Reinforcement of the floor slab in the garage above the cellar. How to make an overlap in the cellar - three options

You may well make a cellar in the garage with your own hands to store a variety of jams and pickles in it. The garage basement is a very useful utility room, so it makes sense to build it and properly equip it.

Types of cellars - what are they?

Basements in garages differ from each other in terms of their penetration into the ground. The most common option is considered to be a cellar with a depth of 1.6 to 3 m. This type of "garage pit" is called completely buried. It can store any stocks prepared for the winter by zealous housewives.

Semi-buried basements are built a little less often. They are deepened into the ground no more than a meter. If desired, you can make the so-called ground cellar - dig small hole on the floor of the garage and place some kind of plastic container in it.

When choosing the type of garage basement, one should take into account the depth of soil water in a particular area. Experts advise building cellars, the bases of which are at least 0.5 m away from the source of moisture.

Buried storages are usually built under capital garages with relatively large areas. The dimensions of such basements, in principle, can be any. In practice, pits are dug no more than 2.5 m wide and about 2 m deep. All work is carried out according to a pre-drawn plan (building drawings, thermal and waterproofing schemes, a set of materials used, and so on).

Buried basements are best done simultaneously with the construction of the garage itself. But it is quite possible to build a cellar in finished building- the technology for performing construction activities will be the same. It’s just that in an already operated garage it will not be possible to use special equipment for digging a pit. The work will have to be done with a shovel and other tools, not relying on the help of machines.

Several important tips helping to properly build a basement in the garage with their own hands:

  • If the soil is on your land plot very wet or groundwater rises high, the pit needs to be built from monolithic concrete, which has a high density and moisture resistance.
  • When building a garage and a basement at the same time, it is best to make a strip foundation - it will become a “replacement” for part of the cellar walls.
  • In dry soils, the construction of lightweight basement walls from roofing asbestos-cement slate is allowed.

The principles of arranging the floor base in the garage basement

After the pit is dug, it is necessary to carefully level its bottom and then tamp it down. The bottom level is always taken 25–30 cm less than the mark at which the future flooring will be located.

A pillow is laid on the rammed floor. Several layers are made in such a way that the thickness of the sand layer is at least 20 cm. Each part of the pillow should be rammed, using water if necessary. Professionals, in addition, recommend equipping an additional gravel layer of the same thickness.

After that, we select the type of floor that we want to build. It can be concrete, soil or clay. When laying concrete base be sure to use reinforcing bars. Metal products will provide surfaces with high strength. Floors with reinforcement are practically not afraid of soil shifts. The bars are poured with concrete, the surface thickness should be about 7.5 cm.

Then the waterproofing of the concrete layer is carried out using roofing material (it is desirable to make two-layer products by gluing two sheets of material with molten bitumen). The insulation is made so that the edges of the roofing material protrude beyond the foundation by 12–14 centimeters.

Instead of a concrete solution, when arranging the bottom of the cellar, it is allowed to use ready-made reinforced concrete slabs. In this case, you have to very accurately level the base of the pit, using a laser or conventional building level. The slabs are installed on a 15 cm layer of crushed stone and 5 cm of sand.

Soil foundations are not recommended. It is reasonable to lean towards this option only when the soil water on the site is at a low level. Soil bases are settled on a gravel-sand cushion. They must be protected from moisture.

The most economical and at the same time environmentally friendly is the clay base. It is made from two layers. First, one layer of clay is laid (it must be thick enough), then - roofing material, which will act as a waterproofing agent, and again a clay layer on it. In most cases, wooden boards are subsequently mounted on such a base. Their installation is carried out after the complete drying of the clay.

Basement walls - how to make them reliable?

For the construction of wall surfaces in the cellar, it is forbidden to use light Construction Materials- Chipboard, plywood sheets and so on. It is necessary to use strong and reliable products. Walls can be built from concrete, well-burnt solid red brick, or from foam blocks that are popular today.

When using a brick, you will have to spend a lot of money. This material is quite expensive. After installation brick walls their surface, in addition, will need to be well plastered. Working with concrete products is much easier. Their advantage is the absence of the need to carry out measures for waterproofing the surfaces obtained.

Most often, the walls of the cellar are made of concrete. Step by step, this process looks like this:

  1. We impose a reinforcing mesh on the walls. It is made from scraps of pipes that have served their purpose or from thick metal rods, which are fastened together with annealed wire. Reinforcement cannot be welded, as concrete will crack during temperature fluctuations.
  2. We build formwork from pieces of plywood, slats of large thickness or other wood material. The formwork is equipped with separate (40 cm in height) sections, which are filled in layers concrete mortar. Individual elements structures are connected with ordinary nails.
  3. We knead concrete (it is recommended to use material marked M400) and pour it in layers of 25–30 cm into the formwork.

As you can see, the instructions for building concrete walls for the basement are simple. There are no special tricks in it. Any home craftsman can cope with such work. Please note that it is undesirable to dry the finished concrete walls with hair dryers and other thermal devices. It will be right to wait until they dry naturally.

Overlapping the ceiling is a truly important stage of work

If you decide to make a very small basement, it is quite acceptable to make its ceiling from wooden boards. It is only necessary to insulate it from the inside, using improvised materials. In other cases, the overlap should be made reliable and massive. Do not forget that it will have to withstand the weight of your car in the garage.

A solid floor is usually made from a concrete slab. In this case, it is necessary to use a special reinforcing "skeleton" for it. Equipped with a hatch with a double cover. Buy such a hatch of any required dimensions quite easy. With a strong desire, you can do it yourself. The hatch is installed in a hole to be made in the concrete slab. In this place you will have the entrance to the cellar. Choose your own sizes.

Overlap with inside always treated with hot bitumen and insulated after the bitumen mixture has cooled. As an insulating material, glass wool or more expensive (but, note, more effective) polystyrene foam in plates is usually used. Its marking is PSB-S-25. With such expanded polystyrene, it is possible to insulate not only the ceiling, but also the walls and the outer parts of the basement foundation.

Fresh air for the cellar - we equip ventilation

The preservation of fruits and vegetables in the basement for a long time is ensured competent organization his ventilation system. It can be made natural or forced.

The natural supply of fresh air is arranged simply:

  • One pipe (it is called a supply pipe) is mounted from the cellar floor at a height of about 25 cm and brought out into the street. Protection of the outer part supply pipe performed using a metal cap.
  • The second pipe (exhaust) is installed 25 cm lower from the cellar ceiling, where the most humid and warm air masses are always present, which must be constantly removed to ensure the required microclimate in the basement. It is brought out above the roof of the garage by about 50 cm.

The efficiency of natural ventilation is low. In summer, it often simply does not function (the air in the street and in the basement has the same temperature), and in winter the system can become clogged with frost and snow, from which the ventilation must be constantly cleaned.

Forced air exchange systems are many times more modern and efficient. But their installation requires financial costs for the purchase of special fans powered by household power. These devices are mounted in ventilation pipes, which are installed in the same way as in the organization of natural ventilation. A scheme using one double-leaf pipe is also possible.

Forced systems are almost independent of climatic conditions. They guarantee an optimal microclimate in the cellar. If you want to create your own reliable ventilation in your basement, buy a special monoblock controlled by a mini-computer. Such a technique will itself calculate the required amount of fresh air supplied to the cellar, as well as extract from it the required volume of moist and warm streams.

And don't forget to make stairs to your garage cellar. It can be the simplest - attached, and stationary, made of metal, durable wood or concrete.

The basement in the garage has a number of advantages. This is an additional place to store the necessary things, homemade products, etc. If you try and ensure the right microclimate, then you can even store vegetables and fruits here. Today it is quite a popular addition to the garage. It is best, of course, to think over the cellar and indicate it in the drawings at the construction stage of the garage. Let's look at this question of how to dig and build a basement in more detail.

Advantages of placing a basement in a garage

The financial side of building a garage is a very important part. Naturally, during its construction with a cellar, cash costs increase significantly. Indeed, in order to equip the latter, additional costs for building materials are required. Yes, it takes a lot more time to build. But the sheepskin is worth the candle. In the construction of a garage with a cellar, there is whole line advantages that far outweigh the disadvantages.

  1. The cellar in the garage is an additional place where you can store winter preparations. Many are engaged in rolling up pickles, jams, compotes. Some have own dacha and vegetable garden, and some buy ingredients from the market. Basement - optimal and comfortable spot for their safety, because there you can create certain temperature conditions for this.
  2. Own workshop - the place of almost every motorist. The basement might be a great place for her equipment. Indeed, directly in the garage itself there is not always a lot of space for full-fledged repair work. Lack of space causes a lot of inconvenience. But in the basement there is enough space to place all the tools and equip your workplace.
  3. In the basement of the garage, you can leave things that you do not always use, but from time to time. For example, seasonal items, such as a children's sled that you only use in winter, or a bicycle that you only need in the summer. In order not to litter the balcony or pantry, you can leave it all in the basement.
  4. If you are going to sell the garage, then the presence of a basement in it will significantly increase its value. The same goes for renting it out.

How to build a capital cellar - instructions

The basement is also a kind of building that requires advance planning. The diagram must clearly indicate the dimensions of each element: height, thickness, width of the floor, ceiling, walls, etc. You need to clearly calculate how much thermal insulation you need, how many bricks, concrete, materials for interior cladding, etc.

Be sure to check before starting construction work whether it is possible to build a basement in your chosen location. And suddenly it is here that underground communications (gas or water supply) pass.

If you are building a cellar at the stage of building a garage, then it would be preferable to choose strip base for construction. Thus, the walls of the base will become parts of the walls of the cellar, and the basement will play the role of the ceiling of the underground room.

In case of proximity ground water to the surface, give preference to monolithic concrete slabs for the construction of a garage basement. If you are lucky and your soil is dry and not heaving, then you can use lightweight materials for building walls. For example, asbestos-cement slate sheets for roofing, which need to be laid out in several layers (usually from two to four) and fastened to wooden crate. Between themselves, the sheets are glued using bituminous mastic or a mixture of casein glue and cement no worse than M400.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to mark the perimeter of the future basement. Step back from the walls of the garage inward by 300 millimeters so that the garage does not sit in the basement.
  2. Dig up the right sizes pit (250–350 centimeters).
  3. The walls and bottom of the pit must be made as even as possible.
  4. Cover the bottom with sheets of roofing material with an overlap of 150 millimeters on top of each other and crawling onto the walls of the pit by 200 millimeters. To strengthen the waterproofing, you can lay the roofing material in two layers. In this case, the joints of the lower layer should not overlap with the joints of the upper layer.
  5. Next stage - concrete screed with reinforcement.
  6. Then the basement walls are erected. To do this, you can use bricks, asbestos sheets, concrete or another material that suits you. Leave a small gap between the ground and the outer part of the wall, where the outer waterproofing will be laid. To do this, use bituminous or other special mastic. It is applied with a roller or spatula, put on a long handle. If the gap is large enough, then roll insulation can be additionally glued to the mastic.
  7. Naturally, it is impossible to use a ready-made concrete slab for flooring, because the height and width of the garage is not enough to install it (of course, if it is a regular garage for one car). Therefore, you can make an overlap from the boards. They are laid close horizontally and a hole is left for the hatch. Lay waterproofing material on the boards, make a frame of reinforcement and formwork, fill everything cement mortar a layer of 300-400 millimeters. A smaller thickness of concrete may not be able to cope with the weight of the car.

Building the floor

In order for the floor of the garage cellar to be dry and as warm as possible, it is important to think carefully about its arrangement at the planning stage.

When you dig a pit, you need to increase its depth by 300-400 millimeters in order to build a drainage cushion. The bottom of the pit is well leveled and compacted. A layer of sand of 150 millimeters is poured on top. The sand must be moistened with water and compacted well. Then a layer of gravel of 150 millimeters is poured. This is done so that groundwater cannot get too close to the waterproofing material and spoil it. In addition, sedimentary water will be able to quickly leave through a layer of gravel and sand. Thus, the liquid will not linger in the basement.

After the crushed stone layer is laid and rammed, it is necessary to lay the rolled waterproofing material in several layers. Alternatively, liquid bitumen can be used.

Then a concrete screed with reinforcement is constructed, the thickness of which should be 200-300 millimeters. After its final hardening, it is advised to treat the concrete with a deep penetration waterproofing primer.

This type of flooring is the best.

You can make a clay floor, if the groundwater level allows it. To do this, clay is laid in two layers, and a layer of roofing is placed between them. The first layer of clay should be 250 millimeters, and the second 400-600 millimeters. On the clay, you can lay the flooring of the boards.

Building basement walls

Depending on which physical characteristics possesses the soil at the construction site, it is necessary to choose the best material for the construction of walls. If the soil is dry and not heaving, then a full-bodied red brick can be used. For other soils, the use of reliable and strong reinforced concrete is more suitable. Brick walls after erection are covered with plaster from a concrete mixture.

If the walls are made of concrete, then first of all there is the construction of sectional plank formwork. One section in height should be from 350 to 400 millimeters. Reinforcing bars are installed in the formwork and concrete is poured there with a layer of 300 millimeters. After it dries, the formwork section is set higher and the same is done. So, section by section, all the walls of the room are lined up. Fasten the extended sections with each other using rails and nails.

To enhance the waterproofing properties, treat the walls with a special hydrophobic primer with deep penetration.

Waterproofing works - how to get rid of water

From proper construction many of its factors depend on the garage basement, such as its durability, food storage conditions and others.

Very important! The issue of waterproofing the basement of the garage must be approached with great responsibility. The cellar is a room located underground. That is why very high demands are placed on its protection.

  1. On the construction stage when a foundation pit is dug under the cellar of the garage, as soon as groundwater is discovered, they must be repaired with greasy clay 500 millimeters deep.
  2. The same clay closes up the empty space that forms between the basement wall and the soil. The thickness of this layer should be at least 150 millimeters. Brick cladding must be laid out flush with the floor beams. After that, the upper part of the cellar must be covered reinforced concrete floor with hatch.
  3. If the soil at the basement construction site is low-moisture and inactive, i.e., groundwater lies deep enough, then for external waterproofing works it is enough to process the walls with hot bitumen. Otherwise, if the soil is wet, then it is necessary to do waterproofing using roofing material, which is based on bituminous mastic.
  4. If the groundwater level is above the cellar floor, then it is necessary to make underground waterproofing. For this, multi-layer carpets made of roofing material are used. In addition, it is best in this case to make the base of the floor using greasy clay or gravel soaked in bitumen.
  5. To prevent dampness and mold from appearing in the cellar of the garage, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation in room. To make it, you need to build special holes in the basement walls. To keep indoors average temperature, it is possible to lay a film, clay, clay straw or roofing felt over the entire floor area. The layer thickness should be 200 millimeters. A layer of earth of 300 millimeters must be poured on it.

Before placing vegetables, seamings and other products in the cellar, it is necessary to get rid of moisture and dry the room. To do this, cover the walls with lime and burn 12 tablets of dry fuel indoors. Such actions, in addition to drying the basement, relieve and prevent the appearance of putrefactive bacteria.

We make ventilation (hood) - table

A good ventilation system (hood), as mentioned earlier, is the key to high-quality storage of vegetables, fruits and other food products in the garage cellar. Ventilation planning takes place at the very beginning of the construction work on the construction of the garage. If this is not done, then the amount of air may not be enough.

Way to create ventilation Detailed description
Cellar natural ventilation
  • Refers to the most simple ways air circulation in the basement of the garage. To do this, use 2 pipes. The first works on drawing air out of the room, and the second attracts Fresh air.
  • Mount the first one under the ceiling. It rises through the entire garage and exits 50 centimeters above the roof. This allows warm air to escape from the garage cellar to the outside.
  • The second pipe, responsible for the flow of fresh air, is installed 50 millimeters above the level of the basement floor. She is taken outside. It should be located 30 centimeters above ground level from the side of the street.
  • In order to prevent pests from entering the cellar through the pipe, it must be protected with a special mesh.
  • In order to regulate the levels of incoming and outgoing air, it is necessary to build caps or flaps of small sizes on the pipes.
  • A significant disadvantage of such ventilation is that in the cold winter season it can fail due to the fact that the pipes are clogged with frost. But thermal insulation and periodic cleaning of pipes from snow solves this problem. To make it easier to take care of the ventilation pipes, experts advise doing top element removable pipes.
  • During the summer time temperature conditions the streets and the basement are almost identical and the ventilation stops functioning.
Forced cellar ventilation
  • This is a way to ventilate the basement that can be controlled. It is achieved using electric ventilation systems.
  • Such ventilation is done using the same pipes as in the previous case or using a double-leaf pipe through which air is exchanged.
  • This system works regardless of weather conditions. That is why she is more attractive than, natural way ventilation.
Cellar mechanized ventilation The most modern and expensive method of ventilation of basements. A monoblock, which is controlled by software, is responsible for attracting and extracting air.

How to properly insulate a basement from the inside

This process is also very important in the construction of the basement.

If the basement is not thermally insulated or the process is approached in bad faith, then the cellar will not function properly and all the work done will go down the drain.

  1. Expanded polystyrene can be used as a heat-insulating material. It does not rot, waterproof and durable. Attach it to the outside of the basement when you insulate the garage foundation.
  2. The thickness of expanded polystyrene should be 50 millimeters and grade PSB-S-25. Such heat-insulating material will perfectly keep the stable temperature of the basement. Internal thermal insulation leads to condensation at the joints.
  3. Thermal insulation of the cellar ceiling is also a very important stage in the construction of this room. Otherwise warm air will be rapidly cooled from the cold surface of the ceiling, due to which condensation will form.
  4. If the floor of the garage is made of reinforced concrete slab, which cannot be heated, the installation of a false ceiling in the basement, which is filled with heat-insulating material, saves.

Ceiling and roof insulation

To insulate the ceiling and basement cover, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Fix pipes with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters under the ceiling of the garage cellar. They should be located 150 millimeters from the ceiling surface and installed at a distance of 600 millimeters from each other. You can fix them both to the ceiling and to the walls from inside the basement.
  2. To pipes with an angle of 90 °, it is necessary to install reinforcement rods. Their diameter should be no more than 0.1 centimeter and there should be a distance of 300 millimeters between them. Then you need to form a single soft metal mesh.
  3. Paint everything with waterproof paint.
  4. In the empty space between the ceiling and pipes, lay plastic bags filled with straw and moss. The ends of the bags are sealed and stacked tightly to each other so that there is not a single gap.
  5. At the last stage, it is necessary to make condensate drains using umbrellas made of galvanized iron, polyethylene or moisture-resistant plywood. The condensate must drain into a previously prepared container.

Responsibly approach the arrangement of the basement so that its functionality is not impaired, and you can leave food in it with peace of mind. Even minimal errors in work can ruin all the work done.

How to dig a cellar in an already finished garage?

  1. Mark the perimeter of the future garage cellar.
  2. Dismantle the flooring and dig a pit of the desired size.
  3. The walls and floor are made according to the principle described above.
  4. Then comes the manufacture of supports for the ceiling.
  5. Plank and reinforcing cage formwork.
  6. The floor of the garage is again poured with concrete.
  7. Redo the manhole, install a hatch and a ladder.

We do finishing and lighting

To make it comfortable in the basement of the garage, it needs to be finished with something and lighting should be done. The latter will not cause any particular difficulties with the condition that there is lighting and electrical wiring directly in the garage room itself. You just need to create a wiring from electrical panel located in the garage. The formation of lighting and the placement of sockets and switches is a matter of technology.

At the final stage, it is necessary to make the lining of the bare concrete walls of the basement, which do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

The easiest way to finish is plastering. Thus, the design will look monolithic. To do this, attach a metal mesh to the walls without blocking the ventilation holes. If planned further finishing walls with ceramic tiles, then the layer of plaster should only cover the network minimally so that there is room for tile adhesive. The material is applied with a trowel and smoothed out using a trowel.

You can, of course, resort to more complex and expensive cladding options, for example, tiles. But practice shows that garage cellars most often get by with simple plastering.

This is followed by the arrangement of various shelves and racks in order to conveniently store homemade blanks or tools. Making it complete appearance the basement is formed by all the little things in the aggregate. At this stage, you are already free to manage your own needs. Each owner equips the basement for himself individually.

Video: basement arrangement

Video: do-it-yourself cellar under the garage

Now you can independently build a basement in your garage and equip there with an additional roomy enough place for anything. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the process of work. But each stage is very important and should be treated very seriously and responsibly. Good luck!

The basement in the garage is the best option for storing pickles and vegetables. Also in such a room you can equip a workshop or a rest room.


Many people want to build a basement in the garage, as this place is optimal for storing vegetables and fruits. You can also equip the basement with conservation racks or install a bench machine, tool shelves, turning the room into a comfortable workshop. But the basement is suitable not only for household purposes - you can equip a recreation area in it by adding a bar or billiards to the interior.

During the construction of the basement room in the garage, you should familiarize yourself with some features:

  • You will need to consider high-quality insulation of the basement from moisture. Ground water should not penetrate into the room, so care should be taken to purchase waterproofing materials.
  • In some cases, the waterproofing layer will not be enough, so you need to be ready for the equipment drainage system.
  • The basement must be ventilated. It allows you to maintain the required temperature and creates an optimal microclimate in the room. If you abandon the ventilation system, with further operation of the cellar, a fungus with mold will appear. It is not allowed to store vegetables with preservation in such conditions.
  • If the basement in the garage is planned to be used as a workshop or recreation room, you need to insulate the walls with the ceiling and floor. This solution eliminates dampness and prevents the appearance of fungus. Only fire-resistant materials should be used as finishes.

To get rid of mold, you will need not only to create the right climate, but also to disinfect the room. This will require the following steps:

  • The basement must be freed from all pieces of furniture, jars of pickles.
  • Walls should be cleaned with a wire brush.
  • Shelves and other furniture should be dried in the fresh air and treated with special preparations. The best results are shown by a sulfur checker. The room itself can be disinfected with slaked lime.
  • To prevent mold from reappearing, it is necessary to create a high-quality waterproofing layer in the room, and also to do prevention against the fungus every year.

The basement in the garage has the following positive qualities:

  • The building can become an ideal place to store food. With it, you can unload the free area in the garage. The microclimate of the basement is considered optimal for the preservation of conservation, vegetables and fruits throughout the winter season.
  • With the help of special finishing materials in the basement, you can create a recreation area.
  • For the equipment of the basement, it will not be necessary to allocate additional space on the territory, since the premises will be zero level in the garage itself.
  • A garage equipped with a cellar has a higher cost compared to structures without a basement.
  • The basement is reliably protected by a garage from bad weather conditions and temperature extremes.

The disadvantages include:

  • If you choose the wrong material for construction or waterproofing, the basement can become a breeding ground for mold and dampness. In the worst cases, this room can turn into a well with water accumulation.
  • The basement in the garage can only be created manually. Therefore, you will need the help of friends or additional costs for the services of specialists.
  • If the site has high level groundwater, a large amount of materials will be required to create a waterproofing layer, which indicates additional costs.


There are several options for equipping the basement in the garage. If we talk about the depth of the bookmark, the cellar can be semi-buried (depth - up to 1.5 meters) or buried (up to 3 meters). The latter option is different in that the indicators of humidity and temperature in it are always at the same level, regardless of the time of year. Due to this quality, conservation can be stored indoors without fear.

There is a scheme according to which many garages are equipped with viewing hole. Some users place cellars under the pit.

The device of semi-buried cellars is considered a necessary measure. As a rule, this option is resorted to if the soil does not make it possible to create a deeper recess or groundwater is located too close at a high freezing point without the possibility of high-quality waterproofing. In practice, sometimes there are ground variations of cellars, but such a structure cannot be created in a garage.

Buried cellars under the garage will be reliable if the fundamental part is located higher than 70 cm from any water source. In this case, you can even create a cellar that will more area garage. Experts advise to develop a project in advance, to make all the calculations.

It is best to build a basement at the same time as building a garage. However, most people buy space for their car rather than building it from scratch. Therefore, cellars have to be built already under the finished structure.

Possible problems

When building a basement, many people may encounter some problems that you need to be prepared for in advance.

First of all, you need to get rid of the water that is present in the cellar. Excess moisture leads to the formation of fungus. Mold is considered main problem during the operation of the cellars. It is formed due to a poor waterproofing layer, poor-quality ventilation, which cause an increased level of humidity in the room. Also, the fungus may appear due to the long stay in the cellar of spoiled products, the use of infected wood.

Some basement owners are faced with the fact that the products in the room freeze. Therefore, special attention should be paid to insulation measures. Insulation allows not only to exclude sub-zero temperatures, but also maintains an optimal microclimate in the room.

However, with the help simple insulation it is impossible to lower the humidity level. You will need to create high-quality ventilation, which will be responsible for controlling the level of water vapor in the cellar.

If the basement in the garage freezes, you will need to buy heat-insulating materials. On sale there is a wide range of special raw materials with which you can carry out insulation. The heater must maintain its geometric shapes, have high-quality insulating properties and resistance to moisture and earth.

Most often, expanded clay, fiberglass, expanded clay concrete are used to insulate basements. mineral wool, red ceramic brick, polystyrene foam and cellulose insulation.

How to build?

The construction of the basement in the garage consists of several stages. Each step is an important event, without which a high-quality construction of a structure is impossible. To build a basement with your own hands, you should study the sequence of actions and follow the work manual step by step.

Preparation for construction

For the construction of a recessed cellar, a capital garage will be required. To realize your idea, you need to make preliminary preparation. It consists of several stages:

  • Before construction work, you need to make sure that there is a technical possibility for equipping the basement. There are a large number of communication lines in the soil of large cities, so making a hole of the required depth is quite difficult. To reduce cash investments and determine the possibility of carrying out work, you can seek help from a specialist or use the project documentation that was used to create the garage.
  • The foundation must be protected from groundwater. This step should be provided for even at the stage of building a garage using a drainage system. If this issue has not been resolved in advance, a thorough waterproofing of the basement will be required.

Purchase of necessary materials

For the construction of the basement will also require special tools and materials. For the construction of walls, you can use concrete slabs, cinder blocks, bricks or natural stones.

Concrete slabs are only suitable for building a garage from scratch. The arrangement of the cellar is carried out before the construction of walls and ceilings. You will also need the help of a professional installation team, which, using a lifting mechanism, can install the plate.

To pour the base, you will need ready-made concrete M-100 or a solution made by yourself. The solution is created from gravel, crushed stone, sand and cement M-400. The resulting solution is suitable for preparatory work before screeding and wall finishing during plastering.

To create the formwork, you will need an edged board. The required amount will depend on the dimensions of the basement. Roofing material is used as waterproofing.

When building a cellar with your own hands, you do not need professional equipment. For this, a traditional list of tools that every home craftsman has at hand is suitable.

To work, you will need the following items:

  • jackhammer;
  • scrap;
  • sledgehammers;
  • spatula with a trowel;
  • hacksaws;
  • electric drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • construction shovel.

You also need to prepare measuring tools without which no construction event can do. You will need: a plumb line, a construction tape measure, a metal ruler and a level.


Cellar planning should be done at the stage of building a garage. This will make the work process easier. If the thoughts of acquiring a cellar appeared when buying finished garage, it will be necessary to dismantle the concrete floor. It is necessary to remove the screed from the area where the basement will be located. Work can be carried out with a jackhammer or sledgehammer.

First of all, you need to prepare a pit. The depth of the pit of the buried cellar is three meters. Other sizes are allowed, which should be selected individually depending on the planned dimensions of the basement. For a room whose size is 8x12 meters, a depth of 3 meters will be enough.

The preparation of the base is carried out as follows:

  • First you need to dig a pit.
  • The floor with walls must be carefully leveled and tamped. This action ensures the evenness of the surfaces in the room.
  • At the bottom, you will need to fill in crushed stone and gravel in layers. Each layer also needs to be leveled and compacted.
  • The prepared surface is poured with a concrete solution of small thickness (8-9 cm).
  • After the concrete has hardened, you can proceed to the primary waterproofing measures. They consist in laying two roofing layers glued together with molten resins. The edges of the sheets should protrude 10 cm beyond the basement. Then you can install the formwork and pour the mortar.

Stairs - important detail which connects the basement with the garage.

There are two types of structures:

  • A traditional lean-to ladder made of wood or metal.
  • Marching. Installation is carried out in finished form during construction work.

For the construction of stairs, you can use several materials:

  • Tree. Since the basement is a cold and damp room, the wood must be additionally treated with antiseptic agents. This will protect the material from attack by insects and bacteria.
  • Metal. If the material used in the work is used, it should be treated with abrasive materials. This action protects the future structure from the corrosion process. Then the metal should be wiped detergents and rinse plain water. After installation, the steps are covered oil paint or enamel.
  • Concrete high strength indicators are characteristic, but protection of the material is also necessary. Steps should be treated with paint or tiled for floor surfaces.

When creating a metal structure, the following nuances should be observed:

  • Products with a width of 80-90 cm are allowed for use.
  • The clearance of stairs in the basement should be calculated from the lower steps to the floor beams. In new cellars given value should be more than two meters. Compliance with dimensions minimizes the likelihood that a person will hit his head on the ceiling.
  • The slope of the product should be 22-75 degrees. If a ladder is being built, an angle of 45-75 degrees is allowed.
  • The width of the steps is 25-32 cm. If you make a wider tread, it will be uncomfortable to climb this design. Narrower steps make the descent dangerous.
  • The height of the steps must be kept within 12-22 cm.

erection wooden stairs consists of several steps:

  • Initially, you will need to attach bars to the supports, on which steps will be mounted in the future. 26 cm should be counted from the upper point of support and the bar should be fixed. An angle of 60 degrees must be observed. Each bar is fixed with two nails or self-tapping screws.
  • Other support bars are fixed in 26 cm increments.
  • Then steps are attached to the bars. Nails or self-tapping screws are used as fasteners.
  • Installation of the structure takes place at a slope of 30 degrees. So the steps can take a horizontal position.

The walls in the basement are created only from solid material. The use of chipboard, plywood and other light products is not allowed.

Most often in construction, brick is used. During work, you will need to monitor the vertical position of the masonry and its flat surface.

Some garage owners use when building walls monolithic concrete. For such work, the following sequence will be required:

  • for each wall, a wooden shield is knocked down, which will be used as formwork;
  • along the perimeter of the room, metal pillars are driven in;
  • formwork is fixed on the racks;
  • then you can start pouring the concrete solution.

Regardless of what material the walls are built with, you need to ensure that they are located strictly vertically. Each seam is rubbed with mortar. When the laying process is completed, the seams are painted with lime.

In most basements, reinforced concrete is used to create the flooring. Such a floor is created in the following sequence:

  • First of all, you need to level the surface. To do this, you need to use the building level.
  • Then a 15 cm layer of rubble is poured onto the base. It must be evenly distributed around the entire perimeter of the room.
  • A layer of sand is poured (5 cm). It also needs to be leveled and compacted.
  • Then you can start creating the floor itself. For this, a reinforced concrete slab or a strong metal mesh with a screed is used. For the second method, you will need to install reinforcing bars around the perimeter of the basement in 1 meter increments. A metal mesh is laid on the floor surface and cement is poured. The layer should be 3-5 cm.


A properly equipped hood helps to eliminate dampness and odors from the cellar. It also provides long-term storage of conservation and vegetables.

For the cellar, two types of ventilation are used:

  • Natural. The best option for endowing the room with fresh air.
  • Forced. This version uses a fan.

To create natural ventilation does not require significant costs. It is easy to create such a system yourself. This will require:

  • An extractor hood is mounted under the ceiling. The outlet of the pipe should be located at a height of 0.5 meters from the roof. Warm air masses will come out through it.
  • At a distance of 10 cm from the floor surface, a supply pipe should be installed, which will be led outside the room. It will bring fresh air into the basement.
  • The outlets of both pipes should be covered with a special mesh that will provide protection from insects. Small covers are mounted on top.

V winter period natural ventilation may not function as both outlets are clogged with frost. In order to prevent blockage, it will be necessary to insulate the exits and timely clear them of snow. Some craftsmen create removable output parts.

Forced ventilation differs from natural ventilation in that there is an improved exhaust hood in its design. An electric fan is inserted into the cavity of the system, which creates a vortex flow and expels the exhaust air masses from the room. Fresh air flows into the basement through the top pipe.

Some users use fully mechanical ventilation. To create, you will need to install a monoblock, which will be controlled by special software.


If you do not take care of high-quality insulation of the basement in the garage, it will be cold in the room. With the help of thermal insulation, you can protect the cellar from dampness. Most often, garage owners use foam plastic as a heater. The process of thermal insulation consists in working with walls, floors and ceilings. In addition to foam, you can use other suitable material.

Ceiling insulation is as follows:

  • All cracks and crevices must be repaired.
  • Then you need to cover the surface with a vapor barrier material. For these purposes, you can use penofol, which provides high-quality thermal insulation.
  • Installation of hangers for the crate is being carried out. The distance between the parts must match the width of the thermal insulation board.
  • The next layer of vapor barrier should be located at a distance of 4-5 cm from the previous level. This method is able to provide microventilation.

Floor insulation consists of several steps:

  • The rough base must be leveled with a building level.
  • Then a layer of waterproofing should be laid. Most often, foam is used for these purposes, the thickness of which is 5 cm.
  • Penofol is mounted on top of the insulation.
  • On the thermal insulation you need to put a reinforced screed and a finishing base.
  • Since the cold enters the basement through the walls, insulation will be required to ensure a high-quality microclimate.

The process of wall insulation consists of several steps:

  • First of all, a waterproofing layer should be laid. It will provide moisture protection. If the surface of the walls is uneven, you will need to level the base.
  • Then a layer of foam is laid. For fixing, you can use any adhesive.
  • Finishing should be covered with a small layer cement screed. Auxiliary reinforcement is reinforcement.
  • A cellar is a room in which there is a high level of humidity. To minimize dampness, an additional waterproofing layer will be required.

Roof hatch

The choice of material for the manufacture of the ceiling depends on the dimensions of the basement. If the basement area does not exceed the size of a conventional viewing hole, the upper part is created from a magpie board. Large cellars require reliable overlap which will cope with the impressive weight of the car. It is best to use a concrete slab and a reinforcing frame for these purposes.

The installation of a concrete slab is only allowed during the construction of the cellar before the construction of the garage. If construction work is carried out in a finished structure, the following actions will be required:

  • Bearing beams are installed. For these purposes, you can use railway rails, which are sold at metal collection points.
  • Then the concrete is poured.
  • The created product will resemble a reinforced concrete slab. When the beams with reinforcement will be laid, a section under the hatch should be provided.

The hatch is easy to make with your own hands from steel sheet. To work, you will need a list of tools and materials:

  • electric grinder;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • steel sheets 5 mm;
  • metal corners;
  • mounting foam;
  • insulation material - polystyrene foam or foam;
  • tin;
  • screwdriver;
  • loops;
  • construction roulette;
  • seals.

Creating a hatch consists of several stages:

  • According to the dimensions of the hole, a steel sheet should be cut.
  • Metal corners are welded along the edges of the sheet. To ensure optimal sliding between the sheet and the corner shelf, a small gap should be provided.
  • The inside of the hatch is covered with insulation. The foam should fit snugly against the metal corner. All gaps should be filled.
  • Tin is laid on top of the insulation. All corners should be bent. The tin carries only a decorative component, so this step is optional.
  • Then you can start fixing the loops. If required, a handle is attached.
  • The finished product is hung on hinges.

Some people decorate the hatch under the floor surface. A wide range of finishing materials allows you to create an overlap that is in harmony with common style basement. The cover can be painted with any paint that is suitable for working with the finishing material.

What to do?

When the work on the thermal insulation of the walls is completed, you can begin to finish the ceiling, walls and floor surface. The walls are most often tiled with tiles and other similar materials. You can also use coloring agents, lime or plaster.

When finishing with plaster, the process consists of several steps:

  • A metal mesh should be fixed on the surface of the walls. Since there is high humidity in the basement, the plaster will not be able to stick only to the base. To fix the reinforcing mesh, dowels are required. Ventilation does not need to be closed.
  • The solution is applied to the wall with a trowel, after which it is smoothed with a trowel.
  • If tiling is planned on top, the solution should be thin.

To simplify the process of building a basement in a garage, you should read the recommendations of experts:

  • Before building a cellar, you need to study the procedure for choosing materials that are suitable for work. You should also consider the size of the future structure, familiarize yourself with the standard requirements that apply to the dimensions of the basement.
  • The work begins with the development of a small scheme, in which not only the location of the object, but also the dimensions should be present. Using the sketch, you can calculate the required amount of materials.
  • At self erection basement, attention should be paid to the choice of a place for arranging the pit. The pit should be located at a sufficient distance from the supporting structures of the building.
  • The basement must have high-quality waterproofing and ventilation.
  • The best option for decorating the descent into the cellar is a ladder that will descend through the hatch.
  • A staircase equipped with concrete steps is suitable for a large basement.
  • The manhole cover should be made of lightweight materials so that special forces are not applied when opening.

Most car owners prefer to have a garage with a concrete block basement. In such a garage you can store food, spare parts and equipment. In order to feel safe while in the garage, some fundamental conditions should be observed when building a cellar. When constructing a basement, the main attention should be paid to the design of the cellar ceiling. It can be varied and depend on the size of the garage, the size of the basement and the number of cars left in the garage. It is best to plan for a basement before starting the construction of a garage. Then, during the organization of the work sequence, all design requirements can be optimally met. When arranging the cellar, after the garage is built, there are inconveniences that require time and effort.

The main attention should be paid to the strength of the concrete floors above the basement. Its strength is greatly influenced by the support of this overlap. With a complex arrangement of a garage with a basement, standard concrete plates. In this version, the walls of the cellar turn out to be the supporting foundation for the entire garage and at the same time the support on which the ceiling is placed. During operation, horizontal forces from the surrounding soil begin to act on the walls of the basement. These forces tend to deform the basement walls. Therefore, the thickness of the walls should increase in proportion to the depth of the basement. The bottom of the excavated pit is covered with a layer of crushed stone 10 cm and sand 5 cm. Then a strip foundation is made. A garage with all its weight, cellar walls and ceiling will act on this foundation. Basement walls are best built from concrete blocks. But if it's too expensive, then instead of concrete blocks, you can make the walls concrete using sliding formwork.

If everything is done properly, then you need to order survey work at the construction site. This will let you know if there are underground utilities below, such as electrical or telephone cable, or nearby groundwater. If the garage is on soil saturated with moisture, then you need to make a circular drainage system to remove moisture from the area adjacent to the garage. In any case, you need waterproofing of the foundation and basement blocks from the outside. If the construction is on dry ground, then it is enough to coat the blocks outside with hot bitumen in two layers. If the soil is wet, then it is required to paste the blocks with roofing material on bituminous mastic. Expanded polystyrene is a good insulating and at the same time waterproof material. This material has a high resistance to mold and decay. Installation of such a heater is done by simply pasting the blocks on the outside. The size of the plates must be carefully adjusted to each other. The joints are also glued.

Cellar in built garage

If the basement is being built in a built garage, then standard concrete slabs cannot be used as a ceiling, because they are installed by a crane. Overlapping is done by laying load-bearing beams. It is best to use I-beams. Motorists use for this purpose pieces of railway rails purchased at scrap metal collection points. Mine rails for the carrier beam will be rather weak. They can be used as transverse elements laid perpendicular to the supporting beams. For the ends of the load-bearing beams, beds are provided on the walls of the basement. In general, the walls of the basement serve as the foundation for the entire garage. Reinforcement is placed in the space between the supporting beams. The lower formwork is installed, on which the concrete is laid. It turns out a homemade reinforced concrete slab.

If the size of the cellar in terms of is small compared to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garage, then there may be another option. If the car is placed in a place under which there is no basement, then only an inspection ditch is arranged at the place of its installation. The basement will be located in a place where there is no load from the weight of the car and its overlap can be made lightweight. In all cases, the ceiling above the basement requires insulation. Insulation ensures the absence of wet condensate and therefore directly affects the protection metal structures from corrosion. Great importance for the absence of humidity is given to the ventilation of the cellar and garage. Insulation and ventilation need to be considered in more detail.

Insulation of the ceiling, walls and blocks

You can insulate in several ways. One of them is that 15 cm from the ceiling, pipes with a diameter of 25 mm are installed horizontally with a fastening pitch of about 60 cm. These pipes can be attached to walls or to the ceiling. Reinforcing bars made of wire with a diameter of 8-10 mm are attached perpendicular to the pipes. They are attached with soft wire. It is better to paint the entire structure with chromium oxide, red lead or other waterproof paint. Polyethylene bags are placed in the space between the ceiling and the resulting structure. Previously, forest moss or chopped straw is placed in the bags and sealed with an iron. The bags are stacked without a gap on each other and tightly between them. Sheets of galvanized iron, waterproof plywood or polyethylene film. They are used as an umbrella, from which condensate must drain into a bucket or some other container along pre-arranged grooves.

Can be used for ceiling insulation building mixture with the addition of cement and sawdust. The layer of such a solution can reach 20 cm. After complete drying, a plaster mortar is applied after a few days. The basement walls can also be insulated in the same way. The floor is insulated with glass wool or other insulation laid between the logs under the finishing coating. If the groundwater level is high, then a drainage system should be arranged around the garage. The bottom of the cellar deepens by 30 cm from the expected floor level. A layer of crushed stone of about 10 cm is poured onto the leveled soil. Sand is poured onto the crushed stone with a layer of 5 cm. All layers are compacted. The cover of the entrance to the basement is made with a grate or mesh, so that the ventilation is better and small animals cannot enter. For the winter, the lid is closed with a heater.

The best insulation for the floor, walls and ceiling will be polyurethane foam. It is applied by spraying directly onto the surface of the insulation. The entire inner surface of the basement is blown with foam. The insulation fills all the cracks, penetrating into inaccessible places. With rapid hardening, a smooth surface is formed without seams and voids. Polyurethane foam has a very low thermal conductivity. It is practically weightless, so it will not additionally load bearing structures. With this method, the basement is insulated very quickly, and the only drawback is the high price of the material.

Space ventilation

Proper ventilation is a guarantee that moisture will not linger in the basement. With good ventilation, dampness will not damage the food supply. Knowing how dangerous exhaust fumes can be in a garage, ventilation should be at a height and in the main area of ​​the garage. In most cases, natural ventilation is used, in which the movement of air is carried out due to the temperature difference between the incoming air and the air inside. If the air change is done in insufficient volume, then it makes sense to install a fan. At such a time of the year, when the air temperature outside and inside the cellar is equalized, ventilation stops. There will be no ventilation even when the outside temperature is higher than in the basement. Artificial and natural ventilation can be carried out through one channel. artificial ventilation may have one hole.

Garage ventilation not only protects food and wall surfaces, but also the car itself. When the car is put in the garage in winter, snow remains on the wheels and body. After thawing, the air becomes very humid, which increases the likelihood of corrosion of metal parts.

Working conditions

The opening of the supply pipe is arranged at a distance of 10-15 cm from the cellar floor. Above the ground, the suction hole should be at a height of 30-40 cm. It is supplied with a mesh from the penetration of small animals. The hole must be protected by a so-called deflector. This device consists of a sheet curved in an arc and attached in the form of a fungus to the suction port. The deflector is designed to protect against precipitation.

For natural ventilation to work, there must be a difference in height between the suction and outlet openings in the ventilation pipes. The minimum value of such a difference, providing a pressure drop, is 3 meters.

The supply pipe should be positioned so that it is constantly affected by the wind. The lack of natural ventilation is manifested in very coldy when the pipe may be covered with frost. To prevent this shortcoming, it is necessary to insulate pipelines. Periodically, pipes should be cleaned of snow and frost.

It turns out that natural ventilation can fail, not coping with the work year-round. Therefore, a fan can be inserted into the chimney. It pushes the exhaust air into the pipe and creates conditions for the influx of fresh air. The disadvantage is that in the cold season, the basement and garage can become supercooled. There are systems with fans at the inlet and outlet, and a two-speed fan is installed at the outlet. The ventilation control system is equipped with temperature and gas level sensors. When the garage fills with exhaust fumes, the exhaust fan turns to second speed. Modern systems in European garages are equipped with fans, taking into account the need for an optimal climate in the garage. All switching and fan speeds are controlled by a computer program. We consider the simplest devices and the usual garage of our domestic motorist so that the owner of the garage has a good idea of ​​​​the effect of ventilation and takes timely measures to eliminate failures.

Implementation results

A garage with a cellar made of concrete blocks is a fairly reliable structure. No one denies the usefulness and functionality of such a structure. However, when installing the ceiling of the cellar in the garage, all the nuances associated with the distribution of loads on the walls of concrete blocks, the effect of insulation and ventilation on the state of the structure and the atmosphere of the garage should be foreseen. When planning, you need to organize the sequence of work in such a way as to provide maximum convenience for their implementation. It is best to design a garage completely with a basement of concrete blocks so that the functionality of all devices is ensured. Neglect of insulation can damage the ceiling due to increased moisture condensation, followed by corrosion of the supporting structures.

The ventilation value is also high to prevent unnecessary condensation. Insufficient waterproofing of walls and foundations, as well as the absence of a circular drainage system, can lead to basement flooding. Such a garage will turn into a breeding ground for mosquitoes with a marsh smell.

The cellar under the garage is convenient because it does not take up much space on the site. In winter, the basement of the garage is not covered with snow, and you can get into it at any time. This cellar does not require additional thermal insulation, since it is already located inside the garage, and, if necessary, can be equipped with a viewing hole for self repair car.

Prior to commencement of construction work, a number of important nuances such as: length, depth, width.

In addition, for the construction of such a basement, much less money is needed than for the construction of other types of cellars.

The nuances of building a basement under the garage

When building such a cellar, it is necessary to observe many important conditions, the main of which are effective ventilation and complete waterproofing. It is best to build a basement at the same time as building a garage.

The cellar is convenient in that it can also be used as a viewing hole. To make this possible, a staircase with a slight slope is made, running along the entire length of the cellar. Due to the small angle of inclination, standing on the steps of the stairs, you can service the car. This option saves a lot of money.

One of the most serious moments is the arrangement of the walls of the cellar.

They are constituent element garage foundation, so it’s better not to save on their thickness. In addition, the thicker the walls in the basement of the garage, the easier it will be to arrange its thermal insulation. As a rule, stone or brick is used to build the walls of the basement. Red brick is more preferable. However, if the groundwater level is high or your area has a humid climate, it is better to use cast-in-situ reinforced concrete for the construction of walls.

The floor in the cellar requires a high-quality waterproofing device, since it is through it that the greatest amount of moisture seeps through. by the most the best option for the base is a cushion of crushed stone with a thickness of about 10-15 cm impregnated with bitumen. Insulation of garage walls can also be done using bitumen, best in combination with burlap. It is very simple to make such insulation: the burlap is impregnated with bitumen, after which it is glued to the walls of the cellar. The walls of the garage basement must be corked and covered lime whitewash. It is recommended to use this mixture for whitewashing, as it absorbs moisture well.

It can be made as an integral part of the general ventilation system or separately. Quality and proper ventilation prevent the growth of fungus. Usually for this, in the walls of the base are created ventilation windows and other ventilation devices.

Wiring in the basement of the garage is carried out by analogy with the arrangement of the rest of the power supply. If you have never worked with wiring before, it is best to have a professional electrician do it. By virtue of high humidity in the basement, special attention must be paid to the insulation of contacts.

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Basement device under the garage: step by step instructions

As already mentioned, it is best at the same time as building a garage. In this case, construction begins with marking under the base, and at the same time a place for a viewing hole is marked out. However, in cases where the garage is bought ready-made and without a cellar, it will have to be done by hand.

First of all, prepare the tools that you may need for the job:

  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • boards;
  • metal tank;
  • wooden box;
  • metal rods and holders;
  • polyethylene film;
  • sawdust;
  • mineral wool;
  • gravel;
  • table;
  • cement mixture;
  • fine mesh;
  • trench tool;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • sand;
  • water.

Before starting construction work on the arrangement of the cellar, a number of important nuances must be taken into account, such as:

  • the length of the inspection hole (usually it is made 0.5 m longer than the car);
  • depth - is determined individually (depends on the height of the owner);
  • width - 700 mm plus the thickness of the walls of the pit.

In the walls of the pit, it is necessary to provide for the creation of auxiliary niches for placing tools, fixtures and other needs.

You need to evaluate the opportunity under your garage. To the greatest extent it depends on where it is located. The main obstacle that can nullify all plans is the high level of groundwater. built in such a place will be flooded in the spring. Check for utility lines under your garage. If it is located in the city, this is quite possible. If there are no obstacles listed, you can start building a basement.

Dig a pit. Its dimensions should exceed the dimensions of the future basement by 50 cm on each side. Additional space is needed for the convenience of concreting and waterproofing work. It is not recommended to expand the pit too much - this will increase the amount of work and complicate the backfilling of the sinuses.

The bottom of the dug pit is cleaned from the remnants of the earth and well compacted. A layer of crushed stone, gravel or coarse sand is poured at the bottom. The thickness of the backfill should be approximately 10 cm. The poured layer is compacted and impregnated with hot bitumen. After the bitumen has hardened, it is necessary to cover the bottom with waterproof materials, for example, with plastic wrap.

On the prepared base, a basement floor is created. Monolithic concrete with a thickness of about 30 cm is best suited for this. The walls are made of brick or concrete reinforced with steel bars. The waterproofing of the cellar is carried out by coating with crumpled clay with a layer of about 10 cm. affordable option- cheap sticker waterproofing coating(roofing material is well suited). The space between the walls of the pit and the walls of the basement is covered with soil, which is carefully compacted.

The inner surface of the walls is plastered with cement mortar and smoothed with a metal trowel. The thickness of the plaster layer is approximately 1 cm.

Overlapping of the garage basement is made of reinforced concrete slabs. In one of the slabs, it is necessary to hollow out a hole with a size of 80 × 80 cm. Instead, you can simply leave a hole of the appropriate size between the slabs, lining it with bricks.

Make the entrance to the basement directly from the garage itself or from an extension to it. The manhole door is made double - so between the wings there will be an air gap.