We are building a cellar in a finished garage. How to build a basement in a garage - step by step instructions

Since most residents of megacities do not have the opportunity to use an individual basement, it is necessary to learn how to build cellar in the garage. Although this event requires certain financial resources and labor costs, the end result fully justifies the effort and resources expended. In addition, the presence cellar in the garage significantly increases the cost of construction.

The cellar under the garage can be used not only as a warehouse for unclaimed of things or vegetable pit, but also as a small workshop. In the latter case, the premises must be properly equipped in compliance with all labor safety canons.

Naturally, the device cellar in the garage can be performed when the building is already in operation, but in order not to violate the integrity of the building, experts recommend building a cellar directly during the construction of the garage.

How to build a cellar in the garage with your own hands - instruction:

What cellar to build?

A competent basement device during the construction of a garage will save the owner from the need for further redevelopment of the structure. Before you do cellar in the garage with your own hands, you should decide how it should be. If it is assumed that the basement will be located directly under the building, then the type of storage is determined by its depth.

If the project for the construction of a cellar in a garage involves the construction semi-underground storage, then it should be arranged according to the principles of arrangement viewing hole . The standard depth is 70-100 centimeters. If you want to finish the walls of the cellar in the garage, then, as a rule, they are laid out from perfectly scorched brick or poured out concrete. For waterproofing, modern coating materials are used.

When is the full development planned? underground basement, the calculation of metric characteristics is carried out taking into account the presence of groundwater on the site. 1.5–3 meters– classical parameters of deepening.

Important! Starting the construction of a garage with your own hands with a cellar, it is imperative to carry out geological exploration of the area, determine the type of soil, level ground water, as well as the presence of economic and industrial communications under the site.

How to do cellar in the garage do it yourself - photo:

How to arrange underground storage in the process of building a garage?

Before you build cellar under garage with your own hands, you should think through all the nuances of arranging the storage in as much detail as possible. Creation of a competent drawing will allow you to accurately calculate the dimensions of the basement and determine the amount of necessary building materials.

The width of a standard cellar is approx. 2–2.5 m, and the depth is 170–190 centimeters. Experts recommend building a basement with an indent from the main walls of half a meter. Such a gap is necessary for further organization moisture insulation. The main wall will be a plane strip foundation . The surface of the floor should rise above the foundation by about 30 cm.


Foundation work begins from digging a pit. Its bottom should be carefully tamped and leveled. After preparatory work at the bottom it is necessary to lay out a pillow of brick shavings or crushed stone 3 cm thick. This litter is poured with a layer of concrete 7–8 cm.

As soon as the concrete hardens, you can start work on waterproofing. For this to the surface concrete pavement several layers of roofing material are laid, which are glued together with liquid resin.

In order to protect the structure from flooding with groundwater, it is necessary to equip the perimeter drainage system .

The material that was used for waterproofing should protrude from the wall by about 10-15 cm. Once this condition is met, installation can begin. formwork and pouring it concrete.

Masonry, wall decoration and ceiling arrangement

If the building material for the walls is selected brick, then it is best to perform a simplified ordinary masonry. The main thing is to observe the absolute verticality of the walls. You can control the process using a plumb line and level. It is recommended to rub the seams on both sides, and cover the walls themselves lime.

A simpler option for edging an underground storage around the perimeter is the construction monolithic concrete walls. When constructing formwork, it is necessary to make shields for walls from straight lines. wooden planks. The formwork is attached to metal supports, which are placed along the perimeter of the location, after which the structure is poured with concrete.

If it is supposed to use paint to finish the surfaces of the walls, then it is recommended to apply on the plane before painting. special basis . It won't let the paint peel off. As a basis, you can use a moisture-resistant emulsion. Best to apply silicate paints which do not absorb moisture and do not emit toxic substances.

An excellent material for finishing any surface in the cellar is acrylic paint . Moisture resistance and presentability are the main advantages of this material.

If the budget allows, then exterior finish walls, experts recommend using paints, the basis of which is liquid glass . They are highly resistant and durable.

For whitewashing walls in storage facilities with excellent ventilation and low humidity, they are successfully used slaked lime. This is an excellent tool for the destruction of fungi, mold, and pathogens.

Lime costs cheap, which allows you to save money on wall and ceiling decoration.

For the fastest and simplest construction of ceiling ceilings, as a rule, use reinforced concrete slabs. In one of them create a hole for entry. The structure is lubricated with resin, and then insulated with a mixture of sawdust and cement or glass wool.

The thickness of the insulation should be approximately 15–20 cm. If it is necessary to install an additional insulation ball, then the ceiling surface should be plaster. Lining, as well as slate, are successfully used as finishing materials.

Floor, ventilation and waterproofing

The ideal material for arranging the floor is quite rightly considered reinforced concrete. After the bottom is leveled and rammed, it is covered with a dense ball of sand and gravel 15 cm thick. In order to simplify and speed up the process, a reinforced concrete slab is placed on the bottom of the basement as a floor.

natural ventilation- the simplest and affordable way organize proper air circulation in the underground storage. To equip the system, you will need 2 pipes. The supply pipe is displayed outside the garage.

From above, it must be equipped with a metal mesh from the penetration of rodents and a cap from precipitation. The lower segment of the pipe should be at some distance from the cellar floor (15–20 cm). The exhaust pipe is installed directly under the ceiling.

Forced ventilation- a more expensive, but at the same time very reliable way to guarantee excellent air circulation in the basement of the garage. Such modular system equipped hood. It will be relevant for overall basements, where a sufficiently large number of products are stored.

Reliable waterproofing- a guarantee of the durability of the storage and the structure as a whole. The effectiveness of waterproofing guarantees the safety of products and the reliability of the building.

Before you do it right cellar in the garage, find out what kind of soil the garage is on. If on dry, then to ensure waterproofing it will be enough to use a hot bituminous coating.

When a large amount of groundwater is detected on the site, waterproofing should be carried out by means of gluing room surfaces.

Rolled roofing material on bituminous masticperfect material for high-quality waterproofing of underground premises. If necessary, repair of such a coating can be done quickly enough on your own.

How to dig a cellar in a garage?

To learn how to dig cellar in finished garage , without violating the stability of the structure, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Do-it-yourself cellar in the garage step by step:

  1. Determine and mark the perimeter of the future basement storage.
  2. Dismantle the floor covering and dig a pit.
  3. Cover the bottom of the pit with several layers of roofing material.
  4. Run concrete screed at the bottom of the pit.
  5. Lay brick walls and fill them with concrete mortar.
  6. Make floor supports.
  7. Construct a frame from boards and reinforcement.
  8. Fill the formwork plane with a layer of concrete.
  9. Carry out work on finishing the underground storage.

So, having understood the basic principles and concepts of arrangement cellar in the garage, it becomes obvious that every wise and attentive owner can carry out this event. So don't waste your precious time. Feel free to take on the manufacture of a cellar in the garage and feel the real benefits after the implementation of the project.

You can also equip a vegetable pit in the garage with your own hands for long-term storage of food.

Watch video how to do cellar in the garage:

Additional space under the garage - good way save space on the site and building materials.

You can complete such a project with your own hands, even having a little knowledge in the field of architecture.

The easiest way to implement a basement in the garage is at the construction stage of the latter. However, even if the garage has existed for a long time, it is also possible to build a basement in it. Although with certain restrictions.

Bookmark at the stage of construction

Building a garage with a basement is not much more difficult than without it. First you need to decide on the location of the building and its size.

Clear the area of ​​vegetation and debris. Then you need to mark it and dig a pit.

Even small hole digging with your own hands is hard and long, it is better to hire equipment for this purpose.

However, in the end, you still have to trim the walls of the pit with a shovel manually.

Walls can be laid out concrete blocks or poured out of concrete. In the latter case, formwork will need to be assembled.

If blocks are used, then in the trench it is necessary to make a small monolithic heel with reinforcement - a concrete cushion. Under it, it is necessary to lay waterproofing material.

When the walls of the basement are erected, you can proceed to the arrangement of the floor. For the cellar, you can leave the earthen flooring, but for cleanliness and convenience, it is still better to do a concrete screed with your own hands:

  1. The surface is leveled, loose material, organic inclusions are removed.
  2. The entire area is covered with waterproofing material, it must be glued to the waterproofing of the base of the walls.
  3. Reinforcing mesh is laid.
  4. Concrete is poured and compacted.

It is desirable to cover it from the sun, because quick drying will not allow the material to gain the desired strength.

A floor slab is formed on top. It can be equipped from ready-made hollow-core reinforced concrete products, or poured on the spot, having previously prepared the formwork and reinforcing cage.

Then the walls of the basement and the ceiling from the outside are treated with waterproofing materials. Thanks to this, the future cellar is completely isolated from the dampness of the soil.

At the stage of laying out or pouring walls and ceilings, it is advisable to immediately provide for a device ventilation ducts. Naturally, you need to take care of the place where you then put the stairs.

It is advisable to insulate the walls of the basement from the outside with polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. After that, the gaps between the walls and the soil are backfilled.

When the basement under the garage with the ceiling is ready, you can begin the construction of the above-ground part. Walls are being removed, gates, windows are being installed, roofing is being assembled, communications are being brought in, interior and exterior decoration is being carried out.

A staircase is mounted in the basement, which can be made stationary or mobile. With the right approach, all the work can be done by hand in one season.

Digging in an already built garage

If you decide to build a basement in an existing garage, then the process will be slightly different. First you need to determine which foundation device is located under the building. The idea will certainly have to be abandoned if the arrangement of the garage is made on a shallow slab.

Great difficulties may also arise in the case of other types of shallow foundations. The basement should not be dug in case of a high level of groundwater. In this case, the soil has high mobility and a pit in the middle of the building can lead to its subsidence, skew.

Construction is possible only after an effective soil drainage system around the garage has been completed.

It is easiest to build a basement in a garage if the building is installed on a tape monolithic foundation, the depth of which is equal to or even exceeds the depth of the excavation necessary for the cellar. In this case, the work is reduced to excavation, installation of floor slabs. Then a ventilation system is installed, a staircase is installed, finishing is done and the basement can be used.

However, the device of such a foundation is very rare due to its high cost.

Difficulties arise if the floor should be much deeper than the base of the foundation. In this case, you will have to retreat from the walls of the garage. The distance to be maintained depends on the properties of the soil and the depth of the basement.

If it is not possible to make calculations, then it is worth focusing on such a norm - the horizontal distance from the foundation wall should correspond to the height difference between the level of the basement floor and the level of the base of the foundation. For example, if the floor is a meter deeper than the foundation, then you will also have to retreat at least a meter.

Having decided on the dimensions, you can get to work. The car is driven out of the garage and all tools, racks, spare parts and other belongings that could interfere are removed. Then markings are made on the cleaned concrete or soil.

If the floor is concrete, then the concrete will have to be broken and dismantled. It is possible partially if the dimensions of the basement under the garage are much smaller than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe latter.

Excavation is in progress. The work is not difficult, but doing it alone with your own hands is long and inconvenient. It is advisable to have an assistant. It is difficult to use equipment in this case because of the walls and roof of an existing garage - no device can work in such cramped conditions.

Since the basement will not support the weight of the garage, it is possible not to make a very strong massive base and thick walls. The easiest way is to fill the floor first, after laying the waterproofing.

And then lay out the walls with bricks or, again, pour concrete. The ceiling will also have to be poured on its own, since it will not work to start the plate with a crane.

You will have to make horizontal formwork, mount a high-quality reinforcing cage. After pouring, the concrete will gain strength for about a month.

All this time it cannot be loaded, it cannot be stripped. It is also highly desirable to keep the concrete constantly wet.

When the concrete hardens, the formwork is removed and the finishing is done. If the garage is not heated, then it is advisable to insulate the ceiling so that a positive temperature is maintained in the basement. Ventilation should also be done, otherwise condensation will settle in the cellar.

It is also worth insulating if the garage is heated, this will reduce the intensity of condensation. To do this, the walls must be glued with a hydrophobic heat-insulating material - polystyrene foam, penofol, polyurethane foam.

It is necessary to carry out lighting, as well as install a ladder and a cover or door. The entrance to the basement and the stairs can be combined with a viewing hole, this will save usable space.

Tools, expenses

To do the work yourself, you will need a wide range of tools. The exact list depends on the selected materials, the nature of the soil, the architecture of the garage and basement. In any case, when thinking about how to make a basement in a garage, you should get:

  • shovels;
  • tape measure and other measuring instruments;
  • levels, levels;
  • trowel, spatulas;
  • buckets;
  • ladder or stepladder;
  • tools for cutting metal, plastic;
  • perforator, drill, grinder.

The main materials are concrete, brick. To insulate, you will need foam plastic or similar materials, the arrangement of waterproofing will require the presence of bitumen, mastic, roofing material, fiberglass, etc. The installation of ventilation ducts will require plastic pipes, and a copper cable to create lighting.

To level the screed in the basement or in the garage, you may need a leveling mass. For amplification concrete structures be sure to use corrugated fittings and other metal elements. The ladder is assembled from metal, wooden due to high humidity is much worse.

Can buy ready product, or you can assemble the stairs yourself from improvised materials - corners, pipes, channels.

The cost of a basement under a garage varies greatly depending on the complexity of the project and the size. However, even a small garage with a basement, under optimal conditions and with budget solutions, can hardly be equipped for less than 50 thousand rubles.

For many urban dwellers, the basement in the garage is the only place where they can store canned food and other supplies for the winter. Subject to building regulations, safety precautions and the main points of the instructions, the cellar is built by hand in a short time.

Do you need a cellar in the garage

Many owners of their own garage are wondering if it is worth equipping a basement under it. They believe that this involves significant difficulties, requires overhaul building or construction of a new structure.

In a modern metropolis, a garage is a place that can be equipped to store canned food and other food supplies. Despite the presence of a refrigerator in most apartments, it is in the cellar that the safety of potatoes and pickles is ensured.

The main advantage of a cellar equipped under a garage is support optimum temperature even in severe frost. If the pit is deepened by 2-3 meters, then the cellar will not freeze through, regardless of the weather.

Other pluses include:

  1. Ability to store supplies for the winter. Not everyone has the opportunity to equip a basement in a house or utility room. However, everyone can make a cellar for storing food in the garage.
  2. Ease of construction. You do not need specific building knowledge and skills, professional tools and equipment. It is enough to comply with the basic requirements of technology.
  3. If you have a detached garage, you can equip the basement of any desired size. Enough to be guided simple principle: the larger the family, the larger the cellar. For four people 8 square meters will be enough.

The main disadvantages of the cellar located in the garage are two: exhaust gases from the car penetrate inside, and the basement dampness comes out. Both of these problems are solvable.


When arranging a basement in a garage, you can choose from several basic options. The difference between them is the depth of penetration.

  1. Semi-deep cellar. The building can be structurally combined with a conventional viewing hole. Another variant of the ground structure is the use of a special container made of plastic. It is dug into the ground and can be used for temporary storage of products.
  2. Semi-recessed pit. It has its own walls, lined with cinder block or brick. Depth - up to a meter. When building, you need to take into account some of the nuances. So, with a high occurrence of groundwater, moisture-bearing veins are first plugged with several layers of clay, then the walls and floor of the basement are waterproofed.
  3. Buried cellar. This is the most common arrangement basement in the garage. Depth - up to three meters.

When choosing the depth of the basement, groundwater flow must be taken into account. The foundation of the basement is laid at a distance of at least half a meter from the source of high humidity.

Dimensions are approx. If necessary, the hood is equipped with a tap to remove condensate

Preliminary work

A recessed cellar is being built in capital garages. Before implementing such a project, some preliminary work needs to be done. Their essence is as follows:

  • Before building a basement, make sure that technical feasibility implementation of such a project. The soil of any big city literally crammed with numerous communications, and it is rarely possible to dig to the desired depth the first time. To minimize costs and determine the possibility of building a cellar, you can invite a specialist or use project documentation, developed during the construction of a garage building.
  • The foundation must be protected from groundwater erosion. If possible, this should be provided for during the construction of the garage by equipping a circular drainage system. Otherwise, carefully waterproof the basement.

Material selection

In the process of building a cellar, you will need a set of tools and building materials.

When building walls, you can use:

  • Concrete plates.
  • Cinder block and brick.
  • Natural stone.

Concrete slabs can only be used if you are building a garage from scratch and equipping the cellar before the walls and ceilings are erected. In addition, you will need a team of professional installers who have a powerful lifting tool, for example, a truck crane.

To pour the base with your own hands, you can use ready-made concrete M-100 or a solution made by yourself. This will require a standard set of components:

  • Gravel.
  • Rubble.
  • Sand.
  • Cement M-400.

The resulting solution is used both for preparing the screed and for finishing walls during plastering.

For formwork you will need edged board. The quantity is determined individually and depends on the size of the basement. For waterproofing the premises, you can use the usual roofing material.


In itself, the construction of a cellar is not challenging task. However, certain knowledge and skills are required.

At self erection a small basement in the garage does not need complex professional equipment. It is enough to get a standard set of tools. Some of them are interchangeable.

  • Jackhammer.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Spatula, master.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Electric drill with a set of drills.
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver set.
  • Pliers.
  • Shovel.
  • Measuring tools: building level, plumb line, tape measure, metal ruler.

Instructions for making a basement with your own hands

Ideally, the cellar should be planned at the construction stage of the garage. This will make some work easier. If the construction of the basement is carried out in an already made garage, first of all it is necessary to dismantle the concrete floor. The screed is removed over the entire area of ​​the future cellar. The work is carried out either with a pneumatic jackhammer, or in the old fashioned way, with a chisel and a sledgehammer.

Pit preparation

The initial stage of the construction of the garage basement is the preparation of the foundation pit. For a fully buried cellar, its depth is about three meters, other dimensions are selected individually, in accordance with the planned dimensions. The preparation of the base is as follows:

  1. The pit is digging.
  2. The walls and floor of the pit are carefully leveled and compacted. This is necessary so that in the future the cellar has even surfaces.
  3. Alternating layers of crushed stone and gravel fall asleep at the bottom. After each backfill, the surface is leveled and compacted.
  4. The prepared coating is poured with a thin layer of concrete.

The thickness of the resulting base should be 8–9 centimeters or more.

If the basement is being built in a finished room, you will have to dig it yourself

After the concrete has hardened, the initial waterproofing work is carried out. Two layers of roofing material are laid, glued together with molten resin. The edges of the waterproofing sheets should extend beyond the boundaries of the cellar by about 10-15 centimeters. After that, the formwork is mounted and the solution is poured.

How to build a ladder

The staircase is the most important structural element connecting the basement with the main building.

The structure is of two types:

  1. Standard (attached), made of metal or wood.
  2. Marching. It is installed ready-made, more often during the construction of the cellar. In some cases, installation in an existing room is possible.

The ladder can be made from the following materials:

  • Wood. The cellar is a cold and often damp room, as a result of which the tree needs additional processing antiseptics, fire retardants or complex compounds. This will protect the material from bacteria, insects, lichens.
  • Metal. If a used one is used, the first step is to carry out the treatment with abrasive material. This will save the future staircase from corrosion. After that, the metal is rubbed detergent and rinses off. After installation metal steps must be covered with several layers oil paint or enamel.
  • Concrete. This material has increased strength characteristics, however, it also requires additional protection. Steps are covered with several layers of paint or tiled with floor tiles.

Crossbars are welded to the two main posts

At self construction stairs to the basement of the garage must be guided by the following indicators:

  1. The permissible width of the structure is in the range of 70–90 centimeters.
  2. The clearance of the stairs in the erected basement is calculated from the bottom step to the floor beam. When building a new cellar, this parameter should be at least 1.9 meters. In this case, the risk of hitting the floor beam is minimized.
  3. Slope - from 22 to 75 degrees. An indicator of 45–75 degrees is typical for ladders.
  4. The width of the step is from 25 to 32 centimeters. If the tread is wider, it will create inconvenience when lifting. If already, it will make the descent more dangerous.
  5. Step height - from 12 to 22 centimeters.

To make a wooden two-meter staircase 80 centimeters wide, the steps of which are 22 cm high, you will need two boards 20x15x200 cm, six boards 6x20x80, 12 small bars 5x5x15 and 60 nails or wood screws. This ladder is installed with a slope of 30 degrees, which is taken into account during the assembly phase.

The production of the structure takes place in several stages:


The walls in the cellar of the garage are built exclusively from solid materials. The use of light parts (chipboard, plywood, etc.) is not allowed.

The easiest way to lay out the walls of brick. In the process of work, it is enough to ensure that the masonry is even and vertical.

Another convenient way- build monolithic concrete walls. To do this, you will need to perform a number of actions:

In any case, it is very important to control the verticality of the walls. All seams are rubbed mortar, and at the end of the masonry they are painted with lime.

How to make a floor?

For most basements ideal option is a reinforced concrete floor. It is done in stages:

  1. The surface is levelled. In the process of work, the building level is used.
  2. 10–15 centimeters of crushed stone are poured, evenly distributed.
  3. After that, a small (about 5 cm) layer of sand is poured, carefully leveled and compacted.
  4. Equipped floor. To do this, you can use a reinforced concrete slab or lay a strong metal mesh and perform a screed.
  5. If the second method (screed) is chosen: reinforcing bars are installed around the perimeter of the cellar. Step - one meter. A metal mesh is laid on the floor, after which 3-5 centimeters of cement are poured.

The surface is leveled and leveled

Simultaneously with the arrangement of the finished floor, a number of thermal insulation works can be performed. This is discussed below.

Cellar ventilation equipment

quality exhaust system will help eliminate dampness and odors (for example, exhausts) from the basement. Ultimately, this will increase the shelf life of supplies.

There are two types of ventilation systems designed for the cellar:

  1. Natural. The perfect way if there is an opportunity to ensure the inflow fresh air.
  2. Forced. The main difference from previous version- the presence of a fan.

The exhaust pipe rises 0.3-0.5 meters above the roof of the building

Arrangement of a natural ventilation system

Natural ventilation of the basement does not require significant costs and easily equipped with your own hands:

  1. An exhaust pipe is installed under the ceiling. Its output end is displayed half a meter above the garage roof. The heated air passes through this pipe.
  2. A little above the floor, at a height of 7–10 centimeters, a supply pipe is mounted and brought out of the garage. Through it, fresh air will flow into the cellar.
  3. The ends of both tubes are closed with special nets that protect against pests and insects. Small covers are installed on top.

V winter time natural ventilation may not work due to blockage of both openings with frost. To prevent this from happening, they are insulated and from time to time cleared of snow. You can make the outlet parts of the ducts removable, this will facilitate the work.

Forced exhaust equipment

The main difference between forced ventilation system from natural - in an improved hood. An electric fan is built into its cavity, generating a vortex and expelling exhaust air from the garage.

As forced draft outputs old air, a fresh inflow enters the basement through the upper ventilation pipe.

Unlike natural, there is a fan

As an option - it is possible to equip a fully mechanized ventilation system for the basement. To do this, you will need to install a monoblock controlled by specialized software. The price of the equipment is about 50 thousand rubles.

Cellar insulation

In the absence of high-quality insulation of the basement, the garage will be cold air. In addition, thermal insulation increases the degree of protection of the cellar from moisture. One of the simplest and inexpensive ways insulation consists in lining the walls from the inside with foam.

The work consists of thermal insulation of walls, floor and ceiling.

How to insulate a basement ceiling?

You can insulate with foam or other suitable material

Thermal insulation of the ceiling is carried out as follows:

  1. Eliminate all possible gaps small cracks etc.
  2. A layer of vapor barrier material is laid. In this capacity, penofol can act, which also performs heat-insulating functions.
  3. Hangers are mounted for mounting the crate. The distance between the elements is equal to the width of the heat-insulating plates.
  4. Lathing profiles are attached to the hangers. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening.
  5. Thermal insulation material, such as polystyrene, is laid between the profiles. The joints are insulated with mounting foam.
  6. At a distance of 4–5 centimeters from the thermal insulation, it is recommended to lay an additional vapor barrier layer. This will ensure micro-ventilation of the layers.

Theoretically, a floor heating system can be installed in the basement. In practice, few people will mount it in the utility room. Therefore, you can perform the following procedure:

  1. The surface of the subfloor is leveled at the building level.
  2. A layer of waterproofing material is laid.
  3. Insulation is mounted, for example, foam. Thickness - 5-6 centimeters.
  4. Penofol is laid on top.

Insulation is laid on a layer of waterproofing

Can be placed on thermal insulation reinforced screed and clean floor.

Wall insulation

The cold penetrates the basement through the walls. High-quality thermal insulation will protect the room from the effects of the surrounding soil.

The work is carried out as follows:

  1. A layer of waterproofing is laid. It prevents moisture from entering the basement and on the insulation. If necessary, before laying the heat insulator, the surface is leveled.
  2. Styrofoam is laid on top of the waterproofing. For fastening on the surface, any adhesive composition is used.
  3. After finishing the wall with foam, it should be covered with a thin cement screed. For additional reinforcement, reinforcement can be used.
  4. Since the basement is a room with initially high humidity, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation.

All joints are carefully sealed

wall decoration

After carrying out work on hydro- and thermal insulation, the walls are tiled or similar. finishing material. Surfaces can also be painted, whitewashed or covered with plaster.

Consider wall decoration using the example of plastering. The main task of the procedure is to bring the basement walls into an optimal sanitary and hygienic condition. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. A metal mesh is attached to the wall. It must be remembered that in rooms with high humidity, the plaster will not stick exclusively to the surface of the blocks. To attach the reinforcing mesh to the wall, dowels of the "parachute" type are used. The ventilation holes are not closed.
  2. The plaster solution is applied to the surface with a trowel, after which it is smoothed out with a trowel. If it is planned to install ceramic plates, the mortar is applied in a thin layer, minimally hiding the mesh and leaving room for glue.

Hatch and cover

The material that will be used to make the ceiling depends on the size of the cellar. If the dimensions do not exceed the standard viewing hole, the top is made from a magpie board. For a large cellar, you need a powerful and reliable ceiling that can withstand the weight of a car. The best option in this case is a concrete slab and a reinforcing frame.

Laying a standard concrete slab is possible if the cellar is done before the garage is built. If the construction is carried out in a finished building, you must do the following:

  1. fit bearing beams. In this capacity, old railway rails are often used, which can be purchased at any scrap metal collection point.
  2. Reinforcement and load-bearing formwork are laid between the beams.
  3. Concrete is being poured.

Everything is leveled and set to the building level

The resulting structure will resemble a homemade reinforced concrete slab. When laying reinforcements and beams, leave space for the cover.

The hatch can be made independently from sheet steel or purchased a finished product. To do all the work with your own hands, you will need a set of materials and tools:

  • 5mm sheet steel. Thinner material deforms over time.
  • Bulgarian
  • Welding machine
  • metal corners
  • Insulation, for example, foam or foam
  • screwdriver
  • tin
  • loops
  • Roulette.
  • Sealing rubber.

The process of making a hatch with your own hands takes place in stages.

  1. A steel plate is cut to size of the hole.
  2. A metal corner is welded along the perimeter of the plate. For optimal sliding in the future, a small gap remains between the edge of the sheet and the shelf of the corner.
  3. WITH inside covers fit insulation. Styrofoam sheets should fit very tightly to the welded metal corners. Possible gaps are foamed.
  4. A sheet of tin is attached over the insulation, the corners are bent. It will play a decorative role, because this stage is not mandatory.
  5. Hinges are welded, if necessary, a hatch handle is attached.
  6. The finished structure is hung on hinges.

In the future, the basement cover can be decorated under the floor covering, in harmony with the overall interior. The hatch in the garage can be painted with any suitable compound.

Getting rid of mold and water in the basement

One of the main cellar problems is mold. It appears due to poor-quality waterproofing and ventilation, leading to high humidity. In addition, among the reasons for the appearance of mold, long-term storage of rotten supplies and the use of infected wood for the manufacture of shelves are noted.

Mold and fungus are harmful to health and reduce the shelf life of food

Before carrying out the main work, the room must be disinfected. This is done in the following way:

When working with chemicals, a protective uniform is required: mask, suit, gloves

Mold Prevention

To prevent mold from appearing, it is first necessary to ensure high-quality waterproofing. Alternatively, lay an additional insulating layer.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures annually:

  1. Thorough cleaning and inspection of the cellar.
  2. Drying out the room. Depending on its condition, the drying process can last from two days to several weeks.
  3. Washing and drying racks. After that, they need to be treated with an antifungal compound.
  4. Treatment with antifungal and antibacterial preparations of a dry cellar. After that, it is re-dried for 2-3 days.
  5. If there is an earthen floor, it is covered with a solution of copper sulfate. After that, you need to let the mixture soak in, and pour lime and sand into the place where vegetables are stored.
  6. Upon completion of all necessary procedures, racks are brought in. The cellar can be used for its intended purpose.

Video: How to make a dry basement in the garage with your own hands

Self-construction of a garage cellar requires the appropriate knowledge and skills. If you have building experience, you can easily make a basement with your own hands, and it will serve you for many years.

Since the owners of private garages strive to exploit the occupied territory with maximum benefit, the construction of cellars in the garage is a common thing. Although today its competitor, the refrigerator, is working very successfully in every apartment, the cellar remains in demand and very useful. The ideal place to store some of the commonly harvested vegetables is the cellar - where else if not to store tubs of pickles and tomatoes, potatoes and carrots in it. The need for information on how to make a cellar in a garage with your own hands arises very often.

Where to start building

Next, we determine the type of room and draw up its plan. Making a competent drawing is a mandatory step, it will allow you to calculate materials. It is recommended to build a cellar with an indent from the walls of at least 0.5 m - this is how much space is required for the installation of lateral waterproofing, the surface of the strip foundation can be used as a wall.

When using the second option, it will be possible to get savings, but the condition must be met: the floor level must be 0.3 m higher from the strip foundation mark. This version of the project can only be resorted to if there is confidence that working with the base of the garage will not be able to harm the structure.

The work plan must include the waterproofing of the room and the arrangement of its ventilation system. Although the issue of building a cellar in a garage can be solved in different ways, the most practical will still be the equipment for entering through the hatch and using an ordinary staircase. If the area of ​​​​the garage allows, you can resort to the construction of steps made of concrete.

Types of cellars

According to the principle of the location of the cellar, it can be divided into two types: standing separately or located under the premises. Since the planned storage will be located on the territory of the garage, its appearance will be determined by the depth. In the garage, you can build a semi-buried pit for storing vegetables. It is built according to the same principle as the inspection pit, although some craftsmen manage to very successfully adapt a cistern dug into the ground for these purposes.

semi-buried pit can be built even in wet areas, because its depth is usually from 0.7 to 1 m. The walls of the pit are poured from cinder concrete or concrete or laid out from brick. For waterproofing, gluing and coating materials or clay locks are used.

Construction is more popular completely buried cellars. A depth of 1.5 to 3 m is considered rational. The calculation of the parameters of such a structure is carried out taking into account data on the level of groundwater. It is desirable that the bottom of the cellar is 0.5 m above this level.

How to make a cellar in the garage - consider the phased implementation of work

The most important requirements for ongoing design and construction work the following can be named:

  1. To start work being confident in the ability to dig a hole with a depth of 2 to 3 m - in urban conditions at such a depth there are numerous engineering communications.
  2. A mandatory item will be the study of the level of groundwater.

It should be remembered that the construction of a buried cellar in a finished garage is not a completely competent solution. If the issue is not subject to discussion, then it will be necessary to provide protective measures against washing away groundwater. It should be clarified that none modern methods do not allow to solve the problem of eliminating the source of flooding of the finished basement, it is best to prevent the situation before starting construction by constructing a circular drainage system.

Material selection rules

Various building materials can be used to build the walls of the cellar, the reason for preferring one of them is often only the cost, especially if there is a desire to build a cellar at low cost. For the quick construction of cellar walls, you can apply reinforced concrete slabs, but at the same time you will have to pay a considerable amount for the purchase of materials. More democratic prices monolithic concrete and wild stone. If red brick is used, then only high-quality burnt. Experts advise not to use cinder-block materials or silicate bricks during construction.

For pouring the foundation, concrete M 100 or concrete prepared according to a standard recipe is used: cement grade 400, sand, gravel. Cement-sand mortar also used for screeding the floor and plastering the inner surface of the walls.

How to make a foundation

Foundation construction begins with digging a foundation pit. Having reached the planned depth, the bottom is leveled and rammed, lined with a 3 cm layer of rubble or brick battle, poured with a layer of concrete, the total layer thickness is about 7-8 cm.

When the concrete has completely hardened, waterproofing work is performed: two layers of roofing material are laid, gluing them with molten resin. A prerequisite is that at the edges the waterproofing material should extend 10-15 cm beyond the boundaries of the wall. Next, formwork is installed and poured with mortar.

To protect your building, at a high level of groundwater, a drainage system is being built.

Wall masonry

Depending on what material will be used, the masonry method is chosen. For example, for bricks, it is best to choose the simplest masonry option. The main thing in its implementation is the observance of the verticality of the walls. The seams between the bricks are rubbed carefully, both outside and inside. brick walls in the cellar it is recommended to paint with lime.

The construction of monolithic concrete walls is distinguished by ease of implementation, however, the process somewhat complicates the need for the construction of formwork. It is assembled as follows: from strong, even boards, shields are knocked down for each wall, metal poles are hammered along the perimeter of the foundation, formwork is attached to them, concrete is prepared and poured.

How to equip the cellar ceiling in the garage

To simplify the process of assembling the ceiling, reinforced concrete slabs are used. A hole is made in the slab for the hatch, the level of its installation is determined on the basement of the building. Installed plate coated with resin, insulated with glass wool or cement-sawdust mixture. The optimal thickness of the insulation layer is from 15 to 20 cm. To finish the surface, use lining or slate; if an additional layer of insulation is installed, the ceiling surface is plastered.

How is the waterproofing of the cellar in the garage

To make the operation of the cellar comfortable, you will need to perform a number of waterproofing works. You can use modern materials for this, but you can resort to traditional ones that have a lower cost. Minimum costs would entail the use of bituminous lubricant. It is applied in two layers, with a layer of roofing material placed between them. From above, the waterproofing structure is sprinkled with coarse sand.

For processing internal walls it is better to use mixtures for the so-called. penetrating waterproofing. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that without creating a film on the surface, they penetrate into the structure of the material and turn the wall into monolithic structure. The undeniable advantage of penetrating insulation is that it cannot be damaged, and its service life is equal to the service life of the walls themselves. Penetrating waterproofing can be applied to external and internal surfaces, and these surfaces should not be dry, it is even recommended to moisten them before starting to apply the mixture.

Apply the mixture - diluting it with water, using a wide brush. The thickness of the applied layer is up to 2 mm. Manufacturers of penetrating waterproofing claim that it is able to penetrate through the capillaries of wall material to a depth of 0.9 m, creating insoluble crystalline formations in it.

Crystals fill all the voids in the concrete and eliminate the passage of moisture, while the walls do not lose their vapor permeability.

Concrete treatment will significantly increase it specifications, in particular - it will be able to resist the pressure of water under a pressure of about 20 atmospheres. A positive point can be considered the ease of applying waterproofing, the possibility of its implementation without any additional equipment Moreover, garage owners can do the work with their own hands.

How to make floors in the cellar of the garage

Most practical material for its manufacture is considered reinforced concrete. The leveled floor surface is covered with a layer of crushed stone and sand (15 cm + 5 cm), well tamped. To speed up the construction process, you can use a reinforced concrete slab as a floor.

A little more effort will have to be made to create a reinforced concrete surface with your own hands: by installing reinforcing bars, a basis is created for laying a reinforcing mesh, then the mesh itself is laid, poured with at least a four-centimeter layer of concrete.

How to insulate a cellar in a garage

Expanded polystyrene can be used as insulation for basement walls, its installation should be carried out from the outside of the walls. Among its advantages, builders note: high level water resistance, resistance to mold and fungus, long service life.

Most often, PSB-S-25 material with a thickness of 50 mm is used to insulate cellar walls. Installing insulation on both surfaces of the wall will allow you to have a stable temperature in the room. When insulating only the inner surface of the walls, there is a threat of condensate settling in place of the seams.

Sawdust can be used to insulate a concrete floor. They are laid in a layer up to 40 cm, carefully rammed. Next, a layer of roofing material is laid and a cement screed is made. Further processing of the frozen surface with bitumen will also be required.

Particular attention is recommended to be paid to the insulation of the ceiling - it is on its surface that when cold air enters the basement, condensate will settle. If a concrete slab is used as a basement floor in the garage, then a false ceiling will most likely be required. It can be built as follows: in the walls of the cellar, at a distance of about 15 cm from the floor slab, pipes are fixed, a fencing mesh is constructed from reinforcement rods. The structure is painted with waterproof paint. The space between the floor panel and the reinforcement grid is filled with insulation - mineral wool materials can be used.

Ventilation in the cellar in the garage

High-quality storage of vegetables and fruits in the basement depends on how well the supply of fresh air to the room is organized and what level of humidity is maintained in it.

There are two options for arranging the ventilation system, the first, simple and inexpensive, this is natural ventilation, which involves the installation of supply and exhaust pipes in such a way that air can circulate freely. The exhaust pipe is attached near the ceiling, the supply pipe is positioned so that its edge is 10 cm from the basement floor, the second is half a meter above the roof. Second end supply pipe taken out and covered with a net. It is recommended to place covers over both pipes.

More expensive and complex method- forced, for its arrangement it will be required in exhaust pipe install a fan. When it is turned on, stale air will be expelled outside, and the cellar will be filled with fresh air.

The combined installation of forced and natural ventilation is considered optimal in terms of cost and efficiency. Usage forced ventilation need in the summer - when the difference outdoor temperature and inside the cellar reaches a minimum.

At the final stage of building a cellar and preparing it for operation, a manhole cover is installed, a ladder is installed. By the beginning of the harvesting season, racks with shelves are installed in the cellar. Before filling the basement, it should be dried and cleaned of pathogens. To do this, it is enough to burn tableted alcohol in the room (10 tablets).

Today we will talk about such a necessary room as a basement in a garage. For what purposes it can be used, everyone decides for himself, and we will outline the main points and nuances of its construction. Having understood the information received, you will understand what the masters are doing. In addition, you can ask intelligent questions regarding the design of the basement and the technology of its construction.

basement in the garage t70215-01

Cellar in the garage

Step-by-step instructions for building a cellar

It is necessary to indicate that the cellar in the garage is a full-fledged building with a floor, walls and ceiling. It can be erected even at the stage of building a garage or in an already operated room. Depending on the situation and construction technology will be different.

The structure filed in a garage under construction

This is an economical option, because the foundation of the garage will act as the walls of the cellar. Therefore, first of all, markings for a garage building are applied on the site. At the corners of the building, pegs are hammered, which are tied with twine. Here we must take into account the fact that outer sides foundation structure must be waterproofed. Therefore, the pit is dug 1 m more from the side of the length and width of the garage. For example, if the building parameters are 3x6 m, then the pit should be 4x7 m in size. That is, half a meter remains on each side, which is enough for waterproofing work.

Next stage - excavation. In this case, you can use heavy equipment in the form of an excavator. The absence of building walls allows this to be done. The main thing after the work of the equipment is to work out the bottom and walls of the pit with shovels. What are the workers supposed to do? The bottom is maximally aligned horizontally, the walls vertically.

Pit under the basement

A few words about the depth of the basement. Everything will depend on the depth of groundwater at the construction site. Lowering is not recommended. If the depth of groundwater is high, then complex waterproofing will have to be carried out. And this is a big investment. The second option is to raise the floor base and make the entrance to the garage under a slope.

basement bottom

    At the bottom, a pillow is poured from a layer of sand 30 cm thick, a layer of crushed stone 10-15 cm thick.

    Ruberoid is laid in two layers. Each layer in perpendicular directions. For example, the bottom along the building, the top across. The layers of roofing material are impregnated with bituminous mastic or hot bitumen.

    Pouring concrete screed.

It is necessary to tell a little more about the screed. In its pure form, concrete is not used here. It will crack under stress. Therefore, a reinforcing frame made of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm is laid inside the screed. Reinforcing rods are assembled directly on the roofing material in the form of a lattice with cells of 20x20 cm. They are tied together with a knitting wire. Then the grate is lifted and laid on stands made of brick or metal profile (corner, pipes, etc.). According to the technology, the armoframe must be inside concrete base basement.

Pouring concrete solution. Its thickness is within 10-20 cm.

Preparing the floor of the cellar for pouring the screed

On our website you can get acquainted with the most - from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Foundation construction

The next stage is the construction of the foundation. Now everything will depend on what he is going to. The easiest way is to use a prefabricated structure of foundation blocks, concrete wall blocks or bricks. Monolithic structures are stronger, but their construction is expensive. In addition, it will take a lot of time, and in terms of labor costs, this option is more difficult. Because in order to pour the concrete mortar, it is necessary to build a formwork, install a reinforcement frame in it, pour concrete inside, and then wait 28 days for the mortar to gain its branded strength.

As for piece blocks or bricks, the main task of the foreman is laying with a bandage, when the elements of the upper row are laid with an offset of half the block relative to the elements of the first row.

concrete block foundation

Floor construction

As soon as the foundation is raised to the height of the cellar, it is necessary to consider how the ceiling will be constructed. The easiest option is to lay six-hollow slabs. By the way, in standard projects garage with a basement, this option is used. Therefore, it is not necessary to invent a new bicycle design. Use plates. True, for their installation you will have to use the services of a crane, which will increase the cost of construction. But ready-made floor slabs are fast and reliable way. Moreover, manufacturers offer products with a minimum length of 3 m. So it will not be difficult to choose the required model that will lie exactly on the walls of the foundation.

Six-hollow slabs as a garage basement floor

A more complex option is a monolithic slab. The technology of its construction is similar to the construction of a monolithic strip foundation. Formwork is assembled under the slab. In fact, these are sheet durable materials (corrugated board, plywood, OSB boards, sheet iron, etc.), which are laid with edges on the walls of the foundation, and supports with lags (transverse or longitudinal) are evenly installed under them. After that, a box is assembled from the boards, which will form the thickness of the fill. Its dimensions are equal to the dimensions of the foundation.

    The box is installed on the constructed base.

    Inside, a reinforcing frame made of reinforcement is laid on stands.

    Pour concrete mortar at the level of the box.

    After 7 days, the box is dismantled, after 28 days the floor can be used.

Monolithic floor slab

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing and building garages and other small forms for a turnkey country house. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Please note that when constructing the ceiling, care must be taken to leave an opening in it for descending into the basement. When pouring a monolithic structure inside the box, another smaller rectangular box is placed in the required place, corresponding to the size of the opening. Its interior is not filled with concrete. After removing the formwork in the stacked sheet materials an opening is cut out, the ends of which are subsequently fixed, for example, with a bandage from a metal corner.

When using ready-made floor slabs, one of them is not installed at the location of the opening to the basement. Here, a monolithic structure is poured with the installation of formwork and the formation of an opening.

Video description

Stages of building a basement in a garage in a video:

External foundation waterproofing

This is the easiest step. The walls of the foundation are treated with bituminous mastic or hot bitumen. The main thing is not to miss more than one section. Processing is carried out evenly, preferably in two layers. After the waterproofing has dried, the moat between the foundation and the ground is covered.

Outdoor waterproofing

Basement construction in an operated garage

The complexity of this technology lies in the fact that the foundation of the garage is laid at a shallow depth, since the building belongs to the category of "light". Therefore, it is necessary to dig a foundation pit under the basement carefully so that the walls of the foundation do not collapse, and the garage itself does not develop.

If the soil under the garage is clayey, then you can safely dig a pit, stepping back from the walls by 30-50 cm. If the soil is sandy, then the digging technology will be completely different.

    Along the far short wall, stepping back half a meter, they dig a trench with shovels to the depth of the cellar. Trench width 0.5 m.

    Fall asleep pillow and pour the screed.

    Raise the basement wall of concrete blocks or bricks.

    Dig a trench near the long longitudinal wall of the garage.

    Fall asleep pillow, fill the screed and raise the wall.

    Do the same with the opposite wall.

    The last is the construction of the wall closest to the entrance.

    The soil remaining inside the basement walls is selected.

It remains only to level the bottom of the pit, filling it with a pillow and pouring a screed.

Building a cellar in a built garage

Basement waterproofing

In this case, it is used internal waterproofing. First of all, two layers of roofing material are laid on the floor with an approach to the walls to a height of 20-30 cm. The laying of the layers is mutually perpendicular. You can use polymer mastic, which is applied in a seamless way. The main task is to close the joints between the walls of the cellar and the floor base, because these are the weakest points in terms of moisture penetration.

As for the waterproofing of the basement walls, most often they use roofing material laid on bituminous mastic for this. Polymer compounds are used today. old way garage basement finishes - lime plaster, brick.

Overlap filed

In this variant of the organization of the basement, the technology of monolithic pouring of the floor is used. It was discussed above, so it will not be repeated. Just add that the ceiling is poured from wall to wall of the garage foundation. Accordingly, the reinforcing frame is assembled precisely for these dimensions.

basement ventilation in garage

Like any basement, the garage must be dry. So, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system in it. The basic principle of operation of this system is the intake of fresh air from outside and the removal of settled air to the outside. Therefore, it is necessary to install two pipe pipes during the construction of the cellar. One near the entrance, the second on the opposite side.

Video description

Construction in the garage basement ventilation in the video:

The first, since it is located closer to the exit to the street, will serve as a supply circuit from the outside. The pipe should stick out 5 cm above the floor in the garage and fall to the floor in the basement, not reaching it 5 cm.

The second will serve to remove air from the basement. Therefore, it is taken out through the garage and the roof. While the lower end ventilation pipe should be located under the cellar ceiling (5 cm below its surface).

It turns out that the air from the outside will enter the basement near its floor, and then move diagonally across the room to the exhaust pipe. Thus, the entire volume of the air mass is covered.

The scheme of the ventilation of the cellar in the garage

Finished basement structures

All of the above work is complex and costly. big money. Today you can buy a ready-made cellar made of plastic in the garage. It is made from polyethylene low pressure or polypropylene. Production method: welding individual elements or molding finished cellars.

Advantages plastic structures obvious:

    complete tightness, which guarantees the protection of the internal space from the penetration of moisture or groundwater;

    wide the lineup allows you to choose the size of the garage;

    ease of installation - it takes one day along with digging the pit;

    ease of construction does not require the presence of heavy equipment on the construction site;

    high strength of the structure;

    complete set in terms of the presence of a hatch and ventilation;

    reasonable price, for example, a plastic cellar, made by welding, with dimensions of 1.6x1.6x2.4 m costs 100,000 rubles.

Basement with viewing hole

An inspection hole in the garage is a necessary object than a basement. Therefore, many owners try to give preference to the pit. But there are projects of garages with cellars and viewing holes. If you correctly approach the solution of some issues, then in the garage you can get both in stock.

Pay attention to the photo below. Here you can clearly see how you can combine both elements in one garage. This best option, where the entrance to the cellar is formed from a viewing hole. But first of all, you need to decide on the size of the basement. The same photo shows that the cellar occupies a site closer to the far wall of the garage building.

As for construction, in this case they use the same technologies described above. Only the overlap is poured with a monolith.

Inspection pit and basement in the garage

Conclusion on the topic

A variety of technologies for building a basement in a garage makes it possible to choose an acceptable option. But do not cheapen the project. And even more so to avoid some technological nuances. Special attention to waterproofing, because a poorly done job is a guarantee that water will appear in the basement. Do you want to receive high quality on reasonable price- choose a plastic cellar.