How to plaster, putty and paint smallpox slabs. Osb board plastering: is it possible to plaster osb outside? We apply elastic plaster on the osb facade

Oriented strand board (OSB), aka OSB (OSB or OSBI) is perfect for construction. These slabs are increasingly used in housing construction. This is especially true for the construction frame houses... They are used both for cladding facades from the outside and for arranging the interior space inside. Therefore, the question of which method is preferred for finishing indoor spaces, is relevant for every home owner.

The main types of interior decoration

As a decoration for interiors, the walls of which are folded from OSB, you can use different ways... The choice is always up to the owners. Short list finishing works which are suitable for OSB are given below:

  • wallpapering
  • painting
  • varnishing
  • decorative putty and decorative plaster
  • gluing tiles or ceramic tiles

All of the listed finishes have one a common feature... The OSB surface must be properly prepared before the topcoat is applied.

There is essentially only one weak point of oriented strand board. It is the ability to absorb and gradually accumulate moisture. Over time, the entire slab or part of it swells and deforms. Therefore, the OSB surface must be isolated from the impact high humidity... And here many have a question whether it is better to putty the walls from OSB or cover them with a layer of plaster?

Initially, the puttying process is used to seal the joints between the slabs and to level the walls. This layer serves as the basis for applying paint, wallpapering partitions and, oddly enough, for the finishing layer of plaster. So the conclusion suggests itself quite definite: putty is an element of rough finishing of premises.

So it is quite possible to plaster interior walls from OSB. This, along with others, is a fairly common finishing method that designers often use. It should be added that the use of the usual sand-cement mixture not recommended in this case. There are special types of plaster that are designed for internal works with OSB panels.

What plaster is used for indoor OSB

Plaster, in this case, is used to create the last layer, which largely determines the design of the premises. These mixtures are called decorative plaster. For wooden surfaces it is recommended to use formulations that have high adhesion. We are talking about polymer-based plaster mixes. A layer of such plaster "breathes" and prevents the formation of fungi and mold. The plaster layer significantly reduces sound transmission and heat retention. It is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe. The wall covered with plaster looks absolutely uniform. Joints between slabs and other defects are hidden. Such a coating will last more than twenty-five years.

Plaster mixes are sold ready-made or dry. Dry varieties should be diluted with water or another reagent before application, according to the instructions. It is very important to make sure that the OSB boards are rigidly fixed and not subject to movement. Only after that you can start working. Otherwise, the plaster may crack and flake off in places.

Decorative OSB plaster indoors. Types, characteristics.

Decorative plaster can be classified according to two parameters: by the composition of the filler and by the type of binding components. By the type of filler, Venetian, structural, textured and flock can be distinguished.

Venetian plaster when applied, it is capable of forming a smooth surface. It contains an admixture of the smallest marble chips. This gives the surface a mirror-like shine.

Structural blend has small admixtures of quartz and other components. The surface is rough. Its main difference is that when applied to a wall, multi-colored spots appear on it.

Textured plaster may have different kind and include impurities of any suitable material... These can be small stones, pieces of mica, fibers of silk or other fabric. Wall panels coated with this mixture have a pronounced texture, which is determined by the filler.

The hardest to work seems to be flock mix... But it is very winning in design. The fact is that it consists of three layers - the main layer, the layer with flocks and varnish coating... Pieces of dried acrylic paint are used as flocks.

Types of decorative plaster for indoor OSB by composition

According to the presence of different binding components in the mixture, textured plaster can be divided into the following types:

  • mineral
  • acrylic
  • silicone
  • silicate

V mineral plaster cement acts as a binder. It is not very suitable for OSB, since it is afraid of shock when hardened. Although the finished layer only gets stronger over time, it lacks a certain amount of plasticity. If accidentally hitting the wall, a piece of the cover may come off.

Acrylic plaster made on the basis of acrylic resin. Compared to the previous mixture, it has a lower strength and service life. Has many color solutions... You can color the mixture yourself by adding a special colored paste. It is quite suitable for application to the surface prepared by OSB.

Synthetic resins serve as a binder for silicone decorative plaster ... It is very flexible and can be easily applied to the wall. Silicone plaster is resistant to moisture, vapor permeable and has an antiseptic effect. There are many colors available. This type of textured plaster fits perfectly into the solution of the task.

Silicate plaster it stands out in that it is used to create an astringent effect liquid glass... The hardened surface has increased strength, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and antifungal effect. Such plaster will last a long time, up to fifty years or more. This option can also be used to work with OSB.

Relief of textured plaster for OSB in the house

By the shape of the surface relief, the most famous types of textured plaster are: "lamb", "bark beetle" and "fur coat".

"Lamb" has a fine-grained structure, due to the filler of small untreated stones.

Plastered surface "Lamb".

"Bark beetle" resembles a tree that has been attacked by bark beetles.

Plastered surface "Bark beetle"

"Fur coat" has a smoother surface compared to the first option, since the filler in this case is cement.

Plastered surface "Fur coat"

Surface preparation OSB

As already mentioned, interior decoration of walls and ceilings from OSB sheets takes place in two stages. The first, rough, includes the preparation of the facade of the slabs for topcoat... The second, final, consists in applying plaster to the prepared base.

Surface preparation begins with sealing the joints between the slabs. For this, it is advisable to use acrylic or silicone sealant ... After completing this operation, it is recommended to get rid of all visible irregularities and defects using grinder... If this is not possible, then you can walk along the walls with ordinary sandpaper.

Sealing the joints with a sealant.

The walls should be cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner. For ceilings, all processes are similar. If necessary, wipe the surface with white spirit. After that, the first coat of primer is applied. Best applied acrylic primer with additives that improve its properties ... Primers of the adhesive class have also proven themselves well. They contain fine quartz chips, which help to hold the putty on the walls. After the first layer of soil has completely solidified, the operation should be repeated.

The next step is to putty the walls. There are specially designed mixtures for OSB panels. It is better to use adhesive-based putty compounds. Before applying the composition, a special metal or plastic mesh which contributes to a better adhesion of the putty. Fastening is easiest to do with a construction stapler. Then the first layer of putty is applied. The mesh should be completely hidden under the mixture. To create a perfectly flat surface, you can putty the wall a second time when the first layer is dry.

The next two videos illustrate the preparation process.

More details about the intricacies of the choice of putty, preparation of the base and puttying can be found in a separate article:.

After that, you can come up with the application decorative coating, be it wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster.

Indoor decorative plastering

The selected mixture is prepared in the same way as it is written on the package. Work is not much different from puttying. However, it takes some skill to get the wall surface to look as intended.

A flat trowel is used to apply the mixture as shown in the figure. The plaster is carefully applied in several layers. The layer thickness is small, within one and a half to five millimeters. As a rule, two or three coats are sufficient. It is very important to ensure that before applying the next layer, the previous one has dried and gained strength.

Application of plaster to the prepared surface

Such is circuit diagram works on plastering of internal surfaces from OSB. It should be noted that each type of decorative plaster has its own nuances when applied. This type of finish is relatively inexpensive. And if everything is done correctly, the resulting interior will satisfy the most demanding taste and will last for many years.

Example Venetian plaster with drawing.

Today, frame housing construction using OSB-plates and SIP-panels is very popular. These materials, like any others natural origin need a protective finish.
Outside, such houses are most often faced with hinged facade systems, and inside OSB slabs putty is used for subsequent decorative finishing - wallpapering or painting. Within the framework of this article, we will talk about the technology of this process and the materials that can be used.

OSB boards are a multilayer material made from wood chips glued together under the action of high pressure and the temperature of the synthetic resin. Each layer has a different orientation, which makes the board highly resistant to deformation.

Despite the high content of artificial substances, 80-90% of the slabs are made of wood, therefore they have many properties. natural material... One of them is the ability to absorb moisture.
It is this that raises doubts as to whether it is possible to putty the OSB plate, glue wallpaper on it (see Wall decoration with wallpaper in the correct version) or cover it with introductory dispersion paints. After all, both paint and wallpaper glue, and putty can lead to swelling of the material, an increase in its size and deformation.

Note. Oriented strand boards are available in varying degrees of moisture resistance. The most reliable are sold with the OSB-3 marking. They are used for outdoor cladding and in rooms with high humidity.

Many developers are quite happy with natural look material, especially if it comes O country house or utility room, so they are content to simply varnish the surface.
But what if required decorative trim? Is it possible to putty OSB (see Wall decoration with OSB plates and roofing works), which mixtures to use and how to do it correctly?
The answer to the first question is unambiguous: you can. It is simply advisable to apply the mixture not on water based to avoid deformation of the sheets.

Features of finishing OSB

Let's look at the technology of slab putty and outline the range of materials that can be used for this.

Choice of putty and other materials

Before puttingty the OSB board, the surface must be prepared: sanded to eliminate defects and primed.

Advice. It is easier to use slabs already sanded in production. Their price is not much higher, and much less time and effort is spent on finishing.

The question immediately arises about the primer - which one to choose. Of course, the one that is intended for wooden surfaces (see Wood primer - process features) and does not contain water. For example, drying oil or a primer based on glyphtal varnish.

Advice. The ends of the slabs have the greatest moisture-absorbing ability. It is advisable to treat them with a protective primer before installing the sheets, since then it will be impossible to do this.

Moving on to the choice of the main material. You need to choose from those compositions that are intended for finishing wooden bases and have an oil, adhesive, synthetic base. Mixes for brick or concrete will most likely not last long on your surface.
The most suitable formulations are the following, sold ready-to-use:

  • Special acrylic putty for OSB boards, designed also for leveling any wood and chipboard bases.

  • Nitro putties ASh-24, ASh-32, MBSh. They are made from resins and cellulose ethers with various fillers and plasticizers. To achieve the desired consistency, it is allowed to dilute them with solvents.
  • Oil-adhesive putties are compositions based on drying oil, varnishes and glue with the addition of chalk, thickeners, modifying additives. They are bred with linseed oil.

Also, for finishing OSB, special paints with fillers are used.
Regardless of the composition, the putty for OSB boards must have the following properties:

  • Good adhesion to smooth, resin-coated substrate surfaces;
  • Low drying shrinkage with low chance of cracking;
  • High strength of the created coating and its suitability for subsequent decorative finishing;
  • No solid fillers in the mixture, homogeneous consistency.

In order to avoid the appearance of cracks when finishing oriented strand boards, experts recommend reinforcing with elastic materials. The best option- painting (repair) non-woven fabric.

To glue it, you need glue for the corresponding wall coverings.

Putty technology

Everything necessary materials selected and purchased, you can get to work.
There is no difference how to putty OSB under wallpaper or for painting, the order of work is the same:

  • The first step is to apply a hermetic primer to create a film on the surface. It will protect subsequent coatings from emerging resin stains, essential oils and tannins contained in wood.

  • Further, the instruction requires a technological break in work to dry the surface. Its duration depends on the type of primer and can be from 4 to 12 hours.
  • The second step is the direct application of the putty. The work is carried out only at a positive air temperature and its humidity of no more than 60%.
    How this is done can be studied in detail by watching the video in this article or by reading other articles on the site devoted to plastering walls and ceilings.

  • The second technological break is arranged to dry the putty layer.
  • The third step is to sand the surface to remove minor defects and make it smooth.
  • The fourth step is reinforcement. Non-woven fabric is glued with an overlap, but so that there are no thickenings at the joints, a double cut is made in this place along the ruler, excess material is removed, and adjacent canvases are fixed end-to-end.

Judging by the description, the process is simple and you can handle it yourself. However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough for finishing such a capricious material, therefore, in the absence of experience in such work, it is better to use the services of a professional.


We tried to answer the question of how to putty OSB and what materials to use for this in the most complete and detailed way. This is not necessary if you do not plan to hide the structure of the material, but such a finish is needed under paint or wallpaper - it will protect the base from moisture and allow you to create a high-quality decorative coating.

The subject of numerous discussions of those who build houses or make repairs with their own hands, was the question of whether it is possible to plaster OSB slabs without spending additional materials and effort.

Plaster is a great way to improve and strengthen residential buildings erected by frame technology, equip and insulate the walls.

Expensive building materials can be successfully replaced with OSB wood-based panels. The practice of using them for external walls has received wide use.

The popularity of the use of OSB boards

OSB is a popular material in the construction of frame houses

OSB plates for exterior decoration facade and living space is a great alternative, affordable and affordable. Positive and negative sides every type of building and every building material has.

Lightness and thermal insulation properties boards made from layers of wood shavings - undeniable advantage, but, according to the builders, such walls require additional decorative finishing.

Detailed information on each type of waterproofing layer should be carefully studied. It is advisable to consult with specialists. Sometimes savings on building materials today, it translates into significant spending in a short time.

When building a house, you often have to think about saving money, or preserving construction for a certain period. Plastering the facades of a frame house can become one of these ways of saving or taking a break to accumulate funds.

Facade plastering wooden houses in our country it became widespread after the fire of 1812, and was often used until the beginning of the 20th century. Then this method of facade decoration was practically forgotten. But in the United States, it was used until the 70s of the last century, while construction market plastic siding did not appear.

Today there are two ways to apply the plaster mixture to the facade of the house. The first, the most common, is external walls houses are pasted over, with sheets of polystyrene and already applied to them plaster mix... At the same time, the thermal insulation and energy-saving characteristics of the house are improved.

Step 1. We go through all the joints OSB sheets with frost-resistant sealant, put a self-adhesive "serpyanka" over the seams, and putty.

Step 2. We ground all the walls. It is important that the primer allows the walls to "breathe" and does not isolate water vapor inside the house, for example, you can use the Knauf-Tiefengrunt primer or similar for this.

Step 3. Apply a thin first layer on pre-primed sheets external cladding, on top we spread a fiberglass mesh, we slightly embed it in the first layer (in addition, the mesh can be "shot" with a construction stippler). Then we apply the second layer of plaster mixture.

Step 4. Painting the facades in the selected color. The paint used for facades should also not isolate water vapor in the wall.

In the previous article, "technology prefabricated houses"we talked about building a house from vulture panels, an important component of which is OSB panels. These boards are distinguished by their dryness. Therefore, it is better to use oil compounds when working.

OSB painting

If you use water-based paints, there is a big risk.

It is best to varnish the OSB before applying the paint coat.

But, if the paint is applied on one side using water-based paint, this is fraught with twisting of the material from one side.

Sharp corners

The corners should in no case be sharp, otherwise paint will spread along them. To avoid this, the corners must be rounded with a grinder or scissor paper.


At the edges, water is particularly absorbed. Therefore, these areas must be insulated before paint is applied.

Antiseptic and fire retardant

If there are plans to impregnate OSB with an antiseptic or fire retardant, they may contain a large amount of alkali.

If there is a lot of alkali, OSB must be coated with an appropriate primer.

Applying paint to OSB boards

A thick layer of paint can crack and fall off when dry. It is better to apply several thin coats than one thick one.

At the same time, make sure that when applying a new layer, the previous one is qualitatively dry.

So, the list of rules:

1. Edges must be sealed and rounded off before painting.

2. If you use water-based substances for OSB coating, then you will need to sand the swollen material. It is better to use substances based on solvent or oil.

3. If the colorant is transparent, care must be taken to keep it out of direct sunlight.

4. When fixing the slabs, it is necessary to get rid of the places of hypothetical accumulation of moisture.

5. It is necessary to paint both sides at once so that one side does not curl.

Osb putty and varnishing

Given the tendency to swell from moisture, OSB must be putty only with oil-based materials.

There are no special varnishes for OSB. But you can use varnishes to work with wood. This will save the drawing.

The decorative component also takes place.

Pasting wallpaper on OSB

Again, we start from the fact that OSBs perfectly absorb moisture. Therefore, the OSB is first coated with a primer.

The primer dries to a moisture-proof layer. But now we are applying a synthetic resin-based filler.

It also needs to dry. Drying time - 12 hours.

An elastic material is glued on top for reinforcement. And only at the end is paint applied. This method will 100% protect the wood from the moisture that the glue carries.

Plastering OSB boards

Often on load-bearing structures you can find OSB slabs. In this case, the surface must be strengthened and insulated.

For this, bituminous cardboard, roofing felt or kraft paper are used. These materials are optionally attached directly to the OSB board.

Then it is attached to the base plaster mesh from zinc. It must be completely immersed in the plaster.

Methods for decorative coating OSB panels - Video