Summer kitchen in the country: the best options for projects. How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands Canopy for a summer kitchen

On the fresh air not only the appetite is stronger, but food is digested much better. In warm weather, you do not want to sit indoors at all. Preservation for the winter is also easier to do outside. In the article we will tell you how to build a summer kitchen in a summer house with your own hands, we will demonstrate diagrams, drawings, photo and video instructions.

Choose a type

All types of summer kitchens can be classified into two categories:

  • open;
  • closed.

Closed kitchens are like a small house-like structure that often doesn't have much insulation. The advantage of this solution will be protection against insects, best defense from bad weather, as well as from the wind. An open kitchen option on one or more sides can be protected with a fabric, wood or other wall. The advantage of such a solution will be greater unity with nature. Among the open types of buildings, there are options:

  • With barbecue. In this case, you have the advantage of preparing favourite dish on open fire. Barbecue will be available in any weather. If you additionally mount the oven, then you can please your friends with pizza.
  • With gazebo or pergola. Nice to sit among the greenery. This is exactly the solution in which the entire structure will eventually be shrouded in grapes, ivy or other climbing plants.
  • Canopy adjoining the house. The easiest way to build. Requires the least investment. But there is a downside. When cooking, all fumes and smoke will go towards the house. This can lead to damage to walls or other finishing material.

Stages of preparation

After you have chosen one of options, it's time to create a small project.

  • We choose a location. It is good when it is possible to place the kitchen in a cozy garden, where there is a pleasant atmosphere of tranquility. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the proximity of the location of various communications. They will definitely be needed. For electrical appliances wiring will be required. When cooking, you can’t do without water and after it you need to put it somewhere. Do not place the building close to driveways and roads. Then your meal will not be spoiled unpleasant odors. If there is a toilet outside, then it is better to leave it as far away as possible.
  • We stop at the material for construction. If a closed kitchen is planned, then you can approach it as a frame building, in which case you will need wood. A good option would be a building made of foam blocks or bricks. The open one will most likely be made of wood, or one or two of its walls will be made of the material that was listed earlier.
  • Decide on the roof. Looks great in an open building soft tiles, but this is a rather costly solution, although it cannot be ruled out, because the roof area will be small. A good option would be metal tile or corrugated board. Perhaps, while waiting for your turn, you have sheets of slate or ondulin - they will also work.
  • The project should also take into account what equipment is planned to be purchased for the summer kitchen.


Summer cuisine usually conceived as a lightweight construction. This means that the foundation can immediately act as a floor, and, perhaps, pouring is not required at all.

  • First you need to clear the selected area of ​​all debris and vegetation.
  • A small layer of top soil is removed.
  • One of the corners of the future building is indicated with a wooden peg or a metal rod. Next, three more elements are installed. To correctly position them, it is necessary to measure the diagonals for identity. A fishing line or strong twine is stretched between them, which will serve as a guide.

If the building will consist of a canopy, then after these steps you can proceed as follows:

  • The entire perimeter of the marked area is dug to a depth of 30 cm.
  • The bottom is leveled and compacted.
  • Sand is poured inside with a layer of 10-15 cm. It is also leveled and well rammed.
  • The remaining space is filled with screenings and the final leveling is performed.
  • Further, on our “pie”, which has been prepared, paving or other tiles, which are intended for the street, are laid. This can be done on a dry cement mortar, which, after spilling with water, will fix the entire base well.
  • Pits are dug at four corners, their depth should be at least 50 cm. Formwork is installed inside. A crate is made from the reinforcement, which will be the basis of the reinforced concrete structure. It is placed inside and filled with a solution. With the help of a vibrator, the entire mixture is rammed. While the concrete has not yet hardened, two metal plates are inserted into the middle, to which we can fix wooden poles that will support the walls and roof.

This version of the base will be relevant in the case when the soil is sufficiently dense. In cases where groundwater may be very close to the surface or displacements of the upper layer are noticed, it is necessary to provide more solid foundation. Also, if you plan to build a stove or barbecue on such a foundation, then you will need to lay separate concrete supports for them.

In order to make a foundation slab, we will need to follow the first three steps from the previous instructions. Next, we take on the following:

  • We prepare 8 pieces of reinforcing bars. Four of them should be 10 cm shorter than one of the sides of the future structure, 4 others 10 cm shorter than the other. If the building is square, then they will all be the same size.
  • We lay four of them in the form of our future structure and fix them together. Further, every 40 cm we tie longitudinal and transverse jumpers. In the same way we prepare the second grid. We connect the two gratings with jumpers to such a height that the future plate rises above the surface by at least 5 cm.
  • We lower the entire structure into the middle of the dug hole, install the formwork and fill it with concrete. We ram with a vibrator. We level with slats and let it stand for several weeks.
  • In fresh concrete around the perimeter, in increments of a meter, metal plates can be placed to the width of the future beam for the walls. Or it can be done only in the corners.

It is very important that the floor is above the ground. Thanks to this, it will not leak rainwater. It is also good to make a slight slope of the floor so that the precipitation that is carried by the wind can flow freely into the drain or simply through the door.

In the event that construction is planned closed kitchen made of brick or foam block, this version of the foundation may be enough. Also for these needs, you can build a tape shallow or columnar foundation. In this case, such a large-scale excavation is not carried out.

  • A trench is dug to a depth of 50 cm around the entire perimeter of the future kitchen. The width will depend on the thickness of the walls. In any case, the foundation should be 10–15 cm wider.
  • A layer of sand is poured to the bottom, which is leveled and spilled with water.
  • A metal base-lattice is made according to the principle, as in the previous instructions. She fits into the trench.
  • Formwork is installed with the expectation that the future foundation rises 20–30 cm above the ground.
  • We fill cement mortar, ramming and leveling it. Let stand 2-3 weeks.

The supply of all communications must be carried out in parallel with the laying of the foundation, so that later you do not have to hammer holes in it or dig under it. So that the pipes are not clogged with mortar, they must be closed in advance with a cloth and plastic oilcloth.

open kitchen

This option can be built most quickly. We have already laid the foundation and the anchorage for the supports. If you are planning for the kitchen to be closed on one or both sides with walls made of brick or other material, then the first step is to start building these partitions.

  • At the corners of future walls we dig metal into the ground square pipe or a profile measuring 50 × 50 mm. Let's level it up. We do this so that the planks are close to the masonry. They will serve as our guide.
  • We stretch the line between them. We raise it to the height of the first row of bricks to be laid. Let's level it up.
  • Cooking cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:3. This will be sufficient for our purposes.
  • We produce masonry, focusing on a stretched fishing line, and also periodically recheck ourselves with a level.
  • As soon as the first row is completed, we raise the fishing line for the next and so on until the very end.
  • In order to make the structure more stable, a reinforcing mesh can be laid in the seams.

If you do not plan on having walls of this nature, then the process will be much easier.

  • To the metal plates that we laid during the manufacture of the foundation, we fasten the beam, which will serve as a support. When the whole structure is of great length, then it is necessary to foresee the need to install 3-4 pillars on one side. Their length should be equal to the height of our building, and the dimensions of the sides should be 15 × 15 cm or 15 × 10 cm.
  • We expose them by level so that they are strictly vertical. The bars of one wall should be longer so that we can organize the roof slope.
  • We immediately strengthen our columns with the help of the upper strapping. It can be made from the same logs. We fix it with metal corners.
  • To give greater stability to the entire structure, you can install two jibs near each column. They can be fixed to the support with self-tapping screws, and to the base - with an anchor bolt.
  • We mount beams for our future roof. In order for them to better hold in the places where they adjoin the harness, it is better to perform gashes. We fix with metal corners.
  • We make a crate for flooring, as recommended by the manufacturer. We lay roofing material.
  • To create more comfort, one side (or more) can be sewn up with wooden lining or block house. On the other - to make a wooden lattice. You can equip supports for climbing green plants.

In the case when it is planned to build a pergola, after laying ceiling beams nothing more needs to be done. They can be covered with stain or varnish. Further, the plants themselves will do their job, creating a shadow when they are fully grown.

closed kitchen

At the design stage, it may have been decided to build walls from foam blocks or bricks, then this can be done according to the same principle with the installation of vertical landmarks, which was mentioned above. The thickness of the walls may not be too large. In some cases, laying in half a brick is allowed. But always consider the weight of the future roof. In the future, the outside of the building can be sheathed with siding or a block house. For interior decoration a block house, lining or other material that will be resistant to frost is also suitable, because it is unlikely that someone will constantly heat the room in winter.

A bar is laid on the walls, which will act as a Mauerlat. Its size can be 10 × 15 cm. It is fixed with anchor bolts or studs that need to be walled up during the construction of walls. Under it, it is imperative to lay waterproofing in the form of roofing material or bikrost. A truss system is installed on the logs. It can be both for gable and for pitched roof(for this option, it will be enough to make one wall higher than the other, then beams are simply installed between them). A crate is mounted on the beams and the roofing is laid. WITH inside the ceiling is stitched.

You can go easier and stop at frame version. For it, we need bars of the same size as for the vertical posts from the instructions for the open kitchen. From them we make the foundation. We lay them around the perimeter of our foundation on two layers of roofing material or bicrost, which will serve as waterproofing. We make a dressing between them. To do this, on the edge of each log there is a recess half the depth and a width equal to the width of the log. Checking diagonals. We fix them together with self-tapping screws and internal metal corners. Next, we fix it to pre-prepared plates or anchors to the foundation.

We mount corner supporting pillars from the same beam. In increments of 60 cm, we install additional vertical supports from a board measuring 10 × 5 cm. For greater rigidity, we fasten the jibs for each main support. We carry out the upper trim and install the truss system for the future roof. We do this by analogy with the option of an open kitchen.

finish line

Even if our kitchen is planned to have a barbecue or stove, this does not exclude the presence of gas or electric stove which are much more convenient to use. It is necessary to take care of the installation of a sink, a mixer, as well as a stand for dishes on which it will dry. It would be nice if there is a locker in which you can hide cutlery, as well as pots. Need to take care of the dining table as well comfortable furniture where you can rest. For greater comfort, it is better to carry out the main and decorative lighting.

For an open kitchen project, it is best to ensure that everyone lighting, preferably with IP68 protection. In this case, you do not have to worry about any elements being damaged by rainwater.

Don't approach your summer kitchen project casually. Let it be in some way design solution. After all, it will serve not only as a place for eating, but also as a recreation area with family and friends.

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V it is inconvenient to cook in the house on a hot day: it is hot and stuffy. But it is at this time that the hostess spends more time at the stove, because in addition to the usual cooking, she is also waiting for the seaming of home canned food. Light construction, a summer kitchen in the country will help to facilitate the task and turn duty into pleasure. Projects, photos and a variety of design ideas for this cozy corner will help home master turn your dream into reality.

For a seasonal structure, a canopy and a concrete platform are enough

It is not difficult to build a temporary dining room on your own, the main thing is to reasonably approach its location on the site and the choice of building materials.

We are preparing a project

The first step is to study the site plan and determine the location for the optimal location of the building. This site must meet the following requirements:

  • be close to the main house so that you can bring dishes and food;
  • have convenient access routes so that there is no obstacle to moving from home to building;
  • it is desirable to provide for the proximity of the site to the main communications: water, sewerage and electricity.
Helpful information! The ideal option would be to have a natural or artificial reservoir near the construction.

Having decided on the construction site, you need to measure its area. Temporary structure dimensions separate question. If it will additionally carry the function of a dining room, you will have to provide additional space for setting a table and placing chairs or benches. The presence of a stove or barbecue in the dining room also dictates the need to add square meters to separate the hot shop from the dining group.

Even with a complete lack of artistic skills, it is easy to draw a plan for the future kitchen using a ruler and checkered paper. On a scale, you need to depict all the main items that will be located in the building: a sink, work surfaces, a stove or oven, a table. If the hostess has assistants, it is better to make the room elongated so that it is convenient for several cooks to work at once.

Placement at the dining table should be comfortable, chairs need enough space to move back.

Useful advice! If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site does not allow you to place a temporary kitchen with a dining room, you can abandon this idea and move the dining group to or into the gazebo.

Open or closed summer kitchen in the country? Projects, photos, advantages and disadvantages

A light building can be with or without walls, have a roof or be located in the open air - it all depends on the wishes and imagination of the owner.

Important! It is better to refuse the option of open-air cuisine in the conditions of Russian latitudes. Hot sun, rain and hail can bring unpleasant surprises.

The walls of the country dining room, in principle, are not needed. Its main task is to enable outdoor cooking, so a canopy and supports are enough. Another thing is if the building will be used in the autumn-winter period. In this case, walls and glazing will have to be provided to protect against bad weather and cold. Advantages open building:

  • access to fresh air;
  • ease of movement;
  • the possibility of cooking not only on a stationary, but also on a portable grill;
  • low construction costs.

There are also disadvantages:

  • inconvenience of cooking and eating in windy weather and cool time of day;
  • availability of a place to store dishes and products for domestic and wild animals.

closed building


  • the ability to use the kitchen in any weather;
  • in a closed area it is possible to place equipment that is sensitive to atmospheric moisture.


Open summer kitchen in the country: projects, photos, materials

The open dining option can be temporary or permanent. The temporary building is more mobile, it can be put up every year in a new place and put away for the winter in the utility room. All equipment will also have to be dismantled each time and look for a place to store it.

Closed and open summer kitchens in the country: projects, photos - all these materials give a reason to roll up your sleeves. In such a building, a Russian stove, barbecue or cauldron can be freely accommodated.

Building materials for such a project, you can choose a variety of:

  • forged openwork elements are expensive, but will please the eye for a long time.

Examples of closed structures

Glass and wood are the most popular materials for building closed summer kitchens in the country. Projects, photos of similar buildings created by professionals and amateurs are available to everyone. Brick in combination with which can be opened wide is a practical and durable solution. Such a structure will reliably protect from bad weather. It can be operated all year round.

For your information! Fully appreciate the merits of a closed dacha building with a barbecue or stove, you can new year holidays. A fabulous view of a snow-covered garden and a fire in the barbecue - what could be better for a Christmas evening?

Related article:

Over the past decade, log buildings have been breaking demand records. The summer dining room in the Slavic style, with a stove and matching furniture, will be a favorite place for parties with close friends.

The list of building materials for such projects is very wide: OSB boards, lining, stone. Photos and projects of closed kitchens in the country house demonstrate the imagination of home craftsmen. They propose to use improvised, waste material - glass containers, plastic bottles and even firewood.

Video: photo ideas for summer kitchens

Do-it-yourself phased construction of a summer kitchen in the country house

  • Drawing preparation. You can do it yourself or take it ready.

  • Site preparation. The site is cleared of debris and vegetation, markings are made.

  • Foundation arrangement. The base for the summer building must comply with the project. For an open structure, it is enough to fill it with sand, reinforce with a metal mesh and fill the site with concrete with a layer of 10 centimeters. Before pouring the base, canopy racks are installed. A closed dining room made of brick or stone requires a bookmark. Under the construction of a bar or log is installed.

  • Frame installation. For an open dining room or you will need to install vertical supports. Their location depends on the project. The main thing is that the pillars are sufficiently reliable and can withstand the weight of the roof and the wind load.

  • Wall construction. In variants of closed dining rooms, the walls are laid out from different materials. Having no experience, it is better not to take on yourself. Laying timber and logs requires less building skills, but also has its own characteristics. If the seasonal structure is purchased as ready product from the manufacturer, you can try to assemble it yourself. Frame walls mastered even by a novice master.

  • For a stationary stove, a solid foundation is required. The masonry is made of refractory bricks. To avoid accidental ignition, the space around the barbecue is laid out ceramic tiles. for the furnace it is better to order from the master. He will tell you what height the pipe needs to be installed for good traction.

Photo projects of a summer kitchen in the country with a barbecue grill:

  • Accessories and space design. Every kitchen is business card mistresses. For a summer building, any fantasies and experiments are acceptable.
  • In order for the seasonal building to become a favorite pastime place not only for the hostess, but for all household members, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

    What type of summer kitchen building to choose?

    Do-it-yourself kitchen in the country, photo examples of which could be seen in this review - a reason for inspiration. It is not difficult to choose for yourself any format. A closed or open design with a barbecue or a cauldron will be both a place for cooking and a favorite corner of the garden for friends and relatives. You can build a dining room yourself or invite professional craftsmen. In the first case, you can save a lot, in the second - to achieve a guaranteed result.

    In the country, you just need a room where in the warm season you could cook dinner or do conservation for the winter. And even if it's on the site big house, every hostess just dreams of a summer version of the kitchen closed type.
    But how inexpensively to make such a design with their own hands, users will learn by reading this article.

    Features and types of buildings

    The closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged detached building with plumbing and electricity. Perfect place for receiving guests in the warm season, family dinners and friendly gatherings in the evenings. This is the right solution for regions with rainy summers and early frosts. However, using this construction winter time not worth it, unless the owners have taken care of heating in advance.

    Such a kitchen can be an independent building or an extension to the main house, a utility block or a bathhouse. It can be equipped with a fireplace, barbecue or oven.

    An interesting layout option is a kitchen-house with a terrace or veranda. All the necessary kitchen appliances and equipment are compactly placed inside, and a dining area is formed under the canopy.

    In the villages, preference is given to a variety of buildings with a cellar and a barbecue. But you need to take into account the fact that the walls basement will become the upper part of the foundation of the kitchen, so they must be made of the most durable material.

    It is important to note that if there is no possibility to conduct electricity on the territory of the site, then right decision will be the purchase of a diesel-powered generator that will provide light for both the building and kitchen appliances.

    The construction of a closed type structure is a laborious process that requires accurate calculations and drawings of every detail of the building. Project development with correct application sizes will speed up construction and help avoid mistakes.

    Site selection and structure design

    The initial stage in the construction of a summer kitchen in a summer cottage is the choice of location, and then the design of all its components. And so that the result of the work does not disappoint, you need to remember a few features.

    The best options for building materials

    The choice of building materials directly depends not only on the service life, the preferences of the owners, but also on financial capabilities. But today there are many practical examples of successful combinations of cheap materials with more expensive ones.

    During the construction of the summer building most in demand enjoy:

    • brick;
    • concrete;
    • polycarbonate;
    • natural stone;
    • corrugated board;
    • tree;
    • lining;
    • aluminum.

    We must not forget that country cottage area should emphasize the beauty of the future design, so it would be appropriate to lay paths of gravel or tiles, plant flowers and perennial shrubs. And if there are financial opportunities to build an artificial pond.

    If the site is fenced with a brick fence, it is good to make a kitchen from the same material or using natural stone. Such a structure is not afraid of influence external environment and stay for a decade.

    It is much easier to make a prefabricated indoor version of the kitchen from a bar. Such a project will be less expensive, but every detail of the building will require constant care and processing. In addition, wood wears out much faster than brick or stone.

    For flooring use:

    • laminate;
    • parquet;
    • linoleum;
    • decorative tiles.

    The roof can be covered with:

    • corrugated board;
    • soft roof;
    • metal tiles.

    Exterior decoration of the building with siding elements will give the kitchen a modern look.

    Foundation laying

    Having decided on the place and formed the design project, it is necessary to proceed with the construction of the foundation of the building.
    When planning open version summer kitchen, one could simply make a small depression in the ground over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future structure, fill it with sand. Give time to stand a little, and lay out a layer of bricks or boards. But the basis of a closed kitchen should be a durable and solid foundation that requires phased laying.

    If the flooring is made of decorative tiles, work surface it is necessary to pre-grind or make a smooth cement screed.

    Photo: monolithic foundation ready for construction

    wall construction

    If the owners of the summer kitchen plan to use it late autumn during the first frosts, you need to take care of strong walls so that the room inside does not freeze under the influence low temperatures. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to build masonry half or a whole brick thick.

    Photo: brickwork process using laces

    Fans of wooden house structures will assemble the walls much faster. Their basis will be a frame made of timber. And as fastening elements it is better to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. The outer part of the walls can be sheathed with a thin layer of boards.

    Interior decoration is carried out using drywall, plastic, lining or plastered.

    Roofing installation

    The roof of a closed kitchen should be durable and practical. Therefore, when purchasing materials for its installation, you can opt for:

    The shape of the roof depends on the preferences of the owners. A reliable option would be a gable roof.

    Photo: log building with a gable roof

    If the building will be used in winter, then insulation is recommended. mineral wool or other insulating material.

    one wing roofing or it is better to make the visor longer in order to create additional protection for the walls during precipitation, thereby extending the life of the entire building.

    Interior decoration and interior design

    Qualitatively executed interior decoration and well-chosen interior design will create a pleasant atmosphere of home comfort.

    Getting to the arrangement, it is worth paying attention to such nuances.

    When creating a closed summer kitchen, it is necessary to accurately calculate every detail of the structure and correctly combine the selected building materials with common style premises, then the resulting design will become not only a source of pride, but also a favorite place for the family for many years.

    Book a gazebo with professionals

    Don't have time to build your own? Please contact the following organizations.

    Construction companies

    For recreation and the like. If you do not know how to build a summer kitchen with your own hands, then you should pay attention to studying next material, which will gradually acquaint you with this difficult process. Before proceeding with the construction, we highlight the advantages of a summer kitchen.

    What is the purpose of the summer kitchen?

    The summer kitchen is an ideal assistant for every housewife in spring, summer and autumn time of the year. It can be used to cook food, make spins, fry, boil. All couples will be outside your living space, which is a huge plus, for example, in the heat. The summer kitchen is a suitable area for relaxing, eating, installing some furniture, including a stove, shelving. Of course, this is an optional building, it is not required to be present at absolutely every dacha. But if you strive to create coziness and comfort, then her presence will be quite logical.

    Types of summer kitchens and where is its best place

    Depending on the material used, summer kitchens are divided into several types:

    • Wooden summer kitchens. They are made from glued laminated timber, logs and the like.
    • Summer kitchens made of metal. In this case, simple frame structures which are very easy to assemble. Their advantage lies in the ability to move from one place to another.
    • Budget summer kitchens. In this case, improvised materials are used, for example, wood or metal.
    • Brick summer kitchens. They can also be combined with metal, wood.

    Such a structure may be open or closed. If you plan to use it in the winter season, then glazing and insulation will be required. If not, then it will suffice to do simple building without finishing work.

    As for the choice of the location of the summer kitchen, it is important to take into account some factors. For example, you should decide how much space it will take up. What shape will the building be: square, round, oval, rectangular or have irregular shape. Based on this, you choose appropriate place while keeping the following points in mind:

    • Remoteness from the household yard, house, garden and other buildings.
    • Warmth of the selected territory. For example, a summer kitchen can be in the shade of a garden or, conversely, in an open space.
    • The presence of drafts. This is important, since it is undesirable for a draft to constantly pull on the legs and back in the chosen place; rest in such conditions can provoke some diseases.

    No less important will be the study of the terrain. For example, one should determine whether ground water, namely how high they lie. The nature of the soil. surrounding plants. It is very good if you transfer all your ideas to a piece of paper, thereby making a project for the future summer kitchen.

    Construction of a summer kitchen made of bricks

    The summer kitchen, built of brick, will be a reliable structure that can be used in cold period time. But in order for it to serve for a long time of the year, the first thing to do is to make a reliable foundation.

    Foundation manufacturing. It should not be assumed that the foundation for the summer kitchen should be as strong as for the house. If the building is made up of brick walls, wooden roof, then driving piles and greatly deepening the foundation should not be. Such a building will not exert much pressure on the ground, so a combined foundation can be made. If you chose a rectangular shape of the building, then six pillars will be enough, three on each side. If as pillars will be selected wooden pole and brick, then the trench will be done as follows:

    • According to the marking of the wall under the masonry, a trench is digging. Its depth will be 0.5 m, and the width will be 0.4 m. As for the length, it should correspond to the dimensions of the future building.
    • In places where the support will be installed, a hole is dug with a depth of 0.7 m. The size of the hole can be 0.4 × 0.4 m.

    At the next stage, the poles are mounted in the dug hole. They should be aligned with strip foundation The to be associated with the posts. When the poles and tape are ready, you can start making the site.

    Site manufacturing. As for the site, it should be flat, as furniture, accessories, equipment and the like will be installed on it. It, for example, can be made from paving slabs. To do this, inside the foundation, remove the soil with a depth of 0.2 m. But this must be done only after the foundation has completely dried. Further, sand is evenly poured into the pit, which it is desirable to compact well. The backfill layer should be 70 mm. In the process of tamping, the sand can be slightly moistened so that it settles as well as possible. When all preparatory work you're done, you can start styling paving slabs.

    Note! To speed up the process of laying tiles and not wait for the foundation to dry completely, a blind area can be built around the perimeter, which will hold the entire structure in a fixed and durable state.

    After laying paving slabs, the upper edge should rise above ground level by an average of 50 mm.

    Blind area manufacturing. Thanks to the blind area, the structure can acquire some decorative effect. Moreover, it will protect the foundation from excess moisture. To do this, along the perimeter of the summer kitchen, you should retreat 0.5-0.7 m from the wall. This distance is enough to make a blind area. Next, make a wooden formwork. At the same time, the blind area should have a slight slope from the foundation, such that the water that falls on it flows freely and does not stagnate. The blind area is poured with concrete and leveled with the rule.

    Masonry walls of the summer kitchen. When building a summer kitchen, half-brick laying will be enough. Before starting work, it is first necessary to prepare a mortar and a brick, which can be folded directly on an already made site. In the process of work, the masonry must be regularly leveled. If you plan to install a door frame or windows, then during the bricklaying process it will be necessary to install beams or lintels in specially designated places. When the walls are laid out, you can proceed to the next step. From wooden beam Mauerlat is made, it will tie the entire structure into a single whole and will serve as an excellent basis for mounting the roof.

    Roof installation. It is not recommended to choose a heavy and fragile material as a coating. You can, for example, use a corrugated metal sheet. In any case, it is first necessary to make a roof frame and crate. As for the type of roof, it can be, for example, single-pitched or gable. However, there are no restrictions. The most important thing is to maintain the appropriate angle of inclination. To make a crate, you should use wooden beams and bars. Roof design features directly depend on the roofing material you choose.

    Interior decoration of the summer kitchen. When all the major work on the installation of walls and roofs is completed, you can proceed to finishing work from within. This question also has no strict rules. For instance, brickwork can be done for stitching. If you wish, then the walls can be plastered, and then plastered. Check the condition of the paving slabs. Each seam must be filled with grout.

    Conducting communications

    Special attention should be paid to such an important process as conducting engineering networks. Their number will directly depend on how you want to use the summer kitchen. You may need to carry out gas, electricity, sewerage, water supply.

    Note! Communications must be connected not at the end, but as the summer kitchen is being built. Some communications will be carried out under the foundation, others will not. For this reason, it is important to take into account this stage of work and plan its sequence in the process of manufacturing a project.

    So, we learned with you in what sequence the process of building a summer kitchen takes place. Of course, there are many other options for the technology of its construction. You should stick to your own taste and wishes, and most importantly, financial possibilities.


    Construction of a frame summer kitchen:


    (18 ratings, average: 4,36 out of 5)

    Summer residents are looking forward to the onset of summer. For them, this is an opportunity to move from the city to their suburban area and dig in the beds. Fans of country rest also love summer. V warm time they have the opportunity to relax in the fresh air in the forest or on the banks of the river and indulge in wonderful picnics in the company of friends. People who own summer cottages use them not only to grow vegetables and herbs, but also spend time communicating with family and friends. The best place for holding such meetings is a summer kitchen arranged on a country site.

    Summer kitchen in the country: projects

    When a person decides to arrange a summer kitchen in the country, then before starting work, of course, he has many thoughts on how to arrange a summer kitchen so that it turns out perfect. It must be said that it will become ideal only if, with all seriousness, the owner of the suburban area approaches its construction and carefully think over the design, as well as pay serious attention to the design and choose the right location, while not forgetting the purpose of this room. Thus, if you are going to build a summer kitchen, then you need to answer the following questions:

    Why do you need a summer kitchen at your summer cottage? Do you plan to make a large number of blanks for the winter in the summer? How often will you visit your dacha with friends and have picnics? How many people will be in this room at the same time? Do you plan to be there only in summer?

    The type of construction of this room, which the owner of the summer cottage chooses, will largely depend on its location. Will it act as a separate room or will it be attached to the house? Or maybe the summer kitchen will act as a structure that is adjacent to the outbuildings located on the territory of the summer cottage? You need to decide from which side the wind hits your site and the sun shines. It is also necessary to answer the following questions: what climatic conditions prevail in your area where your dacha is located.

    When work is carried out on the design and construction of a summer kitchen, even in this case, despite the non-global nature of this structure, the financial costs of the construction of this facility play a decisive role. Even if you plan to build an economy class room, then in this case you will be able to make sure that after the construction work is completed, this room will look stylish and attract attention. To do this, you need to connect your imagination, and besides that, show all your talents and skills when organizing a summer kitchen and creating its design.

    When you have answered all the questions above, which may be very simple for many, you will be able to understand what your end result will be. summer kitchen project

    If you have already identified a separate room for your summer kitchen at your summer cottage, then you should know that, in accordance with the norms fire safety, from other buildings it should be located no closer than 7 m. minimum size The area must be at least 0.10 ha.

    Do-it-yourself open summer kitchen in the country

    If the summer cottage is located in a climatic zone that is characterized by favorable conditions for human life, and you have already chosen a place on your site that you consider optimal for placing a summer kitchen, then in this case you can do choice in favor open design this building. This is a very simple option in terms of implementation. In this case, you will get as close to nature as possible when you spend your holidays in the courtyard of the house in such a summer kitchen. The number of walls in such a kitchen with a stove can vary from 1 to 3. Some projects of open summer kitchens are completely devoid of them.

    Quite often, such structures have only one wall, which provides a connection between this structure and another extension. As a roof of a summer kitchen made of bricks with a stove, a canopy can act or shelter people in the room from the weather, a structure made of lightweight aluminum can. Structures open type is distinguished by ease in the process of construction, and, in addition, the owner’s small cash expenditures for the construction of such a structure.

    Closed summer kitchen at their summer cottage

    For people whose place of residence is a zone of risky agriculture, where frequent rains, dominated strong winds, and early frosts often occur, the best choice there will be a construction of a closed type summer kitchen. A structure of this type should also be chosen by people who prefer to spend holidays in their summer cottage in winter.

    Summer kitchens with this type of stove can be attached to another room or can be a separate building. It represents a full-fledged house, which has heating, as well as gas, electricity and other conditions that provide a comfortable life. As additional buildings in the summer kitchen, a fireplace, utility room or cellar can act. If in winter you do not need a separate kitchen on your site, then in this case the water from the heating system must be drained, and then the windows and doors should be tightly closed.

    How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands: materials

    Materials such as stone and wood, will perfectly fit into the summer kitchen project on your site. However, it should be noted that other materials can be found on the market today, the characteristic qualities of which are lightness and high strength. They are popular with many private developers. First of all, they are chosen because they are reliable, and, in addition, when they are used in the construction process, convenience is provided to the developer. Such materials include PVC, polycarbonate sheets, as well as polystyrene foam boards and aluminum profiles.

    Stone mansions

    For the construction of a summer kitchen with a stove, stone can be used as the main material. Using this material, popular in our time, you can build walls, and, in addition, use it to lay out the floor. As building material can be applied granite, marble, as well as use slate and limestone, which will look great in the interior. A real fireplace or an artificial one will look attractive in this room if you line it with stone. It is ideal to use tiles for this work that are able to withstand bad weather conditions, and besides that, the negative factors common to the kitchen - stains, debris and other negative points.

    Concrete is best used for closed structures. This material has been used for a long time and is distinguished by a rather diverse range of colors. If a kitchen with a stove next to the house is built of stone, then it is quite acceptable to use wood elements or combinations of other materials in the design.

    The main advantage of the stone is that it is an durable material and convenient for construction work. However, it also has certain disadvantages. One of them is that the cost is quite high. For this reason, if you have desire to carry out the construction work of your summer kitchen made of stone with a stove and a gazebo, you will have to allocate a serious construction budget for this business.

    wooden grace

    If you do not have enough financial resources to build a brick kitchen with your own hands near the house, then you can use wood, which is a more affordable material. However, in order for the construction of this material to last for a long time, it is necessary to carry out processing natural material using special formulations.

    Such processing will protect the wood from such unpleasant processes as aging, rotting, fungal infection. A much simpler task is to carry out construction work with wood. Structures erected from this material, including a gazebo, will seem light and elegant to you. In addition, they will provide a special aroma of wood in the summer kitchen, especially after rainy weather.

    Modern materials

    They can also be used when arranging a summer kitchen with a barbecue. You can buy them even if the owner of the summer cottage allocated a small budget for the construction. Their feature is high strength when used in construction work. These materials are:

    • drywall;
    • lining panels;
    • plywood.

    Most often, in order to complete the design floor covering, use parquet or laminate. With a small budget, preference is given in favor of linoleum. For the manufacture of kitchen walls with a gazebo, they use brick, tile, choose the wallpaper of the most different types or they use siding, which is an excellent material for performing exterior finish walls. For roofing best solution is a corrugated board or a metal tile.

    Summer kitchen interior design

    It should be said that there big number design options for a summer kitchen with a barbecue at their summer cottage. The owner must make a choice in favor of the one that he likes best. However, in order not to get confused when choosing the design of the summer kitchen being built with a stove and a gazebo, we want to give some helpful tips.


    Many people in our country have suburban areas. However, not everyone wants to work on them in the beds. Many have a desire to use their summer cottage as well as a place of rest. In order to create comfortable conditions in the country for relaxation and a comfortable stay, a device such as a summer kitchen is suitable. There you can spend time with friends, as well as relax during hot hours and cook. There are several options for its device.

    This structure can be open or closed. In addition, it can act as a separate room or be an extension to the main house, or be located on the site in the form of an extension. When building a summer kitchen with barbecue can be used the most different materials . You can give preference to stone and brick, or opt for lightweight materials, such as wood, polycarbonate. Here you need to proceed from your financial capabilities, as well as from what you want to get in the end.