Floor on the ground on a strip foundation. Concrete floor on the ground manufacturing technology How to properly fill the floor on a strip foundation

And you lay the floors directly on the ground - you cannot avoid negative consequences. The floor must be raised off the ground. Since the beginning of the 60s of the twentieth century, houses have been common in which the floor was laid directly on the ground. Due to this, moisture, bad smell and mold began to appear in many homes.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, principles were developed according to which it was recommended to build houses:

Set up houses only on suitable soils

Before proceeding with the elimination of shortcomings and shortcomings, it is necessary to identify their cause. Here are some tips:

Insufficient cut-off of capillary moisture is very difficult to eliminate. This is due to the fact that the insulating material is not accessible, as it is under the slab. You need to put it deeper drainage pipes and see how well they perform.

The next method of protection is as follows - you need to remove all the flooring, then lay synthetic material with an air layer on concrete. Then lay the flooring again, either removed or new. Thus through air layer moisture is removed. Skirting boards also need to be ventilated, this can be done with gaskets.

Clinker tiles are an excellent material for the floor, as they allow moisture to pass through from below.

Install underfloor heating if possible

Improve ventilation in the house

Budget option floors strip foundation is a ground floor technology. This design solves the main problems - inadequate underground ventilation, high heat losses, and the release of harmful radon gas. Concrete is four times the resource wooden beams ceilings, has no restrictions on facing materials / floor coverings. Underfloor heating circuits are easily integrated into it, reducing the energy consumption of heating systems.

Advantages of the floor on the ground

Incorrect plate name floors due to the external similarity of these structures. In fact, the screed is floating, separated from the foundation by a damper tape. This eliminates the opening of cracks in wall junctions from internal stresses. The advantages of the design are:

The significant advantage of this floors is the lack of load on the power frame of the dwelling. It is not connected to the walls, it has its own support on inert backfill materials, allowing to reduce bearing capacity foundation.

Manufacturing technology

For creating floors it is necessary to fill the underground with non-metallic material (budget sand), shed each layer or compact it with a vibrating plate. After that, it is enough to make a screed by laying two reinforcing mesh providing a protective layer of concrete. Less commonly, the slab is connected by a reinforcing cage with a foundation tape (only on rocky, gravelly soils). Waterproofing is carried out with a polyethylene film, membrane, hydrostekloizol.


Most developers are sure that only water supply and sewerage are introduced into the cottage. After that, problems arise - it is necessary to run an electric cable, a ground wire, a gas line. If you provide for the presence of sleeves for each engineering system before backfilling, you will not have to open the screed when finishing the premises. Grounding under the stove floors is made as follows:

The water pipeline (usually a polyethylene pipe) runs in a corrugation (depth 1 - 1.5 m), the vertical part of the line is insulated with polystyrene shells. The drainage system is usually not insulated - drains always have a positive temperature, as they leave the heated building. A slope of 3 - 7 degrees is a prerequisite for gravity; without it, forced sewage pumps will have to be installed.

Electricity is introduced at a depth of 0.5 - 0.7 m, thermal insulation is not required. The gas line usually passes through the air, is introduced through the walls of the first floor. To protect against electric shock, a signal tape (red) is laid over the electric cable, which excludes cutting it with shovels and crowbars.


Rules SP 31-105 prescribe a minimum sand layer of 10 cm. However, with a significant height of the base part of the tape, it is not advisable to fill the internal cavities with earth, then with sand. The presence of organic matter guarantees subsidence after 3-5 years of operation, even with high-quality ramming. Therefore, developers often use sand, since this material is inexpensive. Experts recommend a large river product with a minimum percentage of clay to increase strength overlap.

The most difficult case is hydrostatic pressure (high GWL). Double film waterproofing is recommended under the footing, on top of it. In addition, the film layer reduces the adhesion of the slab/footing while maintaining its floating properties. Recommended characteristics of the cake:

  • film 15 microns minimum
  • footing 5 cm (mixture grade B7.5)
  • polyethylene 15 microns
  • slab 5 cm (concrete B15 - B22.5)

In SP 29.13330, the minimum screed thickness is limited to 12 cm, regardless of operational loads. The required layer of non-metallic material is usually obtained by default.

The sand is compacted in layers (10 cm) or wetted abundantly before laying. Spilling it with water is not recommended - you can wash out the lower dusty soils. Crushed stone is relevant at high GWL, since when wet, the sand loses its bearing capacity and turns into a shapeless mass.

Manual ramming to the state of "no footprint" takes several days, with a vibrating plate - several hours. It can be assembled with your own hands from any obsolete equipment (you only need an engine). The plate is made from a massive billet, an eccentric is attached to the shaft.


The floor pie on the ground is multi-layered; first, a footing (5 cm) is poured, which solves the following tasks:

  • protection of the waterproofing layer (relevant for crushed stone bedding)
  • reduction of the protective layer of concrete slab (up to 2 cm)
  • surface leveling

It is not necessary to reinforce the screed, the edges of the lower waterproofing carpet are launched onto the walls. The damper layer is created in several ways:

For floors, connected with the MZLF tape, two reinforcing meshes are required. For a floating slab, one mesh of 6 mm rods or wire is sufficient (if the spans are small). Recommended cell 20 x 20 - 30 x 30 cm, U-shaped clamps for tying belts at the ends are not required.

Insulation over the entire surface is necessary exclusively for unheated premises (seasonal, periodic operation of a country house). Any foil waterproofing material reliably protects from radon. In addition, aluminum foil prevents heat loss. The concreting sequence looks like:

  • overlap associated with MZLF - two-layer reinforcement with bars of 12 mm of a periodic profile, welded meshes (10 mm, cell 20 x 20 cm) in accordance with SP 52-101
  • floating screed - single layer steel mesh reinforcement, two layers of glass mesh on either side of it

In any case, the reinforcement is displaced downwards, since tensile forces occur near the sole. Unlike the foundation, expanded clay concrete is allowed (class B12.5). British regulations are stricter for low-rise construction:

  • thickness of the slab (floating) 15 cm minimum, but there is no footing, lower protective layer increases (5 cm minimum)
  • 6 cm heat insulator (only XPS high-density grades)
  • top screed (usually with TP contour) 7.5 cm minimum, cut off from walls by 2 cm with an extruder layer

A similar scheme of the floor on the ground was called the "Finnish plate", although it has nothing to do with foundations. Domestic technologies involve laying insulation exclusively under the contour of a warm floor. Here it allows you to keep warm, not to heat the entire thickness of concrete in vain. By default, the geothermal heat of the bowels is stored by the very sole of the building, lateral freezing is excluded by warming the blind area.

Radon protection

According to the regulations of MGSN 2.02, radon protection is required in residential buildings. Similar instructions are present in SP 31-105 (single-family house), SP (sanitary standards), SP 50-101 (foundations). Concrete screed floors together with a waterproofing layer (membrane, polyethylene film) partially solve the problem. Premises need natural or forced ventilation.

Communications enter through a floating plate, so the input nodes must be sealed with mortar, sealant, and caulking. The sleeves are cut off from the pipelines with damper tapes, embedded in concrete during pouring. Nodes of rigid mates of the foundation, floors are isolated special formulations(impregnation).

The use of penetrating agents solves the problem in a complex way. Concrete acquires water-repellent properties, joints do not let gases into the living space. It is much more difficult to isolate the overlap along the beams due to the numerous pairings of lumber.

Thus, the technology is considered in detail floors strip foundation floor on the ground. This is the most economical option for a private developer, able to protect against harmful radiation. Built-in underfloor heating is guaranteed to reduce energy consumption (usually gas) heating systems. The number of heating registers will be reduced, and the layout of the premises will be improved.

The strip foundation has become popular for the construction of low-rise buildings due to the simple technology and low cost of work. He is closed loop from reinforced concrete, which is located along the perimeter of the bearing walls.

But if you decide to make a concrete floor in the house, you will be faced with a choice of how to arrange it: pour the concrete floor on the ground or make strip foundation slabs self-supporting structures.

Panel ceilings

To save money on internal backfill, many use prestressed slabs with round voids for floors. This is the best option in terms of price / quality ratio, but if you put them on a strip foundation and tightly clog the space inside, then over time moisture from the soil will accumulate there.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide in this case through ventilation. To do this, the foundation should protrude above the ground to a height of 40-50 centimeters so that in winter the snow does not cover ventilation holes.

The photo shows an example of ceilings after 6 years, made using this technology without ventilation. As you can see, rust from the reinforcement is visible at the junction with the foundation, since this is the most vulnerable part of the slab.

It should be borne in mind that more often the base is at a much lower height, and you will not be able to make ventilation holes, or they will be closed in winter.

Ground floor

If a basement is not planned in the house, then a more reliable, but expensive option would be to make a floor on the ground. Roughly speaking, a monolithic slab will be poured into the foundation. In this case, the floor in the house will be durable and it will be possible to make heating.

It is important to make sure that the strip foundation or slab is not rigidly connected to each other. Otherwise, over time, one of the bases will shrink, cracks and height differences will appear.

It can be implemented using the following technology:

  • and sprinkled outside and inside to the same level.

Internal backfilling of the soil must be done in layers of 20-30 cm.
Only such a thickness will make it possible to compact the layer well with the help of a tamper of 100-150 kg.

  • To compact the soil, it is necessary to apply a layer of crushed stone with a fraction of 40-60 mm on top of it. If there is a high load in the room, then you need to use fine gravel with a fraction of 10-20 mm. Be sure to then walk with a rammer on it so that the lower layer of rubble enters the ground.

  • The next layer will be concrete preparation. It is needed as a basis for hydro-vapor barrier. If you put it directly on the rubble, then during the work the builders will damage its tightness.
  • The vapor barrier must be laid with an overlap on the walls. If you do not make this layer, then moisture from the soil will enter the structure of the finished floor and condense there.
  • Next fit. Extruded polystyrene foam is well suited for this, due to its low water absorption, high durability and compressive strength.

To protect against the penetration of cold from the ends, you need to fix the insulation with an overlap on the walls.
It will serve as a damper for the screed.

  • The floor screed is made with reinforcement with a welding mesh 100 * 100 with a section of 3 mm. If the screed is made in a highly loaded room, for example, in a garage, then the mesh should be 50 * 50 with a section of 4 mm, and the thickness of the screed should be at least 10 cm.
  • The last step will be finishing the floor. It can be any material: tiles, porcelain stoneware, laminate, linoleum, etc.

To better understand this technology, we recommend watching the video in this article.

Is it possible to save

Such a strip foundation with a slab inside will be expensive, but following this technology, you will provide your home with high durability and reliability.

How can you save on construction?

First of all, you can replace the vapor barrier with a conventional plastic film. But be sure to lay it in two layers. However, it should be borne in mind that polyethylene is a rather delicate material, and it is easy to damage it during construction work.

If your backfill layer is less than 20 centimeters, you can compact the soil with clay. So the probability of tearing the film on rubble during installation will disappear.

It should be borne in mind that polyethylene will not give good vapor barrier, and moisture will still penetrate inside.

Popular Mistakes

The most common mistake is the violation of the order of the plate cake or the use of other materials. Many simply do not understand the purpose of each layer.

For example, if you first lay a layer of geotextile, and then a layer of rubble, such a layer will not be of any use. Geotextiles will not allow the soil to be well compacted with crushed stone due to its density, while it will not provide vapor and waterproofing.

It is also impossible to use expanded clay in this case as a filler to increase the level. It has high water absorption, and when you fill it with concrete screed, it will absorb moisture, and the concrete will dry much longer. For the same reason, it cannot be used as a heater. There are much more effective materials that do not absorb moisture.


Thus, you can make a reliable concrete floor in your house with your own hands, which will rest on the ground. For this, a low foundation 20-30 cm above the ground will be sufficient. This is especially true if ready-made low FL strip foundation slabs are used.

is the basic type of foundation, one of the most proven and deeply studied types of support structures.

The history of the construction of the tape goes back many centuries, so the statistics and design features have been worked out as tightly and in detail as possible.

The strip foundation is harmoniously combined with nodes of other types of foundation or with structural elements of the building itself, allowing them to be implemented in various ways.

One such option is flooring on the ground, a simple solution that does not require long work and does not load the walls.

The technique is quite widespread and deserves a detailed description.

Floors on the ground is a technology for creating a subfloor based directly on the underlying soil layers. This technique is available in the absence of a basement or basement. It is simple and economical, it is used mainly in auxiliary and outbuildings - garages, storage facilities, bathhouses, etc.

For residential buildings, this technology is used less frequently, as it requires high-quality, and ideally, the installation of a "warm floor" system.

It should be borne in mind that the flooring technique on the ground is only suitable for traditional types strip base and is not suitable for combined types of support structures, such as pile-tape, etc.

There are different types of rough floors on the ground:

  • Concrete screed supported by load-bearing walls.
  • Concrete screed supported by a layer of soil backfill and which is a supporting platform for walls.
  • Boardwalk on logs.
  • Dry screed with floating floor, etc.

Various design options require their own methods and composition of the floor cake on the ground. Flood directly on the backfill layer is impossible, it is necessary to create appropriate preparatory layers that provide rigidity, resistance to loads and thermal insulation.

Wooden decking is easier to install, but also requires some serious preparatory work.

Pros and cons

The advantages of floors on the ground should include:

  • Simplicity and economy of creation.
  • Ability to withstand high loads.
  • No or low wall loads.
  • Durability, high maintainability.
  • Ability to be combined with any type of finishing coating.
  • Possibility of installation of system of a heat-insulated floor.

There is also a disadvantage and:

  • The need for high-quality insulation.
  • The impossibility of the device if the backfill layer is too thick (more than 0.6-1 m).
  • Dependence on the hydrogeological conditions in the region, the impossibility of developing in floodplain areas or in regions with an unstable level ground water.
  • The need for a competent approach in construction.

All qualities of flooring on the ground are sufficiently well researched, which allows us to rely on technology and carry out work in strict accordance with its requirements.

What is the device (by layers)

For wooden subfloors, creating a complex cake is not necessary. A mandatory layer of sand backfill is sufficient, on top of which geotextiles are laid, insulation is laid or poured. The composition of the cake for a concrete floor on the ground is more complicated.

The following layers are usually created:

  • Sand filling.
  • A reinforcing mesh made of metal or fiberglass is laid.
  • Rough layer concrete screed 10 cm thick.
  • waterproofing layer.
  • Insulation (expanded clay, polystyrene or, better, specialized foam).
  • Additional layer of waterproofing.
  • Clean concrete screed.

The last layer is also recommended to be reinforced to eliminate the possibility of cracking during drying. If necessary, it can be filled with pipelines of a water-heated floor in order to obtain an effective and economical system home heating.

What you need to know before building

Before proceeding with the construction of the floor on the ground, it is necessary to obtain enough full information on the composition of soil layers on the site, groundwater and the size of seasonal fluctuations in their level.

This data will decide whether it is possible to create floors on the ground with a sufficient degree of safety for the building and its inhabitants. It is recommended to create a high-quality drainage system that can ensure the removal of soil moisture in the event of an increase in its level.

Then you should decide on the thickness of the preparatory layers of the backfill. This issue is of particular importance, since they must be carefully compacted. The thicker the layer, the more difficult it is to achieve sufficient compaction.

At the same time, it is impossible in practice to achieve the natural density of compaction of the backfill layer. The preparatory layer will certainly give some shrinkage, the value of which will be directly proportional to its thickness.

A layer of footing (rough screed) is recommended to be poured onto a geotextile sheet. This will keep water in the array and ensure normal crystallization of the material. If poured directly onto the preparation layer, moisture from the concrete will be absorbed into it and disrupt the curing process, which will weaken the screed as a result.

When pouring all concrete layers, it is necessary to fully comply with the time required for the material to crystallize and gain technological strength. Otherwise, there is a risk of deformation or destruction of the underlying layers, the occurrence of defects in the geometry of the floor pie and the loss of overall strength.

Before starting work, you must make sure that all communications passing under the floor level have been entered. After creating a floor pie on the ground, the implementation of the input of communications will be difficult and will require more complex methods for resolving the issue.

Construction technologies on a strip foundation

Creating floors on the ground has several ways, involving the use different methods and materials. All of them have own virtues and shortcomings, have sufficient efficiency and bearing capacity.

The choice of methodology is made on the basis of a comparison of the features of the technology and the conditions that exist in reality. In addition, the possibilities and preferences of the owner of the house are an important factor.

Consider the procedure for creating different technological options:

Concrete screed

Creating a concrete screed is the most time-consuming and time-consuming process that requires the use of "wet" solutions.

This feature must be taken into account in advance, since the specifics of the materials will require the presence of certain conditions:

  • The air temperature is not lower than + 5 ° (optimally - room temperature).
  • No exposure to the scorching rays of the sun. In the absence of a roof, a mesh or canopy can be used for protection.
  • Site prepared for work.

Work order:

  • Creating a sand cushion layer. It is poured up to 0.6 m of sand (optimally - about 20 cm). The layer is carefully compacted to a state of maximum density. As a guide, it is necessary to achieve density as on a country road.
  • The next layer is backfilling with rubble. The thickness of the layer is the same as that of the previous sand layer - about 20 cm. Ramming allows not only to increase the strength of the crushed stone layer, but also makes it possible to additionally compact the sand layer.
  • Laying geotextile fabric. Strips of material overlap about 15 cm with an overlap on the walls of the foundation tape.
  • Along the perimeter of the room on the tape at damping tape is installed providing mechanical decoupling of the floor and foundation.
  • A reinforcing mesh is laid and a rough concrete screed is poured. It is maintained for the time required by the technology until the material solidifies completely.
  • Applying a waterproofing layer. Used either double layer ruberoid with lubrication bituminous mastic, or various impregnations.
  • Insulation laying. The best option- foam for foundation work, characterized by density and resistance to external influences.
  • Laying a vapor barrier film. The strips are laid with an overlap on the walls (over the damping tape) to a height of about 20 cm. The film is overlapped by 10-15 cm with sizing with construction tape.
  • Laying reinforcing fiberglass.
  • Finishing screed pouring. Its thickness is usually 5-10 cm. If a floor heating system is used, then the installation and laying of pipelines, checking the strength of the connection under pressure and other previous operations are carried out beforehand.

The total thickness of the floor cake on the ground is selected so that the floor level is most convenient for installation. doorways and other building elements. Work best in warm time year, when the conditions for solidification of concrete layers allow you to get the best result.

Dry screed

The technology of creating a dry screed makes it much easier and faster to get a high-quality result. The initial stages of work are the same as in previous version- creation of layers of sand backfill and rough concrete screed.

After that, the following steps are performed:

  • Laying waterproofing film conventional technology- creation of a sealed web from film strips folded in rows with an overlap of 10 cm with joints glued with adhesive tape. The edges of the canvas are wound onto the wall to the approximate height of the dry screed.
  • Installation of beacons. The recommended option is plaster profiles. They will serve as guidelines for creating a horizontal and even plane.
  • Backfilling of a layer of expanded clay. The material is leveled along the beacons, forming a horizontal plane.
  • On top of the expanded clay, subfloor slabs are laid - drywall, plywood, etc. The most recommended option is tongue-and-groove drywall, which has a special profile for connection along the side edges.
  • After that, the laying of the final finish coat.

wooden flooring

This option is considered the most budgetary. The simplest and most robust design rests on pillars of bricks stacked in a well. The columns are placed in such a way that a support system is formed for the installation of a log.

Between the posts, expanded clay is backfilled or, alternatively, an air gap is left to ensure the dryness of the wood, which requires the creation of ventilation holes.

The lag system is carefully aligned horizontally and forms a flat reference plane. Then a wooden draft floor is laid. A layer of waterproofing film is installed on top, a standard substrate is laid and a final coating is laid - linoleum, laminate or other material to the taste of the owner.

What construction technology is better to choose?

The choice of technology is a matter of preferences and capabilities of the owner of the house. Concrete screed allows you to get a durable and strong floor, but its maintainability will be extremely low. Failure of, for example, underfloor heating systems, will create serious problem with a very complex and costly solution.

Dry screed is much easier and allows for repairs without special costs and problems, but this option is only suitable for people who are not afraid of repair work.


Wood flooring is the traditional solution, but the specificity of wood as a material has too many undesirable moments, so this option is increasingly being abandoned in favor of other methods.


Creating a floor on the ground is an option suitable for buildings that do not have a basement or basement.

For housing, this method is used less frequently, since most users consider it unreliable and dangerous in relation to ground moisture.

When deciding to use this technique, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, think over the procedure and perform all the preliminary work - entering communications, creating, etc.

This will allow you to get a result that is optimal in terms of quality and operational capabilities.

In contact with

Most developers, when choosing a ground floor floor design, consider two options. The first is reinforced concrete slabs.

The second is wooden beams (logs). The fact that you can make a high-quality and inexpensive floor on the ground, many do not know.

Meanwhile, this design cannot be called new. It began to be used after the invention artificial stone called concrete.

We will talk about what constitutes a floor covering on bulk soil, what are its pros and cons, in this article.

At its core, the floor on the ground is a "pillow" of fine gravel or expanded clay, on which lies a reinforced slab of monolithic concrete. Ballast bedding performs two tasks:

  • raises the level of coverage to a predetermined height;
  • transfers the weight of the structure to the ground.

From soil moisture and heat loss, the floor is protected by a heater laid on a waterproofing layer.

The bearing basis of such a coating is a layer of soil. Therefore, the main risk factors when arranging a floor on the ground in a private house are frost heaving and moisture. The first threat is blocked by insulating the base of the foundation from the outside with sheet foam. It cuts off the cold bridge that causes water to freeze.

It should be noted that at permanent residence in the house, the temperature of the soil under it never drops below zero degrees. If the building is empty in winter, then the forces of frost heaving can cause cracks in the concrete screed and deform it. In this case, insulation of the basement is indispensable.

Protection from soil moisture is a relatively simple measure only at a low level of groundwater (2-3 meters). In damp and swampy areas, it is better to refuse the device of such a coating. The cost of waterproofing and strengthening the foundation in this case increases significantly.

For pile and columnar foundations slab on the ground - not the best solution. In this case, the cost of protecting the bedding from frost is higher than when using the foundation "tape".

Construction technology

There are two ways to install floors on the ground:

  • Concrete preparation;
  • Without a draft layer of concrete directly on the compacted base (cushion).

The first method is rarely used today. It was developed at a time when roofing material was used to protect the floor from moisture. For its gluing, a layer of concrete preparation was made (rough floor).

The second option is easier and cheaper. Modern waterproofing materials can be laid directly on the ballast without sticking to a solid base.

The process of constructing a concrete floor on the ground begins with the filling of the underlying layer. Before this, the laying of water supply and sewerage networks must be completed.

Any well-compacted soil can be used for backfilling. For this, small gravel (fraction 5-10 mm), coarse river sand or sand and gravel mixture are suitable. The pillow is poured in layers of 15 cm, spilling each with water and compacting with a manual or mechanical rammer.

Compaction of bedding with vibrotamper

To improve thermal insulation upper level pillows can be made from expanded clay gravel (10 cm). The total thickness of the ballast "pie" should be in the range from 30 to 40 cm.

Film waterproofing, laid under the insulation, needs to be protected from damage by sharp gravel and crushing with expanded clay. Therefore, the backfill is completed with a 5-centimeter layer of compacted sand. The thickness of the film laid on the ground must be at least 0.4 mm.

When laying the film insulation, its strips are spread with an overlap of 10-15 cm, fixing them with construction tape. The edges are laid on the masonry, to a height equal to the total thickness of the insulation, concrete screed and finish coating. A thermal gap 2-3 cm wide is left between the constructive "pie" of the floor, the walls, and partitions. It is filled with scraps of polyethylene foam or a special thermal tape.

To insulate the base, you can use EPS (extruded polystyrene foam), sawdust concrete or perlite concrete. Often, waterproofing under the foam is not laid, since it practically does not absorb moisture. From above it is covered with a polymer film. It protects the insulation from destructive action. alkaline environment cement mortar.

Under lightweight concrete on sawdust and perlite, a plastic film is needed. The thickness of the listed heat insulators is not the same. For EPPS, it is 50 mm. The layer of sawdust and perlite concrete must be at least 10 cm.

Having laid the thermal insulation, a concrete screed is made on its surface on a fine-grained filler (fraction 5-10 mm, thickness 10 cm). The work is carried out in two stages. First, a layer 5 cm thick is poured and laid on it steel mesh(cell 10x10 cm, wire diameter 3-4 mm). After that, the thickness of the screed is adjusted to the design level, determined by the calculation of the expected loads. Recommended concrete class B12.5.

That's how they get proper pie floors on the ground at a low level of soil water. Rough concrete preparation for hard insulation is not done. There is no real benefit from it, and the increase in the cost of 1m2 of the finished structure is very tangible.

Installation of a heating system (warm floor) changes the technology and sequence of work. In this case, first, a draft is poured over a compacted pillow. concrete preparation and lay out a layer of waterproofing. Having laid the insulation (EPS), pipes are fixed to it and a leveling screed is made of concrete. Reinforcing mesh is laid over pipes or heating cable.

In passing, we note that floors on the ground can be made not only in brick, block, but also in wooden houses. With a competent approach, ballast filling does not have a negative impact on wood.

One of the options for the correct pairing of such a design with chopped walls is shown in the diagram below.

Pairing node with a wooden wall

With a low GWL, a concrete slab lying on clay or on a layer of compacted waterproofed backfill is made in the basement. This is a very common option in cottage construction.

Before the screed device, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be divided into strips 80-100 cm wide with a steel U-shaped profile or wooden lighthouse boards placed on edge. The damper tape is attached to the walls before the start of pouring so that it protrudes 1.5-2 cm above the design mark of the finished surface.

Concrete pouring starts from the far end of the room and moves to the front door.

Laying is carried out in stripes, filling the cells slightly above their level. For leveling, use a vibrating screed or metal rule, moving it around the lighthouses.

After letting the mixture dry, beacons are removed from it, filling the formed seams with fresh concrete. After that, the concrete is covered with a film and given 4 weeks to gain strength, periodically moistening with water.

Design pros and cons

When planning to make a floor on the ground, you need to know what its advantages are over other types of bases:

  • Acceptable cost;
  • Readiness of the basis for laying of any floor coverings;
  • There is no need to ventilate the underground space to avoid the appearance of fungus;
  • Greater durability compared to wooden and reinforced concrete floors.

The disadvantages of this construct include:

  • Loss of usable room height (up to 60 cm);
  • The complexity of waterproofing works at high GWL;
  • Poor compatibility with columnar and pile foundations;
  • The high cost of repairing hidden communications.

Heat accumulation in a country cottage or dacha building- the key to creating an energy efficient home. You can independently lay the floor, placed on the ground on one of the types of strip foundation, using a screed. The technology is suitable for budget construction and large-scale housing construction.

Features of floors on the ground

Floor covering on the ground is a multi-layer construction that contributes to good ventilation and building stability. Overlapping in the form of a tape is justified for buildings with low basement floors and the impossibility of mounting a monolithic base.
Concrete floor structures located on the ground include the following elements:

  • bedding in the form of sifted river sand which is rammed;
  • a layer of medium fractional material - crushed stone or expanded clay;
  • rough screed from a cement mixture;
  • layers of hydro, steam and thermal insulation;
  • finishing screed from cement mortar;
  • finishing flooring.

A building cake organized in layers protects the building from freezing, the appearance of condensing sediment. The design of the floor is durable, strong, easy to implement, but requires financial investments.

SNiP: information for the developer

The installation of the floor along the ground line will be effective if you follow the recommendations of SNiP 29.13330 of 2011. The document specifies a number of conditions under which the technology will be justified:

  1. Holding waterproofing works. Optimal material- extruded polystyrene foam, placed under the sole of the building. Foam boards help retain geothermal heat.
  2. Choice optimal thickness layers. The need to create a structure, its thickness depends on the level of subsoil moisture, the load of the structure and the possibility of heating. When the GWL is less than 2 m, sand bedding is not used, and the rough screed is replaced by pouring crushed stone. Loads over 0.2 t / 1 m2 require reinforcement with wire 4 mm in diameter.
  3. The presence of a drainage system. Drainage is required when the groundwater level is high. In private construction, a storm drain is used to drain flood, ground or melt water.
  4. Backfilling with non-metallic bulk materials (20 cm of sand and the same amount of crushed stone), followed by tamping, will prevent subsidence of the foundation.
  5. Laying geotextile fabric is relevant only when arranging filtering communications or drainage. Otherwise, the soil will not be compacted, violating the strength of the foundation.

The strip base technology is optimal for summer cottage construction. It minimizes the cost of making each layer of the pie, increases the life of the house, is maintainable and reliable.

Varieties of the base in the form of a tape

The tape base is suitable for the construction of buildings made of heavy materials and on soils that are not uniform throughout the area. simple technology arrangement of the structure makes the foundation of the first floor durable, prevents shrinkage. Tape base allows you to equip basement, used in the construction of houses with a complex configuration.
The tape, which is carried out under the inner and outer walls of the dwelling, is distinguished by its simplicity of arrangement. The product needs a large number of building materials - concrete, wood for formwork, reinforcement, etc. In construction practice, several types of tape bases are created.

Monolithic, or filler construction

Raised directly to construction site. The structure is subject to additional reinforcement, and after hardening it forms a rigid inseparable monolith.
The foundation requires the obligatory erection of a formwork made of metal or wood that can withstand the weight and pressure of hardened cement, it is metal or wood. The frame can be removable or non-removable. For stability, concrete masses are additionally insulated, waterproofing is laid. The monolithic base is durable, with high strength.

Prefabricated strip base

It is mounted from factory reinforced concrete blocks, which, after delivery to the construction site, are connected using reinforcement and cement mortar. When erecting a low-rise structure on sandy soil, it is allowed not to use pillow blocks.
The disadvantage of the design lies in the difficulty of perfectly fitting the size of the elements in a complex configuration of the structure of the future home.
The advantages of a prefabricated tape base are many:

  • construction is carried out as soon as possible;
  • labor costs for arranging the foundation are minimized by renting special equipment;
  • work can be carried out even in winter.

A basement or basement floor is built on a prefabricated foundation.

Combined building

A combined strip foundation is used on difficult soils when it is necessary to raise the level of the first floor in the presence of a slope or on moving soil. The construction allows you to reduce heat loss throughout the house.

Rubble and brick types

The rubble base belongs to the long-term construction, but it is considered the most durable - it does not freeze through and is not exposed to groundwater. The work involves the selection of the shape of stones and their connection cement mortar. The rubble-concrete look differs from the previous one in an equal ratio of stone and cement (50/50). Brick strip foundation is standard brickwork with concrete. It is recommended to use it on dry soils and be sure to put high-quality waterproofing.
The foundation in the form of a tape is suitable for laying the floor on the ground in reinforced concrete, stone and brick houses with a density of more than 1300 kg / m3.

Benefits of a tape monolith

Foundations in the form of a tape allow you to organize an underground, to equip the thermal insulation of a private house. The design has many advantages:

  • prevents the penetration of subsoil gases into the dwelling with proper waterproofing and backfilling.
  • underground space does not need to lay ventilation systems.
  • soil and concrete slab accumulate heat, which is suitable for frame and other houses with thin walls.
  • concrete screeds are a convenient base, an ideal thermal platform for organizing “warm floors”.
  • thermal insulation of the structure reduces the risk of freezing of the foundation and its swelling.
  • for communications laid at the level of backfill, minimal insulation is required.

The internal space of the tape structure is filled up, insulated and waterproofed before the installation of the concrete floor.

Material selection technology

Building materials for arranging floors on the ground on strip foundation are selected depending on the level of the structure. To reduce construction costs, the screed is performed by working from top to bottom:

  • a reinforcing frame is laid that will withstand linoleum, carpet, laminate, tiles, boards or plywood subbase;
  • lined with foil insulation, which reduces the number of heating points;
  • lay waterproofing, mainly - roofing material, film;
  • cover the subbase with a thickness of 4-7 cm based on M200 cement, crushed stone and sand;
  • form a sand cushion, which is compacted with a vibrating plate to a depth of 20-30 cm.
  • pour the main screed of durable concrete.

The selected materials will make it possible to carry out the construction of floors in a technologically correct way. The amount of consumable raw materials can be determined approximately. For a standard floor surface at the soil level, you will need 30 cm of sand, 5-10 cm of concrete, 10 cm of insulation, 5-7 cm of screed and finishing materials.

Arrangement of floors on a strip foundation

All work is divided into several stages. When performing each, it is necessary to follow the algorithm - so the design will be strong and reliable.

Backfilling of the sand layer

Before the start of events, it is necessary to take into account the need for tamping bulk raw materials - manipulations will compact the sand cushion. Tasks are performed in stages:

  1. Sand is laid in a layer of 10-15 cm and, in a dry form, is rammed with a vibrating plate.
  2. The compacted material is watered with a hose with a spray nozzle. It is important not to oversaturate the material with moisture, because. in the future, do not tamp it down.
  3. Re-compacting is carried out. The vibrating plate is used twice, changing the direction of movement.
  4. Re-sanding is in progress.

On the moistened material, you need to walk several times with a vibrating plate and wait for the layer to dry.

Reinforcing cage construction

It is difficult to reinforce tape-type foundations - the process is laborious. Experts advise sticking to step by step technique works:

  1. Lay several smooth crossbars with a diameter of 6-8 mm, extending them by 100 mm.
  2. Calculate the step - the distance over which the cement mortar will be poured.
  3. Place ribbed longitudinal reinforcement with a diameter of 12 - 16 mm on the transverse pins. Form the lower belt.
  4. Mount the upper rods at the mating points in a vertical position.
  5. Lay 2 longitudinal rods on the elements. Form the lower belt.

The joints of the reinforcing frame are welded, tied with clamps or drags.

Pouring the foundation on the pillow

The foundation-base is created on a ready-made pillow of crushed stone and sand. The concrete mass is made in proportions of 1:3:6 based on M200 cement and other materials. Self-concreting consists of the following steps:

  1. Filling the starting layer with a thickness of 10 cm.
  2. Secondary pouring of the mixture to a height of 40-50 cm.
  3. Compaction of the mass with a vibrotamper or piercing with a reinforcing pin.

To reduce the time of work, the cement mortar is poured in one go.

Laying a waterproofing layer. vapor barrier

The works are designed to protect the underground structure from moisture. A pre-made footing will ensure the evenness of the application of materials for fusing or stickers. The procedure for preliminary concreting is relevant in conditions of close proximity to groundwater or in the arrangement of basements.
The waterproofing process is carried out according to the construction algorithm:

  1. A polyethylene film 150 microns thick is laid with an overlap of 15-20 cm, and then the seams are glued.
  2. For reliable protection against the penetration of moisture and condensate, the second layer of hydroprotection is similarly covered.
  3. Insulation is carried out with foam plastic or extruded polystyrene foam. They are placed in a layer of 10 cm.

When using foam, protect it from contact with the polyethylene film cement mortar.

Types of screed

Arrangement of the floor on the ground is carried out in two techniques - dry and self-leveling. The choice of technology is at the discretion of the site owner.

Performing a dry screed

The technology provides for the formation of layers - cushions based on crushed stone, sand filling, rough screed and waterproofing. Then, using special ready mixes, the flooring is being screeded. Ready compositions are laid as follows:

  1. Install beacons (slats or profiles), fix them with putty.
  2. Fall asleep between the lighthouses crumbled expanded clay composition. Level the material over the waterproofing layer.
  3. Plates are laid, which are fixed with adhesive-sealant or with self-tapping screws 19 mm long.

Finishing installation work the edges of the film are cut off, and the resulting gaps are sealed with sealant.

Floor screed

Self-leveling floor technology creates a perfectly smooth surface for subsequent finishing. The arrangement of the coating has a number of features:

  1. The waterproofing layer is cleaned of dust and treated with liquid glass diluted with water in proportions of 2:1. The surface is processed in 2-3 layers, after complete drying of each (1 hour);
  2. The mixture for pouring is prepared manually on the basis of loose material and water. The composition must be kept for 10 minutes and kneaded again.
  3. The mass is poured onto the floor with a layer of 0.3-1 cm and leveled with a spatula.
  4. Air bubbles are eliminated - a spiked roller is rolled on the surface.
  5. The mixtures formed after drying are eliminated with a putty mesh.
  6. Finishing is carried out after the mass has solidified.

Arrangement bulk screed compensates for the load of the house, eliminates wall shrinkage, isolates noise from heating equipment.

Construction work rules

When performing floors on the ground, try to observe the boundaries of the layers, carry out backfilling and laying waterproofing along the beacons. When making communications, place the wires in metal box, the openings of which must be sealed. Be sure to check the quality of the layers - only in this way the structure will receive strength and reliability. The floor at soil level can be lined with insulation, on top of which lay boards, tiles or laminate.
With technologically correct design of the floor, careful control of the height of the layers, selection of the strip foundation, the product will last up to 50 years.

A fairly common practice in private construction is the floor on the ground on a strip foundation. This option has gained particular popularity due to its many advantages, including economy and ease of construction, because its arrangement does not require expensive materials and heavy equipment.

Floor on the soil - qualities and features of technology

What is ground floor? This is a structure, during the construction of which there is no distance between the ground and the floor - it is located directly on top of the ground, excluding the possibility of air gaps.

Most often, the floor on the soil is arranged precisely in houses built on a strip basis (it is poured between the walls of the base), so it is not load-bearing. The weight of the walls and roof of the building rests on the foundation, and the floor takes the load from the finishing coating, interior items, non-load-bearing partitions and people.

The structure of this type of floor is multi-layered. Each of the seven levels plays a specific role influencing the quality of the finished structure. The ground floor consists of:

  • soles
  • Litter formation
  • Waterproofing
  • insulation
  • Main carrier layer
  • Leveling screed
  • Finishing coating

Having understood the purpose of each layer, it will not be difficult to select materials for arranging the floor. And thanks to their availability, you can save a lot.

Advantages and disadvantages

The device of floors on the ground with a strip foundation has both positive and negative points.

Among the advantages of this type of floor can be noted:

  • That it is suitable for pouring on most types of soil;
  • Resistant to winter heaving;
  • A small consumption of concrete mix, when compared with a slab basis;
  • Ease of installation;
  • The possibility of self-bookmarking without hiring professionals;
  • No need for additional insulation of engineering communications;
  • The fact that it is immediately ready for laying any floor coverings;
  • No need to ventilate the basement.

In the presence of a large number of obvious advantages, the floor on the soil also has disadvantages:

  • When erecting an impressive base, the deepening of the tape base must be covered with a considerable amount of earth, which is fraught with unnecessary costs;
  • If the building area is different high level groundwater, laying the floor on the ground does not make sense.

Varieties of sex on the ground

The installation of a floor on a strip foundation does not require large physical and material investments, because all construction work can be done independently without the help of specialists. It is worth knowing that there are two options for arranging the floor on the soil, performed by:

  • concreting;
  • wooden beams.

Both options have their own characteristics.

The concreting method is known as suspended floor over soil - the soil in this case is the formwork for the reinforced concrete slab. Finished construction turns out to be very strong and reliable.

The method using a log made of wood differs from the previous one in that it provides for ventilation, achieved by raising the floor above the ground.

To make a choice, it is worth considering the installation technique of each type of floor.

Installation using concrete pouring

Filling the floor on the soil concrete mix carried out in several steps:

  • The upper level of laying is set - the doorway serves as a guide;
  • A filter pad is being made. To do this, gravel is poured and compacted, a similar procedure is performed with river sand;
  • Steam is isolated. A couple of layers are laid on the sand embankment, going onto the walls plastic film. The thickness of the material should be 3.3 cm. Instead of a film, a membrane is often used;
  • To add strength to the future floor, a reinforcing mesh is mounted;
  • Beacons are installed using self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • getting ready concrete mortar: mixes cement, sand and water. The ratio of cement to sand should be 1:3, respectively. To simplify the process of work, you can order the finished mixture.
  • The solution is poured in strips;
  • Concrete is aligned to the beacons by means of a rule;
  • Thermal insulation is in progress. As heaters, foam plastic, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay or expanded clay are most often used. mineral wool. The choice depends on the preferences of the owner of the house and his financial capabilities;
  • The finishing layer is mounted.

One of the main advantages of a concrete screed is its evenness, thanks to which it is possible to mount the most “capricious” final coatings on it, such as a 3D floor.

Installation using wooden beams

Installing the floor on the ground using wooden beams is done in a few steps:

  • The soil is covered with crushed stone - the layer thickness should be 5 cm. The crushed stone is compacted, then covered with bitumen;
  • Via building level beacons are installed, which will serve during the subsequent installation of brick supports;
  • A screed is arranged - it will become the basis for bedside tables;
  • Brick bedside tables of the same height are placed on the floor area ( maximum height each should be no more than 20 cm) at a distance of 0.8 m from each other;
  • The ends of the supports are wrapped with roofing felt (overlap on brick block no more than 4 cm);
  • Beams are laid on the bedside tables (the distance between the lags and the walls should be 2 cm) and fastened to dowels and self-tapping screws;
  • Groove boards are laid closely, which are nailed to the beams;
  • The evenness of the resulting structure is checked using a level, all defects are smoothed out with a planer;
  • Nail heads are puttied;
  • The surface is primed;
  • Thermal insulation is provided upon request.
  • The final layer is mounted (you can simply paint the surface or varnish the floor).

The main feature of the floor on the ground is its layering, and each level has a special purpose. Thanks to a wide range of various materials in the modern construction market, any master will be able to equip each layer with high quality. Concrete or wooden floor on the soil - the choice is up to the owner of the future home. Whatever option you bet on, the main thing is to follow the installation recommendations and carefully follow the instructions. If the work is done correctly, the flooring will be strong and durable.

Video-1: Details and nuances (mat. part)


Video-3: rough screed