How to make building blocks with your own hands. DIY construction concrete block technology

Cinder blocks are a popular building material from which buildings and structures for various purposes are erected. Since they are easy to make at home, cinder block machines are in rather high demand. If you have free time and desire, then you can try to build this equipment yourself.

The popularity of cinder blocks (as, indeed, of foam blocks) in their unique composition, and machines for the manufacture of cinder blocks not only make it possible to obtain high-quality building materials with limited funds, but also make it possible to manufacture them for sale. For many, the production of cinder blocks has become a profitable business that brings tangible income.

  • Cement;
  • Granular slag (which is a waste of the foundry);
  • Special fillers.

The result is blocks that are distinguished by high sound and heat insulation performance.

Making a mold for a cinder block

On the network you can find drawings of a machine for making cinder blocks of varying complexity, according to which you can build it yourself. These devices make it possible to obtain both hollow and solid blocks. The simplest device is a collapsible form without a vibrator.

In this form, a concrete solution with a high water content is used. It is also called "soft".

Sequence of obtaining blocks in a simple form

  • Filling the mold box or matrix with concrete;
  • Keeping the solution in the form until setting (several hours);
  • Disassembly of the mold - the block comes in a free state.

Advice. It is convenient to form voids in the blocks using champagne bottles, which are well-sized and do not break, since they have thick walls.

Walls and bottoms in these molds can be made from metal plates or plywood sheets. Before pouring the solution into the mold, it should be lubricated with used machine oil.

Homemade machines with a vibrating device

Vibrating machines for the manufacture of cinder blocks are more advanced equipment. It is faster and more convenient to receive blocks on them, since there is no need to wait for the mortar to set. In this case, the concrete solution is prepared harder and thicker, it should have a slight shrinkage.

Technically, this is done in two ways:

  • using a vibration table;

  • equipping the mold itself with an engine, on the shaft of which an eccentric with an offset center of gravity is installed.

The eccentric machine is more convenient for the production of a large amount of material, since it allows you to get a finished block in one go without turning over.

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Homemade machine according to the scheme "laying hen"

The above drawing of a machine for making a cinder block is one of the most simple.

Its design includes the following basic elements:

  • forming box - matrix (it has no bottom);
  • vibrator on the side wall;
  • drawer handles designed for easy removal without damaging the shape of the impression;
  • replaceable sets of pressure plates;
  • void formers for various shapes of voids.

The current standard provides for the established dimensions of one such block - 39 x 19 x 18.8 cm... In this case, voidness should not exceed 30% .

Making a matrix

  • Taken sheet metal(from 3 mm);
  • A shape is cut from the sheet to the size of one block (5 cm is added to the indicated dimensions for tamping);
  • A through box is formed (there is no bottom);

Important. It is necessary to weld the sheets from the outside, this will prevent the violation of the correct geometry.

  • Special strips welded from the ends give greater stability to the box. For this are used shaped pipes with a small section;
  • The base of the matrix is ​​upholstered with sheet rubber, which will serve to protect the lower edges of the matrix from deformation;
  • A border apron is formed, which will prevent the solution from spilling out when filling the form;
  • Handles are attached.

Machine diagram

Below is an exact drawing of the cinder block machine with the exact dimensions. The voids can be formed in various shapes (rectangular or round).

Important. The entraiser should have a conical shape, which will allow the matrix to be easily removed from the raw cinder block.

Well suited for the manufacture of a core former round pipes... In this case, the workpiece can be tapered using a lathe.

The vibrator is made of a low power electric motor. Suitable for this, for example, a motor from washing machine capacity in 150 - 200 watts... The centers are displaced as follows.

An eccentric is attached to the motor axis, which can be made from a metal strip with an asymmetrically located hole. Dimensions, weight and shape must be determined experimentally. If the eccentric value is too large, then the vibration will be excessive, as a result of which the concrete impression will fall apart.

This design can be improved by installing a mobile platform with levers. This will make it easier to lift and move around the vibrating machine area.

Stages of the cinder block manufacturing process

  • Blocks are formed in special forms which are pre-wetted. The solution is laid in them. The molds are placed on a vibrating plate, which turns on for a few seconds (5 - 7 s);
  • As the solution settles, it must be added. When you turn on the vibratory plate again, you must wait for the clamp to completely drop to the stops. This will indicate that the formation is complete. After 5 - 10 seconds (even before the motor stops completely), the mold should be removed;
  • The finished blocks must be dried. This process takes from a week to a month. Drying time depends on conditions (humidity, temperature, etc.);
  • The given equipment allows, when working together, to perform up to seventy blocks in an hour. If the amount is small, the solution can be mixed by hand. However, the concrete mixer allows you to get more quality material and the final product;
  • After the cinder blocks are dry, they can be used to build walls - it's easy to build from blocks. In this case, it is necessary to observe simple rules- the first two weeks the blocks are watered;
  • After that, the outside should be covered with double layer plaster. This will prevent the rain from washing out the slag. In a year, the material will evaporate harmful substances and after that you can go to interior decoration and roofing works.

Cinder block is an artificial wall stone made from a mixture of slag and cement, intended for the construction of walls of one-story buildings. It is also used as an additional insulation during construction. frame houses... The production of this material is also possible at home on your own. It is not recommended to make only foundation panels yourself. The requirements for the reliability of the building foundation are very high, so it is better not to save money and buy ready-made elements.

There are such varieties:

  • corpulent - have the greatest strength, are intended for construction load-bearing walls and partitions, cladding;
  • hollow with a degree of voidness of 40% - they have higher heat and sound insulating properties due to the presence of cavities inside, they are cheaper, but inferior in strength due to the thinness of the walls;
  • hollow with a degree of voidness from 25 to 30% - have optimal proportions in terms of thermal conductivity and strength, the most popular.

Depending on the thickness, the blocks are:

  • wall - standard size 390 x 190 x 188 mm;
  • partition walls - 390 x 90 x 188 mm.

In case of self-production, the dimensions can be arbitrary, a prerequisite is the stability of the dimensions.


  • Cinder blocks have a relatively low coefficient of thermal conductivity - from 0.20 to 0.65 W / m3 (better than that of bricks). Due to this, they are often used not only as a structural material, but also as a heater.
  • Density - from 750 to 1450 kg / m3. It differs from all other types in high strength - grade from M35 to M125. The parameter must be taken into account when designing communications, since it is difficult to cut.
  • Frost resistance is up to 50 freeze-thaw cycles without visible damage.


  • low price;
  • the availability and variety of materials for manufacturing, the ability to obtain products with the desired set of parameters, suitable for specific purposes;
  • benefits for the environment - due to the use of waste from the metallurgical industry (slag), as well as the breakage of bricks and concrete remaining during the demolition of old buildings, the number of construction waste dumps is reduced;
  • fire resistance;
  • is not a favorable environment for the development of fungi, mold, is not susceptible to spoilage by rodents;
  • ease of wall installation.


  • very high degree hygroscopicity - it strongly absorbs moisture from the air, a reliable lining is required on both sides;
  • the presence of substances hazardous to health (sulfur) - for their complete weathering, the blocks are kept in the open air for at least a year; upon purchase, it is necessary to check the environmental safety certificate;
  • because of the need high-quality waterproofing, cladding, the total cost of the building is slightly lower than when using more expensive building materials, significant savings are obtained only when making with your own hands.

Cinder concrete is often used to build utility, utility, production facilities, and garages.

About slag for block production

This is a silicate waste from metal processing, it is sieved through a sieve. Incinerated slag different types solid fuel (coal, firewood), contains radioactive components, therefore, it is not used for the construction of residential premises.

Slag varieties:

  • granular (granulated slag);
  • non-granular.

For the manufacture of building blocks, the largest fraction of granular waste is selected, the smaller (non-granular) ones go to the production of asphalt, paving slabs... The price for 1 ton of material is from 100 rubles. Distinguish between wastes of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy (blast-furnace), the second option is preferable, since those obtained during the processing of non-ferrous metals are more expensive.

The composition of the mixture for obtaining blocks

As a binder, cement of a grade not lower than M400 is selected. The filler is either completely composed of slag, or mixed - crushed stone is added in a small ratio (secondary is acceptable), ordinary or expanded clay sand, fine expanded clay, crushed brick. Proportions for cinder blocks: 8-9 parts of filler 1.5-2 parts of binder. If the cement is M500, then it can be taken about 15% less than M400.

Slag usually accounts for at least 65% of the total aggregate volume. For example, out of 9 parts, at least 6 fall on it, the rest is supplemented with sand, crushed stone. But it is theoretically possible to use brick or concrete battle, screening for do-it-yourself production. Regardless of the type of material, it is customary to conventionally call such products cinder concrete. Classic proportions: 2 parts of sand, 2 parts of crushed stone, 7 parts of slag, 2 parts of M400 Portland cement.

Water is added in a ratio of about 0.5 parts. The finished mixture is semi-dry. To test the quality, a handful is thrown onto a hard surface. If the lump has crumbled, but upon compression it easily regains its former shape, then the composition is suitable for use.

To obtain a color block, add colored chalk or crushed brick chips. To increase the strength, professional plasticizers are introduced. Sometimes gypsum, sawdust, and ash are added as a partial replacement for slag.

It is better to mix the components in a concrete mixer or mixer, but such equipment is expensive. A small amount is kneaded by hand, a laborious process.

Cinder block production technology

They are made in two ways:

  • manually - quality finished products low, uneven, but generally meets the requirements of the standards;
  • vibrocasting, using a vibrating table or vibrating table - they are more durable.

In large volumes, they are made by vibrocompression. Equipment for this method is expensive, so it is not suitable for home production. The room should be well ventilated with a flat, hard floor. This is necessary condition for drying and storage.

Regardless of the method chosen, the prepared mixture is preliminarily placed in special rectangular frames. They are made of plastic wooden planks or metal sheets, always collapsible and without a bottom - for easy removal. For the same purpose, before pouring, the walls are lubricated with grease or soapy water. It is more convenient to use formwork from several cells (usually from 4 to 6). When made from wood, boards with an absolutely smooth surface are chosen, otherwise, when stripping, knots and irregularities will cling.

To the bottom of the mold for hollow blocks, hollow formers are additionally attached - cylindrical or rectangular made of metal or wood. Instead of them, you can put glass bottles, after the mixture has solidified, they are taken out.

2. Do-it-yourself machine.

A simple finished machine for cinder blocks costs from 6500 rubles. But if you want and have a set necessary tools and its parts are easy to make at home yourself.


  • From four steel sheets 3-4 mm thick, weld a rectangular shape without a bottom with an internal dimension of 390x190x190 mm.
  • Weld a steel strip along the perimeter of the top of the box.
  • Weld guides to the lower parts of the short sides for easy removal and movement of the machine.
  • Cut out metal pipe circular section with a diameter of about 6 cm three parts of equal length.
  • Install the segments in a vertical position in a row along one line at a distance of about 4 cm from each other and connect them by welding or gluing jumpers between them. TO outside parties the outermost pipes also attach jumpers to connect to the walls. Exact dimensions all parts depend on the diameter of the core former and the length of the box.
  • Close the pipes from above with plugs. Insert the pipe structure into the mold and attach.
  • Install height stops on the inner walls of the box.
  • Attach handles to the short sides.
  • From the fifth steel sheet cut out the pressure cover. During the production of blocks, it is put on the hollow formers, so that they protrude. Therefore, the lid must have slots for pipes and bridges between them, larger in size by 1-2 mm.
  • From above, weld two U-shaped handles to the resulting part. They are installed vertically along the short sides of the lid.
  • Attach the platform vibrator motor to one of the long sides of the mold with bolts or welded pins. Since its cost is relatively high and it is difficult to acquire it, it is possible to use a twin-shaft motor from washing machine... TO homemade engine attach the balancers.

3. Making blocks from cinder-concrete by hand.

  • Spread plastic wrap on a flat surface or floor. Put smeared molds on it.
  • Prepare the mixture according to the recommended proportions.
  • Distribute it by shapes. For hollow blocks, insert bottles (if there are no hollow cores).
  • Smooth the surface, remove excess mortar.
  • Remove the bottles after 5 hours.
  • Retrieve the blocks after 24 hours.
  • Spread out on a flat horizontal plane.
  • After a week, fold in several rows and leave to dry for another 21 days. During the drying process, they are covered with foil. Optimal conditions- air temperature from +20 to + 25 ° C, no direct sunlight.

In the presence of a vibrating table, the molds are installed on its surface. Vibration is turned on for about a minute. Exact time better define empirically by making test bricks. Excessive vibration exposure will result in poor quality. Then structures with a rammed mixture are removed from the table and treated in the same way as in hand made(see p. 5-8 instructions).

4. Production of cinder blocks with your own hands at home on a vibrating machine.

Manufacturing scheme using a simple machine:

  • Spread pieces of plywood or OSB on the floor 500x300 mm in size. They will serve as substrates for blocks.
  • Place the machine on the first plywood sheet.
  • Prepare the composition, observing the recommended proportions.
  • Fill in the form.
  • Turn on the engine for 20-30 s (for more precise definition for the optimal time of exposure of the vibrator to the cinder concrete, it is recommended to make test bricks and evaluate their strength, the uniformity of the finished material).
  • Turn off vibration - the mixture settles for a few centimeters, fill the box to the top again. Switch on the motor and press down the cover. It should rest against the height stops on the inner walls.
  • After turning off vibration, remove the machine from the block and move it to the next substrate.
  • Repeat all steps on each prepared plywood sheet.

Ready times and drying conditions are the same as for manual production.

Cinder block is a fairly cheap material for the construction of low-rise buildings. In addition, you can build a building from cinder blocks with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. To reduce the cost of such blocks, they resort to the independent production of cinder blocks.

The cinder block is made at home only if the construction of a garage or other outbuilding is planned. If it is planned to build a residential building, then it is better to buy a cinder block, or apply, for example, foam concrete.

For small building you can build a mold for making material with your own hands... For serial production, you need to acquire a special machine designed for the manufacture of blocks.

It is preferable to make the mold for cinder blocks from metal

To make a block with your own hands, the first step is to draw up drawings of the form and equipment. Usually, the mold for the material is designed so that the output is a block of standard sizes... But you can also make the block both larger and smaller, depending on the type of construction and the goals pursued.

Required materials for work:

  • wooden or metal mold for preparing material;
  • necessary components for mixing the composition;
  • concrete mixer (you can self-made);
  • a warehouse for storing cinder blocks, which excludes the ingress of water on the material;
  • vibrating table (it is possible without it);
  • vibrating machine (for the manufacture of a large number of cinder blocks).

How to make a shape for blocks?

In production, the molds are made of iron or steel so that they can handle large volumes of mortar, up to several tons. For the production of such blocks with your own hands, you can use wooden mold ... In fact, there should be a formwork into which the cinder block mixture will be poured.

It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the wooden sheets when measuring so that the dimensions of the future cinder block are the inner part of the mold.

Usually, to make it easier to remove the cinder block, the form is made without a bottom, placing a film under the bottom. But it is necessary to ensure that the surface of the base is even, however, like the wooden parts. A flat table can act as a surface, concrete surface or iron sheet.

For the construction of load-bearing walls, hollow blocks are used, for which they use tight bottles that form voids, they are pre-filled with water so that they do not float out of the solution.

The composition of the mixture

To find out how to make a cinder block yourself, you need to know what is included in the mixture.

The mixture for cinder blocks has the following composition:

  • cement;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • slag components.

In fact, almost any construction waste is thrown into the mixture for cinder blocks, which is not entirely correct

For making cinder blocks with your own hands you must adhere to the following proportions:

  • 7 parts of slag;
  • 3 pieces of sand;
  • 1 part cement;
  • 1 part water.

For the manufacture of blocks, cement of the M-400 brand is usually used. Of course, it is better to use M-500 cement. In this case, it can be used 10-15% less.

What blocks can be made from?

Making blocks with your own hands allows you to save money. The cement, of course, will have to be purchased at the store, but the rest of the components can be obtained free of charge. Water and sand are natural elements that can be easily obtained. Slag components can be obtained from almost any construction waste:

  • wood sawdust;
  • brick break;
  • broken glass;
  • ash;
  • rubble waste;
  • battle of frozen cement mortar;
  • metallurgical waste.

As you can see, slag components can also be obtained for free.

How to make cinder blocks yourself?

Material manufacturing process:

  1. The necessary components are put into the concrete mixer in the indicated proportions. The mixture is prepared in the same way as usual. concrete mix for the construction of the foundation.
  2. The mixture is poured into a prepared mold. After filling, it must be sealed. In serial production, this is done using a special vibrating table. But in its absence, this can be done by knocking on top of the form with an ordinary hammer. This is necessary so that the mixture is properly compacted and fills all the voids of the form, as well as for all air bubbles to come out. After all, the more air is contained inside the block, the less its strength becomes.
  3. For the formation of voids, it is necessary to put glass bottles pre-filled with water. Usually, 2 bottles are used for one block, which are placed evenly over the entire base of the mixture.

The finished cinder blocks are usually removed from the molds after 2-4 days. The material will fully harden after 28 days., only then can the blocks be used in construction. In order to prevent cracking of the resulting cinder blocks at the time of hardening, they must be periodically moistened with water, especially if drying occurs in hot weather.

The voids in the block do not reduce its strength, but increase thermal insulation and sound absorption

Manufacturing equipment

The method described above is considered low-cost. It will come in handy for those who wish to build a small outbuilding. In the event that serial production of cinder blocks is planned, special equipment is required, the price of which may differ in some indicators.

The equipment for the manufacture of cinder blocks is a vibrating machine... The prices per piece for it are completely different, and may differ in a number of indicators:

  • manufacturer;
  • power;
  • performance.

It is not recommended to put blocks on top of each other during drying, but only after complete drying.

The quality of the structure directly depends on the quality of the cinder blocks, therefore, the process of their manufacture must be approached very responsibly. It is necessary to maintain drawings, observe safety precautions and competently relate to mixing the mixture, and to observe the necessary proportions.


One block with dimensions 188x190x390, costs from 22 to 65 rubles, depending on a number of indicators. But if you find out how to make cinder blocks at home, then the material can be obtained even cheaper. The only thing that will have to be spent is the equipment and materials necessary for the manufacture of cinder blocks.


In order to make cinder blocks yourself, you do not need to be a professional and take training. The block making process is very simple. If you plan to build a small outbuilding, then there is no need to buy material, you can make it yourself, even without special equipment.

If it is planned to erect a large building, for example, a house with several floors, in this case, you will need special equipment capable of producing dozens of blocks per hour. Thus, you can increase the speed of construction.

How do-it-yourself cinder blocks are made at home is clear from the video:

Cinder block is one of the most demanded building materials... It is made according to the vibrocompression method from concrete mortar... A wide variety of buildings are erected from cinder blocks - from sheds and garages to residential buildings.

Planning to build something out of cinder blocks? Make them yourself! There is nothing complicated in the production technology of these concrete blocks. You need to thoroughly understand the work procedure, find out the basic requirements and adhere to the recipe.

The dimensions of the cinder block are standardized - 188 x 190 x 390 mm. Each block has holes. Usually there are 3. For the manufacture of building elements, a mixture of cement grade not lower than M400, blast furnace slag and coarse sand is used. Additional fillers and plasticizers are often added.

It is possible to make blocks both manually using molds and using equipment with the function of vibrocompression.

On average, one bag of cement is enough to make 36 blocks. The savings are clear.

The cinder block must have the correct geometry. Even slight irregularities will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the masonry. To get even blocks, the forms need to be filled not just to the brim, but with a small slide since during vibration, the concrete will slightly settle and settle.

How to prepare the solution?

Of some universal composition there is no solution for making cinder blocks - each master has his own unique recipe. In general, it is necessary to focus on the features of the slag composition.

The constituentsVolume, l, per blockCompressive strength of the dried block, kg / cm2Frost resistance finished block, cyclesThermal conductivity coefficient of the finished cinder block
Slag up to 8 mm10 30-40 30 0.35-0,4
Sand up to 3 mm1,8

There is a standard "factory" recipe, you can focus on it. The proportions are as follows:

  • slag - 7 parts;
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • cement - 1.5 parts;
  • water - 1.5-3 parts. More details on determining the required amount of water will be discussed below.

Useful advice! Previously cited standard dimensions slag concrete blocks. However, for private buildings it is more convenient to use products with dimensions of 400x200x200 mm.

In addition to slag, such blocks can include ash, sawdust, gypsum, broken bricks, coal combustion products, gravel and other similar materials.

Take away Special attention determining the required volume of water. It must be added so much that the products do not spread after formation.

You can do a simple test. Drop a handful of the solution on the ground or other surface. If it crumbled, but when pressed back by hands, rejoined into a single mass, the consistency is optimal.

We make cinder blocks by hand

If a not too large-scale construction is planned, the blocks can be made without a vibrating press.

We make the form

We collect the form with dimensions 40x20x20 cm. If you wish, you can adjust the dimensions at your discretion. We use metal sheets or wooden boards to make the mold.

The design is extremely simple: bottom and side walls. We fasten the walls taking into account the selected width and length of the block. The height of the edges of the form must also match the planned height of the building elements.

Useful advice! You can make molds with cells for the simultaneous production of 4-6 blocks - very convenient. It is only necessary to increase the length and width of the outer edges and install partitions between them.

Prepare empty glass bottles. You will use them to create voids in the blocks.

Fill the blocks

Pour the mortar evenly into the mold to the brim.

We place the bottle with the neck up in the filled mass. We level the pouring surface, removing excess mortar.

We are waiting for about 5 hours and take out the bottles. We leave the cinder blocks in the molds for a day, after which we carefully take them out and lay them out on a horizontal surface in stacks.

We leave the blocks to dry for a month. Only after the specified time can the material be used for construction.

Useful advice! Cover the blocks while drying. plastic wrap... It will protect the products from cracking during the heat and will not let them get wet in case of rain.

We make cinder blocks on the machine

The machine allows you to significantly increase work productivity. The equipment has a fairly simple design.

We collect the machine

The main element of a homemade vibrocompression machine is a form (matrix) for slag concrete mortar. By its design, this form is a metal box with internal elements in the form of voids. The restraints for creating voids can also be removable.

Set for work includes the following materials and tools:

First step. We make a shape according to the size of future blocks. Cut out the lateral edges of the matrix from sheet steel. We will make a shape for 2 blocks at once. To do this, we cut out the inner central partition from steel and fix it in the box.

Second step. Determine the height of the elements to decorate the voids.

Important! In accordance with the technology, the height of the voids should be such that the bottom wall has a thickness of 3 cm or more.

Third step. We cut off 6 pieces of pipe along the length of the stop cylinders for the design of the voids.

Fourth step. We give the pipes a conical shape. To do this, we cut each piece of pipe longitudinally to the middle, squeeze it with a vice and connect it with welding machine... each cone at both ends.

Fifth step. We connect the limiters in a row along the long edge of the cinder block. Add along the edges of the row along a 3 cm thick plate with holes for fastening with lugs.

Sixth step. We make a cut in the middle of each such compartment. We weld the eyes on the back face of the form. They will allow temporary fastening of elements to create voids. Very convenient solution- it will be possible to remove cylinders and make monolithic blocks.

Compact cinder block machine (press from above)

Seventh step. Outside one of the transverse walls, weld on 4 bolts for the mounting holes of the vibration motor.

Eighth step. With the help of welding, we attach an apron and blades along the edges from the loading side.

Ninth step. We prepare all structural elements for painting - we clean them and carefully polish them.

Tenth step. We make a press. It will look like a plate with holes that repeat the location of the holes in the block.

Important! The diameter of the holes on the plate should exceed the same parameter for the recesses in the block by about 0.5 cm.

We make the plate in such a size and fix it in such a way that it can enter into the depth of the box at the place where the limiters are installed by 5-7 cm.

In conclusion, it remains to weld the handles to the press, cover the structure with a primer mixture and mount the vibration motor.

An ordinary electric motor can be turned into a suitable vibration motor. To do this, it is necessary to weld eccentrics onto the motor shafts. We will not bother too much - we will just weld the bolts so that their axes coincide. To regulate the frequency and strength of vibration, screw the nuts onto the welded bolts.

Making blocks

Recommendations for the preparation of the solution were given above. You can use the standard recipe or modify it as you see fit. The main thing is to get the optimal viscosity. It can be determined "by eye" - the lump of the mixture must keep its shape steadily.

Before loading the mixture, grease the contact metal surfaces with oil. Thanks to this, the solution will not stick to the gland.

We put it down ready mix into the matrix and start pressing.

We install the filled forms on the vibrating plate and let it compact the solution for 5-15 seconds. After the indicated time, add more solution to the mold, because previously loaded will inevitably settle.

We repeat the process, only this time do not turn off the vibratory plate until the clamp reaches the limiters. We remove the form until the machine stops.

We give the blocks 1-3 days for initial drying, carefully remove them from the blocks, lay them out on a flat horizontal surface and cover with plastic wrap. You can use the material for its intended purpose no earlier than in a month.

Happy work!

Video - Making cinder blocks with your own hands

Building blocks is much faster than building bricks. There are many varieties of such material in hardware stores, but to save money, you can easily make such blocks for construction yourself.

Buy blocks or do it yourself?

Building blocks are used for more than just building walls. Blocks of various hardness and quality can be found on sale. Blocks purchased from specialized stores are standard forms... DIY material can be adjusted to the desired size.

You can use various materials for building blocks. The advantage of making building blocks on your own is the cheap cost of the material.

The advantage of purchasing ready-made blocks is the ability to save time that needs to be spent on manufacturing.

Homemade blocks

To make homemade blocks, you need to decide on the future block sizes. The easiest way to make blocks is to use special shapes.

Homemade blocks can be crafted different forms, which makes it possible to use blocks not only for wall structures, but also for finishing works.

For manufacturing, you can use various material for fillers, even screenings and used bricks. By making homemade blocks, you can control the density and strength of the building material.

Form for making blocks


On sale there is ready-made forms for making blocks, they have standard sizes. You can make the forms yourself, for this you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • LBM tool (for cutting metal)
  • Welding machine
  • Coarse sandpaper
  • Drill for metal
  • Metal 5 mm thick
  • Metal 3 mm thick

Make markings on a 5 mm metal sheet required size, for example 260 mm and 196 mm. There should be four details.

These parts must be carefully welded with the inner seams to obtain a rectangular shape. The bottom does not need to be done. On the sides of the form, where the width is 196 mm, you need to make one handle for convenient use. From a sheet of metal 3 mm, it is necessary to make empty formers.

Empty educators are required for:

  • Saving solution
  • Reducing the thermal conductivity of walls

For the form, three empty generators are required. You need to make three blanks suitable size and roll them into cylinders and boil from the inside.

It is necessary to take a strip of metal with a width of 30-40 mm to attach the empty formers to each other. In the upper part of the hollow formers, cuts are made, with the help of which the cylinders are welded to the metal strip.

It is imperative to make the bottom and covers for the cylinders. Then finished mechanism blank formers are welded to the mold. Having made for this cuts above the handles and inserting a strip of metal with cylinders, it is necessary to weld with an inner seam.

Forms made of wood

Block molds can be made from wood. To save time for making blocks, you can make a large mold with separate cells.

It is necessary to make a frame without a bottom, and using cuts add intermediate elements. Intermediate wood strips will help separate wooden frame on the required amount cells of the required size.

For easy removal of the finished block from the molds, it is necessary to paint the inner surface of the mold with oil paint.

Used material for making blocks

A big plus of do-it-yourself blocks is a wide selection of materials.

Depending on the material, several types of blocks can be distinguished:

  • Slag concrete blocks
  • Blocks using liquid glass
  • Adobe blocks
  • Chip concrete or arbalite blocks

The base for the blocks almost always consists of cement, and the accumulator can be chosen differently.

As a filler in building blocks, you can use:

  • Dropout
  • Crushed stone
  • Sawdust
  • Straw
  • Broken used brick

What equipment is required?

To start making blocks, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Form for making blocks
  • Water for wetting forms
  • Vibrating plate (necessary for compacting the mortar)
  • Spatula for leveling mortar
  • Master OK
  • Shovel
  • Buckets
  • Container for stirring the solution
  • Metal or rubber flat plate (for drying the finished product)
  • Required components for the solution

The list of tools can grow depending on the types of blocks and their components. Self-production of various types of blocks The main component of any type of blocks is cement, water and fillers.

Block types

  • Cinder block - slag is used as a filler for blocks. These blocks are fire and low temperature resistant.
  • Sawdust concrete - convenient for laying. Very easy to use and light in weight.
  • Gravel blocks - heavy, difficult to lay
  • Keramesite blocks - have excellent thermal insulation properties. They are light in weight and have good strength.
  • Blocks containing sawdust stone and various waste.

To speed up the production process, it is necessary to make several molds. To make blocks you need:

  1. Prepare molds for making blocks
  2. Place on a smooth, flat surface (metal or rubberized sheet)
  3. Prepare a solution with the required filler
  4. Moisten the mold with water or machine oil (for easy extraction)
  5. The solution is applied to the prepared form
  6. It is necessary to turn on the vibrating platform for 2-4 minutes to compact the solution and release excess air and water.
  7. It is necessary to level the surface of the block with a spatula
  8. Move the mold to the drying area. For this, you can use an unscrewed area with a canopy
  9. After 30-40 minutes remove the forms from the finished blocks.
  10. Leave the blocks for 2-3 days in the drying place. Then move to a dry place for 20-25 days. After this period, the blocks are ready for use.

Production of ceramized blocks

Ceramic blocks are blocks consisting of expanded clay filler.

To make a solution, you must:

  • 1 part cement
  • Five parts of expanded clay filler
  • Sifted sand - 3 parts
  • 1 part water

It is necessary to mix the solution and make blocks according to the following instructions:

  • A solution is applied to the lubricated forms
  • Rammed
  • Remove the forms after 15-20 minutes
  • Leave the product on a flat surface. After 12-13 hours, they are transferred to any place protected from rain.
  • After 20 days, the blocks are ready for construction.

The advantages of this type of building material:

  • The blocks are lightweight
  • Resistant to low temperatures
  • Moisture resistant
  • High strength
  • Low cost

Making blocks from concrete

The process of making concrete blocks can be divided into several sequential stages:

  • Preparation of forms for making blocks. First, the molds should be moistened with water, this will prevent sticking on the inner walls of the solution.
  • Fill the molds with mortar and place them on a vibrating platform to shrink the mortar for a few minutes
  • After the solution has set, you can remove the forms

Products must be dried on a flat rubber base to prevent damage to the blocks.

Solution ingredients:

  • Cement -1 part
  • Sand - part 4
  • Small gravel - part 4
  • Lime - part 4
  • Water - until medium density is obtained

Concrete blocks get their strength after 28 days.

Production of sawdust concrete blocks

Before preparing the blocks, you need materials:

  • Cement
  • Fine sand
  • Not slaked lime
  • Sawdust

To prepare the solution, you must:

  • Sift sawdust
  • Mix cement, sand and lime
  • Add sawdust and stir again
  • Add water to medium thickness
  • Add calcium chloride to improve the tackiness of the components

Block making:

  • The form must be covered with plastic wrap
  • Apply mortar
  • Tamp in any convenient way
  • Leave the molds to harden for 4-6 days
  • Remove from the molds and dry for another two months

Making adobe blocks

To make adobe blocks for a building, you must:

  • Clay red
  • Straw
  • River sand
  • Water.

There is no exact ratio, usually the solution is assessed visually. The most optimal option:

  • Clay - 1 cubic meter
  • Straw - 20 kg.
  • Sand - 25-30%

To check the readiness of the solution, you need to take a handful of the solution, form a ball and leave it in the sun for 1-2 hours. Then throw the ball to the ground, if it does not crack, the solution is ready. If it cracks or falls apart, you need to reduce the percentage of water and sand.

To make blocks, follow these steps:

  • Prepare a sunny flat area
  • Make a solution
  • Fill the forms with mortar
  • Densify
  • Remove excess mortar with a spatula
  • After 20-30 minutes, the forms should be removed

Blocks dry for 10-15 days. The main condition is to prevent the ingress of water. Whichever method of manufacturing blocks is chosen, in any case, the cost of manufacturing such building materials will be lower than the purchase of finished products. Self-made blocks are much more environmentally friendly and there is a choice of the required sizes.