How to clean the drain pipe of the air conditioner at home and with your own hands: tips from the master. Drain pipe for air conditioner: types, sizes and price Drain pipe split system

Today we will analyze one of the most important materials for installation - drainage tube conditioner. A very common malfunction during the operation of the “split” is when water starts to flow from indoor unit. To minimize the possibility of such a malfunction, I will tell you a few nuances when installing drainage. Today we will also consider which tubes and hoses are used by air conditioner installers.

The main cause of leakage from the indoor unit is a clogged drain pipe. The second reason that I had to deal with, less common, is the factory flaws in the condensate collection system on the indoor unit. But I will try to talk about them in other articles, and today we will analyze the first reason in detail.

Very often we have to deal with the problem of clogged drainage. From our practice, there are two most common cases:

  • when the drain pipe becomes clogged during “natural” operation (dirt accumulates in the indoor unit);
  • when drainage becomes a favorite habitat for insects (bees or bumblebees fly in, spiders make nests).

The probability of occurrence of each of the situations largely depends on which drain hose is used. Yes, yes, it is the choice of the “right” drainage that will reduce the likelihood of a leak.

Types of drainage pipes for the air conditioner, which are used by installers

Rigid drain tubes:

Soft drain hoses:

I have seen air conditioners equipped with other drains (wiring corrugations, hoses from washing machines and others), but I don’t even see the point in discussing them in our article.

What is the best drain for the air conditioner

As you can see, there are many types of hoses, each has its pros and cons. The metal-plastic drain and garden hose can kink in bends, narrowing the hole for draining condensate.
Thin-walled soft drainage (as well as various corrugations) can be damaged while being pulled through the hole. Hard plastic drains are more attractive to insects. But flexible a specialized air conditioning hose has more advantages than cons. Because it does not compress when cornering and has a tough protective braid that does not fray.

For many, today, air conditioning is not just household appliances, but a vital thing that creates comfortable temperature conditions, especially in summer period. Such devices are very popular and are used for private and industrial needs. But the effectiveness of air conditioners depends on whether all the important components of this equipment are installed correctly. So, the drainage tube of the air conditioner makes it possible to effectively dispose of condensate. Incorrect location reduces the throughput of the system.

A drain tube is needed to remove condensate

The purpose of the drain tube in the air conditioner

Condensation is an integral part effective work conditioner. Its appearance is explained by the principle of operation of the split system itself. In the summer, when the air temperature is high, air conditioner owners try to cool their houses and apartments with air conditioners. The split system itself, or other types of equipment, effectively copes with its task with the help of a refrigerant. Most often it is freon.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner is based on air cooling. It is with the help of freon, which circulates in the compressor-condenser unit along copper lines, that the temperature drops. Since the condenser part with the equipment heat exchanger is always located on the street, it is there that the collision of “hot” with “cold” occurs. Liquid droplets actively accumulate on the surface of the condenser, which can harm the operation of the air conditioner if they are not properly disposed of.

The drain hose for the air conditioner is an important structural element, correct installation which not only saves the equipment itself from excess moisture.

It is important that the disposal of condensate does not interfere with other people (in multi-storey residential buildings). The tube should be located away from windows and walls, as it is possible to harm the integrity of the structure itself. BUT the best option- this is the connection of drainage to the sewerage system. But, this method has no drawbacks. But only the owners of private property can organize it.

Varieties of drainage pipes

The best material for a drainage pipe is plastic. It is durable for use in all weather conditions. Modern models air conditioners often use tubes from:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene.

It is these materials, due to their chemical and physical properties, that can be used for the disposal of condensate in any possible operating conditions for the equipment. Those structural elements are of two types:

  • smooth;
  • corrugated.

At their cost, smooth ones are more budgetary. Such tubes often come with the air conditioner itself, often with low-price equipment. The main advantage of smooth pipes is elasticity. But fixing it in one position without special fasteners and connectors will not work. If you need to position the drain hose at an angle in the installation, you will need fittings. Such connecting elements do not have good elastic properties, like the tube itself. They are convenient to use.

But there is one drawback. If the drain pipe for the air conditioner is connected to the sewer, then a lot of fittings will be needed. So, installing the entire split system will be an expensive undertaking.

Another, more advanced option is a corrugated pipe. The walls of the hose are elastic and resemble an accordion in their structure. It is this type of drainage device that does not require additional materials for your installation. But its installation should be more thorough. It is better that the channel is located under the maximum acute angle to the surface of the earth and did not have horizontal sections. It is in such places that the hose can bend under the influence of the gravity of the water, which will cause some problems in the operation of the air conditioner.

A smooth tube is cheaper than a corrugated one

Maintenance of the drain pipe - a guarantee of the durability of the air conditioner

Incorrect installation of the condensate drain hose may result in excess water inside the outdoor unit. Therefore, it is important to do everything right. But not always, problems overtake the owner of the equipment for this very reason. So, the drain hose can simply become clogged. But this will not happen when the technique is monitored. It is the care of the air conditioner that guarantees its efficient operation. Since the outdoor unit of the split system is located on the street, it is constantly exposed to natural factors. Dust and debris are brought inside, which get there with the help of precipitation and wind. In the event of signs of an air conditioner leaking, it is not difficult to find the problem area.

Where is the tube drainage system, every owner of a split system knows. If it is she who is clogged, then the problem is solved with a couple of quick actions. The hose can be blown out or cleaned by hand using any thin oblong tool. But clogging of the hose is rare. The other is more likely to suffer important element drainage system - a reservoir for water. It is to it that a drain tube is connected through a small drain hole. In case of clogging of this vessel, water fills its full volume. And the owner of the air conditioner can only observe the consequences of this - flooding. When water begins to overflow over the edges of the bath, it falls to the bottom of the block itself. Accumulating, the liquid is looking for an easy way to remove through any cracks and holes.

How does the drainage tube depend on the operation of the device itself

The main cause of blockages or poor bandwidth drainage tube most often occurs due to the human factor. Only inattention and disdain for household appliances can change the quality and efficiency of the air conditioner. But there are exceptions. These include:

  1. Disabled pressure sensor or its absence. It is this element that can cause some problems with the drainage system. When the temperature in the evaporator drops due to a sharp change in climatic factors, the water in the tub and hose may freeze, which will lead to flooding of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner.
  2. Freon leak. A decrease in the volume of this gas in the condensing unit can cause a decrease in the temperature in the evaporator. So, the water freezes, blocking the drain hole of the drain hose.
  3. Freezing of water in the hose due to exposure to low temperature outside. Often, this problem appears when using equipment in cooling mode.
  4. Other problems that may arise with the drain pipe during the operation of the air conditioner arise due to the installer of the equipment and its owner. Often, the zigzag structure of the hose becomes an additional clogging factor. Also, the tube may burst when the material from which it is made is of poor quality.

If the drain pipe for the air conditioner is connected to fittings, then gaps and cracks may appear at their joints. They also cause some problems. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the hose used. And if, complete with air conditioning, the tube does not have the positive properties that are necessary, then it is better to purchase a new element.

The drainage system is a connected tubes of the air conditioner, through which the condensate is collected in a drainage bath and then sent out of the housing. The entire water removal system is hidden in the housings, only the air conditioner condensate drain pipe is attached outside.

Condensate drainage options

There are several types of condensate drainage through the drain pipe of the air conditioner:

  • outside;
  • in a special tank;
  • using drainage pump(forced);
  • into the sewer.

Depending on how the water will be discharged, it is necessary to purchase expendable materials: propylene air conditioner condensate drain pipes, drain hose, drain siphon, adapters and seals for drainage into the sewer.

The standard diameters of the drain tube are 16 and 20 mm; it is produced in the form of a flexible corrugated pipe. To drain condensate into the sewer, a polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 20 or 25 mm is used.

Cleaning the drain pipes of the air conditioner

With prolonged use, the tubes gradually become clogged, mold appears in the drainage bath. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean the condensate drain pipes of the air conditioner. The procedure is quite on the shoulder of the owner of the air conditioner. There are several ways to clean drainage pipes:

  • rinsing with water or grease solvent. Household chemicals work very well. Flushing agent is poured through the evaporator, flows down through the drain hose;
  • With drain disconnect. The pipeline is blown, sometimes this can be done with an ordinary powerful vacuum cleaner;
  • With disassembly of the internal module. The indoor unit is disassembled, the hose in this case can be thoroughly blown and rinsed.

But it is possible to completely clean the air conditioning tubes only under conditions service center. However, if you periodically flush or purge the system yourself, it will be maintained in normal operating condition. In order for the condensate drainage system to become heavily clogged, more than one year of work is required. Therefore, such deposits of dirt cannot be cleaned out with just one vacuum cleaner. But if calling professionals is not possible, you need to clean the drainage yourself. Otherwise, the condensate will spoil not only the air conditioner, but also the decoration of the room.

Repair of the drainage system

If the system of drain pipes of the air conditioner has failed for some reason and cleaning is ineffective, repairs are needed. The pipeline may be crushed or severely clogged, torn. If the air conditioner operates year-round, the drain pipe is equipped with a heater. Otherwise, an ice plug forms in it and the drain does not work.

This section of the catalog presents drainage hoses, tubes and additional accessories for condensate removal from air conditioning systems. Flexible drain hose, metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes, capillary hoses, drain tees and adapters. Reinforced drainage hoses are presented in coils of 25 and 30 meters. Also, available, PVC hose cut from 1 meter. For quality connections, connectors are presented, such as: drainage and capillary hoses, hose connector 16mm, T-piece, Y-piece, tee for capillary hose.
​ To prevent odors from sewage systems, we always have Vecam siphons and check valves for drainage.

​Hoses and accessories for condensate drainage.

Drainage hoses for air conditioners, as well as various accessories that help to carry out a quick and professional installation of a condensate drain. The range includes both a flexible drainage hose for air conditioners and metal-plastic, polypropylene pipes.

Air conditioning, like any refrigeration unit, works on the basis physical property refrigerant - cool with a sharp expansion in volume. This process takes place in special device which is called an evaporator. It got its name only because droplets of liquid (vapour) appear on the body of the device, it is also condensate from the air conditioner, which is collected in a special bath and removed from the household appliance.

Functions of the drainage system of the air conditioner

- this is, in fact, plain water. And the air conditioner is a complex electromechanical device. That is, condensation can cause the failure of the air conditioner. Moreover, up to 20 liters of moisture can be released from a working device in one day. And she must be taken away.

Condensate drainage options

There are several ways to drain air conditioners. The easiest way is to make a hole in the wall or window and pass a hose through it to the street, which at one end is connected to the nozzle of the bath located under the evaporator of the indoor unit of the unit. It is the simplicity of the operations performed that is considered a big plus of this method.

But it also has negative sides:

  • a hose hanging from the side of the wall does not increase presentability in any way appearance buildings, especially for a private house;
  • from the free end of the hose, during the operation of the air conditioner, water will drip all the time, which, if it gets on the neighboring ebb of the window (lower), will lead to a scandal with the neighbors.

The second option for draining condensate is to connect the drain pipe to the sewer. The method is ideal for many rooms, but he has one a big problem- the absence of a sewer section in the room where the indoor unit of the air conditioner is installed. Way out:

  1. Carry out installation sewer pipes in this room with a slope of up to 3%.
  2. Carry out the installation of drainage pipes to the nearest sewer section with the same minimum slope.

Which option to drain condensate from the air conditioner to the sewer to choose, everyone decides for himself. But it is necessary to indicate that the lowest costs, both in terms of finances and in terms of the labor intensity of the work carried out, relate to the second method. Firstly, drainage pipes can be laid both inside the wall along the strobes made, followed by sealing with repair mortars, and along the floor base with subsequent finishing.

Secondly, any hollow products of a sealed type can be used as drainage tubes. More often for this they buy corrugated pipe small diameter.

Attention! To prevent unpleasant odors from entering the premises from the sewerage system, at the junction of the connection of drainage pipes and pipes sewer system a water seal is installed in the form of a conventional sewer siphon. If there is no possibility of mounting a siphon, then the corrugated tube is bent in the form of the letter "S". It's also an effective option.

And one moment. If the air conditioner for a long time is not operated, the water seal dries out, which leads to penetration unpleasant odors from the sewer. Therefore, periodically a little water must be poured into the drain system. And this is probably the only disadvantage of this method.

The third option for condensate drainage is the installation of a special pump. This drainage method is used only in two cases: long length drainage system, there are differences in it. AT domestic air conditioners pumps are not included, although they are sold as separate element, and purchase it, plus mount it will not be difficult. In almost all industrial units, drainage pumps are installed at the factory.

Pumps are necessarily included in the standard package of cassette and duct air conditioners. There are pumps that are installed in outdoor units, but more often they are installed in internal ones. Usually they are equipped with an additional container in which condensate is collected. And already from it the pump pumps out liquid.

Drain pipes for air conditioners

The system for draining condensate from air conditioners includes drainage pipes, which on the modern market are represented by two positions in terms of raw material. These are pipes made of PVC and polyethylene. And two positions in the form of manufacture: smooth and corrugated.

The former are most often used if the drain itself has a short length, in other cases corrugations are used. At the same time, the second variety has one big advantage - the high flexibility of the hose. Therefore, during the installation process, there is no need to use additional mounting fittings, as is the case with smooth tubes.

Installation of a condensate drainage system

This process is very simple.

  1. It is necessary to remove the lower fasteners from the air conditioner housing so that it can rise.
  2. In the lower part, under the fan that blows the evaporator, there is a tray for collecting condensate.
  3. On its side there is a branch pipe, it is to it that it is necessary to attach the drain pipe for draining condensate from the air conditioner using a clamp.
  4. The body of the indoor unit is lowered, installed in place. At the same time, it is very important that the corrugation passes through it through a special hole made in the side wall.
  5. Fasteners are screwed into place.

Now it remains only to bring the attached corrugated hose either into the sewer or into the street. If the withdrawal process will be associated with the installation of a drainage route, then it is necessary first of all to decide how easier and more convenient it is to carry out the whole process. As already mentioned above, best option- make strobes in which to lay the hose. The most important thing is to maintain a tilt angle of at least 3%.

Major drainage problems

The most common malfunction of the condensate drainage system from the air conditioner is the clogging of the opening of the bath. Dust and dirt with condensate settles to the bottom of the pan, where sludge is formed. It grows and closes the branch pipe. The result is a flow of water over the edges of the bath. The liquid begins to drip onto the floor and leak along the walls.

And other faults:

  1. If the air conditioner works for heating in winter, then often the drainage pipe on the street simply freezes.
  2. The slope of the drainage route was set incorrectly.
  3. If the pump fails.
  4. If the amount of refrigerant in the system has decreased, which leads to icing of the evaporator and supply pipes, so the ice begins to melt along the entire length of the route, pouring water onto the floor.
  5. The evaporator may freeze over if the pressure regulator stops working. If the temperature outside the window began to decrease, this can lead to a decrease in the temperature of the freon due to a drop in its pressure.

Cleaning the drainage system

With your own hands, you can clean the condensate drainage system from the air conditioner only if the tub pipe is clogged. For this you need:

  1. Remove the filters located on the body of the device in front of the evaporator. They must be washed well.
  2. The air conditioner housing is raised.
  3. Disconnect the drain tube from the sump.
  4. The latter is removed and washed. Special attention exactly the hole.
  5. If the tube is clogged in the same way as the drain hole, then it must be purged. If it does not work, then you will have to replace it with a new one.
  6. All other steps for assembling the condensate drain system are performed in the reverse order.

For other malfunctions associated with the failure of one or another device or part, it is better to call the wizard. Independent actions can lead to irreparable consequences.