Simple gazebos made of metal supports in the country. Recommendations for installing a metal gazebo in the country

Many owners of summer cottages or country houses, sooner or later, decide to build a gazebo. They build such structures from a variety of materials, including wood, brick, etc. However, a metal gazebo for giving with your own hands is becoming more and more popular, which is more than realistic to make.

What explains the choice of metal as the main building material, because, as you know, the same wood is much simpler in terms of mechanical processing? The fact is that a do-it-yourself gazebo made of metal for a summer residence, built according to the appropriate technology, has a number of advantages, with no shortcomings at all.

Such structures are characterized by:

  • strength and resistance to mechanical stress;
  • high maintainability;
  • long service life;
  • attractive and solid appearance;
  • compatibility with the exterior of various buildings (that is, such a design will look equally advantageous both near a small summer cottage and next to a comfortable cottage);
  • reasonable price in comparison with stationary structures of gazebos made of bricks or glued beams and tongue-and-groove boards.

So, not every summer resident is able to purchase a ready-made gazebo assembled using high-quality metal rolling. Therefore, we will consider what is the instruction for the self-production of structures from metal pipes. Let's say right away that such work is quite within the power of any person who has a small set of plumbing tools.

Features of self-construction of metal structures

Before starting construction with your own hands, you need to stock up on the appropriate materials and tools.

You will need:

  • metal pipes of square and rectangular cross-section;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • components for the preparation of concrete;
  • angle grinder LBM (Bulgarian);
  • welding machine;
  • a screwdriver with the function of an electric drill and a set of drills for metal;
  • water or laser level
  • plumb line;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • shovel and bayonet shovel;
  • accessories for the preparation of concrete.

Like any construction, summer cottages are made of metal with their own hands, starting with project development and budgeting. A simple drawing of a summer cottage can be sketched on paper yourself, indicated the appropriate dimensions and calculated how many materials are required.

If self-development of the project makes it difficult for you, the drawings can be found on our portal.

Do-it-yourself metal construction of a gazebo for a summer residence is a complex work, which includes the following steps:

  • search for a place for installation;
  • marking and cutting of material;
  • frame assembly;
  • installation of structural and decorative elements;
  • anti-corrosion treatment of the finished structure.

Choosing a place for construction

A do-it-yourself gazebo in a dacha made of metal is built on dense leveled ground. For this reason, we mark the perimeter of the future structure on the site and identify all the irregularities.

The identified irregularities are eliminated with a bayonet shovel. In addition, we carefully ram the soil throughout the site. For these purposes, a homemade rammer is ideal, made from trimming a log up to 1.5 m long with a handle attached to the upper end.

Related articles:

Marking and cutting of material

There is a common expression: measure seven times - cut one. This is just about what we have to do. You need to carefully read the dimensions given in the project. After that, it remains to measure the design dimensions on the pipes.

Important: When working with angle grinders, you must follow the safety rules.
That is, you need to work in protective gloves, goggles and, if possible, in a respirator.

We lay out the cut pipes separately - we put the elements of the main frame in a separate stack, we put the scraps in another stack, which will go for the racks of the purlins and screeds.

Important: To save money, the cross-section of the pipes can be reduced in the direction from the main frame to the roof frame.
That is, it is advisable to use the thickest pipes in the lower part of the gazebo, in the middle of the pipe of medium thickness, etc.

Assembling the main frame

The assembly of the gazebo frame begins with the installation of vertical posts, which will bear the main load.

  • Along the perimeter of the gazebo, we mark the places for installing the supports and dig holes 1 meter deep. To simplify the work, you can use a hand drill.
  • After the pits have been dug, we cover the end of the pipes of the main frame with bitumen mastic and set them in place, securing them with props.
  • Next, we prepare a cement-sand mortar at the rate of 3 parts of cement to 6 parts of sand. To save money, 4 parts of fine crushed stone can be added to the resulting solution. The mixture is thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Important: In the absence of a concrete mixer, concrete can be prepared in a trough, stirring with a shovel or garden hoe.

  • Pour the ready-made concrete into the pits in which the pipes are installed. You need to fill up the solution just above the ground level. In order to prevent the solution from spreading to the sides, formwork in the form of a ring is made around the pits from improvised means.

  • After about two days, the supports from the supports can be removed and the installation of other structural elements can be started.
  • In the upper part of the supports, we weld horizontal arcs that connect the parallel supports. On this, the manufacture of the main frame can be considered complete.

Important: Before proceeding with the installation of secondary fasteners, you need to make sure that the main frame is welded tightly enough and is firmly held on its base.

  • After the main frame is made and you are convinced that it is strong enough, we proceed to the installation of fasteners for the roof. As a rule, these elements are corners and plates, which are welded at the points of attachment of the roofing material.
  • Next, in the fasteners, we drill holes for self-tapping screws.

  • Then, we lay the roofing material, for example, a polycarbonate sheet and fasten it with self-tapping screws. If desired, polycarbonate can also be used to decorate the side walls.

Important: To save money, furniture in the gazebo can also be assembled and welded from pipes and trimmed with boards.

Features of welded works

The quality of welding is largely determined by the type of welding machine, the type of electrodes used, the composition and grade of steel, the shape of the pipes, etc.

As a rule, the assembly of summer cottages is carried out using an inverter-type welding machine. When assembling the frame, the pipes are connected “into the corner” and “into the Tavr”. The success of welding depends largely on the preparation of the pipe ends.

Before starting welding, the following preparatory work will need to be done:

  • stripping pipes from dirt, debris and oxides;
  • trimming or straightening the ends with deformation;
  • cleaning the edges, as well as cleaning the outer and inner surfaces adjacent to the edge to a width of at least 1 cm.

We cook the joints until complete welding without interruption. Given the small wall thickness of square pipes, we cook in one layer.

The gazebo is a great opportunity to relax in comfort in the fresh air. This building can be found in almost every yard, on every personal plot. Today they are built of wood, stone, brick, concrete, but the most delicate and lightweight arbors are made of metal.

In this article, we will talk about the types and advantages of metal arbors, what they are made of, we will analyze in detail how to properly design a structure, calculate the dimensions and make a drawing. And also we will give detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make a gazebo from a metal profile with your own hands.

Superiority of metal

Metal gazebos have many advantages. In the construction of a metal profile, you can easily express an endless variety of shapes, sizes and proportions, in a small architectural form you can embody the most incredible fantasies. Needless to say, high-quality metal summer cottages are durable and reliable, and besides, they are very lightweight buildings.

Artistic forging will decorate even the simplest gazebo

With proper processing and maintenance, metal gazebos can stand for many decades, they do not require expensive maintenance during operation, and if necessary, they can always be repaired.

And if wooden buildings need to be protected from chemical and biological influences, from insects, rot, fungi, then perhaps the only serious enemy of a metal profile is rust, but with modern processing methods this has ceased to be a problem. Good protection is powder coating, various primers and anti-corrosion compounds, hammer paint, which you can apply yourself.

Advice: Metal is a material with high thermal conductivity, it heats up quickly and cools down just as quickly. Therefore, if a metal gazebo is entwined with perennial vines and or loaches, then it is better to remove them from the frame for the winter, otherwise they may freeze out.

Metal gazebos, photo build a structure from a square pipe

Design features

By and large, all metal gazebos are a welded or prefabricated frame at the corners, on which a kind of rafter system for the roof is fixed.


The frame is usually made of a shaped pipe: round or square, angle, artistic rolled. For large structures, a frame welded from a channel can serve as the basis.

In terms of installation speed, garden metal gazebos have no competitors; with ready-made drawings and the availability of material, a small, simple welded structure can be made within a few hours.

It is impossible to ignore the light, summer gazebos on a collapsible aluminum or iron frame, with an awning roof, and sometimes with canopy walls. The modern market offers a huge number of summer tents, large and small, but, as a rule, they are rectangular or square, sometimes multifaceted.

Metal gazebos for summer cottages, photo of a collapsible structure on an iron frame

Nor, of course, forged pavilions, there is no limit to imagination, rectangular and round, in the form of carriages and ships, decorated with tracery ligature of curlicues and very simple. A wrought-iron gazebo is undoubtedly a special chic of landscape design.

And a completely new type of summer buildings - metal-plastic arbors. These are collapsible products made of steel profiles, treated with an anti-corrosion compound and covered with a thick layer of PVC. They do not rust, do not rot, they are not afraid of rodents and fungi, they are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. When installing a metal-plastic arbor, it is important to properly prepare the site, the elements should not come into contact with the ground. It is better if it is a slab or columnar foundation.

The product does not require additional maintenance during operation, which saves money and time


The types and styles of arbors are striking in their diversity. Even simple garden pavilions from a professional pipe can be decorated with openwork wrought iron elements, and the building will literally be transformed.

I must say that welded metal canopies combined with some other material look very original, for example, if part of the bearing pillars is made of natural stone, or the parapet is made of decorative wooden lattice.

Photo of metal gazebos combined with brick

Recently, it has become fashionable to make pavilions-gazebos. The closed part of the building is laid out of bricks, sometimes glazed, and a metal open canopy is attached to it. The entire structure can be made under one roof, but most often polycarbonate is used for the metal frame.

Photo of a gazebo made of a profile pipe and polycarbonate


The metal is very ductile, easily welded, which makes it possible to manufacture arbors of various configurations: rectangular, round, multifaceted, combined from several geometric shapes and curvilinear.

Note that metal gazebos always look light and elegant, and if you correctly think over the design and decor of the structure, then it is difficult to find equal to them in beauty and luxury. They can easily compete with wood lace and the beauty of natural stone. And besides, metal goes well with almost any materials, so there is no limit to the perfection of metal arbors.

Country gazebos made of metal, photo of the original design, welded from metal sheets and decorated with forging


An independent gazebo project should include:

  • a plan of a site with a designation of a place for a gazebo, other outbuildings and trees should also be marked on it so that during construction you do not have to face an annoying obstacle;
  • a sketch of the building, you can draw it yourself or find a picture on the Internet;
  • a drawing indicating the location of the bearing walls or pillars, as well as the overall dimensions of the gazebo;
  • a scheme for pouring a foundation, usually a columnar base is laid under small architectural forms: it is imperative to provide supports at the corners and in the middle of the structure;
Advice: To use the gazebo in comfort, do not forget about the wind rose in your area. Locate the entrance from the side from which the wind is least likely to blow.


Of course, looking through photos of beautiful structures sometimes takes your breath away. Beauty! Want! But do not forget that the gazebo will be built with your own hands made of metal, so choose simple structures that echo the design of the main house. Of course, if the plot is large, and the gazebo will hide in the depths of the garden, among the trees, then you can give free rein to your imagination.

Also keep in mind that the easiest way is to build a rectangular metal gazebo, small in size, with a vaulted polycarbonate roof, but in this case there are difficulties, you will have to bend pipes, and this will require a template or pipe bender. The roof can be replaced with a four-pitched roof, but then a little more material is required.

It is better to design the building on vertical supports-pipes (round or square), and after the frame is assembled, you can buy ready-made forged elements and decorate the gazebo from a metal profile.

Iron gazebos, photo of lightweight, portable combined design

Dimensions (edit)

The dimensions of the gazebo directly depend on the functionality of the structure, if this is a room for two, then 3-4 m 2 will be enough, for a large company the area is calculated on the basis of a comfortable stay for 1 person - 2-4 m 2. But as practice has shown and according to numerous reviews on the forums, it can be argued that the most popular arbors are 3 * 3 m, 3 * 4 m, 6 * 4 m.

Iron gazebos, photo of a metal profile structure decorated with forging elements

If the site is small, then it is advisable to build a small metal barrel-arbor, you will not roam in it, but you can sit at the table with a close company.

Photo of a gazebo made of metal profile, a portable, practical and ergonomic frame for small garden plots

Important: If the gazebo from the profile is small and light, then the foundation can not be laid, it is enough to clear the area, and put flat stones or blocks at the corners. But it is better to pave the area under the gazebo with paving stones.

How to weld a gazebo from a metal profile with your own hands

A gazebo made of metal photos, drawings and step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of which are described below, has a rectangular shape of 3 * 4 m, a height of 2.7 m, the roof is hip, the structure is assembled from a metal profile of different sections.

The parapet of the gazebo can be made from ready-made forged gratings, sewn up with wood or polycarbonate

The construction of a gazebo for a summer cottage made of metal begins with clearing a site for a foundation. Remove debris, transfer the markings from the drawings to the terrain, pull the rope in the corners, check the geometry of the corners.

How to make a foundation

Remove the top layer of soil. Dig holes for the posts, 500-700 mm deep. In our case, these are 12 pillars, as shown in the diagram below.

Foundation, pillars layout

The pillars can be laid out of bricks or blocks, in this case, do not forget about the reinforcing strapping every 3-4 rows, you can also use asbestos pipes or ready-made concrete blocks. We will pour in monolithic concrete supports. Pour 100 mm gravel, 100 mm sand at the bottom of the pit, tamp. Tie the post frame from the reinforcement, 4 ribbed rods of 8-10 mm are enough, you can simply stick the reinforcement into the ground, but in this case it will quickly rust.

At the bottom of the pit, on the pillow, pour concrete, 70-100 mm thick, install the prepared reinforcing cage in it, wrap it in 2 layers with roofing felt, pour concrete so that the post is 100-200 mm above ground level. Stick the rods in the middle of the posts so that they stick out. We will tie the frame of the gazebo to them.

Good to know: A reinforced concrete post with a cross section of 400 * 400 mm can withstand loads up to 40 tons.

Concrete pillars can be loaded after 28 days, when the mortar has completely risen

Installing the metal base

For vertical supports, we take square metal posts 100 * 100 mm, but smaller sections are also suitable. Install the vertical posts on the pillars of the foundation and secure with anchors, additionally weld to the reinforcement previously released from the foundation.

To increase the fulcrum and reliability of the attachment, weld the sole on one end of the posts

It is advisable to tie the pillars along the perimeter from the bottom along the perimeter and the middle ones with a channel of 100 * 100 mm. On top of the support we tie it with a rectangular pipe, with a section of 40 * 40 mm, 40 * 60 mm, the central supports are also connected to each other. It remains to make the rafter system.

The rafters are boiled on the ground, from a 20 * 20 mm pipe. Can be assembled as a whole and then lifted with a crane. And you can make a farm in parts. We cook separately the ridge beam, in the photo there is a rectangle in the middle, then the corner trusses. In place (at the top), the rafter system is additionally connected with metal pipes.

The rafter system can be made from both metal and wood

We clean the metal frame from rust, scale and oil stains, prime and paint. On top of the rafters, we sheathe it with plywood, 12 mm thick, moisture resistant, and lay a soft roof on it. We lay logs, wooden blocks 50 * 100 mm on the floor, sew them up with a tongue-and-groove board or decking.

Do-it-yourself metal gazebos can be decorated with forged elements or wood, it all depends on the design of metal structures and on the budget for the construction site

Do-it-yourself metal gazebos for summer cottages are about Relatively light garden structures that fit organically on any site. The material allows you to build a shelter only on the roof supports, avoiding the need to install walls.

You will always feel comfortable in the cool, without isolation from the external environment. The metal can be shaped to any desired shape. Shelters from the heat can be effectively supplemented with other materials: polycarbonate, wood, stone.

Over the years of operation, a lot of configurations of arbors have been created, represented by the greatest variety: square, round, multifaceted, and, if necessary, irregular in shape. However, it is quite difficult to bring the round shape to life, so polygonal or square options are most often used.

Advantages of a metal pavilion for summer cottages

There are far more advantages than disadvantages. The popularity of metal gazebos is explained by a number of useful properties, such as:

Disadvantages of metal shelters

Despite all the positive properties, the garden form also has a number of disadvantages:

Types of metal arbors

There are several types of gazebos for which different materials can be used. The simplest case is an open gazebo in the form of an awning or pergola. You can easily disassemble and carry the gazebo to the house during the cold season. This is especially true if you do not live on the territory during the cold season, and the building can simply be stolen. In addition, lightweight open shelters do not often require a foundation. Most often, a bar or a profile pipe is used.

Do not neglect the following advice: if you are considering how to create a metal gazebo with your own hands, soberly assess your own strengths. You will need narrow knowledge and the necessary equipment. Buildings from a profile require minimal experience. It can be made from a corner, round and square pipes, metal channel beams. Moreover, such a garden house can be assembled by welding or bolted connections.

Builder advice:
If you do not know how to work with a welding machine, there is no welding inverter available, use a bolted connection. In addition, you can always disassemble the building.

Photo: installation of a gazebo with bolted fasteners and by welding
Welded arbors from professional pipes show excellent resistance to the external environment. For the formation of the frame, this material is excellently suited as a load-bearing support that is resistant to deformations and can withstand heavy loads.

Installation of a gazebo with bolted fasteners and by welding

Pergolas made of aluminum profile

In the event that the total amount of iron pipes accumulates a lot of weight, aluminum profile products are often used.

At first, you might think that aluminum gazebos should scare consumers away with their price.
Nevertheless, metal has wide versatility, ease of finishing. Often, such structures are collapsible, because aluminum is difficult to weld. And besides, aluminum is a material that does not corrode, which greatly affects the service life.

The gazebos, created on the basis of an aluminum frame, are often glazed, and in such an option so that on a hot sunny day, you can milk fresh air, open the openings completely. Sashes are often filled with polished 4 mm glass, sometimes this number reaches 12 mm, depending on the area.

The use of modern materials for additional suburban buildings

Gazebos for summer cottages, metal with polycarbonate, are also becoming more widespread. The aforementioned aluminum and iron bases work well with similar material. The honeycomb material is characterized by great flexibility, low cost, and low weight. Which makes it especially attractive for prefab and portable garden houses.

For the decor of the gazebo, 5-8 mm is usually enough. plastic sheets. It also takes place to use monolithic polycarbonate for a large-area gazebo. Another useful property of the material is light transmission and at the same time protection from sunlight. Polycarbonate sheets are used as the roof of the roof, as well as the walls of the shelter. Using a quality product, the material will last more than 10 years.

Of course, the most striking and unique are forged metal gazebos for summer cottages, but usually these products are made by professional blacksmiths to order and require an impressive amount of funds.

We build a metal product with our own hands

Depending on the area, the future gazebo, the choice of material and the connection method, a metal gazebo with your own hands can take from you from one day to a week of active work.

Materials and tools required:

  • hollow pipes for racks of the selected metal, in accordance with the number of sides of the gazebo;
  • mounting brackets;
  • lathing rods or sheets of other material;
  • polycarbonate sheets or roof tiles;
  • protective paint for metal of the selected shade;
  • cement and sand to create a foundation;
  • welding machine and electrodes, grinder, screws and other tools;
  • garden drill of the required diameter.

General conditions for successful construction

To build metal gazebos for a summer residence, you need to draw a plan, or a finished drawing of a metal gazebo, some of which are located below in the download article. In accordance with the idea, it is necessary to calculate the sum of all materials, how the walls and flooring will be erected.

Construction of a portable arbor made of metal

Such a design comes in handy if you rarely use such a structure, or during a holiday, a large number of guests have gathered and the main gazebo is not enough for everyone.

The following steps in construction are distinguished:

Construction of a stationary metal gazebo: step by step instructions

Video - preparation of a gazebo sketch project

Options for popular solutions for metal gazebos

We present you with drawings of metal gazebos made with our own hands and photo examples.
We recommend using proven circuits. The size of 3x2.5 m is considered standard.

Unique design solutions and arrangement of a metal gazebo

As mentioned earlier, metal gazebos for summer cottages are implemented in a lot of options, consider interesting gazebos made of metal photo options:

Prefabricated metal utility blocks, sheds for summer cottages TM "Greenstorage"

A metal utility block or a metal shed is assembled from profiles and sheets of metal on site manually and without the use of special mechanisms. The frame of the metal utility block is assembled from galvanized profiles. The walls and roof of a metal shed are assembled from deep corrugated steel sheets.

Our quick-assembly sheds and utility blocks of the Russian brand Greenstorage are assembled on a pre-prepared flat and level area. The base can be a wooden platform or evenly laid paving slabs. It is desirable that the base be rigid in the plane in order to avoid deformation of the frame, and as a consequence of the difficult closing of the doors in the future. Precision parts - fast assembly. Therefore, we pay great attention to maintaining the exact geometry of parts during their manufacture.

General and technical characteristics of products such as: a shed for a dacha, a utility block for a dacha TM "Greenstorage"

The frame profiles for the floor, walls and ceiling are made of 0.45 mm galvanized steel. Walls and roofs with a thickness of 0.28 mm are assembled from deeply profiled galvanized steel sheet painted in several layers in a hot solution. This ensures the durability of the product. The product does not require additional repair or additional painting during the entire service life. We provide a wide range of models and colors. 10-year rustproofing guarantee.

Advantages of products such as: prefabricated metal shed or prefabricated metal utility block

1. The Greenstorage metal shed provides an inexpensive way to get the sheltered space you need.

2. The metal utility block does not require repair or painting during its entire service life. 10-year rustproofing guarantee.

3. The metal shed "Greenstorage" due to its light weight and compact packaging is easy to transport and easy to install. Precision parts - fast assembly.

4. The metal utility block does not require a special, heavy foundation.

5. Ventilation grilles and openings in the metal shed provide the necessary exchange of air in the room, sufficient to breathe freely and sufficient to prevent the growth of mold on the walls.

6. Sliding doors of the metal shed save space and make it easier to open the shed in winter without requiring additional cleaning of snow and ice.

7. The metal shed has the following advantages over the PVC plastic shed:

  • not toxic
  • does not fade in the sun
  • does not deform during summer-winter cycles
  • not susceptible to gnawing by mice and rats

details on the main page under the heading - ""

Methods of using products such as: prefabricated shed, prefabricated utility block in the country and in the garden plot

A metal utility block or shed can be used for:

Storage of garden tools and work clothes and footwear,

Storage of seed before planting and storage of the harvested crop,

Storage of technical items such as: lawn mowers, pumps and hoses, portable lights and extension cords, bicycles, scooters, snowmobiles, motorcycles, inflatable boats, outboard motors, etc.,

Storage of fishing tackle,

Storage of bulky children's toys intended for outdoor play,

Workshop arrangement,

and much more ...


Aluminum floors

Aluminum floors in sheds, which you may come across in the photographs of our products, are an additional option and are supplied according to individual orders.

This is due to the fact that when a metal utility unit is equipped with a stainless steel floor (additional galvanized frame and U-shaped aluminum sheets), the weight of the product increases multiple times, which requires additional packaging space, and, accordingly, the final cost of the entire product increases significantly.

To assemble and install a metal shed (metal utility block), a base or foundation is required.

We offer one of the options. It is usually used when buying a barn without a metal floor.

  1. We make the base frame from timber treated with an antiseptic. The permissible cross-sectional timber size is width (40 ÷ 60) mm, height (100 ÷ 120) mm, length = length of the utility block + 10 cm.
  2. We assemble the frame by connecting the parts with metal corners.
  3. Having chosen the place of installation of the metal shed, we remove the vegetative soil, in length and width by 12-15 cm larger than the dimensions of the utility block.
  4. We install support blocks at the points of "ligation" of the frame of the base of the utility block, 5-10 cm above the ground level in the horizontal plane.
  5. We fill the entire area with crushed stone to the height of the support blocks and install the frame on the blocks.
  6. We lay a sheet of plywood or OSB (thickness not less than 12 mm) on the frame and fix it along the perimeter to the timber and to the transverse lags of the frame made of timber.

The foundation is ready.

Now you can assemble the metal frame of the shed on the surface of the base (base) in accordance with the step-by-step instructions attached to the shed


1.Bar. 2.Plywood or OSB. 3. Support block. 4. Fastening corner. 5.Screw.

About snow load on the roof of the barn

1. The roofs of collapsible sheds have a slope less than 45 degrees.

Therefore, you need to know and remember that:

  • A roof slope that is self-cleaning from snow is a roof slope with a slope of 45 degrees or more to the horizon.
  • roofs with a slope of less than 45 degrees require periodic cleaning of snow and ice.
  • the main technical requirement for cleaning the roof from snow is to prevent the height of the snow cover on the roof over 30 cm.

2. Below are excerpts from the current regulations for the cleaning of pitched roofs from snow and ice, in force in Russia, Moscow and the Moscow region.

Remember that the responsibility for compliance with the rules and regulations for cleaning pitched roofs from snow and ice always rests only with the individual operating the product, structure, or the operating organization.






The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Utilities Complex decides:

1. To approve the attached Rules and Norms for the technical operation of the housing stock.

2. Not to apply on the territory of the Russian Federation the order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR dated January 5, 1989 N 8 "On the approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock".

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Gosstroy of Russia LN Chernyshov.


N.P. Koshman

RULES AND STANDARDS FOR TECHNICAL OPERATION OF THE HOUSING FUND The roof is cleaned from debris and dirt twice a year: in spring and autumn.

Removal of ice and icicles - as needed.

Soft roofs are not cleared of snow, except for:

gutters and overhangs on pitched roll roofs with an external drain;

snow awnings on all types of roofs, snow awnings and ice from balconies and canopies.

A roof with an external drainage system must be periodically cleaned of snow (snow accumulation with a layer of more than 30 cm is not allowed; during thaws, snow should be dropped at a lower thickness).


on the technical operation of pitched roofs and technologies of anticorrosion protection and sealing of metal roofing surfaces during installation and repair with sealing materials of the ABRIS® S and ABRIS® R brands


Director of LLC

"Plant of sealing materials"

G.A. Savchenkova

Developed by

scientific adviser

problems "Hydroprotection"

O.A. Lukinsky

Moscow, 2005

2.12. During intensive leaf fall and snowfall, it is necessary to quickly clean the roof. Sweeping leaves and snow is safe for roofing. On a galvanized roof, you can throw snow with wooden shovels, leaving a layer of snow about 5 cm thick on the roof. It is strictly forbidden to use metal shovels and similar devices for cleaning the roof, which can damage the roof covering.

2.13. If the layer of freshly fallen snow exceeds 5 cm, snow removal on a roof with a slope of less than 45 ° should be carried out on the roof section for a gable roof at a distance of up to 3 m from the edge of the eaves, and for a pitched roof - 4.5 m.When a snow cover is more than 30 cm thick Taking into account the density of freshly fallen snow of 0.25 g / cm3, the mass of the snow cover exceeds the permissible standard, and, therefore, cleaning is necessary. Roofs with a slope of 45 ° or more are self-cleaning.

Having a personal plot or summer cottage, you involuntarily think about where to store the tool, any materials or garden tools. Often, when building a summer house, the first thing to do is to build a toilet and prefabricated buildings. Then the construction of a residential building begins.

A very practical economical option is a metal shed. It is assembled in a matter of hours and quickly serves as an assistant in the country, regularly performing its functions.

Structures made of metal are quite popular for summer cottages, this is due to the fact that it is not required to erect a base - a concrete cushion. The building also stands comfortably on the ground. Installation of this type is inexpensive and easy to assemble. Moreover, the metal shed is durable and resistant to external influences. Vendors offer various designs, for example, combination with a shower stall or an attached toilet.

There are collapsible utility blocks and welded, the types are due to the method of connections. So, prefabricated sheds are connected using fasteners, and, if necessary, they can be dismantled and assembled in another place of the summer cottage area. This will not affect its quality and characteristics. This type of barn is very convenient for those who have not fully decided on the location of buildings in their country house.

Welded booths are more reliable due to their strength, and manufacturing does not require perfect precision. But it will be difficult to disassemble such a structure, and it is almost impossible to move it as a whole.

Thinking about the construction of a utility block and its location on the dacha site, it is worth considering its purpose and whether it will be combined with other buildings. Often the building is used for:

  1. Improvement of the well, as well as protection of water in it from debris, rainwater. And if there are small children, then the building will limit their access to the water.
  2. Improvements to the appearance of the entrance to the vegetable store.
  3. Storage of garden tools, as well as equipment and machinery.
  4. Storage of outdoor furniture such as barbecue, barbecue, chairs, etc.
  5. Cover firewood, coal, sawdust, sowing soil, seeds and seedlings.
  6. As a garage for motoblocks, motorcycle, seasonal tire storage.

Choosing a place to build

Having decided on the type of building and the material of manufacture - metal or wood, you should plan the place for the building so that the shed can be used comfortably. You should also consider the presence of shelves inside the block, and take into account that they do not interfere with the passage. If the building includes a shower or toilet, then separate entrances should be provided.

To place a barn, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other buildings, their location, and also think over what structures will still be built. Often, they try to arrange the household blocks so that they are not striking, for example, behind the house. But modern sheds look so dignified that they go well with other buildings.

It is important to consider the purpose of the building. If the structure includes a toilet or shower, then there are norms that should be taken into account when locating. These norms are spelled out in a special regulation. There are also general rules for all buildings, observing which you can extend their service life. These include the fact that you should not put the utility block in a lowland, otherwise the accumulation of rainwater will lead to corrosion. You shouldn't build a barn near the fence and you should pay attention to a convenient approach, especially if it is combined with buildings such as a toilet. The site for installation must be flat and close to the residential building.

Prefabricated buildings for economy class summer cottages

Having bought a garden or a personal plot, the soul requires you to do everything with your own hands. It is, in essence, relaxation and satisfaction. And if not everyone decides to build a house, then putting together a wooden shed and a toilet is quite.

A self-made building has sufficient benefits. Unlike the factory structure, all the materials at hand are used here, of which there are enough in the country. These are boards, plywood, sheets of iron, logs, bricks. If you show ingenuity, you can build an excellent utility block for a summer residence.

If you bought a prefabricated structure, then by assembling it yourself, you can save money, but you need to understand at least a little about construction. In general, the price depends on the model, the material of manufacture, the size of the building and ranges from 15 to 85 thousand rubles.

An acquisition for a summer residence of a collapsible utility block made of reinforced plastic is considered budgetary. It costs much less than an all-metal one, and the package includes a window, swing doors, ventilation and a floor. The metal reinforced frame is able to withstand the load from the snow.

Modern plastic is resistant to ultraviolet rays and can withstand temperature drops from + 80 to - 55. Manufacturers give a guarantee for such blocks for up to 30 years, while promising that it will not even be required to paint during service. And since it is relatively light, then there are enough profiles to install, there is no need to pour cement cushions, which is an additional plus in the economy option.

Prefabricated hozblocks made of metal

Installation of the building should be done by two or three people, while preparing the place for the building in advance. It should be flat. Made of concrete or reinforced with metal or wooden rails. For work, you should prepare the tool in advance. Most likely. you need gloves, a stepladder, a level, a tape measure, a screwdriver or drill, as well as screwdrivers, wrenches, screws, nuts, etc.

On average, assembly takes four hours or more. You should first familiarize yourself with the attached assembly instructions. Especially if the module also includes additional buildings, for example, a toilet, a shower, a fence for a well, a vegetable store, etc. After assembling the structure, it must be fixed to the base.

All prefabricated metal structures are a frame made of galvanized profiles or pipes, as well as flat or corrugated sheets for wall cladding. Installation and dismantling are not difficult; anyone, even an unprepared person, can do it.

When buying a ready-made block, it is worth considering only the location, the manufacturer thought out the rest for you. The kit even includes a base for installation on the ground.

The video shows a prefabricated barn:

The advantages of a ready-made purchased household unit are:

  1. Transportation. The shed is packed in one box that even fits into a passenger car.
  2. Aesthetic look. The package includes metal siding, profiled wood.
  3. Galvanized and powder coated corrosion protection.
  4. Resistant to chemicals.
  5. Does not require additional annual painting and is easy to clean with water.
  6. The original design of sliding doors.
  7. Ventilation.

If you decide to assemble the barn yourself, then you should prepare a foundation, which can be tape or columnar, or even from concrete slabs. In the latter version, the foundation can also serve as a floor. The assembly of the module begins with the installation of the frame, then the roof is erected, and at the very end the walls are sheathed.