Rough floor of a house on stilts. Insulation of the floor in the house on stilts - there will be comfort in your house! Installation and insulation of the floor in a frame house on screw piles

Pile foundations are widely used in the construction of private log houses. Wooden houses and baths are built on piles, as well as household buildings. The pile foundation has many advantages: ease of creation, minimum labor-intensive work, no special requirements for the soil.

But at the same time, the pile foundation has a significant disadvantage - a wooden house in this case is devoid of a basement, so a space blown by the wind is obtained under it. This situation has two sides: the log house is separated from the ground and soil moisture, but at the same time the wind and frost penetrate unhindered to the entire surface of the floor. Therefore, in order to keep warm inside the house, it is recommended to carry out high-quality floor insulation.

How to insulate the floor in a log house on stilts?

For high-quality insulation, it is necessary to provide good access to the logs, which will lead to the lifting or dismantling of the floor covering. Access to the logs is also needed for a control examination before insulation, since then it will be almost impossible to get there. You will also need to tackle the creation of a black floor. You do not have to make a rough floor, but choose another structure that will reliably hold the insulation.

Rough floor

There is a possibility to make the subfloor differently. But there is the most common and affordable way that many builders adhere to.

At the first stage, you need to nail a beam to the logs, on which the flooring boards will rest.

This bar is called cranial. Logs and timber must be carefully treated with an antiseptic solution to protect the tree from rotting and biological pests.

Decking boards are also treated with antiseptics, which increases the resistance of the wood to weathering. Remember that when working with wood, it is very important to let the wood breathe. Therefore, different mastics that will not allow the tree to be ventilated cannot be used, since in this state the lumber deteriorates very quickly.

When creating a subfloor, you need to know the characteristics of the insulation that will fit on it. In particular, the weight of the material is very important, it must be taken into account in the calculations.

Lightweight insulation(for example, mineral wool) allow the use of lumber sheets such as plywood for subfloors. If you plan to purchase and use rigid insulation(polystyrene, polystyrene and others), then instead of the subfloor, you can put a mesh by attaching it to the logs. Just remember that it is necessary to choose a strong mesh that can withstand the weight of the heat insulator and the subsequent operational load on the floor.

Important! When creating a subfloor and insulation, keep in mind that the strength of the piles is calculated with a small margin, so it is not recommended to load them heavily. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to lightweight insulation, which is characterized by low thermal conductivity.

Vapor barrier layer

Vapor barrier is a prerequisite for a long service life of floor insulation. Why? It's simple - atmospheric moisture should not get inside the floor structure, therefore, reliable protection from it is necessary.

As a vapor barrier it is best to use membrane materials that do not allow moisture to pass through, but at the same time maintain air exchange. An economical option is roofing material or polyethylene, but then you cannot do without ventilation ducts.

The vapor barrier must be installed not only below, but also on top of the insulation. In this case, the material will be reliably protected from moisture and condensation, which is caused by temperature differences. It is necessary to lay insulation and vapor barrier carefully, to make sure that there are no gaps, which will later become "cold bridges", the cause of premature deterioration of the insulation and wooden floor elements.

Finishing floor

Finishing floor can be made from any material designed for such purposes, ranging from solid, massive boards and ending with sheet lumber (plywood, chipboard). When creating a finished floor, it must be borne in mind that all types of material have different properties, therefore they need different preparation and processing. So, sometimes there is a need to purchase soundproof gaskets, sometimes you need to take a certain step between the lags. Compliance with these requirements is a guarantee of quality as insulation, but also of the floor itself.

Insulation will not be able to fully fulfill the function assigned to it if the foundation piles are not protected with at least a light plinth. In addition to the practical side, this solution also has an aesthetic component - wooden houses on piles without a base do not look so attractive.

Even an inexpensive plinth will eliminate the likelihood of snow falling under the frame. Although it should be said that for a radical solution to the issue, it is recommended to immediately equip an insulated and durable base.

The main feature of using piles in the construction of a frame house is the empty space from the grillage to the ground. Which contributes to significant heat loss in the cold season. Lack of heat leads to uncomfortable living, the occurrence of malfunctions that violate the integrity of the structure.
To make your home warm and durable, properly insulate the pile-screw foundation and the floor at the base of the house.
In this article, you will learn:

  • how to insulate the floor in a house on stilts;
  • how to insulate the basement of a house on screw piles.

Insulation materials

Various materials are used to insulate the basement and floor. The most popular of these are:
  • stone (basalt) wool, has high sound-, heat-insulating and fireproof properties;
  • expanded clay - cheap, bulk material;
  • foam, reliable and durable, but flammable;
  • penoplex (expanded polystyrene), retains heat well.

Basalt wool

Stone, or rather, basalt wool, is an effective insulation for the floor. The chaotic arrangement of the inner fibers gives it good noise-canceling, heat-insulating and windproof properties. Basalt wool has high elasticity and vapor permeability.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay is made of clay and lasts a very long time. The thermal conductivity of a layer of expanded clay 10 cm is equal to the thermal conductivity of a board 25 cm thick or a brick wall 100 cm.

Expanded clay is not affected by the acidic environment. Resistant to chemical compounds and organic destructors, severe frost and fire.


Polyfoam is cheap, easy to install, moisture resistant, has low thermal conductivity and lightness. This material does not require additional supporting structures. It is easy to handle and easy to assemble. Work with its use takes little time, which speeds up the commissioning of a house. The disadvantages of polystyrene are fragility and flammability.


Penoplex - an improved type of foam - a recognized leader among heat insulators. It has light weight, high strength and low vapor permeability.

Penoplex is durable, resistant to wear, moisture and temperature extremes. Unlike foam, it does not crumble or burn. Resistant to longitudinal and lateral loads. Foam plates are mounted in the same way as foam.

All of these properties make penoplex indispensable for insulating the basement and floor.

Insulation of the base of the pile-screw foundation

The foundation on screw piles is a pre-fabricated, stable and solid structure. It is used in flooded, swampy areas, as well as in areas with a cold, harsh climate. The basement of a house on stilts - the space between the crate of a frame house and the surface of the ground - should be properly insulated. Thermal insulation of the pile foundation reduces heating costs in winter and air conditioning in summer.

Thermal insulation of the basement is not only a warm floor, but also the reliability, safety and durability of the building as a whole. It not only reduces heat loss in the frame house, but also insulates the soil under it.

In winter, the ground around the piles freezes over. The heaving forces arising from the cold can push the piles out of the ground. As a result, the building may become skewed, which will compromise its stability and safety. Insulation of the pile-screw foundation protects communications connected to the house from freezing. Therefore, the thermal insulation of the basement is an important and crucial stage of construction.

Before the basement is insulated, the grillage and piles should be waterproofed. To do this, use roofing material and bitumen-based mastic. It is not necessary to insulate the piles.

There are several ways to thermally insulate a foundation on piles. One of them is shown below.

Scheme of external thermal insulation of the pile foundation.

This option provides for the installation of a supporting structure on the piles, on which the facing material is attached. If it is necessary to strengthen the insulation, use a cement-bonded chipboard and insulation (basalt wool or foam).

Another option involves the use of brickwork as insulation. Outside, cladding panels, decorative cladding or siding are attached to the masonry. If thermal insulation is needed from the inside, 3 cm thick foam is glued to the inside of the brick wall and placed in buried soil.

The third option is the construction of the walls of the basement made of foam. Given the excellent properties of this material, thermal insulation works with its use are carried out quickly. The result is high quality and reliable. In this case, it is not required to install a structure to support the walls.

Before the construction of walls made of foam, it is necessary to dig a shallow trench around the perimeter of the basement to deepen them. Penoplex plates are tightly attached to each other. The seams between them are sealed with polyurethane foam. For additional insulation, make a bedding with expanded clay. In the opposite corners of the basement, to eliminate moisture, air vents are cut out - holes for ventilation.

The walls of the foam plinth do not have to be covered with a decorated cladding. But the outside must be covered with a metal mesh so that rodents do not penetrate into the base. At the end of the basement insulation, this mesh is covered with facing material.

It must be remembered that the second and third options for warming the basement are best implemented in the process of building a house. Since after the construction of the box and the connection of the communications, the basement becomes difficult to access. But with a significant height of the basement space, insulation can be done after the construction of the box.

Insulation of the floor in a frame house on piles

The floor at the base of the frame house is insulated during the construction process. Floor insulation helps prevent:

  • the appearance of condensation on the surface of the floors;
  • decay of wood at high humidity;
  • significant heat loss in the house.
Basic structural elements of the insulated floor:
  • rough floor;
  • hydro and wind protection;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • clean floor.

This heat-shielding cake provides comfortable living and extends the life of individual structural elements of the house and the building as a whole.

The installation of a warm floor is started after a grillage bar 150 × 200 or 200 × 200 mm in section is installed on the piles screwed into the ground.

Logs from an edged board with a section of 50 × 150 mm with an interval of 50 - 60 cm are attached to the grillage beam. A subfloor is sewn to the lower side of the log from a 100 × 25 mm edged board. It is important that the subfloor boards are adjacent to each other and the logs.

The resulting structure is treated with an antiseptic. Hydro and wind protection is laid on the rough floor between the logs, with an overlap on them, on which the insulation lies. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier and sewn up with a floor strip.

Installation of the floor of a frame house on screw piles.

If you want to insulate the foundation and floor with your own hands

The steps to insulate your floor may differ slightly from the above scheme. If the house is one-story, use a smaller grillage beam. If there is a lot of humidity under the house, cover the subfloor from the basement side with a moisture-proof film.

The size of the insulation used will depend on the climate of your area, and, consequently, the amount of space between the logs of your house. The finishing floor can be made not only from a floor slat, but also from a laminate, which is laid on an oriented strand board and substrate.

If you are doing foundation and floor insulation on screw piles with your own hands, use the Construction Calculator. It will help determine the materials and dimensions of the structural elements of the basement and floor of the first floor. At the same time, remember that consultation with a specialist will never be superfluous.

Buildings mounted on screw piles need serious floor insulation. It is possible to avoid cooling the lower part of the house with the help of serious insulation and closing the basement with facade plates. Now the market provides a large number of materials that allow you to make reliable insulation of the building.
it is arranged from a bar well-impregnated with an antiseptic, which prevents the destruction of wood during operation. Sometimes builders, in order to avoid costs in materials and difficulties in work, use several interconnected boards as a strapping of screw piles, this method is not reliable and correct. Boards are subject to deformation and distortions than solid timber. It is worth considering that when installing the floor, the lower rims are sheathed and a rough floor is created on which the insulation is attached. The skewed part of the floor will not allow high-quality insulation, to avoid cracks, and therefore heat loss. This is very important for frame structures, where a board is used as a strapping place for a bar. The main part of the connecting elements of the piles should be made of timber better than 150 mm. by 150 mm. For intermediate logs, a fiftieth board is quite suitable.

How to insulate the floor on screw piles? There are a lot of insulation methods, it all depends on the materials used in the work. it can be styrofoam, and various foam fillers, basalt slab, etc. It is better to finish the bottom of the house with materials that prevent the impact on wood.
When installing a floor for a bath on screw piles special attention should be paid to waterproofing. It is important to cut off the ingress of moisture on the wooden parts of the building. Be sure to arrange a ventilation system and extract humid air. When constructing the facade, it is imperative to leave exhaust openings on both sides of the building. This will allow ventilation to the lower part of the building.
How to properly make a floor in a log house on screw piles? The lower crown of the timber structure is interconnected with saws (fastened with lock joints), the joints are rigidly tightened with studs or bolts. The beam is rigidly attached with bolts or special conformations to the heads of the screw piles, which contributes to the reliable fastening of everything
structures to the foundation. The use of nails, self-tapping screws in fasteners and joints of building and foundation parts is unacceptable. The main load-bearing elements of the structure, connected by nails or self-tapping screws, do not give the structure sufficient rigidity and reliability, which during operation will lead to distortions. deformations and, as a result, to the repair or destruction of the structure.

Screw piles and floor insulation

A typical question that we often hear from the customer is how to insulate the floor. After all, between the piles, figuratively speaking, there will be "wind to walk".

Of course, you definitely need to arrange a rough floor. Insulation is placed in the space between the subfloor and the floor coverings of residential areas. The choice of material depends on your desire. The main thing is that the insulation is dense and the intergender spaces are densely filled with material. Any crevices and possible gaps must be repaired. The floor insulated in this way is covered with a vapor barrier material. The lower part of the floor is sewn up from the outside with moisture-resistant material. To reduce the wind load in the lower part of the building between the piles, decorative facade slabs imitating brick or masonry are attached to metal guides (profile pipe).

In the process of building a structure on screw piles, it is important to understand that the building does not have a basement, and a feature is a blown underground. In houses built on screw foundations there will be an increased humidity of the "underground" space. Therefore, when building a house on screw piles, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality and characteristics of the insulation materials used.

The necessary materials used in the construction of the floor on screw piles as insulation can be expanded poristilol, mineral wool, for vapor barrier all kinds of films and vapor-windproof materials, which are now available on the market in a large selection.

Insulation of the floor in a wooden house on screw piles

How to make a floor device correctly? For the overlapping device over the blown space, it is necessary to perform the actions in the following sequence:
1. to assemble a wooden frame, logs, lintels, a rough floor for insulating materials;
2. to lay a layer of vapor-permeable wind protection in order to avoid further "weathering" of the insulation;
3. the next stage is the laying of heat-insulating materials, different, including combined, options can be used;
4. Next, a layer of film for steam and waterproofing is laid;
5. the last stage is the device of the finished floor, here the choice of materials with their own installation specifications depends on tastes and wishes.

It is in this sequence that the materials for the construction of the floor in houses on screw piles must be laid. Neglecting the sequence of the flooring can lead to undesirable consequences. Steam settling in a warm room in colder places will form condensation, which, in the absence of a vapor barrier layer, will penetrate into the insulation, which will further lead to dampness with all possible consequences.
As a result of the appearance of dampness on the surface of the insulation and inside, it can lead to the following problems: an increase in the cost of heating the house, an increase in humidity inside the building, rotting of the wooden elements of the building structure and the appearance of fungus, which leads to the destruction of the floor structure and in the future can result in expensive repairs ...

What materials are best used for underfloor heating? It is necessary to pay attention not only to the insulation, but also to waterproofing, vapor barrier, wind protection.
The following materials can be used as thermal insulation: mineral wool (available on the market in the form of rolls and slabs, it is better to use slabs when installing the floor), mineral wool made from various raw materials can be "stone", "glass", "slag". When laying min. cotton wool must be observed safety precautions - special protective equipment;
polystyrene is the cheapest insulation material, it is used in the form of plates of various thicknesses, the edges of the plates must be tightly adjusted in order to avoid gaps and violations of thermal insulation, however, at high humidity and during very temperature conditions, the foam can crumble into constituent elements (balls), which can lead to a violation of thermal insulation;
another possible material used in thermal insulation can be extruded polystyrene foam, which looks like foam plastic, but has a number of distinctive characteristics, foam foam is more durable, has a very low water absorption coefficient due to which it is not subject to destruction at very low temperatures and, thanks to special additives, is non-flammable, can be used in the form of plates or filling in the form of foam using special equipment.

For waterproofing and wind protection, the following materials can be used: polyethylene film, vapor-permeable film (isospan), wind-moisture protective film, glassine.

For a vapor barrier, a special film is laid on the insulation, it makes no sense to list the names and characteristics, because now a wide variety of such materials is provided.

Necessary requirement for flooring on screw piles- this is a mandatory treatment of wooden elements with antiseptics, which in the future during operation will exclude damage by fungus and insects.

The arrangement of the floor for the bathhouse on screw piles is somewhat different. In many cases, there is a specific nature of the work and the materials used. When installing the bath floor, it is necessary to take into account a very aggressive humid environment, where it is often necessary to use layers of moisture insulating materials, concrete mortars and insulation. There is no doubt that the installation of a bath floor is a much more complicated process than the flooring of an ordinary house. In addition, during the construction of the foundation for the bath, load-bearing frames are often created from a channel and other steel materials.

IN We have accumulated extensive experience and understanding of the processes of foundations in this specific installation. A properly arranged foundation is the key to the long-term operation of any structure..

Competently carried out work on floor insulation is a guarantee of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the house and minimal heat loss. Such work can be carried out both during the construction of a new building and in operated houses, for example, floor insulation in a wooden house from the bottom of the basement. To achieve energy savings and reduce heat losses up to 20% will help not only high-quality floor insulation, but also the correct choice of heat-insulating material.

The presence of a basement in the house allows you to insulate the floor from below

Benefits of bottom insulation

From the point of view of labor costs, it is more profitable to insulate the floor from above. In this case, the insulating layer is mounted between the frame (lags) and the top finishing layer.

But in some situations, bottom insulation is preferable.

This method of thermal insulation is most often used in private houses with an uninsulated basement, garage, in frame structures on pile and pile-screw foundations.

Bottom insulation has a number of advantages:

    The insulation layer is not exposed to loads from the furniture standing on the floor and the movement of people around the house, so you can use a heat-insulating material of any hardness;

    The height of the room does not decrease;

    Not only the upper flooring is protected from freezing, but also the entire floor frame, which reduces the likelihood of freezing and water ingress on the wood - this increases the service life of wooden structures and ensures their reliability.

It is more expedient to insulate a house on stilts from below

Heat insulating materials

The choice of insulation for a wooden house is based on two criteria: incombustibility and the ability to resist the formation of mold fungi and other microorganisms. But when choosing a material for the lower insulation, the specific situation and the intended installation method are taken into account.

Before purchasing materials, it is better to consult with a contractor than to insulate the floor in a private house from below. Most often used:

Minvata is considered one of the best heaters, so many prefer it. The advantage is good sound insulation performance. Cotton wool is not subject to biological degradation, does not burn.

Cons: low mechanical strength and deterioration of thermal insulation properties when exposed to water or steam. Therefore, when using, special attention should be paid to vapor and waterproofing. Cotton wool can be flexible rolls or dense slabs.

Mineral wool in slabs is often used for insulation from the basement side

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer a house insulation service. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Styrofoam- Another popular insulation. Combines the good qualities of mineral wool and mechanical strength. But with a possible fire, it releases toxic substances. Due to its structure, it retains heat well and ensures minimal heat loss. Long service life eliminates the need for replacement, but moisture absorption can negatively affect some performance.

Penoplex... Recently appeared material - based on polystyrene, into which gas is introduced. The mass is foamed and squeezed into molding containers. The gas evaporates and a sheet of insulation with many pores is obtained at the exit. It is a material with unique thermal insulation characteristics, very lightweight, easy to install. Durability and immunity to biological organisms ensure a long service life. The material is non-flammable, does not emit harmful substances and does not absorb water.

Penofol- material for the production of which polyethylene foam is used. An aluminum film is applied to its top layer, which reflects heat, which gives the room the characteristics of a thermos. The structure of penofol does not contain pores, which does not allow it to pass air.

Penofol perfectly reflects heat

Expanded clay- bulk material, in the form of porous balls, which is formed during the firing of clay or shale. It is a completely eco-friendly material that has high heat conservation rates, good fire resistance and resistance to freezing. But over time, expanded clay cakes under the influence of gravity and begins to lose quality, so this material must be periodically changed.

To make a decision on how to insulate the floor in a wooden house from below, it is necessary to choose the insulation that will perform the function of a heat insulator better than others in a particular situation.

Installation principles

Regardless of the choice of the type of thermal insulation, it is necessary to follow the sequence of the work performed for proper insulation. If we look at the structure from the bottom up, it will look like this:

    Waterproofing layer;

    Heat insulating layer;

    Vapor barrier layer;

    Floor mounting structure;

Compliance with this order of work guarantees the maintenance of normal temperature conditions in the room and protection of the structure from freezing and rotting.

The easiest way to insulate the bottom is by lags. They are beams 5x10 cm in size and more, on which the floor is subsequently laid.

Floor insulation scheme by logs

This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about insulation for walls inside the house in the country.

After their installation (the recommended distance between adjacent logs is 1 m), sheets of plywood, chipboards or beams are hemmed from below, on which a layer of waterproofing is laid. This is a measure to combat condensation, which can reduce the performance of the thermal insulation layer.

Next, the insulation is laid. Its thickness should not exceed the thickness of the lag, but it is better to be smaller by a few centimeters. The next stage is the installation of a vapor barrier, which will prevent moisture from entering the insulation from inside the room. And finally, the floorboards are laid.

If it is necessary to insulate the finished floor in a wooden house from below, there may be problems with fixing the insulation, which can be solved in one of the following ways:

    Fastening with glue... Almost any insulation can be glued to the surface of the floor (and ceiling in the basement) using special adhesives.

    Fastening by rails... To support the insulation, beams, slats, etc. are nailed to the logs.

    Docking in size. Tight joining of the heat-insulating material with the joists using, if necessary, spacer wedges.

When laying the insulation end-to-end with lags, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the size

In any case, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier, and after warming, hem the basement ceiling with boards. This will prevent the insulation and its particles from falling down.

Technology and features of floor insulation from below in a wooden house

For each of the types of insulation, there are some features of use.

Mineral wool

The dimensions of rolls and slabs are usually multiples of 60 cm, which makes this very distance the optimal step between the logs. The mineral wool is cut to size with a cutter and placed in the space between the logs. For a snug fit, the size should be 1–2 cm larger than the distance between the lags. Vata should not be forcefully crushed as this may affect its performance.

The best option would be to lay two layers of insulation. The second layer is laid in such a way that the joint of the lower layer falls on the center of the upper piece. This way of laying will prevent cold air from entering the room.

You can get acquainted with the stages of floor insulation with mineral wool along the logs in the video:

When working with this insulation, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - gloves, a respirator and goggles, since small particles can get into the mucous membrane and into the respiratory tract, which will cause irritation.

Penoplex and polystyrene

If, when insulating a wooden floor from below in a private house, foam is used, it is necessary to take into account several rules for working with it:

    The foam absorbs water, so waterproofing is a must. Many experts do not take this property into account during installation, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation characteristics.

    It is recommended to cut the sheets not exactly to the size of the gap between the lags, but 1-2 cm less. This will fill the gaps between the sheet and the log with polyurethane foam, which will increase the thermal insulation properties. The joints between the sheets must also be foamed.

Fastening of sheets can be carried out using strips, spacer wedges or special adhesives.

Working with foam is convenient and fast

The principle of working with penoplex is no different. But due to the lesser thickness of the material, it can be laid with overlapping sheet joints in order to avoid the formation of islands of cold (similar to mineral wool).

But with this method, the consumption of material increases significantly, and this is an additional financial cost.


Due to the property of not allowing moisture to pass through, penofol does not need additional laying of steam and waterproofing. But so that the water vapor that forms in the room does not settle on the insulation layer, an air gap is needed between it and the floor covering for air circulation.

Laying is done with the foil side up only. This will reflect the heat, which will increase the temperature in the house. Penofol can be used as waterproofing when laying mineral wool or foam. This can increase the thermal insulation several times, but this method is quite expensive.

Penofol joints are sealed with adhesive tape

The material is sold in rolls and is easily cut into pieces of the desired size. Fastening is carried out with a construction stapler on staples or thin slats, which are nailed. To improve the result, it is recommended to lay penofol in several layers.

This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about which insulation is best for a frame house.


One of the main problems of wooden houses is a cold floor, which interferes with a comfortable life and increases heating costs. Correct insulation will solve this problem. Regardless of the material that is chosen for insulating the finished floor in a wooden house from below, it is required to strictly follow the general technology and the order of insulation, and also take into account the features of a particular insulation. The cost of arranging insulation pays off within one season.

Insulation of the floor in a frame house on piles should be carried out, taking into account the design features of such housing. Only in this case you will not face the problem of lack of indoor comfort. When a house is installed on pile support elements, it usually has a basement or basement. This can be considered an advantage, which slowly turns into a disadvantage, which consists in the blowing of the lower part of the house from all sides.

Features of insulation

Such buildings are erected on swampy soils, so the space under them is characterized by a high level of humidity. In order for the house not to be negatively affected by natural factors, its floor covering must be equipped in several layers.

Insulation cake

Insulation of the floor in a frame house presupposes the presence of a supporting skeleton, which is combined with the subfloor. Next comes the vapor permeability windscreen. It is required to protect the used insulation material from weathering. The next layer is a heat insulator, covered with moisture and vapor barrier layers. The final will be the final floor, which is covered with boards.

How to eliminate errors

When choosing an insulating material for such a "pie", it is necessary to be guided by the fact that it must be of high quality. It is recommended to use good steam and waterproofing products, which will reliably protect the premises from moisture. If the floor insulation in a frame house installed on piles is not performed according to all the rules, then you may face an increase in heating costs, the presence of condensation above the underground and the appearance of mold and mildew.

It is possible to insulate pile structures using several technologies; the main requirement in this matter is the need to use materials that could be operated in humid conditions. Thermal insulation of the floor in a frame house with foam is one of the best and most rational approaches. But at low temperatures and high humidity, this material breaks down into individual elements. If you want to use this thermal insulation, then you should make sure that it is reliably protected from moisture.

Mineral wool is also common enough to solve this problem. It is inert to biological influences, has high heat-shielding characteristics and is not afraid of fire. But when water penetrates inside, the protective properties of the insulation are lost. With appropriate measures, you can use any type of mineral wool, among them:

  • stone;
  • glass;
  • slag.

This heat insulator is realized in rolls and plates, but experts recommend using the latter option, since it has a more impressive density compared to its roll analogue.

Floor insulation with penoplex in a frame house is also carried out quite often. This material is polystyrene foam produced by extrusion technology. It has low moisture absorption and high strength. These features give the material many advantages over its cheap counterparts. If we compare it with polystyrene, then penoplex will be more reliable.

Alternative solutions

Warming the floor of a frame house with expanded clay is also quite common. It is easy to use this material, and there is no need to resort to outside help. Expanded clay is distinguished by fire safety and low cost. But when compared with the materials mentioned above, expanded clay is inferior in terms of heat-shielding properties.

In the role of waterproof and windproof materials for floors on a pile foundation, vapor-permeable moisture-windproof membranes should be used, which are easy to install. However, you must be prepared that the cost of such substrates is quite high. As a vapor barrier, you can use a simple plastic wrap, which is laid directly on the insulation layer.

Features of floor insulation with expanded clay

The first, with the thermal insulation of the floor with expanded clay, is the waterproofing layer. In this case, it is especially relevant, because the insulation absorbs moisture well, which can cause unpleasant consequences. To achieve uniformity, before backfilling with expanded clay, it is necessary to set guide beacons that will determine the level of the future floor.

To securely fix the insulation, a screed layer is used, as well as an upper waterproofing. Before applying the final top layer of the screed, an intermediate fixing layer should be poured. For this, cement is mixed with water to obtain a homogeneous suspension. It should be poured with a layer of expanded clay. After drying such a layer, you will be able to get a monolithic expanded clay floor that will not be afraid of moisture and high loads. This design is able to withstand even a small earthquake. The final layer will be a screed, with which it will be possible to finally level the floor.

Step-by-step instructions for floor insulation

At the first stage, the rough floor is equipped, for this a wooden beam is attached to the logs, which is also called cranial. It will act as a support for the finishing planks. The used wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic; at the next stage, you can proceed with the installation of the boards.

If you decide to use expanded polystyrene or polystyrene, then it is recommended to install a mesh instead of the subfloor. It is fixed to the lags so that it is able to withstand the weight of the heat insulator used. Overloading piles with excess weight is not recommended. After completing the arrangement of the subfloor, a vapor barrier is laid on its surface. All moisture from the outside will remain outside, and it will not affect the insulation layer. This area can be vaporized with a plastic wrap, which is often replaced with roofing felt.

Thermal insulation of the floor in a frame house at the next stage involves the installation of thermal insulation. On top of it there should be a layer of vapor barrier, which excludes the penetration of condensate and internal moisture into the "cake". When laying a vapor barrier, you should get rid of the gaps that may remain between the sheets of materials. Otherwise, cold bridges may appear, which are dangerous for thermal insulation, because they will soon destroy the structure of the material.

At the next stage, you can proceed to laying the finished floor using chipboards, floorboards, plywood sheets or other products. Insulation of the floor in a frame house must be accompanied by the protection of the piles with a stationary plinth. In this case, snow will not fall under it. But if you do not intend to build a warm space or you do not have the opportunity to do this, then the supporting elements should be covered with a decorative plinth, which is quick to install and low cost.

Insulation of the floor through the base

When the floor is insulated in a frame house, you can close the basement with your own hands using one of the existing methods. What is the use of brick or rubble masonry, frame imitation of the basement, the last of which allows you to equip an analogue of a ventilated facade. If you decide to use masonry, then the pick-up must be built using halves of the brick. The first row should be placed on a pre-fitted sand cushion that is well rammed.

The fence must be waterproofed using roofing material. Correct insulation of the floor of a frame house necessarily presupposes thermal insulation of the basement. For this, its imitation can be used. This technique allows you to complete the work as soon as possible, saving money. The frame is made by installing lathing from wooden beams or galvanized profiles. They must be installed directly on the piles. At the next stage, this structure is sheathed with roofing material, PVC sheets are installed on top that imitate stone or brick. Polyvinyl chloride products are strengthened with nails or universal screws. The first option is suitable for wooden lathing, while the second is for a metal profile.

Double thermal insulation

Double insulation of the floor of a frame house involves the use of double floor technology. From the name it is clear that the flooring of the boards will have to be done twice, but the boards will be different. The subfloor will be made of rough planks that fit well together. A layer of roofing material is laid on top, which will protect the wooden floor.

The next layer will be sand, the height of which should be a limit of 3 to 5 cm. Next, the sand is covered with plastic wrap, reinforced with nails or a construction stapler. The next layer will be thermal insulation, which is pre-cut into pieces. Chipboard slabs should be laid on top, on which the finishing floor will be laid.

Features of Cross Insulation

Cross-floor insulation in a frame house is also used quite often. When the basement floor is equipped with beams with the following dimensions: 200 x 500 mm, the thickness of the insulation should be 200 mm. The upper layer of thermal insulation should be located perpendicular to the lower layers, which gives the name of the technology.


Insulation of the floor in a house with a foundation on piles can be carried out thoroughly, but if you want to experiment, then thermal insulation can be carried out even with the help of carpet. This method is great for those owners who have not yet decided to open the floor.

To do this, you should use a material that is similar in characteristics to ordinary carpets. The carpet should be laid over the entire floor area of ​​the room, affecting the perimeter. This approach will close the gaps in the concrete and wood floors through which cold air enters from the basement.

How to insulate the floor in a house on screw piles from the inside and outside

For building a house in difficult places, for example, on slopes or on heaving soils, screw foundation technology is widely used. In this article, we will consider how to insulate the floor in such a house. A feature of a house on screw piles is a high base, which at the same time refers to the advantages and disadvantages of this type of foundation.

As already noted, the advantages include the ability to build a house almost anywhere: from steep slopes to permafrost. The disadvantage of the pile foundation is the space under the house blown by the wind, which negatively affects the temperature of the floors. This problem can be completely solved only by an integrated approach to the thermal insulation of a house on screw piles: to insulate the floor and foundation.

Floor insulation

Thermal insulation of floors in a house with a screw foundation is carried out in two stages: at the construction stage by the method of insulation along the logs and during operation from the outside. Let's look at both options for floor insulation in more detail.

Internal insulation

The insulation of the floor from the inside in the house on screw piles is carried out by the method of insulation along the logs. The usual technology is used, which includes works in the following sequence:

  • Cranial bars are stuffed along the lower edge of the lag.
  • Then a rough base of boards is laid on these bars. They must be laid as tightly as possible, and the remaining gaps must be filled with polyurethane foam.
  • The next step is the installation of waterproofing material. In this capacity, roofing material or a thick plastic film, laid in several layers, is used. Installation of waterproofing must be done with an overlap of at least 10 cm.
  • Heat-insulating material is installed on the waterproofing layer. The materials used for insulation will be discussed below.
  • From above, the insulation is covered with a layer of vapor barrier material, after which the floor covering is installed.

The logs can be stuffed with tongue-and-groove boards or thick plywood. For additional insulation of floors, use linoleum on a thick basis, carpet or lay a laminate using a cork backing.

Advice! An important aspect of floor insulation in a house on screw piles is the treatment of all wooden elements with special antiseptic impregnations, which helps protect the wood from rotting and fungal attack.

External insulation

During the operation of the house on screw piles, you can make additional insulation of the floor from the outside. Let's take a closer look at the technology of how to properly insulate the floor in this way:

  • Throughout the entire outer area of ​​the house, a vapor barrier material is fixed on the logs from below. It can be glued or nailed down with a construction stapler.
  • After installing the vapor barrier material, a sheet heat insulator is installed, which is attached to the wooden base using self-tapping screws with disc heads.
  • Then the insulating material must be covered with a wind membrane, which allows air and moisture vapor to pass in one direction: from the insulator, which allows it to breathe.

In some cases, on this, floor insulation from the outside of the house on screw piles is considered completed. But if desired, the heat insulator can additionally be closed with boards that are stuffed onto the lower ends of the wooden beams of the base of the house.

Advice! With a high foundation of a house on screw piles, stuffed boards will play the role of a basement ceiling with the further construction of a false basement, with a low location - additional protection against rodents entering the space between the logs.

Applied thermal insulation materials

Modern technologies have helped to develop the latest high-performance thermal insulation materials, which are used to insulate floors in a house on screw piles. Based on practical experience of use, experts recommend using the following heaters:

Advice! In addition to high-quality thermal insulation, it is necessary to use reliable waterproofing materials for processing wooden logs and metal parts of the frame. It is best to use liquid coating agents: various mastics, impregnations and antiseptics.

Insulation of the foundation

To increase the thermal insulation of the floor in the house on screw piles, it is recommended to insulate the foundation by erecting a false base. This will significantly reduce the ventilation of the basement and create an additional barrier to the cold in your home. For this, two methods are most often used, which we will consider in a little more detail:

  1. The first method is to install a frame made of a metal profile around the perimeter of the base / plinth. This frame can then be hung with corrugated board, decorative panels, basement siding or various sandwich panels. The cladding can be fixed both mechanically and with a special glue. Do not forget about the installation of corner additional elements, which will add completeness to the structure.
  2. The second method is to erect a brick wall to cover the basement of the house on screw piles. To do this, it is necessary to pour a light reinforced foundation in a previously dug trench around the house. After the cement mortar has hardened, a brick wall is laid out around the perimeter. You can also use a gas block or foam block, which is a good thermal insulation material.

An important nuance of the basement insulation is the hood equipment. To do this, you need to leave two vents: one on the opposite side. This will ensure a constant flow of fresh air into the underground space and the removal of excess moisture, eliminating the formation of mold on the wooden elements of the house structure.

Advice! If you chose a foam block for the construction of the basement, it will need to be additionally plastering, since this porous material picks up moisture well, after which it quickly becomes unusable.

We examined the most effective and modern heaters and technologies for their use for floor insulation in a house on screw piles. It should be remembered that in order to achieve the maximum effect, all work on the thermal insulation of the house must be carried out in a comprehensive manner. The proposed instruction, if strictly observed, will allow you to correctly and quickly do all the work with your own hands.

Installation and insulation of the floor in a frame house on screw piles

Foundations on screw piles are not uncommon in frame housing construction. Taking into account the peculiarities of the building, a number of requirements are imposed on the floor of the first floor. The foundation should not only be strong, but also lightweight so as not to overload the piles. The heat-insulating aspect is no less significant. How do you combine these characteristics and arrange the floor correctly? Let's try to figure it out.

Floor specifics and requirements for its arrangement

The foundation of a frame on screw piles has many advantages. Among the main advantages are:

  • affordable cost;
  • short construction time;
  • versatility - suitable for sites with difficult terrain and floating grounds.

Despite the significant advantages, the floor of a frame house on screw piles has a clear drawback - a blown underground. Therefore, one of the main tasks of arranging the base is high-quality insulation and waterproofing. Thermal insulation cake solves a number of problems:

  • acts as a barrier between wooden structures and moisture, preventing mold and floor decay;
  • increases the energy efficiency of the house;
  • prevents the appearance of condensation on the surface of the floors.

In the course of flooring work, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points and requirements. The developer must provide:

  1. Treatment of the lower floor strapping with an antiseptic. A deep penetrating compound should be used, since conventional impregnation wears out after 6-7 years.
  2. Placement of insulation between the lags.
  3. Pile pick-up. Thermal insulation of the basement reduces heat loss, prevents the soil from freezing under the house and is part of the decor.
  4. Ventilation products. Arrangement of holes with a diameter of 10 cm, the total area of ​​the ventilation ducts is 1/400 of the perimeter of the base.

The general scheme of the floor of a frame house

The upper strapping of beams along the fundamental supports is at the same time lags, which in itself reduces the cost of the construction budget. The structural cake of the floor in a frame house on piles has the following scheme:

  1. Rough floor. The base frame is assembled from the lathing and bottom hem. Used as a substrate: edged board, chipboard, OSB or plywood.
  2. Waterproofing. The best option is a perforated membrane, the alternative is a film.
  3. Insulation. Insulating material options: basalt wool, extruded polystyrene foam, expanded clay.
  4. Vapor barrier. Prevents the formation of condensation and wetting of the insulation layer.
  5. Sub-basis. The choice of further technology depends on the type of floor covering.

If you plan to lay parquet, laminate or floorboard, then on the floor lay multi-layer plywood... For decoration with tiles or linoleum, a dry screed is suitable. The "water floor" system is installed in a self-leveling screed.

Selection of structural elements and materials

The reliability, durability and thermal efficiency of the floor largely depend on the materials used. Let's consider the acceptable options and mark the unacceptable solutions.

Attention to the quality of floor beams

In frame housing construction, wood is predominantly used for tying screw piles. Usually they take sawn softwood: larch, pine and spruce.

The main requirement is application of dried materials... The moisture content of the timber should not exceed 12%, otherwise deformation of structural parts after their installation is possible.

Arrangement of the grillage is possible in several ways:

  1. Laying a monolithic timber measuring 20 * 15 cm.When building a two-story house, you can use a 20 * 20 cm beam.
  2. Grillage from assembled boards. A budget option. Each beam is formed from two to three planks. At the exit, you should get a bar with a section of 20 * 15 cm.

With reliable fixing of the boards, the "batch" method is not inferior in strength solid beam strapping.

Bottom cladding options

When choosing a material for the sub-base, it must be remembered that it is undesirable to overload screw piles. Therefore, the sheathing must be strong enough, but not heavy. Its main task is to protect against wind and moisture.

What will fit? There are several options here:

  1. OSB. An affordable material that has good strength but is vulnerable to water. Before installation requires treatment with a compound designed to protect wood. The weak point is the joints of the plates. They must be covered with acrylic sealant.
  2. Chipboard. Easy to process, but like OSB, vulnerable to moisture. Inferior to the previous material in terms of environmental friendliness.
  3. Multi-layer plywood. It is permissible to use only moisture resistant sheets marked with FC or FSF. The composition contains formaldehyde resins - they increase the resistance of the material to an aggressive environment.

Very often, for the construction of a subfloor, ordinary flooring of boards with a cross section of 5 * 10 cm is used.This option cannot be called economical, but the strength and environmental friendliness are beyond doubt. The main requirement is preliminary wood processing.

Insulation - the basis of floor insulation

When choosing a heat-insulating material, the main focus is on the possibility of its operation in a humid environment. The most rational solutions:

  1. Mineral wool... The best solution is basalt fiber mats. Pros: environmental friendliness, incombustibility, low thermal conductivity, resistance to deformation, minimum water absorption - 2%. Over time, stone wool shrinks only 5% - with proper installation, cold bridges at the joints with the lags are not formed.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam... Leader in insulating properties. Additional advantages: elasticity and resistance to deformation, lack of water absorption, biostability, ease of installation. Disadvantages: high cost and flammability.
  3. Expanded clay... A budgetary alternative to insulating sheets. It is somewhat inferior in terms of thermal insulation characteristics to mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. An important plus is fire safety.

For floor insulation in a frame house on screw piles, foam is sometimes used. Main advantages: good thermal protection and low cost. However, upon contact with moisture and under the influence of low temperatures, the material loses its structural integrity. This solution is applicable in warm regions.

Step-by-step installation of the floor on a pile foundation

We describe the sequence of actions for arranging and insulating the floor of the frame on screw piles. They start work after careful preparation of wooden elements: treatment with an antiseptic and fire retardant composition.

Strapping device and lathing fastening

Suppose that the piles are installed, the metal heads for fixing the beams are fixed. Further progress of work:

  1. Drill four holes on each "foot" of the screw supports.
  2. Lay waterproofing on the heads, for example, roofing material.
  3. Along the perimeter of the structure, lay out the beams and connect the elements together "in half a tree".
  4. Attach the beams to the heads with self-tapping screws.
  5. Insert the remaining beams inside the perimeter.
  6. Additionally connect the trim parts with steel brackets.
  7. Check the horizontal placement of the beams.
  8. Fill the crate to the bottom of the beams - the base for attaching the underframe.

Rough base and thermal insulation

Lay sheets of OSB, chipboard or moisture-resistant plywood on top of the guide rails. If edged boards are used, then they must be nailed perpendicular to the logs.

After preparing the subfloor, they begin to isolate it:

  1. Cover the base with a waterproofing film.
  2. Place insulation in the cells between the lags. When cutting mineral wool, it is necessary to provide a margin of 0.5 cm on each side for the most snug fit and prevent the appearance of cold bridges.
  3. Spread a vapor barrier membrane over the insulation with an overlap between the canvases. Glue the joints with construction tape.

Subsequent actions depend on the type of flooring.

Creating a base / plinth thermal contour

The device of the floor in the house on piles necessarily provides for driving the basement. The following methods of insulating finishing are possible:

  1. Brickwork. The basis is a cushion of rubble and sand. The pick-up is laid out in a half-brick, reinforcement is not necessary. For work, use ceramic or clinker bricks.
  2. Siding. Thermoplates are mounted on a crate made of a galvanized profile or bar, assembled on piles.
  3. Decking. Girders are welded to the bored posts, which serve as the basis for attaching the profiled sheet.
  4. DSP. Sheet material is mounted by analogy with a profiled sheet. The outer part can be decorated with flexible tiles, porcelain stoneware.

Regardless of the chosen method of finishing the underground part, it is necessary to provide for "air vents" - openings for natural ventilation.

The blind area of ​​the house is laid out from a concrete screed, paving slabs or paving stones. When arranging, it is necessary to maintain a slope angle of 4 ° outward. It is imperative to seal the junction of the false basement cladding with a blind area. This will prevent melt water and precipitation from entering underground.

The nuances of arranging a warm floor

Underfloor heating in a frame house on piles is performed using a water circuit or heating mats.

Arrangement scheme

  1. After installing plywood or OSB on the bars and waterproofing the subfloor, sheets of expanded polystyrene should be laid in the gaps between the logs. The top surface of the slabs should be flush with the piping.
  2. Spread a vapor barrier on top of the insulation, leaving a reserve of film around the entire perimeter based on the height of the finished floor.
  3. Lay the reinforcing mesh, fill it with a thin layer of cement-sand mortar and leave until completely solidified.
  4. Spread the foil backing, shiny side up.
  5. Lay out underfloor heating mats and fill with concrete screed.

In the process of setting, the solution must be periodically moistened so that cracks do not appear. After final hardening, you can lay topcoat.

Video: how to make a screed

Arrangement and insulation of the frame floor on a pile foundation does not present any difficulties. But for all the simplicity of implementation, the process requires the performer to be attentive and comply with all technological nuances.

Secrets of floor insulation in a house on screw piles from Timerline

I made my choice in favor of the pile-screw foundation quite quickly. Of course, I had to study some literature, but the main argument was the choice of neighbors in our summer cottage village. And most of them settled on this particular technology. Our soils are porous, saturated with moisture (the river is nearby), the relief is uneven, so piles are a technically sound option. And taking into account the savings in time and money, it is also very profitable.

Of course, I understood that the screw piles would become a reliable support for my future "family nest" only if the technology of their installation was strictly observed. Therefore, the option "with your own hands" dismissed immediately and turned to the specialists of "Timerline" (on the recommendation of all the same neighbors). The guys worked, and I, as an interested and inquisitive person, tried to delve into all the nuances. Everything was done efficiently and quickly - in just 6 days.

Protection from the seven winds

On the one hand, a ventilated space under the house is not bad, since the premises are separated from soil and moisture. But the unhindered access of cold to the building, of course, makes itself felt. Therefore, the insulation must be of high quality.

First of all, you need to provide access to sex lags. If the floors are already laid, they will have to be lifted or partially dismantled. This is necessary for the construction of a subfloor or other method of fixing the insulation.

We equip the rough floor

To do this, the so-called lags are nailed to the lags. cranial bar that supports the floorboards. Each structural element must be pre-treated with a special antiseptic to prevent wood from rotting. Many people make the mistake of "plugging" the tree, i.e. covering it with bituminous mastic. Having lost the ability to "breathe", natural material deteriorates even faster.

When arranging a subfloor, you need to decide in advance on the type of insulation, since its weight is crucial for determining the calculation of the strength of the structure. For example, the use of lightweight mineral wool allows you to make the flooring from sheet materials (for example, the same plywood). When using rigid insulators - foam, expanded polystyrene - it is better to replace the subfloor with a mesh.

Of course, the strength of the screw foundation is always calculated with a margin, but still it should not be unnecessarily overloaded. The lighter the insulating materials and the higher thermal conductivity they have, the better.

A few words about vapor barrier

Moisture needs to be cut off at the entrance. The quality of the vapor barrier material is another component of the durability of the insulation "pie". In the presence of airflows, a layer of ordinary film or roofing material will quite cope with this task, but it is still better to use modern membrane materials that preserve moisture exchange, but do not allow atmospheric moisture and condensate to pass through. A layer of vapor barrier is laid directly on the insulation, carefully and accurately, without leaving gaps - cold bridges that can destroy the insulation.

Finishing floor: variety of choices

For the finished floor, you can use any materials: from chipboard and laminate to floorboards. Since my house was built of wooden beams, of course, I wanted to use only natural materials for decoration. Therefore, I chose a pine board - inexpensive, environmentally friendly, moreover, it allows you to maintain the same style of both the architecture of the building and the interior. And the smell ... Those who are lucky enough to live in a wooden house will understand me!

And for those who choose a different finish for the finished floor, one last tip: do not forget that each material requires appropriate preparation, including different soundproofing pads and the distance between them. This also affects the quality of the insulation.

And, of course, my wish: may your house be light, cozy, and most importantly - warm! Both in the literal and figurative sense of the word!

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Technology floor insulation in a frame house on piles

Today, frame technology for the construction of private houses is becoming more and more popular. It allows you to build residential buildings very quickly and save up to 30% of your money. This article will focus on the features of floor insulation in frame houses on screw piles.

Frame house on stilts: design features

Houses built using frame technology are lightweight (no more than 370 kg per square metro area). That is why they do not require the arrangement of solid and expensive foundations. For the construction of light frame houses, it is enough to install a base of screw piles.

Such piles are made of high quality metal, one end of which is sharpened and screwed into the soil. Most often, screw piles of the following parameters are used in residential construction:

  • pile length - 2.5 meters;
  • diameter - 108 mm;
  • metal thickness - at least 4 mm.

Installation of one pile in the ground takes no more than 30 minutes, and this work can be done manually, without the use of heavy construction equipment. This significantly reduces the cost of the construction process. In addition, pile technology allows you to build houses on sites with any soil and relief.

Thermal qualities of a pile foundation: dispel misconceptions

Many are convinced that the technology of erecting a pile foundation itself is "cold". It is easy to understand such beliefs, because under the frame house, in fact, there is not a monolithic concrete base, but an empty, well-ventilated space.

However, there are two important points to keep in mind here:

  • firstly, during the winter, a house on a traditional strip foundation freezes no less than a house on stilts;
  • secondly, the design of the pile foundation allows it to be better ventilated in the spring, while the concrete base will contain wet condensation for a long time and give the house its cold accumulated over the winter.

Thus, the pile foundation, if we talk about the thermal qualities, even wins in some way, in comparison with the monolithic concrete.

Why insulate the floor in a house on stilts?

Nevertheless, high-quality floor insulation in such houses is simply necessary. And, it should be noted that this work is fraught with some difficulties.

The fact is that pile technology is very often used in humid regions with heaving soils and a high occurrence of groundwater. Therefore, the base of the frame house has to be protected not only from the cold, but also from excess moisture. This nuance must be taken into account when arranging a warm floor system in a building.

Frame houses on screw piles need serious floor insulation and high-quality waterproofing.

Insulation of the foundation of the house

The pile-screw foundation is reliable and versatile. It can be used in all climates, even where it is very cold. But this is only possible if it is insulated. This need is dictated by the fact that when erecting a building on a pile foundation, there is always a space between the foundation structures and the soil. From this space, cold air enters the living quarters, a significant amount of heat is lost and the building becomes uncomfortable for people to live in.

In addition to the inconvenience caused to the tenants, in case of severe freezing, the pile can be pushed upward, as a result of which the structure of the house will be disrupted.

The choice of insulation

For thermal insulation, several heaters are used, which differ in many parameters. According to moisture resistance, they are distinguished:

  • Materials with increased moisture resistance. The most popular and effective;
  • Hygroscopic, which require additional protection against moisture by means of a film with moisture-insulating properties. This must be taken into account, since the course of corrosion of reinforced concrete and metal piles of the foundation will significantly accelerate with constant contact with damp insulation. The heat insulator itself and the foundation structure will collapse.

The main types of insulation

The following materials are used to insulate the foundation of a frame house on piles:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Expanded clay.

Insulation foam and its quality

Polyfoam is a material that has a porous structure. This material is in high demand in modern construction, which is associated with its unique properties, which make it possible to speed up the commissioning of an object: ease of installation; speed of flooring; as well as competitive cost (it is cheaper than many materials for thermal insulation).

These properties and low cost are explained by the simplicity of fixing foam plates, which are fixed around the entire perimeter of the foundation using a special adhesive base or bitumen mastic applied to the outside of the grillage. The joints at the joints of the slabs are sealed with polyurethane foam. The disadvantage is that it crumbles when cutting, so it is more rational to use the entire plate.

Penoplex insulation and its quality

Penoplex is a high-quality but expensive material. Its high cost is explained by the following properties:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties, much better than that of foam due to the greater porosity and air permeability of the structure;
  • the material is moisture resistant and does not require additional measures for protection;
  • the material is strong enough;
  • ease of installation and fastening with an adhesive base - Ceresit.

Insulation polystyrene foam and its quality

Plates of this material are tightly joined, due to this, an additional overlap layer is formed. But, in comparison with foam, it has a lower thermal conductivity. It is easy to use and does not crumble when cutting, so many choose this material for insulating the pile foundation of a building.

How is the process of warming the foundation going: sequence of actions

The process of warming the pile-screw foundation is as follows:

  1. The first step is to waterproof the grillage. The moisture resistant material is laid in two places:

ü between the upper part of the grillage and the lower surface of the walls of the building;

ü between the bottom section of the grillage and the end side of the piles.

  1. Waterproofing of the site from the lower floor of the building to the lower parts of the grillage.

Roofing material can be used as a waterproofing material, and parts of the grillage and piles that are not protected are treated with a mastic with moisture-resistant properties.

Before you start working, you need to check the material for the absence of moisture and strictly adhere to the basic rules and norms for the insulation of building structures.

If roofing material is used, then it is necessary to take into account its properties and withstand the technological process. After laying, it is necessary to let the roofing material dry for a week. During this time, the roofing material will acquire the required shape.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the grillage waterproofing must be installed on all sides. This is the only way to reliably protect against the capillary movement of water from the ground.

External treatment to protect the heat insulator

Thermal insulation materials used in the process of warming the pile-screw foundation themselves need protection from adverse environmental conditions and mechanical stress.

They can be protected with the help of facade panels, which will perform not only protective, but also decorative functions. Modern design and a wide range of colors according to the RAL table will give the structures an aesthetic appearance and protect the insulation from damage.

The structure of modern facade panels is diverse, but for budget construction it is most correct to use profiled sheets. This material is strong, durable, practical in work and has a low cost and operating costs. Its service life is up to 50 years.

Ease of installation, due to the fact that the elements of the facade coating are attached to the frame, which is located on the top of the screw piles.

Covering the basement of the house

Covering the basement of a house is one of the most well-known problems that can arise when building a house on a pile foundation. Now on the construction markets you can find a wide variety of materials for cladding: basement siding, panels, decorative materials.

The most demanded material is considered to be a special basement siding, which, with its variety, will satisfy even the most demanded buyer.

The main types of siding can be:

  • - in the form of brickwork;
  • - decorative stone;
  • - ceramic tiles, etc.

This material has an elegant look and is perfect for closing the basement of the house. However, it should be remembered that such a coating serves only as a decoration, but does not insulate in any way. In this case, it is necessary to insulate the floor in the building with high quality.

One of the insulation options is a brick wall. With its help, you can build, and at the same time insulate the frame of the basement. To do this, it is necessary to make a small fortified base (foundation) in a pre-dug trench from cement mortar, which by itself will insulate the basement. After the foundation is completely dry, it is necessary to lay out a simple wall in half a brick.

All insulation methods provide ventilation holes, which should be remembered. They prevent moisture build-up from inside the base of the house.

Insulation of the floor using vulture panels

It is important to understand that the main task here is to form a complete thermal circuit, and not to insulate the floor, basement or something else. There is no such definition as "thermal contour" in construction terminology, it can only be heard from professional builders.

Let's try to determine what the presence of a thermal circuit means, as well as its absence. For example, being in an unfinished house, which has only walls, windows, doors and a roof, you can think about insulation by installing only a stove for this. However, on a professional level, the thermal circuit is a properly laid roof, well-placed windows, sound walls and an entrance to the house with the necessary components, such as a vestibule with thermal insulation and an insulated entrance door. All this must meet domestic construction standards and climate conditions.

The most primitive method of floor insulation was developed by the manufacturers of the so-called SiP panels. With the help of vulture panels, you can solve all questions about thermal insulation. Moreover, they are used in all houses, regardless of what material they are built from. It can be a log, a wooden frame, or some other building material.

Arrangement of underfloor heating in a house on stilts

There is another way to insulate floors. It uses subfloor concepts as well as different types of insulation. Almost always, when houses are built using screw piles, a timber is laid on top of them. Consequently, in the bottom row there is a bar into which the logs are cut, after which a glade is formed from below with a size of 15 to 20 cm (depending on the thickness of the bar). With the help of boards or plywood, a filing is equipped, which provides vapor barrier and waterproofing.

The next stage is the laying of basalt insulation or foam. Basalt insulation should have 3-4 layers. Next, you should lay the subfloor, and then the final one, made of plywood or chipboard. It is important that gaps do not form during installation, as the floor will eventually begin to damp and stop retaining heat.

In houses with a high plinth, additional work will be required on the plinth itself. To do this, you need to reduce the likelihood of blowing through the base of the house. Without this, even with ideal floor insulation, cold air from under the house will penetrate directly into the room. Therefore, a windscreen will play an important role in covering the basement with siding.


Warming the floor in a frame house on stilts is a complex and complex process that includes several activities. First of all, it is necessary to insulate the pile foundation and its individual elements. Then you need to sheathe the basement of the building, after which you can proceed to the direct insulation of the floors on the lower floor of the house.

Careful installation of insulation, the correct execution of all work will help to insulate your house on piles with high quality. And a well-insulated house, as you know, is also a guarantee of its reliability and durability.


Do-it-yourself floor insulation in a frame house on piles

Currently, frame technology for the construction of objects in private housing construction is one of the most popular. It allows you to build houses quickly and at the same time save up to 30% money. Since these houses are lightweight, there is no need to build complex and powerful foundations for them.

Therefore, most often frame structures are erected on piles. Today, more and more so-called screw piles are used as this element. These are metal pipes with a lower end pointed in the form of a screw.

For small houses, piles 2.5 m long, 108 mm in diameter and 4 mm thick are suitable. All is well with such houses, but they have one drawback - it is an open space under the floor, blown by all the winds.

Of course, this opening is closed along the perimeter, but still it remains cold in the winter season. Therefore, such a process as floor insulation in a frame house needs to be given great attention.

Materials for thermal insulation

To begin with, for carrying out thermal insulation processes, you can use different heaters, which are represented by a huge assortment on the modern market. This is:

  • mineral wool in rolls and in mats;
  • expanded clay;
  • polystyrene and expanded polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam.

All these insulating materials are easy to install, so this process can be done with your own hands. But everything would be fine if it was an ordinary house, built on a strip or slab foundation.

A house on stilts has a specific design, so experts suggest other more modern ways to insulate the floor in such a house. Although today they still use traditional technologies. We will talk about all this in this article.

Floor insulation technologies

First of all, you need to understand one very important point. In order to carry out the thermal insulation of the floor of the house on piles with your own hands, you need to form a complete thermal circuit. What it is?

Thermal insulation using SIP panels

This is one of the modern technologies that uses special heat-insulating panels. The panels are two OSB boards, between which a polystyrene foam board is laid:

  • The thickness of the OSB slab is 12 mm, which is sufficient to withstand decent loads, and there are two of these slabs.
  • The used brand of expanded polystyrene is PSB-S-25F. That is, its density is 25 kg / m2. The thickness of expanded polystyrene can be 100, 150 or 200 mm.

In the construction of insulation panels, a wooden bar is inserted from one end, which will play the role of a thorn in the lock connection. On the opposite side along the panel, two edges of the OSB panels protrude - this will be a groove.

Since the dimensions of SIP panels are up to 3 m long and 1.25 m wide, it is for these dimensions that a lag structure is being built. That is, the logs are installed in such a way that at least three logs should fall under one SIP-plate: one in the middle, two at the edges. It is on the extreme elements that two SIP panels are connected.

But keep in mind that the panels themselves are produced for the construction of walls, therefore their main purpose is to withstand longitudinal loads. On the floor, transverse loads will act on the slabs; therefore, experts advise placing not three, but at least four logs under the slab.

The assembly of the insulating material is quite simple. This process with your own hands can be done without problems, but it must be done together, because the size of the material is quite large. Here is the sequence of actions:

Advice! Before you lay the insulation material on the logs with your own hands, it is necessary to treat them with an antiseptic solution. And from below, the entire lag structure must be hemmed with durable and moisture-resistant material. The best option is a metal sheet or corrugated board. Most often, the second is used today, since it is designed to cover roofs, where it is exposed to serious loads and can withstand them.

Traditional technology

As mentioned above, a large number of heaters were previously used for thermal insulation of floors in houses on stilts. Their application has the same technology. It is simple, so it will be easy to hold it with your own hands:

  • The lagging structure of the house was hemmed from below with waterproofing material. Previously, roofing material was used. Today, a large number of materials from this category have been added to it. So the choice is huge. Fastening is done with metal staples using a stapler. You can use regular nails. The main thing is to overlap the strips of waterproofing material and close the joints with self-adhesive tape.
  • From the bottom, the logs are hemmed with corrugated board, which is attached to wooden products with self-tapping screws.
  • Now all work is transferred to the premises of the house. Insulation is laid in the resulting cells of the lag structure.

Advice! The thickness of the insulating layer should be equal to the width of the used logs. That is, the thermal insulation material is laid flush with the upper edges of the log. And this is the thickness of the insulation or 15 cm, or 20 cm.

Please note that the heat insulator was fitted in abutment to all floor elements. It is impossible to leave even minimal gaps or crevices, which will later become cold bridges. If the cracks have formed for some reason, then they must be filled with polyurethane foam.

And the last step is to cover the whole cake with another layer of waterproofing. Next, the floors are laid. Often, in order to carry out warming with a guarantee, a rough floor of boards is constructed under the logs, which is also hemmed with corrugated board. Plus, the subfloor is laid on top of the log, and a final floor of chipboard is built on top, which is also a heater.

As you can see, there are two options for properly insulating the floors of a house built on stilts. Both options are not very difficult, with your own hands both the one and the other process can be carried out without calling specialists. The main thing is to competently approach the solution of the whole complex of works.

Of course, the second option is much cheaper, because it uses the simplest and cheapest thermal insulation materials. Although it is believed that SIP panels are a modern approach to thermal insulation processes, which is guaranteed to provide a decrease in heat losses.

Insulation of the floor in a frame house on piles should be carried out, taking into account the design features of such housing. Only in this case you will not face the problem of lack of indoor comfort. When a house is installed on supporting pile elements, it usually has either a basement. This can be considered an advantage, which slowly turns into a disadvantage, which consists in the blowing of the lower part of the house from all sides.

Features of insulation

Such buildings are erected on swampy soils, so the space under them is characterized by a high level of humidity. In order for the house not to be negatively affected by natural factors, its floor covering must be equipped in several layers.

Insulation cake

Thermal insulation of the floor in a frame house presupposes the presence of a supporting skeleton, which is combined with. Next comes the wind protection, which is characterized by vapor permeability. It is required to protect the used insulation material from weathering. The next layer is a heat insulator, covered with moisture and vapor barrier layers. The final will be the final floor, which is covered with boards.

How to eliminate errors

When choosing an insulating material for such a "pie", it is necessary to be guided by the fact that it must be of high quality. It is recommended to use good steam and waterproofing products, which will reliably protect the premises from moisture. If the floor insulation in a frame house installed on piles is not performed according to all the rules, then you may face an increase in heating costs, the presence of condensation above the underground and the appearance of mold and mildew.

It is possible to insulate pile structures using several technologies; the main requirement in this matter is the need to use materials that could be operated in humid conditions. Thermal insulation of the floor in a frame house with foam is one of the best and most rational approaches. But at low temperatures and high humidity, this material breaks down into individual elements. If you want to use this thermal insulation, then you should make sure that it is reliably protected from moisture.

Mineral wool is also common enough to solve this problem. It is inert to biological influences, has high heat-shielding characteristics and is not afraid of fire. But when water penetrates inside, the protective properties of the insulation are lost. With appropriate measures, you can use any type of mineral wool, among them:

  • stone;
  • glass;
  • slag.

This heat insulator is realized in rolls and plates, but experts recommend using the latter option, since it has a more impressive density compared to its roll analogue.

Floor insulation with penoplex in a frame house is also carried out quite often. This material is polystyrene foam produced by extrusion technology. It has low moisture absorption and high strength. These features give the material many advantages over its cheap counterparts. If we compare it with polystyrene, then penoplex will be more reliable.

Alternative solutions

Warming the floor of a frame house with expanded clay is also quite common. It is easy to use this material, and there is no need to resort to outside help. Expanded clay is distinguished by fire safety and low cost. But when compared with the materials mentioned above, expanded clay is inferior in terms of heat-shielding properties.

In the role of waterproof and windproof membranes on a pile foundation, vapor-permeable moisture-windproof membranes should be used, which are easy to install. However, you must be prepared that the cost of such substrates is quite high. As a vapor barrier, you can use a simple plastic wrap, which is laid directly on the insulation layer.

Features of floor insulation with expanded clay

The first, with the thermal insulation of the floor with expanded clay, is the waterproofing layer. In this case, it is especially relevant, because the insulation absorbs moisture well, which can cause unpleasant consequences. To achieve uniformity, before backfilling with expanded clay, it is necessary to set guide beacons that will determine the level of the future floor.

To securely fix the insulation, a screed layer is used, as well as an upper waterproofing. Before applying the final top layer of the screed, an intermediate fixing layer should be poured. For this, cement is mixed with water to obtain a homogeneous suspension. It should be poured with a layer of expanded clay. After drying such a layer, you will be able to get a monolithic expanded clay floor that will not be afraid of moisture and high loads. This design is able to withstand even a small earthquake. The final layer will be a screed, with which it will be possible to finally level the floor.

Step-by-step instructions for floor insulation

At the first stage, the rough floor is equipped, for this a wooden beam is attached to the logs, which is also called cranial. It will act as a support for the finishing planks. The used wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic; at the next stage, you can proceed with the installation of the boards.

If you decide to use expanded polystyrene or polystyrene, then it is recommended to install a mesh instead of the subfloor. It is fixed to the lags so that it is able to withstand the weight of the heat insulator used. Overloading piles with excess weight is not recommended. After completing the arrangement of the subfloor, a vapor barrier is laid on its surface. All moisture from the outside will remain outside, and it will not affect the insulation layer. This area can be vaporized with a plastic wrap, which is often replaced with roofing felt.

Thermal insulation of the floor in a frame house at the next stage involves the installation of thermal insulation. On top of it there should be a layer of vapor barrier, which excludes the penetration of condensate and internal moisture into the "cake". When laying a vapor barrier, you should get rid of the gaps that may remain between the sheets of materials. Otherwise, they may arise that are dangerous for thermal insulation, because they will soon destroy the structure of the material.

At the next stage, you can proceed to laying the finished floor using chipboards, floorboards, plywood sheets or other products. Insulation of the floor in a frame house must be accompanied by the protection of the piles with a stationary plinth. In this case, snow will not fall under it. But if you do not intend to build a warm space or you do not have the opportunity to do this, then the supporting elements should be covered with a decorative plinth, which is quick to install and low cost.

Insulation of the floor through the base

When the floor is insulated in a frame house, you can close the basement with your own hands using one of the existing methods. What is a brick or frame imitation of the basement used for, the last of which allows you to equip an analogue of a ventilated facade. If you decide to use masonry, then the pick-up must be built using halves of the brick. The first row should be placed on a pre-fitted sand cushion that is well rammed.

The fence must be waterproofed using roofing material. Correct insulation of the floor of a frame house necessarily presupposes thermal insulation of the basement. For this, its imitation can be used. This technique allows you to complete the work as soon as possible, saving money. The frame is made by installing lathing from wooden beams or galvanized profiles. They must be installed directly on the piles. At the next stage, this structure is sheathed with roofing material, PVC sheets are installed on top that imitate stone or brick. Polyvinyl chloride products are strengthened with nails or universal screws. The first option is suitable for wooden lathing, while the second is for a metal profile.

Double thermal insulation

Double insulation of the floor of a frame house involves the use of double floor technology. From the name it is clear that the flooring of the boards will have to be done twice, but the boards will be different. The subfloor will be made of rough planks that fit well together. A layer of roofing material is laid on top, which will protect the wooden floor.

The next layer will be sand, the height of which should be a limit of 3 to 5 cm. Next, the sand is covered with plastic wrap, reinforced with nails or a construction stapler. The next layer will be thermal insulation, which is pre-cut into pieces. Chipboard slabs should be laid on top, on which the finishing floor will be laid.

Features of Cross Insulation

Cross-floor insulation in a frame house is also used quite often. When the basement floor is equipped with beams with the following dimensions: 200 x 500 mm, the thickness of the insulation should be 200 mm. The upper layer of thermal insulation should be located perpendicular to the lower layers, which gives the name of the technology.


Insulation of the floor in a house with a foundation on piles can be carried out thoroughly, but if you want to experiment, then thermal insulation can be carried out even with the help of carpet. This method is great for those owners who have not yet decided to open the floor.

To do this, you should use a material that is similar in characteristics to ordinary carpets. The carpet should be laid over the entire floor area of ​​the room, affecting the perimeter. This approach will close the gaps in the concrete and wood floors through which cold air enters from the basement.