What is cement waterproofing, main types: coating, polymer, methods of application. Polymer waterproofing NOVACOL Polymer waterproofing for interior work

Polymer waterproofing is represented by compositions based on polymers (primarily polyurethanes), which are ideal for work to ensure the protection of objects for various purposes from the destructive effects of moisture. Waterproofing with polymeric materials is easy to apply on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It effectively fills seams and joints and provides them with reliable protection against moisture penetration.

Polymer waterproofing of the foundation or other building elements provides for the polymerization of the applied composition when it comes into contact with air. As a result, a flexible and very durable membrane is formed that can become a barrier to moisture.


Polymeric waterproofing materials are deservedly considered universal. They can be used for waterproofing:

  • residential and industrial premises;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
  • floor slabs;
  • rooms with high levels of humidity (toilets, showers, bathrooms, saunas, swimming pools).

Polymeric waterproofing of the floor and other objects on the bases of the following materials is allowed:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • plaster;
  • glass;
  • wood;
  • drywall;
  • zinc coated steel;
  • Styrofoam;
  • roof tiles.


Polymer waterproofing for roofs and other building elements has good adhesion to plasters and various adhesives for tiling. It can also be used before laying with linoleum and laminate flooring. Of course, these are far from all the advantages of polymer waterproofing. The rest are as follows:

  • excellent adhesion to different types of substrates;
  • high ductility, allowing to withstand deformations and distortions of building elements;
  • immunity to ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes;
  • long service life, which ranges from 25 to 50 years;
  • ease of application, the ability to apply both manually and with special equipment.

The use of high-quality waterproofing materials, selected in accordance with the operating conditions, makes it possible to increase the reliability and reduce the cost of maintenance and repair of buildings, highways, engineering infrastructure and utilities. Therefore, the polymer waterproofing, which is sold by the company "MPKM", is in demand and is widely used in the construction industry.

Elastic polymer waterproofing, depending on the range of tasks to be solved, can be used as an independent waterproofing material or as an additional tool that increases the reliability of other methods of ensuring the water resistance of concrete. Various grades and compositions on a polyurethane base can protect building structures not only from water, but also from chemically active and aggressive substances, the effect of which causes the destruction of reinforced concrete structures.

Advantages of polymer waterproofing

The effectiveness of waterproofing materials containing epoxy resins and polymer additives is due to the chemical resistance, durability and elasticity of the film that forms when protective compounds are applied to the substrate.

  • Elasticity makes it possible to partially compensate for deformations of the base, therefore, the polymer film of the waterproofing always remains intact and tight.
  • Polymer-based materials have good adhesion to concrete, brick, cement plaster, tiles, metal and other materials. They can be applied to absorbent and non-absorbent substrates. The waterproofing layer can be used as a base for sprayed concrete or finishing materials.
  • Polymer waterproofing of concrete allows you to process surfaces of complex shapes. The coverings precisely follow the contours of the base and do not have seams that reduce the effectiveness of protection.

Polyurethane-based materials are highly technological. They are quickly applied to previously prepared substrates: liquid polymer waterproofing using spray guns or special equipment for spraying two-component compounds, and pasty mixtures with ordinary brushes, brushes and rollers.

Supplies of polymer waterproofing materials

In the online store "MPKM" wholesale prices for construction chemicals, Sika, and other manufacturers with fast delivery of products to all regions of Russia. Technical support staff provide free advice on the selection of polymer waterproofing for floors, walls, foundations, technical tanks and other tasks. The advice of an experienced specialist will help you buy waterproofing materials that are optimal for certain operating conditions and correspond to the characteristics of a particular object.

In the recent past, bituminous materials were used to protect building structures from moisture. They did not provide sufficient reliability, and their service life was limited. Now there is a more effective alternative - elastic polymer waterproofing. Let's talk about its properties and application features.

What is polymer waterproofing?

A wide range of materials with various component composition, physical and chemical properties fall into the category of polymer waterproofing. But they all contain high molecular weight compounds - polymers that give them special characteristics. The method of application is also common: most of these compositions are intended for coating insulation. The most common polymer materials based on bitumen and cement.

Advantages of polymer waterproofing

There are many polymer-based formulations, and they all have different positive qualities. But in general, the following advantages of using this type of insulation can be distinguished.

  • High degree of moisture protection. For example, in the case of cement mixtures, the addition of polymer components helps to solve the problem of pores through which moisture can seep. Polymer waterproofing forms a continuous waterproof layer, while the base retains its air permeability.
  • Good adhesion to the treated surface. For each type of building materials, you can find the appropriate composition. For example, waterproofing of brickwork is best done using polymer-cement mixtures, and bitumen-polymer mastics are also suitable for concrete. Unlike roll-to-roll coatings, the water-repellent layer obtained with these materials is inseparable from the surface.
  • Resistance to any weather factors (temperature extremes, ultraviolet light, precipitation), water pressure, and aggressive chemicals. This allows the use of polymer insulation for both indoor and outdoor work, including for the protection of buried structures.
  • Elasticity. For some types of materials, it reaches 400%. Due to this, polymer-based waterproofing is strong in tension and bending, it withstands deformation loads well (including during ground movements, thermal expansion of structures).
  • Polymer waterproofing fits well on any surface
  • Flexibility. Elastic coating compounds can be applied to surfaces with any relief, they are easy to use in hard-to-reach places.
  • The fluidity inherent in many types of polymer waterproofing. The composition, which is almost equal in viscosity to water, fills even invisible pores and microcracks. This ensures absolute water resistance.
  • Long period of operation. While conventional bituminous coatings age, dry out and crack over time, polymer-based materials last from 25 years on average.
  • Wear resistance. Even with prolonged use, the waterproof membrane does not lose its qualities, does not wear out and does not become thinner.
  • Profitability. The material is applied in a thin layer and does not require high consumption.
  • Safety, no toxic components in the composition.

What are the types of polymer waterproofing?

Materials are classified according to various criteria: composition, purpose, method of application. Below we will consider the main types of elastic polymer waterproofing.

Polymer-based insulation can have different consistencies.

In the form of a solution consistency

Polymer-based elastic lubricating compounds are a ready-to-use mixture or require dilution (with water or a special liquid). The result is a solution of varying degrees of viscosity - from liquid to pasty.

For appointments

Polymer waterproofing is characterized by a wide range of applications, due to the variety of materials and their universal characteristics. Manufacturers strive to expand their product lines by producing mixtures for various purposes. Some of them are used for roofing work, others are used to protect the foundation from groundwater, others are used for floors, etc. Also, depending on the purpose, mastics and sealants are distinguished. The first ones are intended for large-scale works, the second ones - for sealing cracks, seams and other areas of local breakdown of the hydro-barrier.

In the form of a component composition

In terms of composition, polymer waterproofing is represented by two large groups - materials based on bitumen and cement. The most commonly used additives are polyurethane, acrylic, epoxy resins, rubber, and mineral components. With their help, the mixtures are given the necessary properties: plasticity, fluidity, frost resistance, the ability to quickly harden, etc.

In the form of application methods

The installation technology for flexible polymer waterproofing depends on the consistency of the solution. Viscous compounds are applied with a spatula, semi-liquid and liquid - with a brush or roller, as well as by spraying. Depending on the scale of the work, the experience of the master and the availability of professional equipment, a manual or mechanized method is used.

It is also important to take into account the peculiarities of the preparation of the mixture. One-component polymer insulation is ready for application, two-component compounds are mixed in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. Polymer cement mixtures are supplied in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water.

Where is polymer waterproofing applied?

Resilient polymer insulation is often used to protect roofs.

Polymer-based waterproofing is used almost everywhere in cases where it is necessary to protect structures from the destructive action of moisture. The main field of application of the materials is construction. They serve to protect ground and underground parts of buildings:

  • roofs;
  • walls (inside and outside);
  • foundations;
  • basements and basements;
  • rooms with a high level of humidity (bathrooms, toilets);
  • balconies and loggias.

Also, with the help of elastic polymer waterproofing, garages, parking lots, swimming pools, reservoirs, bridges, roads, and hydraulic structures are protected.

Existing methods of application

When choosing a method of application, first of all, the scope of work is taken into account. In private construction and renovation, they usually deal with small areas. For the installation of polymer insulation, in this case, the simplest tools are required - a paint brush or a roller. The viscous composition is applied with a construction trowel. These works can be performed independently, without the involvement of professional labor.

Liquid insulation is applied by spraying.

In industrial construction, as a rule, a mechanized installation method is used. Liquid mixtures are sprayed by airless method using a pumping unit.

Polymer waterproofing technology

Elastic polymer waterproofing is generally easy to use, but technology must be strictly followed to obtain a high-quality result. The process can be divided into several stages.

  • Selection of material. In this case, one should take into account the properties of the surface to be treated, the technical condition of structures, operating conditions, and environmental factors. Often, professional advice is needed for a competent selection.
  • Calculation of the required amount of the mixture based on the data on the consumption and the insulated area.
  • Surface preparation.
  • Preparation of a solution, if necessary by technology.
  • Application of the composition.

When working with some materials, you need to wait for a time during which the waterproofing will fully manifest its properties.

Material selection

When choosing a material, one should focus not only on its characteristics, but also on the manufacturer. Here, the criterion of value for money is important. If the budget is not limited, it is recommended to pay attention to the products of well-known brands that have long established themselves on the Russian market. Bituminous-polymer mastics are produced under the brands TechnoNikol, Bitumast, Ecomast. Among the cement mixtures, products of the brands Ceresit, Osnovit, Lakhta, Mapei are known. Of the epoxy-based materials, it is worth mentioning Masterseal from BASF and the more affordable domestic brand Blockade.

Calculate the used solution consumption

The polymer insulation is applied in a thin layer.

The calculation of the material depends on its consistency. Polymer-based liquid waterproofing is applied in a thin layer, therefore, less solution is required to achieve the desired result. The exact data are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, but the average consumption is 1 kg per 1 m2 of surface. This assumes that the material is applied in one layer with a thickness of no more than 2 mm.

Preparatory work

Before applying elastic polymer waterproofing, you need to carefully prepare the base: the quality of adhesion of the material to the surface depends on this. The work is carried out in stages:

  • the base is cleaned of debris and dust;
  • remove irregularities, protrusions, flows of concrete, smooth out sharp corners;
  • if necessary, the surface is leveled with cement mortar;
  • remove dust again;
  • apply a primer or primer.

Spraying waterproofing

An airless spraying unit is used to apply insulation.

The flexible polymer waterproofing is applied using an airless spray unit. Contact with air is unacceptable, as this hardens the mixture prematurely. While it is possible to rent a pump, the spraying job is best left to someone who knows how to handle it. Moreover, some materials are demanding in the choice of equipment, and not every installation is suitable for their application.

Before spraying polymer waterproofing, weak surface areas are reinforced. These are, first of all, corners, joints and places of abutment of structures. Geotextiles are used for reinforcement.

The two-component polymeric waterproofing is mixed during application. The containers with the compositions are connected to the pumping unit. When spraying, make sure that the contents of both reservoirs are consumed evenly.

Polymer base used in coating waterproofing

Viscous polymeric materials are not suitable for spraying; they are applied in a different way. Such elastic waterproofing is called coating. Its installation is carried out manually, without the use of special equipment.

In the case of using dry cement powder, the mortar is prepared immediately before application in an amount not greater than it is possible to use it up in one hour.


Polymer waterproofing is an effective and durable protection of any surfaces from moisture. Depending on the properties of the base, materials based on cement or bitumen are chosen. Before using the composition, carefully read the instructions.

Khimsintez plant produces materials for external and internal seamless polymer waterproofing of concrete and metal structures (soft and hard).

For high-quality waterproofing, modern designers and technologists recommend the use of cold-curing polyurethane and polyurea mastics, as well as hot and cold-curing sprayed polyurea, as the most innovative and effective materials that ensure high performance and long service life. Curing of polyurethane mastics occurs as a result of: mutual reaction of components, as well as the effect of air moisture on the applied material and is determined by the composition of polyurethane waterproofing compositions. The curing product is a rubber-like (elastic) material with excellent physical and mechanical characteristics. Polymeric materials "NovaCol" are designed to effectively solve the problems of waterproofing concrete tanks, reservoirs, dams, tunnels, swimming pools, ponds, reservoirs, etc. They are widely used as a waterproofing coating in the construction of new and renovation of old roofs.

The company "PU INDUSTRIA" LLC develops and manufactures the following types of polymeric materials for seamless waterproofing:

Polymer waterproofing: polyurethane and polyurea cold-curing mastics "NovaCol" polymerizing, transforming into a waterproofing membrane, combining such characteristics as: the highest adhesion strength, tensile strength, elasticity and durability, inaccessible to traditional bituminous materials. They are equally effectively used both in new construction and in major and current repairs of buildings and structures.

Polymer waterproofing: cold and hot curing polyurea sprayed waterproofing NovaCol is, depending on the purpose, pure polyuria coating or polyurea with polyurethane and / or epoxy resins hybrids). Polymer waterproofing "NovaCol" combines waterproofing and anti-corrosion properties and can be applied on horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces. Polymer waterproofing quickly cures, forming an elastic coating that is resistant to mechanical stress and aggressive chemical environment. The coatings have a 100% dry residue, as a result, there is no emission of volatile compounds from the applied material. This is certainly important from an environmental point of view and is also their indisputable advantage in addition to high physical and mechanical properties in comparison with bituminous materials.

You can buy polymer waterproofing as follows:

Polyurethane NC mastic-1 K /E

Polymer waterproofing - membrane 1.5-5.0 mm thick. depending on the material consumption. Polymer mastic for waterproofing combines mechanical strength and elasticity. Material color is light gray.


Polyurea NC-2 K-3P

Polymer waterproofing is a highly reactive system based on two ready-to-use liquid components. Possesses high insulating and anti-corrosion properties, increased resistance to abrasive loads and protects structures, equipment and units from the effects of aggressive environments.

Has high adhesion to metal, concrete, old bitumen, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene and other materials.

It is used on bases: concrete, metal and wood.

UV resistant polyurea NC-2 K-3PA

Polymer waterproofing is a highly reactive aliphatic composition based on two ready-to-use liquid components. Possesses high insulating and anti-corrosion properties, increased resistance to ultraviolet light, to abrasive loads and protects structures, equipment and units from the effects of an aggressive environment.

Has high adhesion to metal, concrete, old bitumen, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene and other materials.

It is used on bases: concrete, metal and wood.

Hand-applied polyurea NC-2 K-8P

The process of obtaining a ready-to-use material NC-2K / PR does not require the use of high temperatures and special equipment. Polymer waterproofing is used for the prompt repair of cracks, craters and other defects in the coatings of assembly roofs, road surfaces, floors on reinforced concrete, asbestos-cement, wood and polyurethane foam bases with a complex profile and large slopes. It can also be used for waterproofing building structures.

It is used on bases: concrete, metal and wood.

Finish UV Resistant Coating:

Two-component polyurethane varnish UV-resistant NC-2K-60.1

Transparent coating for decorative finishes and additional wear protection of base coatings. The coating is formed into a matte (NC-2K-60.1M) or glossy (NC-2K-60.1) structure as a result of curing a mixture of starting components in the specified proportion. Possesses high vibration, atmospheric, moisture and UV resistance. Environmentally friendly after approval. It is used in industrial, commercial and civil facilities.


Universal polyurethane primer NC-030

Dry residue - 30%. A primer with a high degree of penetration into the pores of the material. It is used when laying floor and sports coverings on concrete, anhydrite, metal, wood and other substrates to make them resistant to abrasion, waterproofing and chemical resistance.


Universal polyurethane primer NC-060

Dry residue - 60%. Primer-primer with a high degree of penetration into the pores of the material. It is used when laying floor and sports coverings on concrete, anhydrite, metal, wood and other substrates to make them resistant to abrasion, waterproofing and chemical resistance.

It is used on bases: concrete, metal, wood, rubber-like.

Polyurethane primer for porous substrates NC-2 K-030P

Two-component composition. It is used for pretreatment of concrete, foam concrete, cement screed, plaster, wooden surfaces, wall blocks, bricks and other porous materials in order to isolate pores, increase the strength and dedusting of their surfaces and improve the adhesion of finishing polymeric coatings with mineral substrates, as well as a waterproofing mastics for facing from ceramic tiles and for asphalt concrete road surfaces of engineering structures.




Polyurethane metal primer NC-030M

One-component prepolymer based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Cured by moisture in the air. Possesses high penetrating power. Contains active compounds with high adhesion to the treated surface of carbon or stainless steel, providing activation, hydrophobization and reliable wetting of the surface with a rapidly polymerizing coating, as well as chemical binding of traces of moisture both on the surface and in the micropores of the metal and in the thickness of corrosion products.

Applied on metal substrates.

Two-component epoxy primer for porous bases NC-2 K-090EP

It is used for pre-treatment of concrete, wood surfaces and other porous materials in order to isolate pores, increase the strength and dedusting of their surfaces and improve the adhesion of finishing polymeric coatings to mineral substrates. The material is suitable for use in conditions of high humidity, as well as as a waterproofing mastic for facing from ceramic tiles and under asphalt concrete road surfaces of engineering structures.

Applied on bases: concrete, wood.

Polyurethane primer for concrete NC-050B

Dry residue - 50%. Moisture-curing compound that absorbs well into a variety of porous surfaces and materials. It is used in industrial and civil facilities as a protective impregnation of concrete and cement floors, as well as for the formation of a thin-layer coating and imparting abrasion resistance, waterproofing and chemical resistance. When exposed to increased operational loads (movement on studded rubber, impact on the floor of metal objects with sharp edges), the soil-coating is hardened by sprinkling with quartz sand.

Applied on concrete substrates.

The greatest danger to many building materials is water and its fumes, which accelerate their aging and decay. To avoid this and extend the life of building materials and buildings made of them, waterproofing is widely used.

There is a wide variety of modern waterproofing materials, each with its own characteristics. One of them, which has become widely known recently, is polymer waterproofing. In most cases, it is based on polyurethane, to which furan, phenol-formaldehyde, urea and other resins are added.

Features of polymer waterproofing:

The scope of application of such waterproofing is very wide. It is used to protect ground and underground structures and structures, hydraulic installations, roofing and floor coverings, walls, foundations, etc. from water and moisture.

Moreover, all polymer waterproofing is subdivided into several categories:


    It can be liquid or semi-liquid, and according to the component composition - cement-polymer or bitumen-polymer.


  • Method of application

The first contains Portland cement and synthetic resins, additives and fillers. The finished composition is a rather plastic mass, similar to plasticine. One of the conditions for the durability of a waterproofing coating made of this material is the absence of particles of dust and debris in it (this must be carefully monitored during work).

The second is made on the basis of oxidized bitumen with an organic solvent. In addition, various substances are added to the mixture that increase the characteristics of the waterproofing. It is released in the form of mastic, which is associated with some of the features of this waterproofing material. So, when it dries, it forms an uneven surface, which must be covered from above with a screed (if the floor is insulated) or sheathed with finishing material (on the walls).

Application of polymer waterproofing:

Most often, polymer waterproofing materials are used to treat dry surfaces, but there are some that can be safely applied to wet surfaces.

In this case, most of the compositions are sold dry, and they must be prepared immediately before application. The main condition in this case is the observance of the correct proportions and quick application of the compositions, since the "life span" of many of them is only a few hours (and sometimes even minutes).

In addition, polymer waterproofing is usually highly toxic and fire hazardous. Therefore, when working with them, it is important to strictly observe safety rules. True, at present, manufacturers are already producing practically harmless formulations that can be worked with indoors.

Advantages of polymer waterproofing:

The indisputable advantages of this waterproofing material include the fact that it forms a continuous seamless fabric with high water-repellent properties.

It is durable (warranty from 25 years, but in practice this period is much longer). At the same time, the waterproofing layer does not thin out over time, and remains as even and durable as just after application. By the way, the service life of the cement-polymer coating is much longer than the bitumen-polymer coating.

It is also considered a plus that it is equally suitable for any structures - it can be easily applied even to complex and small, convex and concave elements. It does not matter the type of surface on which the waterproofing is applied. It will perfectly combine with concrete, block, metal, wood and other types of coatings.

It is not afraid of polymer waterproofing and ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes, chemical effects of substances and mechanical damage (shock, scratches, etc.).

It is also important that this material is quite simple to apply. This does not require special qualifications and extensive experience. There is also a wide range of colors.

The only drawback is most often called the price of this type of waterproofing. However, as you know, the stingy has to pay more.

Rules for applying polymer waterproofing:

In order for the waterproofing to be able to fully demonstrate its merits, it is necessary to first comply with all the rules for its application.

Before proceeding with waterproofing work, it is necessary to prepare the surface, remove all dirt from it, and eliminate irregularities. Some solutions and mastics also require preliminary wetting of the surface with water (these requirements, together with the mixing proportions, must be indicated on the package). Only after all the preparatory work has been carried out, you can start mixing the ingredients.

It is necessary to coat the surface evenly, paying special attention to "wet" places (where the greatest exposure to steam or water is expected). After applying the first layer, let the insulation dry and then repeat the procedure.

Polymer waterproofing video: