Extension to a wooden house kitchen. We expand the frame house: the nuances of building an extension to the house

The extension requires a building permit, which is issued by the municipality

Is it important to honor the project?

  1. Urban planning legislation regulates the placement of buildings on the site, because you live next to your neighbors, and they also have their own rights.
  2. With an addition to the house, its design changes, the area, and finally, the size of the shares, if the house has several owners.
  3. Except legal aspects protection of the interests and rights of other persons by the law, there are also security issues, they primarily concern the residents themselves. After all, wanting to make an extension, you interfere with the design of the house, its communications, make other changes that are not in the project.
  4. Finally, without obtaining permission to add on, you will not be able to subsequently sell, exchange or otherwise deal with the house. In addition, an illegal building may sooner or later be required to be legalized or demolished, obliging you to pay a fine as well.

What can be an extension?

  • veranda;
  • balcony;
  • terrace;

How to legalize a non-capital annex?

A package of documents and an application are submitted to the local government (architectural or construction bureau or department of the municipality). If there are no violations, local self-government bodies will issue consent.

How to legalize an extension to a private house

There are many reasons why people build an extension to the house - for example, it may be necessary to increase living space, fix some architectural design flaws or just protect the wall from the wind. Not everyone knows that the extension also needs documentation, as well as the construction of the main house. Therefore, contrary to the law, the owners sometimes build additional structures without permits and, after the construction is completed, they think how to legalize the extension. This is not always possible and sometimes ends with the demolition of the new building. We will tell you how to properly draw up documentation during construction or how to legalize an extension that has already been built.

Is it important to honor the project?

There is a widespread and erroneous opinion that if you are the owner of the site, then it is your own business what exactly you will attach to your private house. Legal requirements are not at all a whim of the legislator, but pressing need. And there are several points that limit the independence of the owner of the house. Including:

What is included in the extension category?

An extension is a renovation of an existing structure. When conducting it, you make an addition to the house that was not planned by the previous project, attaching a secondary building to one or more common walls main house. An extension can be of any height, size, etc. In any case, like any reconstruction, it requires a building permit, which is issued by the municipality.

What can be an extension?

Extensions may be auxiliary in nature and may not require additional land. Such buildings are called non-capital, they include:

  • veranda;
  • balcony;
  • terrace;
  • other structures of these characteristics.

All other structures attached to a private house are capital if their construction requires additional land and they are planned for living.

How to legalize a non-capital annex?

Non-capital constructions are easy to legalize at any time, even if they were made a long time ago. To do this, you need to take the documents home to the local BTI and write an application for changes to the technical documentation. The same must be done if you have just completed construction. An acceptance committee will come to you and draw up an act stating that you have completed the reconstruction of the house.

When the documents with all the indicated extensions and changes are on hand, the issue can be considered resolved.

Important: In order to legalize an extension in a house for several owners, you will need to obtain their written consent to your work.

The procedure for registration of reconstruction of the house

Now about how to legalize an extension of the capital type.

You can issue it after construction, but in this case you will have to register it in court as an unauthorized building. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, it is better to take care of this at the preparation stage.

To do this, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • confirmation of ownership of the land for development and the house in which the reconstruction is planned;
  • house plan and registration certificate, cadastral plan land plot;
  • extension project (in the form of a plan or sketch);
  • written applications of other owners of the house for reconstruction;
  • consent of neighbors to an extension to your house in writing;
  • the conclusion of resource-providing organizations (gas, water and sewer services, energy enterprises, etc.), confirming the safety of connecting to communications. If connections are not made, respectively, and permissions are not required.

In addition, in some cases, permits may be required from the SES, the architectural department, firefighters, etc.

A package of documents and an application are submitted to the local government (architectural or construction bureau or department of the municipality). If there are no violations, local self-government bodies will issue consent.

This document gives you the right to start construction. After completing it, you will have to invite the state commission to draw up an acceptance certificate, in which specialists will assess whether the building complies with the project, sanitary standards and rules. You will be issued a conclusion on compliance, with which you will go to the BTI and again make changes to the technical documentation for the house.

The procedure for legalizing an unauthorized extension

While it's easier to get an extension paperwork in the beginning, many homeowners deal with the problem after it's started. And sometimes years later, when you suddenly need to issue an inheritance or make other manipulations with real estate. All this is impossible without the issuance of permits for construction. Therefore, the owner has to register the extension as unauthorized by means of a court decision, where he acts as a plaintiff, and the municipal authority as a defendant.

Important: In court, you can not only legalize an unauthorized building, but also appeal against the decision of the local administration to refuse to issue a permit for the planned construction of an extension. This is possible even if the local authority gave a written refusal indicating the reasons for the refusal.

Documents for filing a claim must be collected almost the same as described above, with the application of a properly completed claim.

The court decides on the recognition of the lawful extension built earlier. To do this, the court must make sure that the case has all the necessary permissions and approvals.

In conclusion, having a positive court decision in hand, the owner of the house registers the extension and pays the fee.

How to avoid problems with the legalization of an unauthorized extension?

The court may refuse to recognize an unauthorized structure, respectively, then the owner will not acquire ownership of it, and the building must be demolished, and at the expense of the developer himself. The owner will also pay a fine. At the same time, the court comes to a similar opinion in situations where the new extension is unsafe or violates someone's legal rights. Another reason for refusal can be trite poorly prepared documentation. Therefore, when preparing documents for the court, pay attention to the following points:

  • completeness of the package of documents with permits from various controlling and resource-providing organizations;
  • availability of all documents for ownership;
  • try to eliminate all possible violations of architectural norms and sanitary rules, if any, were made during the construction of the extension;
  • use in construction materials that meet safety requirements and are certified.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Do-it-yourself construction of extensions to wooden house becomes very popular in recent times, which can be seen from the huge number of projects with photos. Indeed, the owners of private houses often face the question of expanding the space, and the best solution in this case is an extension. Among other things, the extension can radically transform the look of the house, making it more modern, cozy and attractive.

Closed glazed extension option

Types of extensions by form and purpose

In appearance and, accordingly, functional purpose extensions are divided into several types:

  1. Additional full room at home.
  2. Open / closed veranda.
  3. Porch.

Consider each of the types in more detail with their advantages and disadvantages.

Various options for extensions to a residential building.

Full room

In this case, an additional full-fledged room is being built, suitable for year-round living. It can also be used as:

  • utility room;
  • garage;
  • pantry;
  • winter Garden;
  • summer cuisine;
  • additional bathroom;
  • guest house.

Outbuilding used as a garage.

For construction, a wooden beam, brick or foam block with insulation is most often used.

Advantages of this type:

  • a significant increase in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house;
  • ease of communications (electricity, heating) from the main building;
  • ease of re-equipment of the premises, if necessary, for another function.

Construction of an extension wooden beam.

A well-executed, beautiful extension can advantageously complement the exterior of the house. However, there are downsides to this solution. For example, you need to do solid foundation and spend money on high-quality insulation, which will be reflected in the cost of the entire project.

Also, for the extension of a full-fledged room, you will need to allocate quite a lot of space, which is not always possible for owners of small plots.

An extension made of logs in the form of a full-fledged living room.

Closed veranda

Usually this is an unheated room with brick or timber walls, fully glazed. Due to the lack of heating, it is used only in the warm season.

Spacious enclosed space.

Design advantages:

  • the ability to implement almost any design;
  • glass buildings look very impressive and advantageous;
  • in summer, you can relax on the covered veranda even in strong wind and rain;
  • glazing protects from annoying insects.

The disadvantages of this design are few, but still they need to be considered:

  • a large glass area means the need for frequent and thorough cleaning;
  • the glass-enclosed design does not give that feeling of being in the fresh air, which many expect from the veranda.

A fully glazed veranda looks very original and stylish.

Another example of a fully glass veranda in the photo:

A glass terrace can become a real highlight of the house.

The construction of a terrace and a house from different materials can also be turned into an advantage. For example, in the photo below, the extension is made of other materials in a different color scheme, but it looks just magical:

Snow-white covered terrace near a gray house.

open veranda

A simple, practical and functional frame structure, which has recently been very popular. open veranda looks great in tandem with a wooden house.

Outdoor terrace with a beautiful view of the lake.

Advantages of open design:

  • significantly lower financial investments in construction due to the minimum material;
  • the possibility of being outdoors;
  • the need for a smaller building area than for a full-fledged residential room;
  • ease of installation;
  • functionality and convenience.

Open terrace with one glazed wall.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth remembering the strictly seasonal possibility of use. At the same time, in too cold summer weather, with strong wind or rain, staying on the veranda will be uncomfortable. In addition, insects will torment you in the evening.

The veranda gives the exterior of the house completeness.


Looks like several support pillars and roofing material and serves to protect the space from rain and snow. The porch is the simplest, but at the same time the least functional option extensions, which performs by and large decorative role. However, if you install chairs on it, coffee table, a small shop, a porch may well replace a gazebo.

A miniature porch with a bench and an armchair.

Design advantages:

  • ease of construction;
  • small financial costs;
  • no need for a solid foundation;
  • transformation of the facade of the building.

Obviously, in bad weather conditions, it will not be possible to relax on the porch, and it will be possible to use it only in warm time of the year. Together with little functionality, these are all the disadvantages of this type of extensions.

Spacious porch at front door.

Most often, the porch is located from the front of the building, through which the residents and guests of the house get inside. However, it is not necessary to build a porch at the front door. If you place the extension in the backyard, you get a cozy closed patio. The space can be supplemented with comfortable furniture, a table, a hammock and turn it into a place for a summer dining room, a playground, a space for friendly gatherings and romantic dinners.

The porch in the backyard of the house serves as a favorite place to relax.

Materials for the construction of an annex

You can build a terrace or a room from various materials- it with wooden structure at home, even modern materials will look harmonious thanks to the decoration.

When choosing materials for an extension, it is worth moving away from the common stereotype that the house and extension should be made of the same material. Of course, an extension is a harmonious continuation of the house, but a combination of different materials can look more advantageous and interesting.

Most often, the following materials are used for the construction of an extension:

  1. Bar. Practical, eco-friendly, aesthetic and very durable material. Thanks to a special impregnation, the wood is resistant to pests, rot and fungus. When building from a bar, it is necessary to have an expansion joint between the structures. The walls and roof are built in the same way as the main living space.
  2. Brick. Natural, durable material for building outbuildings.
  3. Foam block. Extremely common now, durable, affordable material with excellent thermal insulation properties. An additional advantage is the rapid construction of the premises due to the large size of the blocks. It is convenient to build additional rooms from foam blocks and covered verandas. The disadvantage is the mandatory need for exterior decoration due to the unaesthetic appearance of the blocks.
  4. An extension of foam blocks does not require such a solid and powerful foundation (a columnar one is enough), but a brick and cobbled structure necessarily involves laying high-quality strip foundation to avoid distortions and deformations under the weight of the brick.

  5. Frame. This option is the least costly in terms of finance and time resources. With the help of the frame, you can build a terrace, veranda or porch. The method consists in the manufacture of a wooden or metal frame, which is then finished with chipboard (OSB) boards and insulated with a special material (foam plastic, mineral wool, etc.). Frame structures due to their lightness, they are excellent for the construction of two-story buildings.
  6. Polycarbonate. This material is used in the construction of frame buildings. This material is extremely popular now due to such properties: ease of use, lightness and strength, aesthetics, the ability to build an extension of any geometric shape. It can only be used for

The roof of the extension, made of polycarbonate, provides a high level of natural light in the extension.

The main stages of the construction of the building

Before proceeding with the construction of an extension to a wooden house with your own hands, it is worthwhile to study in detail the finished projects with photos and draw up a work plan. What should it include:

  • location of the extension;
  • type and design of the extension;
  • type of foundation (based on the previous paragraph);
  • list of necessary building and finishing materials;
  • summing up communications (minimum electricity);
  • calculation of the budget (which includes, in addition to the cost of materials, also transportation costs and wages of employees).

When drawing up a project for a future building, it is imperative to indicate the following aspects: the composition of the soil, the level of freezing and moisture absorption, the condition of the walls and foundation of the main building.

Foundation laying

For verandas, a columnar type of foundation is most often used, and if the building is quite large, the pillars must be laid every 60 cm around the perimeter.

Work progress:

  1. Pits are dug to a depth of 100 cm. The depth of the pits must exceed the depth of soil freezing.
  2. A pillow of layers of sand and gravel is laid at the bottom.
  3. The holes are filled with concrete.
  4. Since the veranda is being built for wooden house, we build support columns from the bars.

The foundation of the veranda with the finished bottom trim.

Frame erection

After laying the foundation, you can proceed to the frame of the building:

  1. First, the lower harness is mounted, the corners of which are fastened with a dovetail joint. To fasten the entire structure, dowels or nails are used. The lower harness can also be made double and the racks of the future veranda can already be placed on it.
  2. Support beams are installed. At the wall of the veranda adjacent to the main room, the racks must be higher for the construction of a pitched roof.
  3. Keep in mind that a roof angle of 45-60 ° almost doubles the consumption of roofing material. With this angle, the resistance of the coating to the wind is expressed, but, on the other hand, the roof is well cleared of precipitation.

  4. If the veranda is to be enclosed, the cross beams will determine the height of the windows.
  5. The installation of the frame is completed by installing the upper trim.

The frame of the wooden veranda.

When using a beam, its cross section should be 10 * 10 or 18 * 8 cm, but if a log is used, then the cross section should not be more than 12 * 12 cm.

Roof and flooring

For verandas attached to the house, most often used shed roofs. If the extension is located at the end of the building, it is advisable to use gable roof. Rafters and lathing are attached to the upper trim, on which the roofing material is then laid.

Types of roofing for the roof:

Practical roof made of asbestos-cement slate.

To equip the floor, logs are installed on the lower trim with a distance of not more than 1 m, on which the board is placed. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. The board must be impregnated with a special solution to prevent fungal infections.

If the veranda is supposed to be open, the floor should have a very small angle for water to drain.

In the final, the building must be furnished with furniture, decor, flowers to your taste.

After arranging furniture and decor, the veranda looks very nice and cozy.

As you can see, building a beautiful, modern extension to a wooden house with your own hands is actually not so difficult, focusing on ready-made projects and photos. If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can do it on your own and hire professionals in their field. But in any case, an extension is a great opportunity to expand the space, transform the house and make it even more comfortable!

You can watch the video on how to build an extension:

Desire to improve their living conditions by increasing the number of square meters appeared in every owner of a private house. The owners of apartments are not far behind in this and would also be happy to add at least one room to themselves.

There is nothing impossible in this, extensions to apartment buildings- a dime a dozen, you just need to know how to do it right, and not only from a legal point of view. The key to successful construction and comfortable living - proper organization works and compliance with process technology.

Extension layout

They begin the construction of the extension from the most, perhaps, the main thing - with permission for this very construction. Without the appropriate piece of paper, you can run into a serious fine, and the funds spent will be wasted.

The next stage is also theoretical. Determine what purpose the extension being built will have. Will it be a living space or a winter garden, a storage room or just an emergency exit porch. From the purpose of the structure directly depend on the cash injections into the construction.

It will be logical to draw up a drawing correctly, the drawing helps to understand how to make an extension to the house, make approximate calculations in count required material. Then they go to the place of future construction and transfer the drawing to the place, indicating the dimensions of the extension with the help of a cord and metal or wooden pegs. It is on the spot that they carefully examine how the new foundation will be combined with the existing one and whether the future extension fits into the architecture.

Material selection

The material of the extension and the house is usually the same

Experts advise to approach this issue simply: what material the main house is built from, the same should be used for the extension. Simply put, if the house is wooden, then it should be attached to it. wooden outbuilding. The same applies to brick and concrete. But technological progress in the field building materials does not stand still, and now there are universal materials, such as foam and gas blocks. In addition to its versatility, it is an environmentally friendly and heat-saving material. You can veneer such an extension with decorative plates that imitate the material of the walls of the main building, which will create the appearance of execution in the same style.

But there are exceptions. In some climatic zones, it is possible to make an extension made of wood to a concrete building if it is used as a storage room or garage. Even a bathhouse can be built from logs and attached to your apartment. The flight of fancy in such cases is limited only by financial possibilities.

Foundation construction

The most important stage of construction -. Even the strongest walls made of modern and expensive materials will be useless on a poor and flimsy foundation, so the answer to the question of how to make an extension to the house, the answer is to choose the right foundation. There are three main types of foundation:

  • monolithic reinforced concrete, ;
  • columnar.
Foundation for an extension

The first option is universal, it is suitable for all types of buildings, the same applies to the columnar foundation. The pile version is suitable for attaching a light veranda or utility room, which is insignificant in its weight and massiveness. This option is characterized by ease of implementation and pace of construction.

The first step to pouring the foundation should be research work soil study. This is done by specialized enterprises, it is extremely difficult to do it on your own, and the costs for the services of these specialists are incomparably small compared to the cost of losing the entire extension.

After issuing recommendations on the type, depth of the foundation and the need to link it to the main building, they begin marking on the spot. The contour is measured very carefully, observing the geometry of the corners, so as not to correct the trench during work.

Start digging a trench from the lowest angle, maintaining the required depth. It is best to immediately put up temporary supports to prevent the collapse of the walls. When excavation completed, a pillow of sand and gravel is arranged at the bottom of the trench. A layer of sand 100-150 mm thick. it is well compacted, and the same layer of rubble is poured on top. Since we are building an extension to the house with our own hands, all work is done with high quality and conscientiously.

Floor device

The construction of frame walls will be relatively universal. The technology is little known to a wide range of the population, so many treat it with distrust, and completely in vain.

Popular frame walls

A frame wall is a complex structure. It is complex and multi-layered. Those who wish to apply this particular method often do not know how to make an extension using walls of this design. wooden frame consists of top and bottom strapping walls. Auxiliary beams and racks are used to obtain the necessary rigidity of the structure, and doors and windows are placed between the crossbars.

The finished wall frame is sheathed on both sides with boards, forming a void, which is filled with insulation, a protective membrane and, without fail, a vapor barrier. A layer of vapor barrier is required. It prevents moisture from getting inside along with warm air from inside the room. Wet insulation loses its properties, and in addition, moisture is very detrimental to the wooden base of the house.

The problem of insulation can be solved by various mineral and glass materials, which are now offered in a large assortment construction market materials.

The erection of frame walls begins with the fact that the horizontal strapping beams are attached to the foundation. This is usually done with metal anchors. It is worth mentioning in particular that the waterproofing layer of the foundation should already be laid, and the lower beam should be mounted on top of it. Next, corner and load-bearing racks of the frame are mounted on the lower trim, which are fixed to stiffen with braces.
The upper harness is laid on top of the racks, which are fastened with straight spikes. Sheathing and internal insulation produced from inside the house. Moving outside, the laying sequence is as follows: first the inner lining, then the vapor barrier, glass or mineral insulation, and finally the windproof layer. All this is covered with outer casing.

The outer skin must be good qualities moisture protection, be resistant to wind and all kinds of weather conditions. Typically, this material is "lining" or non-profiled planed board. They must be nailed horizontally. "Clapboard" is attached with the inner ridge up, and regular board with overlap and overhang one over the other. Such a scheme allows you to reliably protect the inner layer of insulation from moisture, slanting rain and snowstorms.

Building an extension to the house, you can use almost any material. It is important to remember that some of them are toxic and unsuitable for inner lining. Fibreboard, plywood or drywall will be an excellent basis for further interior improvements.

roof construction

Usually choose a shed option for the roof of the extension. With this option, the angle of inclination should be at least 25-30˚. Having determined the angle of inclination, fix the beam on the main part of the building. The lower support will be the wall, its outer edge, or the laid floors of the new structure. The edge of the roof should protrude at least 300 mm. from the wall, for maximum protection against rain. After installing the rafters, the main roof is being installed, if it is a hard roof. When choosing shingles an additional base is laid, in the form of plywood or similar material.

Flooring and interior work

The choice of floor will be dictated by the purpose of the structure. For a residential option, insulation is necessary, by installing a wooden beam and laying insulation, it is also possible to install a warm floor. For a garage or pantry, a concrete floor is quite suitable. This issue must be approached on an individual basis. The same applies to interior decoration.

Having studied the materials of this article, there should be no questions left about how to properly make an extension to a wooden house, since both the choice of material and the stages of construction are similar and suitable for such a construction.

Very often, you want to add a veranda or terrace to a finished house in order to increase the available living space and simply transform the look of a residential facility. In such cases, an extension is being built to a wooden house, the projects of which can be very different depending on the size of the new object and the materials from which it will be built.

An extension to a wooden house of a veranda and a terrace can be built different ways from point of view design features. Most often this is done in several ways:

  1. The extension is built on the side and has a single roof with the house.
  2. The extension is located on the side, but under a separate roof.
  3. The veranda is located on the second and higher floor or in the attic.

Of course, most often the extension is done on the side of the house. Variant with common roof more convenient and more profitable, but for this it is important that you can make a roofing system common with the house. As for the add-on, this process is not an easy one. So, first of all, it is important to take into account the possibilities of the foundation of the house, which may simply not withstand the load under the influence of the built-on terrace.

What material to choose

An extension of the veranda to a wooden house can be built using different materials. Most often it is timber, log or frame technology, as these options look harmoniously against the background of the general exterior of the cottage. But extensions made of brick or foam blocks are no less popular. We note right away that each of the options has its own nuances in terms of construction. Consider the features of the construction of each material in more detail.

Timber extension

- the most common material. This is due to the characteristics of the material itself:
  1. Its production is carried out in the factory, so the wood is of high quality.
  2. Thanks to special treatment The material is highly resistant to decay and fungus.
  3. Environmental friendliness and naturalness are the main advantages of a bar of any variety.

But before you make an extension, you need to solve a number of questions for yourself. The most important is the foundation of the future home. There are a huge number of options for its creation, but any foundation must be firmly “tied” to an existing building. Ideally, the extension needs the same foundation as the house. Therefore, it is important to study the condition of the soil, its type, to think about what the load from the extension will be. After that, the second issue needs to be resolved: the veranda will be combined with the common perimeter of the house or will be built as a separate structure. It is not easy to combine structures, since it will shrink, and even specialists will not answer what it will be.

Frame extension

From the framework is budget option, since significant investments in its construction are not required. In addition, the very construction of a veranda or terrace will be much faster with minimal spending on materials. The construction of the structure is carried out on the basis of a frame consisting of a wooden beam or metal profiles. The frame is being built around the entire perimeter of the future veranda.

After the frame is ready, you can start decorating the walls from the outside and inside. For this, chipboard or OSB boards are used, and between them a laying of insulating material is required - mineral wool, sawdust, polystyrene foam.

from brick

A more time-consuming process is a brick extension to a wooden house with your own hands. The solidity and durability of the future home, already together with the veranda or terrace, can be ensured if you follow a few rules:

During the construction of the foundation, it is possible to dig a trench around the entire perimeter of the extension, and its depth should correspond to the depth of the foundation, and be at least 40 cm wide. The bottom of the base is covered with a layer of sand (20-30 cm thick), gravel or crushed stone is laid on top, and then all layers with water. Formwork is placed, which is then poured with the usual composition of concrete. Ideally, it takes about a month for the foundation to dry. But since brick is one of the most expensive materials, and it is not easy to build from it, many refuse to use such material.

An extension of foam blocks to a wooden house is in great demand for several reasons:

  1. The material is cheaper - it is this factor that turns out to be the most significant for most buyers.
  2. The construction of foam blocks does not require a powerful foundation, since the material has an average density, which is less than that of a brick.
  3. Due to the low density and the presence of air pores, foam blocks keep heat well in the room.
  4. The foam blocks are large, so the extension will be built much faster.

The only negative is the need to protect the material from the effects of factors environment. For these purposes, foam blocks are often finished with siding or bricked.

Decide on location and size

Before you build a terrace or veranda, you must first determine their location in relation to the house. For example, for cozy breakfasts on the terrace it is better to place it on the east side, as there will be more sun in the morning. And if, on the contrary, you need a shadow, you should look for the most shaded place on the site. Dimensions need to be thought out so that the extension looks harmonious against the background of the overall design.

Second: foundation

The foundation for the veranda needs to be well thought out. Depending on the materials from which it will be built, the base can be simply in the form of compacted soil, or it can be built of concrete. It can be erected from foundation blocks and slabs, corner posts, which are fixed in the ground and carefully concreted. The foundation necessarily requires waterproofing using, for example, hot bitumen, cold mastic. At the very last stage, backfilling of the base is performed.

Over time, owners of private country houses and cottages with year-round living are faced with the need to increase the usable area of ​​their homes. For example, one of the reasons may be the birth of a child or simply the desire for space, since the available area is too small. The frame extension in this case is seen as one of best solutions. The features of the construction of such a structure, the procedure for its legalization will be discussed in this short article.

Extension Features

The big advantage of the frame extension is the possibility of its interface with a house built from any material, whether it be logs, bricks, blocks or bars.

Design features in general view presented in the diagram below, however, they are almost completely identical to the nuances of building a full-fledged frame house.

How to make a frame extension to a brick or wooden house?

To build with your own hands, you will need some set of tools. The figure below shows typical variant such a set.

The presence of at least one assistant is also desirable, since a number of works cannot be done alone, and working with someone is always more fun.

Interfacing with the main house

Regardless of the quality of the foundation, due to the difference in the magnitude of the load that the cottage and the extension exert on the ground, there is still the possibility that over time they will move relative to each other. For this reason, experts strongly do not recommend a rigid type of adjoining an extension to an old house; it is more expedient to use an adjunction similar in principle to a groove-comb connection. To install it on the wall of a capital structure, you need to fix two beams, and install a vertical beam between them, which is an element frame wall extensions. This type of junction will ensure the leveling of mutual movements. Of course, you can use instead of wood metal carcass, then all embedded elements will also be metal. Or you need to use a bolted swivel.

However, the connection of the extension is not limited to walls alone; it is also important to connect two roofs correctly. To do this, the rafters at one end must be docked with the upper trim of the frame, and at the other - fastened with the roof truss system of the old house. The crate under the roof is mounted in such a way that the junction of the old and new roof is between the elements of the crate.

As a roofing material, it is necessary to use only one that has some degree of flexibility, for example, soft tiles or corrugated board with a wave height of not more than 10 mm. But slate or ceramic tiles are no longer suitable for these purposes.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installation of the foundation

The first stage of construction is foundation work. Usually for an extension suit separate foundation, which must be connected with the base of the old house with the help of special embedded fittings.

Of course, the most preferred option is the common foundation laid back at the stage of construction of the first house, however, few of our compatriots look so far, which, however, is quite understandable and understandable in everyday life. When laying a new foundation, it is necessary to ensure maximum identity not only in form, but also in depth of both structures.

If it is impossible to achieve full solidity, then between the two foundations you need to leave the so-called expansion joint so that when the soil moves in the spring, cracks do not form on the walls of the extension and at the very base.

Strapping - the second stage of the construction of the extension. The thickness of the walls of skeletons is usually 20 cm. In extensions, they rarely place living rooms, which allows you to reduce the wall thickness to 10 cm. Therefore, the diameter of the strapping beam and the cross section of the vertical racks will also be 10 cm.

The figure below shows possible scheme installation of the lower trim of the extension:

When assembling the frame, the most attention should be paid to fastening the racks. The figure below explains its features.

The upper strapping is fastened according to the same principle as the lower one. The side view is shown in the figure below.

5. Sheathing and insulation of the ceiling

The ceiling, like the walls inside, is best sheathed with clapboard. This is the most favorable option from the price and aesthetic points of view. Pine lining will last at least 30 years, and even more with proper care. To insulate the ceiling in order to save money, you can use expanded clay, pouring it on top with a layer of 10–12 cm.

Possible variant mounting truss system shown in the figure below:

The process of fixing the roofing material does not differ in any nuances, except for one: the upper part of the sheets should be under roofing material main building. To do this, you may need to remove some of the fasteners. An approximate diagram of the roofing "pie" is shown in the figure below.

The ultimate goal of any construction work is the creation of a durable structure, in which it will be comfortable and cozy to live. The quality of the wall "cake" has the most direct and decisive influence on the achievement of this goal. During the insulation of the walls of a frame house or extension, you need to remember that properly laid steam and wind insulation is the key to a long service life without loss performance characteristics any kind of insulation. If you forget about it, then the insulation will very quickly absorb moisture from the environment and become unusable.

If we consider the layers of the wall "pie" from the inside of the frame extension, then they should go in this order:

1. Inner lining,

2. Air gap(10–20 mm),

3. Vapor barrier,

4. Insulation layer,

5. Wind insulation,

6. Exterior finish.

As wind protection, you can use traditional roofing material or glassine.

The second option is more preferable, since it does not deform when exposed to high ambient temperatures. When installing vapor barrier membrane materials, it is necessary to place them with a smooth surface towards the thermal insulation layer, and a fleecy one towards the room. The villi do not allow condensation to form on them, which prevents excessive wetting of the insulation.

Building insulation is one of the critical factors comfortable stay in it in the future. In fact, all the nuances regarding the insulation of the frame extension completely coincide with the features of the insulation of full-fledged houses built using frame technology. For insulation, you can use the most different materials both traditional and more modern: ecowool, sawdust, basalt mineral slabs, extruded polystyrene foam and much more. In terms of speed and simplicity installation work nevertheless, perhaps, a mineral slab insulation is optimal.
Such a heater must be tightly laid between the frame racks in several layers, but without kinks and pinches, which over time can lead to the formation of "cold bridges". An important feature in the course of work, it becomes necessary to shift the joints between the plates relative to each other in adjacent layers. This principle must be observed not only when insulating walls, but also the ceiling and floor.

Possible mistakes

To complete and re-plan an existing structure is always more difficult than building from scratch, so you should once again pay attention to possible errors in the process of building a frame extension.

First and foremost, many inexperienced builders rely on factory processing of all lumber. However, this is wrong, all elements of the frame must be well dried and treated with fire-retardant impregnations before assembly. window frames and the doors must be installed strictly according to the level and fixed to the already installed vertical racks, that is, the dimensions of all openings must be calculated at the planning stage.

How to legalize an extension to the house?

When all construction works for the construction of the frame extension are completed, many of our compatriots are beginning to think about the need to legitimize the resulting masterpiece of architecture. However, it is better to think about this before starting work, since the process of legalizing an unauthorized structure is a little more complicated, you will have to go to court, moreover, the result may not be in favor of the plaintiff and then you will have to demolish all the resulting beauty, and at your own expense. Of course, you can not go through the circles of bureaucratic hell and leave everything as it is, but this will entail the impossibility of selling, renting, bequeathing or donating the whole house, and not just an extension.

When applying to the courts, you will need a whole set of various documents, among which the most important are the following:

  • Certificate of ownership of the land;
  • Certificate of ownership of a residential building (cottage);
  • Help from BTI;
  • Permission from the housing and communal services organization;
  • An extract from the house book on the number of registered citizens in a residential building;
  • Frame extension plan;
  • House project;
  • Control survey of the extension on a scale of 1:500;
  • The consent of the neighbors, if the extension borders their site;
  • Act of the epidemiological service.

In some cases, you may need a photo of the site, living quarters and an extension to it.

The preparation of the statement of claim must be taken with all responsibility, since the process can be lost due to errors made in it. Most courts will provide an application form and help you fill it out.

After filing a claim, you need to wait for a response, which should be sent by mail. To make sure that the application is accepted, after 10 working days you can call back and clarify the information. It should be borne in mind that the judges have only 2 legitimate reasons for rejecting the claim: the existence of a court decision regarding the legalization of this building or an incorrectly drawn up document of claim. The second option is to reapply.

The municipality will become the defendant during the court session, and the owner of the house to which the annex is made, respectively, will be the plaintiff. When the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, he will need to obtain a payment receipt from the Federal Registration Service for paying the state duty and make a payment, after which the owner will be given all Required documents legalizing unauthorized construction.

As for other monetary expenses, approximately 10,000 rubles will be spent on collecting all the necessary information (consultations with lawyers, etc.), the price of the state duty is currently 500 rubles, 20,000 rubles for an entry in the Urban Planning Cadastre, about 60,000 more rubles will be required by specialists for judicial construction and technical expertise. Thus, in addition to direct construction costs, about 100,000 rubles will be needed for all bureaucratic delays.


Watch a video of how the construction work was carried out on frame extension To home.