Exhaust ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows. What is forced ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows for?

When installing energy-saving enclosing structures, not only heat transfer is reduced. Together with the preservation of heat, moisture and carbon dioxide remain in the room. Why is forced ventilation used in an apartment with plastic windows, will it allow you to bring the ambient air parameters to the standard values? It all depends on the chosen scheme and the equipment used.

When plastic windows are installed in an apartment, like any other enclosing structures with similar properties, natural air exchange in the premises is stopped by infiltration. There are practically no cracks and flaws in such devices. This helps to reduce the cost of heating the premises, but other problems arise. To solve them, forced ventilation is used in an apartment with plastic windows.

If there is insufficient air exchange in the room, the relative humidity and the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from human breathing or from household appliances increase. If humidity is invisible in summer, then in the cold season it causes condensation on windows and outer walls, which leads to the growth of fungi and microorganisms.

During breathing, a person will emit about 20 liters of carbon dioxide per hour, and the absence of forced or natural ventilation leads to an increase in its content in the air to a level exceeding sanitary standards.

Ventilation parameters for an apartment with PVC windows

Forced ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows should be based on the calculation of the required air exchange. For each type of premises, parameters have been adopted that describe the required levels of air exchange, moisture content and the presence of impurities in the air. For apartments, they are guided by the values ​​from SNiP 31-01-2003 "Multi-apartment residential buildings".

Provides the calculated amount of supply air forced or natural ventilation. Natural systems are highly dependent on weather, seasons and require careful calculation. A properly designed system in an apartment with plastic and any other windows includes an inflow, which is distributed in living rooms, and an exhaust from ancillary premises (bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, wardrobe closets, etc.).

Dew point and condensation

Why does the possibility of moisture settling on external structures increase when using plastic windows? Condensation of water vapor occurs on materials if their temperature meets the requirements for starting the process. In an apartment, this requires that the temperature of the window or wall surface drops to the condensation temperature at a given relative humidity - the "dew point". The relationship is direct: the higher the air humidity in the apartment, the higher this temperature. Condensation starts earlier without ventilation. Forced ventilation mixes indoor air with dry outdoor air and reduces humidity.

Composition of the forced ventilation system

Mechanical ventilation systems consist of supply branches and exhaust ducts. For proper operation, it is necessary that they are calculated correctly and compensate for each other. The air balance must be observed in the apartment. The supply part can consist of the following elements:

  • supply unit and natural exhaust system (through ventilation shafts);
  • supply unit and exhaust fans;
  • supply and exhaust system with a recuperator;
  • mechanical exhaust and supply valves (wall or in windows).

It is more convenient to calculate and configure a system with a mechanical supply and exhaust.

The use of units with a recuperator allows you to reduce the cost of heating fresh air, but you need to carefully calculate the air exchange. Such a unit does not take into account the presence of separate exhaust systems from the kitchen stove and the bathroom (which cannot be combined into one network with living quarters).

Supply valves are simple and cheap devices, but they do not allow to regulate the amount of supplied air within the required limits. Large rooms require the installation of several of these valves. It all depends on the quality and correctness of the choice of exhaust devices.

An example of equipment selection

How is equipment selected and forced ventilation calculated in an apartment with plastic windows? The work takes place in several stages:

  • air exchange is determined for each room (for this, regulatory documents are used);
  • the type of equipment and its composition are selected;
  • the layout of the air ducts and the location of the units are being designed.

We will conduct an estimated selection of forced ventilation for an apartment with plastic windows with an area of ​​69.5 sq. m. According to the norms of air exchange, we determine the required amount of air for each room. Taking into account the fact that 4 people live there:

The streams are organized in such a way that fresh air enters the living rooms and leaves the apartment in places with possible unpleasant odors and pollution (bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens). Duct fans are used as exhaust units.

Outside air supply is organized in several ways:

  • installations of forced ventilation with heating and filtration;
  • window or other valves.

The first option is more reliable, but its cost is significantly higher than in the case of choosing passive valves. Wall valves and devices installed in plastic windows are not always able to provide the calculated air exchange (the volume of inflow through them is on average 10–30 m3 / h).

For our apartment we choose the following units:

  • exhaust fans Systemair BF 120 (capacity 45 m3 / h) to the bathroom and toilet;
  • exhaust fan Systemair BF 150 (capacity 200 m3 / h) into the kitchen;
  • Air handling unit Systemair TLP 160 (air capacity 300 m3 / h).

The devices are distinguished by their compactness, low noise level and durability, which makes them suitable for use in apartments and residential buildings. The supply and exhaust volumes compensate each other within 10%, the air balance is observed.

Supply air equipment is mounted on a loggia or in a corridor. The inflow, heated and cleaned, is fed through tin air ducts to each living room.

Read more about air ducts in the article "Calculation of ventilation ducts: principles and example".

Do not forget to take into account that forced systems are equipped with an air heater. This will increase the consumption of electricity or other resources during their use.

Forced ventilation will provide the desired parameters in an apartment with plastic windows. It is not as dependent on external factors as natural, and is simply customizable. In housing and other rooms with poor natural ventilation, such a system is necessary for the well-being of people and the safety of structures.

Plastic windows are an ingenious invention of the second half of the 20th century. They are beautiful, neat, airtight, practically maintenance-free, perfectly insulating the apartment. Their advantages can be enumerated for more than one hour.

But they were invented by German engineers out of despair, since after the Great Patriotic War, huge resources were required to restore defeated and defeated Germany. There was practically no forest for the manufacture of windows, or it was very expensive. To replace it, plastic windows were invented, which were several times more expensive than wooden ones. The essence of their invention was that only one frame was required to keep warm in the apartments, and this made the product much cheaper. As a result, it turned out that the plastic single-chamber double-glazed window completely replaced the double-frame wooden windows without any heat loss.

But despite all the wonderful qualities of metal-plastic windows, they are not without drawbacks. Moreover, the shortcomings are so serious that they call into question the need for their use. So it is or not, let's figure it out together.

Light transmission - the problem of plastic windows

Today, most people start repairing their homes by replacing old wooden windows with new, metal-plastic ones. But here's what most of the people who installed these modern products noticed: although the glass unit visually occupies 90% of the total area in new windows, there is less light in the apartments. But if you count, it turns out that the glazing area of ​​such windows is about 20% less than wooden ones. And this is not the most important problem.

What happens in an apartment with good windows, but no good ventilation

Let's go a little deeper into the theory. The ventilation principle in our houses is natural, which means that polluted and exhaust air comes out of and into the bathroom. Fresh air enters our apartments through natural leaks in the windows. There were various cracks in our old, not always beautiful, wooden windows. We fought with them, but they defeated us, regularly forcing them to stick them with strips of paper. But thanks to them, our ventilation system worked like a clock: one air came out, giving way to clean and fresh.

What happens to ventilation after installing PVC windows? But nothing, you can not say something about what is not. The ventilation does not work in the apartment, and again this is not the worst thing, in fact, the terrible thing appears a little later. After a short time, high humidity appears in the dwelling, which is an ideal place for the reproduction of microorganisms, and not only "kind and good" ones. Together with bacteria, fungi appear in a damp, warm room.

Do not think that mushrooms will begin to appear in a friendly formation in the corners of your home. Your home is turning into a real mushroom plantation, but these mushrooms are "little killers" living on the walls and ceiling, capable of knocking down a healthy person with severe asthma or allergies in a matter of months. Air circulation in such an apartment is disrupted and this leads to a sharp decrease in the oxygen content in it and an increase in the level of toxic substances.

Second scenario for the development of events.

Suppose that the ventilation system in the apartment, after installing PVC windows and airtight doors with good sealing, works. But since there is no air flow, only the natural exhaust hood remains in operation, which is in the toilet and in the kitchen. The hood works properly and pumps air out of the premises, but the vacuum still will not work, since one of the two exhaust systems will simply turn into a supply system. What is the threat? And practically nothing, except for the appearance in the apartment of wonderful aromas from neighboring kitchens or toilets, from the system of which air will be pumped out.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDbXkfEmhtM And all this is due to the lack of air circulation caused by the excellent sealed plastic windows. Do not think, we in no way propose to abandon really good PVC windows, moreover, thanks to their production, the forest is preserved, and it, as you know, is the lungs of the planet. We told these horror stories in order for you to understand that you need to approach the replacement of your wooden windows with PVC products in a comprehensive manner, i.e. immediately take measures to establish ventilation in an airtight room.

How to make ventilation in a sealed apartment

There are several options for the implementation of this project: restore the natural flow of air or organize forced ventilation in your home. But this type of ventilation system is quite costly. It is much easier, faster and much cheaper to organize natural ventilation of the room using one of the methods we have proposed.

  1. Ventilate the apartment.
  2. Install micro-ventilation systems on your PVC windows.
  3. Organize air circulation by installing.
  4. Install compact fresh air ventilation in the apartment.

Airing the home A very good and not entirely effective habit for restoring indoor air circulation. It is good because when airing, oxygen enters the room, and an influx of air masses is created. But why not entirely effective? Together with oxygen, the apartment gets: exhaust gases, industrial products, dust, which not all good air filters can cope with, street noise. And all this in good weather conditions. Ventilation is excellent as a short-term measure to increase air circulation, and for hardening the body. And it is also an excellent method of self-complacency: "I ventilate the room, so I am doing something to improve the microclimate in the home and my health!" Micro ventilation systems Micro-ventilation is or a device that will let in a weak air flow from the street. Due to the variety of such devices, it is easy, and most importantly, without special financial costs, to organize "natural cracks" in window openings. Such devices are also good in that most of them can be installed on their own, without resorting to the help of professionals. Some types of devices still have to be installed with the help of window system manufacturers. There are also more serious devices that automatically, when the humidity or temperature inside the apartment changes, either open, allowing air to freely enter the room, or close, completely blocking the access of air to the dwelling. The micro-ventilation system will provide your home with a sufficient supply of fresh air, remove excess moisture from the premises and create a good microclimate in your apartment. Installation of supply wall valves in the apartment A wonderful and inexpensive "tool" for creating air flow. A hole of a certain diameter is drilled in the wall, and a supply valve is "implanted" into it.

  • It looks like a plastic piece of pipe with a diameter of 5-6 cm.
  • The principle of its operation is that air through it freely enters the room, but cannot go back. The valve provides regulation of the air flow, its filtration from mechanical impurities.
  • When installing it behind the heating devices, that is, behind the battery, the supply air will also be heated by it. There is nothing difficult and expensive in this, but there is a benefit, and some other.

The only "BUT" is that several of them may be needed to create a sufficient amount of supply air flows. Installation of compact supply ventilation
This is one of the most modern and civilized options for creating a ventilation system in your apartment. It refers more to forced ventilation, but we could not help but touch on this topic, due to its crazy popularity. Compact supply ventilation in an apartment is both an air supply and an air extract "in one bottle". Moreover, ventilation is not easy, but with a filtering and heating system for incoming air without additional energy consumption. How does it work? This unit looks like a small, rather nice box that is hung on the wall; inside it there are two fans, an air filter, a recuperator, and a control unit for all this "household". A very handy device that costs some money to buy and install it. Even with a completely inoperative ventilation system in your apartment, this device is able to implement it. In fairness, it should be noted that there are several more options for solving the problems of the ventilation system, such as installing a separate ventilation with a recuperator or a monoblock system, which automatically equips a ventilation system and an air conditioning system in the dwelling. But we did not delve into such difficulties, since these systems require a serious engineering approach, calculations, design and a lot of money. The purpose of this article is to show the importance of an integrated approach to solving some problems, namely: the installation of plastic windows requires an immediate solution

Replacing wooden frames with plastic ones significantly increases the comfort of the room. Heat losses in winter time are reduced, street noise and dust also do not penetrate through the sealed glass unit. When replacing a wooden ventilated window with a modern version, there is one significant "but" - the room is deprived of the flow of fresh air.

Ventilation of plastic windows for new houses does not matter, since the supply and exhaust system does not work there through window frames. In old buildings, plastic windows have to be adapted to the additional air intake from the street.

Wooden window frames, even brand new ones, are not airtight. In old houses, this fact was taken into account when designing a ventilation system. Exhaust shafts and canals were installed in the walls during the construction phase. The supply part of the ventilation system worked through ventilated frames.

The designers took into account the natural slot ventilation of wooden window frames and the presence of a mandatory window in every room. The air exchange was carried out in a circle, from the rooms to the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, where the exhaust openings of the common mine shaft were traditionally located.

But as soon as a plastic window is installed in an apartment located in an old building, the natural ventilation of the apartment is disrupted. In the room, the chemical composition of the air changes, the content of carbon dioxide and combustion products from a working stove increases, the humidity of the air rises significantly, condensation forms on the frames in the cold season. Increased humidity levels lead to mold on the walls.

There is no supply of fresh air - the hood does not work. Exhaust air from the neighbors' apartments begins to flow from the ventilation holes. In addition to their polluted air, residents also receive extraneous odors.

The purpose of the invention of plastic windows is to provide consumers with the opportunity to use one instead of two frames, making glazing cheaper. The plastic is sealed, attractive, not demanding to care for. But any coin has two sides. After removing the tree, additional ventilation is required in the apartment with plastic windows. Otherwise, building structures and furniture will spoil the condensation. An air conditioner or air purifier cannot solve the problem.

What happens in an apartment with plastic double-glazed windows

Most apartments in our country are naturally ventilated. Air supply is ensured by leaks in frames and door frames. Waste air flow is removed through ventilation holes in kitchens, bathrooms, lavatories. it is enough if there are wooden doors in the dwelling and the integrity of the channels is not violated.

After the installation of PVC windows, even with well-functioning ventilation, changes are inevitable. After the cessation of the air flow, the channel in the kitchen or bathroom turns from the exhaust into the supply channel. The premises are filled with unpleasant odors from neighbors, the humidity rises, which contributes to the growth of bacteria and the formation of fungi.

Homeowners are forced to provide fresh air or other ventilation systems.

What are the functions of ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows

In rooms with wooden structures, fans could be installed in the exhaust ducts to improve ventilation efficiency. In winter, they didn't even need to be turned on due to the temperature difference.

The installation of plastic windows radically changes the situation. The air in your home can become more toxic over time than outside.

Of the simple solutions, tenants have four:

  • regular ventilation;
  • installation of electric fans in mines;
  • installation of devices for micro-ventilation;
  • installation of supply valves;
  • installation of compact fans.

A plus of ventilation is the ingress of oxygen into the premises. But in the city it is supplemented by dust, noise, exhaust gases. This means that this method is short-term and ineffective.

Electric fans are suitable for kitchens and bathrooms. They are installed in waste shafts, turned on manually or automatically (when the humidity rises or the air quality decreases). These devices are offered by many manufacturers at various prices.

Micro-ventilation is the depressurization of plastic by installing a device into it that lets air from the street into the premises. In fact, this is the organization of slots and the installation of devices in them, the cost of which depends on the manufacturer and configuration.

The supply valves can be installed in the outer wall, at the junction between the window and the wall, in the profile, under the window board. These are plastic pipes through which the air flow from the street moves. The market offers models with different flow rates, which are regulated manually or automatically. It is best to hire a specialist to calculate the number and location of valves. To increase the efficiency of the supply unit, a fan is needed in the shaft.

Another option is an exhaust fan that blows out the exhaust air stream. It is suitable for the kitchen and can be operated continuously or on demand. The check valve blocks the air flow from the street. Expensive models are equipped with sensors that turn on the fan at a certain level of contamination. For bathrooms and toilets, there are waterproof models for installation in external walls.

Parameters and composition of forced ventilation

The best option is a split system for the whole apartment on the balcony, in the closet, in the hallway. During installation, it is necessary to take into account the need for maintenance and repair. The structure can be placed in the wall, under the ceiling, on the floor. The air flow from the street is supplied by a collector connected to the premises by air ducts installed in the suspended ceiling. The waste stream is removed from the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. After connecting to the mains, such forced ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows works automatically all year round.

Before the development of the project, the dew point and air exchange are calculated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. If the project is designed correctly, the balance is restored, which does not allow the formation of condensate.

The system can consist of:

  • devices for forced inflow and natural exhaust;
  • devices for forced inflow and exhaust electric fans;
  • supply and exhaust device with a recuperator;
  • supply valves and.

The equipment is selected based on the characteristics of a particular apartment, preferences and financial capabilities of the customer. First, the dew point and air exchange rate in each room is calculated. Then devices are selected (supply valves with cleaning and heating, electric fans) and a project for the distribution of air ducts is developed.

Such a system is easy to adjust, fully provides the required air parameters, practically does not depend on external factors.

Do I need to additionally ventilate the frame house

The tightness indicators in a frame house are high if it is built using modern technologies. Natural ventilation works well only in winter, but it reduces indoor temperatures. For permanent residence, a compulsory system is required. By design, it does not differ from those that are mounted in apartments.

The type of system depends on the area and characteristics of the house. The most economical option is natural inflow and forced drainage. But such ventilation lowers the indoor temperature. Therefore, it is better to install an expensive structure that maintains the set temperature and humidity parameters.

All of the above does not apply to the house or summer residence in which they periodically reside. In summer, ventilation is provided by airing.

Modern apartments are equipped with plastic windows instead of wooden ones, which impairs air exchange in the house. Natural ventilation can be established by airing or installing supply and exhaust mechanisms.

The installation of plastic windows significantly impairs the quality of air exchange. However, a way out can be found

What is the ventilation system for in an apartment with plastic windows installed?

Plastic windows disrupt not only heat exchange in an apartment, but also contribute to the accumulation of carbon dioxide and moisture. They are made according to the technology of complete tightness, so heat does not leave the apartment, but moisture does not leave either. Therefore, forced ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows is simply salvation for all family members and home.

Ventilation for an apartment is divided into several types:

  1. Natural. It is carried out by ventilating plastic windows in various modes or using ventilation shafts installed in the functional rooms of the apartment.
  2. Forced. It is provided by installing various devices on plastic windows or installing systems in an apartment.

It is important to correctly install ventilation and not be mistaken with its choice, having studied the specialized literature for this.

Natural ventilation

Correct air exchange in the apartment allows you to remove excess moisture and exhaust air, and with them the spores of fungi and mold. Natural ventilation copes with this task only with through ventilation, but it cannot be used during the cold season.

But not all of us care about ventilation and check it regularly, although ventilation shafts in apartments often work poorly, since they are clogged with construction or street debris. Not everyone knows how to check the ventilation in an apartment on their own.

You can check the efficiency of ventilation in the channels with a piece of paper. If the sheet is attracted, then the ventilation works well. If he does not move, then there is no sense in such ventilation, you will have to call the master to check the performance and clean the channels.

Using a sheet of paper, you can check the efficiency of the ventilation

In order for natural ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows to normalize the microclimate in the apartment, it must be converted into forced ventilation. This can be done by installing specialized air blowers or split systems with climate control function.

Forced ventilation

In new buildings, a forced ventilation system is installed during the construction phase. And where ventilation of this type is not provided for by the project, it is installed during the repair process.

The principle of operation of a forced ventilation device is to organize traction through special channels by fans.

The supply unit is mounted indoors through a specialized valve, which is installed in a hole in the wall. Outside, the hole is closed by a grill that protects it from debris and various foreign bodies.

Supply ventilation in the form of a system is installed in one room and then distributed throughout all rooms using ventilation ducts or mounted separately in each room of the apartment.

Forced ventilation is installed on household ventilation ducts of natural ventilation. It consists of fans that increase the draft of air. Often they are installed in the kitchen or bathroom, sometimes in other rooms where it is necessary to establish air exchange.

Air handling units can be equipped with additional devices: a heater or a recuperator, which will allow heating the cold outside air in winter. And the recuperator will additionally save on heating the room.

Before installing a forced ventilation system, you need to know the following parameters:

  • the size of the room or the entire apartment where forced ventilation will be installed;
  • air humidity in the room itself and the necessary value for a comfortable stay in this apartment;
  • the ecological situation in the area, the level of gas pollution and the traffic of cars;
  • the number of people living in the apartment permanently;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the respiratory system and the immune system in residents.

These data will help you choose the right device or ventilation method to restore air exchange in the room.

Combination of ventilation and windows

Anyone who cares about their own health is interested in the possibility of maintaining proper air exchange in an apartment with plastic windows.

There are many options for modernizing natural duct ventilation in apartment buildings. Among the most effective methods, there are those that are installed on the double-glazed windows themselves or already go together with the construction of the windows from the factory.

Windows with a window

The ventilation system for PVC windows, for example, by such a company as www.svetokna.ru, using a window is the most common. The vent provides a continuous supply of clean air. It mixes with the exhaust room air, diffusion occurs, due to which the microclimate is normalized.

With natural ventilation, the appearance of drafts or the formation of condensation on the windows is excluded. The vent can be fixed in several positions. But this design has a lot of disadvantages:

  1. Ventilation for plastic windows is installed at the design stage of the window opening. After the entire structure has been mounted, it is impossible to improve ventilation.
  2. Such ventilation of plastic windows significantly increases the weight of the structure, which can adversely affect the house itself. Cracks may appear on the walls and window opening of a private house, therefore, before calling a measurer, it is better to consult with specialists from a construction company.
  3. Supplementing the design with a window increases its cost.
  4. The increase in plastic partitions in the window frame darkens the structure, the light in the room becomes much less.

Self-ventilated plastic windows

Plastic windows with ventilation using a self-ventilation system are the best option for both an apartment building and private houses. Supply ventilation is installed on plastic windows and in industrial buildings, i.e. because it helps the main ventilation system.

Such ventilation in plastic windows is represented by slots in the upper or lower part of the plastic window frame. This type of ventilation allows clean air to continuously enter the room through the openings. And thanks to the special arrangement of the holes in the frame, the cold air heats up and enters the room already warmed up.

Self-ventilation in windows has several disadvantages:

  1. This ventilation mode does not work in apartments on the upper floors or in private multi-storey buildings. When installing ventilation after building a house, you must carefully consider how to improve ventilation on the top floors without using this method.
  2. This ventilation system cannot be installed in already installed double-glazed windows, so you will have to completely change the entire window structure.
  3. The high cost of windows with the possibility of self-ventilation. Manufacturers increase the cost three or more times due to the complication of the conditions for the production of such structures.

That is why most people use specialized ventilation valves in the form of plastic window handles or combs.

Supply valve on a plastic window

Ventilation in a private house where plastic windows are installed is a necessary condition if the owner of the house cares about the health of his family members

You need to ventilate the apartment regularly, especially if another ventilation system does not give the desired effect. Best of all, ventilation valves, which must be installed on plastic windows, will cope with the normalization of air exchange in the apartment.

The supply valve installed on plastic windows is able to normalize air exchange

The ventilation valve combines several functions, and for proper ventilation it is necessary to select the appropriate class of device.

Installing the valve requires a complete dismantling of the glass unit or replacement of the part of the window that is responsible for ventilation. Such upgrades make the structure heavier and significantly affect the cost of the window. But the installation is carried out in less than an hour, and the air exchange is normalized within a day, which speaks of the undoubted advantage of the design.

After installing the supply valve, you need to decide on the control mode: automatic, manual or mixed.

Manual ventilation mode helps the owner to independently control the movement of air masses in an apartment or house. Partial ventilation can be used in the part of the house where it is really needed.

And in automatic mode, the participation of the owner is not required. As soon as the sensors in the valve begin to react to temperature changes, the system supplies fresh air. The temperature is normalized, and with it the air exchange is restored.

Mixed valve control allows switching between manual and automatic control as required.

Plastic window handle valve

It is possible to improve air exchange in sealed structures if you install a special window handle valve.

The handle valve is mounted in the window profile instead of the usual plastic handle. A valve with this mounting system has many advantages:

  1. The valve does not protrude beyond the window profile, does not obstruct the structure, and does not interfere with the free opening of the window.
  2. Condensation often collects in places where the integrity of the window profile is most damaged. The handle is drilled directly into the profile itself, condensation collects there. The presence of a valve handle eliminates the formation of condensation and improves air exchange in the cold season.
  3. If forced ventilation works, then installing a valve will create additional comfort conditions and completely eliminate stagnation of exhaust air.
  4. The handle valve is a design with a direct-flow supply of clean outdoor air to the room. With a direct flow of air in winter, the valve will not freeze due to the lack of condensation.
  5. Only purified air will come from the street, because an air filter is installed on the valve, which can even remove allergens. Such a filter will not cause much trouble: even in a stuffy metropolis, it will have to be replaced no more than several times a year.

This method is a novelty in the world of ventilation systems for PVC structures, so not all experts know about its existence and the possibilities of its installation.

This does not mean that it is difficult to install the valve yourself. The design can be purchased at large hardware stores, and instructions are included with it. Following the rules for collecting and drilling a profile, you can easily install the ventilation in a few minutes.

Combed windows

The most convenient way to ventilate an apartment is to open a window. But a completely open window in winter can lead to negative consequences for all family members and for the house itself. Therefore, the developers of window constructions invented combs that provide step ventilation at any time of the year.

The comb is a regulator that helps to fix the window in several positions. The regulator can be installed either on a previously installed window or ordered during the initial installation of the window structure.

Such a system is installed without the power of specialists in a few minutes and does not require large expenditures, and the result exceeds all expectations. This makes comb ventilation the most popular method for improving ventilation in the home.