Cleaning of ventilation ducts. How to clean the ventilation system yourself? Ventilation systems in an apartment building

Ventilation clean rooms invisible to people inside the building. Few people think about the operation of the air exchange system while everything is functioning properly. Therefore, ventilation cleaning begins only when the living space is filled with dampness, mold, unpleasant odors, and the windows are covered with "dew".

A person's well-being directly depends on the surrounding space in general, and access to clean air in particular. The body almost instantly reacts to oxygen deficiency in the room: performance decreases, chronic ailments worsen, high fatigue is observed. This is due to clogged filters and, as a result, a violation of air exchange. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the ventilation

Historical retrospective

Until the end of the 18th century, air ventilation was reduced to the banal ventilation of rooms, premises or halls. All that was required was to open a door or windows. And it didn't need ventilation. At a certain stage in the development of society, this state of affairs suited everyone. The owners of the houses turned a blind eye to the dirt and dust that freely entered the houses.

The first wells for air exchange between the interior and external environment appeared only at the end of the 18th century, at the same time they began to use primitive equipment for cleaning ventilation. Thanks to the new architectural solution, the quality of life of the then population improved significantly.

Cleaning chimneys was well paid, and chimney sweeps were respected in society.

The emergence of something new is inevitably accompanied by the emergence of accompanying problems. This rule turned out to be valid for the system under consideration as well. A new task arose - cleaning the ventilation. Brick air exchange wells were laid out in the usual way, by analogy with stove chimney, and therefore, after several months of active exploitation, the hole “overgrown” with sedimentary rocks from cobwebs, dust, soot and insects.

Chimney sweeps used metal "hedgehogs" to remove soot

The development of technology and an increase in the standard of living of the population contributed to the formation of a new profession for that time - a chimney sweep. The frequency of cleaning was high due to the prevalence furnace heating and fireplaces, and therefore the occupation turned out to be very profitable, albeit dusty.

How to determine when to clean the ventilation system

ventilation in apartment building it is preferable to organize by setting a forced type. But in domestic realities, this is the prerogative of comfort and premium class housing. The lion's share of houses old building equipped with conventional air ducts with a common riser channel. We are talking about the cheapest and easiest connection scheme, but cleaning ventilation ducts You still need to do it, and regularly.

A natural question arises - when to engage in "cleaning" work, by what criteria to determine that the hour "X" has struck?

Before cleaning the air ducts, it is important to determine the degree of contamination

A few signs indicating that it is better to hurry up with cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building:

  • in summer season rooms turn into a "thermos"; it is not possible to normalize the humidity regime even with regular cleaning;
  • dust is actively appearing in the living room;
  • the surface of the filters, as well as the grate of the exhaust system, is covered with a layer of viscous soot (typical for kitchens);
  • double-glazed windows constantly “cry”, condensation is noticeable on them;
  • dampness is felt in all rooms, mold and fungus are present on the walls.

Signs of contamination of the ventilation system

For all of the above, often the only reason is a clogged duct. It is important that ventilation ducts are cleaned at least once every 2 quarters. It is better to delegate the relevant work to specialists, this problem cannot be solved by yourself. The snag may be outside the apartment.

Checking the performance of ventilation ducts

Experts identify several effective ways, allowing to determine the quality of the air ducts, the degree of their pollution. The simplest and surest is to direct the flame of the lighter into the grate of the hood. Be extremely careful - if the interior of the mine is filled with fine dust and cobwebs, there is a high risk of their ignition, spread and fire.

The flame is sensitive to the presence of draft in the ventilation duct

Cleaning the ventilation in the apartment is not required if the flame goes out or goes inside the channel. If visually noticeable deviations are not noticeable, immediately contact the management company, the housing office, for help. The optimal frequency of cleaning is 1 time in 6 months, at least, preventive examinations - 1 time per month.

How do employees of special services check ventilation

Maintenance of ventilation systems is a responsible event assigned to management company due to its belonging to the common house property. To this end, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed a special Decree under No. 410. In fact, these are a set of rules and regulations for the Criminal Code for cleaning ventilation in apartment buildings, preventive examinations.

The specialist can accurately determine the degree of contamination of the air duct

To carry out routine maintenance, a prerequisite is that the specialists of the company have a license of the established form. Inspection activities are carried out quarterly, in accordance with the approved plan, during repair and restoration activities, as well as when rebuilding or changing the configuration of channels, lack of traction.

In the arsenal of specialists there are professional devices for checking the functionality of the system, equipment for cleaning ventilation. Channels are periodically disinfected. Pneumatic brush machines and other devices are used to remove contaminants.

Ventilation cleaning: equipment used

Cleaning ventilation ducts is a responsible event consisting of several stages. At the preliminary stage, the specialist determines the degree of contamination of the local air duct, selects best way fix the problem when it is discovered. Then a decision is made on the feasibility of a common channel (coordination of work with other residents of the house).

Equipment for cleaning ventilation systems

Ventilation cleaning is carried out with special equipment:

  • chemical reagents for dissolving persistent contaminants in hard-to-reach places;
  • electromechanical device;
  • vacuum devices;
  • devices equipped with several brush mechanisms operating on a pneumatic drive;
  • powerful industrial vacuum cleaners.

In emergency cases, you can clean the ventilation system ducts yourself using a flexible shaft with a brush connected to an electric drill.

Not only household processing is becoming in demand, but also industrial cleaning of ventilation and ventilation systems. For such work, highly specialized equipment is used, with the help of which the level of contamination is assessed through a video camera, after which the channel is cleaned and disinfected. During the process, experts remove all debris, even fat.

Cleaning ventilation yourself: effective ways

In accordance with the current rules for the operation of housing, apartment owners are prohibited from interfering with the operation of engineering and main systems. Cleaning of ventilation ducts is the responsibility of management companies, which can delegate them only to licensed services. But do not forget that "the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves."

Self cleaning duct

Each owner should not only know how to clean the ventilation in the apartment, but also be able to do it. The work is simple in nature, and consists of several steps.

  1. In all rooms where ventilation grilles are installed, they are removed. Accumulated dirt, viscous grease and dust particles are removed. I think you should not focus on how to wash them with a detergent.
  2. The area near the hole is processed with a plastic or metal scraper.
  3. To clean the ventilation system, it is better to use a powerful vacuum cleaner by placing the hose in the channel. It is important to "walk" over the entire inner area of ​​the hole.
  4. After completing the cleaning measures, the accessible area of ​​​​the duct is wiped with a damp cloth, the grille is installed in place.

Sleeve of a powerful vacuum cleaner with a fixed brush

To deal with persistent fatty contamination, it is worth contacting a specialized company. Often, their raid-fighting arsenal consists of chemical substances that effectively eliminate residual products that cannot be eliminated by conventional means.

Means used for cleaning air ducts

For local cleaning of ventilation systems, protective grilles, channels in the house, any detergent is suitable. It is better to remove the fat layer with specialized thick consistency intended for washing. kitchen hoods. In this case, it is impossible to do without dismantling the air duct, but the cleaning class upon completion of the work will be much higher. Treatment of problem areas with a disinfectant (hydrogen peroxide is quite suitable) will get rid of microbes, spores, "traveling" through the system.

Detergents perfectly cope with grease and dirt in the ventilation system

To clean an extensive ventilation system, you will have to resort to chemicals and professional equipment. Appropriate solutions are indispensable even in private houses, country cottages where the channels are located under the ceiling sheathing. And if household chemicals are quite suitable for cleaning filters, then for solving narrowly focused tasks you will have to buy professional compositions, which is not always profitable.

air duct cleaning cost

Most owners who receive an exhaustive answer to the question of how to clean the ventilation in an apartment are wondering what price the corresponding services will cost if they contact a cleaning agency. The price factor depends on the region in which the company is located, the remoteness of the object, the list necessary work.

Below is the price list for the services discussed in this article:

Cleaning ventilation, air ducts will cost much less if the company is contacted not by the owner of one apartment, but by a representative from the whole house. In this case, you can count on a significant bonus. If you order regular preventive examinations, moving into the status of a regular customer, the total cost of work will be much lower.

Management companies are reluctant to contact the relevant services. It is easier for them to turn a blind eye to the existing problems and feed the residents with “breakfasts”. Laws, regulations and rules are not written for them, especially when it comes to houses of old construction.

Professional cleaning of ventilation ducts

With self-cleaning, you should be extremely careful. In pursuit of imaginary savings, it is easy to disrupt the functioning of the system. Don't save on own health and the health of your family.

In any building or structure, a ventilation system must be provided, which is laid during the construction process. A ventilation system is needed to remove contaminated and humid air, which is formed as a result of human exploitation of plumbing and household appliances. Also, ventilation is the main element of a favorable microclimate in the room. Your tone and well-being depend on air quality.

According to the method of moving air flows, natural and artificial ventilation are distinguished. It also happens to be supply and exhaust.

Types of ventilation

Natural ventilation provides for air circulation, which is created due to the difference in air temperatures in the street and in the apartment, and atmospheric pressure. These are the cheapest ventilation systems, so almost all old houses are equipped with them. But the system is not widely popular, as it is completely dependent on weather conditions.

Artificial ventilation involves air circulation, which is created using special equipment. These systems are currently used in all apartment buildings.

Supply ventilation brings fresh air into the room, and exhaust ventilation removes polluted air using ventilated appliances, and today is the most common system. Therefore, many people have such questions as how to clean supply and exhaust ventilation. For those who have not experienced this, it will be difficult to perform this procedure, but the following information will help you.

Sooner or later, but any air circulation system becomes clogged and does not function well, and the main signs that you need to clean the ventilation in the house are:

  • air blockage;
  • a large amount of condensation on the windows and dampness in the apartment, darkened corners;
  • the formation of a web around the entrance to the system;
  • large accumulation of dust and small debris.

Causes of clogged ventilation

The most common cause of clogging of air channels is the deposition of a large amount of dust and dirt in the shafts of these channels.

The second reason is the failure of ventilation devices.

In all houses for a total engineering system a special service is responsible, which has access to such work, so it becomes clear who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building. But every tenant has the right to clean the air channel of his apartment. Therefore, it is useful for you to learn how to clean the ventilation in the apartment yourself.

Ventilation cleaning methods

  • manual cleaning. To do this, you need to carefully remove the grate and with the help of special detergents remove all grease, dirt and debris from your channel;
  • cleaning with dry ice, which perfectly removes grease and then evaporates without leaving any smell.

Attention! During self-cleaning, it is forbidden to lower overall objects into the air duct shafts and use chemical reagents.

If you live in an old building and you are interested in the question of how to clean the ventilation in Khrushchev, then one mechanical cleaning method will not be enough. To do this, you need to take care of the following things:

  • on new windows, install a ventilation valve that restores the natural flow of air;
  • install a supply and exhaust device that removes moisture from the premises and provides an optimal atmosphere in your apartment. Such devices are mounted both in windows and on walls.

The most likely places for contamination of ventilation in an apartment are a bathroom and a kitchen. Therefore, many are wondering how to clean the ventilation in the bathroom. For this, a mechanical cleaning method is suitable - 15 minutes and your air channel will be clean.

Ventilation systems in an apartment building

All modern apartment buildings are equipped with two types of ventilation systems:

  1. The vertical ventilation duct is led into the attic horizontal duct - through this system, air masses from all floors are directed into the horizontal duct and out.
  2. Vertical air ducts are led to the attic - according to this system, air masses through a single ventilation shaft heading for the roof.

But these modern systems ventilation does not always cope with its functions. In the first case, air masses from a horizontal duct can enter the apartments of the last floor. To avoid this, you must do the following:

  • double the diameter of the horizontal box, it is better to do this work with a specialist so as not to disturb the engineering design;
  • air channels top floors lead into the ventilation shaft above the horizontal duct.

In the second case, in order to improve the operation of ventilation, it is enough to lengthen the height of the air duct by one meter using a conventional pipe.

How to clean ventilation

Now that we know all about air circulation, we can now learn how to unclog this system. This process consists of five steps:

Before starting work, everything must be examined and checked. To do this, bring a lighter or a match with fire to ventilation outlet. If the flame stretches into the channel, then you don’t have to worry about anything, but if it stands still, then your shaft is clogged and it’s time to find out how to clean the ventilation in the apartment.

Important! With a large accumulation of cobwebs, use another non-flammable method of checking.

mechanical cleaning

During this, you need to take a large ruff or steel cable and clean the air channel, try to clean as much as possible. Clean it of dirt, debris and grease. If this does not help, you need to take larger items and clean again. When cleaning the air channels, you must be careful not to run into a nest of wasps or other unpleasant insects.

Air circulation

For check natural circulation air, you can use a piece of paper and open wide interior doors. If the paper flap does not respond, the circulation needs to be improved. To do this, it is enough to set the gap between the door and the floor at a distance of 4 cm.

Air supply

Natural ventilation is provided by open windows and doors. But in winter you won’t open them much, so you need to resort to additional ways air flow into the room. Today almost every house has plastic windows, which reliably hold, not only heat, but also air. Therefore, all modern windows began to provide supply slots. Cold air comes out of the cracks and mixes with warm air from the battery. In winter it effective method set the optimal microclimate in the apartment.

True, there are rooms in which supply slots may not be enough. In this case, supply wall valves which additionally saturate the room with fresh air.

Additional exhaust system

If, after installing the supply equipment, there is no necessary air circulation, then you can install an additional exhaust system. That is, an electric fan is mounted in the ventilation duct, which pumps air. This provides your room with enough fresh air.

To finally understand how to clean the ventilation in the apartment yourself, the video will best help you figure it out:

If special equipment suddenly does not work for you, then it will not hurt you to know how to clean the crankcase ventilation. Maybe this is the reason. To do this, disconnect the battery and remove the air intake pipe. And then disconnect the throttle actuator and hose. Only then can you start cleaning all the other parts.

Optimum conditions in the room are created thanks to a properly organized ventilation system. At the same time, it is important that the amount of air that enters the room and is removed from it is approximately equal. This will help avoid drafts. All the necessary parameters of the air environment (temperature, humidity and air exchange rate) must be normal so that it is not only pleasant, but also useful to be in such a room. Cleaning ventilation greatly contributes to this and normalizes the operation of the system.

Causes of failure of ventilation systems

Even the most productive and efficient system may fail over time. You can determine the deterioration in the circulation of air flows if you pay attention to the lack of a sufficient supply of fresh air, also the cause bad smell indoors, there may be weak draft in the exhaust ducts, condensation in rooms with a high level of humidity, the formation of fungus and mold. The main reasons that the ventilation system has reduced its functionality are the following factors:

  • blockage in the air duct;
  • depressurization of the ventilation duct section;
  • failure of equipment that maintains normal parameters using automatic control.

Most often, a breakdown of the system is the result of a blockage, in which case it is necessary to clean the ventilation. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to perform regular preventive maintenance of the entire system. Measures that even the owner of private housing can take are to organize the cleaning of the most difficult areas (knees, entrances and exits of ventilation ducts). For this, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of access to them when designing the system.

Consequences of dirty ventilation

Cleaning the ducts of ventilation systems will avoid a number of problems that usually occur if the air has stopped circulating due to blockage:

  • equipment breakdown, because if the system performance has not been reduced, but at the same time there are obstacles to the free movement of air in one of the sections, the device will operate at the maximum power values, which threatens with overload and breakdown;
  • irregular cleaning of ventilation systems causes a deterioration in the well-being of people who are in the room;
  • a decrease in the efficiency of the system, along with its loading, leads to a decrease in the service life of the entire ventilation system;
  • accumulation various pollution in air ducts, as well as deposits of substances on their walls, is dangerous due to the possibility of fire.

Applied technique

Special equipment for cleaning ventilation can greatly simplify the task. At the same time, forces and time are saved, but the owners of private housing do not own specialized equipment, which means that it is necessary to attract professionals to perform such work. Cleaning the ventilation of industrial and civil buildings has its own characteristics: harmful substances in the air, the likelihood of spent elements settling on the walls of the air ducts, the intensity and level of pollution of the air flow passed through the ventilation ducts, and so on. It is often necessary to clean the ventilation from fatty deposits, for example, this is necessary in catering establishments or in residential buildings in the hood above the stove.

Exist whole line ways to remove dirt accumulated in the ventilation ducts. Here, a lot depends on the configuration of the system in the room, which allows you to use different equipment for cleaning ventilation:

  • Brush pneumatic machines.
  • Flexible cleaning shafts ventilation grilles, valves and splitters of various kinds.
  • Vacuum type installations.

Self-cleaning of ventilation from grease and other complex contaminants will require the use of brushes and detergents. If the central ventilation systems are recommended to be serviced for preventive purposes several times a year, then with local ventilation (exhaust above the grill, stove), the ventilation ducts should be cleaned once a week, otherwise the accumulation of fatty deposits can lead to fire.

Maintenance features

Technologies allow to make video inspection of a condition of an air duct. Thanks to these devices, the specialist analyzes the degree of contamination of the system. In order to determine the level of harmfulness of circulated air due to the content of dust, bacteria and fungal spores in it, an additional chemical analysis. Cleaning the ventilation and air conditioning system also includes disinfection. This is due to the characteristics of the air conditioner device.

Condensation regularly falls on the surface of the evaporator (one of the main components of cooling technology), which causes constant moisture in the mechanism. Taking into account the fact that air flows of varying degrees of pollution pass through it, part of the dust from the air settles on the evaporator.

As a result, favorable conditions are created for maintaining the vital activity of various bacteria, fungal spores. In this case, the ventilation systems are cleaned and disinfected.

In addition to the use of special equipment, other methods are used to clean the ventilation ducts, for example, the use of dry ice. This is the most gentle way, removing almost any contamination. Dry ice can be used in systems with air ducts made of different material, besides, after evaporation, it does not leave condensate.

Cleaning ventilation in an apartment building and other large facilities is carried out using this method due to its effectiveness. Along with it, other cleaning equipment can be used in certain areas of particular complexity.

Cleaning an apartment from pathogenic microorganisms is an important component of a successful disinfection procedure. However, in some cases, this measure will not be enough. After all, they can be affected by mold and fungus not only interior spaces in a building or structure. Cleaning may be required for the duct or the entire ventilation system of an apartment building. Ventilation ducts should also be cleaned regularly in commercial buildings. Here, this moment is mandatory regulated by law and requires the maintenance of relevant sanitary documents.

Ventilation needs cleaning and maintenance food production, in places where dirt, dust and grease accumulate. Ventilation equipment and air conditioning systems here can use various ways to regulate the processes of gas exchange in the room. But the call of specialists, the price of which is set based on the complexity and scope of work, allows you to bring it in line with the requirements of the SES.

Why do you need to control air circulation?

Peculiarities modern architecture and building engineering involve the arrangement of forced or natural air exchange systems in buildings and structures. If normal ventilation is not sufficient to achieve desired result, supply or supply and exhaust equipment is used to create the desired effect. However, if ventilation systems are not regularly cleaned, even if designed in accordance with all the rules, it will work with violations. As a result, instead of clean air in the room, dampness will accumulate, mold and fungal deposits will appear.

Specialists of the company "site" remind:
Both business representatives and management companies need to regularly carry out procedures related to maintaining the normal operation of ventilation systems and air ducts. Here, norms and standards are set by the requirements of the SES and allow for the provision of opportunities for safe human life.

What is the danger of clogging the ventilation?

Why is cleaning so important? It is she who allows you to maintain the air exchange system in a safe condition for its operation. It is the serviceability of the ventilation ducts that ensures:

  • normal circulation of air flows in the premises;
  • removal of excess moisture and evaporation;
  • elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, infections, as well as bacterial microflora;
  • lack of opportunities for their clogging with waste products of rodents or insects.

Regular disinfection of channels and air ducts provides every opportunity to prevent the possible appearance of rodents, insects, and other pests. If these objects have not been sanitized for years, talk about a healthy or comfortable atmosphere in the house as a whole and its separate apartments do not have to. Here we will already talk about finding a solution that allows you to quickly and safely eliminate the sources of the problems that have arisen.

Existing rules and requirements

The first and most important thing to remember is that the cleaning of ventilation systems by non-professionals is permissible only within the framework of removing contaminants on the outer parts of the equipment. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this rule is also relevant for air conditioners. You just need to remember that for any manipulation, it is more difficult than simple cleaning dust, you should call professionals. Typically used here A complex approach, enabling successful removal not only surface contamination but also dangers invisible to the human eye.

The use of chemicals special purpose non-professionals should be excluded due to the high risk of poisoning. Their use requires compliance with increased security measures. The equipment with which the work is carried out must be certified and comply with the established requirements. Mandatory at this stage is controlled by the effectiveness of the system.

Processing methods and steps

Professional cleaning of the ventilation system, performed by the site's specialists, is the basis for the successful and safe operation of air duct systems. We take an integrated approach and produce:

  1. Dry mechanized cleaning, which allows you to create all conditions for the removal of dry dust, as well as contaminants accumulated since the previous disinfection treatment.
  2. Manual contact action on the surface - in the presence of ingrained or difficult-to-remove contaminants, allows you to achieve the desired result and bring the object to the regulations established by sanitary standards.
  3. Supply of compressed air to the system, followed by cleaning of the damper and automation.
  4. Full-scale disinfection treatment using special technical and mechanical means.

It is this approach that will provide all the opportunities for successful sanitization. According to the results of the work, an appropriate act of disinfection will be drawn up.

Which organizations require mandatory work?

Cleaning of ventilation systems involves work related to maintaining the required level of sanitary safety. In office and commercial buildings, at residential infrastructure facilities, as well as in medical and educational institutions regular processing is regulated by established requirements and standards. In case of violation of sanitary standards, regulatory authorities impose penalties - in the form of fines, suspension of activities or complete closure of the business. That is why it is necessary to ensure the conclusion of relevant agreements on behalf of an enterprise, organization or entrepreneur even at the stage of opening own business.

All representatives of the business sector are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor. It is he who determines the processes associated with the conduct of production and industrial activities, and also monitors compliance with the established regulations by service enterprises.

What does the company "site" offer?

The specialists of the site company offer the conclusion of contracts for disinfection, as well as a comprehensive cleaning of ventilation ducts and air conditioning systems. Professional approach, modern technical equipment and extensive practical experience allow us to easily cope with the performance of work in any volume. Even the most complex and neglected cases, our specialists can lead to established sanitary standards. It is important to understand that when performing work, it is imperative to take into account the type of activity of the company or organization. The frequency of processing also depends on what exactly the company is doing.

For owners of their own business, we offer opportunities for successful and effective implementation sanitary impact on the internal space of ventilation or air conditioning systems. Based on the results of the cleaning performed by our specialists, control measures are taken to assess the efficiency of air exchange and the degree of its intensity.

Cleaning of ventilation ducts in Moscow by Dez Group employees.

The quality of indoor air and the level of comfort of the environment in which people are constantly located depend on the sanitary condition of ventilation. If the atmosphere is not polluted by harmful impurities and unpleasant odors do not hover in it, this has a beneficial effect on the health of everyone present in the building. The cleanliness and freshness of the air can significantly affect the productivity of office workers, as a lack of oxygen inhibits brain activity. Harmful elements, bacteria and microbes coming from ventilation, accumulating in the body, can lead to difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and, with prolonged exposure, to diseases of varying severity.

For organizations, maintaining and cleaning ventilation ducts is a prerequisite for legitimate business. According to order No. 107 of 12.08.2004:

  • A complete inspection of the system should be carried out at least every 6 months.
  • Tenants and owners of the premises must organize and carry out inspection and cleaning within the established time limits independently, with the involvement of specialists of the appropriate profile.
  • The results of the check are recorded in an act of the established form.
  • Based on the data obtained, a decision is made on the need to clean the system.
  • Processing can only be carried out by a full-time ventilation engineer or an invited professional sanitary service specialist who has the necessary skills to work with ventilation and hoods.
Due to the specific device, cleaning the ventilation ducts is a process that requires the use of special equipment. A device consisting of a long shaft with remote control, replaceable cleaning heads and a live-view camera allows ventilation cleaning specialists to monitor the process at all stages of moving through the channels, effectively clean dirt and penetrate even into hard-to-reach places where it is not possible to reach by conventional means. To work with ventilation pipes and technical elements of air cleaning and cooling systems should not be allowed cleaners, electricians, plumbers or any other employees of the enterprise who are not directly related to air systems.

Checking the ventilation systems for contamination must be carried out at least once every 6 months. One of the following factors or a combination of them is most often considered sufficient grounds for starting the cleaning organization process:

  • The presence of visible contamination: grease, settled dust, mold, fungus, large debris, etc.
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor in the room, the source of which is the ventilation openings.
  • Laboratory analyzes of air and scrapings from the surface of the system showed the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it.
The exact frequency of cleaning the air ducts of ventilation systems is not spelled out in the law. The rationale for this approach may be the fact that at different facilities, climate and ventilation equipment can become contaminated for various reasons, at different rates and with different substances.

In the highly specialized rules of SanPiN, there are separate clauses that regulate microclimatic standards for production, work and other premises. They may vary depending on the scope of the company or organization. These requirements have clear quantitative indicators, which are checked by special devices. When cleaning ventilation ducts, these indicators should not be forgotten. The results of processing should bring the system to the norms prescribed in the legislation.

When cleaning ventilation ducts, the price is formed based on technical device, the length of the system and the nature of the pollution. For standard projects it can be a fixed price, for individual - the cost is calculated for square meter. You can find out the price for processing your particular system at the stage of a telephone conversation at the time of contacting the company. When making a contract for multiple services, the price of the service will be lower than when ordering a single procedure.

Timely cleaning of air ducts of ventilation systems:

  • Prevents the appearance of extraneous odors in the room.
  • Reduces the spread of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses through the air supply system.
  • Provides the necessary conditions to prevent a catastrophe in case of force majeure - fire, smoke, etc.
  • Helps to quickly remove odors from the building - burning, food, tobacco, chemicals for processing rooms and others.
  • Increases the service life of climate control equipment.
  • Reduces repair costs and premature replacement of components or the entire system.
  • Maintains a comfortable atmosphere in all rooms that meets the requirements of the legislation in the field of health and safety.

Certified by Rospotrebnadzor SES "Dez Group" has been cooperating with enterprises and government agencies for more than 12 years, providing services for cleaning and disinfecting ventilation. All work is provided with an official guarantee under the contract. Turning to the specialists of Dez Group, you can be sure of the effectiveness of the procedure, which is carried out in full accordance with the official sanitary rules.