Garage with attic. We are building a garage with an attic of foam blocks and looking at photos of finished structures

If you are planning to build a detached garage in your country house, then also consider building an attic over it. The attic above the garage can become a cozy workshop, a convenient warehouse or even a lounge. In any case, it can significantly expand the area of ​​​​your utility rooms and solve the problem of closets, balconies and sheds littered with rubbish. Moreover, a garage with an attic will not cost much more than a garage without an attic!

After all, all that is needed is to build slightly higher walls, lay the floor and install a ladder. It is not at all necessary to completely finish the attic, especially if it remains with you in the "non-residential" fund. And then: you can always postpone the decoration and completion of the attic arrangement until a more appropriate moment.

Thinking over a garage with an attic: important points

You should immediately decide whether your attic will be residential. More precisely, the question should be put like this: are you sure that the attic will be non-residential? If you are sure, then you can immediately dismiss any worries about warming the floor or roof. And then you can simply lay the floor on the logs, without even making a ceiling in the garage. Beams will simply be visible from below. Maybe not very aesthetically pleasing, but it will save a lot of money. Although many people even like this look.

You don't have to worry about roof insulation. It can be insulated later without additional hassle.

But if you do not insulate the floor, then you will have to remove it, make a ceiling in the garage, fill the space between the ceiling and sweat with insulation, and then sew up the attic floor again.

Another very important point in a garage with an attic - this is a staircase. Ideally, it should not take up much space and, of course, you should have free access to it even when there is a car in the garage. Keep this in mind when choosing your location!

If you don’t have enough space in your garage for a full-fledged stationary ladder, then there are ready-made folding ones. They are compact, easy to install and do not take up space when folded.

At the same time, it is easy to use such a ladder. Even a woman can easily cope with it.

Arrangement of a garage with an attic

In principle, work on arranging the attic above the garage can begin as soon as the garage frame and roof rafters are ready.

However, it's best to finish first. roofing so that accidental rain does not spoil your work and materials. Then it will already be possible to calmly carry out communications and sheathe the floor and walls, without fear that it will all get wet.

First of all, you need to lay the wiring and, if you provide a ventilation system, ventilation ducts.

Generally speaking, the system forced ventilation will be quite useful in the garage. It can help get rid of odors from technical fluids and exhaust gases. In addition, in hot summer weather, it can dissipate warm wet air from the garage, thereby extending the life of your car body.

If you still decide not to do forced ventilation, then do at least ventilation holes for natural circulation air.

The floor can be sewn up with particle board (OSB). Such a floor is easy to install and not expensive.

After the floor is ready, you will face the next important choice: to sheathe or not to sheathe the walls inside the attic? If you do not plan to make living space in the attic, then you can leave everything as it is. This will give you maximum storage space for things and materials.

You can also sheathe the walls and arrange shelving along them for tools and small items.

In the case of a residential attic, of course, you want to sheathe everything with drywall for further finishing.

However, this does not mean that the attic is lost as storage space.

In the space between the walls and the roof, you can equip a convenient and spacious storage.

But this can be done when the attic has an impressive area. If your attic is not very large, then it is still better to leave it unlined. This will give you some precious extra stock meters.

Moreover, there are many ways to organize this space of not very convenient shape and squeeze the maximum usefulness out of it.

A garage with an attic can give you a lot of advantages. This is both a storage space and an additional utility room in which you can organize a warehouse, workshop or even a gym.

In addition, in the future it can be converted into a full-fledged living space and expand the existing living space if the need arises. However, it only slightly increases the cost of building a garage!

Garage with attic projects

We invite you to get acquainted with interesting garage projects with an attic - different in complexity and cost, they will tell you practical solution for your garage.

Garage with attic. Project 1.

Garage with attic. Project 2

Garage with attic. Project 3.

Garage with attic. Project 4.

Garage with attic. Project 5.

If you are going to build a garage from scratch soon, then think about an attic. A garage with an attic can be a good start for the future to expand the residential part of your house and significantly increase the value of your property, because such buildings are rare in our country.

Undoubtedly the most optimal conditions to store the car creates a garage. This building structure will not only protect a budget small car or premium SUV from all kinds of atmospheric phenomena, but will also serve as a reliable security tool and at the same time an insurmountable barrier for many car thieves. However, such a building is far from being limited to the listed properties.

What does a multifunctional garage with an attic look like in the photo: typical solutions

One of the ways to universalize a garage building is the construction of a second attic floor. Such a project not only competently manages by no means cheap and, moreover, by no means always a huge area land plot, but also contributes to an increase in the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure as a whole.
Looking at the garage with an attic in the photo, it is easy to notice the feature that unites construction projects in this direction - the availability of unhindered access to the second floor, bypassing garage doors. Staircase can be built:

  • outside;
  • in a vestibule specially separated from the parking area;
  • directly in the garage with duplicated access (through the door).

During the construction of such universal facilities, first of all, two things are taken into account:

  • number of cars;
  • purpose of using the attic floor.

Analyzing various photographs and the results of planning the second floor for a serious living space, it is easy to see that even over a single garage it is possible to recreate a completely spacious one-room apartment with the necessary operating rooms. Often, wealthy people who hire security and other service personnel provide them with just such autonomous residential communications at their disposal.

However, made of foam blocks or other modern building materials a garage with an attic is often considered as an exclusively non-residential building, when the second floor was built:

  • storage room or closet;
  • workshop;
  • sports room;
  • temporary office.

Naturally, in this state of affairs, the need for arranging heating, plumbing and sewer systems and effective ventilation.

Often the design of the upper floor is interpreted in an exclusive direction due to primitive architectural solutions, for example, arranging a balcony and a terrace. It is easiest to model a future garage with an attic existing photo finished projects, on which non-standard design solutions are often viewed.

How to build a garage with an attic from typical foam blocks: the basics of technology

Lightness, low thermal conductivity and environmental friendliness are secondary advantages cellular concrete obtained by foaming. Saving Money and time for the construction of the building - these are the strengths of this material.

The process traditionally begins with the preparation of a site for the construction of a reinforced concrete support structure. The latter is often either a strip foundation, or monolithic slab , which simultaneously serves as a floor for a garage room. After the walls are erected.

When building a garage with an attic of foam blocks, the following should be considered nuances:

  • before laying the first layer, it is necessary to mount the waterproofing;
  • the first row of foam blocks is laid exclusively on cement-sand mortar;
  • the first and each subsequent third row are necessarily reinforced (the grooves are scraped, filled with a working solution and the rods are laid);
  • the next row should overlap the connecting seams of the previous one;
  • door lintels are either made manually (filled in advance or directly on site, using removable formwork) or bought;
  • at the stage of completion of the construction of walls, it is recommended to fill in a monolithic armored belt with a height of about 30 cm.

Experts transfer the last procedure into the category of mandatory, since the foam block is vulnerable to any point loads and poorly resists bending-type deformations that inevitably occur during the construction of floors and erection mansard roof.

Blocks can be fastened as by using adhesive solution , and through the classical cement-sand composition. When using the first garage with an attic, it already looks more aesthetically pleasing in the intermediate photo. Besides:

  • adhesive composition makes it possible to get thin seams(about 2-3 mm), modeling in this way monolithic structure, which helps to reduce the thermal conductivity of the building as a whole;
  • necessarily prior to laying strict selection of foam blocks (dimensional tolerances - no more than 2 mm) contributes to the achievement of perfect smoothness, allowing you to save on the leveling layer - putties and other materials.

When used as a binder cement-sand mortar less accurate foam blocks are allowed, however, the layer thickness increases to 1-2 cm. In this case, the joints are called " cold bridges“Because their thermal conductivity is much higher than that of foam concrete.

Having completed wooden, tiled or the most reliable monolithic overlap, you should start building a suitable truss system mansard roof, foreseeing the location of the windows (on the gables or on the slopes). After the crate is mounted, waterproofing and roofing material. In the case when the second floor will be used as a year-round living space, a roof should be installed and an additional layer of vapor barrier should be installed.

Facade of the built multifunctional garage with an attic, it is necessary to additionally finish:

  • siding or brick, be sure to leave a ventilated gap to maintain the vapor permeability of the building structure;
  • vapor-permeable plaster followed by application facade paint and hydrophobic composition.

After that, as necessary, communications are supplied and the corresponding systems are organized, interior spaces, installation of exhaust systems.


Garage with attic - typical modern solution, competently using the land area, but requiring several large investments. Even with a single parking lot on the second floor, you can organize a full-fledged living area suitable for the role of a guest room or a sports room.

Foam block is often used as the main material, which can significantly save time and money. quality blocks are laid on glue, "rough" - on a cement-sand mortar. Reinforcement - required, every three layers. It is strongly recommended to make an unloading armored belt before the construction of the ceiling.

Externally, the foam block building is necessarily lined with siding or brick, or treated with plaster, followed by the application of a hydrophobic composition.

If the second floor will be used as a living space, it is necessary to equip a garage exhaust system and insulate the attic.

Something I have deprived men of my attention! But they also want to have their own shelter, a cave in the country and the best option than building a garage - a workshop, I do not see. So, men do not like long introductions, so let's get straight to the plans. On the first floor we see a two-storey garage with a studio room. Comfortable, one might even say, perfect! Dimensions are in feet and inches, use calculator to convert to cm.

Simple small beautiful garage for your country house

Garages on summer cottages usually built separately from the house, as space allows. Look what a beautiful stylish garage project I found! Small, compact, beautiful! There is even a canopy with a bench for relaxing.

Garage for two cars with attic

This is a real male nook, with living quarters on the second floor. The garage itself is for two cars. If the space of the site allows, then such a garage can be considered the standard of a male home.

All dimensions are in feet and inches. Convert to centimeters on special services on the network - it's not difficult.

Neat garage project 3 by 8 meters with living space on the second floor. A feature of this option is a balcony.

The stairs to the second floor of the garage are located on the street, on the side. In the garage itself there is a hozblok. On the second floor there is a living room with a kitchen, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom with a bathtub. In fact, this is a complete house for a bachelor! or a secluded place for a man who wants to relax.

Well, a few views of the second floor:

Cons of a warm garage in winter

By the way, there is an opinion that a car rots in a warm garage. This is true, so it is better not to do heating in the lower room. Warm home garage can become the cause of aging of the car in winter, since it is in winter that roads are everywhere sprinkled with salt and other chemical elements.

This is because in a closed and heated room, the machine starts to thaw. Splashes and salt residues thaw and the body quickly corrodes.

A car protected from the weather with only one roof or the walls of a free-standing cold garage will be used much longer. Not worth building warm garage only because the car will start faster when it is warm.

In this case, it is easier to install an electric heating system in the car. This will save both nerves and finances. If you already have a built-in garage, then it is better to make a guest room or a gym out of it.

Scheme of a simple garage made of foam blocks

If you need a simple foam block garage, then here you are standard sizes. There is nothing special to paint here, the plan is extremely simple.

More beautiful option foam block garage

A worthy project of a foam block garage for one car. Practical roof structure, two windows, small room for relaxation also with a window.

Video from the masonry master - a cinder block garage in 2 days

In addition to the plan of the foam block garage, I recommend that you get acquainted with the video in which the masonry master shows and tells how they built a garage for a friend in two days. The video is lively, interesting, the construction process is shown with humor and obscenity.

Construction of a cold garage

When building a cold garage, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room. After all, in the event of a hit warm air on the cold surface of the walls of the garage, moisture will begin to condense and drain to the floor.

The gates will also be covered with droplets of water that will fall into locks or thresholds, and this, in winter conditions, can lead to the fact that the garage simply does not open in the morning. Constantly wet metal elements will quickly start to rust.

The project of a two-story garage 8 by 8 for 2 cars

This option is more strict, unlike the first one, which, in my opinion, is more beautiful for women. Men, I know, all these decorations are useless, however, since we are talking about the garage at the house, then women's opinion should also be taken into account. This project is a 2 car garage with a residential second floor.

How to improve the thermal insulation properties of the garage

The walls of the box are made of foam blocks. The roof should also be insulated. The garage door should also be insulated with sheet foam, the thickness of which is 4 - 6 cm, then upholstered with plywood or wooden clapboard. It will be easier to insulate the garage from the inside with full sheathing OSB boards thickness 16 - 22 mm.

The project of a two-story garage 4 by 8 meters for 1 car

Here is a simpler project two-storey garage for one car. I'm even envious - such pretty functional houses - on the second floor there is a shower room where you can wash off the dirt, a kitchenette and a relaxation room where you can sit with friends and cheer for your favorite sports team.

Video - garage workshop with attic

An interesting video from Forumhouse about how a man built himself a garage - a workshop with an attic. Finding nothing suitable in the search, he decided to build according to an individual plan. See the story and description of the construction of this structure from the author.


With the help of supply and exhaust holes we make natural ventilation garage. Holes should also have the main structures of the garage - ceilings, walls, partitions, doors.

These holes are best placed diagonally from each other. Supply openings should be located 20 - 25 cm above the floor, and exhaust 10 - 15 cm below the ceiling. All holes should not exceed 0.3% of the total area of ​​​​the garage in area, otherwise it will be bad to pull.

The project of a budget two-story garage

This project is designed for one car, as well as a free layout of the second floor. With a budget execution on the second floor can be organized single space under the closet, or a full-fledged recreation area for a man.

Shed instead of garage

If you decide to limit yourself to only a canopy for your car, then you should remember that you must ensure the proper strength of the support legs. This is especially important during winter snowfalls, when the roof must withstand significant loads.

The project of a one-story garage 8 by 8 meters for 2 cars

And this is already a project on one floor, but for two cars, or one, but with a large space for a workshop. I repeat that all dimensions in feet and inches, you can convert to centimeters yourself.

Video review of the garage

If you are interested in how to optimize the space of your garage, I advise you to watch a video from Eugene, who built himself a garage with an attic with his own hands. The author tells and shows his garage for diagnostics and work with customers' cars. that is, it is a truly professional car repair shop.

By the way, I was interested in the project of a garage with a bathhouse. I don’t know about you guys, but it already seems like a bit of a bust to me. You have enough shower cabin, and make a bath for the whole family 🙂

For people who are passionate about automotive technology or are engaged in professional activities related to cars, the equipment of a residential unit combined with a garage often becomes the only possible way work and live without prejudice to health and technology. A simple solution in such a situation, there will be the construction of an inexpensive box for a car made of foam concrete or timber, with a habitable second floor. Experts recommend choosing a garage project with an attic from foam blocks, as it has passed a rigorous test in practice and has proven its effectiveness.

Is it worth it to mess with the attic and the foam block garage box

The project of a garage with a residential attic can de facto be considered a classic of the construction of this type of structure. And there are several reasons why most motorists and just literate people prefer a garage with an attic to projects of combined one-story buildings of a combined type:

  • The main problem of garages is the normal heating and heating of the building in winter time. In such conditions, it is cheaper and easier to heat a dwelling placed on the second floor;
  • The dimensions of the building spot, even if you choose a 10 by 10 m garage project with an attic, will be smaller than for one-story options. This means that if we are talking about buying a plot or building several buildings on one site, with an attic the project will be cheaper and more affordable in construction.

One-story buildings with an attic have one amazing property - the cost of building an ordinary garage with gable roof it will cost only 7% cheaper than a similar design with an attic, and a box with two floors will cost 45-50% more than the original estimate.

Traditionally, the car storage box is built from concrete, concrete slabs, any other materials that are resistant to temperature extremes and have sufficient strength to withstand the weight of the mansard roof.

Advice! If foam concrete is used instead of brick or traditional cinder block, then total costs for the construction and maintenance of the garage can be reduced by almost 30% without the use of problematic insulation schemes with thermal insulation mats made of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

Before starting the design of a garage with an attic, it is necessary to determine the size of the box. standard garage 6x4 m, with the most successful planning and the device of the roof, will allow to allocate no more than 15-17 m 2 of net area for the attic. This is enough for a one-time overnight stay, but for a comfortable stay, taking into account the arrangement of a bathroom and a recreation area, a minimum of 30 m 2 will be required. In this case, it makes sense to build a garage for 2 cars with an attic, especially since there is never too much space in the garage.

The most interesting garage projects with an attic

When choosing a project, it will be necessary to solve several significant issues of the layout and arrangement of the building, on which it depends how convenient it will be to use the garage and attic living quarters.

Most important issues three:

  • Scheme of building an entrance-exit to the garage and to the second floor;
  • Arrangement of ventilation;
  • Utility room equipment - bathroom and shower.

Advice! At first glance, the problems can be ignored, but in practice, all three questions can nullify all the positive aspects of combining a living space in an attic and a garage box.

Solving simple important issues

With the last point, the easiest thing is to put the bathroom on the floor where you spend most of your time. The easiest way to put it on the lower floor, less problems with sewer wiring and more free space in the attic. You won’t be able to do without a toilet if you spend more than 10-12 hours in a row inside the garage, if in the project free place, make two points, on the ground floor and attic.

Home is inextricably linked with amenities. headache projects with an attic, namely, the arrangement of stairs to the second floor. If the attic is just a warehouse for you, then it would be right to make a folding fire-type ladder, as in the photo.

For garages, in which the attic area reaches 30 meters or more, you need to make a staircase with a screw or in the form of two flights with a snake. Such a staircase project can be used in any garage options, even the smallest ones.

If the attic according to the project will be used as a full-fledged housing, then it makes sense to do outdoor stairs. Perhaps this does not decorate the building, but such a solution is much more convenient and practical than internal transitions. It is safer from the point of view of firefighters, and there is no need to inhale exhaust fumes.

The boxing room for cars and the attic space should be connected by a hermetically sealed door, in addition, according to the project, each floor should have its own forced ventilation system.

Interesting garage projects with an attic

For arranging a full-fledged residential version of the attic, a two-car garage project with a useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second floor of 70 m 2 is best suited. The building, almost 8 m high, is being built of foam concrete on strip foundation. Roofing from a metal tile is laid on a layered rafters from a bar. For insulation, mineral fiber is used, the ceilings are made of hollow concrete slabs.

A feature of the project is the presence of an external staircase for the second floor of the attic. The entrance to the dwelling is located on the second floor, due to the use of a sloping roof Entrance door located on the same level as the attic. The project has a porch with a canopy supported by timber racks. According to experts, such a design of the entrance to the attic is one of the most successful, both in terms of design and construction technology.

The dimensions of the building 10x13 make it possible to fit two cars, a bathroom and a boiler room on the ground floor.

The attic area is divided into two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In fact, according to the project, there is enough space on the second floor of the garage, as for a full-fledged one-story house.

The presence of a separate entrance allows you to use the first floor not only as a garage, but also for the repair or maintenance of cars on a commercial basis.

If the previous project seemed too costly to you, you can build a smaller garage in the style country house. This solution is more suitable for a garage in a suburban area or cottage.

According to the project, the garage box is built of aerated concrete or foam blocks on a pile or strip foundation. The cover is made from reinforced concrete, which allows you to strengthen the upper belt of the foam block box. Thanks to the use of two half-hips in the roof structure, the building looks more expressive. In addition, this solution reduces the load on the upper part of the roof gables. The beam 100x100 mm used for rafters, a powerful crate and a large slope angle of 38 ° make it possible to use ceramic or cement-sand tiles.

According to the project, the dimensions of the first floor are 7x7m, with a total area of ​​40 squares, and allow putting two cars and a trailer. The living space of the attic occupies 19m 2, which, in principle, is enough for a country or suburban option garage. The floors are connected by a semi-spiral staircase made of timber and pine lath. According to the project, the building is not heated, so there is no bathroom or boiler room inside the building.

Of course, the designs of garages with an attic are not limited to huge buildings, the size of a full-fledged residential building. If you wish, you can find a project and rebuild an existing 5x6 m garage into a building with an attic floor.

In this case, the dimensions of the attic will decrease to 12 m 2, with a ceiling height of 180 cm. Because of this, the roof slopes have to be made relatively sloping, with an angle of inclination of up to 27 °. The building turned out to be very compact and comfortable, but small size attic room unlikely to be allowed to be used as a residential area. Rather, it will be a warehouse or a place to store unnecessary things.

If the garage box was originally built of brick, then the attic can be completed using a frame-panel method or additional rows of foam blocks tightened with reinforcement. The lower floor is insulated with EPPS, and the entire building is sewn up with siding panels. The roof and ceiling are made of timber and OSB boards.


The idea to combine in one project a spacious garage for one or two cars and a residential attic superstructure today is wildly popular among young people, start-up entrepreneurs and people who devote most of their free time to cars and motorcycles. The cost of building such a building will be significantly lower than a residential building of the same size, and obtaining permission to build a garage in the city is much easier than for a house.

Desire to use every free square meter most usefully makes people dodge and invent new non-standard solutions. After all, most often you need to try to place in a very small area a lot of everything you need. Proper planning of the upcoming construction should get rid of the problems that may arise later. But what are the pitfalls in trying to make the territory as functional as possible?

We determine the pros and cons of such a building from the photo of garages with an attic

Looking at any photo with an attic for the first time, only solid ones come to mind. positive traits. And the most important of them is the extra space. After all, it can be used as both residential and non-residential premises.

1. The possibility of arranging the non-residential part of the building.

The owner can use this space to store his motorist's supplies. Can place a workshop there (the noise from working tools will not disturb the other tenants).

The hostess can use this part of the building as storage or a very large pantry. She can also place a laundry here or arrange a place for herself to work (for example, tailoring or modeling).

2. The possibility of arranging a temporary residential part of the building.

This room can be used not all year round, but only in summer period or as needed. So you can easily organize there. Or use this part of the building as a guest house. Place there for a while unexpectedly arriving guests who do not have a place in the main residential building.

3. The possibility of arranging the residential part of the building.

Although nearby, but still at a distance from the rest of the family, teenagers or young students will happily live. Young people who have not yet fluttered out from under the parental wing, but already almost independent young people will find this place very attractive for permanent residence.

Garages with an attic
garage projects with an attic garage projects with an attic garage with an attic project

Planning decisions, dimensions and other things must be taken before the start of all construction works. First of all, you need to think about the following questions:

1. Is there a chance to acquire another car in the next five to seven years.

2. Will repair work car produced in a storage room.

3. Which photos of garage projects attract you more: with a residential or non-residential area.

4. What material will the building be built from.

Cons of this venture minor, but they are still present.

1. More voluminous construction work.

2. Increase in financial costs for construction.

3. The need for arrangement, water supply, sewerage and other communications (in case year-round living here).

4. The cost of heating an additional room. The need for constant monitoring of heating pipes (if the system is autonomous).

We combine several photo projects of garages with an attic into a single whole

The most correct thing would be the construction of the largest possible structure with minimal architectural non-standard inclusions. Although, of course, few people will find a photo of a garage with an attic in the form of a rectangular box attractive. But the absence complex elements lead to lower construction costs.

When selecting photo projects for garages with an attic, you should also pay attention to the size of the building, or more precisely, to the size of each of its floors. Often the superstructure is made only over half of the ground floor. In these cases, it is built only to store a variety of tools and other accessories. Also, the second floor is often larger than the first. One part of it is built over the garage itself, and the second - over supporting pillars. The space under the "balcony" is used to good use - it is being equipped.

Combining several options on your own into one individual plan, you must be very careful. It is still advisable to give it for approval and approval to the architect, who will confirm the correctness of the organization and development of the scheme for future construction. For the rest, be guided by your wishes and available financial resources.