200 brands, etc.

When choosing a suitable brand, it is important to understand in advance the main characteristics of the series and consult with a specialist. Depending on the individuality of the project, the brand and proportions of concrete may differ.

The next element in the concrete mix is ​​sand. It plays an astringent role and is foreseen in the cooking design. Experienced builders are advised to take refined quartz or river sand with a small fraction - 1.2-3.5 millimeters. It is important to make sure that the component is completely clean and free of clay impurities. Otherwise, the strength factor will be seriously affected. Before starting mixing, the sand must be sieved through a small mesh sieve to prevent the ingress of foreign impurities.

Rubble and water

Also, a large-caliber filler must be present in the composition of the concrete mixture. We are talking about crushed stone, which endows the consistency with maximum strength and reliability. When building household structures, the best solution is grains with a diameter of 10-20 centimeters. If the cells are larger, they will be indispensable for industrial applications.

The presence of water in the mixture is provided for by individual construction projects. The liquid used must be absolutely clean and free from all kinds of chemical and oily additives.

To mix concrete in a concrete mixer for household purposes, it is better to take rain or settled water. If the scale of construction is industrial, a cleaned version is quite suitable.

If it is necessary to erect a supporting wall structure, it is better to prepare cement under the brands M400, M300, M500. For the arrangement of partition structures, brand 300 is quite suitable. If we are talking about a building with small dimensions, then it is better to opt for the M200 model.

To equip a high-quality foundation for the convenient construction of the future premises, it is better to take the M200 brand. If the roofing structure is foreseen by the project, the concrete must be more durable and correspond to the M400-500 series.

Blind area and plaster

As for the blind area, it will be of truly high quality if you use cement of the M50-M150 brand. As you know, such structures do not have to cope with heavy loads, therefore, those series of cement mixtures that do not have high strength are quite suitable for their construction. However, if you need to build a floor, it is better to give preference to more durable products that will meet the requirements of the flooring.

Plaster is another important element of the mix. In order for the material to show itself from the best side, it is better to include cement mixtures under the M300-400 brands in the composition.

It makes no sense to buy large volumes of concrete if it is not consumed within 30 days. The fact is that after 30 days the building material will lose a lot of its operational properties and will not be able to provide the required quality of the building. In two months, the loss will reach -10%, in six months - -50%, and in a year the cement will generally become unusable.

The main disadvantage of the cement mixture is lumpiness. This problem is typical for cheap brands from dubious manufacturers. To avoid trouble, it is best not to skimp on unmarked, old, or discounted cement.

Regardless of the brand or modification characteristics, the proportions for the cement mixture are measured by the established unit - kilograms. If it is not possible to calculate each type of component in kg, you can apply the old old-fashioned method for measuring concrete. The proportions in concrete mixer buckets were created in the distant past.

It is important to remember that each concrete mixer can have different capacities. An example of decoding symbols might look like this:

  1. "C" - the established volume of cement.
  2. "P" is the volume of sand.
  3. "Ш" - the volume of crushed stone.
  4. "W / C" - part of water in relation to cement.

If you prepare such a calculation, then you can easily determine the volume of liquid that is needed for the solution without much difficulty. Example: for one part of cement weighing 10 kg at W / C = 0.5, you will need about five liters of liquid.

When using wet fillers, the amount of liquid components is reduced. Otherwise, excess water will lead to a serious deterioration in the quality of the concrete.

If we are talking about the proportions of concrete for the foundation in buckets, it is possible to improve its strength properties with the help of superplasticizers. Such funds are sold in every building hypermarket, and instructions for use, calculations and recipes are provided directly in the instructions.

The subtleties of the correct batch

In order for the mixing of the cement mixture to be correct, and the final product to acquire a uniform consistency, it is important to follow some rules and take into account the recommendations of experienced craftsmen. So, experts recommend following these tips:

Manual method

It is no secret that not every owner has a concrete mixer. However, this is not a problem at all, since when solving simple everyday tasks, you can get by with the manual method of preparing cement. Even in the distant past, people used two buckets and the same number of shovels for this purpose in order to create high-quality mixtures for construction work.

So, the first bucket and shovel will be used exclusively for cement, so they should not be wet, and the second for sand and gravel. After placing the materials in the buckets, they must be leveled with a shovel from the top to achieve the best match to the bucket unit. It is better to mix cement in a wide container, thoroughly mixing sand and crushed stone. A small furrow should be made on top of the formed mass for further addition of cement. The components must be mixed until a thick, homogeneous consistency with the appropriate shade appears.

After that, the mixture is cone-shaped, making a depression in the center, and liquid is added. The cement remaining at the edges of the cone is poured into a depression with water. It is important to wait until the composition is completely saturated with liquid, and then repeat all mixing procedures. As soon as the concrete dough is in the desired condition, it can be taken out and poured into buckets.

An important tip: when mixing the composition, it is better to add water in a small amount. Otherwise, excess fluid can nullify all efforts.

If you correctly observe the proportions of the concrete composition in buckets and take into account the above recommendations, the preparation of the cement mixture will be successful. The final product will acquire the required plasticity and uniformity, and will also have no voids. As a result, the structure will stand without deformation for an impressive period of time.

When making a foundation, the most important thing is to use high-quality concrete of the desired grade. Usually, the mixture is bought ready-made at a concrete plant, but this method is not always applicable, for example, due to the remoteness of the construction site, the lack of an entrance for heavy equipment, or a small amount of the required solution. In this article, the proportions of the components for the foundation in the buckets for the concrete mixer are calculated for self-mixing.

The main characteristic of concrete is its brand. The strength properties of the composition depend on this indicator. It is designated by a number with the M index and varies from M50 to M1000. In private housing construction, the most commonly used solution of grades M100-M400

  • M100 is used for concrete preparation, foundations of fences, light outbuildings
  • М150 - the same as М100, plus light country houses, baths
  • M200 - the same as M150, plus small houses using frame technology, wooden, brick with light floors.
  • М250-М350 are the main brands for private housing construction. Suitable for all types of residential buildings up to 3 floors
  • M400 - used in multi-storey housing construction. According to its technical characteristics, grade 400 concrete can be used in private housing construction, but it is economically impractical.

The concrete grade is indicated in the design documentation. With self-design, this indicator is chosen based on the expected load on the foundation.

To prepare a solution for pouring the foundation with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Cement
  • Crushed stone
  • Sand

To give the composition some properties, special chemical or mineral additives are used - plasticizers, but they are used quite rarely. There are 2 brands of cement on sale: PC 400 and PC 500. Before preparing concrete, you need to calculate the required amount of binder and inert materials. This can be done according to the following tables. The amount is indicated in kilograms.

Table 1. Composition of concrete based on PC400 per m 3

Brand, M Cement PC 400, kg Crushed stone, kg Sand, kg Water, l
100 173 1150 757 190
150 214 1138 736 190
200 255 1127 714 190
250 296 1116 691 190
300 337 1105 669 190
350 378 1094 646 190
400 419 1083 623 190

Table 2. Composition of concrete based on PC500 per m3

Brand, M Cement PC 500, kg Crushed stone, kg Sand, kg Water, l
100 158 1150 769 190
150 191 1138 754 190
200 224 1127 738 190
250 257 1116 722 190
300 291 1105 706 190
350 324 1094 690 190
400 357 1083 673 190

These tables can be used to calculate the quantity of materials to order, but it is not very convenient to use them for dosing on the construction site, because you have to weigh the components. Knowing the specific gravity and bulk density of materials, you can recalculate the table data for volume.

Bulk density, kg / m 3

  • Cement m500 - 1300
  • Crushed stone - 1400
  • Sand - 1600

Table 3. The volume of constituents per m3 of concrete, binder - PC400

Brand, M Cement PC 400, l Crushed stone, l Sand, l Water, l
100 133 821 473 190
150 165 812 460 190
200 196 805 446 190
250 227 797 432 190
300 259 788 418 190
350 290 781 404 190
400 322 773 389 190

Table 4. The volume of components per m3 of concrete, binder - PC500

Brand, M Cement PC 500, l Crushed stone, l Sand, l Water, l
100 122 821 480 190
150 147 812 471 190
200 172 805 461 190
250 198 797 451 190
300 224 788 441 190
350 249 781 431 190
400 275 773 420 190

To determine the number of buckets per 1 cube of the finished mixture, you need to divide the tabular value by the volume of the bucket. For example: concrete M300, cement PC 500, bucket 12 l

  • Cement 224/12 = 18.7
  • Crushed stone 788/12 = 65.7
  • Sand 441/12 = 36.8

When preparing a mixture in private construction, concrete mixers with a volume of much less than a cubic meter are used. To calculate the material required for 1 batch, you need to divide the amount of material per 1 m 3 by 1000 and multiply by the batch volume. This parameter is indicated in the technical documentation of the tool. It is important not to confuse it with the volume of the concrete mixer.

Calculation example: concrete M300, cement PC500, bucket 12 l, batch volume 90 l

  • Cement PC500 18.7 / 1000 * 90 = 1.683
  • Crushed stone 65.7 / 1000 * 90 = 5.913
  • Sand 36.8 / 1000 * 90 = 3.32
  • Water 15.8 / 1000 * 90 = 1.425

The results obtained show the amount of raw material in 12 liter buckets.

Also, to calculate materials, you can use the ratio of binder: crushed stone: sand: water (C: U: P: V)

Table 6. Ratio of materials by volume. The volume of cement is 1.

1,4 0,6 400 2,4 1,2 0,5 PC 500 100 6,7 3,9 1,5 150 5,5 3,2 1,3 200 4,6 2,7 1,1 250 4 2,3 1 300 3,5 2 0,9 350 3,1 1,7 0,8 400 3 1,5 0,7

Example: concrete М300, PC500

Ratio C: U: P: B 1: 3.5: 2: 0.9

  • Cement 1 bucket
  • Crushed stone - 3.5
  • Sand - 2
  • Water - 0.9

Mixing concrete should be done in gravity concrete mixers; forced mixers do not provide the required mix quality and are not designed for large, heavy aggregates.

Concrete- an important component of any construction... The operational characteristics of the structure being erected largely depend on the foundation. Therefore, it is very important to properly prepare the solution for pouring it. The concrete solution for large-scale construction projects is prepared in the factory.

Private developers, building a house with their own hands, usually prepare it themselves in order to at least slightly reduce construction costs. Having chosen self-preparation, it is important to observe the proportions for the concrete under the foundation. Indeed, the strength of the foundation of the house often depends on this.


The foundation is the load-bearing part of any building. To make it resistant to various loads, you need to choose the right composition of concrete for it.In this case, its resistance to compressive loads will be sufficient, which means it will be able to withstand the pressure of the whole house. Various are available, therefore there are several options for the compositions. Which one to choose for pouring the foundation? You need to answer this question taking into account two factors:

  1. Features of the structure (number of floors, weight, size of the basement).
  2. Features of the soil at the site.

The choice of the composition, taking into account the first factor, is made as follows:

  1. M 150 is used for filling foundations for frame and panel buildings.
  2. M 200 is selected for light houses from logs and beams.
  3. M 300 for block and brick buildings.

The dependence on the features of the site is as follows. The more difficult the soil on the site, the higher the grade of concrete must be chosen. So, for rocky soil, it is enough to prepare a solution of M 150. For loamy soil, the composition M 200 is suitable.

The constituents

Any concrete, regardless of its brand, consists of the following components:

  1. Cement.
  2. Sand.
  3. Crushed stones or gravel.
  4. Water.

All these components must have the necessary characteristics, taking into account which they must be selected. The cement in the concrete mix is ​​the main ingredient as it is a binder. It is produced by cement plants. Cement is divided by brands and by the number of various additives it contains. The most popular Portland cement, it contains many special additives to improve the properties of the material. For private developers, when pouring the foundation of a house, experts recommend using cement M 400 or PC 400.

It must be borne in mind, as with many building mixtures, the shelf life of cement is limited. After a year of storage in packaging, it significantly loses its activity, which determines the properties and brand of the material.

Sand Is one of the aggregates for concrete mixes. To obtain a high-quality solution, one must seriously approach its choice. It is worth noting that at the moment the choice of sand in the construction market is huge. You can even purchase sand from the seabed if you wish, but not every sandy material is suitable for concrete.

So, experts do not recommend using sand with clay impurities for this purpose. Because of it, concrete is less durable and frost-resistant. But with river sand, you can prepare an ideal solution. It is often very high quality and consists of homogeneous fractions.

and gravel as well as sand in a solution act as aggregates. Thanks to them, the solution "shrinks" less, which makes the concrete structure more solid and durable. When choosing gravel, you should pay attention to its shape. Since the convenience of pouring a concrete solution depends on it.

Flat and angular crushed stone is usually not used for mixing concrete. Since, because of it, you have to consume more other components, which affects the strength of the structure. The most optimal option for pouring the foundation is considered to be the use of crushed gravel. It consists of particles ranging in size from 3 to 70 mm. Plus, it is affordable for private developers.

Water. This component can have any characteristics, the main thing is that the water is clean without any impurities. Having all the above-mentioned components and knowing the proportions of concrete for the foundation, you can prepare a solution of any required brand.


Video on how to make concrete, as well as proportions in buckets.

Component proportions

The correct ratio of the components in the concrete solution is the key to obtaining high-quality material. The optimal composition for the construction of a private house is the composition of the concrete for the foundation, the proportion of one part of cement powder to four parts of crushed stone (1/4). And in the proportion of cement and sand, a ratio of 1/3 is taken, that is, for 1 part of cement (M 400) there are 3 parts of sand. In general, the weight of the cement in the cement slurry should be 1/4 of the total mass.

But water is still needed to harden the concrete. An important characteristic of concrete is the proportion of water and cement (the so-called water-to-cement ratio). The strength of concrete depends on this ratio: the lower its value, the stronger the material is. For the concrete mixture used for concreting foundations, the maximum water / cement value is 0.75.

For private developers for a small amount of work, it is easier to mix the mortar on the construction site. In a concrete mixer, one batch of mortar is made for the foundation in approximately the following proportion:

  1. 300 kg of cement powder.
  2. 600 kg of sand.
  3. 1300 kg of crushed stone.

But the developer does not have the ability to weigh bulk materials when he is at the construction site of the house. A quite reasonable question arises, how to make the foundation mortar correctly. To do this, you need to know the proportions of concrete for the foundation in buckets. Since all components have approximately the same bulk density, you can measure them and then the composition of concrete for the foundation, the proportion in buckets will be something like this:

  • Cement 25 buckets.
  • Sand 43 buckets.
  • Crushed stone 90 buckets.

When determining the amount of water, they are guided by the measure of cement: an incomplete bucket of water must be added to one bucket of cement powder. This volume, depending on the situation, may vary. For example, if it is reinforced, then the concrete is mixed more plastic so that it can more easily penetrate into the frame.

It is more practical to make it rigid, this will speed up the solidification. In both cases, water must be added so much that there are no puddles in the finished solution. To obtain one cube of concrete of different brands, the optimal ratio of components in volume terms is set out in the table.

concrete grade cement М 400 sand crushed stone
M 150 1 bucket 3 buckets 5 buckets
M 200 1 bucket 2.5 buckets 4 buckets
M 300 1 bucket 1.7 buckets 3 buckets

In these volumetric terms, the bucket can be replaced by any measure of volume, provided that the proportion is maintained.

When deciding how to prepare concrete for the foundation, it must be borne in mind that in addition to the proportions, you need to know in what sequence to lay the components. First, water is poured into the concrete mixer, slightly less than the norm. Then half a portion of crushed stone is poured. And only then, cement with sand and again all the components are thoroughly mixed.

At the very end, the remaining gravel is poured. After that, you need to give the concrete mixer a little time so that it mixes all the components thoroughly. And finally, after evaluating the thickness of the solution, depending on the situation, add the rest of the water or leave it as it is and mix everything thoroughly again.


After a set of casting of the foundation of the calculated hardness, to get rid of doubts about the correctness You can check the compliance with the proportions and the grade of concrete. To do this, place a chisel on the surface of the casting and hit it with a hammer. On ordinary concrete M 200, a dent with a depth of no more than 5 mm should remain.

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