Steam, hydro, heat and sound insulation Izolon: types, specifications, prices. Secrets of soundproofing an apartment Shock noises are suppressed

Hello dear motorists! When you decide what you just need, you go to the auto shop to choose the materials. Naturally specialized.

And, again, naturally, you ask the question - how to choose the best material for sound insulation or which sound insulation is better. I don't want to upset you, but the best noise isolation is only in advertising. And our task is to choose the right and right materials for sound insulation.

Indeed, in essence and in terms of manufacturing technology, all materials for noise insulation of cars have ± the same properties and qualities. If these are factory-made noise insulation materials, and not an outright fake.

And what is needed in order to choose and buy the right materials for noise insulation? Quite right! Know what are and where these or those materials are used for soundproofing a car.

After all, the material that needs to be used for soundproofing the wheel arches may not necessarily be used for soundproofing the car interior. So we will conduct a small excursion into the types and types of materials for soundproofing a car.

The best car noise insulation depends on the choice of material

Noise isolation STP for cars

Like everything that lends itself to classification, materials for car sound insulation are also divided into types that are responsible for one or another section of the car noise reduction work. And they are designed to eliminate this or that kind of noise.

The correct choice and combination of materials for noise insulation of different types, allows you to get an almost silent car (ideally). What are these types of materials for noise insulation.

Sound absorber (sound insulation, sound absorber) Is a type of material that is designed to absorb sound waves in the air. As a rule, the following sound-absorbing materials are used for soundproofing a car:

  • Accent is one of the main materials in the line: car noise insulation materials StP (StandardPlast). In addition to soundproofing properties, it has such qualities as: sound reflection and thermal insulation.
  • Bitoplast is an excellent sealing and anti-squeak material. And thanks to its structure, and a high-quality sound absorber.
  • Izolon - sound insulation with this material, in principle, does not differ from the Accent. In the standardplast category, sound insulation with this material is rated as “good”.

Soundproofing (soundproofing) - this type of material is fundamentally different from noise absorbers, due to its closed-cell structure and impenetrable face film. These materials have such qualities as: tightness and heat retention. They are especially effective in the presence of a foil-coated surface.

Vibration damper (vibration isolation)- materials designed to reduce the amplitude of vibrations of plastic and metal surfaces of the vehicle while driving. All vibration isolation materials are based on one principle - the viscoelasticity of the material (bitumen, foamed rubber).

The most common materials are:

  • BiMastBomb is a vibration-absorbing material. The base is a mastic and bituminous composition. Foiled with aluminum foil, perfectly processed with scissors.
  • BiMastStandard - from this series of vibration-insulating materials, has the greatest elasticity. Does not require heating, fits perfectly on curved surfaces. There is no foil covering.
  • VibroPlast M1 (M2) - difference in thickness: 1.5 and 2.3 mm, respectively. Easy to install, but has the lowest MCF (mechanical loss factor) for this line of materials. According to the recommendations of specialists, it is better not to apply it to metal surfaces.
  • VisoMat is a vibration-absorbing bitumen-based material. Self-adhesive. Positive properties: does not absorb moisture and does not decompose over time. For installation requires heating up to 50 degrees.

Interlining (anti-creak) materials- are designed to eliminate sounds that occur when metal or plastic parts of the car come into contact.

Craftsmen used to use as cushioning material: paralon, carpet, even plasticine. Today there is no need for this: take away plasticine from the child. Let her learn to sculpt, but you should go to a car shop and choose:

  • BitoPlast is a polyurethane-based material with a sticky layer, 5-10mm thick. impregnation of the material makes it: durable, waterproof, and increases sound-absorbing qualities.
  • Madeleine is a fabric material with an adhesive layer. Due to its decorative appearance, it can be used open for processing joints between panels. Available on the market in two colors: black and gray.

Liquid noise insulation for exterior car treatment

Video - materials for car noise insulation

You have probably heard such names as: liquid fenders, anticorrosive, liquid noise insulation. As a rule, materials of this group are used for exterior noise insulation and anti-corrosion treatment of a car. , for example.

The outer surfaces of the vehicle require special attention from the driver. The reasons are clear - the constant impact of an aggressive environment, especially in winter, simply eats up the car body.

Here, in fact, in order to prevent premature wear and, at the same time, to carry out soundproofing of a car, liquid soundproofing is used. According to the method of application, materials are divided into: aerosol coating and "painting" (brush, spatula).

Mastic materials for noise insulation have such necessary qualities as: a wide range of application temperatures, resistance to reagents, resistance to mechanical stress (we are talking about such quality as anti-gravel protection of a car).

In addition to the tasks of anti-corrosion and anti-gravel, liquid materials also act as additional noise insulation for a car.

That, perhaps, is all. For information and a conscious choice of materials for soundproofing a car, it is quite enough. And the properties and qualities of each of the materials, you should study according to the instructions and description in each case.

Izolon is a material used for insulation and sound insulation of premises for various purposes. This insulation has appeared in use relatively recently, but in a short period of time it has become quite popular in construction and other areas of industry. The elastic structure of the material makes it quite popular, so in this article we will try to consider it in more detail.

You can ensure coziness and comfort in the house with the help of high-quality sound insulation. As you know, noise in a room can be of two types: airborne and shock. In order to make soundproofing in an apartment, it is necessary to choose a good insulating material that can absorb sounds and provide complete comfort. Today on the market of soundproofing materials there is a huge selection of products that can be selected according to various parameters and criteria. Further comfort depends on the correct choice of insulating material.

It should be noted that all products made on the basis of polyethylene or polyolefin foam are products of the ISOLON trademark. Insulation production is carried out on modern equipment using a special technology. Due to its qualities and features, the product is considered a versatile insulating material, and has a wide range of applications.

What is Isolon?

Izolon is a material that has high elastic properties and thermal insulation properties. The material is made from polyethylene waste, as a result of processing. The structure of the insulation is bubbly, due to which high performance indicators are achieved. Today this material is recognized as one of the most effective insulation materials. It is widely used in the mechanical engineering, automotive, and footwear industries. Isolon is also considered an excellent heat and sound insulator for various premises.

Production technology

Izolon noise insulation is made with a foil base, which improves the insulating properties of the material. In addition, it can have an adhesive base, which will allow the insulation to be fixed to various surfaces without additional means. The porous structure of the insulation can be used for any purpose. With the use of izolon I insulate cars, houses and apartments.

The difference between stitched and non-stitched isolon

There are two types of isolon: sewn and embroidered. The peculiarity of the second option is that the material has an unbound molecular structure. The polymer molecules do not have a chemical bond, while the structure of the cross-linked isolone does not change. When the crosslinking process takes place, an improved molecule is formed, cross-linked or reticulated.

In simple terms, sewn isolon has a higher quality and, accordingly, characteristics. The crosslinking process improves the thermal insulation properties of the material, as well as resistance to aggressive compounds, UV radiation and precipitation.


Izolon is made on the basis of polyethylene raw materials. The porous structure makes the product one of the best types of heat and sound insulation material. As for the coefficient of thermal conductivity, it is significantly higher than that of other insulating materials. The operating temperature of the isolon is from -60 to +100 degrees Celsius. Due to the dense cellular surface, the insulation practically does not absorb water, which is especially good when insulating rooms with high air humidity.

Interesting! It should be noted that isolon, even if it has a small thickness, then its heat and sound insulation qualities are superior to some materials. When interacting with petroleum products, it is not destroyed.

Izolon can be used for any type of surface:

  • Wood boards;
  • Concrete;
  • Brick;
  • Metal.

Insulation can be used in rooms with a high degree of humidity, which also adds advantages to the material. Insulation material is produced in rolls and slabs, which allows you to choose the perfect solution. The light weight of the product and its elasticity make installation work quick and easy. The installed isolon soundproofing can not only protect a house or car from cold and noise, but also save money on calling a master, because everything can be done independently without the involvement of specialists.

Types and scope

Today the manufacturer provides the following types of products:

  • Isonol 100 - uncrosslinked polypropylene;
  • Iisonol 300 - chemically cross-linked;
  • Isonol 500 - physically sewn;
  • Isolontape - the material has one or two adhesive sides;
  • Ecoheat - insulation customized for indoor use.

Izolon grades 300 and 500 are used in most cases to work as an insulator. It is used in construction, automotive, light food industry, household and medicine.

Interesting! Isolon 100 grade can be used in cases where the insulation is not affected by heavy loads and high temperatures. It is ideal for soundproofing the vehicle interior.

One of the features of the material is that it can be operated at low temperatures and not lose its properties. Due to this quality, izolon is often used in the automotive industry.

Due to its high resistance to moisture, it is used for metal surfaces, protecting them from corrosion. According to experts, izolon is a heater that is reliably and durable in use without loss of quality. When using Isolon, no maintenance is needed for the material. The material is not flammable, since when interacting with an open fire it decomposes into two components water and carbon dioxide.

When insulating floors, often before pouring a liquid solution, the surface is covered with an isolon of small thickness. Such a substrate is needed not in order to protect the lower floors from leaks, but solely because of the thermal insulation properties. The structure of the material does not absorb moisture, therefore, a kind of air cushion is formed under the self-leveling floor, which guarantees effective heat and sound insulation.

Performing Soundproofing

To insulate any surface, it is necessary to spread the material along its entire length and glue it. If Izolon is used for internal insulation, it is important to remember that the walls must breathe and be ventilated so that mold and mildew do not form. Insulation such as izolon can be used for external insulation, since it is not exposed to ultraviolet exposure.

Installation work with isonol is quite simple and does not require additional investment. Installation does not require several people and many different tools. The weight of the insulation is insignificant and it is quite possible to put it on yourself. During installation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the parameters of the room to be treated in order to make insulation with a minimum number of joints and seams. In addition to its high thermal insulation qualities, izolon also copes well with airborne noise. You can create ideally comfortable conditions in the house using various sound and heat-insulating materials. Izolon is one of the few products that has gained immense popularity since its appearance on the market.

Peace of mind at home depends on many things. This is the material well-being of the owners, and their good relationship with each other, and much more. But even when everything is in perfect order, it is also desirable that everything be quiet!

What is it for?

Apartments, especially those located in panel buildings, rarely boast excellent sound insulation. This is understandable: builders are mainly looking to save money and reduce the thickness of the floor panels between the individual floors. As a result, the slightest sound causes a lot of inconvenience. Problems arise due to:

  • conversations;
  • included TVs;
  • the music being played;
  • movable furniture;
  • even neighbors going to work or preparing dinner.

If, however, a noisy company gathers in neighboring apartments or repairs begin, there is no need to hope for peace at all. But fortunately, modern soundproofing technologies allow, without infringing on neighbors, without a scandal with them for the slightest reason and without leaving a comfortable apartment, to solve the problem. This work cannot be reduced to laying the first material that comes across, or even to the use of complex barrier structures.

It is imperative to think over all the nuances. After all, soundproofing elements must be non-flammable, safe in sanitary terms and suppress exactly those sounds (in frequency, volume and origin) that cause inconvenience.

Causes of noise

There are many sources of noise in any apartment building, and not all of them are in the neighbors' rooms. Elevators and central heating points, water supply pumps, meters are noisy. Rain drumming on the roof, strong wind whistling and humming. Cars, motorcycles are driving and honking, various equipment is working on the street. And even if we restrict ourselves only to the noise generated in living quarters, they are diverse.

Every step and movement of people can create extraneous sounds. It would seem, well, what is it about a fallen knife, or the sound of a fork on a plate, or an open water tap, or a whistling kettle? But, when combined with other noises, such "innocent" signals can create a feeling of a real cacophony. And even if they appear on their own, but they happen constantly, from day to day, and from different apartments of neighbors and last a long time - damage to the nervous system is guaranteed.

In older homes, poorly attached or worn balcony canopies make loud noise in windy and rainy weather. But do not hope that the owners of the studio in the new building will be completely protected from extraneous sounds. Moreover, no structural material provides complete protection against all possible noise.

So, lightweight structures almost completely pass ordinary household noises. A thick monolith is better in this regard, but only until major repairs are started in one of the apartments. Through massive parts of structures, the sound of a drill, hammer drill or construction mixer can be heard in all parts of the building.

For greater convenience, acoustics divide all house noise into drums and air sounds. The second type appears as a result of the propagation of sound waves in space; it can penetrate various building structures. This group includes:

  • conversations with each other;
  • included TVs, radios, home theaters;
  • playing musical instruments and the like.

According to the standards, airborne noise should be attenuated by at least 50 dB, and in houses with a high degree of comfort - by 54 dB or more. But the main source of concern is still impact noise. It occurs more often, and almost does not go out in the air when it spreads.

In addition, if those who like to make a row or watch films at full volume can still be brought to justice, then no sanctions are provided for shock noises (except for repairs at inopportune hours). Trampling children, walking and running around the apartment (even at night), filling a steel bath with water - all this is completely legal.

It is possible to minimize the risk of airborne noise if you choose housing with reinforced concrete ceilings of at least 16 cm, or even better - from 20 cm. It is very important that the material has a minimum number of pores or is closed from the outside with a dense structure. The downside of this design, however, is the enhanced conduction of percussive sounds, especially with the strong savings on sound insulation, which is characteristic of mass buildings.

Problems can also arise in violation of construction technology, in case of poor-quality work. So, through cracks are categorically unacceptable, and if they do occur, it is required to immediately cover them along the entire depth with a sealant.

It is possible to identify the presence of such defects only when examining an apartment in a rough form, without finishing. The noise also increases in cases where the instructions for installing partitions between apartments and / or rooms are violated. Only the floating floor, which does not have rigid connections with any structural elements, sufficiently helps to protect against sounds from below.

In addition, if, when moving noisy areas of an apartment, they end up next to bedrooms in neighboring dwellings, peace is also disturbed. Now it remains to understand what to do with all this.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a solution suitable for a particular case, one should not give preference to assemblies from sandwich panels, because such structures pass too many sounds. Most often, it is unreasonable to be limited to any one type of materials, where the best results are obtained by their combination. Experts distinguish between two key types of materials: some provide the desired acoustics in the room, others only help to muffle sounds.

It is appropriate to choose absorbing means when a disco or other entertainment facility is located nearby. It is necessary to use some materials in bathrooms, others in bedrooms.

Good help is provided by mineral wool roll, which can block 98% of noise; also in dry rooms, excellent sound insulation is provided by cork slabs. The advantage of the second option is a wide variety of dimensions, as well as the ability to insulate both walls and ceilings with one material. But you need to be prepared for a fairly high price of coverage.

If the goal is to use the most modern product, it is useful to pay attention to the ZIPS panels and to thermo-soundproofing. The second option is created from synthetic raw materials and perfectly dampens sounds, but only when stacked in several layers.

It is much more correct to use ZIPS: these blocks are distinguished by the highest density and effectively suppress noise in two ways (reflection and absorption at the same time). The only drawback is the very high price, but given the ease of installation and other advantages, it is fully justified.

An important clarification: regardless of the type of material chosen, the manufacturer's instructions should be strictly followed. Attempts to improvise, invent your own schemes or rely on the words of "knowledgeable" people do not lead to anything good. Mineral wool should be used for areas where there is a high risk of fire, but its resistance to water is not high enough, so it is better to look for another solution for the bathroom.

Cork slabs can be placed on any surface other than the ceiling, so it is advisable to arrange with the tenants of the upper apartment to place them under the base of the floor. It is best to consult both the sellers and the builders who have to carry out the work about the chosen methods of protection. Only under this condition will it be possible to get a more or less objective picture.

You don't have to buy the most expensive options. But it is worth demanding certificates and licenses, they will say much more about the quality of a particular material or design.

Materials (edit)

It's time to deal with specific types of materials for sound insulation. The leading place among them is now occupied by felt, the quality of this method of protection is at least evidenced by the fact that it is actively used by professional builders. The undoubted advantages of such a solution are low cost and high level of safety, suitability for a wide variety of applications and conditions.

Felt insulation:

  • resistant to moisture;
  • only slightly burns, but not flammable;
  • does not throw out dust;
  • relatively light;
  • does not prick hands when working;
  • maintains stable quality even after compression.

The use of felt not only dampens extraneous noise, but also increases the level of fire safety. This material is a good electrical insulator, and it can be safely used even in the immediate vicinity of electrical appliances and wiring. Felt structures contribute to self-regulation of the indoor climate, they selectively absorb and release water as needed.

The raw material (sheep wool) does not cause any allergic reactions. The special processing technique (which uses steam and water) allows the felt to acquire very valuable practical qualities.

If you opt for its synthetic version, then there will be no problems either, because a unique technology is also used. It allows you to form a solid canvas. Felt is durable, its rolls and sheets can be flexibly varied in:

  • thickness;
  • specific gravity;
  • coloring;
  • technological parameters.

In any case, the material does not slip on the surface and is well wrinkled, instantly filling even the most difficult-to-reach places. Felt is also good for transportation, does not cause any inconvenience and does not require powerful transport, loaders, special packaging and careful handling. Products made of coarse wool have found application in the insulation of housing and industrial facilities, but it is quite acceptable to use them even in medical institutions.

Users can cut the material into pieces of the desired length and configuration. Soundproof felt is complemented by a special membrane that effectively absorbs any sound.

If there are doubts about the possibilities of such a solution, they are in vain. Reviews about him are favorable even among employees of recording studios, various organizations and institutions with a sharply unfavorable noise environment. Before using felt, the base must be leveled as carefully as possible.... Fiberboard, gypsum board and other materials are usually placed on top of the protective layer.

You can avoid settling the felt mass with moths by treating it with a weak solution of sodium fluoride and thoroughly drying it, then it is permissible to mount the material both on the walls and on the ceiling.

The technical type of felt is primarily intended to retain heat. Its difference is its insignificant mass with a high density of fibers. The thickness of mass-produced products is always 1 cm. The structure of thick rolls is capable of covering metal parts. The acoustic grade is designed to guarantee insulation and sound insulation:

  • frame structures;
  • attics;
  • ceiling and floor slabs.

It is permissible to use this material to isolate floating floors from vibration. Acoustic felt is sold in the form of slabs 250 cm long and 120 cm wide, but its thickness only occasionally reaches 10 mm. The combined version is formed by two layers: one contains synthetic fibers, the other gives the structure the properties of viscous elasticity.

Such felt can be mounted only with the help of sophisticated professional-level systems. It is used in floating screeds and suspended ceilings, and surrounds ventilation and sewer pipes.

In addition to felt, there are a number of other materials suitable for soundproofing an apartment. So, for this purpose, drywall sheets can be used, supplemented with porous substances - mineral wool, ecological wool, kraft paper. Noise protection is obtained at a high level, in addition, the thermal protection of the outer walls is enhanced. But at the same time you have to put up with:

  • heavy installation;
  • the formation of a significant amount of dust;
  • loss of a large part of the space (material has a thickness of up to 120 mm).

The use of decorative panels is quite widespread. To obtain them, fibers of coniferous trees are used. In appearance, such soundproofing is indistinguishable from a conventional wall panel. The ends are supplied with spikes and grooves, which greatly facilitates installation. The decorative coating of the outer layer makes it possible to do without additional finishing.

The panels are good for decorating large rooms, but their cost is very high. An alternative is polyurethane-based slabs, which are appreciated even by record directors. Typical dimensions are 60x120 cm, and the maximum thickness is only 1.5 cm. Polyurethane structures are lightweight, easy to install and give an excellent effect. But their cost is too high for most consumers.

Special membranes can be called among modern soundproofing means. The thickness of each such membrane does not exceed 3.5 cm, which makes it possible to use them in close connection with other types of sound insulation. Installation is facilitated due to the elasticity of the material, the ability to bend it at an angle. Decent density provides effective suppression of extraneous sounds. Unfortunately, like all insufficiently massive solutions, this material costs a lot of money.

Styrofoam plates are distinguished by their external beauty and can be simply glued to the wall. The fineness of the coating allows it to be used even in small spaces. As for the protective properties, they are only satisfactory, other materials have better results. The sandwich panel has more powerful sound insulation and is also easy to install. But the thickness of such a design is unlikely to please buyers.

The ways

Important: Before purchasing any acoustic material, it is worthwhile to accurately measure the noise level. Perhaps very thick and strong insulating coatings will be a waste of money. In addition, the thinner the product, the easier it will be to assemble it yourself. The use of foam for sound insulation does not make any sense, even if it keeps heat well, but the sound passes without restrictions.

If you need to drastically increase protection, it is worth using several panels or other blocks at once.

Heat-efficient sound insulation is the most promising and convenient solution. Almost all owners, when carrying out repairs or moving into a new house, prefer this very design. Thermal energy from year to year only becomes more expensive and therefore each gigacalorie obtained from central heating puts more pressure on the personal budget. And if the thermal protection, in addition, also suppresses extraneous noise, this gives additional savings. The best combinations of these properties are:

  • ecological wool;
  • cork in sheets;
  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • isolone.

Styrofoam and polypropylene foam are not effective enough to control noise. If you use mixtures placed under the wallpaper or applied to the wall, they will reduce the intensity of the sounds, but it will still be cold in the home. Alternatively, one layer can be made from a heat insulator, and the other from a sound insulator. But at the same time, they must be combined with each other and not have conflicting properties. So, on heat-insulating structures passing through steam, it is impossible to mount any plates that would delay this flow.

The mineral wool should be stapled onto steam and water barriers. A frame based on steel profiles is necessarily used, the installation step is 50 cm both vertically and horizontally. When filling the created structure with cotton, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that there are no open areas left. Fixation is done in the most convenient way. You need to close the structure from the outside:

  • drywall;
  • plastic panels;
  • fiber board;
  • clapboard.

Regardless of the soundproofing method chosen, it is worth checking all surfaces so that there are no cracks or holes. Any such defect should be eliminated before finishing. Soundproofing with cork is not dangerous for allergy sufferers, but it can leave traces of heavy furniture on it. There are two ways out - either not to use in floors, or to select headsets, kits taking this circumstance into account. The plug can be used in a wide variety of designs:

  • plates;
  • rolls;
  • liquid mixtures;
  • intermediate coating for other types of finishes;
  • special kind of wallpaper.

It is quite simple to install soundproofing based on cork, but this work is very painstaking and requires perseverance. Gluing of solid structures is carried out on acrylic mixtures or contact adhesives applied both to the surface to be finished and to the wrong side of the material. It is the contact method of work that is considered the most rational professional builders.

It is required to control that air bubbles do not fall under the surface of the material. Glue is spread over the entire surface with a uniform layer.

Before fastening, the cork should be kept in the room to be finished for at least 24 hours so that it can be acclimatized. You cannot work if the air is colder than 19 degrees, and the humidity is less than 35 or above 65%. The moisture content of the walls themselves is allowed only at 3%, if there is no certainty about its value, drying should be performed. Important: the cork is incompatible with gypsum in any form. It is glued according to the same scheme as that of the tile, but they try to make the seams smaller, and put the materials in the joint.

Izolon is attached to the walls with glue or with a stapler. The seams of the sheets are thoroughly sealed with special tape. Interestingly, insulation work using this material can be carried out even outside the apartment.

All work that involves the formation of frames or battens is carried out after vapor barrier. This requirement is especially important when installing wadded insulation. Before glue is applied, the walls are dried in any case and try not to carry out such work in the off-season.

Soundproofing in the toilet is just as important as in the rest of the apartment. All responsible owners want them not to be heard there, and they themselves did not hear anyone else on the lower and upper floors either.

The easiest way to solve this problem is in separate bathrooms, combined rooms require additional waterproofing. Such a room always has enhanced ventilation and exhaust, often contributing to increased audibility, but this problem can be solved. A wooden door is categorically unacceptable, plastic is much better, since it dampens sounds more efficiently.

If metal door structures are installed, it is recommended to fill them with mineral wool or other loose insulator. It is a good idea to supplement this protection with sound-reflecting membranes made from the thinnest possible materials. The best solution for soundproofing risers would be the use of special sleeves (according to the pipe-in-pipe scheme), filled with sound-impermeable material. Often it turns out to be an acoustic sealant. Mineral wool (from 50 mm) or drywall sheets are mainly mounted on the walls.

The soundproofing of floors is mainly done with ceramic tiles, which also help to create an attractive appearance. It is advisable to complement the composition with a soft cloth rug. It compensates for the coldness of the ceramics and helps to further increase the suppression of extraneous sounds. At the top, a suspended ceiling is most often placed, complemented by cotton wool or a thinner insulating layer. Special films suppress moisture and prevent water from entering the substrate.

Some home craftsmen prefer to finish the toilet floors with their own waterproofing, obtained from bituminous mastics, rubber and sheets impregnated with bitumen. Sealing the joints with silicone-based sealants will help to reduce the penetration of sounds to the limit. According to professionals, when soundproofing the toilet, the most optimal solution will still be plasterboard structures.

But not in all cases, the area of ​​the room allows them to be used, especially taking into account the mandatory layer of air.

The lathing is always itself lined with protection against the propagation of sounds, otherwise they will burst inward, bypassing the insulating layers.

The walls should be equipped with inter-apartment soundproofing, not only in the washrooms, but everywhere. Hardly anyone will be pleased when neighbors can listen to conversations and watch food intake through the wall. And we ourselves can get rid of the role of controllers and observers. Mineral and glass wool do a good job of damping airborne noise. In most cases, it is recommended to mount an acoustic ceiling from above.

Impact noise is suppressed:

  • stopper;
  • polyethylene foam;
  • cork rubber;
  • combining bitumen and cork;
  • composite materials;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

Structural noise control is carried out using:

  • fiberglass;
  • sealants with vibroacoustic properties;
  • elastomers.

Glass wool and ecowool are mounted only on walls that have been leveled with putty or plaster. Metal lathing is more practical than wood and is less susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture. A thin vapor barrier is placed over the insulation, attached to the crate itself. Then finishing with one or another facing coating is carried out.

It is not necessary to install a vapor barrier for internal walls, but its benefit may be associated with another point, that is, with limiting the access of glass dust into the room.

As for the wallpaper that inhibits the flow of extraneous sounds, they are represented by three main types:

  • tufting;
  • on a cork base;
  • based on synthesized velor.

Tufting contains two layers, in essence it is a pile on a dense fabric. Outwardly, such an insulator resembles a carpet. Synthetic velor is a paper covered with vinyl on top. The problems of such a coating are instability to moisture and low strength.

If you need the most effective sound and noise insulation, you should give preference to vapor-permeable cork-based wallpaper. But if the priority when choosing is moisture resistance and resistance to ultraviolet rays, it is recommended to pay attention to tufting.


Noise insulation of the floor in apartments can be carried out in a variety of ways. There are both materials that have proven themselves for a long time, as well as the latest branded products. When choosing an option, you should pay attention, first of all, to its thickness. The absorption of sound by systems containing timber battens is quite effective. But the frame itself and the plywood laid out on it will perform their function well only with a sufficient ceiling height. Otherwise, the useful volume of the room decreases sharply and it becomes uncomfortable.

Sound insulation "MaxForte ShumoIzol" is often placed on the floor. The soft surface is applied to the subfloor, while the hard edge is facing upwards. The outer edges are brought onto the walls, and the excess areas are cut off. The joints on the outside are smeared with liquid rubber. "ShumoIzol" reduces the intensity of impact noise up to 27 dB.

The use of the latest plasticizers by the manufacturer avoids frequent tearing and cracking. This material is impervious to water. But slag, despite its insulating advantages, is hardly suitable for sound insulation. It is categorically unacceptable in wet rooms.

Basalt stone wool can be used both with lathing from a bar, and independently from it. Like the walls, cracks are intolerable on the floor.


Problems with sound penetration through ceilings are especially relevant for panel buildings. Even law-abiding, sober and meek neighbors are anxious there. Partitions and floor slabs do not interfere with the downward sound that occurs when:

  • loud conversation;
  • phone calls;
  • TV operation;
  • falling objects;
  • steps;
  • lifting the chair or rolling the chair.

If the walls in the apartment are high, the choice space is large enough. The most effective result is achieved by using multilayer structures, in which rolled material (reflective), slabs (absorbing), drywall or gypsum fiber are combined. But it is important to take into account that such ceilings are 75-120 mm lower than the rough substrate.

However, in the absence of problems with the height of the room, no one will prohibit the use of thick frame blocks, reinforced with gypsum fiber, under stretch ceilings. The use of a frame increases reliability. The structure of such a system, in addition to the lathing and the guides fixing it, includes:

  • vibration suspensions, which are responsible for holding the frame as a whole;
  • sealing vibroacoustic material;
  • various plates, membranes, shields and panels in a specially selected combination;
  • sealing tape that prevents the sound from going along the profiles;
  • drywall.

GKL can be used both standard and specialized (soundproofing). The applied design is guaranteed to reduce noise from above by 11-20 dB (if you do not take into account the deceleration of sound by the base overlap itself). For stretch ceilings, the frame system is formed on the basis of wooden slats, the thickness of which is approximately 25 mm. The frameless version under the tension structure is formed:

  • the main sound suppressing material;
  • dowel-nails in the form of a plate;
  • glue;
  • hung out canvas.

The total thickness varies from 1.4 to 4 cm, but the soundproofing properties are noticeably less than in the first case, they do not exceed 9 dB. Another scheme applies:

  • vibration insulating gasket;
  • sealing mixture;
  • sandwich panels ZIPS;
  • fasteners;
  • the final layer of gypsum board, attached to the panels.

Such protection is able to reduce the sound intensity by 11-18 dB, and its thickness varies from 5.5 to 13.3 cm. If you use fibrous plates (made of mineral wool, polyester or glass fibers), you should give preference to the products of the companies Rockwool, StopZvuk, Shumanet "And" AkuLight ". StopSvuk are insulating membranes characterized by high density and minimum thickness. They reflect sound waves without absorbing them in the least. The only problem can be the increased price.

How to do it yourself?

Sound insulation installation technologies are highly dependent on what kind of material is chosen. So, it is advisable to put gypsum plasterboards on smooth, gap-free walls, covered with a layer of plaster. If the wall is a stable source of noise, it is impossible to put the gypsum board close to it, only attach it to the adjacent walls and to the windows. Then the mounts will still conduct external sounds. Polyurethane foam will help to fill the gaps separating the plates from each other.

To put the ZIPS, you will have to make auxiliary holes. If you add ecowool panels manually, you will also be able to provide thermal insulation. Roll materials based on absorbent films are attached to smooth and leveled walls; a bustilate is used for joining.

Before starting work on sound insulation, all sockets are turned off and removed, and the holes that appear are filled with non-combustible materials, blocked by an accelerated drying mixture. Next comes the turn of laying sound insulation in places where the pipes touch the wall.

How to enhance?

Correctly improving the existing sound insulation is quite difficult. It is not at all necessary, as they did most of the twentieth century, to hang carpets. To increase the effectiveness of noise protection, care should be taken to install reliable windows and doors. It makes no sense to insulate the floor, walls and ceiling, leaving the old wooden window, no. But constructions with multi-layer double-glazed windows will come in handy.

It is recommended to choose those options in which the inner glasses are shifted relative to the geometric center. Increasing the thickness of the frame improves overall protection. When choosing windows, you should pay attention to the tightness of the rubber seal. If it immediately or after some time becomes covered with cracks, cracked, then such a product needs to be changed.

It is also useful to use curtains made of dense fabric.

There are other subtleties that will help you finally find the long-awaited peace.

  • You can evaluate the quality of vibration insulation around the pipes by removing the top layer of cement and inspecting the sleeve. If a void is found, the gap is cleaned of debris as deep as possible. After wrapping the insulating layer, the joint is again sealed with a solution, which is covered with a layer of silicone sealant.
  • Cracks in old panel houses are mostly filled with putty or acrylic-based sealant. Wadded materials in the gaps of the plasterboard frame are only useful if they are mounted on acoustically torn structures. Cotton wool must have a density of at least 35 kg per 1 cubic meter. m.

  • If there is an opportunity to increase the air gap between the layers, it is worth using it. Competent assembly is more valuable than “breakthrough” and “innovative” materials. The efficiency of double structures is higher than single ones, but not always, but only if there are no rigid bonds between the individual layers. A pair of brick walls each 125 mm thick and the air cavity between them is much quieter than a single monolithic brick 250 mm wide. When attaching the frame, only fasteners with increased elasticity with a lower resonance frequency can be used.

  • The best fasteners are specialized, the so-called vibrofix and some of its analogues. Wherever possible, partition walls should be attached to ceilings and floors using sound-insulating profiles. But you will not be able to limit yourself to such a connection if you have to hang TVs, heavy furniture. Fiberglass and polymer tapes are used as linings when choosing a direct suspension.

Ideally, vibration suspensions should be used, but they are expensive and not always available.

  • The use of sheet materials with an unequal degree of rigidity and thickness in a bundle also helps to increase the efficiency of noise protection. Acoustically isolated partitions are more profitable than aerated concrete or tongue-and-groove slabs. They will help block mid-frequency sound and stop structure and impact noise from re-emitting completely. If you need to deal with the sounds made by a subwoofer, air conditioning equipment or generators, it is recommended to use full-weight ceramic bricks. Damping of medium and high frequency sound is recommended with drywall attached to the frame.

For information on how to make soundproofing of an apartment with your own hands, see the next video.

ISOLONTAPE is a self-adhesive polyethylene foam ISOLON (Izolon). The adhesive layer serves as an ideal installation method and replaces existing surface fixing means. To protect the sticky layer during production and transportation, release paper or film is used.

The joints obtained with ISOLONTAPE have sound insulation and damping properties, excellent resistance to vibration and shock loads. The application provides good sealing, stability of the adhesive bond in a wide temperature range and good insulating properties.

The use of self-adhesive material is recommended for insulating any metal surfaces: air ducts, pipelines, drying cabinets, interiors of cars and vans, for insulating walls, floors, ceilings and other enclosing structures inside premises for buildings of all types (residential, industrial, public) as in the construction of new and during the reconstruction and repair of existing ones.

Advantages of ISOLONTAPE adhesive tapes:

    is one of the most effective heat, hydro, steam and sound insulators existing today;

    during installation, the integrity of the surface of the materials to be joined is preserved, because no mounting holes required;

    the foamed base gives the tape the ability to take the shape of the surface, smoothing out defects (chips, cracks, roughness, etc.);

    retains elasticity at temperatures from -80 ° C to + 100 ° C;

    assembly of parts is less laborious and almost instantaneous;

    the connection line of parts is invisible, which, accordingly, improves the appearance of the structure;

    adhesive tapes provide a high "shear resistance" under stress on the bonded surface;

    the percentage of waste and rejects is reduced;

    reduction of financial costs for the purchase of hardware and tools;

    resistant to decay and durable;

    practically zero water absorption;

    has complete hygienic and environmental safety.

    We have presented self-adhesive ISOLON (Izolon) under the ISOLONTAPE brand in the following forms: ISOLONTAPE 100(basis of ISOLON 100) old name Isolontape NPE, ISOLONTAPE 500(based on ISOLON 500) old name Izolontape PPE.

ISOLONTAPE 100 (non-crosslinked polyethylene foam with acrylic adhesive) is recommended when:

    you need a cheap heat-insulating self-adhesive material that is operated without load or with a minimum load;

    uncritical low surface quality, low mechanical strength, including compression;

    increased heat resistance of the adhesive layer is required;

It is not recommended to use ISOLONTAPE 100 as a sealing and shock-absorbing material due to the low physical and mechanical properties of ISOLON 100!

ISOLONTAPE 500(physically cross-linked polyethylene foam with rubber adhesive) we recommend when:

    accelerated adhesion to the surface is necessary (high initial adhesion);

    requires high mechanical strength of the foam and its ability to recover its shape after removing the load (high-quality seals, shock absorbers);

    high frost resistance is required, as well as high heat resistance of the foamed base;

    requires the production of functional elements from ISOLONTAPE (Izolontape) and high quality finishing.

The technological capabilities of the plant make it possible to produce:

    cutting into strips of various widths;

    lamination of the base with fabrics or polymer films, including metallized ones;

    cutting into sheets of the stated length with a width of 1m;

    processing by cutting, cutting;

    Jumboroll winding with or without trimming.

Standard delivery is carried out in log rolls with a width of 1 m and a winding length of 10 to 50 meters, depending on the thickness of the base.

Packing in blue plastic wrap. The fastening of the material from unwinding is made with a branded adhesive tape with a logo.