The volume of the rectangle in liters calculator. How to calculate the volume in liters in size

Aquarium is a glass vessel filled with water in which fish and plants live. When an aquarium comes to an aquarium, a question arises to the owner of an apartment or office - how many liters in this aquarium?

The same question arises when you read the instructions for prophylactic and treatments. Therefore, a very interesting and ambiguous question - "How to calculate the volume of aquarium?".

Of course, you can calculate it pouring water from it with a liter can, but much easier to do this by the formula, and the measurement of banks can be left for small round aquariums.

Step-by-step instructions for calculating litter of your aquarium:

To begin with measuring the size of the measured aquarium, an example: the width of the aquarium is 100 cm, the depth from the front to the rear wall is 50 cm, and the height of the aquarium is 60 cm. That is, it turns out:

- 100 cm * 50 cm * 60 cm \u003d 300,000 cubic centimeters;

Now, to get the number of liters, multiply this value by 0.001:

- 300,000 cc. * 0.001 \u003d 300 liters;

As a rule, the height of the filling part of the aquarium is less in order to avoid water overflows and the consideration of the screeds of the aquarium, which are closed with a lid. With an altitude of aquarium, 60 cm, as a rule, scribes are glued down by 3-5 cm below and the height of the bulk part is the same. 5 cm to the screeds at a height of 60 cm is less than 10 percent: TOTAL: It turns out that the calculated volume of the measured aquarium of 300 liters is obtained. But this volume is literally calculated - and we need a real volume.

- 300 liters - 10% \u003d 270 liters approximately;

We take another couple more percent on the volume of glasses, since the aquarium was measured from the outside without taking into account the thickness of the glasses.

TOTAL: Water in the aquarium is approximately 260 liters.

In fact, after the room in the aquarium of the soil, scenery and fish - they will be supplanted with their weight some more water, but this is already not taken into account, because without registration and fish, the aquarium will not be aquarium.

And yet, in my opinion, the volume of the aquarium is not so significant if he delivers you true pleasure. If you need our help in any questions regarding the service of aquarium in Kiev, or on other issues, please contact us. Contact information for communication with us, you will find. Waiting for you!

In order to calculate the volume of the body or substance in liter You need to know its volume, expressed in other units of measurement. If the volume of the body is pre-unfamiliar, then it is allowed to calculate through the mass and density. Special methods and tools exist to measure mass and density.

You will need

  • calculator, Scales, Density Tables Substances


1. If the volume is specified in cubic decimamers (DM?), Then the volume in liter It is expressed in the same number. Consequently, easily change the unit of measuring DM? on liter (l) .Vl \u003d VDM? To transfer to liters of the volume specified in cubic meters (m?), multiply the specified numeric value per 1000.vl \u003d VM? * 1000To translate into liters volume given in cubic centimeters (see? ) either milli liter (ml), divide the specified numeric value per 1000.vl \u003d VCM? /1000\u003dVML/1000.Deb calculate the volume in liter if it is set in deck liter (for) or buckets, multiply the number of decaliters by 10: Vl \u003d VDL * 10

2. If the volume is specified in nonmetric units of measurement (national or domestic), use the following instructions: if the unit of measurement of the famous volume is the overseas gallon, then in order to calculate the volume in liter Multiply it by 3.7854. Like any units of volume: the Zaokan Quart - Multiply 0.9464; Zaokan Gallon - 3,7854; Zaochante Dry Barrel - 115,6270; Zaokan Bushel - 35,2391; Zaochante Liquid Barrel - 119,2400; Oil Barrel - 158 , 9873; Imperial Gallon - 4,5461; Imperial Quart - 1,1365; Imperial Pint - 0,5683; Imperial Once - 0.0284; Zaokanean Pinta - 0,4732; Zaocan Once - 0.0296; Imperial Bushel - 36, 3687; teaspoon - 0.005; tablespoon - 0.0148; mug - 1.23 (conditional); glass - 0.2; cubic inch - 0.0164; cubic foot - 28,3168.

3. If the volume of the body is either a liquid unfamiliar, then calculate it using the further formula: V \u003d M * P, where: V is the desired volume, m - body weight, fluid, or substance, P is its density. If the mass of the body is unfamiliar, then define it Weighing. Detected the density of the substance in the density tables. The value of the volume will be in liter If the mass is specified in grams (g), and the density is in grams per liter (g / l). In other cases, recalculate the volume in liters by using the above instructions.

When working with minor volumes, such a unit of measurement of volume, as a milliliter (ml), is often used. Millail is called a thousandth share of liters. That is, one thousand milliliters contain one liter. In order to transfer liters to milliliters, they will not even need a calculator - quite the simplest knowledge in mathematics.

You will need

  • - Pencil,
  • - Paper.


1. In order to transfer liters to milliliters, primitively multiply the number of liters per 1000. That is, apply the following primitive formula: KL \u003d CL X 1000, GDEKML - the number of milliliters, CL is the number of liters. So, let's say, in one teaspoon contains approximately 0.005 liters of fluid. Incidentally, the volume of a teaspoon, expressed in milliliters, will be: 0.005 x 1000 \u003d 5 (ml).

2. If the number of liters is an integer, then for the transfer of liters to milliliters, it is primitive to the number of liters to the right of three zero. Let us know, approximately 10 liters of water fit in one bucket. So, the volume of this water in milliliters will be: 10 x 1000 \u003d 10 000 (ml).

3. If the number of liters is specified in the form of a decimal fraction, then transfer the decimal point to three signs to the right. Let's say a kilogram of gasoline occupies approximately 1,316 liters. Incidentally, in milliliters kilograms of gasoline will have a volume of 1316 (ml).

4. If less than 3 digits are less than 3 digits, then add missing numbers with zeros. So, let's say, a 0.2 liter of fluid fits in one cup. In milliliters it will be - 200 (ml) (it is officially obtained 0200 ml, but the incognent zero is allowed to discard it).

5. If all the initial data of the tasks are specified in liters, and the result is required to present in milliliters, then all intermediate calculations are carried out in liters, and in milliliters are transferred only to the end of all calculations. Let's say if for the preparation of the paint of the required shade was mixed 1,325 liters of ferrous paint, 0.237 Litra red, 0.587 liters of green and 0.54 liters of blue, then to count the universal paint in milliliters, fold these numbers in liters, and multiply the result by 1000.1,325 + 0,237 + 0.587 + 0.54 \u003d 2,6892,689 x 1000 \u003d 2689 (ml).

The transfer of liters to milliliters is often used in calculations associated with the preparation of drugs and other energetic solutions. With such calculations, be attentive attentive - with the error of each one decimal, the result will change ten times.

Helpful advice
Note that the water density is 1000 g / l or 1 kg / l or 0.001 t / l. Incidentally, in order to calculate in liters, the behavior mass of water is easily: a mass in grams divide to 1000; multiply a mass in tons to 1000; take the volume of water in kilograms equal to volume in liters.

The number of boxes


Volume of one box (m 3):

Total volume (m 3):

Use the resulting
Result for
Application registration

d \u003d m see
h \u003d. m see

Number of pipes


The volume of one pipe (m 3):

Total volume (m 3):

Use the resulting
Result for
Application registration

How to calculate the size of the box?

You have a question about the deliveryAnd also there was a need to know how to calculate the volume of cargo, you need our help? How to calculate the volume of cargo we know, on this page you see a calculator that accurately performs calculations.

In general, for what purpose is the volume calculated?

The amount of calculation is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings when loading loaded boxes into the vehicle. The volume to calculate with the help of modern technologies today is easy, enough of your stay here.

What criteria do we use to count the volume of cargo?

Firstly, everyone knows - every detail is important in the delivery process, and it is important without mistakes to calculate the volume of cargo as a whole. Calculate the volume of cargo as has already been said to help our volume calculator, it will make it quickly and reliably!

Second - Calculator volumes, about his start on our site, is already mentioned above, as you can see, we care about our clients. Calculator volumes, that's what can make it easier to make it easier with the calculations, and completely kill your doubts.

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For example…

You are an entrepreneur who deals with transportation from China, and you constantly need a calculator calculator. Calculator calculating volumes You will quickly find on the pages of our site, and fulfill your calculations now.

Nowadays, entrepreneurship holds on the Chinese production of goods, and from where the need arose to calculate the volume? Calculate the volume is necessary in order to know the total cargo, and then choose the type of transport.

What is the calculation of volumes in delivery? And what role does he play?

Calculation of volume - This is how much, you have already understood a very important stage in the delivery, and you need to trust it in the reliable hands of professionals. Calculation of the volume of cargo should be done carefully, considering all the sizes, and translating them into cubic meters.

But unfortunately, not everyone cope with these calculations.

As early as school times, we studied how to calculate the volume of cargo in M3, but unfortunately do not remember this. How to calculate the volume of cargo in M3 - there are cases when this question arises first place, for example during delivery.

For this, this page and exists!

After all, this page is for both intended to help you in the calculation of delivery.

To perform the calculation of the volume of the box, do not try to do it yourself, just need to fill empty fields. The calculation of the box volume is automatically executed by our calculator if you doubt, check yourself.

For this, we remind you of the formula of volumes.

Calculation of cargo volume in cubic meters you need In order to submit the right application for its transportation. Calculation of the volume of cargo in cubic meters, i.e. knowledge of the volume will help to determine what type of delivery will be suitable for you.

And now we turn to the main, Talk about how to make calculations and what they need.

To begin with, we will understand ...

Calculate the volume of cargo is not always simple, as it seems, all this due to the fact that the boxes can be a varied form. Calculate the volume of cargo of the rectangular box, trifle, but the rest is hard, it is necessary to know the formulas.

To begin with, we define the form for this, first learn what they exist.

What form can have a box:

  • Rectangle;
  • Cylinder;
  • Truncated pyramid (very rare).

Then follow measurements

Before calculating the volume of the box to measure it, but remember, the more precisely the measurements are made, the easier you. "How to calculate the size of the box?" - What to do next: determine which form (cube or rectangle), sizes.

What gives us knowledge of volume?

Knowledge of the size of the box will not allow to allow misunderstandings when loading goods into any type of transport that can be. From the volume of the box there is practically nothing depends, rather, on the contrary, it all depends on the size of the goods itself.

And why? Everything is obvious here before purchasing a box, you need to find out the size of the cargo that you are going to transport across the border.

Well, you know the size of the cargo, now it remains to calculate its volume (to purchase the box).

soIn order to learn how to calculate the volume of cargo in the M3 formula will be required first of the same queue. How to calculate the volume of cargo in the m3 of the formula will help without a doubt about this matter, so it looks like V \u003d A * B * H, everything is very simple.

Especially she is already known to you.

We want to remind what ...

What would be easier for you to determine what type of transport to choose for delivery, you need to calculate the volume of cargo in m3. Calculate the volume of cargo in M3 is very simple, here you need to know the exact dimensions, which then need to multiply.

Units need to move in M3, otherwise it will not be possible to calculate delivery.

And what to do if the box shape is not rectangular, and rounded? After all, it is a big rarity, but still happens.

You can count the box or containers at the base of which there is a circle, and there is also a formula for this. The volume to calculate the box shape boxes allows the expression V * R2 * H, the dimensions must first be measured correctly.

Calculator volumes

We provide a calculator to you: the volume of goods in m3, with the help of it you can independently make calculations. Calculator cargo volume is located on the hiring site specifically for your convenience, and for the speed of calculations.

What is the calculator for calculating the volume of cargo?

We are with you business people and the lost time sometimes carries large cons. Want to get loads quickly and reliably? And at the same time, as soon as possible, learn prices for their transportation and delivery?

That's it here, the cargo volume calculator will help!

Our calculator volumes allows you to calculate the volume of cargo in M3, so the question of the size of the box will no longer arise. The calculator of the volume is simple and convenient in use, it will give results as the volume of the box so and the cargo.

So, using the volume calculator, you solve a few questions:

How to calculate the volume of cargo (or box)? Do not forget about the quantitative unit that you take into account.

Faced one of them or a similar? Our company is glad to offer for your convenience the volume in the meters of cubic boxes to calculate, with a convenient calculator.

And finally, let's remember mathematics!

What is the most common problem?

Many confused How to calculate the volume of flat figures and volumetric, so on, mistaken in the concepts, more accurately difficult to answer. How to calculate the volume do not need to know, enough that you will specify the sizes, the main thing is not forget that they are 3.

Having finished all the calculations, one more task remains.

And what do you need transport?

Recall, in delivery, besides how to calculate the cube there are still no less important things, such as the placement of goods. How to calculate the cube you know, so everything else is in your hands, now the choice of transport depends on you.

Tanks and tanks are used to transport and storing various types of fuel, oil, water and gas, some building materials, chemicals, and food products. Many do not know how to calculate the capacity of the tank, because they may have a different geometric shape:

  • Cone;
  • Cylinder;
  • Spheres;
  • Rectangular parallelepiped.

In our article, you will get acquainted with the nuances of the calculation for specific geometric bodies.

How to find out the volume of rectangular packaging

In the field of construction, all indicators of volume are shown to specific values. Calculations can be carried out in liters or DM 3 But most often cubic meters are used to determine the number of one material. How to calculate the cubature of the simplest rectangular capacities we describe further on a specific example.

To work, we will need a container, a construction roulette and a notebook with a handle or pencil for computation. From the course of geometry it is known that the volume of such bodies is calculated by multiplying the length, widths and heights of the product. The calculation formula comes down to the following

V \u003d A * B * C, where a, b and s - side of the container.

For example, the length of our product is 150 centimeters, the width is 80 centimeters, the height of 50 centimeters. For the correct calculation of the cubature, the specified values \u200b\u200bare translated into meters and carry out the necessary calculations V \u003d 1.5 * 0.8 * 0.5 \u003d 0.6 m3.

How to determine the volume of spherical

Spherical products are found in our life almost every day. It can be a bearing element, a soccer ball or a type of ballpoint pen. In some cases, we need to learn how to calculate the cube of the sphere to determine the amount of fluid in it.

According to experts, the formula is used to calculate the volume of this figure V \u003d 4 / 3ԉr3Where:

  • V - calculated the volume of the part;
  • R- radius of the sphere;
  • ԉ - a constant value that is equal to 3.14.

To carry out the necessary calculations, we need to take the roulette, fix the beginning of the measuring scale and measure the measurement, and the roulette tape should pass along the equator of the ball. After that, the diameter of the part will recognize, dividing the size by the number ԉ.

And now you will get acquainted with a specific example of calculating for the sphere, if its circumference is 2.5 meters. First, we define the diameter of 2.5 / 3.14 \u003d 0.8 meters. Now we substitute this value in the formula:

V \u003d (4 * 3,14 * 0.8³) / 3 \u003d 2,14m³

How to calculate the volume of the tank made in the form of a cylinder

Such geometric shapes are used for storing food, fuel transportation and other purposes. Many do not know how to calculate the volume of water, but the main nuances of this process we describe further in our article.

The height of the liquid in the cylindrical container is determined by the special device of the metr stitch. In this case, the tank capacity is calculated by special tables. Products with special measurement tables of volume in life are rare, so we will come up to solving the problem by another way and we describe how to calculate the volume of the cylinder according to the special formula - V \u003d S * L, where

  • V- The volume of the geometric body;
  • S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe product cross section in specific units of measurement (m³);
  • L is the length of the tank.

The indicator L can be measured with the help of the same roulette, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe cylinder cross section will have to be considered. The indicator S is calculated by the formula S \u003d 3.14 * D * D / 4, where D is the diameter of the cylinder circle.

And now you will get acquainted with a specific example. Suppose the length of our tank is 5 meters, its diameter is 2.8 meters. First, we calculate the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe geometric figure S \u003d 3.14 * 2.8 * 2.8 / 4 \u003d 6.15m. And now you can proceed to the calculation of the volume of the tank 6.15 * 5 \u003d 30.75 m³.

Often, people buy aquarium fish without thinking about what kind of reservoir is needed. With such a purchase, the calculation of the volume of the aquarium in liters is very important. Much depends on this characteristic: how many pets will live there, the volume of water, the amount of soil, etc. In fact, how to calculate the volume of the aquarium, knows every adult, you only need to remember the knowledge gained in school.

What are the calculations for?

It would seem that there is nothing easier to buy a fish house, all the necessary components and put the submarine inhabitants there. In fact, if the hostess of the fish did not calculate the correct tank litter, its pets can live in it for long.

  • to understand how much fish and plants will be optimal for a specific pet house;
  • determine the amount of soil and fertilizer;
  • even when calculating the dosage of medicines for pets, you need to know the aquarium data.

The fishing house should be cozy for its inhabitants, then there will be no problems with the health of pets.

How to calculate?

To understand how to find out the volume of aquarium, you need to resort to the queen of all sciences - mathematics. Calculations will help determine how many liters will be required to fill it, what to choose a heater and a water filter, which kinds of fish will be able to exist in it. The correct calculations are the key to the longevity of submarine residents.

To calculate the volume of the aquarium, it is worth preparation of special tools for measurements. The volume of the aquarium can be calculated using the calculator, roulette and pencil with a piece of paper. When you prepared everything you need, you need to follow the instructions and remember what was held at school:

  • calculate the volume of aquarium, which has a parallelogram form (this is a standard type of product) It is necessary measuring its length from the outside, depth and width;
  • these three values \u200b\u200bin the aquarium should be recorded on a piece of paper, they will be useful for further calculations;
  • the litter of the reservoir using the measured numbers is calculated by the formula: internal length × inner width × internal height;
  • the question remains how to calculate the internal values, for this you need to measure the wall of the reservoir, its thickness;
  • the resulting digit must be multiplied by 2, then from previously obtained external measurements, subtract it out, which will help get the internal numbers;
  • next, we substitute the values \u200b\u200bin the formula described above, and translates the obtained value into cubic liters (1 m 3 \u003d 1000 L) - this will be the volume of aquarium or litter.

There is an additional defined method for measuring the tank litter. It is a little simpler than the previous one. It is necessary to make calculations using the formula: (in × d × d) × 0, 001 (where the height in cm, d - length in cm, g-depth in cm). Thus, it turns out the right to deduct liters.