How to properly install a hood over a gas stove. At what height to hang the hood: installing a hood, tips and tricks How to mount the hood over a gas stove

The hood is one of the most important elements of the kitchen household appliances. From its choice and placement depends on the comfort of being in the kitchen, the safety of the coating of walls, ceilings and furniture, aesthetic appearance kitchens - a modern hood has long been important element decor.

The exhaust system is especially relevant in a kitchen with gas stoves - unlike other types of cooking surfaces, gas warms the air to a great height, releases harmful decay products during its combustion, and burns out oxygen.

With intensive cooking, air purification is a must in the room

Deciding how to install a hood over gas stove, one should pay particular attention to the exhaust system, not every design provides optimal performance in gas rooms.

Primary requirements


The flow hood will remove the polluted air, the circular hood will purify the polluted air with filters and return it to the room

All hoods are divided into two large groups: circular and flow, in the first, the air is passed through filters and returned back. At the same time, the room will remain high humidity, many harmful decomposition products during gas combustion, air with a low oxygen content - content standards harmful substances may be exceeded.

When using flow types, polluted air is removed outside the kitchen and replaced with fresh air - this type of exhaust system for gas hobs is preferable.


The exhaust system should optimally fit into the interior without disturbing the appearance of the kitchen. To do this, hoods are built into furniture (cabinets above the stove), the color of the work surface, case, or design is selected to match the style of the kitchen.

A lot of people forget about it, installing especially popular in Lately modern high-tech inclined models made of glass and metal, with black glossy surfaces, in any kitchen, often reminiscent of a classic or Provence style with light wood-like furniture.


The exhaust system in the kitchen should eliminate as much as possible all the negative consequences when cooking food: extraneous odors, water vapor with tiny droplets of fat, soot and soot particles in the air, high humidity. The hood for the gas stove must be correctly installed above hob, have the appropriate power and performance.


By design, all existing hoods can be divided into several groups.


Flat options have a minimalist design and will not stand out from the rest of the kitchen elements.

A very common type, a flat worktop is parallel to the hob. They take up little space, mainly the design is used in circular forms.


Such models capture more air when cooking.

One of the most common designs, in appearance they resemble a dome, lowered over the hob along a square tube in the upper part. In almost all designs, this pipe is part of the duct, and dome hoods are built into the flow-through exhaust system - such designs are very rarely used in circular types.


Retractable models are practical, but have a short length, so they capture less air during operation.

To increase the service area working surface hoods are often increased by a retractable module. Typically, these models are built into lower part a hanging kitchen cabinet, in which an air duct can be hidden or a circular case - there is space left for placing kitchen accessories. Retractable - a very convenient design when installing an exhaust system in small kitchens.


Corner models not so widely used, so the choice of design and functionality may differ from the standard options

Placed in the corner of the kitchen, designed for a gas stove, turned at an angle of 45 degrees to the main wall. The working surface of the hood has the shape of a square with a truncated corner.


Island options become exclusively in islands in the kitchen

Designed to be placed in large kitchens if the hob is located in the center of the room. Typically, the hood is lowered over the hob on a square duct.


Inclined models have a stylish appearance and standard functionality.

Modern solution kitchen exhaust systems, in which the working panel is located at an angle to the hob. This allows an inclined model, with the same area as a flat horizontal one, to occupy less free space in the kitchen. The design looks most aesthetically pleasing in modern high-tech kitchens.


More recently appeared the new kind range hoods, saves space for wall cabinets or shelves

The device is mounted in the table next to the hob. During operation, its suction working panel extends vertically upwards and air is pumped out.

Hoods are classified according to the installation method as follows:

  • Suspended. It is fixed directly above the stove with cables or on the air duct.
  • Embedded. Installed in kitchen furniture below hanging cabinets.
  • Wall. Attached to the wall above hob.

Installation height

Installation height depends on the average height of a person in the family

The main parameter during installation is the distance between the hood and the gas stove, it should not be less than 750 mm. and not more than 900 mm.

This distance is selected taking into account the ergonomic indicators of the hostess, it depends on the power of the hood - more powerful structures can be placed higher. Also, the installation height of the hood above the gas stove in many cases directly depends on the manufacturer's recommendations, which must be observed in the first place (these requirements are described in the instructions for the device).

The size

The second main parameter, the width should not be greater than the width of the hob. If structurally it rises to a height greater than the recommended one, it dimensions or suction power should be increased.

When deciding how to properly install the hood over a gas stove in the case of using an inclined model, they usually focus on the lower edge of the air intake - the minimum distance to the stove should be 550 mm.

Another important parameter the hood is its depth, usually this parameter corresponds to the dimensions of the hob and is typical for its width.

Installation of exhaust systems

Installation may vary depending on the type of systems

Installing a kitchen hood with your own hands is quite simple if you follow the instructions and work procedure. Often the manufacturer produces kitchen hoods that combine two modes of operation - circular and flow.

Installation of a circular hood

The use of circular mode in kitchens with a gas hob is not too good decision. An autonomous circular hood over a gas stove will not be able to provide the necessary comfort in the kitchen, its carbon filters, unlike electric stoves, will be faster clogged with gas combustion products, which will lead to additional economic costs.

Installing a circular kitchen hood usually does not cause big problems: it can be attached directly to a straight wall or in a corner, built into furniture, lowered over the hob through a pipe or on cables. The sequence of work when installing it on the wall is as follows:

  • The connection point is preliminarily determined, if the socket next to it does not fit too well or it is located far away, the point is transferred. This may require chasing the walls and installing new outlet with wiring to connect.
  • In the wall on desired height attachment points are marked that specify the location of the hood, holes are drilled with a puncher and dowels are driven in. It is important to check the correct installation with building level- the working surface of the hood must be located strictly horizontally above the stove.
  • The hood is screwed to the wall with screws through the mounting holes, if it interferes gas pipe, it belongs to the wall and is attached to long studs with nuts. Also, between the wall and the hood, you can put a bar of the appropriate thickness and attach the hood to it or the wall with dowels with long screws through the bar.

Flow hood installation

When deciding how to hang a hood over a stove, you should be aware that a flow hood will require the installation of an air duct system to connect it to the vent of a common house shaft, or an external outlet for air in a wall, window or ceiling.

Installation of air ducts with the installation of an exhaust hood is easy to do with your own hands, if you follow a certain order of work.

Necessary tools and materials

Choice of air ducts. For the installation of flow systems in everyday life, two types of air ducts are most often used: corrugated aluminum or plastic square or round.

An example of an aluminum corrugated pipe

In any modern kitchen there is a place for a ventilation device. The distance from the stove to the hood determines the effective operation of this design.

Types of exhaust hoods and their purpose

The extractor hood protects the kitchen space and furniture from contamination with the smallest particles of grease and impregnation with a mixture of various odors. No one will be pleased to feel from the curtains or from upholstery chairs an unpleasant odor, which can also penetrate into other living rooms.

All devices according to the principle of operation are divided into:

  • circulating (with built-in filter);
  • hoods with an air duct (connected to the ventilation system).

In circulating models, the air is cleaned with a carbon filter and returned to the kitchen. Such extracts are effective only in small spaces where there is no possibility to install an air duct, and the distance between the stove and the hood should be small.

The second type is more quality work, as the air is completely removed from the room. Installed in large rooms.

Types of exhaust devices:

Where should the extractor be located?

When buying a hood, along with it, the kit always comes with instructions for use, which indicates where and at what distance from the stove the device should be located. The exhaust structure can be built into the wall cabinet, or it can be located under it, the main thing is that its size matches the size of the hob, and it hangs exactly above the stove. Also, even before purchasing the hood, you need to consult with experts about its power. For example, a small appliance will not fit a large kitchen space, but small kitchen there is no need to install a very powerful unit.

How to determine the optimal distance from the hob to the exhaust device?

The distance from the stove to the hood is determined by the established standard. If there is an electric stove in the kitchen, then the exhaust hatch should be located at least 65-75 cm from it, and if the hood is above the gas stove, the distance between them is 75-85 cm. In the case when the device has an inclined surface, the installation parameters change slightly :

  • the distance from the gas stove to the hood is reduced to 55-65 cm;
  • the height above the electric hob is reduced to 35-45 cm.

You also need to take into account the height of the person who will be most of all at the stove, and the overall interior of the kitchen.

Why is it necessary to comply with the standards for installing an exhaust hatch?

These are the optimal parameters for mounting the hood, contributing to its efficient operation. It is not recommended to reduce or increase them. With a high location of the device, its air absorption capacity may not be enough, then odors, together with fat droplets, will quickly spread everywhere. Low setting exhaust hood may interfere with the cooking process. So it will not only be inconvenient to approach the gas / electric stove and put high pots, but there is a risk of heating the structure, igniting it and damaging the paintwork.

Thus, the question of what distance from the stove to the hood should be can be answered unequivocally: 75-85 cm in the case of a gas stove, and 65-75 cm above an electric stove.

Factors affecting the location of the exhaust structure

When buying and subsequent installation of the hood, the following factors should be considered:

  1. Type of hob. The distance between the hood and the gas stove or electric stove needs to be calculated?
  2. The declared power of the device.
  3. Design / interior of the kitchen.
  4. Compliance with the installation standards for the ventilation hatch specified in the data sheet.

Compliance with these conditions for the installation and operation of ventilation equipment will allow you to maximize the use of the device and protect the kitchen from unpleasant odors and grease.

Rules for installing ventilation equipment

Optimum performance of the instrument depends on the following factors and installation rules:

  • devices must comply. Then all the hot polluted air flow will be completely sucked up by the hood and taken out into the street or cleaned through the filter and fed back to the kitchen. Standard sizes the device is from 60 to 90 cm.
  • Properly installed hood over the stove. The distance from the appliance to the stove must not be contrary to the norms fire safety and depends on the type of plate. The required distance from the stove to the hood is always indicated in the instrument's data sheet.
  • Connecting the device to the network.
  • Installation of exhaust pipes, if required by the design of the exhaust hood.

Installation of ventilation equipment is best left to professionals. But for those who are confident in their abilities, it will not be difficult to hang the device with their own hands.

It is not difficult to install a hood with a circulation type of work. First you need to measure its height and mark it with control points. Then you should drill holes in the wall for the fasteners. Further, the device is mounted to the wall or wall cabinets using self-tapping screws and special hooks included in the kit.

Hoods of another type of air purification are installed in the same way as circulation hoods. Only here it is already necessary to attach the air pipe to the umbrella body. The pipe can be plastic or foil.

Upon completion of the installation of the equipment, it is necessary to conduct a control check of its operation (mainly for the second type of models). If the hood does not function or is too noisy, it is worth re-checking all the connections of the device with ventilation pipes, their integrity.

Air duct arrangement

The air duct must not be large quantity bends, as this will significantly complicate the removal of polluted air. It is desirable that the pipes are short, straight and contain a small number of elbows. Changing the direction of the duct is carried out in a place with a large bend radius. The diameter of the outlet pipe must match the opening in the design of the exhaust device. It is not recommended to deliberately narrow the holes and mount additional connecting elements between them. This makes it difficult for the free flow of air, respectively, creates a large load on the operating engine of the hood. There may be excessive noise.

Most often, these structures are made of thick foil, and then masked with PVC boxes / drywall, so as not to disturb the interior of the room.

Where should the outlet for the hood be located?

The electrical outlet for connecting the exhaust hatch is usually installed at a height of 2-2.5 m above the floor. Thus, it should be located 10-20 cm above the wall cabinets. It is also shifted to the left or right of the duct by 15-20 cm.


In the article above, the types ventilation devices, at what distance from the stove to hang the hood, ways to clean the air.

At competent installation exhaust device, the device will provide clean air in the room and cleanliness of the surrounding interior items. When choosing and buying an umbrella, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of its power to the cubic capacity of the kitchen, its appearance, as well as methods of air purification: complete exhaust through the duct or circulation of purified streams.

The main points for installing a specific model of the device and the distance from the stove to the hood are described in the instructions. Generally accepted norms for determining the installation height of the device: from 75 to 85 cm for gas stoves; from 65 to 75 cm for installation above electric stoves.

None modern kitchen does not do without extracting. They are relevant in separate kitchens, but are especially important when the studio apartment, where the kitchen space is combined with the living room and all smells immediately spread throughout the room. The article will talk about how to choose the right one and how to assemble the hood in the kitchen with your own hands.

The method of mounting the hood directly depends on its model. Therefore, first you need to consider what types of hoods are.

Types of kitchen hoods

A range hood is a device that filters the air above a stove or hob. They are classified according to several parameters.

The difference in the method of air purification

  • Hoods with flow cleaning system. They do an excellent job of cleaning the air from oily fumes and soot. Connect directly to the ventilation shaft. For maximum efficiency, the hood should be the same size as, or larger than, the hob. In order for the flow system to cope, powerful and rather noisy motors are installed on it.

  • Recirculation hoods. They have carbon filters. Passing through them, the air is cleaned and returned to the room. Filter cartridges need to be replaced frequently and cannot be washed. Most often, such a system is equipped with flat models of hoods.

Tip: there is a filter in any type of hood. But somewhere it consists of several assembled metal gratings that can be washed, and somewhere it is disposable coal. If in recirculation models its function is clear, then in flow hoods it protects the ventilation shaft from large fatty particles.

Important. Modern models hoods are equipped with a special ARS system. As soon as something burns on the stove, it automatically turns on. In addition, it has a motion sensor, as soon as you get closer to it, the backlight lights up brighter.

The difference in the method of attachment

  • Dome or fireplace. These are high power devices. Often complemented by large functionality. They are attached to the wall above the stove, occupying all the space above them. No need to change filters.
  • Embedded. These compact models are almost invisible on the kitchen set, as they are built into a special niche. They require a direct connection to ventilation, which allows them to perfectly cope with grease and odor. The grates are metal and require regular cleaning. Dishwasher safe.

  • Island. They require a lot of space, as they are attached to the ceiling above the stove. They are equipped with a powerful motor that can quickly cope with the task of cleaning. This is due to the fact that they are often installed in the middle of the kitchen, above the working island. Hoods from this category have beautiful designs and high prices.
  • Flat. Mounted in the case when there is no access to the ventilation shaft. This self-sufficient device works from a network. It has a medium power fan that blows dirty air through the replaceable cartridges. The cost of the hoods themselves is low, unlike filters, which will have to be bought periodically.
  • Corner. Relevant if the stove is located in the corner kitchen set. Due to the popularity of the form, it is produced with flow and recirculation systems.

Important . When choosing a model, you need to pay attention to its height. When installed, it should be located above the gas surface at a distance of 75-80 cm, and above the electric one - from 65 to 80 cm.

Which hood to choose

The hood is chosen at the stage of designing a kitchen set. You need to know it beforehand. exact dimensions and mounting method. In addition to these parameters, it is worth considering the noise level (especially important for studio apartments), the control method and operating modes.

Tip: the power of the hood should be calculated based on overall dimensions kitchen premises.


  • As a rule, household hoods all have almost the same power. But there are interior models that, having beautiful design, are low power and will need to operate for a very long time to purify the air.

  • If the cleaning system is chosen for places Catering, then the power factor is very important. The higher it is, the better.
  • To accurately calculate the power, it is worth resorting to the formula, which is the sum of the ratio of the cubic volume of the kitchen and the performance of the hood. For example, the length of the kitchen is 6 m, the width is 3 m, the ceiling height is 3 m. The cubic volume is 54 m³. The resulting value is multiplied by 10 and get 540 m³ / h. It is in this form that the power is indicated by the manufacturer in the characteristics. The resulting value is the lower acceptable when choosing a hood, otherwise the model will not cope with air purification.

Operating modes

  • Almost all modern hoods have several modes of operation. In some cases, this is a push-button switch that can select one of two modes. But more often - several buttons (4 or more). More expensive hoods have touch controls.

Noise level

  • The degree of noise is affected by airflow (a parameter that is calculated with the volume of the kitchen) and fan power. The higher they are, the higher the noise will be.
  • But, as a rule, inexpensive options make more noise due to the lower quality of the materials used. Therefore, it is worth checking its work even when buying in a store.

At what height is it correct to install the hood

  • On average, its lower edge should be 65-90 cm higher than the plate. The lower, the more efficient its work. But if you fix the hood below 65 cm, it may deteriorate individual elements due to high temperature, too much steam or grease splashes. Yes, cooking will be inconvenient. It can be set above 90 cm only if the owner is tall and the power of the device is sufficient.

Tip: if the stove is electric, then the installation height of the hood is 65-70 cm, and if it is gas, then 75-90 cm.

Do-it-yourself dome hood installation

  • Dome hoods have a flow-through filtration system and require a direct connection to the ventilation shaft. For the fan to work, an outlet must be located next to it.
  • Before you assemble the hood, the kitchen set must already be installed. Given the height and width of the product, markings are made under it.
  • The hood must be firmly attached to the wall. Therefore, under the attachments for the hood in the kitchen, holes are first drilled (if the wall is wooden) or hollowed out with a puncher (if concrete or brick). Dowels are inserted into them and fasteners for the hood (which are included in the kit) are screwed to them with the help of bolts.

  • When the frame is fixed on the wall, the stage of connecting the hood with your own hands comes. To do this, a corrugation is put on the upper part of the dome up to the air duct and hermetically fixed with a clamp. The second end is brought to the ventilation grate and fixed. To make it fit tightly, they sell plastic contours.
  • Using a lit match, they check the performance of the hood and if everything is fine, close the corrugation decorative overlay, which is provided complete with a hood.

How to install a built-in hood with your own hands

Unlike a domed hood, the built-in hood is almost invisible on the kitchen set. It is installed either in a hinged box or in a sliding panel. Consider an easier way to install in a locker.

  • The wall cabinet in which the hood is built in is ordered strictly according to its size. These characteristics must be included in the instructions for the hood.

Tip: if the kitchen is already finished, then you will have to make adjustments in size. And if the cabinet itself can be reduced on its own, then its facade will have to be ordered again.

  • Since the hood is built-in, its lower edge must be at the level of the cabinet. Therefore, the bottom is raised to the height of the device and screwed to it. The weight of the structure is quite large, it is necessary to assemble the cabinet especially carefully. The bottom is recommended to be fixed with euro screws.

  • The cabinet will mask the air duct. A hole for the corrugated pipe is cut in it with an electric jigsaw. If ventilation shaft located in the wall behind the cabinet (this is often done in country houses especially for drawing), then cut out and back wall. If, as in an apartment near the ceiling, then the top one.
  • The cabinet is placed on the floor, on its side and to it, on self-tapping screws, the hood housing is screwed. Then everything is put in place and firmly fixed. Due to the high weight of the hood cabinet, bolting it to the wall is not enough. For reinforcement, a metal profile is first screwed to the wall for wall cabinets, and the assembly assembly is already hung on it.
  • Further, a corrugated pipe is fixed to the hood and ventilation. The hood is connected to the outlet and tested for performance. It remains to attach the front of the cabinet, and the work is finished.

How to install a flat recirculation hood

  • This suspended structure, which is hung over the hob. Since the cleaning system in it is recirculating, therefore, it does not have an air duct and its shape is flat.

  • On the hood body there are holes for its fastening on the wall. Under them, holes are made in the wall with a perforator and dowel-nails are inserted.
  • Canopies are attached to them (if they are included) and the hood is fixed on them.
  • It remains only to connect it to the network and the hood is ready for operation.

The principle of installing the hood is simple, but there are nuances on which the quality of its work and ease of use will depend.

How to properly connect the duct to the hood

  • Only when building a house on your own, you can design a vent in the kitchen under the hood in such a way that it will be located nearby, and only a small adapter is needed for connection. In all other cases, either a flexible corrugated pipe or a plastic rigid pipe for the air duct is used.
  • If the choice fell on a plastic smooth pipe, then fittings in the form of turning corners are needed. You will also need at least 2 adapters that connect the duct to the hood and ventilation.

  • All joints fit snugly together, but in order to achieve complete tightness they are planted on a sealant.
  • The main advantage of such a pipe is its beautiful appearance, which does not need additional decoration with screens and boxes.
  • It is much easier to work with a plastic corrugated pipe, but due to its low aesthetics, it is desirable to mask it.
  • If you have to bend around pipes or corners for ventilation, then the corrugated pipe is simply irreplaceable. It easily bypasses all obstacles without additional connecting elements.
  • corrugation sell different diameter, you need to choose according to the size of the hole on the hood.
  • One end of the corrugation is attached to the hood and tightened with a clamp. The fixation is strong and additional insulation is not required. It is attached to the ventilation with a lattice.

Tip: if there is a suspicion of deterioration in the operation of the hood, the corrugation must be replaced. During operation, fat and fumes settle in it, which prevent efficient operation.

How to properly connect the duct to the ventilation

  • There is ventilation in every apartment, it is located in the kitchen and bathroom and is a grate and an opening behind it, which goes into the ventilation system of the mines of the house.
  • To attach a hood to it, a special shield is bought at the hardware store. It is the same size as the grill on the ventilation.
  • The grate is removed and a shield is fixed in its place, which is made of molded plastic with a round hole for the duct pipe.

Unfortunately, direct connection, although simple, has an important drawback. When designing old houses, ventilation was not provided for using it for hoods in each apartment. Therefore, through a common channel, the smell through the hood can be drawn into neighboring apartments. In addition, the pressure of the air flow in the mine will change, and only the most powerful hoods will be able to draw air into it.

  • To avoid this, you can invite a specialist ventilator who, after an on-site inspection, will give recommendations on choosing a hood model and its power. Perhaps, and will carry out the necessary cleaning of ventilation.
  • You can also make ventilation yourself by connecting the duct directly to the street through the window.
  • The last option is to install a recirculating hood, which does not require an air duct.

Tip: in modern houses individual ventilation ducts are provided and such problems will not arise.

Do-it-yourself kitchen hood installation video

Where is the best place to place the outlet for the hood?

  • Very often, hoods have too short a wire to reach a regular outlet. And in most houses there is no special outlet for it. Therefore, you either have to do the wiring and ditch the walls, or use an extension cord.
  • If repairs are being made in the kitchen, it is advisable to make a separate outlet for the hood.
  • It should not be located in close proximity to the stove and sink. It is best to do it at the top, to the right or left of the hood.
  • To protect against power surges and burnout of the motor, the socket is grounded.

Assembly and installation of the hood is a fairly simple process that you can handle yourself. But it is important to follow the instructions that are given for a specific model. And then the kitchen, and the whole apartment, will be under reliable protection from burning and strong odors.

Modern cuisine is hard to imagine without such household appliance like an extractor. Its main purpose is to remove polluted air masses and unpleasant odors outside the operating area. Today, no one is counting on ventilation in the form of boxes, because over time, the channels become dirty and narrow, as a result of which their efficiency drops dramatically. Therefore, the hood installed above the gas stove - perfect solution to remove dirt coming from the stove.

The classification of exhaust devices is based on the principles of operation and methods of installing devices. There are two positions that differ from each other in the principle of operation of the device. Accordingly, their technical component also differs.

  • Flow hoods. simple model in which the fan is installed. Their main task is to remove polluted air to the street or into the ventilation system of the house.
  • Recirculation hoods. Filters are installed in their design, through which polluted air is driven by a fan. It is cleaned and returned back to the room. In this case, no connections to the street or ventilation ducts are required. Therefore, the installation of such a hood over the stove is the easiest.

Varieties of hoods in the kitchen

Recirculation hoods, in turn, are represented by a wide range of models:

  • Wall-mounted - they are mounted to the wall above the stove. The design of the device has mounting holes through which holes are made in the wall. Fastening is most often done with metal dowels. This type of hood resembles a dome in its shape, which is why they are also called dome or fireplace hoods.
  • Suspended. These are the most common models, because they are attached to the bottom surface of a wall-mounted cabinet that is hung above the hob. Mounting method - bolted connection to the cabinet. That is, before hanging the cabinet and the hood, you should attach them to each other on the table and mark the connection points. Then, in the lower plane of the cabinet, a drill and a drill are made through holes. And then you can do it differently: install and fix the cabinet on the wall, and then attach the hood to it with bolts, or make the connection on the table, and then hang the entire structure on the wall.
  • Embedded. Today these models are very popular. This is due to the fact that you do not have to select the device by color and shape, because it will be hidden in a hanging cabinet specially made for it. Only the control panel will be visible. Therefore, before installing the hood over the gas stove, you need to take its dimensions and make a cabinet for them. Or, conversely, choose the size of the cabinet desired device. True, before that, you will have to accurately calculate its power so that it matches the dimensions of the kitchen appliance. As for installation, there are no difficulties. The hood is simply installed in the cabinet and closed with a door.
  • Inclined. This type of hood is gradually gaining popularity due to the unusual installation. The device consists of two parts: the hood and the mounting plate, which is fixed to the wall above the gas stove. The equipment is produced as follows: a horizontal line is applied to the wall above the slab, then the mounting points for the holes are marked, after which the panel is applied to the applied line, and an exhaust device is inserted into it.
  • Island. Installing such a hood over a gas stove is a special case. Firstly, the device got its name only because it is installed above the stove, which is part of the island of the kitchen set. Secondly, the hood is attached to the ceiling with special collets and studs. The installation takes place in this way: collets are attached to the ceiling, studs are hung on them, which are attached to the first through the thread. In the same way, the studs are attached to the hood. Then the resulting fastening system is closed with a box. If a recirculating hood model is installed above the island, then the decorative box can be omitted. This design is attached with cables that will be visible. There are designs in the fastening of which a combined method is used, that is, both studs with collets and cables are used.
  • Corner. These are conventional wall-mounted units that are attached directly to the wall. Only they are mounted not to one wall, but to two adjacent walls, that is, to the corner of the room.

Installing a ventilation duct

A ventilation duct is a part of flow devices that are made of plastic in the form of round or rectangular section or in the form of a corrugated pipe.

In hoods, the outlet has a circular cross section, so it is ideal if ventilation duct will be round. Today, manufacturers offer various adapters: from round to rectangular, from one diameter to another. That is, it became possible to use any pipes, regardless of their shape and size. The main thing is to choose the right adapter.

Pipe sections are connected to each other through two-way couplings or bends. Usually pipes have a slightly smaller diameter than fittings, so they fit easily into each other. At the same time, complete tightness of the joint is maintained, which is very important in ventilation system. Corrugated pipe- this is a single channel, which, if necessary, can be bent. On the hood, it is also connected through an adapter. Fastening is made with plastic or metal clamps.

Technical indicators

To accurately answer the question of how to properly install the hood over a gas stove, two more positions should be additionally indicated:

  1. Hood installation height. As for the gas stove, this size should be equal to 85 centimeters.
  2. The power of the device. It is calculated by a formula that includes the volume of the room (kitchen) and air circulation. The first is the floor area multiplied by the height of the ceilings. The second is the standard value, which is indicated sanitary standards. For the kitchen, this figure is 12 m³ / h. But for a room where a gas stove is installed, this coefficient is 15-20 m³ / h, depending on the intensity of operation of the device.

Air exchange in the kitchen with a gas stove is organized in two types - general and local. The exhaust device directly above the hob provides not only the disposal of the entire living space from gases and odors, but also in order to comply with safety measures and comfortable living. To do this, you need to know not only how to calculate the required geometric parameters, but also how to properly install the hood over a gas stove.

Documentary base

  • The operation of gas equipment, its maintenance requires compliance with approved building rules and regulations. These include:
  • in terms of requirements for mandatory forced ventilation such premises - SNiP 2.04.05-91;
  • standards for the hourly volume of exhaust air removed - at least 90 cubic meters for 4-burner stoves - SNiP 2.08.01-89;
  • required performance ventilation unit in the hood above the gas stove - at least 200 m3 / h (GOST 26813-99).

These and other documents provide answers to emerging questions on the topic: how to install a hood over a stove?

In operating mode, the hood must localize the spread of odors, fumes, pulling them into the duct. At the same time, the distance from the surface of the stove to the edge of the hood should be optimal to allow free work at the stove.

Performance Formula

Installing an exhaust hood over a gas stove will be justified if it fully ensures the exhaust air is removed. Required power device is determined by the formula:

N is the desired power,

Q is the volume of air circulated in the kitchen.

In turn, the volume is defined as follows:

where: a, h, b - length, height and width of the kitchen room, respectively.

According to the regulations, the height of the exhaust device is selected based on:

  • exhaust device power;
  • human growth at the stove;
  • architectural features of the premises.

This explains the size range: with a direct hood, its height above the gas stove is selected from 75-85 cm, the inclined model of the hood in the lower part is 55-65 cm. At the same time, the width of the working part of the hood must be at least the same size hob or even overlap the width of the slab. Therefore, at first they buy a gas stove, and only then the hood is selected. Standard dimensions are usually indicated in the instruction manual. They can be changed with the adjustment of a person's height, but not in a smaller direction.

Attention! All devices for purifying the air from smoke, combustion products must have a certificate for installation in the kitchen.

When connecting the system to the ventilation hose, bends should be avoided or made so that there are as few of them as possible, and the outlet itself should be of the minimum length. The air outlet is assembled from short and straight sections. In a situation requiring a change in its cross section, adapters-clamps are used.

Types of hoods and the principle of operation

Local exhaust - turns on during cooking

There are two options:

  1. The exhaust device works to remove unnecessary vapors, fats, odors along with air. During recirculation, the flow, passing through the filters, is cleaned and returned back.
  2. The hood is connected to the ventilation sleeve. Dirty air masses, being caught, are immediately transported from the room. As an option - a direct output through the wall directly to the street.

Options for choosing a hood

The main indicator of the diverter device is the maximum allowable volume of air removed per unit of time. Bandwidth hoods are indicated in her passport.

Installing the hood over the stove takes into account:

  • hob width;
  • dimensions (area) of the kitchen;
  • ceiling height;
  • number of living households;
  • cooking frequency.

According to this indicator, a model of the desired performance is selected and the height of its suspension is determined. Acquire better model with multiple power settings.

Installing the hood


Before proceeding with the installation, choose the right place for the equipment - gas stove + hood. In the photo there is an electric stove - the recommendations are also relevant for gas facilities.

Before you install the hood over the gas stove, you must first prepare the room.

  • Mark on the kitchen plan the location of all communications, as well as installed appliances, if the installation is carried out in an already operated room.
  • The energy dependence of the hood assumes the presence of a socket (but not above the stove!) with 220 V connected. Model with circuit breaker preferable: it will always turn off in time when an short circuit or fire. If the kitchen is not equipped with a grounded outlet, the rules for installing a hood over a gas stove require that a separate RCD (16 A) be provided in the electrical cabinet. To connect to the network a line of three wires "zero", phase, "ground" in yellow insulation with a green strip drawn along it.
  • The value between the exhaust device (lower edge) and the surface of the stove (burner) is measured.
  • The completeness of the package is checked for the presence of the necessary fasteners, hooks, dowels, etc.
  • The place of fastening of the structure is marked.


  • air duct is assembled. It can be square or round. Standard version - size 130x130 mm plastic construction with smooth interior surfaces. Its diameter must be the same along the entire length, correspond to the cross section air vent and preferably have a check valve.
  • Holes are drilled with a perforator for the hood clamps.
  • Screws are screwed in.
  • Using the level, the horizontal installation is checked.
  • A hood is hung (without a box).
  • Connects with exhaust pipe connected to the channel.
  • The hood is connected to an electrical outlet. If the cord is missing or short, an autonomous line is drawn from the shield or is diverted from the socket closest to the hood. It is strictly forbidden to make twists insulated with insulating tape at the places where the missing part of the cord is added.
  • Test run in progress technical device in all modes.
  • At normal operation at the final stage, the box is fixed.

Installation options for exhaust technology

According to the installation version, exhaust devices are:

  • built-in type - the entire installation is masked in a hanging cabinet;
  • fireplace and dome type - the structures are fixed on the wall;
  • island model - assembled on the ceiling;
  • corner hood - placed in the corner;
  • flat model - involves two planes of fixation: behind - to the wall, from above - into the hanging cabinet.

In any of the models, a certain type of filter elements is provided that absorb pungent odors, grease and other secretions.

Used as filters

  • Grease traps - are installed only in kitchens with a ventilation shaft.
  • Coal filters are elements of modern cleaning systems with a recirculation mode of operation.

Even with the observance of the rules for installing the exhaust system and operation, the efficiency of work will be underestimated if preventive maintenance is not carried out in time: clean surfaces, change filters. Thus, it is not difficult to create the conditions necessary for a safe and comfortable stay in the kitchen. For this, different methods are used. But precisely forced system with a local exhaust over the stove is considered the most optimal and common option.