Heating battery bimetallic radiators. Which bimetallic batteries are better: compare the characteristics of which batteries are better than aluminum or bimetallic

The heating system of any room is an important part of communications, the efficiency of which depends on its competent assembly. The main element in it is the batteries. Today the plumbing market offers a huge selection of heating devices. After traditional cast-iron radiators, bimetallic models are most in demand.

What it is?

The basic design idea is to use two metal alloys with different technical and chemical characteristics. As a rule, the inner surface of the heater is made of stainless steel, since it has to be in constant contact with the heat transfer fluid. Steel, on the other hand, has an anti-corrosion effect, and besides, it is resistant to pressure surges. Outer side made of aluminum, which is characterized by a high heat transfer rate. Thanks to this combination of metals, the heating element has an increased efficiency. Such models are most convenient for an apartment connected to central system heating, since pressure surges are possible in it, and the use of low-quality coolant.

High-quality bimetallic heating batteries must meet the requirements of GOST, which will allow them to be used without problems during the entire service life (about 25 years).

Device and principle of operation

The main elements of bimetallic heating batteries are two parts.

  • The core is filled with a coolant. Since it interacts with an aggressive environment, it is made of steel or copper. These metals are highly resistant to corrosion. As part of the internal element, two components can be distinguished, such as:
    • collectors are made of steel. They are required to connect radiators to the heating system. Stainless steel is able to withstand pressure surges, and copper is additionally resistant to electrochemical processes;
    • heat-conducting steel channels.

  • Outer layer. For its production, aluminum is used as an excellent heat conductor. The aluminum body is able to quickly change its temperature, which makes it possible to regulate heat transfer. General design consists of two horizontal steel pipes connected by vertical steel pipe bridges, through which a heat-carrying liquid or steam is passed. This system is covered on top with aluminum fins or a monolithic body. The heat exchanger has a complex configuration due to convection ducts. During production, the sections are connected by spot welding. During installation, structural parts are mounted using rubber gaskets or nipples made of steel.

The operation of a radiator is based on the physical phenomena of convection and radiation.

The principle is as follows:

  • the heat-carrying liquid is heated to a high temperature in the boilers and transferred through the pipes centrally. Thus, the coolant enters the heating batteries;
  • the steel core, interacting with the heated liquid, transfers heat energy to the aluminum body, which in turn heats the room.

In some cases, when connecting bimetallic batteries a problem arises in the centralized heating network - the first two or three sections from the tap heat up, and the following ones remain slightly warm or completely cold. Experienced specialists first of all check the radiators for airing. Air may have entered during installation.

If this is not the problem, then the following methods should be used:

  • connect the radiator diagonally;
  • use a flow extension that increases the heat transfer efficiency.

It should be noted that the second option is only suitable for radiators that are connected to the heating system using valves with an American woman. In addition, experts pay attention that flow extenders are not easy to buy in stores, so it is better to use various manuals and instructions for making such a part with your own hands.

The instruction looks like this:

  • for work, you need a piece of copper pipe with an outer diameter of 18 mm. The wall thickness must be at least 1 mm. In addition, you will need a soldering sleeve, silicone gaskets, solder, a gas burner, as well as a set of tools that will allow you to cut the desired piece of pipe and clean the metal after cutting;
  • before starting work, turn off the tap and drain the heat transfer fluid;
  • remove the radiator from the brackets, since it is more convenient to carry out installation work on a flat floor surface;
  • check the condition of the silicone gasket. If there is damage, it is better to replace it;

  • the required section is cut from the copper pipe using a pipe cutter. For getting even cut experts advise placing it strictly perpendicular to the instrument;
  • the edges are processed with a bevelling tool and cleaned with a stiff brush. In no case should you use sandpaper because then solder copper parts it will be extremely difficult;
  • further, the process of soldering the sleeve with the pipe is carried out, for which a flux is applied to them with a brush, which must be done carefully, in an even thin layer. If you overdo it, then the frozen flux drops will cause a booming sound when the coolant circulates inside the radiator. The prepared parts are inserted into each other and heated by the burner. As soon as the flux has acquired a silvery hue, solder is applied to the joint. Thanks to high temperature pipe, it will spread out on its own and fill all the voids. If the flux begins to coagulate into drops, the process should be stopped;

  • the pipes should be pressed against each other for 1-2 minutes until they cool completely;
  • length adjustment is made depending on the water supply;
  • the resulting extension is inserted into the inside of the battery in the opposite direction to facilitate the movement of the coolant in the side-connected radiator;
  • the battery is returned to its place and connected to the central heating system;
  • excess air is removed if necessary.

When installing a flow extension, it should be borne in mind that it is used in the case of a large number of sections of a bimetallic radiator.

Main types

Radiator classification depends on different parameters and factors.

By material type

Various materials are used for the manufacture of heating batteries.

  • Cast iron. Cast iron models appeared in the 19th century. The material is characterized by low inertia. This means that it heats up slowly, so it will take some time for the room to warm up. However, cast iron also cools slowly, therefore, the heat is retained for a long time, providing a comfortable microclimate. The material is quite strong and durable, it does not corrode and is cheap. The impressive weight is the most significant drawback of cast iron radiators.
  • Steel. The thermal conductivity of this material is similar to that of cast iron. Since the wall thickness is less than that of cast iron counterparts, the steel heats up faster. High inertia allows the use of thermostats in the design of heating products. Steel parts allow you to diversify the design of the radiators. A significant disadvantage is the low resistance to corrosion, which reduces the service life.

  • Aluminum. For the manufacture of sections, an aluminum alloy with a silicon additive is used. The metal is very light, so the weight of the batteries is low. Aluminum has a high degree of thermal conductivity and excellent heat transfer coefficient. Aluminum batteries have all the advantages of this material, including good inertia, which allows you to regulate the temperature. A significant disadvantage is the softness of aluminum, so the radiators are characterized by low resistance to physical impact and weak threaded connection. And also aluminum heating products depend on the quality of the coolant, its acidity.
  • Bimetal. The radiator is made of two types of materials: copper or steel for the core and aluminum for the case.

By type of construction

Two types of bimetallic radiators can be distinguished, depending on the type of construction.

  • Sectional models are a prefabricated structure consisting of several sections. Such models allow you to select the capacity by changing the number of individual sections. Various seals are used for the connection. The main negative factor is the presence of joints, which increase the risk of leaks. And also the joints are exposed to a coolant with high chemical activity, for example, antifreeze.
  • Monolithic radiators are more stable and reliable. Their specifications higher than sectional analogs. Due to the absence of joints, heating devices can withstand heavy loads.

If we compare the performance of these two types of bimetallic radiators, we get the following result:

  • the operational life of monolithic models reaches 50 years, while for sectional models it is a maximum of 25 years;
  • the working pressure in the heating system for the second type is allowed within 100 atmospheres, for the first - up to 35 atmospheres;
  • thermal power of one section in both versions - from 100 to 200 W;
  • the cost of monolithic options is higher;
  • for versions with a solid core cannot be changed technical specifications, sectional - there is such an opportunity.

By location

Depending on the location of the battery, it is worth highlighting several types.

  • Horizontal batteries- this is the standard, familiar option. They are installed most often. Such models have a huge assortment. The variable parameters are dimensions, performance and design. To attract consumers, manufacturers pay attention not only to the technical component of a bimetallic radiator, but also develop unique design lines. Now on the market there are colored, textured, combined options using different design techniques.

  • Vertical radiator. Houses with high ceilings and large rooms need more radiator area. It is the vertical models that are designed to cope with this task, since in the case of horizontal options they will have to encircle the entire room around the perimeter. Such modifications will help solve the problem with heating if there is no space under the window, for example, the windows start right from the floor. They can be installed in inter-door and inter-window walls, which will save valuable room space without losing the functionality of the batteries. Bimetallic vertical radiators not only heat, but also serve as a unique piece of furniture. The simplest version in the form of chrome-plated stainless steel wall pipes is used in modern styles with an industrial bias.

  • Built-in model. Radiators of this type appeared due to new technological possibilities. They are a win-win option in cases where conventional batteries are difficult or impossible to install. For example, in a room with large area glazing specialists offer bimetallic radiators built into the floor. For their installation, special channels are made in the floor, and from above they are closed with a special protective grill made of wood or metal.

Underground models are of two types.

  • Hull. In this case, the heating structure is built into a special box, which plays the role of a channel. The casing is made of a thin sheet of galvanized metal and covered with thermal insulation. The dimensions of the manufactured case models of bimetallic radiators are as follows: the width is 5–25 cm, the height is 10–70 cm, and the length is from half a meter to several meters. Powerful models are additionally equipped with electrically powered fans.
  • Frameless. In order to mount these models in the floor, you must first build the box yourself, since it is not included in the kit. As a rule, the channel is made rectangular, its size should be 10 cm larger than the size of the radiator in order to ensure natural circulation air.

There are also built-in modular structures for walls and other openings. If you install such a model in a partition between rooms, then it can heat two rooms at once. Some designers build bimetallic convectors into furniture.


All bimetallic radiators have a number of important technical characteristics that you need to know before installing them.

All parameters are indicated in the technical documentation for the product.

  • The most important of these is the ability to withstand high pressures inside the heating circuit. It should be understood that this indicator should have a margin of safety, since water shocks sometimes occur in the central system, in which the pressure sharply rises above the working one. High-quality bimetallic heating batteries must withstand 40 atmospheres or more.
  • Heat transfer is characterized by such an indicator as the heat output of the radiator. It is measured in watts and kW (watts and kilowatts). This indicator depends on the number of sections and may vary, therefore the power of one section is indicated in the technical passport. One section of a bimetallic radiator can have a heat dissipation of 100 to 185 W. The calculation of power for heating premises is carried out on the basis of SNiP, which contains a table of heat transfer. For example, for an area of ​​1 square meter and a ceiling height of up to 2.7 meters, the calculated thermal power will be 100 W.

  • Another important indicator is the volume of the coolant. The smaller it is, the better. For bimetallic analogs, it is 0.16–0.18 liters per section. For comparison, in aluminum, it varies from 0.25 to 0.46 liters.
  • Resistance to chemical components of the coolant. The degree of acidity and slagging of the working fluid is important here. For steel and aluminum cores, this coefficient is approximately the same. Copper is chemically more stable. With regard to abrasive particles and suspended matter that are present in the coolant, it is desirable that they are as small as possible. Since the walls of the metal cores are thin, they are susceptible to abrasion and contamination clogs the pipes. The ideal option for installing bimetallic radiators is own system heating, but even with a centralized connection, you can choose a good option.

  • The service life is guaranteed by each company itself, but on average for bimetallic analogs it is 25 years.
  • Dimensional parameters depend only on the manufacturer.
  • Depending on the model and dimensions, the weight of the entire product also changes.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we consider the advantages of bimetallic radiators, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  • high heat transfer coefficient;
  • the possibility of installing a thermostat, which allows you to independently regulate the temperature and volume of the coolant. This property contributes to the economical use of heat energy and, accordingly, reduces financial costs;
  • sectional construction. The number of sections can be selected depending on the area of ​​the heated room. In addition, it allows you to repair or change sections independently of each other;

  • reliability. Radiators withstand pressure surges up to 37 atmospheres. Due to their resistance to corrosion, bimetallic batteries do not fail even with increased acidity of the coolant;
  • the ability to install in any heating systems.
  • durability. The service life is within 20-25 years;
  • streamlined shape improves safety;
  • the panels do not heat up to a "dangerous" temperature, so they are fearlessly installed in children's rooms and hospital wards;

  • a large assortment. For example, there are models without hanging from brackets. They can be installed vertically using additional stiffeners;
  • wide size range;
  • wide range of colors. There is a possibility of self-coloring of the sections;
  • low weight compared to cast iron counterparts;
  • simple installation that does not require a lot of time;
  • easy care.

Like any product, bimetallic radiators have their disadvantages, namely:

  • difference between the coefficients of expansion of aluminum and steel. This is the main disadvantage of such models, which causes the creaking of panels during long-term operation, reduces the strength of the structure;
  • low quality of the coolant reduces the operating life of the battery;
  • the cost of radiators of this series is higher than other analogues.

Comparison with other types of batteries

When choosing a heating radiator, buyers first of all pay attention to the material from which they are made. Many technical parameters depend on this, and this is the difference between the models.

Cast iron

This is the classic version heater which has been used for a long time. Many believe that there is no alternative to it in terms of strength and durability. The temperature of the heat-carrying liquid can be up to +150 degrees, the permitted working pressure is 15 atmospheres. The area of ​​use is wide: from public to residential buildings, technical buildings and workshops. The possible thermal power of the section reaches 160 W.

The biggest advantage of cast iron radiators is their low cost. In addition, they are characterized by resistance to any type of heat carrier and ease of installation during installation. Thick walls perfectly resist abrasives in the composition of the working fluid. If the system is characterized by severe contamination, then cast-iron models cannot be found better. The low degree of inertia does not allow regulating heat transfer, unlike other analogs.

The principle of operation is based on the radiation of thermal energy, and not on convection. The latter heats up the air and makes it drier; in the case of radiation, the objects themselves are heated. The disadvantages include the significant weight of the product. Many people point out a nondescript appearance as a minus, but this is a controversial issue.

Since manufacturers offer cast iron heating batteries of exquisite shapes, decorated with forging, however, their cost increases significantly.


Radiators made of steel are produced immediately in finished form. They are designed for low pressure up to 10 atmospheres and are very sensitive to corrosion. Since the steel surface heats up quickly, the heat dissipation rate is good. Thermal power can be up to 5700 W. In the case of a low temperature of the coolant in the heating circuit, steel modifications are perfect.

For heating not large rooms they are quite usable. Unfortunately, the service life of such radiators is the lowest. Experts advise against connecting them to systems. central heating, since they do not have a safety factor, they can break through with a pressure surge. And they are also afraid of coolants, in which there is a large amount of suspension, which leads to blockage of the channels. The most successful option for installing radiators of a similar design is an autonomous heating system with a gas or electric boiler.


Aluminum batteries have collected all the advantages of steel models: aesthetics, low weight of the structure and high heat transfer coefficient. Unlike cast iron modifications, aluminum ones allow you to install thermostats. The main disadvantage is weak threaded connections. And also aluminum corrodes in the presence of a high degree of acidity of the carrier fluid. V private system heating, you can select this type of coolant to reduce this effect and increase the service life. This condition is impracticable in a centralized circuit, therefore the use of aluminum radiators is ineffective.


In most cases, this option wins over many. Bimetallic heating radiators are a product of the use of new technologies in the energy field. They successfully combine the advantages of steel and aluminum products. The steel core allows for stronger connections and better corrosion resistance. Manufacturers offer options with a copper circuit, which has a higher anti-corrosion effect.

Aluminum housing allows for increased heat dissipation because the material has excellent thermal conductivity. The only negative is a certain dependence on the degree of acidity of the coolant and the level of its pollution. And also the high cost of the product. In technical rooms and workshops, where it is necessary to heat large areas at low cost and low quality of the carrier fluid, experts still recommend installing cast-iron radiators.

Making a general conclusion, it can be highlighted that modern analogues of heating batteries win in their form. They are thinner, ergonomic, without sharp corners, with a beautiful design. They are characterized by precise geometric lines and shapes, unlike cast-iron ones, so it is more convenient and easier to join sections. The high degree of inertness makes it possible to install thermostatic regulators and control sensors on metal analogs, to supply them with other technical innovations. Installation work has also become easier and faster.

However, they also have disadvantages that cast-iron representatives of radiators do not have. These include durability. Cast iron is more wear-resistant than any steel counterparts. Bimetallic and aluminum batteries are sensitive to contaminated heat transfer fluids, cast iron batteries can tolerate them absolutely calmly. The acidity of the carrier fluid is important for the former and not important for the latter. In terms of resistance to water hammer, cast iron radiators have no equal among all representatives of heating devices. Based on the foregoing, the choice must be approached extremely carefully and carefully, especially with a centralized heating system.

Popular manufacturers and reviews

There are few manufacturers on the bimetallic radiator market whose products have a unique property of matching price and quality. Compiling a rating based on consumer reviews, these include several Russian brands and Italian firms.


Global and Sira are the most famous companies in the domestic market. Their bimetallic batteries are aesthetically pleasing. The coating is often done in white, milky and cream colors. The range includes adjustable versions with a thermostat and an air vent. The assortment includes models with different installation methods, various configurations and sizes. Firms guarantee high reliability products.

  • Global. Italian products successfully withstand work in the harsh Russian climate. The radiator core is endowed with high corrosion protection. The battery can withstand pressures up to 50 atmospheres. With all the technical advantages, radiator systems have an excellent appearance and a high heat transfer coefficient. The structure consists of quality parts, all connections are made using sealed gaskets. The compact and democratic design allows the bimetallic radiator to fit into any interior. The tests carried out allow us to guarantee a service life of up to 20 years.
  • Sira. In addition to excellent technical indicators, such as lightness and practicality, quick heating and a high heat transfer coefficient, strength, resistance to corrosion, the radiators of this Italian brand have a graceful curved shape no sharp corners. The maximum allowable pressure can reach 170 atmospheres. The only drawback is the high price of the products, but it is incomparable with the absolute comfort and reliability during operation.


One of the well-known Russian manufacturers is the Rifar company. The production line is located in the town of Gai, Orenburg region. Products are manufactured using modern technology, new technologies and innovative materials... In particular, Italian-made melting furnaces and robotic lines for applying powder paint are used. The maximum permissible operating characteristics of the manufactured bimetallic radiators reach 135 degrees for the temperature range of the coolant and the pressure in the system up to 20 atmospheres. Standard models have 4 to 12 sections. By individual order they are increased to 24 or decreased to two.

Rifar offers different series of radiators that differ in appearance and technical characteristics. However, all models, without exception, have high heat transfer, which is achieved using an aluminum housing made of flat fins.

  • Rifar Base- this is the most popular of the released. It is presented in three options with different distances between the axes: 500, 350 and 200 mm. The first type is more powerful in the series and is used for heating cold, poorly insulated rooms. The Base 200 has a closed back surface. Top and bottom connections to the heating system are provided for installation.

  • Rifar Monolit. This series is designed for use in heating systems with increased pressure up to 100 atmospheres. The design is patented by the company as fundamentally new. Its uniqueness lies in the presence of a non-separable steel multichannel core. The solidity ensures reliability and absence of leaks.

The general specifications of this series are as follows:

  • 25-year warranty;
  • high corrosion protection of channels;
  • lack of joints between sections;
  • the ability to use non-freezing liquids as a heat carrier;
  • the maximum permissible temperature of the working fluid is +135 degrees;
  • rated pressure up to 100 atmospheres;
  • easy installation. Everything connecting parts standard;
  • maximum safety allows installing bimetallic radiators in children's and medical institutions.

The manufacturer offers the following models in this series: Rifar Monolit 500 and Rifar Monolit 350. The number of sections in each of them varies from 4 to 16. Models with 4 and 6 sections are most in demand.

  • Rifar Flex. The radiators of this series are distinguished by a refined design. They can be curved while maintaining performance. The warranty period for such modifications is up to 10 years.
  • Rifar Forza. These radiators are the most powerful bimetallic radiators and are used for heating large rooms. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for these models for up to 15 years.

The Russian brand "Izotherm" produces copper-aluminum convectors of an interesting design. An excellent solution is a removable polished steel casing. The line includes wall and floor modifications. Their main difference is the presence of a back wall, because the wall ones do not. It is worth taking a closer look at the most popular series.

  • Atoll and Atoll Pro have a copper-aluminum construction, which is hidden by a removable casing made of powder-coated galvanized steel. Its surface design was developed by leading Russian specialists. Any color scheme, any pattern is possible. At the same time, the technical characteristics do not suffer: the nominal pressure is 16 atmospheres, the temperature is up to +130 degrees, the power varies from 243 to 11174 W. Only water or antifreeze compatible with copper is possible as a heat carrier.
  • Rodos differs from the first modifications in the material from which the case is made. It is polished stainless steel. Mirrored metal surface will be an excellent design find for modern interior styles, for example, high-tech.

Piligrim is another domestically produced brand. The products are characterized by increased resistance to corrosion due to the use of copper cores instead of steel ones.

Other countries

There are manufacturers from other countries on the bimetallic radiator market. Mars is a South Korean company. The products of this brand produce models with a copper core. Technical indicators adapted to work in Russian heating systems Oh. They are characterized by high wear resistance, efficiency and economy. Copper collector eliminates corrosive reactions for a long time.

As for the design, there is not much variety here. Manufacturers developed such models based on the superiority of essence over form, obtaining a radiator of good power with a compact size. Mars bimetallic copper core batteries are non-separable sectional design. Each model consists of an odd number of sections from five to nineteen. On the one hand, the solidity provides a more reliable design, reduces the risk of leaks, on the other hand, it also limits the ability to increase power by increasing the sections.

The general specifications are as follows:

  • working pressure up to 20 atmospheres. The maximum possible border is up to 30;
  • the temperature range for the heat-transfer fluid is limited to +130 degrees;
  • coolant acidity within Ph 7-9;
  • standard sizes - 300 and 500 mm;
  • section depth - 65 mm;
  • weight depending on the model varies from 4 to 23 kg, which in principle is defined as small.

Models with a center distance of 300 mm are capable of heating a room up to 19.5 square meters. Modifications 500 mm - area up to 34 sq. m. For city apartments connected to a central heating system, Mars products are quite a suitable option in terms of size and working pressure. However, when choosing, it is imperative to find out all the chemical components of the heating circuit coolant: acidity and suspension content, since these characteristics may not be suitable.

The Polish brand Regulus-system also produces bimetallic batteries using copper. The company gives a guarantee on its products for up to 25 years, although the performance is slightly lower than that of the South Korean brand. The production, founded in 1994, mainly produced convector-type radiators. After reorganization in 2001, the organization expanded, carried out modernization and continued production of bimetallic radiators. Among the advantages of the company, it should be noted the high professionalism of the personnel, multi-stage quality control of the products, the latest equipment and technologies. An extensive logistics network allows us to offer customers favorable conditions. The company presents its products in the markets of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic states.

In addition to the basic configuration, it is possible to order individual option angular or radial. Wall mount is provided, but floor legs can be ordered. A characteristic feature of bimetallic radiators of this company is the identity of both sides, so you can mount it from either side.

The general technical parameters are as follows:

  • working pressure should not exceed 15 atmospheres;
  • coolant temperature - up to +110 degrees;
  • thermal power, depending on the model, varies from 172 to 6000 W.

The brand produces several series of bimetallic radiators.

  • Regulus is the basic version with a rounded top panel and has a convection-radiant principle. Installation of side or bottom connection to the heating system is possible. Technical characteristics are in the middle range. The price range makes this model the most demanded of the entire product line of the company.
  • Sollarius. It differs from the basic configuration only in its shape, it is more square.

  • Sollarius Dubel is a variant with a higher heating output. Models from this series are characterized by a doubled depth: 180 mm instead of 90 mm. In addition, this series includes skirting boards with a height of only 12 cm.
  • Sollarius Decor is a vertical copper-aluminum radiator designed for rooms where there is no room for horizontal models. In addition, it can become an interesting design object in the interior. An air vent and a thermostat were added to the package. Connection is possible only of the lower type.
  • The Sollarius S-Corner is a corner modification that has gained popularity in rooms with adjacent exterior walls.

  • Regulus Inside are models that are built into the wall. The manufacturer produces several types, including those with an internal fan. Radiators can be installed in wall partitions, roof or furniture niches. The design is modular, therefore, during installation, the quantity is assembled at the request of the customer.
  • Regulus E-Vent has increased heat dissipation due to the built-in fan, which is connected to electricity. It can be turned off, and then the radiator works normally.

The Ukrainian plant "Mayak" produces a series of copper-aluminum radiators and convectors "Thermia". The design of radiators differs from analogs in that not only the core in the form of a pipe is made of copper, but also the plates attached to it. The structure is closed by an aluminum body, covered with powder paint, which has passed the firing procedure. The models have two types of connection to the heating system: side or bottom. For the latter type, a thermostat is provided in the design. Battery mounting is possible using brackets or floor version- with installation on legs. The basic configuration of the product is supplemented with a manual air vent in the form of a Mayevsky crane.

The main technical characteristics of bimetallic radiators are as follows:

  • dimensions: width is 90 mm, height - from 200 to 600 mm with a step of 100, length - from 400 to 2000 mm;
  • operating power: 240–4240 W for batteries with a side connection type, 270–4620 W - with a bottom type connection without a thermostat;
  • product weight varies from 1.6 to 15 kg;
  • the working pressure in the heating system should not exceed 16 atmospheres;
  • temperature of the heat-carrying liquid up to +30 degrees;
  • the manufacturer guarantees that radiators can work with any type of coolant: water, steam, various oils and antifreezes, the main thing is that they are designed for copper pipes.

The design of the convector heat exchanger is 4 copper pipes with a cross section of 15 mm, on which aluminum fins with dimensions of 10x10 cm are installed. The distance between the plates is 5.6 mm. Connection - only lateral.

The technical parameters of the copper-aluminum convectors are as follows:

  • dimensions: depth is 125 mm, height - 450 mm, length varies from 400 to 2000 mm;
  • heat dissipation of the convector even with temperature conditions within +40 degrees varies from 710 to 3510 W;
  • construction weight - from 2 to 14 kg;
  • working pressure in the heating system within 10 atmospheres;
  • manufacturer's warranty - 10 years.

Models from Chinese manufacturers are attractive for their low price, interesting design and unique finish. However, as practice shows, a reduced cost is achieved by using materials of lower quality, due to which the service life is significantly reduced.

Which option should you choose?

When buying, you need to pay attention to quality certificates, which will save you from unpleasant surprises during use. It is impossible to focus only on the cost of goods, because often low price due to the low quality of the materials used. For example, bimetallic radiators made in China have a simplified design, which lowers the operating pressure threshold. When buying bimetallic modifications of radiators, one of the important criteria is the features of the heated room: size, type of use (public, technical, residential). Depending on this, the model, installation method and power are selected. Varying is achieved by changing the number of sections, the presence of an automatic air vent.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cross-section of pipes extending from the central heating system., which will affect the selection by branch pipes. Next, you should inquire about the pressure in general outline heating. Choose a radiator model with a safety margin so that the radiator can withstand possible surges. For apartment buildings of the old type, the pressure in the range of 5-8 atmospheres is typical, while for modern high-rise buildings this figure is higher - 12-15 atmospheres. It is better if the buyer knows the composition of the coolant, thus, you can choose the most profitable option that will last a long time. After that, measurements are already taken to determine the geometric parameters of the battery.

The optimal distances are taken as follows:

  • from the window to the battery must be at least 10 cm;
  • from the floor to the radiator - at least 6 cm;
  • if the battery is installed under the window, then its width is 50% of the window width.

When choosing a sectional option, it is important to correctly calculate the number of sections.

To do this, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • determine the area of ​​the heated room;
  • find out the power of the radiator. It can be found in the price lists or technical data sheet of the product;
  • calculate the number of sections: K = Px100 / M, where K is the number of sections, P is the area of ​​the room in square meters, M is the battery power, expressed in W. For example, if the area of ​​the room is 25 sq. m, and the radiator power is 180 W, then K = 25x100 / 180 = 13.89. This means that you need to install 14 sections.

Experts pay attention that multi-section models are less effective, therefore it is more reliable to install several small-section batteries. In the proposed example, there are two five-section radiators and one four-section radiator.

The specified calculation is adjusted depending on the number of window openings in the room:

  • if the apartment is corner and there are two outer walls and two windows in it, then the calculation of the sections is increased by 20%;
  • if windows in ordinary room face north, then the calculation should be increased by 10%;
  • if the choice stopped on a model built into the floor, then it must be remembered that their principle of operation is somewhat different from wall option... The fact is that they will require a preliminary hydraulic calculation and adjustment of the operating mode of the thermostats.

An important factor when choosing is the aesthetic perception of the radiator. As a rule, heating devices occupy a prominent place in the room, so they either try to hide them using different kinds buildings, either turned into an art object, or built into the wall. Many companies are seriously engaged in the design component of bimetallic radiators. It is necessary to take into account the tastes of consumers without reducing the quality of the products. However, it must be remembered - for individual design will have to pay extra.

Due to the fact that replacing heating batteries is a costly and troublesome undertaking, it is better to purchase bimetallic radiators from trusted manufacturers that guarantee a long service life of more than 20 years.

Verified licensed firms, in addition to a full package of documentation and guarantees, provide other services: consulting, calculation of the required parameters for a particular room, delivery and installation of radiators on site. When buying, you should check the integrity protective coating housing. Scratches and gouges will oxidize the aluminum, start a corrosive process, and damage the appearance a short time... The price when buying a high-quality bimetallic radiator starts from 400–500 rubles per section. Anything below is most likely of inferior quality or fake. Inserts made of steel or copper in a bimetallic radiator must be at least as thick as the wall of the water pipe.

Bimetallic heating radiators have recently become an integral part of the heating system. When planning a major overhaul of a residential or office space, it is impossible to ignore the work on updating the heating devices. The most progressive and cost-effective is the use of bimetal radiators, capable of uniformly supplying heat, as well as attractive from the point of view of modern interior aesthetics.

More and more we see how the apartments of compatriots are changing. Repair is acquiring a broader concept than the banal plastering of cracks. Increased attention is paid to design. Even when choosing ordinary batteries for an apartment, the owners tend to buy bimetallic heating radiators with a laconic, attractive appearance.

Why bimetallic heating radiators? - you ask. D Reality, common sense and reasonable prices make this productwe will answer with the most demanded radiators. And we will try to reveal all the pros and cons, while not forgetting to take into account the internal content of the devices.

Uniform heat distribution with bimetallic heating radiators

Bimetallic heating radiators in modern heating devices

Cast-iron radiators have long been replaced by bimetallic heating batteries. What distinguishes them from post-Soviet models Beautiful design, lightness and protection against corrosion. The reputation of the best and most reliable batteries for heating an apartment is so great that even desperate skeptics do not argue with this.

The very name of the batteries suggests that bimetallic heating radiators are composed of two different metals. passes through steel pipes, which are the least susceptible to corrosion. The steel is packed in aluminum, which has good heat dissipation properties and beautiful appearance.

Note that in addition to steel, a system of copper pipes can be packed in aluminum by the manufacturer. This design is irreplaceable if batteries for an apartment are installed in the systems where they are used. The presence of glycol containing coolants will require the owner to opt for bimetallic heating radiators on models where copper is used as a core, since it is more stable in such an aggressive environment.

You can also find semi-metallic options on sale. Here, the internal filling of the radiator is represented by a double core. The horizontal elements are made of aluminum and the vertical ones are made of steel. This increases heat dissipation but decreases durability.

Internal filling of bimetallic heating radiators

As we noted, bimetallic heating radiators include two metal elements in their design, in addition, they are made in an all-metal casing or contain integral sections. Despite the fact that there are semi-metallic options, however, bimetallic heating radiators have a main division into only two categories:

  • modification steel plus aluminum;
  • modification copper plus aluminum.

Radiator category “steel plus aluminum”, includes two pipes made of steel, running horizontally like a collector, they are connected to each other by vertical columns that are mounted in. The heating medium flows inside the steel pipes without touching the aluminum.

The constructive solution allows you to use all the charms of an aluminum radiator, additionally counting on an operating temperature of + 110 C with a pressure of up to 40 bar. Sealing the joints of the sections allows you to exclude leaks, provided there is no open marriage. To the advantages of sectional models of bimetallic heating radiators, an easy increase in the number of sections is added at the request of the consumer.

Copper plus aluminum design does not imply sectional modeling, bimetallic heating radiators with a copper core are always made in a single and one-piece housing. Inside the aluminum case, there is a copper alloy coil. Brazed coil, capable of operating at a working pressure of 50 bar.

The advantages are not only in the increased operating pressure, the efficiency of the thermal conductivity of the copper metal is higher, respectively, the radiators have increased thermal efficiency. The most important advantage of a bimetallic heating radiator with a copper core is its low susceptibility to the occurrence of carbonate deposits in it during corrosion.

The radiator is perfect for a system where the coolant includes various antifreezes. In this battery, the coolant comes into contact only with copper. Among other things, bimetallic heating radiators with copper pipes have a low roughness coefficient, which favorably affects the operation of the pumping group.

What to choose - a section or a monolith?

When buying bimetallic radiators, you should pay attention to design features... The most common are sectional radiators, as they were among the first to appear on the market. Such radiators will require crimping measures, since there is a possibility of leaks due to insufficiently reliable joints.

The latest modifications are already favorably distinguished by their solidity. The coolant is a one-piece unit made of copper or steel, clad in an aluminum casing. It is these batteries for an apartment that are worth choosing, since their performance is much higher than that of sectional radiators. Despite the fact that the thermal power of these varieties is almost the same, on monolithic ones, the working pressure is 5 times higher.

Quality always costs more, so you have to take into account the possibilities of your own budget. If the price does not matter, then it is better to install monolithic bimetallic heating batteries at home. And design types and modifications of batteries can be selected for every taste.

The use of bimetallic heating radiators is becoming more and more popular not only for private houses and apartments, but also in enterprises and offices of companies.

The growing popularity is due to high efficiency these devices and the attractiveness of their external design. Bimetallic radiators fit perfectly into the interior of any style, without disturbing its harmony and beauty.

Bimetallic radiators: advantages and disadvantages

When compared with aluminum counterparts, bimetallic radiators are slightly inferior to them in terms of heat transfer. But they are significantly superior in strength and service life. Bimetal is less susceptible to corrosion and is able to withstand high water pressure (up to 24 bar). As for the price, it is noticeably higher than that of aluminum radiators. However, the bimetal version will serve for at least 25 years and will fully justify the high cost.

Buy bimetallic radiators for home or office

Specialty stores today offer a wide variety of models from a variety of manufacturers supplying excellent products to the consumer market. These are firms such as Global, Rifar, Sira and many others.

Those wishing to buy bimetallic radiators for home or office should take into account the area of ​​the room and purchase a sufficient number of sections, because their number affects the efficiency of the installed radiator. We will not describe the calculation of the number of sections in this article, firstly, this has already been done, and secondly, we are posting a video clip, where the calculation of the number of sections in heating radiators is set out in as much detail as possible:

Bargaining rules

In order for bimetallic radiators to serve for a long time, they should be purchased in stores with a solid reputation. Before buying it will be completely useful:

  • make mathematical calculations that will help coordinate the footage of rooms and the number of sections in the battery;
  • take into account the features of the selected model;
  • study consumer reviews;
  • weigh your financial capabilities.

Heating radiators Sira (Sira) (bimetallic)

The domestic consumer is well aware of the reliable, practical and high-quality products of the Syrah corporation, a reputable Italian manufacturer of heating systems. They are made of steel and are intended for heating various public, warehouse and residential premises.

All model line bimetallic heating radiators, in addition to the traditionally high performance, is distinguished by the actual stylish design, which allows you to use the product without the slightest harm to the interior design. The center-to-center distance of such a model is only 30 cm, and its depth is 9.5 cm. Also, Sira heating radiators (bimetallic) have excellent technical properties and exceptional performance characteristics.

The consistency of Sira's products is proven by their long-term effective use in domestic conditions and is conditioned by multi-level control of all production processes and stages. So, each section of a SIRA bimetallic heating radiator? a specific product is subjected to separate testing, and the assembled heating device is compressed with compressed air.

The entire range of Syrah products perfectly resists pneumatic and water hammering, which makes it resistant to pressure drops. The hallmark of such a radiator is reasonably considered its high heat transfer and long reliable service life.

The absence of welding seams of Sira bimetallic heating radiators, which is achieved by casting structures under pressure, determines the tightness of the products. The coolant circulates through a special internal channel made of first-class, corrosion-resistant steel.

Heating radiators Sira (Sira) (bimetallic) do not require prompt repair or additional service... Maximum comfort and coziness in rooms heated by Syrah heating devices is achieved due to the zero noise level inside the device itself and the ability to quickly and flexibly regulate the temperature regime.

Special emphasis of the Italian manufacturer concern “ Sira Group ” makes on the safety of its own products, which is ensured by the absence of sharp corners and all kinds of burrs. A distinctive feature of Sira bimetallic heating radiators is their proper efficiency. Thus, the minimum amount of coolant and the high heat transfer of each structure make it possible to optimize the consumption of the energy carrier.

Popular bimetallic heating radiator Syrah

The most popular on the market remains the Sira RS BIMETALL series. Models Sira RS 300, Sira RS 500 The number indicates the height of the section, corresponds to the dimensions of heights - 372 mm and 565 mm with the same width - 80 mm and depth - 95 mm.

Comfortable dimensions, make it possible to mount the radiator in rooms with different heights of window openings. The standard sectional assembly comes in even variants from the factory. Any changes to an individual request are made by the seller. If desired, within reason, you can order bimetallic heating radiator of suitable length. Reasonable limit Company " Sira Group ”restricts assembly regulations no more than 20 sections.

Bimetallic heating radiators of the Sira brand are allowed to be connected in both gravitational and forced circuit systems. The acidity range of the coolant must not exceed (6.5-9 pH). The design temperature should not exceed 110 degrees.

The choice of radiator heating systems is very relevant. After all, weather conditions force the heating of houses for about 6 months. Unlike the Soviet past, when there was no alternative to heavy cast iron batteries, modern manufacturers offer a wide range of radiator types. One of them is bimetallic batteries. Which is better, how to make a choice, which features of installation, etc. - this will be discussed further.

Bimetallic radiators: what are they made of, advantages and disadvantages

The structure of bimetallic batteries meets all the requirements for this type of heating equipment. This is due to the combination of two metals - aluminum and steel. There is a steel rod inside them, which is in contact with the coolant. Steel is known to have anti-corrosion resistance and durability. The shell is made of aluminum - light metal, which contributes to the speedy transfer of heat to the atmosphere.

These design features of bimetallic radiators also determine their significant advantages in relation to other varieties, namely:

  • Reliability. They are much stronger than aluminum ones. This is especially true for resistance to high pressure and voltage surges, typical for most domestic houses. And in terms of chemical resistance, they have excellent characteristics.
  • A variety of models, visual appeal and compliance with any, even the most sophisticated interior design.
  • High heat transfer and low inertia of the heating system, corrosion resistance.
  • Compactness, light weight, ease of installation and transportation.

There are also disadvantages to bimetallic devices, but they are very few in comparison with the advantages:

  • high price;
  • small bandwidth.

Varieties of bimetallic batteries

When choosing a radiator, you must make a choice in favor of one or the other type:

  1. Conventional bimetallic, in which only the shell is aluminum, and all pipes are made of steel (that is, aluminum does not come into contact with water). The main advantage of such batteries is the highest strength and almost complete absence of leaks. But the price for such devices is appropriate.
  2. Semi-metallic - in them, steel is used only to strengthen vertical pipes (that is, contact of aluminum with water is allowed). The main advantages of this type are: better heat transfer (even compared to completely bimetallic ones) and affordable cost.

Experts say that the choice of semi- and bimetallic radiators depends on the type of heating system to which the batteries will be connected. So, for houses with centralized heating, it is better to choose bimetallic models. Only they will allow you to cope with 2 significant problems inherent in such systems - low-quality coolant and high pressure with sharp drops. In a private house, you can install semi-metallic radiators.

Also, when choosing bimetallic equipment, it is worth deciding on the design of the battery. There are 2 options: sectional or monolithic.

Their comparative characteristics are presented in the following table.

In terms of operational characteristics, sectional structures are inferior to monolithic ones. In addition, the joints between the sections are a place that is potentially dangerous for the formation of leaks. The main disadvantage of monolithic radiators is their cost, which significantly exceeds the prices for sectional models.

The purchase of monolithic radiators is mandatory when they are installed in multi-storey (over 16 storey) buildings. This is due to the high working pressure of the coolant.

Technical characteristics of bimetallic radiators

When choosing a radiator, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics. Typically, the following indicators can be found on the packaging:

  1. Maximum working pressure. In most models, it ranges from 16 to 35 atmospheres. In centralized heating, it does not exceed 14 atm, and in autonomous heating - 10. All manufacturers provide a sufficient margin, so it makes no sense to overpay for excessive working pressure.
  2. Thermal power. The heat transfer indicated by the manufacturer is calculated for a coolant temperature of 70 degrees. Naturally, during operation, deviations from this value constantly occur. Therefore, when purchasing a battery, this fact must be taken into account.
  3. Maximum temperature of the heating medium. If it is indicated that it is more than 95 degrees, then the manufacturer is somewhat disingenuous, since no one really does more than 90 degrees. But if no more than 90 degrees is indicated, then it is worth considering, because a device operating at the limit of capabilities is hardly a good choice.
  4. Center distance. To a greater extent, this factor is important for product marking (most often there are models with 350 and 500 mm between the axles).
  5. Equipment weight and dimensions. Naturally, before buying a battery, you should measure the space that the battery should enter (taking into account that there should be a small gap between the radiator and the adjacent surfaces). Lightweight designs are more popular among the population tired of heavy cast iron batteries.

The choice of bimetallic radiators, depending on the manufacturer

When purchasing this or that product, it is of paramount importance by whom and in which country it was made. This also applies to batteries. Samples from the following manufacturers are mainly presented on the domestic market:

  • Italian. It was the specialists of the Italian company Sira that bimetallic radiators were once invented. There are also products on the market from companies such as Radena and Global Style. All Italian batteries are graceful, durable, compact, with high-quality finish and interesting design. The cost of one section is up to 1,500 rubles.
  • Russian. The most famous trade mark is Rifar. In terms of quality, they are not inferior to Italian manufacturers, but the cost for these products is much lower (for 1 section - 500-900 rubles).
  • South Korea. Manufacturer - MARS. The core in these batteries is made of copper, not steel. The price for 1 section is 400 rubles.
  • Poland. Trade mark - REGULUS-system. The core is also made of copper. The company guarantees up to 25 years of normal operation of radiators.
  • China. Chinese bimetallic radiators do not shine with a neat appearance, graceful design and decor. But the cost for them is much less than for other samples.

It is worth buying Chinese batteries only with a limited budget and, hoping that they can withstand less operating pressure.

The following table shows the technical characteristics of bimetallic radiators from various manufacturers.

The countryModelMaximum working pressure, barMaximum coolant temperatureThermal power, wattWeight, kg
ItalySTYLE 500

Gladiator 350

GermanyTENRAD 50024 120 161 1,44
RussiaRIFAR Forza 500


ChinaGordi 50030 110 181 1,7

Installation of bimetallic batteries

As a rule, the installation of bimetallic batteries is not particularly difficult. The main thing is not to miss the moment that both right-hand and left-hand threads are used during installation. Tightening the nuts in the wrong direction can cause leaks. Usually, the battery kit includes nuts with both threads.

Step-by-step instructions for installing bimetallic batteries:

  1. Assembly. As a rule, it is performed at the place of sale of the radiator or at the production itself. If the battery is purchased in a collapsible form, then it is better to invite experienced plumbers for assembly.
  2. Connection diagram. When thinking over it, it is necessary to take into account the location of the pipes, the need to connect new taps, etc. As practice shows, the best option for the connection diagram is diagonal.
  3. The choice of material for installation. When connecting plumbing fittings, flax with sealant or special tapes can be used. Carrying out threaded connections should be carried out with precisely measured effort - that is, it is important to tighten them firmly, but not overtighten (in order to avoid thread breakage).
  4. Direct mounting of batteries. It should be noted that certain indents are required: from the wall - 3-4 cm, from the window sill - 8-12 cm, from the floor -11-20 cm. Usually, radiators are implemented in a protective plastic film. It is best to remove it after the installation is completed, so as not to harm the surface.
  5. Opening of taps. This must be done as smoothly as possible to prevent blockage of the flow of pipes. You should also bleed the air from the radiator through the air vents. No leaks - perfect option, although usually very few people manage to avoid them the first time they are turned on. If a leak is found, it should be repaired and the system restarted.

For the safe and proper operation of bimetallic radiators:

  • it is not recommended to cover them with screens and screens;
  • be sure to put a jumper on the pipes, and between them and the battery - two taps and a regulator;
  • take into account that leaks rarely appear, but if it suddenly happened, then most likely the problem is in the fitting connection to the battery.

Bimetallic radiators appeared on our market not so long ago, but they are steadily gaining popularity. They are called so because they consist of two metals - steel pipes and fins of air ducts made of silumin aluminum alloy welded onto them. The price for them is about 30% higher than for aluminum ones. Why then are they bought? Because they are more durable and better tolerate the coolants that our boiler houses supply to the network.

From what has been said, it is easy to understand where they are more often placed: in high-rise buildings connected to centralized heating. This does not mean that they do not work in individual heating systems. They work very well, but at the same time they have lower heat transfer (a steel frame is not the best heat conductor) and a higher price. There is no sense: the coolant is normal (you yourself control its quality), the pressure is far from critical, so there is simply no point in paying more, it is better to supply.

Types of bimetallic batteries

First of all, it must be said that not all bimetallic heating devices are made of steel and aluminum. Copper is sometimes used instead of steel. But then they are made not in sectional design, but in panel. And they are pretty decent, but they have excellent heat dissipation.

There are also models in which the collector is made of stainless steel. They are suitable for networks with high pH levels, as well as for those who like to take all system components with a large margin of safety.

In a fully bimetallic radiator, the entire frame is made of steel, some of them are made of stainless steel

The "steel + aluminum" option is the most common, and when they talk about bimetal, they usually mean it. But radiators made of these metals can be of two types: full or partial.

If inside the section, both horizontal and vertical collectors are made of steel, they speak of "full bimetal", sometimes the name "reinforced bimetallic radiator" is also encountered. This is also about him. To increase the heat transfer of the section, two vertical tubes can be placed in it. This is usually done in models with great depth.

If only a vertical tube is made of steel, this option is called "partial" or "semi" bimetallic.

Which is better

Collectors made of steel completely exclude contact of the coolant with aluminum. This is the moment that interferes with the normal operation of aluminum batteries in our high-rise buildings. The second point is the pressure drops that can occur during system startup and in emergency situations. In general, in a normal state, this indicator in any network is in the range of 6-9 atm. But they try to install heating devices with a multiple reserve: water shocks are very strong. According to these parameters, batteries made of full bimetal are better:

  • their working pressure is about 5 atm higher than that of a partial one (on average, 30-40 atm, depending on the manufacturer),
  • 100% exclusion of contact with the coolant.

What is the disadvantage of such radiators? They are expensive. The manufacturing technology is complex: first you need to weld the structure, while ensuring the tightness and reliability of the connection, then melt aluminum onto the frame, giving it a certain shape. It is also necessary to ensure a reliable connection of two different metals, which is not easy. All this affects the price.

Another negative point: lower heat output of the section. The difference is about 10% compared to partial bimetal, and 15-20% with a similar section made of aluminum.

Partial bimetal has lower strength characteristics. Its horizontal collectors are made of aluminum, that is, they are destroyed by the coolant. But the practice of using aluminum radiators has shown that in most cases it is the vertical collectors that are destroyed. So aluminum in horizontal does not greatly affect the durability of heating devices. Nevertheless, the main task and idea has not been fulfilled - to exclude the contract of aluminum and coolant. In any case, they are more demanding on the quality of the coolant (pH should be around 6-9, and preferably 7-8) and have lower burst pressure (and working pressure too).

Now about the pros. These batteries are priced between fully bi-metallic and aluminum. They have a higher heat transfer. Some models can catch up with aluminum. For example, the Rifar Base 500 can draw more than 200 watts from one section (at a delta temperature of 70 o C).

This is the only fully bimetallic radiator from the Russian manufacturer Rifar

So all the same, which bimetallic radiators are better. I will express my own point of view: if we put bimetal, then full. It may be expensive, but reliable. And the manufacturer must be chosen wisely. It is quite possible to find a high-quality full bimetal, which at a price will be only slightly more expensive than a partial one. But I emphasize again - this is a personal opinion.

In general, you need to approach from the point of view of operating conditions. You will need to find out the following parameters of your heating network:

  • Maximum temperature;
  • working and maximum pressure;
  • the pH of the coolant (the same pH).

Having this data on hand, you can already decide for sure which is better: a bimetallic radiator with a partially steel collector, or you need a frame entirely of steel.

When figuring out your network parameters, don't ask for an official answer. You will be given "protocol" values, which, to put it mildly, do not always correspond to reality. Better to find out from plumbers who know the real picture, and not the official one.

Manufacturers and prices

Looking through the information on the official sites, you can see one pattern. In the description of some models it is clearly stated: all pipes through which the coolant runs are made of steel. There are even drawings and photographs that demonstrate it. In others, not a word about what metals the collectors are made of. And these are models from one manufacturer.

So that's it. Those modifications where there is no mention of materials are partial bimetal. It's just that the manufacturers are silent about it. For what reasons - one can only guess.

Now about the prices. Let's give them in dollars (the exchange rate does not differ in stability, so ...) and approximately. We all know that people have different appetites, but we have deduced the estimated cost. They are taken from online stores, while offline they may differ significantly. More about how the firms were selected (if indicated): these are the most popular in stores or on forums. And about standard sizes: prices are for models with a center distance of 500 mm.

Bimetallic radiators Aluminum radiators Notes (edit)
Full bimetal Partial beamet ll
"Clean" China 7-10$ 6-7$ It is possible to determine what material the collectors are made of only visually
Rifar (Russia) 12$-14$ 12$ Rifar produces only partial sectional bimetal. Only "Monolith" is complete, but it is not type-setting, but welded. And one by onesections not for sale
Radena (Italy + China) 12-14$ 10-11$
Sira (Italy + China) 16-18$ 14-15$ 10-11$ Full bimetal only one model Ali Metal
Ferroli 18-19$ 16$ 10-11$
Global 19$ 10-11$ Only fully bimetallic batteries are produced

As you can see, prices for aluminum radiators (at least from these manufacturers) are not much different. There is, of course, a difference, but it amounts to tens of rubles per section. But the spread on the bimetallic is more than solid.

If you look at the reviews, then there are very few negative reviews about Global bimetallic radiators, the modestly priced Radena does not have them at all. Moreover, these firms produce only with a completely metal collector. But one has production located in Italy (), and the other - in China ().

All the rest have about the same picture: there are negative reviews. But, it is difficult to determine if the problem is due to an installation error or a manufacturing defect. And another nuance: the prices of the Russian Rifar from the manufacturer are lower. In the table, the prices of intermediaries.

Technical characteristics of bimetallic heating radiators

This question is no easier than with prices. Manufacturers - dozens, if not hundreds, of models and even more. But we can say about the average (for models with a center distance of 500 mm):

  • thermal power of one section (at a temperature delta of 70 o C)
    • full bimetal 160-180 W;
    • partial 170-200 watts.
  • operating pressure:
    • full bimetal 35-40 atm;
    • partial 25-30 atm.
  • maximum coolant temperature:
    • full bimetal 110 o C;
    • partial 100 o C.
  • volume of water in sections (capacity):
    • full bimetal 0.18 -0.22 l;
    • partial 0.18-0.24 l.

It is worth considering that the thermal characteristics of some models may differ both upward and downward. This is due not only to different compositions of materials and technologies, but also to different sizes. For example, the width of the section is standard: 80 mm almost always, and the depth can vary from 70 mm to 95 mm. It is clear that the heat transfer from the deeper one will be greater, moreover, they have large quantity ribs, which further increases the heat output.

The height of the sections also changes. The center-to-center distance is strictly maintained, but the height of the added ribs can vary. So, with a center-to-center distance of 500 mm, the height of the section is 552 mm and 575 mm.

The pressure will also differ: different thickness tubes are used as a frame, metal of different quality, different section collectors and even different shapes. What remains more or less stable are temperatures. All other characteristics are highly dependent on the manufacturer and on the parameters of the model.

Calculation of bimetallic radiators

All you need to know to calculate the number of radiators per room is its heat output. But there are several calculation methods:

  • by area;
  • by volume;
  • on heat losses.

The most accurate one is for heat loss. This parameter is calculated by a heating engineer. In principle, the operating organization should have apartment-specific data. You can find out the heat loss of your premises from them. For the owners of private houses, everything is not so simple: you need to order a heat engineering calculation from specialists.

But having these data, everything is considered simple: you divide them by the section capacity of the model you have chosen and get the number of sections that must be installed to maintain a comfortable temperature.

For example, the room loses 1600 W of heat, the radiator power is 180 W. 1600/180 = 8.8 pieces, round up, we get 9 pieces.

Volume calculation method

In calculating bimetallic radiators in terms of volume, SNiP standards are used. Along them, to provide heat to one cubic meter of air in panel houses 41 W of heat is required, in brick - 34 W. To determine the number of sections, you will need to calculate the volume of the room (multiply the width, length of the room and the height of the ceilings), and then multiply the found figure by the appropriate rate. We get the amount of heat that is needed to heat this room. Dividing it by the heat output of the radiator, we get the number of sections.

For example, a room has the following parameters: width 3 m, length 4 m, ceiling height 2.5 m. 180 W radiators will be installed. Let's calculate in order:

  • We get the volume of the room: 3 * 4 * 2.5 = 30 m 3.
  • If the room is located in a brick house, you will need 30 m 3 * 34 W = 1020 W.
  • Now we count the number of sections 1020 W / 180 W = 5.66 pcs.
  • Rounding up, we get 6 sections.

How to calculate sections by area

The easiest way is to calculate the number of sections by area. But it gives the biggest error. It is assumed that, on average, 100 W of heat is needed to heat one meter of room area. In this case, neither the region, nor the height of the ceilings, nor the material of the walls, etc. are taken into account.

To understand how large the error is, let's calculate the number of sections for the same room .:

  • The area is 3 * 4 = 12 m 2.
  • One section of a radiator with a capacity of 180 W can heat (based on the norm) 1.8 m 2.
  • To find the number of sections, the area of ​​the room is divided by this indicator: 12 m 2 / 1.8 m 2 = 6.66 pieces, we round up, we get 7 pieces.

There is an error, and a considerable one. This method is suitable only for an approximate determination of the number of sections for average insulation in middle lane Russia.

Moreover, both calculations are valid only for those cases when the parameters of the system are as follows: the temperature of the coolant at the supply is 90 o C, in the "return" 70 o C, the room should be 20 o C. Data on the thermal power of bimetallic radiators (and others too) are given precisely for such values ​​(this is established by the norms). With other parameters, the power will be different. In some cases, the manufacturer indicates heat dissipation for other common temperatures.

In addition, the last two methods give only more or less correct results. Considering this, you can supply either more radiators than required, or less. Both options are not the best. And all because the calculations do not take into account either the area of ​​the windows, or the degree of their insulation. The presence and number of external walls is also not taken into account. Indeed, the more area the wall facing the street occupies, the more heat is required to maintain a normal temperature. To take into account all these and other factors, you need to use correction factors.


Bimetallic radiators are good when a low quality coolant circulates in the network, strong hydraulic shocks are possible. In this case, the steel frame serves as a guarantee of the integrity of the heater. Application in individual heating is advisable only if antifreeze is used. When using water, there is simply no need to pay more.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 9 minutes

It often happens that the owners, for whatever reason, are not satisfied installed system heating or just an apartment needs replacement of obsolete Soviet batteries. Removing old equipment is easy, but choosing a new one is usually difficult. Not every aesthetic product can withstand the pressure of a city heating network for decades. Therefore, experts advise choosing bimetallic radiators, which are not inferior to cast iron in terms of reliability and are comparable to them in terms of durability.

What is a bimetallic radiator?

As you can see from the name of the heating device, it is made from two metals that differ in their properties. The body is made of aluminum, which has good heat dissipation and low weight. To enhance the heating properties of the outer part, the batteries are shaped for free circulation of air currents.

A steel or copper core is placed inside the radiator, through which it circulates hot water or other liquid. The material of the pipes is very durable, therefore it is able to withstand the coolant pressure up to 100 atmospheres (some models), and heating up to 135 ° С.

A bimetal product combines the strength of steel and the superior thermal conductivity of aluminum.

Attention! There are semi-metallic radiators on the market, which are equipped only with vertical steel reinforcing tubes. In this case, the rest is made of aluminum. Such batteries are distinguished by a higher heat transfer compared to bimetal, which is a plus, and are significantly cheaper. However, the installation of such products in a centralized network is not recommended due to their low strength and durability.

The advantages of bimetal

The popularity of modern bimetal radiators is not accidental. They are distinguished by the set unique properties and benefits.

  • The clever design of the case is designed for maximum heat transfer and free air circulation using the convection principle.
  • Radiators are assembled from sections, which makes it easy to build or shorten them depending on the needs of the homeowners.
  • Monolithic structures are distinguished by the highest resistance to water hammer, complete exclusion of leaks and a service life of up to 100 years.
  • Bimetal batteries differ attractive design, presented in a variety of colors and covered with a two-layer paint composition protected from damage and fading.
  • The aluminum body heats up rapidly and cools down just as quickly, which makes it slim.
  • A steel or copper collector of bimetallic radiators is capable of constantly withstanding a reactive coolant.

Note! To prevent corrosion, air must be regularly vented to prevent prolonged oxygen contact with the interior of the instrument.

  • The devices demonstrate high resistance to heat and are able to withstand even 130 ° C.
  • The clever connection system makes installation very easy.

Bimetallic Battery Selection Criteria

To choose the right radiator, you should start from several basic criteria:

  1. Core materials (steel, copper).
  2. Battery design (monolithic, sectional).
  3. The value of the center-to-center distances.
  4. Manufacturer.

The main disadvantage of monolithic bimetal is its high cost.

The center-to-center distance is the distance between the location of the lower and upper collectors. As a rule, the parameter is indicated in millimeters. Standard sizes from 200 to 800 mm are produced. These options are usually enough to select radiators for the wiring installed in the room.

More often on the market there are products with a distance between the cores of 500 and 350 mm. These dimensions are standard for most modern new buildings. Difficulties arise when finding narrow 200mm batteries that work well in a small kitchen or toilet, and wide 800mm products are usually only custom-made.

Choosing a manufacturer

Since bimetallic radiators are expensive and are installed for many years and even decades, it is important to purchase a really high-quality product from a trusted and reliable manufacturer. The following firms have proven themselves well:

  • Global;
  • Sira;
  • Rifar;
  • STOUT;
  • Royal.

Note! Products of European brands, as a rule, are of high quality of assembly and production materials. Nevertheless, it is not always adapted to the peculiarities of domestic heating systems.


The Italian manufacturer's radiator models have earned a good reputation in the CIS as well. The insides of the batteries are made of alloy steel, the outside is Aluminium alloy... They have all the advantages of high quality bimetal. The disadvantages include a slight drop in heat transfer with a decrease in the degree of the coolant.

The maximum operating temperature is 110 ° C, the pressure is 35 atm. The assortment is represented by the following models with a center distance of 350 and 500 mm:

  • Global STYLE 350/500. Heat transfer of 1 section - 120 and 168 W, respectively.
  • Global STYLE PLUS 350/500. Section power - 140/185 W.
  • Global STYLE EXTRA 350/500. Heat transfer of one section - 120/171 W.


The Italian brand positions its products as premium products. It stood out in the market for its high quality and attractive design based on smooth rounded shapes. In addition, the line includes models with a rather rare center distance of 200 and 800 mm. The maximum temperature of the coolant is –110 ° С, the pressure is 30 atm.

The lineup includes the following modifications:

  • Sira Gladiator 200/350/500 (center distance) - 92/140/185 W (section power).
  • Sira RS Bimetal 350/500/800 - 145/201/282 W.
  • Sira Ali Metal 500 - 187 W.

The line includes the following popular models:

  • Rifar Base 500. Heat transfer of one element - 136/204 W.
  • Rifar Forza 350/500 - 136/202 W.
  • Rifar Monolit 350/500 –134/194 watts.
  • Rifar Alp 500 - 191 W.

Radiators STOUT

Special attention should be paid to the domestic brand STOUT, which is not yet so widespread on the market, but has already earned many positive user reviews. The batteries have the best performance characteristics: maximum operating pressure - 100 atm, temperature - 135 ° С.

Radiators of this brand have many advantages:

  • Production at the largest and most famous domestic plant "RIFAR".
  • Control at every stage of production.
  • Pressure testing with maximum pressure before and after painting.
  • Affordable price, which is achieved not due to a decrease in quality, but due to optimized logistics processes and cooperation with trusted suppliers.
  • The number of sections is from 4 to 14, so you can install radiators anywhere.
  • Correct geometry of each section, which ensures the highest possible level of heat dissipation.
  • They are adapted to work in both central and autonomous heating systems.
  • 10 years manufacturer's warranty, insurance for 1,000,000 euros in Ingosstrakh.

The line includes 2 models:

  • STOUT Space 350 with 130 W section heat dissipation;
  • STOUT Space 500 with 180 W heat dissipation section.

Royal thermo

Another Italian brand of radiators distinguished by a wide range of products and original design. The PianoForte model looks especially interesting. It is possible to order radiators different colors... The design of the batteries is made according to the patented Power Shift technology: additional fins are installed in the vertical collector to increase heat transfer.

Compared to other brands, the radiators of this company are designed for a lower working pressure - 20 bar. The coolant temperature is also not too high - 90 ° C.

Popular models:

  • Royal Thermo BiLiner 350/500 - 117/171 W;
  • Royal Thermo Revolution Bimetall 500 - 116/168 W;
  • Royal Thermo Vittoria 350/500 - 114/167 W;
  • Royal Thermo PianoForte 500 - 185 Watt

Price comparison

For objectivity, we present models of radiators of comparable power with a center-to-center distance of 500 mm.

Radiators with 350 mm center distance:

For your information. Some suppliers agree to mount or remove the required number of sections from the radiator at the request of the customer.

Should you buy?

Bimetallic batteries - the best solution for modern apartment... Their relatively high price is compensated by a long service life, savings due to simple adjustment, reliability and a guarantee of protection against leaks and rupture during water hammer. If the prices of European brands "bite", you can choose radiators from Russian manufacturers at a more affordable cost, with a guarantee and insurance. A few more tips for choosing - in the video below.

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