Ventilation device in the cellar of a private house. Cellar ventilation device diagram: how to do it right

Every homeowner's dream is a clean and dry basement under the house. In the cellar used for storing vegetables with personal plot, a special microclimate should be maintained, characterized by low humidity and a low positive temperature (1-2 ° C). For this, even at the design stage of the house, a cellar ventilation scheme should be developed and included in the project. But often, in practice, everything looks sadder.

The designer's miscalculation or the negligence of the builders lead to depressing results. Musty air, dampness, mold, fungus on the walls and shelves of the basement. And, as a result, spoiled crops, rotting wooden elements structures and weakening of the strength of the bearing elements. Fortunately, it is not easy to restore or even re-create the air exchange system - basement ventilation, although it is not simple, but feasible. Below we will consider examples of working ventilation schemes for basements located under a house, garage or barn.

The ventilation is based on the physical effect of the warm air striving upward. V classic pattern air exchange at opposite ends of the room, two vertical shafts are mounted. The exit from one is located above the floor, and the entrance to the second is under the ceiling. These are the supply and exhaust pipes of the system. Cold air descends underground through the supply pipe, under the influence of gravity. Warm air on the contrary, it seeks to leave the room through a ventilation duct located under the ceiling.

Types of ventilation systems

Natural two-pipe

This type of air exchange system is called two-pipe. And it seems to be the most appropriate for installation. When designing a basement ventilation system with two pipes, one must start with the correct mathematical calculation of the flow cross-sections of ventilation ducts. According to current standards, one square meter of the room must have at least 25 cm2 of flow area ventilation shaft... Knowing this ratio, it is not difficult to calculate the required diameter. The table below shows the calculation values ​​for typical basements.

Cross-section values ​​for small basements

Basement area, m2
4 6 8 9 10 12 15 18
Duct cross-section, cm2 104 156 208 234 260 312 390 468
Pipe diameter 11 14 16 17 18 20 22 25

Important! When designing an air exchange system for a basement or cellar, it is necessary to use pipes with a cross section larger than the design one by 10 - 15%. And provide for valves or dampers in the channels. This will provide a reserve of power for the system and allow adjusting its performance.

Also, when developing a project, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • duct pipes or shafts should have as few corners, bends and elbows as possible. The ideal shaft is a straight vertical pipe.
  • the exhaust pipe in its upper part must be insulated to avoid condensation.
  • also, the chimney should be 25-30 cm higher than the ridge of the roof and have a cap at the top to prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering.
  • the supply pipe is usually led through the foundation and is located just above ground level.
  • the inlet of the supply pipe should be taken away with a fine metal mesh or grating. To prevent rodents, birds and other small animals from entering the basement.
  • supply and exhaust pipes must be of the same diameter, and the performance of the system is regulated by dampers.

Natural single tube

A single-pipe system is less productive, since in this case the duct shaft is made two-channel, and it is difficult to separate the incoming and outgoing air flow. But, despite the low efficiency, such systems are still used in cellars with one pipe in cases where it is too expensive to bring two pipes to different ends of the room. See the photo below.

For a basement in a garage or in a private house, it is enough conventional system cellar ventilation with natural circulation, but for large rooms this is no longer enough.

Forced ventilation system

For a basement in a garage or in a small private house, a conventional cellar ventilation system with natural circulation is sufficient, but for large rooms this is already not enough. Therefore, in rooms of a large area, or in which, for some reason, the installation natural ventilation difficult, forced ventilation is used. The movement of air in it is provided by electric fans. Forced ventilation is of several types:

  • exhaust;
  • supply;
  • supply and exhaust systems;

The type of system is determined by the location of the fan. And it is selected based on local conditions.

It should be noted that for a large basement vegetable store good decision forced exhaust ventilation with natural inflow will be used.

The advantage of such systems is good performance, regardless of the number of bends and turns of the air line, as well as the ability to include additional devices in the system, such as filtration and air purification systems, electric heating, automatic on / off by temperature or gas content. It is better to entrust the design and installation of such systems to specialists, which will undoubtedly pay off in the future.

Professional calculation and installation of air exchange systems

Despite the seeming simplicity of the ventilation system of the underground space, it can be difficult for a layman to correctly calculate ventilation and even more so to mount a similar system do it yourself. Because during the installation process, unforeseen situations usually arise, and it can be difficult for a person without experience of such work to cope with them. Especially when it comes to drilling monolithic foundation or laying air ducts through the ceilings of the first and second floors. In such cases, it is better to entrust the work to specialists who will carry out everything quickly and with a guarantee necessary work from design to installation. And they will relieve the owner of this headache, who will only have to accept the job and enjoy the wonderful microclimate that has formed in his basement.

To ensure that errors in design and installation are avoided engineering systems, you can order ventilation projects for public and private buildings and premises in the company. You can contact us by going to the page.

When the word "basement" is used, many people probably associate it with a dark, damp and cold room in which food or something not very necessary is stored. It is this microclimate that is often maintained in cellars. And it is he who greatly harms both the building itself and what will be stored there.

To ensure a favorable microclimate in the basement, it is necessary to organize a properly working ventilation system in it. How to do this - we will consider below.

We will consider the arrangement of ventilation in the basement small buildings: in a private house, shed, garage.

Do you need ventilation in the cellar, and why? (+ video)

Yes, it is necessary and necessary. Any room (not only residential, but also basement) needs air exchange.

In the basement ventilation system supports normal humidity... In the basement, it rises very quickly, especially if:

    there are no or poorly executed external waterproofing and basement insulation;

    heavy rains are falling;

    there are cracks in the walls of the cellar (through which moisture can penetrate inside);

    due to the strong temperature difference, condensation forms inside the walls.

What happens if there is no ventilation system in the cellar, or it does not work well?

If the ventilation system in the cellar does not work at all, or does not work well enough, the owner of the cottage will face the following problems:

    the air in the basement will be humid, stale - being in such conditions will be both unpleasant and harmful for a person;

    will deteriorate quickly due to moisture interior decoration basement (if any) and flooring on the ground floor floor;

    the walls of the basement, the overlap between the basement and the first floor will collapse faster;

    the floor on the ground floor may be wet (if the floor is thin and there is no insulation and waterproofing);

    if food is stored in the cellar (for example - potatoes, apples, carrots, and other crops), or products made of wood, fabric, metal - they will deteriorate faster due to moisture;

    v rooms on the ground floor may appear bad smell due to rotting food in the cellar).

Basement ventilation rates

SNiP regulates only the device of ventilation systems for apartment buildings... SNiP 31-01-2003 "Residential apartment buildings" contains the following information:

    In the outer walls of basements that do not have exhaust ventilation, air vents with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the basement area should be provided. The vents should be evenly spaced around the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​1 ventilation must be at least 0.05 m².

    The air exchange rate should be 1.5. That is, if the basement area is 100 m², then the ventilation system must run at least 150 m² in 1 hour.

The same norms can be relied upon in the construction of basements in low-rise buildings.

How to make a cellar ventilation with your own hands: types of schemes

Any ventilation system consists of 2 components: inflow fresh air from the street and removal humid air from the premises.

The very process of air passage from the street to the basement and then its withdrawal from there can be stimulated in 2 ways:

    Natural. Air exchange occurs due to the pressure difference. The difference is created by the different pipe heights. It is imperative to run the exhaust pipe above the roof ridge. The method is not very successful - such ventilation will be unstable and largely dependent on the weather.

    Forced. Best circuit any ventilation system is precisely a mechanical design: when air exchange is created by a fan. For the basement, 1 fan standing on the hood is enough.

Below we will take a closer look at how to build a ventilation system of both types.


For natural ventilation, 2 pipes are brought into the room (one for the inflow, the other for the exhaust). Their holes should be located on different heights: supply air - low, exhaust - as high as possible (but always above the roof canopy).

Its huge disadvantage is that the performance (the amount of air passing through the basement) is highly dependent on weather conditions. If it is cold and windy outside, the air exchange will be good. If there is no warmth and no wind, it is bad.

How to properly organize natural ventilation yourself:

    For the inflow, air vents are drilled along the perimeter of the basement. If the room is completely buried in the ground and does not protrude above the surface, you will have to make a pipe leading from the surface.

    For the hood, a second pipe is installed on the opposite side of the room. It is displayed above the roof ridge so that nothing can block it from the wind.

    It is advisable to install a deflector on top of the exhaust pipe - to improve traction. The supply pipe is covered with an umbrella (and if it is a ventilation grill).

NS coryza (+ video with an example)

A more stable and efficient option for ventilating a damp room.

Do-it-yourself organization looks like this:

    An inflow is made: through the vents (if basement"Protrudes" above the surface) or through the pipe (if the cellar ceiling is below the surface level).

    For exhaust - on the side opposite to the inflow, a pipe is brought out. One end of it should be under the basement ceiling, the other should face the street. It is not necessary to bring it over the roof, but it is possible.

    V chimney a fan is installed that will drive air from the room to the street.

If you remove the pipe as in the first case (above the level of the visor), then the ventilation will work according to the natural principle, even if the fan is turned off. If the hood is not installed above the roof, it will only work when the fan is on.

Where should the intake and exhaust openings be located?

Location rules are as follows:

    The inflow must be located opposite the hood.

    If the inflow is through a pipe, ideally it should extend to a level of about 0.3 m above the basement floor. If air enters the upper part of the room (as is the case when installing air vents), air exchange in the lower part may be weak or absent altogether.

    If the inflow is organized through the vents, they should be located along the perimeter of the room so that there are as few “blind” areas as possible (near which there are no inflow points).

    The opening of the exhaust duct should be located directly under the ceiling so that the air does not stagnate in the upper part. Ideally, this should be an angle. If it is not possible to make a ventilation duct in the corner, then it is advisable to arrange the inflow points in the corners (so that there is also air movement there).

The nuances of arranging the ventilation system depending on the size of the basement

Usually, in private houses (both in cottages and in summer cottages), basements are not very large in area and volume, and consist of 1 room (that is, they do not have rooms). In this case, you can use all the data and rules that are given in this article.

But if your basement is large in area, or if it is divided into several rooms, or if it consists of several "floors", then the ventilation system should be more thought out.

The main nuances in a nutshell:

    If your cellar is divided into rooms (even if there will be 2 of them), each of them must have its own inflow point and "path" for air removal (at least 1). Both the inflow and the exhaust can be organized either through a ventilation duct (bring 1 pipe across the street to the supply and exhaust, and inside - to dissolve them in the basement), or make air vents in each room.

    If your cellar has more than 1 floor, the ventilation system must be installed in each of them. In this case, it is recommended to use only mechanical ventilation (and it is advisable to install the fan on the supply side as well).

    If the basement consists of 1 room, and is large in area (conventionally - from 20-25 "squares"), then it is advisable to use at least 2 inflow points. If you don't want to make several holes in an existing building, you can make 1 hole, bring a pipe through it from the street inside, and run it along the wall. In the pipe - make several holes at a distance from each other (so that air is supplied through them to different parts of the basement).

An example of a ventilation system for a basement at a depth of 3.5 meters (video)

Service Questions

Below are a few of the main issues related to improving and maintaining the system.

How to automate the system?

The microclimate (humidity level and temperature) in the basement can vary over a wide range - since no one controls it constantly, heaters and other climatic equipment are usually not placed in the basement.

Therefore, for more efficient and economical operation of the ventilation system, it should be automated.

Automatic ventilation is organized using sensors:

    Temperature sensor. Useful in winter, so as not to manually plug the ventilation in cold weather. The temperature sensor can control the motorized damper, closing it, or the speed of the exhaust fan, reducing them or completely turning off the device.

    Moisture sensor. Useful at any time of the year (in winter moisture can penetrate through the soil, into warm time years - due to rains). The humidity sensor can control the exhaust fan by increasing or decreasing its speed. If the humidity rises, the fan will spin harder, removing more air. And vice versa: if the humidity is normal, the fan slows down or stops altogether so as not to consume electricity.

Should you close the ventilation of the cellar for the winter? (+ video)

In winter, basement owners are faced with the question: should the ventilation ducts be closed during frosts, or should they be left open?

The bottom line is this: at low temperatures, the difference in air pressure outside and indoors rises. Because of this, air exchange is accelerated (more air passes through the ventilation system). And since the air is frosty, and there are usually no heaters in the basement, the room gets cold quickly. This happens at temperatures from -5-10º and below, especially if the house is located in an open area.

It turns out that with open ventilation ducts in severe frost the owners are faced with the following problems:

    products that are stored in the basement may freeze;

    with the onset of cold weather, rodents and insects look for a warmer shelter, and through vents they can enter the cellar;

    it's hard to be in the basement without warm clothes(due to low temperature);

    the chimney can be clogged with frost (since the air in the basement is warmer and more humid, when it rises through the pipe, moisture from it can condense on the walls, and the walls from the inside will gradually grow with frost);

    cold can be transmitted through the ceiling to the premises on the first floor.

To prevent this, you need to either install a heat source (heater) in the basement, or cover the ventilation ducts. There is no specific temperature at which it is necessary to close the ventilation of the cellar (but if the temperature stably keeps below zero during the day and drops below -5º at night, then you should pay attention to the ventilation holes). But there is also a serious nuance: you need to look not at the thermometer, but at the microclimate in the basement.

Depending on the microclimate, measures need to be taken as follows:

    If the weather is rainy and damp or condensation inside(a common problem in autumn especially in November)- then ventilation must be left open... If you close it, the humidity in the basement will rise even more, and this will lead to the appearance of mold.

    If there is no condensation, and the humidity is normal, but around ventilation holes frost appeared - they need to be covered.Since accurate adjustment cannot be achieved, you can first cover the holes by 50%, and after 1-2 days, look again if there is frost on them. If there is, then you need to cover the ventilation even more, leaving a small gap.

What exactly needs to be shut off - the air flow in the first place(vents or supply ventilation ducts). Ideally, the inlet openings should be adjustable: a damper or adjustable louvers. If this is not the case, the owner will have to close the holes with improvised means. The easiest option is to use a sheet of metal that is attached to ventilation grill wire.

How to check the ventilation of the cellar?

If you bought a house and do not know the state of the ventilation system, or have not been in it for a long time, or simply were not interested in the operation of ventilation before, it is recommended to check it.

How to improve air exchange?

If the basement ventilation system is not working well enough, you can remedy the situation in the following ways:

    Clean the exhaust duct and vents (or supply pipes). Over time, ventilation ducts can become clogged: with leaves, poplar fluff and other small debris. This can either worsen or stop air exchange altogether. Therefore, in case of problems with ventilation, first of all, it must be inspected.

    Install the fan into the exhaust duct. Most efficient way: forced draft is always more efficient than natural draft.

    Extend the chimney if possible. The higher the chimney, the greater the pressure drop and the better the air exchange. The method is not very convenient and simple. It can help if there is some kind of "obstacle" next to your building: taller buildings, or tall trees, or the house itself is in the lowlands.

    Install a deflector on the chimney. This is easier to do than extending the pipe.

Most The best way increase traction - check the condition first ventilation pipes, clean them if necessary, and then install a fan in the exhaust pipe.

Which pipes to choose for the ventilation system of the cellar?

Rules of choice:

    Material. D For ventilation ducts, you can use either plastic pipes, or galvanized. Galvanizing is slightly more expensive than plastic.Since for small spaces there is not much difference - you can take what you like.

    Sectional shape (round or rectangular). Rectangular ones can be mounted end-to-end along the walls - which is convenient if the cellar is very small.

How to calculate the ventilation system for the cellar?

The calculation must be carried out to determine 2 indicators:

    Total air consumption in cubic meters, which must pass through the basement in 1 hour. Based on this value, the fan power must be selected if exhaust ventilation will be mechanical.

    Cross-sectional area of ​​air ducts. Based on this value, it will be possible to determine the diameter of the chimney.

Air flow calculation (+ determination of fan power)

The cellar must have racks and shelves for storing food, blanks, fresh vegetables and fruit, and is equipped with a ventilation system. Uniform temperature regime indoors will ensure the safety of products until the next harvest. Proper ventilation cellar allows you to maintain in it optimal mode for storing vegetables.

This will relieve him of the dampness of the room and high humidity,. Using the basic rules for the design of ventilation systems, it will be possible to dry without the help of specialists.

There are several options for how to properly ventilate the cellar: you can use ready-made air conditioning devices and just install them, or you can make an air duct with your own hands.

The second option is suitable for household use cellars, the first - for the arrangement of large industrial storage facilities.

Before you make ventilation in the cellar, you should choose the most suitable option systems. They are natural and compulsory.

ventilation - scheme 1

The main differences between the systems:

  • the forced method provides for the installation of a mechanism - a stationary fan. Such a simple, at first glance, method is suitable for large volumes. The fan for the cellar is placed on the exhaust air duct;
  • for natural ventilation, a fan is also used, but not stationary, but temporarily - the device is installed for several days to quickly dry the storage.

Features of the arrangement of ventilation:

  • the supply pipe is laid through part of the foundation;
  • the supply pipe must be flat;
  • part of the chimney must be insulated to prevent condensation.

When choosing a specific type of ventilation system, the frequency of use and the mode of maintaining temperature should be taken into account.

Important! For effective ventilation of any other room, air ducts must have a high throughput... To avoid a shortage of air mass, it is very important to choose the right pipe diameter for the cellar ventilation device.

Natural air exchange system

Ventilation of an underground room with two pipes for supply and exhaust purposes is the simplest and effective method make a natural air exchange system.

Suitable material for duct equipment is asbestos or PVC pipes. For pipes made of galvanized steel, the correct diameter works correctly - for 1 m2, 25 cm2 is required, calculated from the total size.

Opposite corners are usually used for pipe placement. This reduces the likelihood of stagnant humid air forming.

Exhaust system structure

Exhaust pipe - used to purify air masses inside the room. Appropriate place for installation - in one of the corners of the cellar. It is important to consider that Bottom part The duct should be installed at the very top of the room. In the room, the ventilation duct must be vertical. In places of withdrawal, there should be a protrusion above the ridge part by about 50 cm or more.

To reduce the condensate masses that will form inside the pipe, it is required to insulate the duct. The insulation procedure does not take much time and does not require special skills. For work, you will need one pipe of a slightly larger diameter and mineral wool or other insulation. One pipe is placed inside the second, and the hollow space is filled with insulation.

Installation methods:

  1. A simple scheme for ventilation of the cellar - through the through method: the pipe passes through the floor, rises along the corner of the wall and is removed through the ceiling and roof;
  2. More difficult - through the wall, when the lower part of the chimney is horizontal and rises up already at the surface. This scheme is also suitable for.

The inlet pipe provides the cellar with fresh air. Typically, the pipe is installed in the corner opposite the exhaust type air duct. The height of the open end of the pipe from the floor level is 40-50 cm. Further, it passes through the sections of overlap and also rises 25-30 centimeters from the floor.

ventilation in the cellar scheme 3

The supply air duct should be installed in such a way that its lower cut does not reach the floor level by about 45-50 cm. Approximately the same distance should be between the upper cut and the ground level.

It is important to take into account that the upper cut must be covered with a protective grill. This will help protect food supplies from rodents, mice, rats, and more. uninvited guests... Metal mesh can be used.

Air moves through ventilation ducts due to the difference in the specific gravity of warm and cold air masses.
If the temperature difference is too dramatic, drafts will form inside the room.

In another case, on the contrary, the air will stagnate. To regulate the movement of air masses, gate valves are used. They are installed on both pipes - both exhaust and supply.

Benefits of natural ventilation:

  • low cost - do-it-yourself ventilation of the cellar does not require significant financial costs;
  • energy saving;
  • the possibility of self-assembly;
  • there is no need for constant monitoring, usually only required in winter time with a sharp cold snap;
  • compatibility with other ventilation systems, or air conditioning systems that can be installed in the house, if necessary, you can additionally install forced ventilation for the cellar.

At the end of the installation, it is very important to check the functionality of the system. To check that the ventilation system is working properly, a simple piece of paper should be applied to the ventilation opening.

It is very simple to check: if the leaf vibrates under the air currents, then the ventilation in the cellar is installed correctly with your own hands. In the same way, the operability of the duct system in a cellar with one pipe is checked.

Forced air exchange system

Forced ventilation implies the device of a stationary, constant fan - optimal solution for arranging a large cellar. It can also be used for natural ventilation of the cellar, but not permanently, but temporarily. The fan is installed on the chimney.

The ventilation of the cellar located in a residential building has some peculiarities - the air duct for the inflow of air masses is laid only through the above-ground part of the foundation. If there is already a basement, then the supply air duct also passes through it. The pipe must be flat, with a minimum of bends and corners. You should also pay attention to the length, it should not be very long. Outdoor area exhaust system, you need to insulate.

Exhaust ventilation of the cellar is usually located inside load-bearing wall summer cottages or houses. If the ventilation of the cellar under the house is installed after construction, then special recesses are made in the wall or a passage along the wall.

If the cellar has small size, then the temperature and humidity conditions will be able to provide ventilation even with one supply and exhaust pipe. Forced ventilation of the cellar in winter, when installed negative temperatures, can be turned off, since there is no urgent need for additional ventilation of the room.

Ventilation system diagram

If the cellar is already closed, holes are punched in the walls in opposite corners for the installation of air ducts with a step of 26 cm2 per 1 m2 of area.

The exhaust duct is lowered inward through the hole so that the lower end is under the very ceiling, the distance of the indent is no more than 10-15 cm. The upper part of the hood is taken out into the air through an opening through the roof to a height of 15-25 cm.

The supply air duct is routed into another opening. There should be a distance of at least 20-25 cm from the floor. All cracks are carefully sealed with cement mortar.

The calculation of the ventilation of the cellar is done as follows: the amount of air that has passed in 1 hour, the volume of the room must be multiplied by the recommended frequency of air exchange.

Formula for calculating duct area: F = air flow: (air velocity x 3600)

Cellar ventilation in a private house or in the country performs 2 important functions at once:

  • provides suitable conditions for storing food for a long time;
  • helps to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house above the cellar.

Incorrect ventilation of the cellar in the house negatively affects comfort and coziness. In this case, dampness and musty, the air easily penetrates into the living quarters. Violated sanitary standards, which leads to the risk of developing various diseases among the inhabitants of the premises.

Important! Remember that even a tightly closed lid, door or cellar flap will not replace the ventilation system that no living space can do without.

Preparing the cellar for storing food

In the warm season, as well as in those periods when the laying of food for storage is being prepared, you should open everything, doors, windows, do not forget about the dampers on the pipes. This is done to further dry the cellar and establish the same temperature inside.

If the room is heavily saturated with moisture, in order to quickly dry the air, all wood is removed from it, which are separately dried under the sun. If necessary, the cellar can be ventilated with fans for 3-5 days before preparing food.

Simple tip: moisture is removed by placing a bucket in the cellar quicklime... A popular way to improve draft is with the help of a candle; it should be placed in front of the chimney.

The use of electric heaters is also an effective way. Fans that are installed in the middle of the cellar are also suitable. After fan drying is finished, the walls and ceiling will need to be applied in layers. This should result in a waterproof surface.

In cases where the hood works normally, the ventilation scheme in the cellar provides for the usual ventilation not only inside the cellar, but also the entire living space as a whole.

People who run their own household know how much physical strength and it takes time. I want to keep the rich harvest from my land carefully and for a long time, so that nothing is lost, and the titanic work is not in vain. Such people think about how to make a hood in the cellar with their own hands. This does not spend a lot of effort and money, and such a thing as a cellar is very useful in the household.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is that clean air enters and leaves the cellar, creating the necessary circulation of air masses in confined space... Otherwise, with a high humidity in the room, the products will rot, the appearance of mold, fungi and pathogenic microorganisms is possible.

Therefore, a properly functioning ventilation system in your cellar will prevent such phenomena.

Piping arrangement for efficient ventilation

The supply pipe should be installed so that its end is at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the cellar floor. In this case, the upper end of the pipe is located on the surface at the base of the soil. It is not necessary to lift it very high. It is important that it is located in a ventilated place and air can easily get there.

The exhaust pipe must be placed at the other end of the cellar, the lower part of the pipe is located on the contrary at the top, 20-30 centimeters above the ceiling and goes out to the roof. It is important that the chimney is insulated, as condensation can form on it, which increases the humidity in the room. This arrangement will keep the ceiling dry. And the location at different ends of the room will allow air to pass through the entire cellar. If the chimney is installed below 30 cm, the ceiling will be damp and mold or mildew will form on it.

In addition, you need to fence off the pipes from moisture, insects, rodents, birds and other debris that can get into the cellar through the pipe. To do this, the end of the accessory and exhaust pipes located on the street is closed with a grill.

Optionally, instead of the grill, you can use a device called a deflector. The deflector is installed at the end of the chimney facing the street and gives great protection from moisture penetration into the cellar, and when strong wind, thanks to the pressure, air will escape faster from the pipe, which will help to increase ventilation in the cellar.

You need to take care of how to properly make a hood in the cellar even before starting construction in order to avoid unwanted mistakes.

If, nevertheless, you are building using two pipes, do not place them close to each other, otherwise the air entering from one hole will immediately come out of the other and the ventilation of the cellar will be minimal. Please note that both pipes are the same size. A mismatch can cause indoor air to stagnate, creating an ideal atmosphere for rotting. Before starting construction, you should have a ventilation scheme for the cellar in order to calculate everything in advance, think it over and avoid mistakes.

Cellar ventilation with one pipe

The only conditions that are necessary for ventilation with one pipe is a small cellar area. Large room will not be able to ventilate as necessary with only one pipe and problems will begin.

The scheme of organizing simple ventilation of the cellar: two are built into one pipe

For such ventilation, they take a pipe divided into two compartments, through which - from one shade, air enters in, and exits from the other. It is extremely important to locate the ventilation in such a place that it is well blown by the wind, otherwise, even for a small cellar, one pipe will not be enough. Therefore, an exhaust scheme in the cellar is needed in order to understand and measure everything in advance.

After installing the hood, the air circulation is checked. For example, you can smoke a room and see how quickly the air can be cleared. You can also attach pieces of paper to different ends of the pipe - one sheet should fit snugly, since air comes out through it and it blocks the process, while the other sheet, on the contrary, cannot fit snugly.

Perfume in the cellar

The hood device in the cellar is able to maintain optimal humidity air (90%) and remove high humidity... But if such a situation has occurred, when water has entered the cellar and the humidity is increased, it is necessary to fix it.

Organization of condensate collection in the cellar ventilation system

Ventilation alone will not save the situation here. Proper waterproofing of the walls and floor of the cellar is required. And, if necessary, install a tank with a condensate collection valve on the ventilation pipe.

For this, containers are placed in the cellar with substances capable of absorbing moisture from the air - rice, salt (coarse grinding), lime. Even special adsorbents are sold for such purposes. If there is a lot of water, then you must first pump it out, and only then put adsorbents to remove the remaining moisture in the cellar.

Install a spirit thermometer to monitor the air humidity. This will help you control changes in air humidity. And if the cellar with large area, put two - at different ends of the room.

Exhaust fan

The essence of its installation is to forcibly enhance ventilation in the room. The fan is installed inside the exhaust duct. Thus, enhancing the removal of air to the outside and, accordingly, enhancing the flow of air into the adnexal pipe. The hood for the cellar must be efficient and keep the food fresh for as long as possible.

The fan power is chosen according to the size of the room. Too much powerful fan creates too much draft and chills food too much.

You can install two fans in both pipes, but this requires the consultation of a specialist, because for large and complex rooms in the design, you need to specially calculate and think over everything so that the hood in the cellar is as efficient as possible.

How to determine the required pipe diameter

If not complex design premises, it is possible to calculate the required diameter for ventilation of the cellar yourself. Need to know that for one square meter you need 26 square centimeters of ventilation.

Thus, we multiply the area of ​​the room by 26 square centimeters and get the number that must be divided by 3.14. The resulting number is the pipe diameter we need.

How to mount a chimney with your own hands

If the cellar was first made, and only then the hood is installed in the cellar, then first you need to make a hole of the appropriate size. After that, install the pipe at the required distance from the ceiling.

Tightly seal all the gaps of the ventilation pipes of the cellar

Make sure that there is no extra space left after installing the hood. If this happens, seal the gap tightly.

If the cellar is being built under the house, then the hood can be installed in the chimney of the fireplace. Thus, the difference in temperature will increase the ventilated air output.

If the hood goes outside, then it should be much higher than the supply pipe.

What pipes are used for ventilation of the cellar

Now there is a fairly large assortment of ventilation pipes, but asbestos-cement or polyethylene pipes are most often used. Due to their composition, asbestos-cement is much heavier than polyethylene, but both are equally durable. When installing polyethylene pipes you may need to cook them, this may not work for everyone. Therefore, most often a specialist is invited to install polyethylene pipes, who will do this work.

When the question arises - "how can you make an extractor hood in the cellar yourself" there is nothing complicated. It is quite easy to do it yourself with a minimum of spending time and money. Correct extraction in the cellar will help the products to be stored for a long time and delight you on the table.

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It does not matter which method of implementation of the respective project is chosen. In any case, knowledge of how to make an extractor hood in a cellar will come in handy. They will help you choose the right materials and technologies, eliminate mistakes when self-fulfillment working operations. If you plan to hire third-party performers, it will be easier to control their actions.

To accurately select the correct system components, you need to study the ventilation

In any project, at the first stage, the task should be accurately formulated. To do this, consider the following considerations:

  • Fresh air inflow will remove from the room unpleasant odors, harmful chemical compounds and microorganisms.
  • It is used to remove excess moisture and maintain a certain temperature.
  • Since the external weather conditions change, adjusting the intensity of the system is useful.

It should be borne in mind that the hood in the garage cellar will differ from a similar design installed separately on the site, or in the basement of a residential building. Thus, when studying this issue, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular real estate object.

How to make a hood in a cellar using different technologies

All possible combinations can be used. But all ventilation systems can be divided into two main groups. The first one involves the movement of air naturally... When creating the second, mechanical means are used. The advantages and disadvantages of these options will be discussed below.

Organization of natural ventilation of the cellar with two pipes

This system operates by differential pressure when the inlet and outlet are set at different levels.

The picture shows the main restrictions that should be taken into account when installing such a system. Below are guidelines that will come in handy in practice:

  • If the supply pipe is installed near the ground, it is covered with a metal mesh to prevent rodents from entering. When mounted on the roof, they are covered with a visor to prevent the ingress of atmospheric precipitation.
  • A distance of 20 to 50 cm is left between the bottom end and the floor. It will be enough for free air passage.
  • The inlet of the exhaust part is installed as high as possible to the ceiling. To remove condensate without complications, they fix special device with a valve at the bottom. If there is a sewer pipe nearby, make a stationary connection to the drainage system.
Note! To reduce the intensity of condensation formation, the insulation of the outlet duct is mounted on the entire channel.

The main advantage of this system is its autonomy, complete absence of power consumption. Disadvantages:

  • limited performance;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • the complexity or impossibility of adjustments.

The last "minus" is partially eliminated with the use of special dampers, which change the width of the working openings of the air ducts.

Forced system

The principle of this approach is clear from the name. Fans are used to move air through the channels. Turning them on and off can be organized as follows:

  • From one or more temperature (humidity) sensors in the room.
  • Using a timer that is set at the desired time intervals.
  • From the local, or taken to another room, the control panel.

The mutual arrangement of pipes and other parameters are suitable from previous version... But the actual makeup of a forced air system can be much more complex. It includes the following components:

To find out exactly how to make a hood in a cellar, you need to know the features. In some situations, it is beneficial to integrate systems into a coherent whole with common elements of control and management.

How to properly ventilate the cellar with your own hands

According to the following algorithm, you can implement such a project yourself:

  • Create a plan. It is not necessary to apply strict engineering standards. But it is useful to have a drawing with location and dimensions. separate parts, list of accessories.

  • Pipes are installed in accordance with the plan. Condensate drain taps, damper handles and other devices with manual drives are placed in places convenient for subsequent maintenance.

Upon completion of the work, the tightness of the joints in the places where the duct channels pass through building construction, check the functionality of automation, control.

If there is no other possibility, install the ventilation of the cellar with one pipe. The inflow is provided due to the existing or specially created slots, by opening doors and windows. Sometimes a structure of two pipes inserted into one another is installed. The center hole and the gap between the walls are used for air supply / removal.

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Selection of components and assemblies

If you figured out how to make a hood in a cellar, pay attention to the following nuances before purchasing individual system components:

  • Metal ventilation pipes must be well protected against corrosion. Polymeric analogs are not susceptible to destructive oxidation processes. To create natural ventilation, the diameter of the channels must be at least 120-130 mm for rooms with an area of ​​8-10 sq.
  • It is better to purchase a complex deflector in the factory version. Some simple models you can try to do it yourself.

  • For installation in such a system, only special fans designed for the corresponding conditions of use are suitable.

Improving the efficiency of the ventilation system and general conclusions

The following tips will help you implement a project with minimal cost and will reduce costs during operation:

  • In order not to make significant changes in the design, the installation of such systems must be combined with general construction work.

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  • Even a very efficient ventilation system will not be able to perform its functions if there are sources of dampness in the room. Moisture should be prevented by installing good waterproofing.
  • In order to increase efficiency, it is useful to create high-quality thermal insulation.