Insulation of brick walls with backfill material. Granular polystyrene foam

High-quality insulation of upper floors in structures for various purposes significantly reduces heating costs. Among the available, convenient and cheap ways to suppress heat transfer are the use of organic and artificial insulators. To decide what to fill the ceiling in the bath or wooden house, you should know about the features of the materials, understand their advantages and disadvantages, take into account the nuances of using TIMs.

The main criteria for choosing thermal insulation

Bulk insulation for the ceiling must meet a number of parameters. Among the most important are environmental friendliness, ease of installation, hygroscopicity and resistance to high temperatures.

In addition, the choice of TIM is made taking into account:

  • climatic zone;
  • floor material;
  • distances between roof beams;
  • insulator weight, size of its fraction;
  • proximity to the chimney pipe.

Most loose insulation materials are durable, safe and low cost. A separate group of products is characterized by the lack of resistance to the influence of biological factors - such TIMs require additional use various impregnations that improve the properties of insulators.

List of the most requested materials

A thorough review of the materials posted on construction forums and portals allows us to identify the 9 most common types of insulation. Among them are sand, sawdust, small shavings, vermiculite, expanded clay, boiler waste, penoizol, expanded polystyrene granules, ecowool.

Characteristics of traditional types of products

The group of classic materials includes slag, shavings, sawdust.

The last two of the listed insulators are characterized by high flammability. This disadvantage is minimized by the use of flame retardants. Antifungal treatment allows to reduce the susceptibility of the considered TIMs to the effects of bacterial agents.

Among the significant disadvantages of traditional wood insulation is frequent damage by mice and rats. How to get rid of rodents that make nests in sawdust, advice will prompt " craftsmen»: Builders with several decades of experience recommend mixing insulators with lime at the rate of 10: 1.

To reduce the heat transfer of the ceiling in the bath, you can use slag. Waste from boiler houses is preferable to use on the territory of regions where negative temperatures do not exceed −20 ° С. Slag fillers are characterized by ease of installation and high fire resistance. Their disadvantages include a lot of weight: only strong upper floors should be insulated with boiler waste.

Sand, vermiculite or expanded clay?

The proposed construction market modern bulk insulation of the ceiling of living quarters and saunas are distinguished by a significant assortment. Each product has special properties.

A popular insulator is a perlite shelter. A layer of compacted expanded sand of 3 centimeters is equal in thermal conductivity brickwork 15 cm thick.If necessary, the filled-in perlite is additionally strengthened cement mortar- this design allows you to arrange a warm room in the attic.

Insulation of the ceiling with vermiculite

Fire-resistant, frost-resistant expanded clay granules with a size of 5 to 40 mm are used for thermal insulation different types overlaps. The weight of the material depends on the size of the fraction. For wooden flat, pitched roofs it is preferable to use TIM with markings up to 10 mm, for saunas and baths - up to 20 mm; the insulation layer must be protected by steam and waterproofing.

The best backfill is achieved with a mixture of several types of granules. An additional advantage of expanded clay is good sound insulation.

Among the advantages of vermiculite are refractoriness, long (from 50 years) service life. Among the advantages of the material, experts also note:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • high air permeability;
  • inertness to the effects of biological agents;
  • ease of installation (TIM is enough to fill up and compact).

To suppress heat loss, vermiculite should be used with a layer of 5 cm.

Expanded clay - effective thermal insulation for the ceiling

Features of foam crumbs, penoizol

It is also possible to fill up the ceiling in a wooden house with polymer granules, which are characterized by moisture resistance, low weight, fire resistance (when using fire retardants) and economy.

A special method of making expanded polystyrene chips gives the considered type of TIMs elasticity and density; the balls do not change their structure when squeezed, in a short time they take their original shape. Diameter polymer spheres ranges from 1 to 8 millimeters. The material is easy to fill and transport.

Foam crumbs lose these properties when acetone, dichloroethane, and a number of other substances contained in paints and varnishes get on it.

Loose penoizol differs from polymer chips in shape - its granules are not round (visually, they look like snow flakes). The thermal conductivity characteristics of TIMs are practically the same.

Advantages and disadvantages of ecowool

The material made from recycled paper fills small voids well; is used as a heat insulator for complex design solutions.

The disadvantages of ecowool - susceptibility to combustion and exposure to biological factors - are minimized by including boric acid and borax in TIM.

The thermal conductivity of products does not exceed 0.042 W / m * C. When the material gets wet, shrinkage is noted.

The duration of the use of ecowool varies depending on the climatic characteristics of the territory. With small temperature differences, the service life can reach 50 years, in severe winters - from 15 to 20 liters.

A wide range of free-flowing thermal insulators allows you to choose the most economical TIM, taking into account the characteristics of the building in need of insulation. Particular attention should be paid to modern materials that do not require significant installation time, ensuring maximum suppression of heat transfer.

To insulate houses, builders use a lot different types heaters. This can include the already famous in rolls and mats, and old proven foam, and many other materials. The line of modern thermal insulants is extremely numerous and very diverse.

A worthy place among all heaters is taken by bulk heaters. Being inherently natural pure materials, they found their buyer, and their impeccable qualities made such materials popular. Let's consider in more detail the bulk insulation of all types and types. Let's start with the floor, or rather, with its thermal insulation with these materials.

Bulk floor insulation

In any construction, floor insulation is under close scrutiny, because a cold floor is cold house and no other options. Bulk insulation is very suitable for floors. The most popular options for such tasks:

  • expanded clay;
  • perlite;
  • vermiculite;
  • bulk basalt.

Let's consider each of the options listed by us in more detail and in more detail, evaluating all the features of these materials.

Expanded clay

This is a bulk insulation. The most widespread in its class for today in the issue of floors. Expanded clay is quite inexpensive, and the material also has excellent thermal insulation properties. The insulation is made of clay, but at the exit the expanded clay is very light, a cube of such material weighs no more than 350 kilos.

Do not forget that expanded clay is one hundred percent environmentally friendly and non-combustible material, it is not afraid of water and is frost-resistant. Usually such material can be bought either in bags or in bulk. It is noteworthy that expanded clay is both a heater and an excellent substrate or base. The service life of such a material is calculated practically for centuries!


It is a natural material of volcanic origin. The material absorbs moisture, studies show that perlite weighing one hundred kilograms can absorb up to four hundred kilograms of moisture. For this reason, experts recommend perlite for floor insulation in rooms with high humidity... The material is non-flammable. The material is supplied on sale in the form of perlite sand, sold in bulk or in bags.

Noteworthy fact: perlite is used not only for floor insulation, but also for filtering vegetable oil, juices and even beer. The service life of the material is extremely long, almost unlimited!


It is also a natural floor insulation. The material is very hard, non-flammable. The water absorption of vermiculite is over 500%! The insulating properties of vermiculite are simply amazing. With a vermiculite layer only five centimeters thick, heat losses are reduced by almost 80%. The material is protected from mold and mildew. Vermiculite is also sold in bags or in bulk. Under certain conditions, such material can serve almost forever.

Bulk basalt

Bulk basalt insulation is a "blown", "rammed" material. It is very convenient and economical. The material is supplied in bags and in bulk. This is an excellent addition to the existing thermal insulation made of slag, sawdust, expanded clay and others. The density of the material is about 35-50 kilograms per cubic meter. The material is in great demand in Europe, the volume of purchases of this material there is growing every year. Reviews of bulk basalt insulation are quite positive. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of using the material as the main insulation, but only as an addition.

Bulk insulation for walls and ceilings

To keep your house always warm, cozy and comfortable, you need to insulate the outer walls of the house. For such purposes, you can use bulk insulation. Let's start a review of such options with foam glass. It is a modern granular and 100% ecological material. Foam glass is obtained from raw fractions by foaming. This insulation great for wall insulation. Apart from excellent thermal insulation properties, foam glass can be the basis for thermal insulation plaster... The material is not afraid of moisture. Consider other options that can be found on the market building materials today.

Foam glass in granules (penoplex)

An interesting option modern material for insulation of walls and ceilings. The foamed polymer granule is the basis for the foam, which, in turn, is a light insulation and moisture resistant. Such a heat insulator cannot be used to insulate baths. Penoplex can be put asleep in frame walls Houses. Insulation granules will fill the smallest voids. Very high quality insulation material. Penoplex is flammable, this is one of its few weak points.

Mineral wool

For insulation of walls and ceilings, it is not necessarily used in the form of rolls and slabs, there is also a variant of granules, their size is more than 1 centimeter in diameter. Bulk in granules - vapor-permeable and fire-resistant material, it is resistant to high temperatures... When working with material, you need to protect open areas skin and respiratory organs. It is quite difficult to find some frankly weak points of the material, the only drawback is the loss of its thermal insulation qualities when wet.


This is a bulk insulation for the roof. It is for the roof! By its structure and outward appearance the material resembles foam crumbs. The material is very light, with low density. Mold does not start in it, rodents are not interested in it. It is a breathable material, absolutely harmless to human health, not flammable. Penoizol will easily serve for fifty or more years without changing its excellent performance... The material is gaining popularity every year.

Ecowool (cellulose)

The components of this insulation are ecowool (about 10%), shredded paper (about 80), antiseptics (about 5%) and antipyrine (about 5%). The material is non-flammable and does not rot over time due to the presence of special impregnations in the composition. Ecowool has been used in the world for almost a century! In Russia and in the vastness of the CIS, insulation appeared about ten years ago, but it is very fond of the buyer and is rapidly gaining popularity. It must be admitted that in Europe they know a lot about construction and the materials that are used for this construction.

As an antiseptic in ecowool is used boric acid, the role of a fire retardant is played by borax. These substances are 100% environmentally friendly. This insulation material is quite practical in every sense. Ecowool fibers perfectly fill small voids, so the material can be used even for the most complex structures.


Bulk materials are in great demand in Lately... Initially, people were afraid of such options for insulation, but time has shown that the materials are excellent and should not be feared. Reviews indicate that all bulk materials are convenient to transport, this is especially true for home owners in remote areas.

Also, the reviews mention the ecological cleanliness of heat insulators, they are not afraid of mold, rodents. In addition, many of them are not afraid of moisture, which is also confirmed by the reviews of people who have already dealt with these insulation materials. Also, reviews praise such heat insulators for their incombustibility and incredible durability.

Of the minuses of bulk insulation in the reviews, you can find the fact that some materials require professional equipment to "blow out" them. But the rental of such equipment is offset by the low cost of the insulation itself. Ultimately, this minus is relevant only for supporters to do everything exclusively independently and strictly with their own hands.

You need to choose material based on your goals and objectives. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of heat insulators, because some are not suitable for hot rooms, while others perfectly tolerate both moisture and high temperatures. In addition, some of the bulk insulation is very hard and is suitable as a substrate or base of the floor.

In any case, you can give one general advice, it concerns the fact that it is worth purchasing these thermal insulants in proven places with good reviews so as not to run into fake or low quality products.

In general, it must be objectively recognized that bulk insulation materials are very attractive in terms of prices. Also, we must not forget about their durability, classic mineral wool will last no more than ten years or twenty best case... And for bulk insulation materials the service life is much longer, at times!

You must also understand that not all bulk heat insulators are the same. They differ in their properties. For certain tasks, certain material is required. If you are in doubt about the choice, then contact a specialist with this question, he will be able to advise you on the right materials.

For example, expanded clay is not suitable as the main insulation in regions with extremely harsh winters (frosts of 40 degrees). This must be taken into account. In addition, there are many other nuances, it is for this reason that consultation with specialists is extremely important for each individual case.

Summing up

Bulk mineral insulation has come into use tightly modern construction... The materials are relatively new, but they are quickly gaining their share of the building materials market. There are undoubtedly advantages of such thermal insulants, no one is trying to dispute them. Some people are stopped only by the novelty of the materials. Our people are not particularly fond of new items, especially when it comes about construction for many years, in which a lot of money is invested. But all new items are becoming proven materials, and very soon this will happen with bulk insulation.

But there are also options for people who don't like new items. You can remember the good old proven slag. It was an excellent insulation material at one time, this bulk material was a hit at one time. There was a minus in the slag - it was dirt and dust from it. Modern bulk insulation materials are all the same excellent thermal insulation qualities, only without dust and dirt.

There were also sawdust before (an analogue of modern bulk materials for insulation). The sawdust kept warm well, but was afraid of fire and water. Modern bulk insulation materials keep heat well. They are not afraid of moisture and do not burn. There are exceptions - some types of insulation bulk materials). But you can always find the option that is right for you. We think that doubts about bulk insulation materials have been dispelled!

Loose heaters, including expanded polystyrene, are used in construction as widely as possible: for insulating any horizontal and inclined surfaces, for filling technological voids and building cracks, etc. The types of materials from which bulk insulation is made are diverse: they are cellulose, stone, resins, and natural materials, for example, clay or peat. Insulation layers are laid using mechanical devices (compressor) or manually, depending on the place and purpose of the thermal insulation. Each material has its own advantages, but there is one common drawback - any bulk insulation tends to shrink, that is, over time it cakes and decreases in thickness, which means that its thermal conductivity increases.

Expanded polystyrene or granular foam

Polyfoam, both pressed and free-flowing, consists of many small grains (granules or balls). If the expanded polystyrene granules are not compressed, then the material will be free-flowing, which significantly reduces its density and increases the thermal insulation of the expanded polystyrene chips. This also increases the volume by weight. Use this thermal insulation material only on horizontal surfaces or in a closed inclined space, whence backfill insulation polystyrene foam will not be able to get enough sleep. Also, cavities and slots of structures are filled with such material by the method of blowing with a compressor, so that the crumb is laid as tightly as possible.

But even with this technology of laying loose thermal insulation, it will shrink over time. A few more negative points that builders will face when using expanded polystyrene granules:

  1. High flammability (flammability group G4);
  2. Combustion toxicity;
  3. Low biological resistance;
  4. Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.032 - 0.044 W / m H / K.

Insulation in polyethylene bags goes on sale.

Loose penoizol

Penoizol flakes have an arbitrary geometric shape, and they fill mainly horizontal closed surfaces, as well as vertical cavities between walls and partitions. In addition to flakes, penoizol can be sheet or liquid, all types of insulation are made from resin. The advantages of penoizol are as follows:

  1. Non-combustible material;
  2. Non toxic;
  3. Does not absorb moisture, but passes it through well;
  4. The thermal conductivity coefficient of penoizol is 0.035-0.047 W / m H / K.

According to the properties of thermal conductivity, the backfill insulation for walls, penoizol, is practically equated to expanded polystyrene. The production of granular penoizol consists of several stages: the liquid substance is poured into molds in which it solidifies, then the formed blocks are cut into sheets, and these sheets are crumbled. Lay this loose with a blowing machine (compressor or construction vacuum cleaner) or manually. The packing density is controlled mechanically or visually.

Granulated foam glass

Foam glass most different sizes made from ordinary glass waste by crushing and melting mixed with coal. When combined with coal, the mixture begins to release CO 2 ( carbon dioxide), as a result of which air bubbles appear in the material, which remain in it even after the mixture has solidified. Foam glass is a rather expensive material to manufacture, so the main area of ​​application is industrial and large-scale housing construction... In individual construction, foam glass as insulation is used so rarely that we can say that there are no such technologies - not every family budget will be able to withstand the purchase and installation of foam glass insulation. This heat-insulating material is used as a bulk insulation for the ceiling or as a loose insulation for floors and walls. In addition, blocks and plates are made of foam glass. The grain sizes of this free-flowing heat insulator are from millimeter granules to centimeter crushed stone grains.

Positive qualities of foam glass:

  1. Minimal moisture absorption;
  2. Non-flammability;
  3. Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.04–0.08 W / m H / K;
  4. Minimum vapor permeability;
  5. Compressive strength - 4 MPa;
  6. Bending and twisting strength - 0.6 MPa;
  7. Operating temperature range: -250 0 С / + 500 0 С.

The technology of adding foam glass to concrete mortar when pouring the floor screed, feasting the construction of tape or slab foundations and others concrete structures, in which crushed stone or gravel aggregate is used - such aggregates can be replaced with foam glass, increasing the heat preservation parameters of the object.

Backfill insulation expanded clay

Expanded clay - the most famous (except for foam) due to its cheapness, bulk insulation. This heat insulator consists of granules of fired clay, into which they can be added before firing quartz sand to improve strength properties. The size of the grains is from grains of sand to large crushed stone. The density of expanded clay is 250-800 kg / m 3, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.10-0.18 W / m H / K.

Of the disadvantages inherent in this insulation, the most significant is the poor return of moisture when the material is moistened. Expanded clay is laid manually on horizontal surfaces, it is possible to create a solid protective surface for moving along the insulated ceiling or floor. When insulating pitched roofs expanded clay must be provided closed space where he will fall asleep. Chemical and biological passivity guarantees the complete safety of the insulation layer during the entire period of operation.

Advantages of expanded clay:

  1. Environmentally friendly insulation building material;
  2. Absolute incombustibility of granules;
  3. Non-toxic.

Vermiculite for thermal insulation of building surfaces

Vermiculite insulation is made from quarry mica. During the production process, the ore is crushed into grains of different sizes, which, when heated to 700 0 C, begin to evaporate moisture (as in the production of perlite) and swell, making the future insulation porous and light. The service life of vermiculite is unlimited, since during the production process no foreign substances, impurities and additives are added to the rock.


  1. Thermal conductivity coefficient of vermiculite: 0.048-0.06 W / m H / K;
  2. Density coefficient: 65-150 kg / m 3;
  3. The material is non-flammable and non-toxic;
  4. High vapor permeability;
  5. It is allowed to moisten the thermal insulation layer up to 15% without loss of thermal insulation characteristics.

Vermiculite thermal insulation material does not retain moisture in itself, therefore, at any degree of moisture, moisture is distributed throughout the entire volume of thermal insulation evenly and equally, and over time is removed from the thermal insulation cake at all, without deteriorating the properties and parameters of vermiculite during further operation. To increase the heat retention properties, vermiculite granules are added sawdust in a 1: 1 ratio.

Warming with sawdust

The thermal conductivity of sawdust or small sawdust is 0.07–0.08 W / m H / K, but sawdust is rarely used as a separate material for warming due to some negative points: wood quickly absorbs moisture, as a result of which rotting, the development of mold and fungal diseases. Therefore, sawdust is always added to other materials for thermal insulation of building surfaces: clay, expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite, etc. The above additives do not allow sawdust to twitch all these diseases and show their other negative properties.

After comparing the characteristics and properties of the main bulk heat insulators used in industrial and individual construction, the only correct conclusion suggests itself: clay and from various rocks are best used.

Installation and dismantling of traditional wall insulation with mineral wool, foam and other plates is a rather laborious process. In some cases, it is appropriate to use bulk insulation. It is much cheaper and more convenient with the same efficiency. There is a very diverse selection of such materials on the market.


A loose heat insulator is used not only for internal surfaces - it can be used to insulate a room outside as well. Walls, floor, roof - you can insulate all elements that structurally allow backfilling of the material.

Backfill insulation is cheap. Some of its types are just production waste (sawdust) or ready-made natural materials (sand).

The only drawback is hygroscopicity. Wet, it loses its properties.

Need to Special attention pay hydro and vapor barrier to its layers. However, the fear of moisture is characteristic to the same extent for all types of thermal insulation.

Material features

There are several types of bulk material for insulation. Each of them has its own properties. List of loose insulation:

  • expanded clay;
  • expanded polystyrene granules;
  • foam concrete crumb;
  • ecowool;
  • sawdust and sand;
  • boiler slag;
  • vermiculite.

The usual appearance of this material is round or oval granules. Granules or other form of material is porous and very light (some species can float on the surface of the water). Expanded clay is formed as a result of firing light-alloy clay. It is absolutely non-flammable, safe, environmentally friendly in its composition.

The material can be in three forms:

  • sand with a grain size of 0.14 to 5 mm. It is used as a filler for lightweight concrete and for floor insulation;
  • expanded crushed stone from expanded clay is granules with a fraction of 5–40 mm. The best way for thermal insulation of foundations and floors of residential premises;
  • expanded clay gravel. Rounded granules 5–40 mm with a melted surface, absolutely fire resistant. Inside, they have closed pores, which gives them excellent frost resistance. This gravel is recommended for insulation. attic floors: lightweight material, has low thermal conductivity.

The size of its fraction must be present in the marking of the material:

  • 5-10 mm - floors and roofs;
  • 10–20 mm - baths and saunas, able to keep the temperature and humidity in the room for some time;
  • more than 20 mm - for foundations and basements.

This is the most controversial bulk material. Very light, airy granules white... It is used as a backfill when insulating roofs and walls, it is also used as an additive in a mixture for insulating concrete.

The disadvantages are toxicity and flammability, but its properties are not yet fully understood. Instead, it is recommended to use granulated foam glass... Expanded polystyrene is cheap, convenient for insulation by means of well masonry.

It is a mica-based laminate. In the process of its manufacture, no chemical additives or impurities are used. It is an excellent option for insulating loggias, rooms. It is used as an energy-saving interior and exterior cladding for housing. For the floor and walls, a layer of at least 10 cm is recommended, for the roof - at least 5 cm. Backfilling with this material 5 cm thick reduces heat loss by 75%, 10 cm - 92%.

Material features:

  • high air permeability of the insulation - the material is porous - which allows the walls to "breathe", ideal for natural circulation, air renewal and provision of indoor microclimate;
  • environmentally friendly, without toxic substances;
  • non-combustible, fireproof, belongs to the flammability group G1;
  • fungi, mold, rodents, insects are not afraid of such isolation;
  • special skills or experience, special tools are not needed for filling it. The layer of material is simply filled up and compacted. Additional fasteners are not needed;
  • service life - more than 50 years.

For walls, a vermiculite backfill thickness of 10 cm is sufficient, for attics, roofs, floor slabs- 5 cm. When laying, it is advisable to use vapor barrier film- this additionally protects the insulation from moisture.

Sawdust and sand

This traditional materials to retain heat, which are used in attics and basements, have been used for more than one century. Disadvantages: poorly insulated from moisture, pests can start in them. Sawdust - combustible, susceptible to mold, mildew. It is still recommended to use more modern materials.

For insulation, not ordinary sand is used, but perlite. It is lightweight, less hygroscopic, and its characteristics resemble mineral wool. Due to its low bulk density, it does not create a load on the walls, does not expand them.

Ecowool or cellulose

The components of this insulation are ecowool (7%), shredded paper (81%), antiseptics (12%) and antipyrine (7%). The material is non-flammable and does not rot due to special impregnations. It has been used in the world for more than 80 years, in the CIS, it has been known over the past decade.

Boric acid is used as an antiseptic in this material, and borax is used as a fire retardant. These substances are environmentally friendly.

The material is quite practical: the fibers fill small voids well, therefore it is recommended for complex structures.

For backfill, there are the following recommendations. Firstly, bulk material settles over time, so it needs to be tamped well. It is advisable to use boiler slag and expanded clay in regions where temperatures do not drop below -20 ° C in winter. Insulation of pitched roofs with expanded clay and similar compounds is carried out outside, after laying the vapor barrier. Along the slope between the rafters, transverse stops are installed - they evenly distribute the insulation.

After laying on the floor or in the basement, it is well rammed to prevent shrinkage and deformation of the finish. The only problem is moisture ingress, bulk insulation is quite hygroscopic. In baths and saunas, and, incidentally, everywhere, the insulation layer must have high-quality hydro and vapor barrier. It is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks in the decoration, and bulk material does not wake up through them. It is also worth remembering that expanded clay is quite heavy. It is necessary to ensure that with its mass it does not burst too weak partitions or walls.

Backfill methods

The process of filling any insulation is the same: the material is filled in the cavity and rammed. It is recommended that the issue of insulation be resolved immediately when designing a house. If there are no internal cavities for filling insulation, layers are made using PVC panels or drywall.

A good option when the insulation is filled up between facing and ordinary bricks, between the internal and external masonry. There may be ribs inside so that it is well distributed. Thanks to free-flowing thermal insulation, the walls can not be made thick, which saves costs. There are ready-made concrete products on sale - slabs, inside which there are already cavities filled with expanded clay, they retain heat by 50% better than ordinary ones.


For the floor, such methods of insulation with bulk components are used. The first option is a backfill (or loose) insulation on the logs. On the floor, logs are made on posts, cranial bars are nailed, then the flooring is made of boards. A vapor barrier is placed on the flooring, expanded clay is poured. Further, if necessary, the next layer of thermal insulation, on it - a screed, a rough wood floor covering.

The second option is an embankment on top concrete slab... An option for low-quality housing - Khrushchev, for example - when it is possible to raise the floor level. The floor covering is removed, waterproofing is laid, expanded clay is poured on it with a layer of 5 - 10 cm. Then you can put a mesh for reinforcement, and on it is done rough screed- the basis of the finish flooring... A vapor barrier is laid on top of the expanded clay pillow, and another layer of insulation is placed on it.

Finally, the third option is dry expanded clay screed... A layer of expanded clay is poured, on it - a layer of gravel, then - another layer of expanded clay. The surface is leveled, gypsum-fibrous plates are laid on it, and on them - any finishing coating.

The heat in the house directly depends on many factors, including the thickness of the insulation. The thicker it is, the better your home will be protected from cold and freezing, and the less you will pay for heating.

Calculate the cost of 1m2 and 1m3 of insulation in a pack and you will see that it is profitable to insulate your house with ISOVER quartz-based mineral wool. The money saved can be spent on insulating your home with another layer of quartz-based mineral wool, thereby making your home warmer, improving its energy efficiency class and reducing heating bills.

In Russia, only ISOVER produces both basalt wool from rocks and natural insulation based on quartz for insulating private houses, summer cottages, apartments and other buildings. Therefore, we are ready to offer our own material for each design.

To understand the best way to insulate a house, you need to take into account several factors:
- Climatic features of the region in which the house is located.
- The type of structure to be insulated.
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Do you want the walls not to freeze and the warmth will always remain in the house? Pay attention to 2 key characteristics of wall insulation:



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How much insulation and how thick do you need for your home?
- How much does it cost and where is it more profitable to buy insulation?
- How much money will you save on heating monthly and annually thanks to insulation?
- How much warmer will your home be with ISOVER?
- How to improve the energy efficiency of structures?