How to break a coconut at home. How to open a coconut - simply and quickly at home, video

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After buying a coconut, the real problem arises - how to split it? You can’t just hit it with a hammer (), because the coconut contains juice inside, which simply flows out. Also, how do you split a coconut without injuring yourself? In fact, there are several quick, safe ways that allow you to get to the tasty core of the nut without any hassle.

You will need:

Breaking the coconut

One of the easiest ways to open a coconut at home, no special tools required.

But before you start breaking the coconut, you need to drain the coconut milk.

In order to drain the liquid from the coconut, you need to make a hole in the nut.

The easiest way is to pierce the coconut skin with scissors.

  1. Using one blade of scissors, examine the three "eyes" at the end of the coconut until you find one that is softer than the others.
  2. Thus, with a scissors blade, carefully make a hole in the selected place, expand it as much as possible.
  3. Drain the coconut water into a glass.
  4. If it has a sweet coconut scent, sip a little to test the taste.

If it has a sweet, fresh coconut taste, go straight to the shell-breaking process.

If the juice smells strange or tastes sour, there is no point in litigation; return it to the market and ask for a replacement with another nut or a refund.

After draining the juice, put the coconut in a regular plastic bag, wrap it tightly around the coconut and put it in another bag - preferably a stronger one. Holding the bag by the handles, swing hard and hit it on a hard surface - sidewalk, garage floor, concrete steps. On impact, the coconut shell will shatter into several large pieces.

Keep hitting the coconut until the pieces break to the right size. From such an impact, the coconut peel will not only be crushed - the flesh will separate in places from the hard shell.

Naturally, not all the pulp will exfoliate immediately - some fates will require additional processing. Separate the "coconut meat", which is still attached to the shell, with a thin blade - insert it between the flesh and the peel, and then turn slightly.

use the oven

Unusual, but the easiest way to open a coconut.

Under the influence of high temperature, the outer hard shell begins to expand rapidly, which leads to its cracking.

Of course, first drain the coconut juice into a separate container. One of the methods was described earlier, but you can also make a hole in the nut using a screwdriver, drill or any other sharp object.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. Place the hulled coconut in a shallow saucepan and leave in the oven for 10-15 minutes until the hard outer shell starts to crack.
  3. If you notice cracks, take the coconut out of the oven and let it cool completely.
  4. The flesh of the coconut will separate from the hard outer shell, you just need to finally peel it off with a kitchen knife.

How to split a coconut into two halves

If you don't like the idea of ​​putting a nut in the oven or smashing a coconut on a concrete floor, you can turn to the next method.

Find the "face of the coconut" - between the two eyes there is a straight line that crosses the coconut to the opposite end.

  1. Fix the nut on a hard surface or hold it in the palm of your hand so that the "face" is directed to the side.
  2. Hit the coconut hard several times with a hard object (you can just hit the coconut on the corner) perpendicular to the same line - the crack will break it into two equal halves.
  3. Naturally, before this, it is recommended to drain the coconut juice.
  4. And now we separate the pulp from the shell.
  5. Place both halves in the freezer overnight.
  6. In the morning, transfer to a warmer place - from the temperature difference, the coconut pulp will either shrink or expand, and as a result, it will peel off on its own from the hard shell.
  7. You just have to gently pry it off with a regular butter knife.
  8. After extracting the pulp, you can also peel it from a thin brown film, but this is not necessary and does not affect the taste of the coconut in any way.

How to break a coconut with a knife

You can split a coconut at home using only a kitchen knife with a little physical force.

It does not matter why a coconut appeared in your house - whether it is a gift of fate or your own whim, but something must be done with it. Despite the rather harsh appearance, opening a nut is not such a difficult matter if you know which side to approach it from.

How to split a coconut

Of course, this nut is an exotic fruit and is not familiar to everyone. But that doesn't mean we can't deal with it.

The fruit of the coconut tree is more correctly called a drupe, not a nut.

To cut a coconut “under the nut”, we must stock up on the necessary tools and follow a certain sequence of actions.

Preparing inventory

We will need:

  • a hammer;
  • nail or screwdriver;
  • a large knife or hatchet for meat;
  • cup;
  • towel.

Do not be intimidated by the abundance of listed items. Some of them are interchangeable and are indicated in case another item is not at hand. Which tool you use depends on how you open the nut.

Drain the juice

On one of the "poles" of the nut there are three dark spots. In these places it will be easier to make a hole.

Coconut water is often mistakenly referred to as "milk". Actually, coconut water (juice) and coconut milk are two different things. Water is what is inside the nut, and the so-called coconut milk is obtained from the crushed pulp with the addition of water.

You need to choose the softest spot and make a hole in it with a nail or screwdriver

  1. Lay the coconut on a towel so it doesn't slip on the table.
  2. Place a nail against one of the marks and hit it with a hammer. Calculate the impact force! If you overdo it, you will get a hammered nail, not a hole.
  3. Make two holes for the coconut water to pour out more easily, and tilt the nut over the glass.

Do not count on a full glass of juice, there is not much of it in a ripened (brown) nut.

Breaking a nut with bare hands

It is difficult to imagine a Papuan walking around under palm trees with a carpenter's kit. Coconuts have been eaten since time immemorial, which means that there are some "primitive" ways to bring sweet pulp to the world.

The simplest way to open a nut, if you have nothing but your own hands, is to hit it hard on a hard surface. For example, about a concrete wall. The "right hook" will have the desired effect if you aim: hold the nut in such a way that the blow falls on the most convex part of the "equator" of the nut. As a rule, one decent blow is enough for a crack to appear. The disadvantage of this method is that if the gap is too small, you cannot simply break the nut into two halves with your hands and you will have to repeat the maneuver. And if you are so strong that you just smashed the coconut against the wall, then you will not be able to enjoy the coconut juice - it will flow out.

How to open a coconut with a knife

If there is at least a knife, then this greatly simplifies the matter. It is desirable that it be a solid tool that inspires respect, for example, a billhook knife, a hunting knife or a “chef's knife”. With it, you cut the coconut in at least two ways.

Opening through a hole

If you have already made two holes in the shell and drained the juice, feel free to start cutting using the existing holes.

  1. We insert the knife into one of the holes with a point.
  2. We hit the handle several times. You can do this with a hammer, or you can just use your fist.

This method guarantees that the nut will crack, but does not guarantee the symmetry of the resulting parts.

Video: cutting with a knife through a hole

Knife on the rib of a coconut

In this way, “full” nuts are opened, with juice inside. First of all, evaluate the "exterior" of the knife and determine what is heavier, the blade or the handle. Sharpness does not matter, because we will tap the nut, not cut it. If the knife blade is heavier, then use its blunt side. If the handle is more weighty, then take the knife by the blade.

  1. Locate a natural fault line approximately in the middle of the nut. As you remember, this is the very place where the shell cracks the fastest.
  2. Act accurately and carefully: with one hand, hold the nut on weight and constantly turn it around its axis, and with the other hand, tap along this line with the blunt side of the knife.
  3. As soon as a crack appears, insert the blade of a knife into it and slightly push the shell apart.
  4. Pour the juice into a glass.
  5. Now open the nut using the knife more forcefully.

Video: how to split the shell into two equal halves

How to open a green "drinkable" coconut

Green fruits are unripe nuts that have not yet had time to “matter”. By the density of the peel, they are somewhat reminiscent of a pumpkin, which means that a green nut can be easily handled with a kitchen knife. Just cut off one of the coconut poles like a "cap" and enjoy!

Green coconut juice reduces appetite, normalizes digestion, blood glucose, thyroid function and metabolism

Coconut water is low in calories, quenches thirst well, helps get rid of bladder infections and restores physical strength after intense exercise.

Safety precautions when opening a nut

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to deal with coconut, still be careful when using sharp, piercing, cutting objects. When wielding a hammer, try to protect your fingers. By the way, if out of all the ways to open a coconut, you just decided to hit it with a hammer wherever you have to, then before that put it in a plastic bag so as not to look for scattered pieces all over the kitchen later.

Peeling the hard skin and extracting the pulp

The extraction of pulp will go faster if you consider the following rule: the more shells, the easier it is to do. Therefore, if you do not use any "life hacks", then the most difficult thing will be to pick out the copra from those very perfect hemispheres that were discussed above.

Insert the blade of the knife between the shell and the edible part and separate the piece

The most primitive way to extract the pulp is as follows: insert the blade of a knife between the shell and the edible part, and, shaking the knife, separate the piece. Then another one. And further. The main thing is not to rush anywhere.

This type of meditation is not for everyone. Things will go much faster if you use the following method:

We will not throw away the shell

If carving a coconut is so impressive that you want to keep these exciting moments in your memory, make a souvenir out of the shell. Most often, halves of nuts are used as a salt shaker, candlestick, plate for buttons, keys and other trifles. If the shell is quite deep, then by turning it upside down, you will get an excellent eco-house for a hamster. Small and unsightly shards will serve as drainage for indoor flowers.

Photo gallery: decor and household items made of coconut shell

Candlesticks made from halves of coconut will decorate any holiday Coconut shell feeder is very eco-friendly Box in the shape of an egg - almost Faberge Cacti in a coconut planter feel at home

Terms and methods of storing coconut

One nut, as a rule, is eaten right there, so the question of how to store it is not even raised. Another thing is when, for some reason, you have these coconuts, as they say, “heaps”. Whole nuts keep in a cool place for up to three weeks. But if you don’t work in the same store where you managed to stock up on coconuts, then you can’t know how long they had already lain on the shelf before you were tempted by them.

Important! When buying a coconut, shake it near your ear: you will hear a noticeable splash of juice. If this sound is not there, there is a high probability of running into a stale, drying fruit.

Store an opened coconut in the refrigerator for 3-5 days, as long as it remains in the shell. Coconut juice is not recommended. Microbes multiply rapidly in a sweetish liquid, so it would be wiser to drink it right away.

  • pour boiled water over the pulp so that it does not dry out. The shelf life of "soaked coconut" in the refrigerator is 2-3 days;
  • Put the peeled coconut pulp in the freezer. In this form, she can wait for her fate for several months;
  • chop and dry the coconut, put it in a bag and use the shavings throughout the year. Store in a dry place.

Not everyone can pick a nut from such a height

Interesting: in the south of Thailand, coconuts are harvested with the help of trained monkeys. The animal climbs up, picks nuts, and when it comes down, it receives a treat from the worker.

The sweetness and aroma of a fresh walnut is much brighter than a processed one. Buy the "symbol of heavenly life" just before eating and enjoy the fullest taste.

I want to make a reservation in advance that some of the “easy” in this text were even very “hard”, and what was not included in the text did not work at all, only scratched my hands.

We also read there:

“The nut has three black dots (eyes) through which it communicates and is attached to the palm tree. One of the attachment points is not shelled at all.”

It turns out that everything in nature has already been thought out for us, wild city dwellers!

Well, we are trying to pick all three points - with various tools (Chinese stick, knife, and finally - a knife). And indeed, at one of the points, the knife easily dug a deep hole! The moment of opening was accompanied by a "puff" characteristic of a beer bottle. Hooray, kids, at least we'll have juice!

Juice can be poured, just drink from the hole, but you can also through the straw!

It turned out that kids don't like coconut milk at all! And coconut milk is not milk at all, it is transparent and tastes like birch sap with a hint of “bounty”. “And the motherland generously gave me coconut ...” Juice is scarce there.

Further, the Internet offers a lot of options: from "... Hit it hard with a hammer - it should break easily"- before “We deepen the blade into the nut, while swinging it: a crack is formed”. Children, for this we need what we do not have: unfeminine strength and a durable hunting knife. We'd better wait for dad.

Dad came and after 5 minutes the coconut was amazingly beautiful, no casualties, opened in half.
Dad, but HOW?
After another 5 minutes, we split dad as well: it turns out that he took a coconut, mentally drew an “equator” on it, and tapped the entire “equator” with short, aimed hammer blows, like this:

after which the nut gave the desired crack, and we only had to “remove the cap”:

The thin-skinned nut itself was cut easily with a simple knife:

So what would we do without dad?
- Dad, where did you get such coconut handling skills? You are from Siberia!
“From generation to generation, my children, this secret method of splitting coconut has been passed down in our family. Now you know too!

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Coconut is the nut of the coconut palm. Translated from Portuguese, coco means "monkey", since on the one hand the fruit resembles the muzzle of this animal. Exotic fruits are rich vitamins of groups B and C, as well as fiber and trace elements- calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which contributes to the blood.

The fruits of the coconut palm are relatively affordable - the price of small and medium nuts, as a rule, does not exceed one hundred rubles. In order not to miscalculate the choice of fruit, shake it in the store next to your ear. If you hear water splash means everything is fine. Other important factors - no damage, stains or rot on the shell.


Many people would love to try coconut, but the extremely thick shell of the nut puts them off. The shell is very difficult to crack for an unprepared person. The fact is that it consists of three layers, the hardest of which endocarp. Thanks to him, the fruits do not crack when they fall from 30-meter palm trees to the ground.

However, breaking a coconut at home is not difficult. What's more, it can be done in just a few minutes.

How to quickly split a coconut

In most ways, you need to pour out excess liquid from the coconut. This is done very easily. Find three holes on the fruit that look like eyes and a smile (see photo). They need to make holes in them to get rid of the liquid.

What happens next depends on what tools you have on hand and how much time you are willing to spend opening a coconut at home.

Hammer and screwdriver

  • Take a screwdriver and use a hammer to drive it into each of the holes in the coconut one by one (watch the video to see how). Get rid of excess liquid.
  • After the liquid has run out of the coconut, start tapping the surface of the coconut with a hammer, turning it around. You need to walk around the entire perimeter of the nut.
  • Keep knocking and soon you will see cracks appear. And then the shell itself will fall apart.
Tip: the liquid that remains after opening the shell can be drunk after straining.

Mini saw, screwdriver and knife

  • Start sawing the skin of the coconut, then rinse it under the tap to get rid of the husk.
  • Take a screwdriver and go around the diameter of the coconut, sticking the tool in those places where the shell began to diverge.
  • As a result, the coconut will be divided into 2 parts. Cut the fruit with a knife over the bowl so as not to splatter the table.

two knives

  • Take a paring knife with a narrow blade and make holes on the side of the coconut where there are depressions.
  • Drain all the juice into an empty container.
Tip: It's best to prepare a larger bowl or cup in case there is a lot of liquid in the nut.
  • Take out a heavier knife (suitable for a chef's knife) and start tapping the shell with the flat side of the blade. Movements should be neat and unhurried. In this case, you need to rotate the coconut with the other hand.
  • After a couple of minutes, the first cracks will appear. Keep tapping the knife and turning the coconut until there are more of them. Then boldly open the nut.
Tip: for clarity, you can draw a straight line with a marker, passing through the middle of the coconut.

With hammer, screwdriver and towel

  • Drain the liquid from the coconut by making holes in it.
  • Wrap the coconut in a towel to make a triangle. Hold the edge of the makeshift envelope firmly with one hand, and tap it with a hammer with the other until the shell begins to break.
Tip: Be careful and take your time when working with a hammer. Otherwise, you risk hitting yourself on the arm.

Hammer and nail

  • Attach a nail to one of the "eyes" of the coconut. Using a hammer, carefully poke a hole in the shell. Important - correctly calculate the force and do not overdo it, otherwise you will drive a nail into a nut, and not open it.
  • Pour the liquid into the bowl.
  • Take a hammer in one hand and a coconut in the other. Knock in the middle of the shell, gently turning the nut.

Hammered after freezing

  • Put the coconut in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer of the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Pull out the nut and start tapping it with a hammer. Don't forget to swirl the coconut for maximum impact.
  • When a large number of cracks appear in the shell, peel the coconut with your hands.

Using the oven or microwave

  • Dry the coconut by making holes in it and draining the liquid. Important - in no case do not skip this step, otherwise the fruit will explode in the oven.
  • Heat the oven up to 190 ºС. If you are in a hurry, you can use the microwave.
  • Put the coconut on a baking sheet and leave inside for 10 minutes, and for microwave - for 3 minutes on medium mode. After about this time, the first crack should appear. If the shell remains intact, continue to “bake” the nut.
  • Remove the coconut from the oven and let it cool for 2-3 minutes. Then wrap in a kitchen towel or rag.
  • Place the cloth-wrapped coconut in a trash bag. Pick up the bag of nuts and hit with all your strength on a hard surface (even concrete). Do this until you feel that the shell has begun to crack.
  • Separate the inside of the coconut from the shell with a narrow-bladed knife. You should be left with the flesh of the coconut in the brown skin. Remove with a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife.

What then

It’s not enough just to crack a coconut, you also need to get the edible part out of the shell. The easiest way to disassemble a nut at home is with a knife. Press it on the pulp and cut it, and then turn the device to the side counterclockwise. Repeat several times, moving along the entire diameter of the fruit. When you're done, shake the coconut over a jar or plate.

Note: 8 questions about coconut

1. Is it possible to cut a coconut with bare hands?

Most people cannot do this, so it's better not to even try, so as not to get injured, this exotic product is too massive. Just a reminder that the fall of an exotic fruit on a person can cause serious damage to the back, neck, shoulders and head, and in rare cases, be fatal.

2. Is it possible to open a coconut with your teeth

Hardly. You risk, and then seriously spend money on their restoration.

3. Will the fruit break if thrown on a stone?

Maybe if the stone is big enough. This is how monkeys "cut" coconuts. But we advise you to use this method only as a last resort. Yet at home it is difficult to find a suitable cobblestone.

4. What is the name of the liquid that is inside the nut

In its turn, milk prepared from the pulp of coconut. To do this, you need to wash and grind it in a blender, and then strain it.

Delicate, slightly sweet coconut taste is highly valued, refreshing, it exudes a tropical aroma. And sometimes you want to enjoy the true coconut taste or transform the festive table with an exotic serving. However, the tropical fruit is extremely strong and not easy to open. Of course, you do not need to take a drill or a circular saw. But you will have to make some effort, especially if you want to save the nut for a refined presentation.

Splitting a Coconut with an Oven

This is the classic and most famous way. It will allow you to keep a good appearance of the shell for subsequent serving as a decor or decoration. The method is quite simple, it requires an oven and a sharp knife or housekeeper.

Initially, it is necessary to drain the juice from the fruit. If this is not done, then it will boil inside the coconut and literally explode the fruit. The mass of pulp, the shell will be lost, and the oven will have to be thoroughly washed. Draining coconut juice is very easy. It is necessary to turn the fruit to the side where there are several small depressions, usually this is the top. It was through them that the coconut was fed from the palm tree. Now you should carefully determine the softest place with a sharp knife. It is in it that you need to decisively go deep, turning the knife to a depth of 1.5 cm. You can make the task somewhat easier using a clean screwdriver.

Now you need to quickly turn the coconut over a glass or cup and see if the liquid comes out. If the juice began to drip, then the deepening is sufficient, and you just have to wait a little. Depending on the fetus, it may take from several to ten minutes. The volume of juice from one coconut is 120–160 ml. By the way, here you can determine how fresh and suitable the fruit is. If the juice is clear and sweet, then it is the highest grade. A slight turbidity is still allowed. If the juice has an oily consistency, then the coconut is already spoiled, and it is not recommended to eat it.

It is better to open a coconut at maximum temperature. The higher it is, the better and faster the fruit will crack. The nut must be placed on the grate, so it will not bake and burn, but will heat up evenly around the entire circumference. Usually 10 minutes is enough. Then you need to pull it out and inspect it closely. It is necessary to find a large crack or several small ones in the shell. If they are not, then you should continue heating further.

Wrap a cracked coconut in a thin towel or plastic bag and hit the already damaged side on the table several times. The initial crack will be the weak point, so the shell will crack. Now it is enough to pry it with a knife and open the fetus with swinging movements. The flesh should be cleaned to whiteness with a sharp knife or housekeeper. A whole, undamaged nut is ready to serve. Also, usually the shell is split into 2-3 parts, and it can be used in the design of a dish or table.

Peeling a Coconut with a Microwave

The technique is as similar as possible to the method with the oven, but there are certain differences. The main thing is the very quality of removing coconut juice. It is necessary to drain the maximum amount of moisture, while it is recommended to shake the nut several times. This will take about 10 minutes.

Even with good dejuicing, the coconut can still explode in the microwave. Therefore, you should put the fetus inside for 2 minutes at maximum power, quickly pull it out and look. If there are no large cracks, then put it on for another 40 seconds. And so continue until sufficient damage appears on the shell.

Then wrap the fruit in a bag or a thin cloth and apply several blows on the table with exactly the side where the crack occurred. The fracture is easily pryed with a knife, so the nut opens with the help of swinging movements. After that, it remains only to clean the pulp. The method takes less time compared to the oven, however, the special effect of the microwave oven bakes the pulp a little, which slightly changes the taste and aroma of fresh coconut.

Break a coconut with a hammer

This is the most brutal, but quite effective way. You do not need to drain the coconut water, just wrap the fruit with a paper towel and a rag. Wrapping should be carried out carefully, it is desirable to cover everything so that the fetus is firmly fixed. The wrapped coconut should be placed horizontally on a table or hard surface.

With the left hand, it is necessary to firmly hold the end of the fetus, and with the right hand, apply sharp blows with a hammer. It is better to hit the center of the coconut. You can also gently turn the fruit after each blow, so a circular crack will appear, and the shell will split into two beautiful parts. They can be used to decorate the table or serve dishes. If you hit at one point, the nut can break through without cracking.

When, under the blows, the fruit cracks or falls apart into two or three parts, you should unfold the towels, move everything under the bowl and open the shell. About 150 ml of liquid will pour out. Now you need to free the pulp from the remnants of the shell. Small pieces can be simply pry off with a sharp knife. If there are halves or tips, then you should put them on the edge and apply a few more blows with a hammer, but not very strong.

When splitting with your hand, you should hold the tip of the coconut tightly, and strike with a hammer at one point, you can hit the pointed end. Then the pulp that has fallen into pieces can be easily removed with a knife.

When knocking out, it is necessary to inflict many light blows over the entire area. The task is to peel off the pulp from the shell, after which it can be picked out with a knife or a spoon entirely. The flesh still has a thin outer skin and should be peeled with a housekeeper or a sharp knife. In general, the method is very fast, an experienced chef does this procedure in a little over a minute. However, it requires skill, experience and some physical strength.

Breaking a coconut with a kitchen mallet

In addition to building, you can use a regular kitchen hammer for chops. And for some, this method is the easiest and fastest to learn. The whole technique is identical to the usual splitting. The only caveat is that it is better to drain the juice, as the pulp will break through, and the liquid will splatter all over the kitchen.

Drainage of coconut water is standard. You need to pierce the softest of the three recesses with a thin knife or screwdriver, and then turn it over into a glass or bowl. Usually about 150 ml of sweet and fragrant water flows down.

Now you can break the fruit. To do this, you need to fix the coconut with one hand and hit it with a chop hammer, the side with large spikes. The most effective technology: imagine the waist and draw a line from the top to the tip. With sharp, moderately strong blows, tap all this waist, moving and turning the coconut. Gradually, it will crack evenly and exactly in this place. Another method is to strike hard in one area. This can lead to cracking or breaking of the shell and pulp. Extra pieces should be removed and the breaking should continue, destroying neighboring areas.

Removing the pulp from the inner layer of the shell is carried out with a sharp knife, it is ideal to use a special one - loin. It is thin and bends well, so coconut flesh can be easily cut even from large chips without further breaking them.

Splitting a coconut with a screwdriver

This is a fairly simple method that will produce a fairly presentable nutshell. A flat wide screwdriver or chisel is required. Even a knife or a kitchen ax will do, the main thing is that the product is bendable. An ordinary kitchen knife can simply break, even injuring your hand.

It is necessary to drain the juice by punching a hole in the region of three recesses and placing the fruit in a bowl or glass for 5 minutes to make the water glass. You can cleave directly from the same eye. Drive a screwdriver there at a slight angle and loosen, increasing the hole. Next, you need to turn the hole nearby, a crack should form. On it you can split the whole fruit. If you do not rush, then you can achieve almost perfect splitting into two parts.

Another way: feel for the seam in the area with three recesses and drive a screwdriver there, loosening the shell at the place of fusion. The best option to collect the pulp from such pieces is to put the already chopped coconut in the microwave for 1 minute. Then, with a knife or a specially sharpened strong dessert spoon, pry off the pulp and turn it out. You can make the task a little easier if you use a knife to cut it into smaller pieces to the shell (this will require much less effort).

Sawing - saving the shell for serving

Almost all of the above methods involve uncontrolled or conditionally controlled destruction of the shell. However, sometimes it is necessary to keep it intact for table decoration. In this case, different techniques for sawing the fruit are used.

Any hand saw will do. Circular saws and grinders are not recommended, as they are difficult to control when working with coconut, and they also heavily contaminate the pulp. The best solution would be to use a manual jigsaw or a metal saw. The smaller the teeth, the better and smoother the cut will be.

You can cut along or across, the main thing is to fix the nut well. You can wrap the unaffected part with a rag for better fixation. There are several techniques:

  1. Through cut. In this case, the fruit is sawn completely.
  2. Circular cut of the shell. Only the shell is sawn around the entire circumference. After that, having fixed one part of the fruit, the sawn off piece should simply be turned with a twisting movement and separated from the pulp.

However, the most difficult is ahead, because if it is necessary to preserve the shell, then the pulp will not be easy to get. It is best to stock up on a special French spoon, thin and sharp. It is it that is used in restaurants to scrape the pulp from various fruits. You can still sharpen one edge of an ordinary dessert. The area close to the cut can be separated with a knife, simply by inserting it between the pulp and the shell and cutting in a circle. You will have to extract the pulp deeper with a spoon, taking it gradually, in layers, so as not to damage the shell at the very end. This can take time, especially when cutting a third of the nut crosswise. But the result is the perfect decoration or decor element for the festive table.

Some simplification of the extraction of pulp can bring a temperature difference. This will not work for splitting the nut, but for peeling the pulp from the shell due to the different speed of size change. Already cut coconut should be covered with a plate and placed in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, then in the freezer for 2-3 minutes. The pulp will very easily move away from the shell, almost on its own. However, this treatment will dull the coconut flavor somewhat, which must be taken into account.

Despite the apparent complexity, there are many methods to quickly and efficiently open the shell. And enough of the inventory that is already in the kitchen. Of course, you should not throw a juicy fruit on the floor. Although this will lead to the desired result, it will splash the room with juice and pulp. It is enough to have an oven or microwave, an ordinary knife, a screwdriver and a spoon. Delicious tropical coconut meat can be obtained quickly and safely with this kit.

If you need a professional serving or decoration on the table, you will need a hammer or saw. With such tools, you can already set the shape of the chips or simply cut the nut as you like. When following the instructions, there is no risk of spoiling the fruit, shell or injury. But it will be possible to serve an exotic dish, decorated as in a restaurant with Michelin stars.

« Important: All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before applying any of the recommendations, consult with a specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.