Technology of applying cement plaster. How to plaster walls with cement: stages and rules for the production of work

Plastering is an important building process that allows you to level the walls and provides thermal insulation to the house. It also masks the wires and increases the level of sound insulation.

There are many solutions that are used for plastering walls. But the most popular is cement. He has many useful properties sort of good resistance to high levels of moisture. Also worth noting is durability.

We prepare walls from different materials for plastering

Preparatory stage is extremely important if you want to achieve a smooth wall surface without flaws. Before applying plaster, you must determine what material the surface is made of. The list of necessary actions will depend on this.

Brick work

Despite many modern materials when creating walls, in most cases, brick is used. This is not surprising, since the material has many positive qualities which explains its high popularity.

If you have a wall of ordinary brick in front of you, then before applying the cement mortar for plastering with your own hands, you need to assess the degree of surface moisture. In the case of a new building, no preparatory actions no need.

Dry masonry is found in houses that are already for a long time are in operation. In this case, before applying the cement mortar for plaster, it is necessary to spray the surface with water. If you do not, then the composition will slide off the walls.

Advice ! If there are protruding bricks, chop them off with a chisel and hammer. This will save on mortar for plaster.

If a facing brick is used in the wall structure, then the algorithm for preparing for plastering with cement mortar will be somewhat more complicated. First of all, you need to attend to the installation of the crate.

There are many technologies for installing high-quality wall sheathing before you start making plaster with cement mortar. One of the most reliable and fastest is the following:

  1. Drive nails into the mortar between the bricks.
  2. Screw aluminum wire onto nails.
  3. Check tension.

Sometimes you have to work with small sections of walls. In this case, you can use the trick with tile adhesive. Take a notched trowel and use it to apply the adhesive in a thin layer.

Attention ! Usually the drying time of the glue takes about a day. The exact date must be indicated on the package.

There is another important step in preparing a brick wall for plastering with cement mortar. This is priming. Only after it you will be able to do the main work with a predictable result.

Preparing walls from other materials

Work with concrete blocks quite difficult, since the cement mortar simply slides down. Fortunately, the two methods above will allow you to secure the plaster with glue or battens.

If you need to apply plaster on a cinder block wall, do not forget to thoroughly moisten the surface before starting work. This will allow you to achieve a good and reliable fixation.

In reality, there whole line materials that need to be treated before plastering by means of cement mortar:

  1. Sawn shell rock. The preparation algorithm is the same as for cinder blocks.
  2. Wooden wall. Before plastering with cement mortar, treat the surface with a primer and install a special mesh.
  3. Drywall. Enough primer treatment.
  4. Uneven coverage. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out plastering with cement mortar of walls from different materials. In them, differences can reach 20 centimeters. Therefore, it must be aligned before doing anything. Cement mortar is ideal for leveling. But before you start pre-treatment, prime the wall and install a special mesh.
  5. Plastered walls. Often, under the influence of time, the old plaster becomes unusable and you have to take care of a new coating layer. But in order to apply it, you need to remove the old layer. This procedure is most conveniently carried out using a perforator. In extreme cases, you can use a chisel and a hammer.

If you properly prepare the walls before plastering, then the cement mortar will lie on them in an even layer and at the same time hold on for a long time. Surface just made brick house does not require pre-treatment.

We apply the solution

Reinforcing mesh

In order to apply cement mortar to the walls, a special mesh is best suited. It will increase the strength and elasticity of the plaster, and this, in turn, will extend its service life.

Attention ! Another important property of the reinforcing mesh is the ability to prevent the appearance of cracks during drying.

Usually, when working, a grid with cells of 20x20 mm is used. It is ideal for fixing cement mortar. But to achieve a truly good result, you need to take care of the anti-corrosion coating.

Dowels are usually used for mounting. They need to be set apart from each other at a distance of about 35 centimeters. One of the most correct constellations considered chess. It allows you to save a lot of time. After the dowels are installed, it is necessary to cut the mesh to the desired size.

It is best to install the grid from the bottom up. The elasticity of the product makes it easy to put the product on the dowels and fix it. In this case, you need to wind the wire from above. More precisely, it must be stretched to each dowel. As a result, you should get the letter Z.

When joining several pieces of mesh, they need to be put on top of each other. This will increase the strength of the plaster. In addition, the level of resistance of the cement mortar will increase. mechanical damage.


Lighthouses are important element when applying cement mortar, which allows you to make the plaster even and smooth. Usually nails are used as beacons.

There are several methods for creating beacons. For example, you can make key points using a cement mixture. As an alternative, tile adhesive or putty is often used.

A beacon is installed on the points. In order for it to be installed accurately, you need to use a level. Use a rule to prevent bends. A level must be applied to it during the application of beacons.

Now you need to drill holes along the vertical line. They are clogged with pleats. A beacon profile is subsequently screwed onto them. 25mm screws are ideal for this task.

The gaps from baldness to baldness are subsequently filled with cement mortar. This will avoid deflection under the weight of the rule. This method allows you to perform high-quality work even with large irregularities.

Advice ! It is advisable to set the distance from the beacon to the beacon at a distance greater than the rule by 10 cm.


In order to apply the cement mixture to the walls, you will need a number of tools:

  • plaster bucket,
  • putty knife,
  • trowel,
  • rule
  • trowel,
  • grater.

With their help, you can apply cement mortar with high quality, thereby providing the walls with good thermal insulation and beautiful view.

Before you start applying the mixture, make a primer. If this is not possible, just wet the walls. Apply cement composition until they are completely dry.

A bucket or trowel is used to throw the composition. After that, alignment is done by means of a rule and two beacons. Also, this procedure allows you to evenly stretch the substance over the surface.

Advice ! Alignment of the walls must be done from the bottom up.

When the walls are dry, grouting is done. To do this, you can use the same solution, but in a much more liquid form. The application is made with the help of a half trowel. It is necessary to rub until a smooth surface is formed. You can see how the walls are plastered with cement mortar with your own hands in the video below.

In order to increase the life of the plaster, you can use pickling. This procedure increases the resistance of the cement layer to mechanical damage and avoids the formation of fungus on the surface.

For etching the walls, a special solution with a neutralizing acid is used. When doing this, personal protection must be used to avoid chemical burns. Full set consists of gloves, gown, respirator and goggles. Special shoes will also not be superfluous.

Attention! All etching work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area.


Plastering the walls with cement mortar allows you to insulate the house with your own hands. In this case, the surface of the walls becomes suitable for applying paint or wallpapering. But in order for everything to go as it should, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. It is especially important to moisten the surface before application.

It has long been customary to use cement for plastering walls. The material in the entire history of its use has proven itself only with positive side- it is not only a very reliable, but also a durable component in the composition of the plaster mixture.

For example, cement has such advantages:

  • Reliability;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • High level of strength;
  • Impressive moisture resistance.

Let's talk in more detail about how to plaster walls with cement correctly. In addition, let's figure out how much cement is required in order to plaster the walls.

Properties and composition of cement plaster

Plaster cement mixture- a material that belongs to the category of the same means that are used to level the walls.

It is not at all difficult to prepare such a composition with your own hands - three components are needed here: water, sand, cement itself.

And now in more detail:

  • The function of the binding component in the composition of the plaster mixture is performed by Portland cement. The brand of cement in order to produce wall plaster is chosen depending on what the purpose of the material is. Namely: for indoor work, you can always choose cement M200-M400, and to perform facade decoration, it is better to choose M500.
If you are going to plaster any room where there is a high level of humidity, then it is better to choose a brand that is more durable. M400, for example, will do just fine.
  1. Works great as a filler. quarry sand(the main thing is that it be washed). Excellent results are shown by the material of the middle fraction. In addition, "upland" sand is also often used - it is easy to recognize it by its characteristic yellow tint. For such purposes, it is better not to use river sand, as well as material containing silt, clay, or dust-like impurities;
  2. A mixture of sand and cement is closed with water. Take for this task only clean water(cleared from silt, dirt, debris, other mixtures). Simple tap water suitable, as well as key, well, technical.
This simple composition is enough - the mortar will be a strong, reliable and resistant coating in the future, which will ideally last for decades (perhaps even longer). The main thing is to correctly withstand the cooking recipe first, then the application technique.

It is possible to plaster walls with cement in facade works ah - the material is not afraid of frost, it is also not afraid of moisture. It is characterized by exceptionally high wear resistance, strength. It cannot be said that the surface quality will be the highest, but, taking into account the fact that the technology is usually used for rough leveling, the result is definitely acceptable - this is not to be denied.

Additives to the classic composition

To improve the quality of the future surface, increase adhesion to the base, in the composition of the classic solution additives are often added which we are going to talk about now:

  • Gypsum– thanks to this material, the mortar hardening time is reduced, the surface quality is increased. It is used to finish ceilings, it also handles hard-to-reach places, where the setting speed of the solution is of great importance;
  • Lime– contributes to an increase in the quality of the surface, affects the rubability of the coating. The weight of the finishing layer due to this additive is also facilitated, which is important. The vapor permeability is improved. Lime should be added to the plaster mortar in the slaked state - usually in the form aqueous solution or as a test. We are talking about small quantities - 0.1-0.8 of the total volume of cement;
  • PVA glue– increases the plasticity, strength and adhesion of the material. The coating will come out strong, monolithic. Its characteristics will correspond to polymer cement plaster - this is a very good result;
  • Liquid soap- used in cases where it is necessary to increase the plasticity of the solution, increase adhesion relative to the base. Through the application liquid soap you can safely apply thicker layers, since the solution flows less with such an additive, sticks to the substrate much better. In addition, it should be noted here that the surface is smoother and more even;
  • Plasticizers and additives of factory production- depending on the composition, these additions can be used to increase frost resistance, moisture resistance, plasticity, strength and other indicators of the solution. In addition, among these additives you can easily find antifungal and antiseptic preparations, which also have a positive effect on the level of plaster quality.

If we talk about what are the characteristic properties of cement mortars, then we can mention their shrinkage. It is much more pronounced than with lime and gypsum compositions. So, you are unlikely to be able to get a perfectly flat surface without an appropriate topcoat.

Material costs and recipe secrets

If the question arose about how to plaster walls with cement, you should first find out something else: how the mixture is prepared for this. To understand what we are talking about, we recommend that you watch the video: preparing a mixture for plastering.

General principle of operation:

  • It is customary to prepare mixtures for plastering by hand;
  • To do this, first of all, cement and sand are mixed in the required proportions;
  • Further, water is added to the composition of this mixture during mixing;
  • Gradually interfere until a paste consistency is obtained;
  • Can use various methods cooking;
  • Quite convenient option recognize the use of electric concrete mixers - they have small size so that it is practical to use.

If desired, you can always stir the solution in a tray or in a bucket - a drill will help in the work, on which a mixing nozzle is installed. But this method cannot be called very productive, because a lot of solution is required for work.

The classic method of preparation: the entire mixture for plastering walls with cement is kneaded in a trough, mixed with an ordinary shovel.

Especially for this, cement and sand are poured over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tank, thoroughly mixed with a shovel, then poured in water and continue to stir until a creamy homogeneous mass is formed - in general, there is nothing complicated.

For plaster mixtures proportions and recipes vary. Let's consider in detail:

  1. If you are interested in a mixture for interior work in some kind of dry room, it is customary to mix it like this: take one part of cement and 4-5 sand. If cheap cement is at hand (M200 or M300), the proportions of one to four should be maintained. If higher grades are used in the work (starting from M400) - one to five. To make grouting more convenient, slaked lime is usually added (no more than half of one part) - with this approach, the surface quality will also be higher;
  2. To plaster walls with cement in a room with high level humidity (toilet, bathroom, kitchen, bathhouse, basement), it is better to use grades M400, M500, and moisture-resistant additives are added to the composition - without this, one can hardly count on a quality result in the future;
  3. Processing steps, finishing plinths and other places where the level of wear is high, it is better to use cement with magnesite or polymer additives. These mixtures are best purchased already in ready-made. But you can also make them with your own hands - if there is such a desire, there should not be any difficulties;
  4. In facade work, it is recommended to use the cement grade M500, since these areas are more exposed to destructive influences: precipitation, cold, wind, solar radiation.

These proportions are given taking into account the fact that we are talking about the main layer of plaster. But the spraying of the walls and the finishing coating layer is done by means of a mortar, which contains a high content of cement - one to one, one to two, one to three.

Since very little material is required for such work, they do not have a significant impact on the overall cost..

If the ratio of components is one to four (cement and sand), then the cement consumption for wall plastering will be approximately 4.5-7.5 kilograms for each square meter your finish. Given that the layer thickness will be no more than 2 cm. In this case, the consumption of the solution will be from twenty to twenty-three kg per square meter!

Based on all this, you can calculate that with 1 bag of cement (standard - 50 kg) and 15 buckets of sand, you will process 7-10 meters of the surface. Despite the fact that the wall does not have serious flaws and the thickness of the layer will be from 150 to 300 mm.

Installation work

People who are interested in the practical application of all the tips that we considered within the framework of this material, we offer step-by-step instructions on how to do the installation. cement plaster.

Everything here looks like this:

  • First, we clean the wall of all old coatings. We also remove hoops, stains, and dirt. We repair all serious defects and cracks (they are usually present on the surface). The surface must be impregnated with a primer. It is important to choose a deep penetration primer for the job;
  • Next, you need to take a metal mesh (it must be galvanized, or coated in the form of polymer paint) and stuff it onto the wall. To do this, use dowels with wide caps. There must be at least 15 fasteners for each meter of area, as a result, the mesh should not sag - that is, there must be a certain tightness.

  • They are screwed along the self-tapping screw in the upper corners of the wall being processed, plumb lines are hung on them. A pair of self-tapping screws is also screwed into the lower corners - it is on them that the place where the plumb line will come into contact with the thread will be marked. Next, in this place, a thread should be tied - this is done to the bottom screw. Further, in those places where there are fastenings of vertical threads, they tie horizontal ones - they will connect the lower and upper self-tapping screws (that is, in pairs). It is important to make sure that the distance between the horizontal threads and the wall is at least 150-200 mm;
  • The beacons are set along horizontal threads, the beacons themselves are usually made of metal profiles. They are fixed with alabaster or cement mortar. Between the beacons, the step is 150 cm, and the distance between the first beacon to the corner and the last one is 300 mm;
  • Now you need to prepare the solution, throw it on the wall so that you get a continuous layer. For such work, a conventional trowel or a special bucket is used. If the layer does not reach the lighthouses, you need to wait at least six hours - and throw on the second layer. They equate him with the rule: they simply lead them from bottom to top along the lighthouses - the main thing is not to do this very quickly. That is, the solution must have time to level out. All excess material is simply removed and thrown into a container with a solution.

  • When the application and leveling of the base coat is completed, you should wait approximately six hours. Then you can apply finishing layer- a trowel, grater or spatula will help you here. The work is done in the same way as with putty - the material is simply rubbed into the main surface. If we talk about increasing the thickness, then everything should be done minimally, the main task is to surely fill all the cavities, pores and irregularities;
  • When 100-150 cm of the surface is smeared with finishing, you can take on the grout. In this work, a grater is used. Wet, clean work surface the tool is simply pressed against the surface to be trimmed. Next - you need to perform zigzag and rotational movements. Thus, you will overwrite all scratches, pores, defects, pits, and other irregularities. The edges of the grater will cut off the protrusions, due to this you will get a really smooth, perfectly flat surface. Of course, not immediately, but after a certain time.
When working with smooth surfaces that have poor adhesion, special notches can be applied to them and then the walls can be sprayed with a special cement hammer (sand and water in proportions one to one - so that a liquid consistency is obtained).

They simply dip a broom into the solution, then they should hit the stick - due to this, splashes will fly onto the wall. This is exactly what we need.

Summing up

As you have already seen, cement plaster is not only effective, but also enough cheap way to level the walls. Moreover, it is very good option in order to prepare a particular surface for the next finishing, in which decorative coatings or other cladding can be used.

To perform the installation of the material, expensive tools are not required. The process itself is extremely simple.

If you have any questions, you can always watch the video: installation of wall cladding - many incomprehensible points will be immediately revealed.

Cement for wall plastering has been used for a long time, and during this time the material has managed to establish itself as a durable and reliable component of the plaster mixture.

Among the advantages of cement:

  • low price,
  • strength,
  • moisture resistance,
  • reliability.

We will tell you how to properly plaster walls with cement and how much cement is needed for plastering walls.

cement plaster

Composition and properties

Cement plaster mixture refers to the usual compositions that are used to level walls.

Cooking is done by hand from three main components: cement, sand and water:

  1. Portland cement is used as a binder in the mixture. The brand of cement for plastering walls is selected based on the purpose of the material: for internal works you can use brands M200 - M400, and for use M500. At the same time, for plastering wet rooms choose more durable stamps- M400 is quite suitable;
  2. Washed quarry sand of medium fraction is used as a filler. Also suitable "upland" sand, which can be distinguished by yellow. river sand it is worse for these purposes, it is also undesirable to use a material that contains clay, silt or dust-like impurities;
  3. The mixture of sand and cement is closed with water. Water must be clean from debris, dirt, silt and other impurities; ordinary tap, technical, well or spring water is suitable.

Thanks to this simple composition the solution forms a strong, resistant and reliable coating that can last for decades and even longer if the preparation recipe and application technique have been maintained correctly.

Cement-sand plaster mixture can be used for facade work, as the material is not afraid of moisture and frost, and is also characterized by high strength and wear resistance. The surface quality is not the highest, however, given that this technology is used for rough leveling, we can say that the result is more than acceptable.

To improve the quality of the surface and adhesion to the base, various additives are added to the classic composition:

  • Lime. It improves the quality of the surface and the rubability of the coating, lightens the weight of the finishing layer, improves vapor permeability. It is added in the slaked state in the form of a dough or an aqueous solution in a small amount - 0.2 - 0.7 of the volume of cement;
  • Gypsum. Reduces mortar hardening time and improves surface quality. and hard-to-reach places, where the setting speed of the solution is important;
  • Liquid soap. Increases the plasticity of the solution, as well as its adhesion to the base. Allows you to apply thicker layers, since the mortar flows less and adheres better to the base, you can also note a more even and smooth surface;
  • PVA glue. Increases plasticity, adhesion and strength of the material. The coating turns out to be monolithic and strong, in terms of its characteristics it resembles polymer cement plasters;
  • Factory additives and plasticizers. Depending on the composition, they can be used to increase plasticity, moisture resistance, frost resistance, strength and other characteristics of the solution. Also among these additives, antiseptics and antifungal drugs can be found, which also improve the quality of the plaster.

One of the characteristic properties of cement mortars is their shrinkage, which is more pronounced than that of gypsum and lime compositions, so you will not be able to achieve perfectly smooth surfaces without using it.

Recipe and consumption of materials

The mixture for plastering is prepared by hand. To do this, sand is first mixed with cement in the required proportion, then water is added to this mixture during mixing, gradually achieving a pasty consistency. Cooking methods may vary, but it is most convenient to use a small electric concrete mixer.

You can also stir the solution in a bucket or tray using a drill with a mixing nozzle, but this method is unproductive, since the solution consumption is quite large. Finally, you can use classical method and stir everything in the trough with a shovel.

To do this, sand and cement are poured over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vessel and thoroughly mixed with a shovel, then water is added and continued to stir until a homogeneous creamy mass is formed.

Recipes and proportions for plaster mixtures are different:

  • For interior work in dry rooms, one part of cement and four to five parts of sand are usually mixed. If the cement is of a low grade (M200 - M300), then the proportion is 1: 4, for grades M400 and above - 1: 5. It is recommended to add 0.5 parts of slaked lime for the convenience of grouting and improving the quality of the surface;
  • For work in wet areas - bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, basements and bathhouses - it is better to use material grade M400 - M500, to which moisture-resistant additives can be added;
  • For facade work, it is desirable to use cement grade M500, since this zone is more susceptible to the destructive effects of frost, precipitation, wind and solar radiation;
  • For the treatment of plinths, steps and other places with increased wear, it is better to use cement with polymer additives or magnesite. It is better to buy such a mixture ready-made, but if you wish, you can cook it yourself.

These proportions are given for the main layer of plaster, however, for spraying the walls and the finishing coat, mortars with a high cement content are used - 1:3, 1:2 or 1:1. Since these works require a small amount of material, they do not have a noticeable effect on the total consumption.

The consumption of cement for wall plastering at a ratio of 1: 4 (cement / sand) is approximately equal to 5 - 7 kg per 1 square meter of finish with a layer thickness of 2 cm. The consumption of the solution in this case varies between 20 - 24 kg per square meter.


For those who are interested practical use acquired knowledge, we compiled step-by-step instruction for the installation of cement plaster:

  1. The wall should be completely cleaned of old coatings, stains, dust and dirt, all cracks and major surface flaws should be repaired, and the material should be impregnated with a deep penetration primer;

  1. Then we take a galvanized or polymer-coated metal mesh and stuff it onto the wall with dowels with wide caps. There must be at least 16 fasteners per meter of area, the mesh must be taut and not sag;

  1. In the upper corners of the wall we screw along the self-tapping screw and hang plumb lines on them, and in the lower corners we screw in two other self-tapping screws, on which we mark the place of contact with the plumb line thread, then in this place we tie the thread to the lower screw. Now, in the places where the vertical threads are attached, we tie the horizontal ones, with which we connect the upper and lower self-tapping screws in pairs. We strive to ensure that the distance from the wall to the horizontal threads is not less than 1.5 - 2 cm;

  1. We expose beacons from a metal profile along horizontal threads, which we fix with cement mortar or alabaster. The step between the beacons is 1.5 meters, the distance from the first and last beacons to the corner is 30 cm;

  1. We prepare the solution and throw it on the wall in a continuous layer using a special bucket or trowel. If the layer does not reach the beacons, then we wait 6 hours and throw in the second layer, which we level with the rule, running it along the beacons from the bottom up, not too quickly so that the solution has time to level. We remove the excess material and return it to the general container;

  1. After base layer applied and leveled, wait at least 6 hours and apply the finishing layer with a float, trowel or spatula like putty, rubbing the material into base surface. The thickness should be increased minimally, our task is to fill all the bumps, pores and cavities;

  1. When 1 - 1.5 meters of the surface are smeared with finish, we begin to rub it with a grater. To do this, we press the clean and damp working surface of the tool to the surface and perform rotational and zigzag movements, erasing all pores and scratches, bumps and pits. The protrusions will be cut off by the edges of the grater, the most even and smooth surface will gradually form.

When working with smooth surfaces with poor adhesion, you can apply notches on them and spray the wall with cement milk (1: 1 with sand and water to a liquid consistency).
To do this, we dip a broom into the solution and beat it on a stick so that the splashes fly onto the wall.


Cement plaster - cheap and effective method align the walls and prepare them for finishing with decorative coatings or cladding. Installation of the material does not require expensive tools and is quite simple, as you can see by watching the video in this article.

During construction or repair work you always have to deal with the need to finish the walls with plaster. This process cannot be called creative, so most do not like it. At the same time, correctly and neatly applied plaster guarantees a problem-free design of the walls. top coat. But how to do everything on your own and without flaws? A video of do-it-yourself wall plastering with cement mortar is designed to teach this.

  • If the main component of the solution is sand, and the binder is cement, then such plaster is called cement-sand. With this composition it is convenient to align both internal and external walls. Just be aware that sand does not like moisture. For this reason, this species plasters are not recommended for use with excessive moisture. Solution for brickwork in a ratio of 1: 5, you can independently prepare for plastering walls with your own hands. Videos kneading cement-sand mixture will help with this.

  • As part of gypsum plaster gypsum predominates. The ability of this mineral substance to set quickly makes it possible to use this type of plaster on the ceiling and in other places with difficult access.

Today, few people independently prepare plaster mixtures from individual ingredients. Ready-made dry formulations are available for sale, which are enough to dilute with water in accordance with the instructions and mix thoroughly. Mixing can be done with a drill with a nozzle.

Mortar for wall plaster, proportions: video instruction

Do-it-yourself wall plastering video with cement mortar: preparatory work

Do-it-yourself plastering of walls with cement mortar necessarily includes preparatory work. If this is a new construction, and there are walls made of ordinary ordinary bricks, then there is no great need to prepare them for applying the plaster mix. It is only necessary to cut down protruding bricks with an ax, if any. This will help to avoid applying too thick a layer unnecessarily.

If the wall is made up of facing brick, then you need to drive nails between the rows and tie everything with aluminum wire. It would be even better to fix plaster mesh. The wall itself must be primed and applied to it with tile adhesive using a notched trowel. Only then can the mixture be applied. Concrete and foam concrete blocks also require preliminary primer and applying glue. A special plaster mesh will help to make high-quality plaster on these walls. Otherwise, the plaster mixture will bounce off them.

Wooden walls are much more difficult to plaster. To do this, it is imperative to fix a crate of slats on them or a ready-made mesh sold in stores. You should also do a primer.

In the case of repair work, before the preparatory work, it is necessary to completely dismantle the old coating to the very foundation. If parts remain on the walls old plaster, the quality of new works cannot be guaranteed. Do-it-yourself wall plastering presented on any video , always starts with preparatory work, on the quality of which the success of the entire repair depends.

Wall plastering algorithm

As in any construction process, in plastering walls there are certain rules and a sequence of actions. To apply plaster on the prepared brick wall, necessary:

  • Fasten the plaster mesh to the wall using dowels driven in a checkerboard pattern. The grid must have an anti-corrosion coating. Otherwise, traces of rust will appear on the wall before the plaster is completely dry. The dowels are connected to each other with a knitting wire Z - figurative patterns.

  • Guide beacons are installed. A flat surface can only be created when plastering walls on lighthouses with your own hands. A video of such a process is proof of such a claim. Can be used as beacons wooden slats, but professionals use perforated slats sold in stores. Lighthouses are installed strictly according to the level.

  • The plaster mixture is applied and leveled along the beacons.
  • Plastering is being done.

The process of applying the mixture is the longest and most laborious. The solution is thrown onto the wall with the help of a trowel or a ladle, as it suits you. Throwing movements must be made from the bottom up. It is necessary to fill all the space between two adjacent beacons. Then special rule smooth out the mixture. In this case, the ends of the tool must slide from the bottom up along the surface of the profiles.

In the process of this movement, the rule must be moved with sharp movements to the right and left. This allows you to evenly distribute the solution along the wall, compacting it. The result is a flat wall. After completing the first segment, move on to the next. All movements are repeated again. On the video of wall plastering on lighthouses with your own hands, you can see in detail what movements are made by the rule.

When the walls dry a little, they need to be rubbed. For this, a semi-ter or a trowel board is used. These tools move across the surface in a circular motion. The process continues until the surface is smooth. If the plaster has had time to dry too much before grouting, then it can be moistened.

To obtain a smooth surface without cracks, it is necessary to carefully control the drying process. Firstly, high temperatures indoors are not allowed. Secondly, the walls periodically need to be moistened with water. Thirdly, you should always immediately overwrite the cracks that appear. Proper drying control guarantees high quality plasters.

Although the procedure for applying plaster to walls is laborious and unpleasant, the quality of its implementation should not be in doubt. Irregularities on the walls will not allow you to make a beautiful finish or will force you to accept additional measures alignment, which will incur additional costs.

Speaking of internal finishing work, then wall plastering is the most common type of rough and finishing brick walls, blocks of various composition. The process of plastering walls is not very complicated, but there are many professional tricks that will not only make the job easier, but also significantly increase the performance of the finish. You may be thinking "I'll buy cement, sand, that's plaster ...". But everything is not so simple. Let's try to understand the intricacies of this stage of construction work.

Surface preparation

The walls must be prepared, regardless of the age of construction and the quality of the surface. The preparatory stage is to ensure the best adhesion of the wall to the mortar. This is necessary first of all so that a few weeks after drying, the plaster does not crack or collapse.

A freshly built brick wall is practically not subjected to preparatory processing, but attention should be paid to moisture in the aisle. As a rule, experienced plasterers wet the dry surface with a brush or roller. If the wall has defects, then they should be eliminated, for example, protruding masonry bricks are cut with a grinder or chopped off with an ax. This will provide a fairly even surface and allow the plaster to be applied as thinly as possible.

The concrete block does not adhere well to the mortar. Therefore, it is pre-primed with tile adhesive, and then a plaster mesh is applied. The cinder block behaves well in the process of plastering, it is enough just to wet it.

Difficulties may arise when processing previously plastered walls. In this case, the old layer of the solution is removed, and then the preparation is carried out according to the principle described above.

Plastering of walls is carried out only on condition that all preliminary work has been completed.

Lighthouses: installation and its features

Plastering of the walls takes place using beacons. With their help, the level is set to create a flat surface. These landmarks can be rails that are level-mounted, or special metal products.

Solution preparation and application features

In order to prepare a high-quality plaster mortar, it is not enough to buy cement, you need to know in what proportions to add it in one case or another, what brand of cement is needed.

The ratio of the components of the mortar for plaster depends on the type and brand of cement:

  • M400 sand to cement ratio 4 to 1;
  • M500 - 5 to 1, etc.

Grades of cement below 400 are usually not used for this manipulation.

The consistency of the mortar for plaster should be such that the mixture does not slip off the wall.

The solution is thrown onto the wall with a trowel or a construction bucket in the direction from the bottom up. So lashes out small plot walls. Further, a rule with a length of 60 cm or more comes into play, depending on the size of the wall and the task at hand. Using the rule, the solution is aligned along the wall along the previously installed beacons. Further manipulation is performed with the adjacent area.

Final step: grouting

After the plaster dries, you should proceed to the final stage. Tools such as a trowel or a trowel will come to the rescue. With their help, we level the wall in a circular motion, as if grinding it. You should get a smooth surface.

  1. The tools with which the work is carried out: a trowel, a trowel, a ladle and others must be regularly moistened in water. This is done so that the cement mixture does not stick to the tools.
  2. After finishing work, the tool should be washed. The cement mortar hardens very quickly and this can lead to its deterioration. The same applies to containers for mortar: troughs or concrete mixers.
  3. If cracks appear after the mortar has dried, it is recommended to re-trowel. In this way a completely smooth surface can be achieved.