Wooden staircase with run-in steps. Calculation of a wooden and metal staircase to the second floor of a house How to make a wooden staircase with winding steps

If, when building a new house, you are thinking about what type of staircase to prefer for connecting floors, then you should pay attention to such an option as a staircase with winding steps.

Winders are steps that are located in a circle, continuously. One end of them, the one on the inside, is narrower than the outside. When turning the stairs, they are used instead of the intermediate platform. Winder stairs are of two types:

  • U-shaped - such stairs are rotated 180 °;
  • L-shaped - such stairs are rotated 90 °.

Winders have a number of advantages, for example:

  • take up less space than marching;
  • visually make the room wider;
  • have an aesthetic appearance.

Their disadvantages include the following features:

  • the narrow edge of a step when climbing stairs causes psychological discomfort. It seems that the leg has nowhere to put;
  • such stairs have a rather complex structure and therefore it is difficult for them to make calculations;
  • not as comfortable to use as ladders with platforms;
  • the design of such a ladder must be approached with the utmost care and responsibility, because if it is improperly designed, then the risk of falling and receiving serious injuries will increase.

What you need to consider to make the design as safe as possible

In order to nullify possible troubles from the disadvantages of winder steps, the staircase must be properly designed, taking into account the following nuances when calculating it:

  • the depth of the outer edge of the step should be no more than 400 mm, and the inner one - no less than 100 mm;
  • the middle of each step must be at least 200 mm deep;
  • in height, each step can take from 120 to 220 mm;
  • the maximum projection of the tread edge should be 40 mm;

  • when calculating an L-shaped staircase, the following formulas must be observed:
    • for comfortable use - a (step depth) - b (riser height) = 120 mm;
    • for maximum safety - a + b = 460 mm;
    • step formula - 2v + a = 620 (600-640) mm.

  • during the construction of a U-shaped staircase, the inter-flight gap should not be less than a quarter of the width of the steps. Otherwise, the run-in steps from the inner edge will be too narrow;
  • the gap between the ceiling and the flight of stairs must be at least 2 m.

How to calculate a winder staircase

To make a calculation for a U-shaped structure, you need to proceed as follows:

  • mark the center of the bend that coincides with the radius of the inside of the staircase;
  • calculate the number of winder steps: the more there are, the more comfortable you can use the ladder;
  • winder steps, the photo of which is given below, - from the first to the seventh inclusive. Through the next, eighth step, or rather through its beginning, draw the line DE. Straight AB divides the staircase into two sides - right and left. The middle of the march should be marked with the ac curve, which corresponds to the line of motion;
  • on the line indicating the movement, from AB we set aside a section equal to half the width of a regular step. Thus, we find point 1. From it we draw a segment equal to the width of the step and mark point 2. Acting on the same principle, we find the remaining points from the 3rd to the 7th;
  • through points 1 and A we draw a line intersecting with DE. Draw another line through 2 and A. On the DE line we mark points 1 and 2;
  • on the DE line we measure the intervals of the same length as 1-2 and designate them with numbers from 3 to 7;
  • then point 3, located on line ac, connect with point 3, located on line DE. We do the same with points 4,5,6,7;
  • the same calculations are made with respect to the other half of the staircase with run-in steps.

For an L-shaped structure, as in the above case, point A is found and a straight line AC is drawn. There are two ways to arrange the steps:

  • the AC line divides the corner step into two equal parts;
  • AC line coincides with the junction line of two corner steps.

If the second option is selected, then in the same way as in the above-described case, the line of movement ac is indicated. On the curved segment, lines b are indicated, equal to the width of the usual steps. The number of turning steps is determined. If these are steps numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, as in the figure above, then a straight line EB is drawn through the end line of the 4th step. Point B here denotes the intersection of EB and CA. After that, straight line AD is drawn arbitrarily. Points 2,3,4 are marked on it, while segment A-2 should be two parts, 2-3 - three parts, 3-4 - four parts. One part in this case is a segment equal to 1 of any conventional unit, for example, a centimeter or decimeter.

Next, we draw line 4B. From points 2 and 3 we draw lines intersecting with AB, parallel to the segment B4. The points obtained on the segment AB are connected by a straight line with the corresponding points on ac. These lines define the shape of the turning steps.

If the AC line divides the corner step into two equal parts, the calculation of the winder steps is carried out in the same way.

Tools and materials needed to make stairs

To make a ladder yourself, you need to stock up on good quality wood. Of course, dark oak is the best choice, but it is very expensive. Maple is also excellent for this purpose - its cost is much less, and it will not be difficult to find it in the right quantity.

In addition to the tree, you should prepare:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • fasteners;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • roulette.

DIY staircase with winder steps

Let us consider the sequence of manufacturing a winder staircase using the example of an L-shaped structure with an opening length of 2 m 29.4 cm, a width of 93 cm, a ceiling height of 2 m 68, cm.

The revolving staircase has two flights: one of eight steps, the last of which coincides with the landing on the upper floor, and the other of two. There are three winding steps, with a turning angle of 30 °.

For a rotary staircase made of wood, it is necessary to create two kosour 5x30x300 cm.One of them is fixed on the wall, and the second rests on a pillar measuring 10x10x250 cm.You will also need steps 90x30x4 cm, a turning platform 90x90x4 cm, from which rotary steps, balusters will be made.

The process of creating a winder staircase of this design is carried out in several stages:

  • production of stringers;
  • production of winder steps;
  • assembly of the staircase;
  • installation of handrails.

Consider each step in detail. The sequence for making kosour is as follows:

  • we make a template in the form of a right-angled triangle. Its legs should be equal to the height and depth of the step. To make the template convenient to use, you need to attach it to the guide rail. Using it, we mark the future kosour and cut it out with a circular saw. It should not be forgotten that the thinnest part of the stringer in width must be at least 150 mm;

  • we install a pillar for support, having previously hollowed out a groove in it, into which the stringer will be inserted;

  • in the corner we mount the base for the turning steps, which will also expand the stringer located near the wall;

  • we attach the stringers from the top side with metal corners.

The general view of the structure after fixing the stringers should be as follows:

When installing the stringers, it is necessary to ensure that they are strictly opposite each other, otherwise the steps will not lie strictly horizontally. In this case, you need to focus not on the surface of the floor, because it may not be even, but at the building level.

Now we turn to the second stage of making the stairs - cutting out the winders:

  • 3 steps are required to turn the ladder 90 °. We cut them out of a 90x90x4 cm board. To do this, we divide it with lines going from one corner into three sectors;
  • by cutting out the steps along the lines, we adjust their length to each other;

  • then we varnish all the steps. Apply the varnish in three layers.

At the next stage, we assemble the staircase:

  • to fix the turning steps in the post, we cut out grooves, the width of which should be slightly less than the thickness of the board. This is necessary in order to securely fix the steps from the inner edge of the stairs;

  • so that the steps from the side of the wall can be put on the base, we modify it with pieces of wood;

  • the inner sides of the winder steps are inserted into the prepared cuts, having previously coated them with PVA glue, and the outer sides are attached with self-tapping screws to the base;
  • we fix ordinary steps with long screws;

  • to hide the protruding corner of the turning step, the flight of stairs located below is done on the bowstring;
  • cut the edge of the bowstring at an angle of 90 ° to the floor, so that it becomes possible to install the entrance post.

The next stage is the installation of the railings. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • install balusters. They can be attached to the steps with self-tapping screws, but if you use dowels, the design will be much more reliable. We make a hole in the baluster and in the steps, slightly smaller than the dowel, and fill with PVA. The holes must be drilled with maximum precision, strictly vertically and in the center of the balusters, so that they take the correct position;

  • between the first and last pillars we stretch a cord, and along it on each baluster we mark the angle at which the railing will be located. After, focusing on the markup, we cut off the tops of the racks. The balusters are now ready to install the handrails;

  • we fix the handrails with countersunk screws.

Quite often, owners of private estates or duplex apartments have to deal with the problem of insufficient space. On the one hand, it is required to provide a convenient descent and ascent to the second floor, on the other, the need to allocate a significant part of the first floor under the staircase is clearly not a good solution. The option with winder steps can serve as a way out.

Turned staircase

The essence of the design is that instead of one straight march, two or three are installed, offset relative to each other at an angle of 90 or 180 degrees. Three types are distinguished depending on the size of the angle.

  • Quarter Turns - 90 degree angle. Typically, a wooden staircase is mounted along adjacent walls, in the corner of the room. The photo shows a version with a rotation of 90 degrees.
  • Semi-turn - the angle of rotation is 180 degrees. In this case, one flight is mounted near the load-bearing wall. The photo shows a turn with winder steps.
  • Circular - the rotation is 360 degrees. In this case, the marching structure is implemented extremely rarely - the occupied area is huge, and the height of the second floor is usually not so great. But the screw is quite suitable for implementation.

By itself, this turn can be done in two ways.

  • Staircase - a staircase is mounted between the two flights. In this case, the subsequent march is shifted relative to the previous one by 90 or 180 degrees.
  • Winder steps - this method provides a smooth bend without intermediate platforms, but loses somewhat to the first option in terms of convenience.

Advantages and disadvantages

The wedge-shaped steps are wedge-shaped plates with different widths along the two edges. The dimensions can be varied subject to two mandatory values: the width of the step in the middle part cannot be less than 20 cm, and in the narrowest part - not less than 10 cm.This is due to the peculiarities of the ascent: one foot of the walking person turns out to be on a wider area and receives sufficient area for supports. The second foot is too narrow and does not receive sufficient support. Actually, this is their biggest drawback: it is inconvenient to go up and down, since there is a danger of the foot slipping. If the step is less than the specified parameters, the ladder will be unusable for walking.

Partly the threat of slipping is solved by the selected material - wood. Wooden steps have a less smooth surface than stone or glass and provide relative safety to move.

The second drawback is the relative complexity of the design, and, accordingly, the complexity of the calculation. The drawing shows an example of calculating the width of the steps for a variant with a rotation of 180 degrees.

This solution also has advantages: a structure with a smooth turn takes up even less area than a turning straight line (with an opening width of no more than 1500 cm), it can be erected both near the wall and in the center of the room.

Design features

In the simplest version, the staircase is a combination of two straight flights with a number of wedge-shaped steps in its turning part. Obviously, the turning section and the straight sections are calculated differently, but it is absolutely necessary that the final design contains both fragments. The drawing shows a diagram of a wooden staircase with a rotation angle of 90 degrees.

The stumbling point is quite often the middle stage of the turn, the one that rests on the right angle between the walls. The step can be made in two versions.

  • The first is that the middle part of the step adjoins the turning angle so that the edges of the step in its wide part abut against the perpendicular walls of the staircase. In this case, the step has a rather complex shape. The photo shows a view of the step.
  • The second - the edge of the upper step adjoins the corner between the walls. In this case, the previous step rests against one wall, and the next one - against the perpendicular to it. The shapes of the steps do not differ from each other.

The inconvenience of moving along the wedge-shaped steps can be reduced by using a special calculation method. It allows you to proportionally widen the ends of the winders due to straight steps. This complicates the design of the ladder, but it provides a uniform change of steps, and hence the convenience when ascending and descending. The drawing shows a fragment of a graphical calculation with proportional expansion.

A wooden revolving staircase with run-in steps is a difficult project to manufacture. A beginner master who has managed to implement it has every reason to be proud.

A swing staircase is the most popular type of construction in two-story houses. Its main advantages include compactness and the possibility of placement in a corner, due to which significant space savings are carried out.

What are the main advantages of a swing ladder?

This design is ideal for small spaces where more space is important. At the same time, a key feature is the ability to install additional steps if the width of the opening is about one meter. The staircase can be rotated in several ways - by 90 ° and 180 °, and the latter structure looks very "fragile" in appearance, but does not take up much space.

Varieties of swivel stairs:

  • Curvilinear ones, used quite rarely due to the fact that you will not be able to feel the necessary stability under your feet, because when you create it, you will have to exactly observe the width of the fitting end - it should be at least 10 cm;
  • Curved staircase, considered the most economical type. Such designs, in turn, are divided into screw, quarter-turn and half-turn, differ in the angle of rotation. However, it is worth taking out separately, which are considered the most practical, especially if you place the rack in the middle when arranging. They are most often made from either wood or metal. Their key feature is the possibility of arranging in a small area, but there is also a minus - metal stairs are not very convenient.

Wooden staircase with run-in steps

The most famous type of swing ladder is this particular version. It looks like a plate with edges that differ in width. At the same time, the dimensions vary taking into account several factors: the width in the narrowest part should not be less than 100 mm, in the middle - not less than 200 mm.

This is dictated by key points: one foot must rest on a wide part to obtain the required area for normal support, while the other foot is in a narrow place, which means it will not receive proper support.

By the way, it is this factor that is the main disadvantage of such a ladder - it is inconvenient and rather dangerous to climb and descend along it, since there is a high risk of slipping. If you make the steps smaller, the ladder will be unusable. And this problem can be solved by using wood as the material for the stairs.

However, a rotary staircase with run-in steps is most often installed in small rooms, since this design will save space, it can also be mounted both in the center of the room and near the wall - it all depends on the design of the room. The simplest version of the staircase is to connect several straight flights with steps in the turning area. The most difficult moment when creating a staircase is the middle step of the turn, which is most often performed in the following variations:

  1. The step will adjoin the angle of rotation so that its wide part abuts against the walls of the opening, located perpendicular to them.
  2. The edge of the top step should be adjacent to the corner between the walls. In this case, one step will rest against the wall, the next against the wall, which is perpendicular. Moreover, their shapes and sizes should not be different.

The site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required dimensions of the stairs.

Do-it-yourself swivel staircase: the work of a professional

To make a practical and beautiful staircase, you need to competently approach its calculation, the choice of the material used, the purchase of the required tools, if necessary. The first thing you need is to calculate your future project. The codes clearly show the key characteristics of structures: width and height, as well as railings (railing). And only if you take into account all these factors, you can get a positive result. Naturally, you cannot do without tools - hammers, a grinder, if you need to "bring to mind", bolts and bowstrings, screwdrivers. It is advisable to stock up on this in advance, so as not to be distracted from the work process in the future.

How to make a swing staircase with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: make calculations

To calculate the required number of steps, you need to proceed from the height. Practice shows that the optimal height is about 15-20 cm and no more than 30 cm, since higher or lower steps make the climb dangerous. You need to think about the width: it is necessary that it can guarantee full support for the legs - from 20 to 30 cm.The width of the staircase itself is also important - it is undesirable to make it less than 1.2 m.By the way, for many it is considered the most difficult step, and therefore just try find a scheme that suits you on the Internet.

Step 2: Install treads and risers

To fix such elements as treads and risers, it is necessary to cut out the ledges on the bowstrings, in which we insert the spikes of the steps. If the "nests" (ledges) are on the lower part of the bowstring, then we first put it in place, and then mount the steps themselves from below. Bowstrings can be installed on site beams in a variety of ways. The most reliable is the fastening using a bowstring with end spikes.

There is another option for using brackets, but in this case, one should not talk about the practicality of the construction. By the way, you can use bolts instead of a bowstring, since such fasteners are considered the most effective today. Despite the fact that the structure will be very fragile in appearance, such fasteners are very strong and reliable - if you use bolts, your ladder can withstand loads of up to 1500 kg.

Step 5: decorate the stairs

Our last stage is decorating the building. Since we used wood in our work, it is necessary that the material we use not only decorates the wood, but also becomes a kind of protection. Therefore, it is best to purchase a translucent paint or simple varnish. At the same time, it is advisable to carry out painting work in warm weather, and the tree itself must be dry. The stairs are painted with a roller or brushes from top to bottom, painting over the fence and steps at each level. The average drying time of the material is about three days.

By the way, in order for the tree to serve you as long as possible, it must be stored for several days in the room where the repair will be carried out so that the difference in temperature does not affect the structure and quality of the wood. Thus, turning staircases to the second floor are, although quite complex for independent creation, but also the most practical designs. Saving space, the ability to install both near walls and in the center of the room - these are not the only advantages!

No matter how perfect the interior of the corridor, hall or living room is, the staircase in these rooms always catches the eye and arouses genuine interest. A staircase with a turn (or a winding staircase) is doubly endowed with this gift. It is not so difficult to understand the turns of the stairs and the winders. After spending a little time and understanding the essence of the issue, you can independently make a staircase with turns or, in extreme cases, control the process of its construction.

It's good when the stairs are stretched like a string and nothing prevents you from flying from floor to floor in a straight line. The only inconvenience is that you need to free up a lot of space along one of the walls. To make the ladder as comfortable and safe as possible, you must adhere to certain parameters. So, for example, a step with about 15 cm and a tread depth of 30 cm is considered convenient.If the tread is planned to fly out, then its size should be no more than 5 cm. The area in front of the flight of stairs should have an area of ​​at least 90 square centimeters. The average ceiling height is 2.5 meters. For a straight staircase with such parameters, it is necessary to leave more than five linear meters of free space along one wall.

If there is not so much free space in the room, you have to make a staircase with several flights and turning platforms. Turning the stairs 90 or 180 degrees can be equipped with winders. The inner side of such steps is smaller than the outer side, so the transition along them is less comfortable than the stairs with a turntable.

The staircase with swivel steps has a rather original, graceful appearance. At the same time, it takes up very little space: 2.5 meters along one wall and 1.5 meters along the other. These dimensions are average for a staircase with 90 degree pivoting steps.

Design features

Despite the seeming fragility of the structure, the swing ladder is quite durable. On the one hand, the kosour is attached to the wall, and on the other, it rests on the central support. If the height of the room and the area allotted for the stairs allow the designer's imagination to unfold, then you can design a staircase with three flights and turn it twice by ninety degrees. In this case, the central outer stringer will be attached between two support columns, and the upper and lower outer stringers will expand the entire structure. With or without risers, wooden or metal, a staircase with smooth curves organizes the space around it. One more point. During the descent and ascent of any staircase, it is common for a person to step on the central part of the tread. This is dictated by the internal instinct of self-preservation. Winder steps have a triangular shape or a truncated triangle shape. When moving on such surfaces, it is necessary to move closer to the edge of the tread, which rests on the wall, as on the widest (deepest) part of the tread.

Traffic safety rules

GOST and SNiP - examples of the Bible for builders, - fixed the minimum dimensions, subject to which, a staircase with run-in steps will be safe:

Winder stairs are a solid and safe construction. But only compliance with the provisions of GOST and SNiP makes it so. If the basic parameters and dimensions are not observed, the risks of falling and slipping on the steps increase sharply. No handrails and railings will be able to minimize the risk of injury due to improper construction of "g" or "p" shaped stairs.

Winder steps

The meaning of the winders is to replace the horizontal platform between the flights with steps and use this turning point to continue the ascent / descent. Due to this effect, the space required for the arrangement of the winding staircase is saved. There is no point in making run-in steps with a depth of more than 40 centimeters near the wall. The deeper the tread is at the wall, the deeper it is at the central support, and this leads to an increase in the radius of curvature and the economy of space disappears somewhere. If the depth of the tread at the wall is more than 40 centimeters, and the depth at the central support is within the normal range, then slender rows of treads are broken. In place of the three "burdocks" four steps could fit and the turn would retain its angle and the dynamics of ascent / descent.

If the depth of the tread at the central support is less than ten centimeters, then the depth in the center of the tread will not "grow" to a minimum of twenty centimeters. The height of the riser directly depends on the angle of inclination of the entire structure.

Important! It is necessary to maintain the angle of inclination of the stairs in the places of the winder steps.

Formulas for success

Before you pick up the tool in your hands and start assembling the ladder, you need to draw up a drawing. Next, you need to draw in detail all the points: the height of the floor, the dimensions of the place for installing the stairs, the shape and place of attachment of the central support. Calculate the angle of inclination of the structure and the height of the risers, the depth of the straight tread and the number of winders. At the same time, take into account the minimum and maximum parameters and check them with GOST and SNiP. Before putting the final point on the drawing, it will not be superfluous to check several formulas and understand how the future design will be comfortable in all respects.

"A" is responsible for the height of the riser, "b" is responsible for the depth of the tread, from which we have the following parameters of a convenient design:

  • Convenient formula: b - a = 12 cm.
  • Safe movement formula: b + a = 46 cm.
  • Easy step formula: 2a + b = 62 (60-64) cm.

Making a detailed drawing of the winder staircase

If the calculations were correct, then your ladder will be comfortable and safe.

Advice! In order not to stuff bumps on the knees, elbows and chin, it is worthwhile to responsibly approach the design of the winder staircase.

Metal or wooden, they differ only in terms of the structure of the frames. The basic principles of constructing a staircase with winders remain unchanged. Methods for constructing drawings and determining the shape of winders differ in the choice of starting points and ray construction. Whether you use the aspect ratio, line raising, Danish or unfolding method depends on your mathematical ability. We make a staircase with winder steps

If you have never held a tool in your hands, then the formulas and methods will not help you and it would be better to entrust the manufacture of a staircase with steps at a turn to a professional. He knows that a metal ladder can have one central stringer and that it will be enough for the reliability of the entire structure. He will weld the steps from the corner, and he may not install the risers at all. A wooden staircase will be planted by him on kosour with support on racks and walls, using saws and glue with sawdust. Wooden steps, which are always "running in", he will arrange horizontally along the level. Even the bottom edge of the outer string will be trimmed vertically to attach it to the first support rail. In general, the question remains only in the budget and your desire! And the complexity of the design is a secondary matter.

A drawing of a staircase with run-in steps is in great demand in houses where comfortable, safe movement between floors is required, but there is no technical possibility of placing a straight structure. Such structures require special attention at the stage.

Scheme with the names of the elements of the winder staircase

Winder steps are widely used for the following types of stairs:

  1. Screw. The most compact lifting options. The recommended width of the common opening is up to 3000 mm.
  2. L-shaped. Devices with 90˚ rotation. They take up less space than straight flights or marching flights with platforms.
  3. U-shaped. They have a 180˚ turn, more compact than the previous version.
  4. Curvilinear. They are distinguished by smooth turning lines. Winders (treads) are more often used with the same parameters, which creates additional comfort when lifting.

The shape of the rotary tread for such structures has the shape of a truncated triangle. Due to the compactness of the device, it is saved.

Diagram of the device for turning the winder staircase

Winder steps can be located at the bottom, top, in the middle of the flight of stairs. For safe movement, the first two options are recommended. They have good visibility of the turning section, which allows you to orient yourself in time and change the position of the foot or the length of the stride.

Winder staircase schemes are more difficult to implement than straight structures or with platforms for passage. Therefore, drawings with incorrectly executed designs are often found.

This not only reduces the comfort of movement, but also increases the risk of injury from a fall.

Basic requirements for winder stairs

Comfort and safety are the basic principles that any building structure must meet. The staircase is no exception. A number of the presented technical requirements are also typical for direct marching structures:

Diagram of a wooden staircase with run-in steps

All of the listed characteristics and data will ensure the comfort and safety of movement between floors.

Advantages of winder structures

The main advantages of the winder staircase include:

  1. Compactness. Often, the area or dimensions of the opening to the second floor does not allow to place a straight structure. In order to overcome these difficulties with minimal losses, the run-in steps are mounted in turning flights.
  2. Aesthetics. adds a special charm to the interior of the house.
  3. Saving materials. With an increase in the slope angle (steepness), the consumption of materials decreases slightly.

The disadvantages include a decrease in the level of comfort and safety of movement. Zabezhny treads differ in size, you have to adjust. And to disperse on such a march is more difficult than on ordinary stairs.

Classic appearance of a winder staircase

Technical data for drawings

For a competent drawing up of a climbing ladder diagram, it is necessary to take into account all the above standards, dimensions of the premises and link them on the plan. To do this, proceed to the following steps:

  1. Determine the location of the structure.
  2. The appropriate measurements are made: the width of the opening, the height from the finished floor of the first floor to the surface of the second floor.
  3. Draw to scale with detail. If in the place where the staircase will be mounted there are openings, windows, ledges, niches, they are marked on the drawing with reference to the walls and floor.
  4. Choose the type of construction and building material for it.
  5. Preliminary calculations are made for the number, height and depth of the steps.

Scheme and drawing of the winder staircase

This data will help you make the right choice of design, which will ensure compliance with building codes.

Preliminary data calculation

Knowing the height between the levels and the formula for comfortable movement, you can calculate the length of the flight of stairs, the number of steps expected. For example, the target height between floors is 2600 mm. We select the height of the degrees from the recommended range of 120 mm. Let's make all the calculations for building a drawing:

The example shows that it is better to revise the parameters of the steps. This will significantly save space. For example, with a riser height of 150 mm, the tread depth will be 300 mm, and the length of the stairs will be 5,400. That will save 3 square meters. m. useful area of ​​the house.

Drawings and methods for calculating winders

Taking into account modern realities and obtaining a quick result, you can use several methods of drawing up a design diagram.

Project programs

The best option for construction. There are softwares that, based on a drawing, issue a specification for materials with a cut. There is no provision for this option. But after completing the detailed drawing, it will not be difficult to calculate the amount of material. The disadvantage of this method is the time spent searching and mastering the software product.

Ready-made solutions

Drawings posted on the Internet allow you to choose the right option. But you should check them for compliance with technical requirements in order to protect yourself from someone's design illiteracy.

Winder staircase drawing

To do this, you can use online calculators or master one of the methods for calculating the winders.

The main difficulty when working with such drawings is to fit a ready-made solution into the required space. You may be faced with the fact that a window or a ledge on the wall will be in the place where the stairs are installed.

You will either have to adapt the design for, or look for another suitable option.

Online calculators

They will help to make calculations and give recommendations for correcting the structure if it does not comply with building codes. Based on the received data, a detailed drawing is automatically generated. This is the easiest and most affordable way to develop drawings for individual dimensions. But in the future, you should make a link to.

Online calculator interface for calculating a running ladder

Otherwise, the resulting structure may close a window or doorway.

Method of proportions

The main difficulty in the independent design of a staircase with run-in steps is the calculation of the number and development of the shapes of the turning elements. Calculation using proportions. This method is suitable for stairs with a turn of 90˚, 180˚. First, you should draw a top view of the future structure, inscribing it in the estimated area. Next, perform a series of operations:

This is the easiest and most affordable way to build a drawing. There are three more methods: Danish, sweep and lifting lines. The listed technologies are complex and require deeper knowledge of mathematical analysis. These techniques require taking into account the horizontal and vertical curvature of the structure.

An example of a metal frame for a winder staircase

It should be noted that the drawing according to any of the above methods is performed with a certain degree of error. Therefore, even professionals make adjustments to parts at the assembly site. A winding staircase is a more complex structure, so if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust the calculation, design, installation to specialized enterprises.