The most significant thing that happened in the year. Russians found "white walls" of Memphis in Egypt


September. US Federal Reserve rate hike by 0.25%

October 5. In Atlanta, an agreement was signed between 12 countries on the creation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

December. The reform of the IMF will effectively provide the BRICS group with the right of veto. In aggregate, the sum of the national quotas of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in the capital of the fund will be only 14.7%, while the blocking stake should exceed 15%, however, in practice, the BRICS group will be able to attract the country to its side or countries with a small share in the capital to get the required 0.3%. This should make it possible to block voting decisions that are not beneficial to growing markets.

January December. The fall in world oil prices


June. Started work Asiatic Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB- AIIB) headquartered in Beijing, 57 countries have signed an agreement to establish a bank. Russia received 5.92% of the votes in the AIIB.

July. New Development Bank officially opens in Shanghai (NBR) BRICS.

October. China's international payment system launched CIPS), which will enable foreign market participants to make settlements in yuan directly with Chinese partners.

October 2015 - p o data from the international payment system SWIFT: in the first 8 months of 2015, the yuan for the first time became the main currency in China's settlements with its closest neighbors in the Asia-Pacific region.

October. Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the UK.

November. The IMF has included the Chinese yuan in the list of reserve currencies (SDR). In addition to the yuan, the SDR includes the dollar, euro, pound and yen.

August. A nuclear explosion in the Chinese port city of Tiantzin.

July August. Attack on the Chinese stock market . The Chinese market has lost about 4 trillion. dollars.

October. US destroyer in the South China Sea near the disputed islands.


January February. Escalation of the war in Ukraine: "Debaltsevsky Koteyol".

February. Conclusions of the Second Minsk agreements.

April-July. Start migration crisis in Europe.

July. Debt crisis in Greece.

28 September. Speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the 70th anniversary UN General Assembly.

24 November. A Russian Su-24 bomber was shot down near the border with Turkey

January December. The beginning of the election race for the post of President of the United States.

January December. Production decline shale oil.

April. Riots in Baltimore (Racial Unrest and Police Mayhem).

June. The US Supreme Court legalized the registration of same-sex marriages throughout the country (discrimination based on sexual orientation).

July. Prohibition of public display of the flag of the Confederate States of America (CSA).

July-September. Large-scale exercises of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police and the army "Jade Helmet" (JADE HELM) in the southern states.


January December. War Saudi Arabia and allies against Yemen.

11 September. More than 100 people were killed when a crane fell on a mosque in Mecca.

September. During the Hajj, more than 700 people died in the stampede.

December. Execution of a Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia.


June-November. Double elections to the Turkish Parliament.

December. Mass clashes between the security forces and the Kurds in the South-East of Turkey



July. The President signed a law banning public procurement in offshore companies, the concept of a “controlled foreign company” was introduced

July. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation declared the supremacy of the Constitution over the decisions of the ECtHR.

July. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation recognized the American National Endowment for Democracy as an "undesirable organization" (NED became the first organization whose activities were recognized as undesirable in Russia according to the law signed on May 23).

September. For the first time since 1991, the history course taught in schools is based on a single concept

September. The Prime Minister has limited the maximum price for cars, gadgets and other goods purchased from the budget for the needs of officials.

October. Vladimir Putin signed the law on the revival of the norms of the TRP

October. Putin formed the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren.

November. The Prime Minister ordered state bodies to purchase domestic software included in a special list. The purchase of foreign software is allowed only if there are no Russian analogues.

November. The President signed a law on the transfer of 90% of the final profit of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to the Russian budget

December. Vladimir Putin signed a law allowing the Constitutional Court to ignore the decisions of the ECtHR and other international courts.

December. The coat of arms of the Russian Federation will appear on the coins


December. The issue of cards of the Russian national payment system (RNPS) "Mir" has begun

December. The Russian rating agency, the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA), began its work.

December. In Russia, new rules for the exchange of currencies over 15 thousand rubles come into force to counteract money laundering.

November. Russia has begun testing oil trading independent of Brent, which will be conducted in rubles based on a new reference grade of oil from Russian companies - this should increase the cost Russian oil and untie it from Brent quotes.

January December. The Central Bank has revoked licenses from 93 banks and non-banking organizations.

December. Ukraine defaulted on $3 billion debt to Russia


March. Arrested the governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin.

September. Governor of the Komi Republic Vyacheslav Gaizer arrested

September. Arrested ex-head of the Republic of Karelia Andrey Nelidov.

November. The court sentenced ex-governor of the Bryansk region Nikolai Denin to 4 years and a fine of 21.8 million rubles.

December. Sentenced ex-mayor of Makhachkala Said Amirov. For life.


January December. Active exploration of the Arctic.

January. The agreement on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union came into force.

February. Famous Russian opposition figure Boris Nemtsov was killed in the center of Moscow

May. The Presidents of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia signed documents on the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Treaty on the EAEU.

May. Moscow, in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, hosted the largest ever parade on Red Square, in which the Armed Forces of China and India took part for the first time, armored vehicles "Armata" and ICBM "Yars" were demonstrated

The year 2015 brought very significant changes to world geopolitics. And in order to dot the i's, let's try to identify the most significant events that took place in the past year, thus designating the future vector of development of our civilization.

Among the many events that have taken place in Last year, we can single out the 10 most important and significant ones that have had (and will continue to have) an impact on the current situation in the world:

1) Attacks in Paris.

2) Change of power in Saudi Arabia.

3) War in Yemen.

4) The collapse of oil prices.

5) Migration crisis.

6) Creation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

7) Expansion of the Eurasian Union.

8) Russian military operation in Syria.

9) The loss of the Su-24 and the situation with Turkey.

10) The emergence of a new "Saudi coalition".

1) Attacks in Paris

The year 2015 began with an attack on the editorial office of a French magazine on January 7th in Paris. As in the case of other terrorist attacks of this kind, this attack was accompanied by very strange "accidents and coincidences."

For example, the "inattention" of the attackers looks simply amazing, one of whom managed not only to take an identity card with him, but also "accidentally" leave it in a stolen car.

Against what background did the January events take place in Paris? Experts note several important coincidences, and one of them was the resolute call of French President Francis Hollande to lift anti-Russian sanctions, which destroyed the whole concept of the strategy to break relations between Russia and Europe.

The winter attacks were not the last for France: after this, attacks took place in different areas country, and in November there was the largest terrorist attack in the history of France, and again in Paris. And again, incredible coincidences were observed here - on November 11, i.e. two days before the incident (!), the following entry appeared on one of the Twitter accounts:

BREAKING: Death toll from Paris terror attack rises to at least 120 with 270 others injured

PZFeedEbooks (@PZbooks) 11October 2015

"The death toll in the Paris attacks has risen to 120, with 270 wounded."

As noted, no one could correct the news later - tweets can only be deleted, but it is impossible to edit ...

What did this latest terrorist attack lead to? First, France has increased its military presence in the Middle East. Secondly, in the EU countries there has been a "domino effect" - Germany has already sent its military contingent for military operations in Syria. The United Kingdom also joined the process, which also began its air operation, which London had previously tried to avoid in every possible way.

Who and why needed to involve other states in the Syrian conflict?

A possible answer to this important question is information about the non-public pressure exerted by Europe's main overseas "ally" on Paris and Ankara. The purpose of such pressure is the introduction of French and Turkish troops into the territory of Syria. The reliability of this information is given by the fact that it was voiced in the United States itself. And all this, of course, makes us look at the events taking place in the world in a completely different way.

2) Change of power in Saudi Arabia

In January 2015, another important event happened - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died. He was replaced by a new monarch, Salman, under whom very serious changes began to take place in the country.

So, even before the funeral, the new king removed from all posts the head of the chancellery and personal secretary of the late monarch - Khalid Tuvayjari, who kept many secrets of Abdullah and had a strong influence on him. The next step was the appointment of Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naef. Given that this position was created at the suggestion of Khalid with the prospect of appointing the son of the late king, Mutaib bin Abdullah, to it. Finally, another significant event was the appointment of the son of the new king, Mohammed bin Salman, as Minister of Defense and head of the King's Office. Moreover, after some time, the royal son completely took over the post of deputy crown prince, and Bin Naef, who held this post, became the first in the line of succession to the throne instead of Prince Muqrin, who resigned.

After the "party of Khalid" and Prince Muqrin were removed from power, a confrontation began in the country between the two crown princes - Bin Naef and Bin Salman. By the way, it is still going on.

However, the son of the king over the past year managed to gain a foothold in power quite strongly. His positions look extremely weighty. However, the domestic and foreign policy that he imposed on the country caused serious discontent among the Saudi elite. There was even talk of a possible coup...

What is the essence of the changes that have taken place in the political course of the country after the death of King Abdullah? First of all, experts note an increase in activity during foreign policy. Indeed, Riyadh is no longer just supporting its protégés in the region with words and covert arms deliveries, but has begun direct military operations in Yemen.

Moreover, the Saudi authorities tried to create a military coalition, which, with all the reservations, they succeeded to some extent. At the same time, Riyadh not only created it, but also led it. Such approbation allowed them to subsequently announce the creation of another, already broader military alliance.

4) The collapse of oil prices

It was the new collapse in oil prices that marked the year 2015 in the field of economics. Over the year, the Brent brand fell in price by almost 35%: if in January the price per barrel was still at the level of $55, then by the end of December it dropped to $37-36. There have not been such prices for "black gold" since 2004; moreover, a decrease is expected in the future. Such a difficult economic situation for many countries (including Russia and the Arab states) certainly carries great risks. What is the reason for the new "oil crisis"?

There are two main versions of what is happening in the oil market, and both of them, one way or another, are connected with Saudi Arabia. According to one of them, Riyadh, playing for a fall in quotations, is trying to maintain its market share, from which it is being squeezed out by other oil exporters. Plus, the Saudis want to bring down the production of "shale oil", which low prices ah becomes unprofitable.

According to the second version, Washington and Riyadh agreed to start an "oil war", as was the case in the late 1980s, when the Soviet economy collapsed. The result of such an "economic war" was the collapse of the only and main competitor of the United States at that time. In favor of this version, one can cite, for example, the words of Senator J. McCain, who said that the Saudi kingdom "must express gratitude, because it allowed oil prices to drop to such an extent that they had a strong impact on the Russian economy."

However, there is another version that combines both - Washington has built its policy in such a way that Riyadh has no choice but to go to this same "oil war". This was achieved by overseas strategists through the following steps:

- on the one hand, the Americans reopened their strategic oil reserves and with the help of this they really began to force the Saudis out of the market (the United States even caught up and overtook Riyadh in daily production of "black gold", and recently began to export its oil altogether);

- on the other hand, Washington skillfully squeezed the KSA into a geopolitical "vice": in the south, Riyadh got involved in a war with Yemeni rebels; in the north, the Saudis were threatened by ISIS takfirists; in addition to this, the same extremists tried in every possible way to destabilize the situation inside the country, especially in the Shiite regions, with all the ensuing consequences.

Under such conditions, the KSA authorities, even if they did not want to, were forced to start a new "oil war", and now they can hardly get out of this race on their own. And sooner or later, you will have to go out - according to the IMF, in five years the country will simply. Riyadh has already entered the international bond markets and within five years can increase its public debt to 50% of GDP.

Other Arabian monarchies are suffering from low oil prices for more more, and very dissatisfied with the policy of Saudi Arabia. However, they cannot influence the authorities of the kingdom and are forced to follow them. How this, in the end, will turn out for them, hardly anyone will undertake to say now.

5) Migration Crisis

In 2015, the world also learned about such a phenomenon as the “migration crisis”. Since spring, this topic has hardly left the front pages of the world's leading media.

As you know, the EU countries have traditionally attracted guest workers, refugees, and simply illegal migrants. However, the current situation was distinguished by its massiveness and scale.

In this regard, the question of the reasons for what is happening was reasonably raised. And many experts noted that the main factor was the short-sighted policy of the Western powers, as a result of which countries such as Libya or Syria were drawn into the abyss of military chaos and anarchy.

At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that mass migration also brings a certain amount of benefit to the EU. Not coincidentally, some politicians supported this process. The explanation for this is very simple - Europe needs an influx of labor, because the population of the Old World is steadily declining. According to experts, by 2050 the number of Europeans could be reduced by more than 120 million people. The reality is that in some European countries the share of foreigners among the workers is already about 25%. At the same time, a very remarkable trend is observed in the migration crisis: Western European states stimulate the arrival in their countries of not just "working hands", but qualified personnel.

However, mass migration has brought to the fore many unresolved issues. For example, it is obvious that a new wave of ethno-confessional problems awaits the inhabitants of the Old World. And how European leaders will solve them is still not entirely clear.

6) Creation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

While Europe is solving its problems, the US is solving its own. And for the Americans, as you know, the main agenda is the external debt, which has already reached $18 trillion (!) and is growing at a tremendous pace.

Under these conditions, Washington has only a few options, for example, "zero the system", but this requires a global military conflict, preferably without the participation of the United States itself. However, it is not at all easy to organize such a thing, and therefore, while the point is, the Americans are strengthening their economic influence.

The agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) signed in October was a major step in this direction. This largest trade union included 12 states, but Washington, of course, became the main one in it. Despite the economic nature of the agreement, the new alliance is called a geopolitical victory for the United States over the main adversary in the region - China. By the way, there is an opinion that the Americans are now generally conducting a U-turn towards the Asia-Pacific region (APR). As part of this strategy, Beijing is supposed to be squeezed into an economic and military-political vice, thereby solving the "problem of China."

In fact, the TPP opens the borders for large monopolists, thereby breaking through the last barrier on the way of American capital - the barrier of the protectionist policy that still exists. And now it remains for Washington to push through another similar agreement within the framework of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which, according to the White House, should become the western wing of the City on a Hill. After that, the New World Economic Order will practically be prepared.

7) Expansion of the Eurasian Union

The response of other countries to the ever-increasing offensive from the United States is the creation and expansion of their own alliances, such as, for example, the BRICS, the SCO or the EAEU. The latter structure is especially important for Russia from a geopolitical point of view. And in 2015, significant changes took place in this direction.

…However, this event is no longer included in this review. However, it is clear that it will still affect the future prospects of 2016.

Events of the year 2015. Editor's choice site

18/12/15, 15:32

We remember major events that determined the news agenda in the outgoing year - from the Minsk agreements, which brought a truce to Donbass, albeit a fragile one, to bloody terrorist attacks that rallied the whole world against the threat of the Islamic State. Politics, economics, international relations - everything that this year will be remembered for, and that will influence the events of the coming year - in a special website project.

Chapter 2

Attacks in Egypt and France

On October 31, 2015, the largest disaster in the history of Soviet and Russian aviation occurred - the Airbus A321 of the Kogalymavia airline, flying from the Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, crashed in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. The crash killed all 224 people on board, most of them Russian citizens. Later, following the results of the investigation, the FSB unequivocally qualified the incident as a terrorist act - an improvised explosive device went off on the plane.
Two weeks later, France experienced its black day: terrorists organized a series of attacks in Paris. Visitors to the Bataclan theater and several Parisian cafes were shot, three explosions thundered near the Stade de France arena, where a football match was held between the French and German teams. In the biggest terrorist attack in French history 130 people died.
In both cases, radical Islamists from the Islamic State (Daesh) claimed responsibility.

Chapter 3

Operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria

The military operation in Syria, launched on September 30, 2015, was the first large-scale operation of post-Soviet Russia outside the territory of former USSR. After an appeal for military assistance from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia deployed a mixed air group of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation in Syria and began to carry out airstrikes on military targets of militants of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" (Daesh, banned in the Russian Federation), "al-Nusra Front" and other terrorist organizations.
The operation forced many to take a fresh look at the potential of Russian military aviation - during the campaign, the Russian Aerospace Forces amazed experts with a high number of sorties per day. In addition, the Caliber-class sea-launched cruise missiles were baptized in the Syrian campaign, the S-400 Triumf air defense system was deployed at the Khmeimim air base to provide air defense, and the air groups are covered by Navy ships led by the Moskva missile cruiser.
During the operation, it was not possible to avoid combat losses. On November 24, Turkey dealt a "stab in the back" to Russia - while performing a sortie over the territory of Syria, the aircraft of the Russian Su-24 air group was shot down by an air-to-air missile launched from a Turkish Air Force fighter, the bomber pilot died. Ankara's actions did not go unanswered by Moscow - after the incident, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on economic sanctions against Turkey.

Chapter 4

Minsk agreements and a truce in Ukraine

On the evening of February 11, the leaders and foreign ministers of the Normandy Four countries - Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine - gathered in Minsk to try for the second time to find a solution to the conflict in Donbass. After many hours of negotiating marathon, late at night, an agreement was announced. Among its points are the cessation of hostilities, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact and the decentralization of power in Ukraine through the implementation of a constitutional reform, the provisions of which must be agreed directly with representatives of the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR.
Despite the recognition of Minsk-2 as a fundamental document by all parties to the conflict, the settlement process is slower than expected in Lugansk and Donetsk. The Kyiv authorities demonstrate their unwillingness to follow the points of the agreement, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine still hold serious forces near the line of contact, continuing to fire at the positions of the militias.

February 11, 2015. Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (left to right in the foreground) in the Palace of Independence in Minsk at the summit on the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine.

Chapter 5

Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory

2015 became the year of celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. The celebrations in Moscow were attended by leaders of 26 countries, including Chinese leader Xi Jinping. For the first time in the history of the parade, foreign military personnel entered the Red Square pavement - ten parade units from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, China, Serbia and India. The highlight of the parade program and its debutant was the world's first tank based on a universal platform with an armored capsule for the crew and the T-14 Armata active protection system - a symbol of the updated Russian military-industrial complex. In addition to it, for the first time it was demonstrated whole line the latest Russian weapons.
But the celebrations were not limited to Red Square. A grandiose public action "Immortal Regiment" was held throughout Russia and in 14 other countries, in which about 12 million Russians took part. The column with banners and photo portraits of relatives who participated in the Second World War was led by the President of Russia in Moscow. In total, more than half a million people took to the memorial procession in the capital.

Chapter 6

Russia under sanctions

In September of the outgoing year, the European Union extended individual sanctions against citizens of Russia and Ukraine until March 15, 2016. Russia has also extended the validity of its countermeasures - now, until August 2016, suppliers from the United States, EU countries, Canada, Australia and Norway cannot import meat, sausage, seafood, vegetables, fruits and dairy products to the Russian market. In addition, Russian business is still cut off from external sources of credit and certain technologies.
The next year under sanctions for Russia turned out to be difficult, but the country's economy was by no means "torn to shreds", as US President Barack Obama claimed. Separate branches received an incentive for development. In particular, Russian agricultural exports have approached $20 billion - a quarter more than arms sales or a third of gas exports, the president said. The unemployment rate fluctuates at a low level - about 5.6%, the situation is improving in the fuel and energy complex, where oil and coal production is increasing. By the end of the year, more than 4.6 GW of new generating capacities will be put into operation in Russia. According to Putin, despite the closure of access to foreign markets, Russia is fully fulfilling its obligations to international credit organizations, and its external debt has decreased by 13%. In addition, the volume of sovereign funds of the Russian Federation is at good level 11.8% of GDP.

Chapter 7

The murder of Boris Nemtsov

"I immediately said about this that this is a shameful page in our modern history, and the criminals must be found and exposed, punished, "this is how Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the murder of oppositionist Boris Nemtsov, which happened on the night of February 28 near the walls of the Kremlin. The politician would have been shot dead on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, along which he was walking with his girlfriend, summer Ukrainian model Anna Duritskaya.
Five people were detained in the "Nemtsov case": the alleged murderer Zaur Dadaev, and his accomplices - Khamzat Bakaev, Temirlan Eskerkhanov, brothers Anzor and Shadid Gubashev. Ruslan Mukhudinov, an officer of the "North" battalion, who, according to law enforcement officers, is hiding in the UAE, is accused of organizing the murder. In their testimony, Dadaev and Gubashev explained the decision to kill Nemtsov, who supported the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad by the French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Chapter 8

FIFA corruption scandal

"FIFA-gate", or the largest in the history of the main governing body of world football, came shortly before the election of a new head of the organization. In May-June 2015, the Swiss police, at the request of the FBI, arrested at least 14 high-ranking FIFA officials on charges of organized criminal activity, bribes totaling more than $100 million, and a number of other crimes related, in particular, to the choice of host countries for the 1998 and 2010 World Cups. , 2018 and 2022. A former member of the executive committee, Chuck Blazer, made a deal with the investigation - since 2011, he told the FBI about receiving bribes when choosing France and South Africa as hosts for the 1998 and 2010 World Cups. The scandal did not prevent the re-election of Joseph Blatter for another term, but on June 2 he decided to resign.
On September 25, the Swiss Federal Bureau of Justice opened a case against Blatter, accusing him of illegally transferring two million Swiss francs to UEFA chief Michel Platini in 2011. The money was allegedly paid for work performed between January 1999 and June 2002. On December 21, the FIFA Ethics Committee Arbitration Chamber suspended Blatter and Platini from football for eight years. Platini called this decision a farce. Blatter, in turn, said that it could only be an administrative error, which has nothing to do with ethics, and later announced his final retirement from football.

Chapter 9

Start of construction of the bridge to the Crimea

The construction of the Kerch Bridge, which will connect the peninsula with the mainland of the country and finally integrate Crimea into Russia, started in the spring of 2015. The construction of the transport crossing began from the side of the Kuban - the first auxiliary bridge will connect the Taman side Krasnodar Territory and Tuzla Island, two other working bridges to Kerch will be completed by the summer of 2016. The construction of the motorway to the future bridge has also been started. The head of state set a deadline for the builders - "this strategic facility should be commissioned at the end of 2018", and the highway should be ready by this date.

Chapter 10

Lifting sanctions on Iran

On the night of July 14, Iran and the "six" of international negotiators (5 permanent members of the UN Security Council + Germany) reached a historic agreement on the settlement of the long-term problem of the Iranian atom. The months-long negotiations ended with the adoption of a joint action plan, the implementation of which will completely remove from Iran the previously introduced economic sanctions from the UN Security Council, the United States and the European Union in exchange for verification of the peaceful nature of the INP. In Iran, this event became a national holiday - after reaching agreements, "the whole country" poured into the streets, and folk festivals with dances and songs continued until late at night.
The agreement could not have been reached without Russia's participation in the negotiations, Barack Obama spoke about this, noting Moscow's "special role" in making this historic decision. However, the State Department noted that the agreement on Iran does not cancel plans to create a missile defense system in Europe.
The lifting of sanctions on Iran has seriously changed the balance of power in the Middle East. This step, in particular, allowed Tehran to expand the volume of orders for Russian military equipment - an agreement has already been signed on the supply of S-300 air defense systems to Iran - and this is certainly not the last deal. Another important aspect is the oil market, which is experiencing difficult times, a major player has returned, which over time will only increase its influence.

The Middle East crises and instability in northern Africa turned into the largest refugee crisis for the Old World since the Second World War. About 1.2 million citizens of Syria and other countries of the Middle East arrived in the European Union through the southern gates of Europe - Turkey and Greece, many refugees could not reach the continent due to numerous cases of boat wrecks. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), more than 3.6 thousand people have died at sea. Those who managed to get into EU territory tried to move further along the "Balkan route" to the west of Europe, preferably in Germany, where the largest number of refugees eventually gathered.
Around the migration crisis between members of the European community, contradictions have escalated about the most important principle for the functioning of the EU - the Schengen legislation on the freedom of movement of citizens within the union. To counteract the flow of migrants, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria introduced controls at the internal Schengen borders - erected walls and temporary fences with barbed wire. More radical initiatives are also being put forward, such as the closure of external borders, and measures are being considered to introduce reasonable quotas for uniform distribution refugees within all EU members.

© AP Photo / Santi Palacios

In the outgoing year, as in any other, there were both good and sad events. Of course, 2015 will be remembered by everyone, without exception, for the tragic death of passengers on a flight from Egypt and. Of the heart-warming events, the Russians, regardless of their place of residence, called the celebration of May 9 and the nationwide, cordial action "Immortal Regiment" the most important. In addition, inflation, rising prices for food and public transport tariffs, and housing and communal services will remain in the memory of fellow citizens.

The downed Su-24 is the event that the inhabitants of Moscow remember first of all. The most important cultural event of the outgoing year, which has great symbolic significance, was the celebration and action "Immortal Regiment". Muscovites also remember the opening of the Moskvarium at VDNKh.

For residents of the northern capital, the year 2015 will forever be remembered as the year of the terrible tragedy over Sinai. The most memorable cultural events in St. Petersburg were the 250th anniversary of the Hermitage, the Scarlet Sails festival and the Night of Museums. Many Petersburgers remembered the repair of the cruiser Aurora and the protests of truckers in connection with the introduction of the Platon system.

Residents of Yekaterinburg called the opening of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center and the visit of Putin and Medvedev the main event of the outgoing year.

For the residents of Kazan, 2015 is, first of all, the FINA World Aquatics Championship, as well as the match of the IV round of the UEFA Europa League group stage "Rubin" - "Liverpool".

In Voronezh, the Platonov Festival and City Day were named the main events of the year. In the outgoing year, Voronezh was awarded the title of the Cultural Capital of the CIS.

In Rostov-on-Don, traffic has been opened on the Voroshilovsky bridge across the Don, and road and street repairs continue. Rostovites are closely following the construction of the stadium and the airport for the 2018 World Cup. And the air parade on May 9 is the best event, according to the townspeople.

Inhabitants Nizhny Novgorod in 2015, they were interested in preparing for the 2018 World Cup: the construction of a stadium and a new airport terminal. For many, the massacre of the mentally ill Oleg Belov over his wife and children was a shock. Among the cultural events Novgorodians noted the international business summit and forum "VolgaFUTURE 2015".

A metro station has been opened in Samara, new pedestrian crossings have been built, roads are being repaired, and the Frunzensky Bridge is being erected. In second place in terms of the number of mentions is the air show and the opening of the monument to Uncle Styopa. Samara residents are also closely following the preparations for the 2018 World Cup, namely, the construction of the stadium, and are celebrating the opening of a new modern terminal at Kurumoch Airport.

In Ufa, the main attention was focused on those held in July. The year was remembered by Ufa residents for the concerts of Scorpions, 30 Seconds To Mars and the Rock Park Fest.

Khabarovsk was hit by Typhoon Chan-Khom in July, and this was the event of the year for the city's residents. Some Khabarovsk residents will not forget the bear who visited shopping center. The residents of Khabarovsk included the concert of Limp Bizkit and the Night of Museums into significant cultural events.

In Krasnoyarsk, the main news of the year was the opening of the IV bridge across the Yenisei. Krasnoyarsk residents were shocked by the death of fellow countrymen who were poisoned by surrogate alcohol.

One of the main events of 2015 was the opening of the Opera House after the renovation. The "number one" event for every tenth inhabitant of Novosibirsk was the events dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Residents of Saratov named the opening of the monument to Tabakov, the Night of Museums, the Sobinovsky festival and the Stars of the World Ballet festival in Saratov as the main cultural events of 2015. They also noted the opening of the Victory Bridge, which will provide transport links between the main highways of the region.

Residents of Ulyanovsk called the tragic death of Volga-Dnepr employees during a terrorist attack in Mali the main event of the outgoing year. Ulyanovsk residents also remembered the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the opening of the DMG MORI machine-tool plant, the Night Snipers concert and the International Cultural Forum.

Every fifth inhabitant of Krasnodar mentioned that in 2015 the city turned 222 years old. This year the city was recognized as the most comfortable city in Russia. Residents of some districts of Krasnodar remember the year as a real flood, which they experienced in the summer.

Residents of Chelyabinsk called the protest against the construction of the Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant the main event of the year. Every tenth Chelyabinsk citizen cannot forget the meteorite fall that took place back in 2013.

Attack on the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo magazine

Two people armed with machine guns and a grenade launcher appeared in the editorial office of the magazine and. The terrorists shot dead 11 people, another died in the hospital.

French President Francois Hollande said that the attack on the editorial office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is an act of terrorism.

Plane crash in Taiwan

An ATR 72-600 passenger aircraft operated by TransAsia with 58 passengers on board near Taiwan's capital, Taipei. A few minutes after takeoff, the plane hit a road bridge and fell into the river. 15 people survived.

The murder of Boris Nemtsov

On the night of February 28, in the center of Moscow on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov. The killer fired 7-8 shots from the car, four bullets hit Nemtsov in the back.

On March 1, more than 50,000 Russians took to the streets of Moscow for the Funeral March in memory of Nemtsov. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the assassination of the oppositionist "daring".

Airbus 320 crash in France

There were 150 people on board the plane en route from Barcelona to Düsseldorf. Liner near the city of Digne-les-Bains in southern France. None of the passengers and crew members survived.

Among the reasons for the crash were malfunctioning sensors, depressurization of the cabin and an accident in the cockpit. After deciphering the black boxes, the investigation suggested that one of the pilots, Andreas Lubitz, deliberately crashed the plane. At the same time, the prosecutor's office qualified the case as "manslaughter".

US and Cuba restore diplomatic relations

In Washington and Havana for the first time since 1961, Cuba and the United States. Prior to that, Cuba was on the national list of countries-accomplices of international terrorism.

Crush in Mecca

During the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Arabian Mecca. The number of victims was at least 2177, which was an absolute record in the history of tragic cases during the Hajj.

Russia began to use the Air Force in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin has applied to the Federation Council for permission to use the army abroad.

His request was supported unanimously on September 30, and on the same day the Russian air force struck in Syria.

Attention! Video contains death scenes (18+)

In the Kremlin, I report that only ISIS positions are being bombed, but other sources report that opposition forces are in the bombing sites.

Russian Airbus A320 crash in Egypt

A Kogalymavia aircraft flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg on October 31 in central Sinai near El Arish. There were 224 people on board, all of them died. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for the crash.

Later, Russia recognized the fall of the liner as a terrorist attack and stated that there was a home-made bomb with a capacity of up to 1 kg in TNT equivalent on board.

After the plane crashed, Russia stopped flights to Egypt and advised its citizens to refrain from traveling to that country.

Attacks in Paris

In the capital of France on November 13 occurred. Several explosions sounded near the Stade de France stadium, unidentified people shot near the Little Cambodia restaurant, and terrorists took hostages in the Bataclan concert hall.