How to make an invisibility hat at home. Become invisible in real life step by step

How to become invisible? In this article, you will learn 2 effective and proven ways to help you "dissolve" in the crowd.

Have you ever wanted to dissolve, to make others stop noticing you?

These methods of "invisibility" are based on the so-called "alienation" effect. A person ceases to be noticed by other people. The highest point in the comprehension of these methods is the stage when everyone ceases to notice a person so much that he seems to be invisible to others. There are two options.

How to become invisible? Method one

By transforming one's own biofield, a person "merges" with the environment, becomes as familiar as, say, a table that is ignored.

This state can be achieved through concentration¹. Having mastered this skill, a person mentally connects himself with any object and, as it were, disappears from the field of view of others.

Of course, it is impossible to become invisible in the truest sense of the word, although science is working in this direction (you can learn more about technical developments to achieve the effect of invisibility by watching the video below this article).

The methods described in this article allow you to consciously "dissolve" in the surrounding space, as a result of which a person ceases to be noticeable.

How to become invisible? Method two

This option is actually "alienation". At the initial levels, this manifests itself when a person stands out from the crowd. He does not join the company, does not participate in conversations and does not show himself in any way. He seems to look like a "black sheep" among all other people.

Gradually, mentally dissolving in space, a person ceases to be noticed by other people. He observes what is happening as if he were looking at the world from a diver's helmet.

He who wants to become invisible does not interfere in anything, does not react to anything, and does not even move. He becomes an outside consciousness, an observer that cannot be influenced and, as it were, dissolves in space.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Concentration of attention - retention of information about an object in short-term memory. Such retention involves the selection of "object" as a concept from the general idea of ​​the world (Wikipedia). How to develop concentration of attention, will tell this

Becoming invisible in real life is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Similar aspirations can be found both in the developments of modern scientists and in ancient fairy tales of all peoples of the world. However, do not think that invisibility is science fiction or ancient tales - both of these approaches have the right to life.

Before answering the question “how to become invisible”, one should realize as accurately as possible what invisibility is and how it can be directly achieved. There are several ways to achieve the effect of invisibility, both in the aspect of official science and in the magical arts.

The first theoretical option for achieving invisibility is to increase the transparency of the human body. However, if it were possible, then the invisible person would have to be completely blind - because we see due to the projection of light onto the eye, and if the eye is transparent, the light will simply pass through it. This method of invisibility is almost completely fantastic, and it is almost impossible to achieve it by this method.

Another option is to distort the light so that it "bypasses" the object, actually hiding it from observers. This technology is used in modern military developments to create a real invisible fabric.

However, our ancestors had much more advanced items, apparently working on the same principle. See for yourself - in the legends and tales of most peoples of the world there are certain artifacts, various raincoats, hats, invisibility shirts that hid their wearers from the eyes of ill-wishers.

And, finally, the last version of invisibility is not entirely true "invisibility", but it can provide no less advantages. This is a complex of physical, spiritual and psychological training, which literally have the ability to "look away" from a person.

Such trainings are constantly held to this day in the special services of all countries of the world. In essence, this is the ability to be invisible, not due to physical invisibility, but to the peculiarities of behavior, gait and gaze.

How to become invisible with magic

Many magical arts can give you invisibility or invisibility. In fact, almost any discipline related to supernatural manifestations and subtle energy had at its disposal certain techniques and methods for achieving invisibility.

It can be a variety of complex rituals, exhausting long-term training of the body and spirit, or almost fantastic potions, as well as simple conspiracies and even Christian prayers.

At the same time, achieving physical invisibility will in any case be much more difficult than achieving a state of maximum invisibility. The effectiveness of 100% invisibility may even turn out to be lower - passers-by and other people will surely be attracted to an object or person that suddenly disappeared from their field of vision, footprints that suddenly appear, footstep sounds and other related problems.

At a time when a person is “in plain sight”, but behaves in the right way or hides his actions with the help of personal skills or magic, they simply do not pay attention to him, no matter what he does.

How to become invisible in the mirror, and is it possible

If you are interested in how to become invisible in the mirror, then answering this question is quite difficult. First of all, it should be noted that wonderful things happen to each of the people all the time, but only a few notice them.

At the same time, the human brain gets so used to the picture of the natural course of things that any event that goes beyond the permissible and ordinary tries to “paint over” and change it. This is especially true of his image in the mirror, which is the most familiar to humans.

Accordingly, it is unlikely that you will be able to become invisible in the mirror, especially if you are not sufficiently prepared. So, for example, you can simply lose concentration when looking in a mirror, or your imagination will simply make you really see yourself in the reflection.

In this case, the opposite psychological effect is possible. If a person has any mental disorders, or simply spends a lot of time in non-working, but exhausting training and in preparation for achieving invisibility, then at some point problems may begin.

So, a practitioner can really believe in his own invisibility to such an extent that his brain will draw a picture of the fact that no one is reflected in the mirror, although in fact everyone will see him as usual.

More effective invisibility checks would be visits to public places, supposedly random meetings with acquaintances and observation of their reactions, as well as video recording. Keep in mind that if you just disguise yourself and practice stealth, with a detailed frame-by-frame analysis of the video, you will sooner or later be discovered.

Cap of Invisibility and similar artifacts

Despite the fact that many consider the existence of a fairy-tale hat or other objects that grant invisibility to be fiction, since such things exist in the legends of all the peoples of the world, we can say that they really exist and really work, despite their rarity.

So, one of the classics of modern magic, Papus, reports that the bone of a black cat is an artifact that looks like an invisibility cap. At the same time, the cat must be really completely black - this also applies to the color of the cat's skin, and the pads of its paws, and the color of the nose.

The presence in the wool of at least one hair with a color other than black does not make it possible to use a bone as such an artifact. At the same time, it can be any of the bones of this animal, but only one. To check the action, you should put each of the bones on your head in turn, and then check the effect.

The bone should be on your head. In general, it is possible that the legends about the invisibility cap are due to this magical property of the cat - just people who know the secret of invisibility did not want to reveal it to outsiders and pretended that the whole thing was in the cap, which actually contained a cat bone.

However, a number of references to the properties of clothing that grants invisibility cast doubt on this assumption. So, many nations mention an invisibility cloak and even invisibility boots, which means that the bone on the head is not used in this case.

Potions for invisibility

Alchemy is now one of the least popular magical disciplines, and most of its secrets are lost forever. Not least of all, this is due to the great complexity of creating potions and elixirs, as well as the extremely precise requirements for ingredients and equipment.

At the same time, even the slightest mistake can make a terrible poison out of a magic potion and lead to the death of the alchemist himself.

But there are some simple recipes for potions, which, of course, will not give you one hundred percent invisibility, but can make you extremely invisible to others, affecting your aura and energy field.

For the first potion, you will need to pour a glass of water into the cauldron, then add a dozen drops of pure rosemary oil there and put the mixture on fire. As soon as the water boils, one crushed and dried burdock root is poured into it. After that, stir the potion seven times clockwise and remove from heat.

Then you need to add the skin from the soaked dry peas, top the grains themselves and add them to the broth along with nine whole grains of rice. Once you have completed these procedures, return the potion to the fire and time exactly ten minutes. After that, the broth is ready for use!

Another option involves the use of luminescent toadstool and fennel inflorescences, however, due to the increased toxicity of the composition, it is highly not recommended to use this recipe. In addition, the additional ingredients and the precise instructions for preparation and quantities are lost.

But on the other hand, this decoction, according to the surviving information, is really capable of changing the physical refractive index of light in the human body, bringing it almost to a negative value.

Stealth training

Similar techniques, as mentioned above, are still used everywhere by scouts, spies and saboteurs. Their essence lies simultaneously in the fact that a person trains his body and gains experience of how to look invisible among people and how to behave correctly, as well as how to think correctly during this process and control his energy structure.

A good argument in favor of this technique would be a simple comparison - tell me, how often do you really remember the faces of people without a fixed place of residence, or foreigners with whom you do not know?

The fact that such people are extremely poorly distinguishable at first glance, they owe a different mentality that is not inherent in a simple person. In fact, their auras have a different energy, and therefore they do not attract their attention due to the lack of any contact with your energy.

At the same time, techniques for stopping the internal dialogue, meditation and relaxation are extremely helpful in this process. If you achieve a state where you have no thoughts in your head, this will certainly be reflected in your energy field at the moment, making you a “stranger” for other people. They subconsciously will not pay attention to you and remember you.

You should also take care that your appearance is as simple and ordinary as possible, as well as behavior. Bright, flashy outfits, unusual hairstyles can in this case work only in the company of people like you. Among ordinary people, you will stand out too much and attract attention.

With the right approach, you can achieve noticeable results in just a few weeks of practice. And long-term training can work wonders. So, for example, you can approach your close friend on the street, ask him something, and he will not even notice and will not remember that he met with you.

In general, this method is ideal for those who want to achieve good results without the possibility of causing irreversible mental or even physical harm to themselves and others. In addition, stopping the internal dialogue and meditation is useful for all other spiritual practices. About how important the moral and psychological aspect is in matters of achieving invisibility, we will discuss further.

Problems and consequences of invisibility

For the first time, Herbert Wells was concerned with the problem of the moral aspect of invisibility in modern literature in his imperishable work The Invisible Man. It clearly shows how a brilliant scientist turned into a real monster, having gained access to such powerful knowledge and state. And, in fact, it has always been so.

H. G. Wells

It is very rare to imagine a case where invisibility may be required for good purposes, but at the same time, any criminal and just an evil person dreams of such a power.

At the same time, if you dig deeper, it becomes clear that even our ancestors spoke about this. If you look at the same notorious invisibility hat and its appearance in legends, it looked like an ordinary hat, but as soon as it was put on backwards, the person wearing it became invisible.

This emphasizes the unnaturalness and irregularity of invisibility, as well as the fact that, in a good way, it should not be. A similar problem of invisibility in world creativity is revealed in The Lord of the Rings. Despite the fact that the ring of omnipotence gives its owner invisibility, it corrupts him and slowly kills him, inclining him to the side of evil.

That is why very meager magical knowledge of invisibility has survived to this day. Almost any person who reached their realization either became a victim of their own research and died, greedily keeping these skills to themselves, or destroyed all the evidence of their discovery just so that such dangerous knowledge did not fall into evil hands.

Now you have learned a lot about how to become invisible. We hope that you will be able to properly use the knowledge of invisibility and will not abuse this ability. Remember that many of the above methods can be dangerous both for you and for others.

Many people think about how to become invisible. I want to hide from prying eyes, to be alone, or vice versa to come to the people and feel an unprecedented strength in myself: you see everyone, but no one is you. Who did not want to become invisible in order to come to their friends, classmates and just acquaintances and listen to what they are saying about you. If you really like any boy or girl, then the desire to make an invisible hat or just learn to be invisible increases several times. I want to know what the person you like is doing and thinking about you. Maybe you just want to play pranks at the same school, laugh at how the teacher and students with their mouths open look at the classroom magazine moving in the air. They don't know you're on top of it.

There are several ways to become invisible, but they are all costly. You will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient.

How to become invisible at home?

  1. A long way that can help you become invisible. You need to go to university after school, preferably in a department related to physics. When you get the necessary knowledge, you can conduct your own research, do experiments, experiment. Scientists around the world have long been struggling with the mystery of invisibility. Some even managed to become invisible, but at a certain angle, i.e. the front of a person is invisible, but his sides are visible - this is the maximum that scientists have achieved to date. Perhaps you can do more.
  2. An easy way to become invisible in 1 second. There's no need for an invisibility cap here. Imagine that no one sees you. Maybe you already have that ability. Just try!
  3. visualization method. Here you will need more time. Imagine that you have become invisible in every detail. Think about where you would go in a similar state, what would you do. You can write all the details on a piece of paper or draw.

How to make an invisibility hat at home?

In all fairy tales and stories, a person becomes invisible when he puts on an invisibility cap. You can try to make it at home.

  1. Buy a new hat. It is better to have it given to you, but if there is no other alternative, then buy it yourself. You must love the hat. You can try to sew an invisibility hat yourself.
  2. When you sew, imagine, visualize that soon you will become invisible.
  3. Put on a cap of invisibility and wait for the result. Maybe you can become invisible.

ways, how to become invisible have not been verified by us. However, miracles happen, and maybe you can too.

We become invisible in real life in stages. There are situations in this life when a person wants to remain unnoticed. Often only the heroes of fairy tales and films get such an opportunity. However, there are many stories in which people tell how they themselves became invisible for a while or felt the presence of an invisible person next to them.

Let's see if it is possible to become invisible in real life.

History and theories

Some books mention that the peoples of South and North America, some yogis, Australian aborigines and members of the Rosicrucian order (a society of scientists, philosophers and mystics founded in medieval Europe), practiced through the regulation of their consciousness and some psychological training the so-called "controlled invisibility" .

Also, physicists from Britain worked on the issue of invisibility. They tried to explain this phenomenon by means of a "holographic quantum model of reality perception". Edgar Mitchell, one of the authors of this model, stated that human mental activity is of a quantum nature, and the perception of surrounding objects is a two-way process. When a person observes any object, his consciousness enters into “resonance” with this object. The result is the recognition of the proportions, shapes and density of the object. If there is no "resonance", the brain cannot identify this object, even if the person being tested sees it with his eyes.

Theoretical studies by British scientists have also shown that a "cloud" consisting of free electrons can absorb light rays. A person or object located in such a cloud can become invisible, because the rays of light will not be reflected from it and will not be refracted. However, today it is impossible to create such a cloud.

"Invisibility" can currently be created thanks to various technical means that provide disguise. These are all sorts of electronic tricks, special materials and a combination of both together.

Book practice

Another option for achieving invisibility is psychological training. A certain Eric Dege wrote a book that teaches this to anyone. He divided the entire learning process into three stages, each of which requires an impressive amount of time allotted for training.

First step

The first stage includes the following steps:

  • A person needs to sit in a comfortable place where there are no external stimuli and close their eyes.
  • You need to try to feel the body invisible to others. You can also imagine your immersion in events from the past, while positioning yourself invisible. Now you need to imagine future events in which you need to feel invisible.
  • After five minutes, you need to focus on any one part of your body, for example, on the fingers. The eyes must be kept closed. Imagine that the fingers become transparent, with time you will be able to see what is behind them.
  • When you can imagine the fingers completely transparent, you need to try to fix this situation for as long as possible. Your thoughts may go astray and there is a possibility of an uncomfortable state. Do not be upset if this happens - take a break and try again. At first, representing the body part invisible will be difficult and the duration will be several seconds. You need to practice until you can keep this state for more than five minutes. It all depends on the individual, some weeks are enough for some, and some do not even fit in a few months.

Second phase

The second stage of training should begin after you have learned to hold the state of finger transparency in your imagination for five minutes. A small feature: it is recommended to perform the following exercises on an empty stomach.

  • It will not be superfluous to consolidate the material learned from previous actions. That is, you need to imagine your fingers invisible for as long as possible. Perhaps this exercise can be improved by trying to extend the imaginary invisibility from the fingers to the rest of the body. Try to involve the whole body in this process.
  • If you do everything right, you will be able to imagine yourself completely invisible within about five minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise should be about 15 times a day, three weeks in a row. All thoughts should be focused only on the implementation of these exercises. If someone interrupts you, the exercise must be started from the very beginning.

Third stage

When 3-4 weeks of diligent and diligent training are over, you will be able to fix your perception on thoughts about the invisibility of the body. This will mean that the time has come to move on to the third stage.

  • To complete the exercise, you need to find a close friend or relative. The person should treat you with understanding and be tactful and polite. You must trust this person completely.
  • When such a person is found, ask him to be with you, but at the same time, do not interfere in any way. That is, a person should behave as quietly as possible. His task will be to record those moments in time when it seems to him that his ability to see you is changing.

Thus, we found out that with due perseverance, there is a chance to become invisible at least to the people around. Since the technique described above will not be able to teach you how to hide, for example, from video cameras.

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It was a regular business meeting, after which we decided to take a picture. First I photographed one, and then the second person from the same place, without changing the camera settings. When viewing the quality of the resulting image, it was found that the frame of the image of the first "photographer" had a lighter contrast compared to the frame of the second "photographer". With repeated (control) photography, the same thing happened. Subsequent studies showed that the reason for this riddle was the presence of an additional protective shell (shirt) around the first "photographer" around his aura, which the second "photographer" did not have. It turns out that this additional layer was a kind of filter on the path of the light stream, giving a lighter contrast to the photo frames.

Few people have an additional single layer around their aura, but even fewer of them have two such layers. The presence of such layers also leads to an increase in the protective field of a person horizontally and vertically.

Indian yogis can create extra layers through years of practice and spiritual development. These shells help magicians quickly master levitation, walking on water as if on dry land, while protecting themselves from arrows and bullets. Some Tibetan lamas have the ability to sort of dissolve before people's eyes, becoming invisible, forming around themselves a multi-layered invisible screen (16–30 layers). During this period, the lama receives additional energy supply from and to the legs and head. During the transition of the lama to the state of invisibility, intermediate and multi-layer shell-screens are formed around his aura. These special shells interact with the physical body in the zones: the parietal part of the head, in front of the upper and lower abdomen.

It is possible that these screens are formed due to the rapid compaction around the aura of a part of the standing waves of the protective field (SWOP). See fig. It is known that SWOPs either approach or move away from a person (or a tree) depending on the time of day or extreme situations. So, during a solar eclipse, the SWOPs were significantly shifted towards the person (as well as towards the tree). The question arises, is it possible to manage the SWAP? It is possible that llamas have the ability to create a multi-layered energy shell around themselves in extreme conditions, which is capable of making invisible not only a person, but also other material bodies.

Well-known explorers-travelers of Southeast Asia reported that there are separate spiritual centers (monasteries, oases...) in and around the snowy mountains, but remain invisible from above, from airplanes and satellites, being covered with a multi-layered energy dome. Such energy dome protection was also used in Europe. Before the Second World War, in East Prussia, not far from the city of Kentschin (formerly the city of Rastenburg), the Wolfschanze headquarters was built with large buildings, railway lines, an airfield, a power plant, etc. Until the end of the war, the intelligence of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition did not know about this rate. It is believed that with the help of Tibetan monks, a multi-layered energy dome was formed over the headquarters area, which did not allow the buildings to be seen from aircraft. During the retreat, the Germans destroyed this defense. The headquarters buildings were built according to the plan of one of the Tibetan monasteries.
Known UFOs also have similar protection, which disappear, as if dissolving, in front of people, which has been repeatedly written about in the media.

In fairy tales and different peoples of the world, there are sometimes mentions of heroes turning invisible through a magic ring and in other ways. Kabbalists of ancient times even left a description of the method of making a magic ring, with the help of which a certain Hugens ascended the Lydian throne. In the occult literature of past times (Porfiry Iamblich, Peter the Athos, Agrippa, Papus, etc.) there are also descriptions of various magic rings and devices made of metal, herbs, animal hair, etc. All these devices are based on the ancient knowledge of subtle energy fields and ways to control them to obtain an additional multi-layered shell - a screen - around a person's aura.