Floor slabs for the cellar dimensions. How to overlap the cellar: types of floors, monolithic and precast-monolithic slabs, wood structures, with load-bearing beams, basement ceiling insulation

The owners of private houses use the basement to ensure the safety of crops and conservation. The construction does not require additional space, since the cellar is located below the soil level in the foundation part of the building. At the same time, it is important to overlap the cellar in compliance with the construction rules. This will ensure the reliability of the structure and maintain favorable humidity and temperature. Consider how to overlap the cellar on your own.

We are preparing to build a ceiling for the cellar - preparatory work

A storage for the grown crop is often arranged in a garage room. When planning to build a basement in the garage with your own hands, it is important to take into account all the nuances:

  • make sure that there are no utilities below the soil level at the site of the work. This requirement is especially relevant in urban areas, where various highways can be located. If it is possible to go deep into the soil up to three meters, you can start solving the next problem;
  • carry out survey activities aimed at determining the depth of the location of aquifers and assessing the quality of the soil. Professional surveyors will carry out research, present an official conclusion. With increased moisture saturation, drainage and reliable protection of walls and floors should be provided;
  • to develop the optimal layout of the basement, taking into account all the features. Attention should be paid to the shape and dimensions of the basement, which should correspond in size to the contour of the garage. It is important to choose the right material, as well as the technology for building the foundation.
A traditional cellar is arranged so that its entire room is located below ground level.

To ensure a comfortable microclimate, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • providing reliable moisture insulation. Under normal humidity conditions, dampness will not develop;
  • implementation of effective thermal insulation. One of the main tasks in this case is the correct insulation of the ceiling in the cellar;
  • construction of a ventilation system. By circulating the air, a comfortable environment will be maintained.

Having comprehensively solved the listed tasks, you can equip the overlap of the cellar in the garage.

How to protect a cellar from moisture with your own hands

Basement waterproofing protects it from moisture saturation. It is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Plaster the wall surfaces with moisture resistant cement mortar.
  2. Glue the sheet roofing material to the plaster surface.
  3. Erect the brickwork by pressing down on the waterproofing material.

To waterproof the floor, pour a crushed stone-sand mixture onto the surface, compact it to a thickness of 15–20 cm.

This design has many advantages: stable temperature throughout the year

The construction of the basement ceiling is carried out after the walls have been erected, the base has been concreted and the waterproofing work has been performed. There are a number of things to consider:

  • choose the material for the manufacture of the ceiling;
  • study the technology of work performance;
  • calculate the amount of required building materials;
  • determine the overall level of costs;
  • prepare tools and building materials.

To maintain comfortable humidity, it is necessary to consider the design of the hood. Air exchange is carried out in various ways:

  • natural. Ventilation is provided by means of a supply line and an exhaust pipe due to the temperature difference;
  • forced. To increase the efficiency of circulation, a small-sized fan unit is used.

Having completed all the activities on your own, you can significantly save money.

Before making any cellar, the groundwater level is taken into account

What structures of ceilings for the cellar are used

For the construction of the basement ceiling, various solutions are used:

  • solid concrete slabs, reinforced with reinforcement;
  • prefabricated reinforced concrete ceilings made of standard elements;
  • beam structures made of wood;
  • strong beams made from rolled metal.

Let us dwell in detail on the features of each option and construction technology.

How to make a cellar overlap in the form of a monolithic slab

Thinking about how to make a cellar with your own hands, it is important to ensure the reliability of the ceiling structure. Many people prefer a one-piece ceiling made of reinforced concrete.

The sequence of actions for the formation of a monolithic concrete surface:

  1. Decide on the dimensions of the whole block, cut the material for the manufacture of the formwork.
  2. Assemble the panel formwork, securely reinforce it with strong vertical supports.
  3. Check the tightness of the wooden structure and, if necessary, seal the gaps.
  4. Tie the spatial reinforcement lattice using steel rods 1–1.2 cm in diameter.
  5. Ensure the stability of the frame, as well as a fixed distance to the edge of the formwork of 40-50 mm.
  6. Fill the assembled formwork with concrete mortar without stopping until the volume is completely filled.
  7. Remove air bubbles from the grout using special vibrators or reinforcing bars.
  8. Ensure that the hardening concrete is still for a month, then disassemble the formwork.

As soon as the work on the creation of the formwork and reinforcement mesh is completed, the process of pouring concrete mortar can begin.

To ensure the strength of the structures being erected, the following requirements must be observed:

  • ensure the distance between the horizontal formwork beams is 0.5–0.6 m;
  • maintain a constant interval between vertical posts of 1–1.5 m;
  • maintain a step of 15–20 cm between the reinforcing bars;
  • form a solid reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 18–20 cm.

For the construction of the panel frame, moisture-resistant plywood can be used, and the supporting structure can be made of steel telescopic racks. The formed reinforced concrete slab must rest on the walls of the basement part by at least 15 cm.

We form the overlap of the cellar in the garage from prefabricated panels

Precast monolithic technology can be used to form the flow. It provides for the use of standard reinforced concrete panels produced in an industrial environment.

Given the significant weight and dimensions of the slabs, certain difficulties arise when performing work:

  • transportation requires lifting equipment and the involvement of professionals who will install the ceiling for the basement;
  • the dimensions of the room must correspond to the dimensions of the slabs. Standard reinforced concrete panels are 9–12 meters long;
  • plates must be ordered in advance and delivered to the jobsite on time;
  • the basement width should be a multiple of the panel width, taking into account the gaps, which must be carefully concreted.

Slabs made of prefabricated monolithic slabs are suitable for various types of cellars

The sequence of steps for installing a prefabricated monolithic structure:

  1. Lay the slabs with a minimum gap on the top of the walls.
  2. Seal the joints with heat insulating material.
  3. Fill the gaps between the panels with concrete.
  4. Glue the roofing material to the surface of the boards with mastic.

The advantages of this method are the low level of costs and the ability to reduce the time required to complete the work.

We make a floor in the basement from wood

Using a timber beam structure is a proven method for arranging a basement floor.

Work order:

  1. Saturate the wood with an antiseptic.
  2. Waterproof the support planes of the beams with roofing material.
  3. Install the beams on the end surface of the walls, fix them.
  4. Attach the boards to the beams, lay the heat-insulating material.
  5. Cover the insulation with sheet roofing felt.
  6. Fill the resulting structure with soil or fill it with a thin layer of screed.

To ensure the rigidity of the structure, it is important to install the beams in the pre-prepared grooves.

The overlap, which is obtained after using this method, needs high-quality thermal insulation

We build a steel ceiling in the cellar

With the help of an I-beam, you can easily form a reliable structure by performing work in the following order:

  1. Install the profiles, secure them with steel rods.
  2. Assemble the panel formwork and secure it with uprights.
  3. Lay the waterproofing, fill the formwork with concrete mixture.
  4. Spread and compact the concrete evenly.

This design is capable of taking significant loads.

We insulate the ceiling for the cellar

Various materials are used for thermal insulation of premises:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene.

It is allowed to use wood sawdust, which is mixed with cement and applied in an even layer to the surface.

How to block the ceiling - summing up

Decision-making on the choice of the optimal overlap option is carried out individually. It is important to figure out how to overlap the cellar, and carefully study the technology. A properly manufactured structure will be able to operate for decades.


Overlapping a cellar or basement

The size of the cellar room primarily depends on how much things you plan to store in it, and in shape it can be round, square and multifaceted. The design of the cellar includes: the lower part, which goes into the ground, and the ground part (cellar), which is designed to protect the premises from high summer temperatures and winter frosts.

It will be about how best to overlap the cellar, what are the nuances and what you need to pay special attention to in certain options for building a basement.

External arrangement of the basement

For the construction of the cellar, various building materials can be used, such as wood, concrete, natural stone, brick or boards with their further backfilling. The cellar can be used as a regular storage room. Above the cellar, an overlap is made in the form of a flooring of boards on pre-assembled beams, and from above it is covered with heat-insulating material.

It is necessary to take a very responsible attitude to the construction of the vault of the cellar:

  • an earthen cellar should have a gable roof that descends to ground level. For its construction, you can use reeds, branches or straw, which is mixed with clay. The sheathing of the roof itself is made of boards, under the bottom of which roofing material or roofing felt is placed. Often, in order to exclude freezing, the overlap is insulated with peat;
  • the roof of the cellar, in the design of which the cellar is provided, is made pitched, and to ensure the dryness of the walls, the overhangs must be protruding;
  • performing the correct calculation and laying of the vaulted roof of the stone cellar will ensure the strength and reliability of the entire building. It is done on timber formwork with circles, which must be carried out simultaneously from both sides. In the presence of dry places, vaults can be built from unfired red brick;
  • the roof of the deboned above-ground cellar is made of clay, which is mixed with straw. After that, polyethylene or roofing material is applied to it.

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Basement overlap options

Waterproofing scheme from the side of the cellar: 1- overlap of the cellar; 2- wooden frame; 3- brick wall of the cellar; 4- coating with bitumen mastic; 5- filling the sinuses; 6- concrete base; 7- preparation from compacted rubble; 8- glued anti-pressure waterproofing; 9- protective wall; 10 - cement plaster.

After the pit is filled at ground level, the next stage of construction follows - the overlap of the cellar. As a rule, for this purpose, a kind of cornice is built around the entire perimeter of the pit made of ceramic red brick. It should be borne in mind that the laying of each row of bricks should protrude outward by about 3 cm more in comparison with the previous row. Then the cornice is covered with roofing material, on top of which any of the bulk insulation should be laid. After that, you need to make a cement screed, the thickness of which is at least 2 cm, and paste over with roofing material.

For the construction of a vault, various materials can be used, it all depends on the type of structure and the availability of funds for this, but in any case, the structure must be strong, since a large load will act on it. In addition, close attention should be paid to the performance of waterproofing the basement floor.

You can also make a basement overlap from wood. For this, beams are initially made, and after that they are covered with beams or boards. It should be noted that when using wood for the construction of the basement floor, it must be treated with an antiseptic.

After the installation of the flooring from the boards, thermal insulation material is applied. Alternatively, you can use ordinary clay, which is subsequently covered with dry earth. The thermal insulation layer must be at least 0.5 m thick.

There is one but a very significant drawback in using wood for the construction of a basement floor - the wood lends itself to decay.

The cellar overlap scheme is made of a slab insulated with clay grease and earth.

Therefore, wooden floors often have to be repaired.

According to experts, the best material for overlapping a basement is a reinforced concrete slab or concrete mixture. Of course, due to the presence of reinforcement in a reinforced concrete slab, it is much stronger than concrete. With this design of the floor, special attention should be paid to the sealing of the seams. For this purpose, you need to use a cement mortar. Often, it is necessary to make concrete, and even a solution, at home, while it is best to give preference to cement with the M 200 or M 300 brand.

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Features of using concrete slabs

After the reinforced concrete slabs are laid, and the joint joints are sealed with cement mortar, their surface is covered with 2 layers of heated bitumen, and sheet roofing material is laid on top of them. For insulation of the slab, as a rule, slag wool is used.

Often, a cellar is built above the cellar with such an overlap, this will create additional protection for it. The shelter of the cellar itself is recommended to be made of materials that poorly transmit heat. Experts also argue that the door must be built from the north side so that on a hot summer day it is less heated by the sun's rays.

A hatch is often made in the basement floor, which is intended for the intake of fresh air. It is recommended to build a ventilation system in the basement. This requires only two pipes, which are led out into the street through a hatch or directly through the ceiling.

A cellar can be built either under a building or in an open area. In the first version, the floor is always built flat, and in the second it can be made gable.

The correct floor created under the building must be supported by the ground or beams. In both options, it is best to use large-panel reinforced concrete slabs. Do not forget that before installing them, it is necessary to first lay boards under the plates, which will be necessary for hemming the ceiling surface. The resulting ceiling voids must be filled with heat-insulating material before filing. The slabs should be welded on their crest and rest on the beam, and the lower part on the ground. This position of the slabs will reduce the load on the walls.

How to make a basement overlap in the absence of large-panel reinforced concrete slabs? According to experts, you can use slate, under which you pre-mount a solid foundation. In this case, the seams of the floor are sealed with cement mortar, after which the slate floor is covered with soil, which is compacted tightly.

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Overlapping the basement when building a garage

Many vehicle owners have a garage that has a concrete block basement. Such a garage will allow you to store not only equipment and spare parts, but also food in it. In order to feel completely safe while in the garage, you need to adhere to some basic conditions when building a cellar.

When building a basement, the main attention should be paid to the structure of the floor itself, since its variety depends on the size of the garage, the size of the basement, and, of course, on the amount of equipment that will be left in the garage. Experts recommend providing a basement in terms of construction work even before they begin. Then, when organizing the sequence of work, it will be possible to take into account all the requirements imposed on the design in an optimal way.

One of the important parameters of the overlap is its strength. It should not be forgotten that it primarily depends on the strength of the support of this floor. In the complex construction of a garage with a basement, it is best to use standard concrete slabs as a floor. Thus, the basement walls will act as a supporting foundation for the entire garage building and, at the same time, as a support element.

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Influence of soil on the construction of a basement

During operation, horizontal forces will act on the walls of the basement from all sides of the surrounding soil. These forces are trying to deform them. Based on this, the thickness of the walls to be erected should increase in proportion to the depth of the pit. The walls of the cellar are best constructed from concrete blocks. If there is not enough money to purchase them, concrete walls can be built using slip formwork instead.

The bottom of the cellar is covered with a layer of rubble approximately 10 cm thick and a layer of sand at least 5 cm thick. After that, a strip foundation is built. It should be noted that this foundation will be affected by the walls of the cellar, its overlap and the entire structure of the garage room.

In order to do everything properly, experts recommend conducting exploration work at the construction site. This will make it possible to find out if underground utilities are located below, for example, an electric or telephone cable, or, perhaps, groundwater is close enough to the surface.

When the garage is planned to be placed on soil that is abundantly saturated with moisture, it is necessary to create a circular drainage system - this will allow moisture to be removed from the area adjacent to the garage. But under any circumstances, it is necessary to perform external waterproofing of the basement of the cellar.

If the construction will take place on a sufficiently dry ground, waterproofing can be done by applying two layers of hot bitumen. If the soil at the construction site is wet, it will be necessary to paste over the concrete blocks with rolled roofing felt, which has a bitumen base.

Polystyrene foam is considered an excellent waterproof and at the same time insulating material. This material is highly resistant to decay and mold. Installation of this type of insulation is done by pasting over concrete blocks from the outside. It should be borne in mind that the size of the slabs is carefully adjusted to each other, and the joints are also subject to finishing.

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Overlapping the basement in an already erected garage

Diagram of an earthen cellar on a slope: 1- reel; 2- clay; 3- soil, 30 cm; 4- bins.

How to overlap the basement if the garage has already been built? Of course, in the built garage it is impossible to use standard reinforced concrete slabs to overlap the cellar, since special equipment is required for their installation. But the answer to this question is still there.

In this case, the floor is constructed using the installation of load-bearing beams. Experts recommend using beams with an I-section for this purpose. Often, motorists use railway rails for this, pieces of which can be purchased at any scrap metal collection point. It should be borne in mind that for the supporting beam, the mine rails will be weak. They are ideal as cross members that are laid perpendicular to the load-bearing beams.

You need to know that for the ends of the load-bearing beams on the walls of the basement, you need to provide a bed. Thus, the basement walls will act as the foundation for the entire garage structure. After the bearing beams are mounted, reinforcement is laid in the space formed between them. Then the lower formwork is mounted and concrete is poured. You will get a self-made reinforced concrete slab.

When the planned cellar is small in comparison with the area of ​​the garage, then there is another option for constructing a basement floor. In this case, the cellar will be located in a place where there is no load from the weight of the equipment, and its overlap can be made more lightweight.

In all versions of the construction of the floor over the basement, the structure needs insulation.

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Insulation of the cellar overlap

In order to prevent condensation from forming on the ceiling surface of the cellar, and to prevent dampness or fungus from spreading in your basement, you need to insulate the ceiling.

So, for example, the insulation of the basement ceiling in the garage will ensure the absence of condensation, which negatively affects all metal elements of the car.

Reinforced concrete floors can be insulated using various heat-insulating materials, such as foam concrete, sand, semi-rigid mineral wool slabs, foam plastic, straw mats.

Here, for example, is one of the easiest ways. First of all, the concrete floor is primed with a solution of bitumen and diesel fuel (proportion 1: 3). After that, you need to mix sawdust with a cement-sand mortar (proportion 1: 8) and lay in a thick layer (about 30 cm) with further compaction. After 48 hours, a cement-sand screed is performed.

When erecting a free-standing cellar structure, its overlap can be insulated by applying clay on it, and then fill it with dry sand or slag.


A traditional cellar is designed so that its entire room is located below ground level. This design has many advantages: a stable temperature throughout the year, free space on the site, the ability to store food. With this arrangement, the overlap of the cellar is at ground level or slightly higher.

Before making any cellar, the groundwater level is taken into account. If it is located above the floor of the storage, then it is necessary to make an effective waterproofing of the room so that during seasonal movements of water there is no flooding of the room. As a rule, the simplest materials are used for this - roofing material and brick.

First of all, the walls of the room are plastered with cement mortar. This needs to be done from both sides. After that, roofing material is attached to the walls (best of all in 2-3 layers). Then this simple waterproofing must be pressed with a brick wall. Such a building, despite all its simplicity, can withstand groundwater, preventing them from penetrating into the cellar. The floor of the room can be insulated in the same way, but there you first need to make a good pillow of sand and gravel.

Upon completion of the work related to the construction of walls and the implementation of waterproofing of the premises, the moment comes when it is necessary to resolve the issue of overlapping the cellar. In some cases, for this, an ordinary monolithic concrete slab is used, which is made of concrete and a reinforcing cage.

All the work can be done by hand. It is very important to build timber formwork before pouring concrete.

  • Before pouring the floor, special props should be installed, which should hold the structure of the wooden formwork at the time of filling it with concrete and when it dries. In this case, the formwork must be pre-sealed so that the solution does not leak during the pouring process.
  • The next step after creating the formwork is knitting the frame of the concrete slab. The frame, as already noted, is made of reinforcement. The distance between the individual rods should be about 20-25 cm. If your cellar is small in size, then one reinforcing cage will be enough, but when the dimensions of the storage are significant, for greater reliability, it is better to carry out paired reinforcement of the slab. The reinforcement net should protrude several centimeters from the walls of the cellar from different sides.

As soon as the work on creating the formwork and reinforcing mesh is completed, the process of pouring the concrete solution can begin, which will form the future slab. As a rule, the height of the slab does not exceed 30 cm. This is a reliable, monolithic and high-quality ceiling that will serve you for more than a dozen years.

The concrete should be poured as evenly as possible, without interruption, until the entire slab is formed. So that cavities do not form inside the structure, the solution must be vibrated before pouring, which is done by means of an ordinary board or special devices.

After pouring the concrete slab, you need to wait some time (about 3-4 weeks) for it to fully harden and take its final form. According to experts, such an overlap is the most durable and effective. In addition, if you wish, you can even use it as the foundation of a small outbuilding above the earthen cellar.

The overlap made of prefabricated monolithic slabs is suitable for various types of cellars. But, we must take into account that for construction work it will be necessary to hire special lifting equipment.

The installation of such an overlap is performed by a crane, so, in fact, you don't have to do anything with your own hands. It is enough to entrust the work to an experienced crane operator, who will install the stove in the required place.

In the case of using concrete slabs, the dimensions of the cellar will have to be correlated with their standard dimensions.

Certain difficulties are associated with the standardization of the dimensions of the slabs, so you will have to either adjust the dimensions of the cellar to the dimensions of the slab, or find out the dimensions of the structure in advance, and, based on the information received, make the storage of the required length and width.

Several prefabricated monolithic slabs can be laid on the cellar. They are fixed to each other using steel beams. At the same time, do not forget about a high-quality thermal insulation layer, which must be laid in the hollow parts. This approach will allow you to maintain a normal temperature in the cellar throughout the year. Upon completion of all the work, a number of joints are formed, which can be covered with a layer of concrete.

This method of building a floor is simple and quick, but it is customary to refer to it as very costly (of course, if there is no familiar crane operator). In addition to the use of special equipment, a serious workforce is also required. It is worth noting that the ceiling of the storage can be finished at will.

To make a high-quality floor for your cellar, you can use load-bearing beams. Metal beams are best suited for this. If possible, you can even use ordinary rails, which can often be purchased at construction warehouses or at places where scrap metal is received. Often, the beams, from which it is supposed to make the ceiling of the structure, are ordered individually at the factories.

Even conventional rails are suitable as load-bearing beams.

When choosing this method of creating a cellar overlap, at the stage of its construction, it is necessary to provide for the presence of special holes in the walls, which are required for fastening the load-bearing beams. The ceiling of your cellar will experience significant stress. That is why the walls should also be as strong as possible, capable of withstanding the weight of the beams and soil poured from above. By and large, the walls will be the "foundation" for the overlap.

For laying beams in the walls, special holes are provided.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. The load-bearing beams are laid in pre-prepared holes in the wall. By and large, this work can be done independently, but with several assistants, because even the rails have significant weight.
  2. In the space that will be formed after laying the supporting beams, it is necessary to mount reinforcing rods, and then fix it with a special wire. Next, the reliability of the connection and the durability of the beams are checked. If all is well, then a wooden formwork is made and a waterproofing layer is applied to it.
  3. After the installation of the formwork, it is necessary to install supports, which will be designed to take on the load of the cement mortar.
  4. The cement mortar can be mixed with your own hands or ordered ready-made in any construction company. The solution should be poured into the metal frame as evenly as possible and without long interruptions. All sections of the frame must be filled with concrete, something must not be overlooked. Upon completion of the pouring, we distribute the solution over the entire thickness of the structure.
  5. The overlap, which is obtained after using this method, needs high-quality thermal insulation. For this, in principle, any thermal insulation material is suitable.

As a result, you get a reliable floor slab that can withstand serious loads. In this case, the ceiling of the cellar will be perfectly strengthened, insulated and will not cause problems during operation. After all insulation work, the resulting overlap must be covered with soil, making a small mound. In some cases, a gable roof is additionally installed, which will protect the cellar from precipitation.

After installing the ceiling, you should also think about organizing a high-quality ventilation system, on the operation of which, in fact, the safety of products in the storage will depend.

Ideally, it is necessary to install two pipes at once, and one will be the exhaust pipe (its purpose is to remove excessively humid and warm air from the room), and the second supply pipe (responsible for the flow of clean air into the cellar). When using these two pipes in the cellar, the optimal temperature and humidity conditions will be observed throughout the year.

In fact, ventilation needs to be taken care of even at the stage of the overlap device. For example, you can make two small holes into which ventilation pipes will be installed in the future. If your cellar is small, then it is quite possible to do with one pipe.

When installing pipes, it is necessary to provide for the fact that the flow of air can be hampered by precipitation or debris, therefore, a small cap must be made over the pipe, and a metal mesh must be installed inside, which will also protect against insects and rodents from entering the cellar.

Without proper insulation of the basement, storage or cellar floor, any work related to waterproofing and thermal insulation of walls and floors will be simply useless.

To insulate the cellar overlap, it is recommended to use cement mortar and simple sawdust (or any other analogue). In this case, the thermal insulation layer created by the concrete will be about 20 cm thick. It is applied evenly over the entire floor surface. Such a coating will be convenient to use if you want to finish the ceiling in the cellar in the future. For example, it can be painted or plastered.

Polyurethane foam evenly fills all seams and cracks.

If you are a connoisseur of everything modern and innovative, then pay attention to polyurethane foam. Today it is one of the best materials that is able to provide the highest level of thermal insulation of a room. In addition, when using it, you do not need to additionally isolate or fill something, because when spraying, polyurethane foam will fill all cracks and other wall defects. It should be noted that the use of this method is very costly, because polyurethane foam is sprayed using special devices. And for this you will have to hire specialists.

In fact, when insulating a cellar, you can use any heat-insulating material that is suitable in accordance with certain conditions. After all, the specifics of the construction and operation of cellars can be different. Therefore, it is necessary to choose exactly what will be suitable in all respects. For all questions, it is best to consult with specialists in advance.

Chief editor of the site, civil engineer. Graduated from SibSTRIN in 1994, since then he has worked for more than 14 years in construction companies, after which he started his own business. The owner of a company engaged in suburban construction.

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I made my own cellar. Overlapping the cellar

After the walls of the cellar are laid out, you can begin to overlap it. To be honest, I wanted to use a reinforced concrete slab as a ceiling for the cellar. As they say, do it for a long time. However, I did not find the slabs, so I decided to use planks and steel sides from the Kalkhida truck for the construction of the floor.

As the lintels of the cellar overlap, I used a bar with a section of 150 x 150 mm. The bar would be burnt with a blowtorch (the service life of the tree, judging by the construction literature, increases by 20%), and then impregnated with used oil from the Moskvich car.

Apparently, working off is still that disgusting, tk. the beetle that tasted it remained on the log.

Beetle poisoned with used car oil

At first I thought that the beetle just stuck, but no, it really did get poisoned. From the stories of experienced builders, I know that transformer oil protects wood very well from rotting and insects. It is easily absorbed into the wood, as it is quite liquid.

After the timber was soaked in oil and lay in the sun for several days, my friend and I wrapped it in roofing felt. Here, in fact, everything is simple: we wrap the timber in roofing material and fasten the roofing material using a construction stapler.

We wrap the timber in roofing material and fasten it with a stapler

At the ends, we carefully bend the roofing material like an envelope and fasten it with a self-tapping screw.

The beams were laid in such a way that the width of the manhole into the cellar was at least 70 cm after facing. After the floor beams were laid on the walls of the cellar, the ceiling of the cellar was knocked out from below with a septate board 25 mm thick. Roofing material was laid on the boards, a layer of adgelin 5 mm thick, and covered with expanded clay on top (it is advisable to take expanded clay not very large so that it lay denser).

You should not use sawdust for warming the cellar, as a fungus will probably appear in it from dampness, and even different animals may start. As for expanded clay, it quickly picks up excess moisture and dries quickly.

Ventilation pipes were installed in the corners of the cellar. The exhaust pipe is 110 mm and the supply pipe is 50 mm (circled in red in the figures). After that, steel boards from Kalkhida were laid.

For ventilation of the cellar, two PVC pipes are installed in different corners

I decided to immediately fill the floors, while there are no walls. Before pouring the floors, I laid out a base of silicate bricks, putting a layer of roofing material under it.

Filling the floor with concrete

Surely the described option is not optimal, but I hope it will give food for thought.

One last tip: close the cellar lid in winter as tightly as possible, otherwise it may turn out that warm air will escape through it, and not through the pipe intended for "exhaust". This will cause the lid to become wet and moldy.

Outdoor decoration

Peter Kravets

Reading time: 4 minutes


Owners of country houses often have to build a cellar partially or completely buried. Such storage facilities, located below the soil surface, can significantly save space on the site when only the entrance to the storage is equipped.

Structures underground do not freeze even when there are severe frosts, which is why it is so important to properly close the room so that there is an optimal temperature and humidity inside, ensuring the safety of products and workpieces.

When starting to build a cellar, you should decide in advance how to block the cellar so as not to get out of the budget and do the work efficiently and quickly.

When equipping the ceiling in the cellar, from which to make the ceiling, you need to decide when construction is still underway. Consider the main types of possible arrangement. Some of them are also applicable to basements in private houses.

Overlap types

When the pit is equipped and the walls of the cellar are made, it is worth thinking about how to overlap the cellar with your own hands. The materials and cost of such a structure are very important for the overall estimate for the work, therefore it is necessary to understand each type of overlap and the features of the work on the arrangement of the ceiling.

As a rule, the ceiling of the cellar is made with an even overlap, but in some cases it can be made domed. Such a vaulted ceiling will provide a comfortable microclimate for the room, since the air masses in it mix differently than in other arrangement options.

Some scientists claim that the arched ceiling gives a special aura and energy to the room, which contributes to better keeping vegetables fresh than in a building with a flat roof.

Concrete ceiling

How to fill the ceiling in a cellar with concrete so that there are no collapses and damage to the base of the structure? It is important to calculate the loads in advance, find out how to fill the cellar with the mixture, determine the sequence of work and the specifics of concreting buildings of any configuration.

Monolithic slab

Overlapping the cellar with your own hands in the form of a monolithic slab is performed using a frame of reinforcing rods, poured with concrete. With this design, there is no need to use special equipment, cranes, which will significantly save time and cost estimates for construction.

To start work, you need to prepare plywood (15-20 mm thick), beams for the frame, beams and stands for support, concrete mortar, reinforcement and wire for strapping.

The sequence of work on how to make a ceiling in a cellar from concrete:

  • The overlap should be made so that it is located on the walls of the structure, which will themselves serve as a support for it. It is necessary to make special beams for the support, on which the formwork will be located. This design will allow you to keep the integrity of the poured concrete slab, even when it hardens;
  • The boards from which the formwork is made must be sealed so that the mortar does not leak out during pouring. It is also important to soak all parts with antiseptics. The weight of reinforced concrete will reach 500 kg per square meter if a layer of 20 centimeters is poured. The formwork is placed around the perimeter of the building;
  • After the installation of the formwork is completed, a frame is erected from the reinforcement inside, it can be both rods and a mesh. When it is installed, it is necessary to maintain the correct even distance between the rods, usually about 20 centimeters. The lower ends of the rods should be supported by the beams as a supporting structure. Such a frame made of iron protrudes beyond the edges of the slab by 4 centimeters on each side;
  • As soon as the rows of reinforcement are laid horizontally and vertically, all elements of their connections must be tied with wire, observing the dimension of the cells in 15-20 mm. After the installation is completed, the frame is checked for the strength of all joints;
  • After the installation of the mesh, concreting is started. The process is carried out extremely quickly from cement mortar such as binder, sand and gravel. The height of the slab to be poured should be about 20 centimeters;
  • The concrete mass must be poured into the formwork evenly, without interruption, to the very end of the slab. It is important to maintain a uniform pouring direction, avoiding voids. To avoid this, the solution is subjected to vibration. You can use a special vibrating screed, or you can use ordinary wooden blocks;
  • At the end of the work, the concrete mass is closed from the sun, rain or wind. Protect the plate from mechanical damage. After 3 weeks, the formwork is removed.

A layer of reinforcement will be sufficient, but additional reinforcement can be made to increase the strength of the structure. As soon as the pouring is over, the concrete is left to harden, waiting for about a month, during which time it acquires the necessary strength.

Experts recommend using monolithic slabs for cellar floor slabs, since this solution is the most durable, reliable and practical. The surface formed by a slab of concrete can be the foundation for another building to be erected above the structure.

Overlapping timber beams is very easy using railroad rails. They can be bought at scrap metal collection points, or they can be ordered from industrial workshops. In order for the installation of the beams to be correct, special beds are made for them, which reliably fix the steel structure.

The beams are fixed in the walls of the vault, and henceforth they do not pop out under any load. In this case, the walls are the foundation relative to the beams.

The sequence of works on the arrangement of the floor over the beams is as follows:

  • Rows of reinforcement are placed between the beams, which are fastened together with a knitting wire;
  • After arranging the reinforcing mesh between the beams, they begin to make a wooden formwork, on which layers of waterproofing are laid;
  • Frames are placed under the formwork, which will hold the mass of concrete mortar;
  • As soon as the frame is completed, concrete mixtures are poured, prepared independently or purchased in the form of a ready-made solution;
  • Concrete is poured evenly and slowly;
  • The overlap is insulated as soon as the concrete reaches the required strength. You can use any insulation, even roofing material.

Precast monolithic slabs

Precast-monolithic slabs can create a solid overlap, only you need to take into account in the estimate the involvement of construction equipment, a construction crane with loading, for example. This process is quite long. There are other disadvantages, in particular, the size of the slab - typical sizes are not always suitable.

The longest slab of precast-monolithic type is from 9 to 12 meters. Before starting the installation, you need to make sure that these dimensions are suitable for the structure. It is important to consider that the area occupied by the basement should not be larger than the plate itself.

  • The plates are interconnected with steel beams;
  • All hollow parts of the joints are filled with a heat insulator, which will keep warm air inside the room;
  • After the insulation work, layers of waterproofing are placed on the slab in the form of sheets of roofing material and bitumen mastic.

Plates are the optimal material to equip the cellar overlap in the garage. Such a structure is quickly and easily erected, and the price is not too high.

Making a cellar in the garage seems convenient in many ways, in particular, the floor in the garage will be the ceiling for an underground room. The warmth of the upper room will not let the cold and heat into the storage.

Wooden floor

The wooden floor for the cellar can be made with your own hands from wood - beams of suitable size. This requires:

  • Install beams on walls;
  • Bars are attached to the side parts of each beam so that there are supports for the roll-up boards;
  • Homemade reel is laid with self-tapping screws;
  • A layer of vapor barrier is made, which is covered with thermal insulation material
  • The structure is sheathed with plywood treated with special antiseptic solutions;
  • The entire resulting structure is coated with bitumen-based mastic and covered with layers of overlapping roofing material. The soil is poured from above, if it is not planned to build a ground part.

In the case of such an arrangement, the floor slab will act as a floor for the next floor. Such floors can be insulated inside the upper room. Installing a wooden floor is as simple as pouring concrete into the ceiling in a cellar, only it takes less time to set up.

Overlapping wood is not the best choice, as it is vulnerable to moisture and will rot over time!

Ceiling insulation

Temperature and humidity are very dependent on the ceiling and its insulation. Good indoor conditions can be provided by high-quality thermal insulation, for which a cement mortar mixed with sawdust is used. In thickness, such a layer can be 2-4 centimeters. The application is done with a special tool so that there are no irregularities.

Filling the ceiling of the cellar requires subsequent mandatory thermal insulation in any case. As a rule, the ceilings are made double: a layer of expanded clay or earth is poured on top of 20 cm, and the main heat-insulating layer passes from below.

There are two options for ceiling insulation: under a heated living space and under a garage or any unheated building.

Cellar under a warm room

If the main covering of the storage is equipped with high-quality thermal insulation, the ceilings can be insulated with only a slight thermal insulation layer of materials, covering it with a plastic coating on top for decoration.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Penetrating waterproofing impregnation;
  • Pasting the ceiling with insulation;
  • A vapor barrier layer if non-cement bonded particle boards were used.

Cellar under a cold room

If it is impossible to insulate the base of the floor, in particular, when placed under a garage or other outbuilding, then you need to make a double layer of insulation, equipping a false ceiling. It is made of a vapor-proof material that is resistant to moisture. For example, you can take extruded polystyrene foam.

I made my own cellar. Overlapping the cellar

After the walls of the cellar are laid out, you can begin to overlap it. To be honest, I wanted to use a reinforced concrete slab as a ceiling for the cellar. As they say, do it for a long time. However, I did not find the slabs, so I decided to use planks and steel sides from the Kalkhida truck for the construction of the floor.

As the lintels of the cellar overlap, I used a bar with a section of 150 x 150 mm. The bar would be burnt with a blowtorch (the service life of the tree, judging by the construction literature, increases by 20%), and then impregnated with used oil from the Moskvich car.

Apparently, working off is still that disgusting, tk. the beetle that tasted it remained on the log.

Beetle poisoned with used car oil

At first I thought that the beetle just stuck, but no, it really did get poisoned. From the stories of experienced builders, I know that transformer oil protects wood very well from rotting and insects. It is easily absorbed into the wood, as it is quite liquid.

After the timber was soaked in oil and lay in the sun for several days, my friend and I wrapped it in roofing felt. Here, in fact, everything is simple: we wrap the timber in roofing material and fasten the roofing material using a construction stapler.

We wrap the timber in roofing material and fasten it with a stapler

At the ends, we carefully bend the roofing material like an envelope and fasten it with a self-tapping screw.

The beams were laid in such a way that the width of the manhole into the cellar was at least 70 cm after facing. After the floor beams were laid on the walls of the cellar, the ceiling of the cellar was knocked out from below with a septate board 25 mm thick. Roofing material was laid on the boards, a layer of adgelin 5 mm thick, and covered with expanded clay on top (it is advisable to take expanded clay not very large so that it lay denser).

You should not use sawdust for warming the cellar, as a fungus will probably appear in it from dampness, and even different animals may start. As for expanded clay, it quickly picks up excess moisture and dries quickly.

Ventilation pipes were installed in the corners of the cellar. The exhaust pipe is 110 mm and the supply pipe is 50 mm (circled in red in the figures). After that, steel boards from Kalkhida were laid.

For ventilation of the cellar, two PVC pipes are installed in different corners

I decided to immediately fill the floors, while there are no walls. Before pouring the floors, I laid out a base of silicate bricks, putting a layer of roofing material under it.

Filling the floor with concrete

Surely the described option is not optimal, but I hope it will give food for thought.

Last tip: close the cellar lid in winter as tightly as possible, otherwise it may turn out that warm air will escape through it, and not through the pipe intended for "exhaust". This will cause the lid to become wet and moldy.

A buried cellar is built below ground level. Such a design is good in that it does not take up the free space of your land plot.

Such a cellar does not freeze even during the most severe winter cold weather. That is why it is very important to know how to close the cellar correctly so that it becomes a reliable storehouse of food, seals and other things.

When the basement pit is flooded, and its floor and walls are equipped, it's time to think about how to overlap the cellar? What materials are used for this and what is the price of these materials?

To understand how much the overlap will cost you, you need to figure out what types of overlaps exist.

Monolithic slab

One of the overlap options is the use of a monolithic slab. Such a slab for the cellar is made using a reinforcing cage and concrete ().

The instruction for creating a concrete monolithic slab consists of the following steps:

  • The overlap must have such parameters that, when installed, it is located on the walls of the room. These very walls will serve as a support.
  • It is necessary to install special support beams for the formwork. They will allow you to maintain the integrity of the structure during the pouring of concrete and during its hardening.
  • Before pouring, formwork boards must be well sealed to avoid leakage of mortar during pouring.
  • Only after the complete installation of the formwork has been completed, you should start knitting the frame of the reinforcing mesh. During the construction of the reinforcement mesh, it is important to observe the correct distance between the rods, which should be about 20 cm. The resulting iron frame should protrude 4 cm along the edges of the slab on each side.
  • After the mesh is ready, you can proceed directly to concreting. The height of a monolithic slab should be about 20 cm.
  • The concrete should be poured evenly and continuously, until the end of the formation of the entire product.
  • To avoid the formation of internal cavities, the liquid solution should be subjected to a vibration process. This is done using special equipment or ordinary timber.

Tip: One layer of reinforcement mesh will be enough, but for greater structural reliability, it is better to make double reinforcement.

After the pouring process is over, the concrete should be allowed to harden and dry. This process usually takes about a month.

When asked what is the best way to cover the cellar, many professionals will answer that it is a monolithic concrete slab, because such a solution is the most reliable, practical and highly durable. The surface of this floor can be used as a foundation for the construction of various structures.

Precast monolithic slabs

With the help of precast-monolithic slabs, you can also create a ceiling in the cellar. But when constructing such a structure, it is imperative to take into account the need to use a crane during the construction process ().

Installation of prefabricated monolithic floors is carried out using a crane. This process takes a little time.

But this technology has one sad drawback. Plates are made in standard sizes, and in a particular case, they may simply not fit.

The greatest length of the precast monolithic slab is 9-12m. Before starting the installation with the help of these products, you need to make sure of the appropriate parameters of the structure.

Note! The basement width must not exceed the width of the slab to be mounted.

If all the parameters converge, the installation is performed using the crane.

  • Precast monolithic slabs are interconnected by steel beams.
  • The hollow parts of such joints are filled with heat-insulating material. Thermal insulation keeps warm air in the room.
  • After insulation, the joints are filled with concrete;
  • A layer of waterproofing (roofing felt on bitumen mastic) is laid on top of the finished floor.

Precast slabs are considered the best material to create a cellar overlap in a garage. This design has the shortest construction time and the cost of the material is not high.

Overlap made of wood

You can overlap the cellar with your own hands using wooden beams.

To do this, the following instructions must be followed:

  • Install wooden beams on the surface of the basement walls.
  • Attach small bars to the side of the beams to create support for the reel boards.
  • Lay the wooden reel using self-tapping screws.
  • Create a vapor barrier layer, which is covered with a layer of thermal insulation on top.
  • Sew plywood onto the resulting structure. Plywood is treated with specialized antiseptics.
  • Coat the structure with mastic or cover it with roofing material and cover it with earth on top, if no building is planned to be erected above the basement.

Note! Wood as a material for construction has one very significant drawback - wood lends itself to decay.

Overlapping with load-bearing beams

How to properly cover the cellar using the construction of load-bearing beams? For this purpose, conventional railroad tracks are best suited.

You can buy such rails at the scrap metal collection point. You can also order similar steel products in specialized workshops.

In order to install beams in the walls of your basement, special beds must be provided, which are created to securely fix the steel structure. Steel beams must be firmly fixed in the walls and not pop out when any load is applied. For steel beams, the walls become a kind of foundation.

The instruction for creating a slab with load-bearing beams reads:

  • Iron rods of reinforcement are laid between the steel beams and fastened to the beams with a knitting wire.
  • After creating a reinforcing mesh between the beams, they begin to create a wooden formwork. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the formwork.
  • Under the formwork, frames are installed to hold the concrete mass.
  • When the frame is ready, they begin to pour the structure with concrete.
  • Concrete can be prepared by yourself, or you can order a ready-made one from a construction company.
  • Pouring is carried out continuously and evenly.
  • The resulting overlap for the cellar must be insulated. Any insulation material, such as roofing felt, is suitable for insulation.

Basement ceiling insulation

Parameters such as the temperature and humidity of the basement directly depend on how the ceiling was insulated.

The owners of private houses use the basement to ensure the safety of crops and conservation. The construction does not require additional space, since the cellar is located below the soil level in the foundation part of the building. At the same time, it is important to overlap the cellar in compliance with the construction rules. This will ensure the reliability of the structure and maintain favorable humidity and temperature. Consider how to overlap the cellar on your own.

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Upon completion of the work related to the construction of walls and the implementation of waterproofing of the premises, the moment comes when it is necessary to resolve the issue of overlapping the cellar. In some cases, for this, an ordinary monolithic concrete slab is used, which is made of concrete and a reinforcing cage.

All the work can be done by hand. It is very important to build timber formwork before pouring concrete.

  • Before pouring the floor, special props should be installed, which should hold the structure of the wooden formwork at the time of filling it with concrete and when it dries. In this case, the formwork must be pre-sealed so that the solution does not leak during the pouring process.
  • The next step after creating the formwork is knitting the frame of the concrete slab. The frame, as already noted, is made of reinforcement. The distance between the individual rods should be about 20-25 cm. If your cellar is small in size, then one reinforcing cage will be enough, but when the dimensions of the storage are significant, for greater reliability, it is better to carry out paired reinforcement of the slab. The reinforcement net should protrude several centimeters from the walls of the cellar from different sides.

As soon as the work on creating the formwork and reinforcing mesh is completed, the process of pouring the concrete solution can begin, which will form the future slab. As a rule, the height of the slab does not exceed 30 cm. This is a reliable, monolithic and high-quality ceiling that will serve you for more than a dozen years.

The concrete should be poured as evenly as possible, without interruption, until the entire slab is formed. So that cavities do not form inside the structure, the solution must be vibrated before pouring, which is done by means of an ordinary board or special devices.

After pouring the concrete slab, you need to wait some time (about 3-4 weeks) for it to fully harden and take its final form. According to experts, such an overlap is the most durable and effective. In addition, if you wish, you can even use it as the foundation of a small outbuilding above the earthen cellar.

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Source: https://PodvalDoma.ru/stroitelstvo/pogreb/perekrytie.html


Before starting the construction of a cellar with your own hands, you must consider the following points:

  • work begins with the layout of the premises;
  • determine the level of occurrence of groundwater. Waterproofing the premises is necessary if the groundwater level is above the cellar floor. For this, as a rule, roofing material and bricks are used. Cellar waterproofing is an important point that affects the temperature and humidity of the room.

At the end of the work related to the construction of walls and waterproofing the premises, the question arises - how to overlap the cellar.

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Basement floors with concrete slabs

Basement floors with concrete slabs, or as they are also called "voids", require more money, but they are durable, not subject to fire, decay and, in essence, is a ready-made floor base for laying laminate, parquet, linoleum and others.

Basement ceiling with reinforced concrete slabs

True, after all, it will be necessary to lay insulation under the finishing material: cork or a substrate under the laminate. But this, as they say "for later", and at that moment when the basement floor has already been erected and you decided to cover it with reinforced concrete slabs, you need to do the following work:

  • Purchase (subscribe) slabs at the factory of reinforced concrete structures or on the basis of building materials. For example, the cost of a hollow reinforced concrete slab with a size of 1980 x 1490 x 220 mm will cost 5,100 rubles per piece. By the way, at most enterprises or warehouses, you can get advice on the design strength of the material.
  • Prepare a place for laying slabs on the walls of the basement, that is, remove debris, frozen mortar, etc.
  • Order a truck crane for a certain time and provide free access for equipment to the place of work. The cost of renting a truck crane depends on its lifting capacity and boom length. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, services of a five-ton crane with a boom length from 6 to 18 m will cost 8 thousand rubles per shift. A shift is seven hours of work plus one hour for moving. You can also negotiate privately at a rate: one lift is 250 rubles.
  • For successful work, assistants will be required: at least four people.
  • Before laying the slab, a concrete solution is placed in the place of planting of the slab on the end of the basement wall.
  • During the process of installing the slabs, you must be extremely careful and tuck the slabs with a crowbar.
  • After completing the work, it is advisable to remove the excess solution while it has not yet hardened.

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Source: https://remontzhilya.ru/podvalnye-perekrytiya-domov.html

The construction of the basement ceiling is carried out after the walls have been erected, the base has been concreted and the waterproofing work has been performed. There are a number of things to consider:

  • choose the material for the manufacture of the ceiling;
  • study the technology of work performance;
  • calculate the amount of required building materials;
  • determine the overall level of costs;
  • prepare tools and building materials.

To maintain comfortable humidity, it is necessary to consider the design of the hood. Air exchange is carried out in various ways:

  • natural. Ventilation is provided by means of a supply line and an exhaust pipe due to the temperature difference;
  • forced. To increase the efficiency of circulation, a small-sized fan unit is used.

Having completed all the activities on your own, you can significantly save money.

Before making any cellar, the groundwater level is taken into account

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Source: https://pobetony.expert/stroitelstvo/perekrytie-pogreba

When the box is prepared (walls, floor are concreted and waterproofed), a ceiling is built into the basement. What is the best way to make the ceiling? After answering this serious question, you can calculate the need for materials and begin work.

Convenient when the basement is located in the room where the vehicle is stored. Having completed all the work in the garage with your own hands, you can save financial resources, since you will not attract professional builders. To reduce costs, determine the necessary materials in advance, find out the prices at which they can be purchased. This will assess the overall level of spending.

What types of ceilings can be installed in a cellar?

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Specificity of installation of precast-monolithic slabs

The ceiling in the cellar can be formed using precast monolithic slabs. To carry out construction activities, order special lifting equipment, which will significantly speed up the work.

Precast monolithic slabs are blocks that are laid between steel beams and then poured with a small layer of concrete

There are a number of difficulties associated with increased tolerances for the length and width of the slabs. They may simply not match the actual storage sizes. Considering that the length of the slabs ranges from 9 to 12 meters, before starting the installation, they should be compared with the dimensions of the building. If you plan to use monolithic prefabricated slabs, it is advisable to take this into account at the design stage. The size of the basement room in width must correspond to the parameters of the slab to be installed.

If the dimensions of the slabs in the basement match, the installation is carried out using a crane. Perform the activities in the following sequence:

  • connect the structural elements using steel profiles;
  • fill the cavities in the joints with a heat-insulating compound;
  • fill the plane of the joints with concrete;
  • lay the roofing material on the surface using bituminous mastic.

Are you having difficulty how to overlap the cellar? Use a prefabricated structure made of solid reinforced concrete slabs, which are notable for a high price and allow to reduce the construction time.

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Source: https://pobetony.ru/stroitelstvo/perekrytie-pogreba/

What structures of ceilings for the cellar are used

For the construction of the basement ceiling, various solutions are used:

  • solid concrete slabs, reinforced with reinforcement;
  • prefabricated reinforced concrete ceilings made of standard elements;
  • beam structures made of wood;
  • strong beams made from rolled metal.

Let us dwell in detail on the features of each option and construction technology.

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Source: https://pobetony.expert/stroitelstvo/perekrytie-pogreba


When choosing options for how to close the cellar, you need to think over the installation of ventilation in advance. At the stage of the overlap, it is recommended to make holes for the installation of ventilation pipes in the future.

The safety of products in the storage largely depends on high-quality ventilation. The best ventilation will be provided by two pipes, one of which will be the exhaust and the other supply. The pipes are placed diagonally in opposite corners, due to which the air circulation will be more intense.

One of the asbestos-cement pipes should be lowered almost to the very basement floor and not reach 15-20 cm. Another pipe should be installed almost at the level of the basement ceiling and protrude no more than 5-7 cm down.

Objects should not be located near the pipes so as not to obstruct the air flow. To prevent rainfall, debris, penetration of insects and rodents from entering the cellar, caps are mounted above the ventilation pipes, and a metal mesh is installed inside the pipe.

When installing two pipes in the cellar, the optimal temperature and humidity conditions will be observed. For a small room, it is enough to install one chimney. You may need to dry the room.

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Source: https://kopayu.ru/pogreb/perekrytie-pogreba

We make a floor in the basement from wood

Using a timber beam structure is a proven method for arranging a basement floor.

Work order:

  1. Saturate the wood with an antiseptic.
  2. Waterproof the support planes of the beams with roofing material.
  3. Install the beams on the end surface of the walls, fix them.
  4. Attach the boards to the beams, lay the heat-insulating material.
  5. Cover the insulation with sheet roofing felt.
  6. Fill the resulting structure with soil or fill it with a thin layer of screed.

To ensure the rigidity of the structure, it is important to install the beams in the pre-prepared grooves.

The overlap, which is obtained after using this method, needs high-quality thermal insulation

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Source: https://pobetony.expert/stroitelstvo/perekrytie-pogreba

Beam version

To make a high-quality floor for your cellar, you can use load-bearing beams. Metal beams are best suited for this. If possible, you can even use ordinary rails, which can often be purchased at construction warehouses or at places where scrap metal is received. Often, the beams, from which it is supposed to make the ceiling of the structure, are ordered individually at the factories.

Even conventional rails are suitable as load-bearing beams.

When choosing this method of creating a cellar overlap, at the stage of its construction, it is necessary to provide for the presence of special holes in the walls, which are required for fastening the load-bearing beams. The ceiling of your cellar will experience significant stress. That is why the walls should also be as strong as possible, capable of withstanding the weight of the beams and soil poured from above. By and large, the walls will be the "foundation" for the overlap.

For laying beams in the walls, special holes are provided.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. The load-bearing beams are laid in pre-prepared holes in the wall. By and large, this work can be done independently, but with several assistants, because even the rails have significant weight.
  2. In the space that will be formed after laying the supporting beams, it is necessary to mount reinforcing rods, and then fix it with a special wire. Next, the reliability of the connection and the durability of the beams are checked. If all is well, then a wooden formwork is made and a waterproofing layer is applied to it.
  3. After the installation of the formwork, it is necessary to install supports, which will be designed to take on the load of the cement mortar.
  4. The cement mortar can be mixed with your own hands or ordered ready-made in any construction company. The solution should be poured into the metal frame as evenly as possible and without long interruptions. All sections of the frame must be filled with concrete, something must not be overlooked. Upon completion of the pouring, we distribute the solution over the entire thickness of the structure.
  5. The overlap, which is obtained after using this method, needs high-quality thermal insulation. For this, in principle, any thermal insulation material is suitable.

As a result, you get a reliable floor slab that can withstand serious loads. In this case, the ceiling of the cellar will be perfectly strengthened, insulated and will not cause problems during operation. After all insulation work, the resulting overlap must be covered with soil, making a small mound. In some cases, a gable roof is additionally installed, which will protect the cellar from precipitation.

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