Technical capabilities and equipment of horizontal boring machine. Jig boring machine: types and models

Among the turning equipment, machines that belong to the jig boring group are considered the most accurate. A jig boring machine is installed to obtain complex parts, the production of which causes a lot of difficulties. A horizontally jig boring machine or with a vertical arrangement is designed to produce parts with several holes located relative to each other with a certain offset. For the first time, it was the CNC coordinate boring machine that appeared, since the principle of operation is based on moving the workpiece relative to the cutting tool with an accuracy of one thousandth of a millimeter. At the same time, the device can control the accuracy of dimensions, as well as the location of the workpiece in automatic mode.

Application area

Jig boring machines for wood and metal do not differ significantly from each other, the only difference is in what load can be withstood and what cutting tools are installed in the spindle. Of course, on models intended for wood, metal blanks should not be processed.

The jig-boring machine was created to obtain center-to-center holes located relative to each other at a certain distance. The operation of the device is carried out without the installation of special measuring devices, which are designed to guide the instrument.

It should be borne in mind that the principle of operation of a coordinate boring machine provides for the following operations:

  1. Obtaining blind and through holes.
  2. Performing a finishing pass on the surface with a cutter.
  3. Boring and reaming.
  4. Layout work and end surface treatment.
  5. Control of the given dimensions.

The layout of the jig boring machine determines that most of the workpieces are represented by body parts. In addition, work is being carried out to create holes in the conductors, in which they must be located with high accuracy relative to each other.

Boring and other operations on a jig boring machine can be carried out within the framework of the release of medium and large batches of parts.

The installed tools of the jig boring machine also allow marking parts, mainly center-to-center distances. Design features allow you to create holes that are located at an angle or in mutually perpendicular planes. The spindle of the jig boring machine allows you to create holes that are on the end sides.

Considering the types and models of jig boring machines, it should be noted that the equipment can be equipped with an optical reading device, as well as a CNC system for controlling the position of the workpiece and cutting tool. At the same time, manufacturers of jig boring machines indicate that such equipment is a combination of a measuring and metalworking machine. That is why, in some cases, the basing of the workpiece is carried out on the machine in question, but the processing is performed by other equipment.

If the main units of jig boring machines are in good technical condition, then the processing accuracy is 0.004 millimeters. It is impossible to obtain parts with such exact dimensions on metalworking equipment of a conventional turning group. Considering GOST and the accuracy standards of jig boring machines, it should also be noted that some are equipped with a digital display device that allows you to control dimensions with an accuracy of up to thousandths of a millimeter.

Possible layout

Considering jig boring machines and their technical characteristics, attention should be paid to the fact that their use is cost-effective only if accurate positioning of the tool is required. At the same time, there are:

  1. Single column models.
  2. Two-column jig boring machine.

What is the difference between these models? Considering the description of jig boring machines, attention should be paid to how many columns rise above the table. With large table sizes, two stands are installed to increase the rigidity of the structure and ensure a higher positioning accuracy of the tool. A modern jig boring machine can be structurally different, which should be taken into account.

Design features

The horizontal jig boring metalworking machine has become very widespread, since the main units are conveniently located for processing large workpieces. The scheme of a jig boring single-column and two-column machine is significantly different. An example is a single-column type boring lathe:

  1. The main part of the structure is represented by the bed, on which all the nodes are located.
  2. Boring on a modern jig boring machine takes place due to the installation of a special boring head. In some cases, it provides for a quick tool change. The tool of a modern jig boring machine can be attached through special equipment.
  3. Cross table. The principle of operation of this equipment determines the possibility of moving workpieces in two directions.

Manufacturers produce double-column jig boring machines with the following units:

  1. All the same table on which the processing of the workpieces to be installed is carried out. They can be fixed in order to obtain a hole or several with an exact relative position.
  2. Rack and bed. Many models provide for the location of the tool above the body or other part. The spindle can be very different.
  3. Boring head. The main technical characteristics are determined by the features of the boring head to be installed. Some equipment has heads with automatic tool change.

In almost all cases, a two-column jig boring machine or single-column type has a bed, which consists of two flat and one T-shaped guide. The slide moves along these guides. Accuracy standards are maintained in accordance with GOST due to the precise positioning of all elements relative to each other. Control units can be located on a wide variety of structural elements: their types depend on which company is engaged in the production of equipment, and which control system is installed.

Operating principle

At the time of production of the equipment in question, the following points are taken into account:

  1. The part is fixed on the table, which, as noted earlier, can move along the established guides. This moment determines that it is possible to obtain holes by boring.
  2. Almost all metalworking machines, as well as those that can process wood, have a spindle. It should be borne in mind that the spindle is intended for fastening the cutting tool. In some models, the spindle is represented by a head that can change the cutting tool according to a given program. This greatly simplifies the process. The spindle can be located on various elements, it all depends on the characteristics of a particular model.
  3. The boring head and crosshead are also fixed by the operator to the required height, which depends on the size of the part.

Considering a boring lathe, attention should be paid to the fact that the positioning of the spindle is carried out as follows:

  1. The description of this equipment determines the possibility of positioning by installing the table thanks to the perpendicular rails located relative to each other.
  2. The installed head can move along the traverse. That is why a boring lathe can be used to make holes on body workpieces of very large dimensions.

However, the complexity of the design does not lie in the possibility of positioning the tool and the workpiece relative to each other, but in the high accuracy of all dimensions. The standard specifies an accuracy of at least 0.004 mm in error.

CNC Models

It should be borne in mind that the modern coordinate boring machine with CNC has become very widespread in recent years. This is due to the fact that, according to GOST, the dimensions of many parts must be very accurate. Therefore, if, according to GOST, the accuracy must be very high, and production is carried out within a short period of time, attention should be paid to coordinate boring machines with CNC.

Why is this type of equipment so in demand today?

Jig boring machines with CNC are equipped with computers through which coordinates and processing modes are set. Due to the fact that GOST is not observed manually by the operator, but the accuracy is controlled by a computer, the likelihood of an error is significantly reduced. Therefore, GOST today can only be observed when installing models that are equipped with a CNC unit.

CNC models can be used for both roughing and finishing. However, it should be borne in mind that only trained people can become an operator, despite the absence of the need for manual control. Turners and other professionals must undergo retraining in order to properly operate the equipment.

The advantages of models with a numerical control unit include:

  1. High precision of work.
  2. High performance indicator.
  3. Possibility of installation on automated lines.
  4. Protection of the cutting area from the environment.
  5. The ability to produce complex workpieces that have different planes and holes: blind, intersecting, inclined, and so on.
  6. Compact dimensions with high performance.

However, there are also several significant disadvantages:

  1. Quite high cost. The use of modern technologies determines a significant rise in the cost of equipment. Therefore, the profitability of installing CNC machines must be carefully calculated.
  2. Difficulty in service. It is worth remembering that a CNC jig boring machine can only be serviced and repaired by a specialist with the appropriate skills. In the event of damage or failure of one of the units, you will have to contact the seller or companies that provide repair services. It will be practically impossible to solve the problem on your own.
  3. In some cases, it is necessary to hire a specialist to set up production when installing CNC machines. This is due to the difficulties that arise when drawing up a program for processing and setting up equipment.
  4. Labor costs are reduced by up to 80%, and productivity is increased by about 50%. This information determines that one CNC machine can replace three conventional ones.

Modern standards for the manufacture of various parts oblige factories and other organizations involved in production to install CNC machines. This is due to the fact that only they can provide high accuracy in size and surface roughness index.

MZKRS and Stan-Samara are considered the best producers. They produce models that are installed in almost all factories and production lines. The most common models will be called 2V440A, 2D450, 2A450. When choosing the most suitable model, attention is paid to the following points:

  1. The maximum dimensions of the workpiece.
  2. Weight of the structure.
  3. Maximum and minimum bore diameter.
  4. The speed at which the cutting tool can rotate.
  5. Maximum workpiece weight.
  6. Main drive power and all auxiliary motors.

Most often, this metalworking equipment is installed in machine-building shops. Today, models produced under the Newall brand (England) have also become widespread. Models produced under the WHN and WKV brands also gained relatively little distribution.

The first models of universal horizontal boring machines appeared at the beginning of the last century. Today, having gone through a series of serious design transformations, they have turned into productive, powerful and functional devices with a wide range of applications, the price of which is quite acceptable even for small enterprises.

Design features and advantages of universal horizontal boring machines

The main purpose of horizontal boring machines is deep hole boring. Most often, they are used to manufacture gearboxes and turbines, gearboxes and cylinder blocks, electric motors and other similar samples of parts and components for various branches of mechanical engineering.

Speaking about the features of universal models of horizontal boring machines, it is worth noting the retractable spindle design and the cruciform rotary table. The retractable spindle is more rigid than other similar milling equipment. This allows you to successfully perform high-precision machining of workpieces of complex shapes - cylinder blocks or beds simultaneously along the entire length of a large part. The presence of the rear support stand allows to achieve excessive runout of the cutting tool, thereby compensating for the decrease in the intensity of its impact due to the maximum extension length of the spindle in the working position. This is especially important in the process of manufacturing bearing seats for shafts, gearboxes, housings and gearboxes, where it is necessary to ensure the same effect along the entire length of the workpiece.

To increase the functionality of the machines, a cross table of a rotary structure is installed on them. Due to the presence of the rear pillar, this technological solution allows simultaneous boring of holes, for example for bearings, from opposite sides of the body workpiece when it is rotated 180 degrees. It was possible to cope with the problem of some loss of accuracy when moving the workpiece thanks to the technology of hirt fastening on curved teeth and a double-reduction table rotation system with pre-tensioning of the gearing.

An important advantage of universal machine tools is the adequate cost, which can be quickly compensated for in the conditions of both small-scale and one-off production, where non-standard models of parts, tools and structures are made, as well as their repair is carried out. The only requirement that must be met when working on this equipment is the availability of highly qualified and highly qualified borers on the staff of the enterprise. Otherwise, it is recommended to use CNC machines that minimize the effect of the human factor.

The search for the most rational designs of devices, combining small dimensions with ease of assembly and adjustment, led to widespread use in the units and mechanisms of devices of complex designs, boards, brackets and other parts with a large number of holes of 1 and 2 classes of accuracy at tight tolerances, not exceeding 0.01-0.02 mm, for the relative position of the axes of the holes. The simplest and most reliable solution to the problem of machining conjugate systems of precise holes is provided by the use of the coordinate boring method.
The development of this method and the creation of domestic jig boring machines were one of the most important factors that contributed to the achievement of very large successes in the field of precision instrument making. Distinguished by high accuracy and productivity, jig boring machines, along with their wide use in tool shops, have found application in the production shops of instrument-making plants. At present, the domestic machine tool industry equips the instrument-making industry with high-quality precision jig boring machines, however, along with domestic equipment, our factories also operate various models of imported jig boring machines ( processing centers ).

The use of various types of auxiliary and setting devices allows you to expand the capabilities of jig boring machines and widely use them not only for tool work (stamps, molds, machine tools), but also for processing complex and accurate parts in single and small-scale production.
There are two main types of jig boring machines:
- single-column machines whose table receives two mutually perpendicular displacements

2E450; 2E450AF10; 2E450AF30) which can be purchased from the LLC "Machine World" company;
- gantry machines, the table of which receives a longitudinal movement, and the spindle group, mounted on the cross member, receives a transverse movement.

According to the method of counting coordinates, the machines are divided into 3 groups:

1) Machine tools, the coordinates on which are read using a ruler, lead screw, dial and vernier in combination with the so-called correcting device, which corrects the inaccuracy of the screw pitch along its entire length. The use of the core fixture allows the use of large-sized machines with sufficient accuracy.

2) Machine tools, the coordinates of which are measured by end measures and indicators. The lead screws of these machines are not a measuring instrument, but only serve to move the table. The machines of this group are manufactured only as single-column machines.

3) Machine tools, the coordinates of which are measured on exact scales in combination with an optical device. These machines are a more advanced type of boring machines.

To work on jig boring machines, devices and accessories are used that increase the versatility of the machines and expand their technological capabilities. Depending on their purpose, they can be divided into the following groups:

Installation devices. The main purpose of these devices is to install and fasten parts. This type of device includes: squares, rectangular and box-shaped tables, horizontal and universal rotary tables, sinus table, etc. Rotary tables for cattle, in addition to fastening, provide the ability to rotate parts, due to which a rotary setting is added to the longitudinal and transverse movements on the machine. motion.

Fixing accessories

This group includes various types of stands, prisms, all kinds of clamping bars, jacks, stubs, threaded rods, and fastening bolts with a set of nuts and washers, etc.

Fixing devices

With the help of which the location of the part is determined or the part is installed in the required position. These devices are used to set the reference surfaces of the workpieces relative to the machine spindle.

Tool holder accessories

These include eccentric chucks, reducer sleeves, reducer taper sleeves, mandrels, boring bars, universal chucks, tool holders for mounting cutters when boring holes of large diameters, special chucks for turning, special chucks for milling, etc.

Boring machines are widely used in the machine-building industry. Their feature is the ability to process a metal structure or product according to the specified parameters, either in separate parts or in the entire structure. At the same time, there is no need to switch to other types of machines. This is why boring machines are so important in production.

Today there are the following types of these machines:

Turning and boring

Jig boring

Horizontal boring

Diamond boring

The most popular machines are manufactured in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. A distinctive feature of all types of boring machines is the presence of a spindle, a tool is attached to it. The main characteristics to look out for are motor power, drive power and boring spindle diameter. The boring machine weighs approximately 10 to 20 tons.

The most accurate are jig boring machines, in the production process they make fewer errors due to the ability to set coordinates. In general, the operation of this type of equipment does not differ from other types. Such machines are used in mechanical engineering and metallurgy for boring medium-sized parts, control and measuring tools and reference samples. Separate single-column and double-column machines. In single-column, the table is moved in the longitudinal and transverse directions and the vertical movement of the spindle head. In two-column tables, the table has only a longitudinal movement and a transverse movement of the spindle head. Also the latest changes are models with automated program control, which greatly simplifies the work and increases productivity in the enterprise.

The horizontal boring machine has a horizontal spindle located in the headstock. Despite this feature, this type is the most common in use. The table allows you to move, both in the longitudinal and transverse directions, there is a possibility of manual and automated rotation of the table. The main movement in this type of machine is the rotation of the spindle. There are heavy, small and medium-sized horizontal boring machines, depending on the spindle diameter. In the middle, the table moves longitudinal and transverse, in the heavy one, there is no table, and the workpiece is installed on the bed.

Small and medium-sized machines have the main components:

Front pillar

Spindle head


Back pillar.

A feature of boring lathes is a high spindle rotation speed. Here, the part to be machined is mounted on the table, and the tool on the spindle performs rotational cutting movements. These machines are widely used for processing cylindrical and flat surfaces, for turning symmetrical holes with high precision, as well as coordinate boring equipment. The advantage is the presence of a large drilling diameter, the ability to drill and thread, roll fine gears. Today, large-sized lathes are produced with a turning diameter of up to 4 m and a length of up to 32 m.

The diamond boring machine is designed to accurately make holes with a diamond tool on cylindrical and flat clean surfaces of body parts. As a rule, such machines are used in small-scale production, since they have manual or semi-automatic control. Accuracy of boring is achieved through high speeds and low feed rates. These machines have good vibration resistance.

Depending on the location of the axis of rotation of the spindle, machines are divided into:

Vertical, in which the feed goes to the spindle;

Horizontal, here the feed movement is imparted to the table.

Also separate single-spindle and multi-spindle. In all types, the spindles are mounted in precision rolling or plain bearings. The workpiece is fixed on the table, which receives a longitudinal feed. This is done using a stepless control mechanism. The cutting part for processing workpieces is made of industrial diamonds, tungsten-cobalt and titanium-cobalt alloys. The cutters are mounted in special frames that prevent vibration and vibration for accurate boring. The most common diamond boring machines are multi-spindle machines.

The boring machine is used for processing workpieces in both single and batch production. Such equipment belongs to the universal class. It is possible to process products with high quality, including without transferring the workpieces to any other specialized machines.

Main purpose

Machines of this type are used primarily, of course, for boring holes of different diameters in blanks. But if necessary, they can also be used for:

  • turning the outer surfaces of cylindrical parts;
  • processing of the ends of the workpieces;
  • countersinking and reaming holes;
  • threading;
  • milling.

Types of boring machines

Equipment of this type can be classified according to several criteria. According to the scope of application, such machines can be:

  • universal turning and boring;
  • specialized.

The machines of the second group, in turn, are subdivided into the following types:

  • horizontal boring;
  • jig boring;
  • diamond boring.

Recently, CNC boring machines have become very widespread at enterprises.

What working tools are used

Operations on equipment such as a boring machine can thus be done in a variety of ways. When processing parts on these units, cutting tools are used such as:

  • drill;
  • cutter;
  • cutter;
  • countersink;
  • tap, etc.

When choosing this type of equipment of any type, first of all, they pay attention to the diameter of the spindle.

What can be a jig boring machine

Equipment of this type is designed primarily for the most accurate processing of workpieces. Jig boring machines can be:

  • single-column;
  • two-column.

The design of such machines includes:

  • bed;
  • rack;
  • table with skids;
  • boring head.

Also, a traverse is included in the design of such equipment.

Features of work on a coordinate boring machine

When using equipment of this type, the workpiece to be processed is preliminarily fixed on the working table. Next, the required cutting tool is installed in the spindle. Then the work is done in the following order:

  • depending on the height of the workpiece, adjust the traverse and boring head;
  • set the spindle to the specified coordinates.

The last operation on equipment such as a jig boring machine, depending on its type, can be performed in different ways. On a single column model, the spindle is properly positioned by moving the work table in two perpendicular directions. On two-rack equipment:

  • the table is moved in the longitudinal direction;
  • the boring head is moved laterally along the traverse.

Range of jig boring machines

Many manufacturers produce such equipment today. But most often, enterprises use coordinate boring machines:

  • 2E450. This single column model has a table dimensions of 630 x 1120 mm and is equipped with an optical measurement system, supplemented by a screen readout. Also, this boring machine has an automatic slide stop function. Another convenience-enhancing addition to this model is the preset device.
  • 2D450. This model also has a table size of 630 x 1120. The optical device included in its design can count both integer and fractional parts of coordinates.

Of course, other coordinate boring machines can also be used in enterprises. Models 2A450, 2L450AF11-01, for example, are also in great demand today.

Horizontal boring machines

Such equipment is also used quite often in factories and workshops. Its main distinguishing feature is that the spindle is located horizontally in it. The main movement of the latter is rotational-translational relative to the axis. In this case, during turning, both the supply of the workpiece and the movement of the working tool itself can be carried out.

Moving the headstock on equipment such as a horizontal boring machine is an additional movement.

What models can be used

Equipment of this type can be supplied to the market today, both conventional universal with a spindle with a diameter of 110-130 mm, and heavy. The latter type machines are usually additionally equipped with a slider and a movable column.

Manufacturers also produce many models of such equipment. For example, aggregates of the VFC and F.O.R.T lines are very popular among consumers.

The horizontal boring machine VFC can be designed for processing workpieces weighing up to 10 tons. Such machines are used mainly for boring parts made of cast iron and steel. These models are built on a modular basis and have a turntable.

The F.O.R.T series machines are also available on the market in a very wide range. They can have a classic design with a cruciform table or with a movable column. Table sizes of F.O.R.T horizontal boring machines range from 1250 x 1400 mm to 4000 x 4000 mm. In this case, the spindle diameter can be equal to 100-260 mm.

Diamond boring machines

Equipment of this type is intended mainly for fine finishing of workpieces. The tools in such machines, as can already be judged by their name, use either diamond or carbide. A boring machine of this type can be used for processing workpieces made of steel and cast iron, as well as from alloys of non-ferrous metals, ebonite, textolite, rubber, etc. In some cases, diamond boring can even replace grinding.

Cutting on such equipment is carried out at a significant speed and at the same time a small depth of material removal. By the location of the spindle, diamond boring machines can be horizontal or vertical.

The lineup

This type of equipment on the market is not as widespread as horizontal and coordinate boring machines. However, there are also quite a few brands of such units produced today. One of the most popular models of such equipment is the 2A78. This boring machine has very good technical characteristics. The dimensions of the table for this model are 500 x 1000. Using this equipment, you can make holes in workpieces with a diameter of 27-200 mm.

Lathes and boring machines

The main feature of this type of equipment is a very high spindle rotation speed. The boring lathe can be used to machine both flat and cylindrical parts.

When working on such equipment, the workpiece is mounted on the table. In this case, the spindle performs a rotational-translational movement.

Modern industry also produces large-sized lathes and boring machines. The turning diameter of such equipment can be equal to 4 m. At the same time, the machine is allowed to process parts up to 32 m long. The most popular model of a turning-boring machine at the moment is 2A656RF11.

CNC equipment

CNC can be supplemented with both diamond and horizontal, turning and coordinate boring machines. Modern electronics, of course, significantly increases the convenience of using this equipment. The work of a CNC machine is not controlled by a turner manually, but through a computer. This allows for the highest drilling or cutting accuracy and maximum productivity.

Boring machines with CNC can be used for both roughing and finishing workpieces. They cost, of course, much more expensive than conventional models. Only turners who have undergone a retraining program can work on such machines.