Products from Merino. Merino - what is it? Merino Wool Clothes

All people love comfortable fabrics from natural filaments. Any innovative artificial material will not compare with the natural thin wool sheep. It is elastic, soft and perfectly manifests itself when contacting the skin. Today everything is available for clothing from woolen threads for adults and children, for work, house and recreation. At all times in the trend and most practical Merino wool. Product properties from natural threads and nuances of care for clothing - about everything you can learn from this article.

Merino wool

What is Merino Wool?

Merino wool is used by a person for a very long time, for several centuries. The fans of this material are more and more, especially with the growing popularity of the thermal power. It is believed that other types of wool are inferior to it by properties. This is a high-quality yarn, which is made of wool taken from fine sheep. Sheep Merino live in the specific climate of New Zealand and Australia. Their wool is a protective mechanism from temperature differences. In this climatic belt, hot summer and very harsh winter.

Lamb feels perfectly in such finest and thick wool, each hairs is much thinner and has an amazing warming effect. From this raw material it turns out the easiest yarn of high softness. Products are not annoying even baby skin.


Merino wool may have a different composition - there are yarn from fibers of different thickness. All options thinner human hair. Thanks to Lanolin in the composition of wool, it is not allergenic. It is believed that fibers are beneficial on health. Lanolin dissolves in a temperature environment of 35-37 degrees, so enters the skin. This substance improves the state of the spine, muscles and joints, blood circulation and respiratory system. It is known that Lanolin has a resolution, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Neutral sheep wool has a creatine consisting of bacteria on the skin, protecting against unpleasant odors.


It is known that the sheep wool merino self-cleaning thanks to the cellular structure. The fibers interact in particular and rub, miraculously repenting pollution. Things do not have to escape. Some Merino products do not clean at all, only they ventilate or slightly squeeze.

Also, this material has a hygroscopicity and thermostatic effect. The fiber layer holds large volumes of air inside. Interestingly, clothes consistently holds the heat of the human body, but does not cause overheating. Most of all this question is relevant with respect to children - they can not yet inform, warm them or cold, but in merino clothing they are waiting for the correct self-regulating microclimate.

The yarn with a cellular structure absorbs a lot of moisture, and also successfully derives it. Even being wet, the material warms. Free air circulation is ensured, absorption and removal of moisture. In such clothes, children warm in cold and comfortable even in the heat. And again we give an example of the smallest - sleep in clothes from Merinos wool saves a child from overheating, improves sleep, soothes and reduces the plasticity.

Durable and light woolen material is so elastic, which can be strongly stretched and immediately take the same shape. We also note that the clothes do not deteriorate and does not deform from the set of styrices. Things from genuine yarn always have a long service life.

Merino clothing is useful to wear in osteochondrosis, muscle pain and joints, bronchial diseases, orthopedic disorders and rheumatism.

Women adore clothes from Merinos, as she makes their body beautiful. The fact is that regular sock of woolen things contributes to the removal of edema.

Merino wool products


Modern merino blankets are so gentle and pleasant for the body that they are impossible not to buy. I want to touch the soft texture of the fabric again and again. Aerial elastic yarn looks great in the living room or children's room. Manufacturers make plaids from natural fibers so that the user does not experience the cold and heat. Plaids from Merinos are ideal for children and owners of delicate skin. Moreover, the design of the products is always original, they decorate the interior and make it cozy. Especially beautiful blanket blanks.

warm plaid


Pillows stuffed with sheep wool are recommended to people with pains in joints, rheumatism, and are not suitable for allergies and asthma. The filler produced with a violation of technology makes the smell, and high quality - nothing smells. The peculiarity of the pillow with sheep wool is that the filler can be locked after a few months. Pillow covers are often manufactured from Persian. Sleep very convenient, in the morning there is no feeling of fatigue, you can be on your stomach or back. Thanks to micro massage, blood circulation is improved.


Merino blankets are guaranteed a serene sleep and a full-fledged rest. Man after sleep feels rested and healthy. All the best properties of the camel blanket are inherent in Merino, by the way, the last more weighs, but it is longer worn and is more practical. Woolen products create dry heat for a long time, possess therapeutic properties, antistatic, breathable. In a blanket from Merinos, bacteria and mold are not taken. This is the best option for children and people with very sensitive skin.

Bedding - Pillows, blankets and blankets from Merinos really very well manifest at home. You can use them regardless of the microclimate in the dwelling and season. Woolen products for sleep especially needed elderly and small.


A feature of the thermal power is the warming of the body and the injury of moisture from the skin. Such clothes are made for adults and children, it is necessarily worn into the tightness. Ideally, it is put on a naked body in the cold, then a flux layer and the top layer on the weather. Term underwear from Merinosa can be used for everyday socks, fishing, put on vacation. A feature is a high price. But the user pays for the best quality and its health. For example, the eminent producer of therminos wool thermal producer is a brand Icebreaker.


Warm clothing

To feel only comfort and warmth in the cold months of the year, buy the following products from Merinos:

  • caps - you will be surprised by the existing variety of models and colors, be sure to find something for yourself;
  • sweaters - Merino Sweater will be glad to anyone, it can be worn in different life situations and feel comfortable;
  • cardigans - today ultra-popular cardigans of different colors and materials, excellent, especially gentle fine merino wool, which will not come out of fashion for a long time;
  • socks - cozy socks from Merino allow not to freeze in any weather if the legs are warm, the probability of becoming minimal;
  • baby overalls - you can buy on any age overalls made of pleasant wool, the skin of the smallest is perfectly in contact with the material.

Socks, sweaters and other things are perfectly ventilated, so they are so comfortable in winter. Wear on health things from Merinos, as it is believed that they have a beneficial effect on blood circulation. And it is also important to know how to care for this gentle material - read about it below.


How to wash products from Merinos wool?

Washing things from Merino wool should be delicate. There are several options for care for clothing.


Some things made from Merinos wool can only be washed. This is the most delicate method of washing products from wool. To properly wash the thing, you need a pelvis with warm water. The product is lowered into water by adding a soft detergent. Ideally, this must be a means designed specifically for wool. If there is no detergent for Merinos, then take any other - for silk, wool. Soak item for 5 minutes. After that, rinse the product with warm water until it removes the detergent particles.


The product needs to be slightly survived to water, but it is impossible to twist it and stretch. You can also use a towel - to distribute a woolen thing on it, not tightly tighten with a roll, so the liquid is absorbed into the cloth. Then you need to take another dry towel, put a thing on it and wait for drying. You can also hang the product on the dryer.

Machine wash

A simpler method of washing woolen products - use of a machine gun. It is important to use a delicate mode. Also suitable wool washing mode. It is not necessary to erase the products from Merinos on the usual or intense mode, otherwise, things can be spoiled from fast movements and high speed. Water should be warm. The temperature is 30-60 degrees. In the car you need to pour or pour a tool that is suitable for woolen things.

Dry clean

If necessary, you can send products from Merinos to dry cleaning. But this way you do not need to use often. Professional dry cleaning involves applying aggressive chemicals. These substances, with frequent use, can damage fibers. It is better to make the maintenance manual washing, and in the dry cleaning to turn in extreme cases when there are complex stains.

Election of stains

If the product from Merinos wool was fan, it is better to immediately bring the stains. Soft detergent copies with pollution. Some folk remedies, for example, talc and starch act against fatty spots. You need to sprinkle the selected product on the problem space, carefully rub it. Talc or starch should get out of inside. Then we shake the thing to brush the powder. In case the stains do not rub off, you can try again. Make a simple manipulation until a bold spot is removed.

When washing, estimate the color of the water. If she has acquired the color of the product, then when rinsed, it is necessary to add a little table salt into the water. This product will contribute to the fixing of coloring substances in the fibers. Preferably, when buying, learn the manufacturer's advice regarding the care of woolen products. All information can be found on packaging or labels. Some things can be erased only in water of a certain temperature or there are other special care conditions - pay attention to it.

There is a yarn of different thickness - Strong (Wide), Medium (average), Superfine (thin), Ultrafine (ultra-thin). Clothes from Merino love adults and children all over the world due to unique characteristics. It is an expensive grade of wool, compared with others. Sheep Merino produce more wool than other breeds. Sometimes other threads are sent to the merino wool, for example, acrylic synthetic fibers. Thus, the yarn becomes cheaper, but worse in quality. Choose bona fide manufacturers and enjoy product socks from Merino.

Since a healthy lifestyle has become a guide for many people, we carefully read into information on the label - whether it is a packaging of cheese or a winter sweater, designed to warm in bad weather. In pursuit of the best we face new terms and names. One of them is proudly blocked on the label inscription "Merino - 100%". What kind of wool is this - Merino? And how is it unique? ..


Merino - a special breed of sheep, whose wool is characterized by the longest and thin fibers. It will not be an exaggeration to say that this is the legendary breed. Until 1765, attempts to remove this high-quality from Spain dealt with the death penalty, and wearing products from Merinos wool could exceptionally noble parties. And only in the XVIII century, when the Spaniards were defeated from the British, Merino were taken out of the country. However, to master the art of breeding sheep, the British managed not immediately. About 200 years passed, before the specialists of the country of fogs and rains were able to achieve significant success in sheep-flowering, comparable to the skill of the Spaniards. The ideal conditions for the breeding of Merinos were in Australia, where the widespread use of wool on an industrial scale began. By the way, a country to this day remains one of the world leaders of the production of merino wool. Surely you are already intrigued by the fact that the Europeans could make a fierce struggle for the "Golden Fleece". And the reasons for this really quite a lot.

For any weather and season

The main secret of Merino's wool is that it supports the optimal microclimate. The best proof of this is the well-being of sheep, which can equally well with the low winter and high summer temperatures.

It is not surprising that scientists have not yet been able to create an analogue that could repeat its thermal stabilizer properties. Clothing from Merino is thin to the touch, but surprisingly warm products (sweaters, blouses, vests). In them, the winter cold will be for you anything. If you get in bed linen from Merinos (a duct cover, a pillow, a blanket), it is equally great to serve you both in the winter and summer. Just think: in the fibers there are millions of air pads, which retain heat regardless of temperature drops. And thanks to high hygroscopicity, Merino wool can absorb up to 33 percent of moisture from its volume. Thanks to this property, the body always remains dry.

Heats and Lechit

To date, the intake properties of Merinos have no doubt.

First, wool is favorably affecting the joints and actively stimulates blood circulation.

Secondly, due to a significant number in animal wax wool - Lanolina - products from Merinosa have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and absorbing effect. Therefore, clothes from this wool are recommended to wear those who suffer from, rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, problems with bronchi, swelling.

Thirdly, due to the ability to maintain the best microclimate in clothes from Merinos, a person is less tired.

Finally, in the Epoch of Allergies, it is impossible not to say that this wool is hypoallergenne, so Merino is the best choice for children, pregnant women, athletes and all those who care about their health and comfort.

Looks like a hundred!

The appearance of Merino wool will not disappoint you too. It is extremely soft, lush, elastic and surprisingly beautiful products that have long and well hold the shape.

At the same time, wool has high strength, it is extremely practical in use.

And no insomnia!

Often, problems with sleep can be caused by "wrong" bedding. Make a very healthy and strong will also help Merinos.

Today, there is a large selection of products from Merinos, including blankets, duvettes. In such a bed, you will not sweat - ventilation is just perfect. At the same time, underwear, like clothes, extremely beneficial effects on the body during sleep.

As you can see, in its properties, Merinos cannot exceed any other breed of sheep. Modern manufacturers offer us not only clothes and bed linen, but also auto-sidewings, decorative pillows and (from the wool is made by the upper part of it). During the year with one sheep you can get wool for the manufacture of about five items of clothing. We wish that at least a few of them are in your closet in the form of fashionable blouses and sweaters!

What is Merino Wool? What properties do products from it? What to give preference - pure merino, mixture or completely synthetic materials?

Choosing clothes or underwear for use in the city or beyond, you can still encounter an offer to buy a product frommerino wool or with the additionmerino wool. What do these are almost already magical phrases, in addition to a noticeable facilitate wallet?

Merino Wool - Special Breed Sheep Wool

No matter how beautiful it sounds like this name, Merinós wool is just very good thinner. It is coated with merino rocks of specially derived sheep with particularly thin wool.

It is believed that the sheep of merino rocks were first brought in Central Asia, from where they came to the Mediterranean region, and then spread all over the world. To date, the largest part of the population is concentrated in Australia.

Features of Merino wool

In the article, we described in detail about how insulation reduces heat exchange between the human body and the environment.

The main task of warm clothing is the holding of a fixed heated air at the human body. The air is the best of all the heat insulators affordable to the person, as it has a low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the warmest things are those that hold the greatest amount of air per unit volume.

It is important to understand that the heated air must be kept - do not move and stir cold. Therefore, it takes no one large pocket with air pocket to retain heat, but a multitude of microscopic, isolated from each other of the air cavities. What are them more, the warmer clothes. Such closed airspaces are formed as a result of the interlacing of numerous thin threads - down or woolen, and the more thinner these threads, the greater the amount of air is held between them.

One of the most important consumer characteristics of wool is Tonina - Woolen hair thickness. Of great importance also convulsion That is, the linear irregularity of the hair. The smaller the diameter of the hair, the greater the number of microscopic air cavities they create, and therefore hold more air.

Therefore, than wool hair thinner, the warmer product. Of all the types of sheep wool, Merinos wool has the thinnest hair. Accordingly, things from Merino wool can be considered the warmest.

The smaller layer of wool is required for efficient heat resistant, there can be a product thinner. If you also consider that a thin, weakly convulsion hair allows you to produce a smooth surface that does not irritate the human skin, it becomes clear why Merino wool is especially in demand in the manufacture of thin heat-saving items of clothing - winter underwear, socks and light sweaters.

Merino Wool in Outdoor - Woolen Intellect

The key features of the basic and medium are high thermal properties at low weight and ability, not wet, effectively allocate evaporation from the body into the environment.

Synthetic material developers resort to various technological to force clothes to get moisture, breathe and warm at the same time. When they manage it, they are not without reason called the material clever. But is the synthetics smarter than wool? Let's try to figure out.

Wool is very lightweight, she warm and breathes and breathes, but hardly the main disadvantage is considered hydrophilicity - the ability to intensively absorb moisture. More precisely, the disadvantage is that it is bad with this moisture breaks - slowly dries.

Indeed, few people want to be in the wet through a woolen sweater in the cold wind, no matter how fat this sweater is. And if this is not a fat sweater, but thin woolen underwear? It would seem, there's still worse ...

But wool has a number of unique properties that make the situation not so unequivocal. It is not even that wool can absorb moisture in a volume of up to 30% of its own weight, but in that, absorbing moisture, Wool until a certain point remains dry to the touch. In other words, if a person in woolen underwear moves with moderate activity, then even starting to sweat, it will not feel discomfort.

Imagine that your thermal underwear does not just absorb sweat, but imperceptibly hides it in its structure so that subjectively and you, and your clothes remain dry. And then gradually evaporates the accumulated moisture into the environment. And the thinner of the underwear, the more unnotines for a person there may be small differences of its humidity. How do you not call such underwear "smart"?

Cotton underwear wets quickly and for a long time. Synthetic thermal underwear perfectly transports moisture outward, if the layers of clothing located above are not prevented. When decreasing activity, synthetics dries quickly and returns a feeling of comfort. If the transportation is difficult, the synthetic thermal underwear also flies quickly, and when it is restored, it starts to evaporate moisture so intensively, which creates a cooling effect on the skin surface.

And only wool can accumulate part of moisture in its structure, while maintaining a low thermal conductivity and a feeling of dry heat.

An additional advantage of woolen linen can be considered its ability to resist the bacteria that causes the smell of sweat, and some therapeutic effect.

Wool and synthetics: friends or enemies?

In many cases, it is impossible to achieve the desired characteristics of the material using only wool or synthetics. But nothing interferes with their "crossed", having obtained a more suitable material for those or other problems "breed". What could be these tasks?

Improving moisture units

In those objects of clothing where the moisture is frequent guest - for example, socks - manufacturers often use blended materials in which wool is used together with synthetic fibers. These fibers do not accumulate moisture, but immediately transport it outwards, which helps the wool longer remain dry and warm.

Raise wear resistance and strength

It is known that the weak point of wool is its insufficient strength and relative briefness. To increase the service life of products from wool in yarn, synthetic fibers are added. This allows you to obtain such blended materials that simultaneously have good heat saving and sufficient strength and resistance to abrasion.

Modern trends

More recently thought that practical and functional synthetics forever outed the capricious natural materials from tourist equipment. However, modern trends in the design and design of clothing for Outdoor demonstrate the return trend towards natural materials, and in particular to wool, where it is justified. Of course, we cannot talk about a large-scale substitution for natural materials to go, but the use of wool on a new technological level is quite capable of organizing the second woolen coming in the outdoor industry.

When it is better to use woolen underwear, and when synthetic?

If the activity is small and the person is only slightly and is blowing shortly, it will be a great way to keep comfort and heat will be the use of woolen linen if there is no allergies. Wool will also extend the feeling of purity and freshness.

If the physical activity is intensive and long-term nature or operation is associated with serious mechanical effects (gap, abrasion), it is better to use more unpretentious synthetics. Especially if the thermal underwear is part of a three-layer system, where the efficiency of each layer depends not only on its own characteristics, but also on the competent combination of all layers.


    Merino wool is wool of specially derived rocks of sheep.

    Merino breed wool is distinguished by a special subtlety of the hair. Small thickness (Tonin) Merinos wool makes things from it warm and light.

    Merino wool is an excellent material for the manufacture of basic and medium insulation layers in Outdoor clothing: wool gives a dry heat sensation, has bactericidal properties.

    Wool materials become stronger in combination with synthetic fibers.

    Modern trends suggest a wide use of merino wool in clothing for outdoor - in underwear, insulation layers, socks.

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)


The knitwear is always fashionable and popular, manufacturers offer products from different types of yarn. Viscose, Loven, Polyester - Products from it are available at the price. Will there be a sweater from artificial yarn natural? No, especially when it comes to valuable and expensive raw materials, which gives us sheep. Merino wool is a unique yarn, large and small knitted products make it from it, and not thick clumsy sweaters, and the merino products are air, comfortable and very warm.

What is Merinos wool

Merinos is a special breed of rams derived in Spain. From its other, it is distinguished by the properties of wool - thin and long fibers are perfectly preserved warm and protected from high humidity. Initially, the breed was cultivated in Spain, from where Merinillo was forbidden to export. Later, they became one of the Spanish military trophies of the British, who successfully adapted the breed to a more wet and cool climate. Successes in the breeding of the elite breed of sheep achieved Australia. Today is a unconditional leader in the production of Merino yarn.

The cost of Merino yarn is high, but there are prerequisites for it:

  • wool has perfect thermal insulation;
  • hypoallergenne, recommended for children of any age;
  • easily cleared of contamination, does not absorb foreign smells;
  • absorbs up to 30% moisture;
  • useful in arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • it looks expensive, it is long and never comes out of fashion.

Merino wool yarn

Merino enjoys the popularity of felting and knitting amateur. Thickness of the thread of about 20-22.5 μm for machine knitting and 28-30 μm for manual. Buy thick yarn Merinos is not very expensive. Extrafine and Superfine, "Summer Wool" (thickness from 14 to 18 microns) are considered elite varieties of yarn, they turn out air and warm shawls, summer knitwear, cape. Such a thread is significantly more expensive, but is valued by professionals. Additives acrylic or polyester are allowed, but not more than 5%.

Price - 450 rubles. for motok

  • easy;
  • warm;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • suitable for openwork products;
  • ideal for children's things.
  • with incorrect drying, the product may lose shape and elasticity.

Yarn Lana Grossa Cashmere 16 Fine, Composition: 80% Merino wool; 10% cashmere; 10% polyamide, production Italy.

Yarn Lana Grossa Lace Merino Degrade - 100% Merino Yarn, Production Italy:

Price - 535 rubles. for motok

  • easy;
  • warm;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • suitable for coats, chalee, scarves;
  • it looks unusual and creates the volume of the product
  • not suitable for machine washing;
  • high price;
  • due to the presence of polyamide, it can slightly electrify.

Yarn Lang Yarns Donegal Composition 100% Merinos Wool, manufacturer Switzerland

Price - 745 rubles. for motok

  • warm;
  • hygroscopic;
  • unusual tweed color;
  • outerwear, costumes, pullovers, jackets are tied out of it.
  • not suitable for machine washing;
  • high price;
  • large yarn flow on the product.

Merino Wool Products

Merino yarn is used for manual and machine knitting since Soviet times. Women knit scarves, hats, sweaters, shawl, even coats and suits. Thick yarn products are especially popular - these are bulk scarves, sweaters, capes. The plaids of handmade from volumetric yarns, Russian and foreign production are especially popular. Any items from the Merino Rune are inherent in the unique properties of yarn:

  • hygroscopic;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • ease in the sock;
  • self-cleaning;
  • no allergens.


Merinos wool blankets belong to the elite category of home knitwear. The classic is thin and very warm blankets from manufacturers from Germany and Sweden. The novelty is the plaids of thick (approximately 5 cm in diameter) yarn related manually. Super-cruise knitting looks original and decorate any interior. This is a great gift for a housewarming.

Plaid Flaum Ditta, 100% Australian Merino composition

Price - 13857 rub.

  • easy, weighs 700g.;
  • unusual ethnic design;
  • only manual washing special needs;
  • high price;

Woolie, large binding, composition thick Yarn of New Zealand Merinosa 100%, manufacturer Moscow, Russia.

Price 14900 rub.

  • fluffy and warm;
  • made manually;
  • it looks spectacular.
  • many fakes, buy only from dealers;
  • high price;
  • manually washed, dried on the floor on stretching.


Termide from Merinos is very valued for its hygroscopicity and the ability to maintain heat. It puts on a naked body and protects from overheating. The composition is Merino wool and synthetic additives that increase product quality and increase the time of use. In addition to standard sets (pants and t-shirts), graduates, shorts and socks are produced.

Men's thermofootball for hunting and fishing Two-layer Hunter series: 47% thermolate, 50% Australian Merino, 3% Lycra. Manufacturer - Norveg, Germany

Price - 3576 rubles.

  • wide temperature range for socks;
  • ability to absorb sweat and remove it from the skin;
  • special fabric in 2 layers.
  • washing only with a special detergent;
  • high price.

Thermocalters Woolpower, production Sweden. Composition 80% - Merinosa, 10% polyamide.

Price: 3950 rub.

  • hypoallergenic;
  • you can put on a naked body;
  • absorb moisture.
  • special care;


Knitted products from 100% Merinos are not only warm, but also beautiful. Traditionally, the sweaters and cardigans from Scandinavia and Italy are valued, the lack of her one is a high price. More democratic network brands H & M, Uniclo offer a choice for every day, but not so high quality. Separately, we note children's clothing from Merinos, these are chic products for any age.

Haukeli - composition of 100% Merino wool, manufacturer Norway

Price: 17600 rub.

  • warm;
  • soft;
  • long worn ..
  • special care;
  • high price;

Sweater children's knitted red Merri Merrini. Composition 100% Merinos, manufacturer - United Kingdom.

Price 4650 rubles.

  • hypoallergenic.
  • absorbs moisture;
  • not dumping
  • special care;
  • high price;


Can a blanket with a thickness of 2 cm warm the winter evening? Yes, if it is a blanket from the Merino filler. Children's, two-weeks and double blankets will give you warm and will not be allowed to overheat. Russian products are not inferior to overseas and wins in price, you should not discount it from the accounts.

Nature "S Gold Merino All-season woolen. Manufacturer - Russia. Composition of filler 100% Merino wool.

Price - 3688 rubles.

  • suitable for any time of the year;
  • light and warm;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • not dumping.
  • special care;
  • high price;
  • there is a small smell of sheep wool

Blanket Flaum Merino Winter, manufacturer of Merino Wool, Merino thread composition - 80%, polylactide - 20%.

Price - 10500 rub

  • warm blanket for the winter period
  • does not cause allergies;
  • excellent thermoregulation
  • special care;
  • high price;

How to choose Merino wool

Before purchasing any product from Merino wool, it is worth remembering that this yarn is one of the most expensive. You should not believe insane shares and favorable sales - many seek to sell fake. In the purchase it is worth following several rules:

  • touch - natural wool without rollers, soft and does not creak;
  • throw on yourself - things from merino wool light and warm;
  • sniff - a specific smell you do not confuse with anything;
  • to set fire to the thread - only when buying yarn in motges, because you will not give a blanket or plaid when selling you no longer gives you.

Different types of wool originate from different types of animals. Sheep wool is the most common type of wool: Melton, Shetland, logat and, of course, Merino.

Ordinary General Properties for All Wool Types:

  1. Wool is an excellent insulator - saves the heat of the body.
  2. Wool waterproof - saves the body dry.
  3. Wool well breathable material - adapts to changing weather conditions.

But, wool, by and large, the material of the prickly - creates a kind of itch. This is not the most comfortable skin for the skin.

The exception is the wool Merino:

  • Merino's wool is soft, not barbed, as "ordinary" wool.
  • Merino wool thinner than the wool of standard sheep.
  • She is light. This makes it an excellent option for wearing.
  • It is very strong, durable and elastic.

When, next time, you will wear super light woolen socks, a sweater or a thermoselle of Merinos wool, just think about Australia with gratitude. Although the sheep breed Merinos takes their origin in Portugal and Spain, but at present they are most common in Australia and New Zealand.

Wool, in contrast to synthetic materials, adjusts the individual body temperature: in it, in fact, heat in winter and cool in summer (it does not give overheating).

It is also an excellent buffer from rain, wind and snow. A unique structure of wool does not allow the accumulation of smells of the body, so you can wear socks from Merinos wool for several days in a row.

Participants in extreme sports, as well as fishermen, sailors, climbers and skiers - discovered for themselves that Merinos wool very successfully competes with high-tech artificial fibers in sportswear. As a rule, it is accepted as providing a base layer of clothing.