Storage tank for water from the well. Storage tank for water supply - a real salvation in case of water interruptions

A storage tank for water supply is a reservoir included in a certain way in the water supply of an apartment, house, summer cottage, so as not to experience inconvenience when changing the water supply or pressure in the entire system.

It will relieve water hammer in case of pressure drops in pipes.

Also, the tank provides water to residents of the house, even in cases of temporary shutdown.

A reservoir for collecting water in reserve (a storage tank for water supply at home) is not necessary for everyone, but only for those homeowners who experience a regular shortage.

Here are some situations that require the installation of a storage tank:

  • The house or apartment is connected to a centralized water supply system, but the water supply is irregular and is carried out according to the schedule. For example, two hours in the morning and several hours in the evening.
  • A country cottage receives water from a well, but it cannot fully meet the needs of residents and quickly empties.
    The "life-giving moisture" is supplied by a pump, but there are problems with the supply of electricity, so the pump is not always useful. It is necessary to “play it safe” and make a constant supply of water in case of its shutdown.
  • There is a pump, but it works intermittently or does not cope with pumping the right amount water.

The principle of operation of such a device is as follows. First, a pump (pumping station) pumps (pumps) water from a source available to it.

When the liquid level reaches the limit, a float (a regulator similar to that found in toilet cisterns) reacts to this and closes the lever. In this case, the hole is also closed and the pump is turned off.

When you open the water tap or drain the water from the tank, water starts to come out of the storage tank, and the valve opens again. The pump is also switched on and filling starts again.

The device (or rather the device) turns out to be very simple, but useful in case of any problems with water supply or electricity.

Such a tank is made of stainless metal or food-grade plastic mass (plastic).

Necessarily high quality material so that not a single foreign molecule chemical compounds did not get into the water.

After all, it will be used for food purposes as well.

In case of a possible breakdown of the float valve, a pipe leading into the sewer is cut into the system so that a flood does not occur when the float fails.

For additional safety and purification of water, one or more filters are inserted into the outlet of the tank (pipe).

In cases with untimely power supply, if available, it may be necessary to install a storage system.

If water does not enter the water supply system on time, such measures will also help prudent owners of a private house or apartment.

How to choose a water tank

Before choosing a pump, you need to learn a few simple rules, which follow from the principles of the storage tank. Here they are:

  • The larger the volume of the water tank, the less often the pump will turn on. Conclusion: a large tank is economical.
  • If it is small, sharp drops in the head of the water bed are inevitable and they will occur more often.

Now a negative feature of large tanks: they take a long time to fill with water.

As for the shape of the tank, whether it is horizontal or vertical, it doesn't matter, there is no difference in duration.

For an average apartment with pressure drops in the tap, it is recommended to choose a tank with a volume of one hundred to two hundred liters. For private houses, especially those with a vegetable garden or any private plot, need in clean water increases tenfold.

Therefore, for such farms, you will need a tank with the size of one and a half thousand liters, and in some cases - five, ten thousand. The larger the tank, the more rational it is to bury it in the ground on the site, since a lot of space is saved.

Summer cottages may have distinctive feature- they may not be connected to a centralized water supply system, because it simply does not exist.

It is important not to install such tanks, rather intended for watering plants, in full sun.

To choose the right size a storage tank for water supply to a summer cottage, or apartment, it is required to estimate the approximate needs of the family and the economy (if any) in water.

A tank that is too large is just as bad as a very small one.

After all, waiting for a longer amount of time until the tank is filled is not rational.

More information about the principle of a storage tank for water supply can be seen in the video:

Ecology of consumption. Homestead: Some of us have come across a situation like serving cold water by the hour. You can solve this problem yourself. It is enough just to install a storage tank for cold water.

Some of us have come across such a situation as the supply of cold water by the hour. Of course, this state of affairs does not suit water consumers at all, to put it mildly. Local authorities sometimes find a thousand reasons to explain why water cannot be supplied around the clock. You can solve this problem yourself. It is enough just to establish storage tank for cold water.

The idea is simple - during the centralized water supply according to the schedule, the storage tank is replenished with cold water, and when the consumer is turned off, cold water from the storage tank enters all points of the draw-off. Thus, the larger the tank capacity, the longer the water consumer will not feel discomfort from the hourly water supply. The backup water supply system can be used both on summer cottages, and at home.

The first step in designing a system such as uninterruptible water supply system, - determination of the required capacity of the storage tank. To this end, you need to find out the daily consumption of cold water for your family. As a rule, the capacity of the storage tank is equated to this value. Basically, your right to create a three-day supply of water. You can purchase a storage tank for cold water with a volume of 80 l to 1500 l (for domestic conditions).

The next task that the uninterruptible water supply system solves is the supply of water from the storage tank to the water intake points. To do this, you need to create pressure. It can be organized both in a natural way (the water tank is moved to the roof and insulated to protect it from winter frosts), and artificially - by connecting an electric pump. Residents of high-rise buildings do not always have the opportunity to place a storage tank for cold water on the roof (or an insufficient level of water pressure at the outlet of the tank with such an organization), therefore an electric pump is a necessary element of such a system as a water supply system.

In order to select a pump to connect to the system, an indicator of the average daily water consumption will also come in handy. It must be converted into such a dimension of water consumption as the number of liters per minute, and also calculate maximum level water consumption in the system, if all draw-off points work at the same time. For example, a washing machine is turned on (the maximum water consumption, liters per minute, is indicated in the passport of the device), as well as a shower in the bathroom (you can navigate by the cold water meter), a tap with water in the kitchen for washing dishes, etc.

The maximum possible water pressure at the outlet of the electric pump is indicated in the equipment passport (liters per minute). Of course, when choosing a suitable surface electric pump, it is necessary to focus on the indicator of the maximum possible water consumption by all points of the water intake, otherwise the pump pressure may not be enough.

In addition, the backup water supply system (the diagram is shown in the figure) must be provided with appropriate automation (meaning a dry-running relay). In case of emptying the storage tank of cold water, the dry-running relay must stop the operation of the electric pump. It will be better if, in addition to the main function - protection against dry running, the automatics will perform one more - turn on the pump only if the water intake point (tap with water) is opened. Thus, the electricity required to operate the pump will be consumed extremely economically.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the backup water supply system

A necessary element of the system is a float (float valve). Its task is to stop the supply of water to the storage tank if it is full.

Another important element of the system is the presence of a main fine filter at the inlet (a polypropylene cartridge is used). The specified element will help purify cold water at the inlet to the system, protect the storage tank from the accumulation of various mechanical impurities. If desired, you can add a filter for removing hardness salts here, as well as carbon filter to remove chlorine commonly used in systems reverse osmosis... Just keep in mind that the addition of each such element will lead to a decrease in the water pressure at the inlet to the system.

Other piping elements (taps, check valves, pipes) are shown in the diagram. What fittings are needed depends on the dimensions of the pipes and inlets used, the outlets of the connected equipment. The uninterruptible water supply system can be installed using both plastic and metal-plastic pipes.

That's basically it. Good luck! published by If you have any questions on this topic, ask the experts and readers of our project.

After drilling the well, the pump is installed and the head with a check valve, a tee and a pressure gauge is installed - these are just the first steps towards providing the site with water. It may be undrinkable, too cold for watering the plants, or served under low pressure. In addition, the well production rate in certain periods of the year may simply not be enough. The economical consumption of the moisture available on the site will be provided by an autonomous water supply system or an installed pump for irrigation from a barrel.

Dependence of water quality on its purpose

Water in the cottage is constantly needed: for washing dishes, doing laundry, cooking, for taking a shower or bath, in the garage and in the sauna, for watering plants in the spring and autumn, for an artificial pond and a fountain. The required quality also depends on its purpose. For example, for washing, washing dishes and showering or bathing, you need water with a limited amount of iron compounds, neutral and sufficiently soft, free from viruses and microbes. Water for irrigation can include sand and silt, but its temperature should not be lower than 12 ° C, so as not to harm the plants. Artificial pond is a living environment for fish and other useful inhabitants underwater kingdom, but it is necessary to exclude the spread of bacteria and microbes in it, if possible. Therefore, the water here is partially renewed from time to time. Finally, the highest demands are placed on water for drinking and cooking, since people's health depends on its quality. Thus, from the total amount of water required for life in a cottage of one family (1.5-4 m 3 per day), drinking water is distinguished by quality, intended for household needs and for irrigation.

The central water supply system allows to solve almost all of the above problems, since it supplies water for household and drinking purposes. Sometimes, however, its suitability for drinking is questionable. In this case, additional filtration has to be performed (especially in the spring). A completely different matter is your own source, that is, a well or a well. The article "A spring in your area" it has already been said that at present even water from an artesian well may not always be potable. A common option is an increased concentration of iron compounds, which means increased rigidity. The result is a lot of trouble when using water, even for household needs. Of course, you can clean it all up to drinking quality, but this will cost a lot and will force you to reduce the pressure, which is not always advisable. It is more rational to divide the general stream into different "streams" for the purpose and cook each of them in a certain way. Experts even use the appropriate term - "water treatment".

But first, let's talk about an autonomous water supply system, or, more simply, about our own water supply system, which allows us to separate “streams” of various purposes along the site, which would be convenient to manage.

Water pressure and head

Water must flow through the pipes not only in the required amount, but also with a certain pressure. Since it rises from the ground, and is consumed both on the site and on all floors of the cottage, such pressure in the pipes is needed so that not a thin thread would flow out of the tap on the top floor, but a jet with sufficient pressure to use it. Minimum height, to which it is necessary to raise water above ground level when it moves to the point of draw-off (taking into account overcoming the resistance of the pipes), is called free head. According to SNiPu 2.04.02-84 *, for the first floor it is taken equal to 10 m, and for each next floor it is increased by 4 m. But this requirement is still not enough for the normal operation of the entire water supply system. To create the necessary pressure from the tap, the pressure must be at least 2 bar (atm), for a dishwasher and gas heater- 1.5 bars, for a washing machine - 2 bars, for an irrigation system - 3-4 bars, and for hydromassage appliances (showers or jacuzzi baths) - as many as 4 bars. And that's not all. Several consumers can be switched on at the same time, including those that are significantly distant from the source (in the garage, in the bathhouse, in the irrigation system). And the water pressure for each of them should have the above value. Therefore, the pressure created in the water supply system is designed to maintain all pressure indicators for individual consumers.

The flow rate of an artesian well does not limit the daily water consumption for all family members; only the pump performance is capable of restraining consumption. If the pump is very efficient, and there are few consumers (taps) turned on, so much high pressure in pipes, that the narrowest joints will allow water to pass through - leakage. For this reason, the maximum allowable pressure in the water supply system, according to the same SNiPs, is 60 m, and the pressure, respectively, is 6 bars.

The flow rate of a mine well or well in a sandy rock is less than in an artesian one, and sometimes it can be lower than the actual daily water consumption. This leads to a periodic decrease in its level in the source during the day. In this case, the pump performance and the frequency of its activation must be coordinated with both the water flow rate and the well flow rate. However, the water consumption during the day is a random indicator, depending not only on the people present in the house and their intentions, but also on the season: in summer it is always higher. When choosing the pump capacity and the pressure in the pipes, the well flow rate and the required water pressure, as well as its estimated daily consumption during the busiest summer period, are taken into account.

It is important to determine the two most critical operating modes of the water supply system: maintaining the required water pressure at its maximum flow rate and limiting the pressure in the absence of flow. They affect the choice of pump performance, the maximum and minimum pressure in the pipes, on the material and diameter of the pipes, on the need for additional containers and their size, on the possibility of complicating the water supply in the future - an increase in the length of pipes and the number of consumers. The specialists of the company "AQUATERMOSERVICE" report that the purchase of a pump with a power reserve, although it will require additional costs when assembling a water supply system, will eventually cost 5-7 times cheaper than replacing the pump due to insufficient power when expanding the network.

Features of the installation of an autonomous water supply system

To exclude possible freezing of the head and seepage of surface water into the well, it is surrounded by a buried underground chamber (protective well). The bottom of the chamber is poured with concrete or made of steel sheet not thinner than 5 mm. In this case, the well is located at such a depth that water pipes passed below the frozen ground, and the upper part casing protruded above the bottom by at least 0.5 m. The steel casing pipe is passed through a collar (rubber, hydroglass-insulated) inserted into a hole in the concrete bottom, or welded around the circumference of the hole in the steel bottom. The chamber walls (rectangular or circular) are made of concrete rings, brick or steel sheet. In the latter case, there is no need for additional waterproofing, since the sheet is simply welded to the steel bottom. The resulting sealed container more often called a caisson, and it is now becoming more and more popular.

If the source of water is a mine well, and a jet pump is used to pump it, the latter can be located on a fairly great distance such as indoors. The length of the suction pipe depends little on the height of the water level in the well. On the contrary, with centrifugal pumps, the length of the suction pipe is limited to 30-40 m (see article "Please give me some water!"). Around the well, for any type of pump, a clay castle is made with a depth of 1.5-2 m and a width of 0.5 m - to prevent surface water seepage.

The position of a well or a shaft well in an area with a sandy rock is uniquely determined by the occurrence of surface waters. But the artesian well is drilled in the most convenient place from the point of view of the general layout. Most often it is positioned so that, firstly, total length the water supply pipes were smaller, secondly, the well was not located at the intersection of the most frequently used routes and, thirdly, the underground chamber, with an uneven surface of the site, was not in the lowland (to prevent the accumulation of rain and melt water around it).

The pump should turn on when you open any tap on the water supply. So the use of water by several family members can lead to too frequent starts and stops, and this will shorten its service life. To reduce the number of starts-stops and maintain a constant pressure in the network, a hydraulic accumulator tank is installed. It plays the role of an intermediate buffer tank and serves as a small-sized analogue of a water tower. Now, when you open any tap, water will begin to flow to the user under a fairly large, pre-set pressure. And only after partial emptying of the tank, when the pressure in it drops to a certain value, the electric relay will turn on the pump. After closing the tap, the pump will continue to pump water from the well for some time, filling the tank and increasing the pressure in it to its original value. The construction and installation organization will select the volume of the tank and the pressure value in accordance with the pump performance and the planned peak water consumption. The upper and lower pressure values ​​set when adjusting the water supply are fixed. The adjusting screws are sealed to exclude the possibility of their spontaneous displacement, which could lead to an accident. Unauthorized violation of the seals deprives the user of the company's guarantee for the network operability.

It is possible to envisage a single main pipe through which water will first enter the house, and then it will be divorced around the site. By the way, a gap must be left between its outer surface and the walls of the hole in the wall or foundation, which is filled with an elastic water and gas-tight material surrounded by a rigid shell. Rigid pipe embedding in masonry is unacceptable. It is more convenient to install a pressure accumulator tank before branching the water supply system - directly in the caisson or after entering the house. At the entrance to the tank provide check valve(if it is not in the pump) so that water does not flow back into the well, and at the outlet there is a pressure gauge to control the pressure and an automatic valve for the inlet and outlet of air entering the water supply system. If water from the well, besides the house, also flows into other branches of the water supply system - into a garage, a bathhouse, an irrigation system, then hydroaccumulator tanks of a smaller capacity can sometimes be provided in each of them. Typically, the plumbing has two branches: year-round and seasonal use. The pipes of the first are buried below the freezing depth, and the pipes of the second are launched either above the ground or in the ground, at a depth of more than 1.5 shovel bayonets. Most often, the ground branch is made of galvanized steel pipes, and summer, underground, - from HDPE or polypropylene (these materials do not corrode and do not heat up enough that the temperature changes in length were significant). The summer underground branch must be installed with a slope of up to 2 ° to the horizon - either towards the water source or towards the consumers. Due to this, when turned off for the winter, water is removed by gravity from the pipes.

The number of taps depends on the branching of the irrigation system and the individual habits of the owners: someone prefers to turn on water only where it is needed, while someone water is preventively large area plot. In any case, it should be taken into account that each tap is a place of possible leakage.

For an artificial reservoir with fish, special water purification and its periodic renewal may be required. This should be taken into account. The specificity of the preparation of household and drinking water is beyond the scope of this article. We will devote a separate publication to this topic.

Which pipes to choose

When laying a water supply system, pipes made of low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, metal-plastic, copper and steel are used. Products made of HDPE and metal-plastic are supplied in coils, so fragments of any length can be cut. Such pipes are especially convenient to install, since the number of connections, and therefore the risk of leaks, is minimized. The rest of the pipes are measured, 4-6 m long. Products made of polypropylene can be quickly assembled at the installation site into a pipe of any length. For this, the four-meter sections are held together by heating the intermediate fittings. The distribution of the water supply system along the site (external) is most often performed with cheaper pipes made of HDPE or polypropylene, and indoors (internal) - with all types of the listed pipes. Most prestigious copper pipes connected by soldering, but they will cost much more than others. Metal-plastic pipes can be significantly bent, which makes it easy to change the configuration of the water supply system. They are especially convenient for hard-to-reach places, when creating a temporary structure and in those cases when it is necessary to add any element (for example, when connecting a hydraulic accumulator tank). It should be noted that non-metallic pipes have a limitation on the maximum allowable pressure, for example, up to 6, up to 10 bars.

For an external water supply system, a main pipe with a diameter of conditional pass(DN) 32 or 40 mm (11/4 "or 11/2", respectively), and for the internal - 15 mm (1/2 "). The mass of the riser pipe should be as small as possible. In addition, significant torsional rigidity is required its long design, since when starting and stopping the electric motor of the submersible pump develops a rather large torque.It is for these two reasons that a monolithic pipe made of HDPE is usually preferred or polypropylene pipe from four-meter sections welded together. The diameter is chosen depending on the pump used and its immersion depth, and most often it is DN 40 or 50 mm (11/2 "or 2", respectively).

Since the temperature underground is approximately 4 ° C, thermal deformations of such a long plastic pipe are not terrible. Specialists of the F-PLAST company claim that welded structures made of polypropylene are most beneficial to the consumer due to their thick walls and the ability to easily build up the pipe during operation. And such a need may well arise in connection with a decrease in the flow rate of even an artesian well. Indeed, due to the gradual increase in the total number of wells in the district, a drop in the water level becomes very likely. Although the metal water-lifting pipe will have the highest rigidity, its significant mass will dramatically complicate both installation and possible dismantling. And this design will cost more.

One-level and two-level plumbing

One family's need for drinking water is usually easily met. But the required amount of water for irrigation and household needs, especially during peak periods, sometimes forces one to think about placing additional tanks on the site for storing its reserves. There is a single-level water supply system, in which all water coming from the well is immediately used for its intended purpose, and a two-level water supply system, in which it enters additional tanks and only from there for its intended purpose. cylindrical and prismatic containers are made of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. The guaranteed service life is up to 10 years. An example is the products of the firm "ANION" with a volume of 560 to 4500 liters from light-stabilized polyethylene of different colors.

Filtration of water before entering the irrigation tank is usually either not needed, or is carried out to remove only chlorine or fluorine-containing compounds. After all, most of the iron compounds will settle to the bottom after a while, and possible connections sulfur (mainly hydrogen sulfide) will gradually evaporate by itself. Such a vessel with a volume of 1-5 m 3 with water, which is used only in warm time years, it is advisable to set at free space plot above ground. Firstly, in this case, the water will warm up faster before entering the irrigation system. Secondly, in the bottom of the container or near it from the side, a valve can be provided for periodically draining the resulting sediment. Water can be fed into the vessel through a separately provided electromechanical valve, and into the seasonal branch of the water supply system - by gravity or forcibly, using an additional centrifugal pump. In any case, a water level limiter should be provided, periodically turning on and off the valve of its supply to the tank. This limiter can be float or electrode (two- and three-pin).

The need for water for household needs, for example, for washing (in a house, a bathhouse, a garage), for a pool, etc., exists in one amount or another all year round. Therefore, an additional reservoir, usually with a volume of 3-5 m 3, is buried in the ground. To prevent it from being squeezed out by surface and ground waters in winter, they are laid under the bottom before installation. concrete slab... the container can be placed both in the free area of ​​the site and under the house. The water from it does not have to be pre-warmed, but it must be filtered from sand and silt, as well as from iron-containing compounds. Otherwise, then you will have to wipe off the yellow streaks, especially on the initially snow-white surfaces of sanitary ware. An additional pump for pumping will supply water to the pipes. And to coordinate its work with the action of the valve for supplying water from the well - a level limiter placed inside the tank.

Tanks for storing water supplies from the firm "ANION" (2002 data)
Model Volume, l Dimensions, mm Wall thickness, mm Weight, kg Cost, $
560FC 560 Ø 750 × 1480 5-6 20 136
1000FC 1000 Ø 1300 × 930 5-6 30 176
T1100K3 1200 1270 × 720 × 1590 8 55 241
1500FC 1500 Ø 1300 × 1330 5-6 40 213
2000FC 2000 Ø 1600 × 1200 6-7 60 305
T2000K3 2000 2150 × 760 × 1560 8 80 391
3000FK 3000 Ø 1600 × 1640 6-7 75 366
4500FC 4500 Ø 2000 × 1730 8 120 571
Water supply system management

When the pump is turned on or off, all the water in the autonomous water supply system is sharply set in motion or slowed down. This causes an equally drastic change in system pressure, commonly referred to as water hammer. It can cause a leakage of the joints, which will lead to leaks at start-up or the separation of the water column in the riser pipe and fall on the pump when it stops (usually these forces are not enough to break through the pipe or destroy the pump). Therefore, when mounting the accumulator tank, an electrically driven throttle valve is provided, which can be quickly opened at start-up and closed when the pump is stopped. It is also used in emergency situations, for example, to drain water in case of a pipe break. It is more convenient to smoothly start and stop the pump by changing the frequency alternating current from 30 to 50 Hz for a short time (about 30 s). Moreover, a programmable controller (for example, model EI-8001 of the joint Korean-Russian company "VESPER") will not only prevent water hammer, but also maintain a constant water pressure in the water supply system by controlling the pump speed. Thus, the performance of the device will either decrease or increase, and, more importantly, the resource of its operation will greatly increase. The controller costs $ 350-600, depending on the version.

As for the controller device, any such device is a frequency regulator that performs several tens of commands when controlling the speed of rotation of the electric motor. The controller will provide optimal mode pump operation in any stressful situation. For example, sudden surges in the current in the network when using a manual arc welding machine will not affect the action of the pump motor, and voltage drops that often occur in the power grid in rural areas will not lead to its shutdown.

Depending on the demand for water from the well, you can set the most rational pump operating mode, which reduces overloads and eliminates engine overheating. The choice of such a mode on the control panel is carried out manually or is programmed automatically. Moreover, at any time you can test the pump and get basic information about its performance. It is convenient to use a compact pumping unit such as the Hydrojet from GRUNDFOS ($ 300) or the TJ Auto from TCL ($ 140). Its pressure switch and hydraulic accumulator tank with a capacity of 24 liters (or 50 liters) will automatically provide the most economy mode operation of the suction pump, preventing frequent start-ups. All components of the device, including the control panel, can be assembled in one housing and installed, for example, under the sink in the kitchen. If there is insufficient water pressure at the inlet, the automation will turn off the pump and will try to start it within 24 hours. If it overheats, it will stop it, and after cooling it will turn it on again.

If the well flies
Sometimes problems arise with an artesian well over time: the flow rate decreases, the quality of the water deteriorates, or the content of sand in it increases. Teleinspection can be performed to determine the causes of "ailment". This is done with the help of a special camera, lowered into the water and filming the condition of the inner walls of the riser pipe along its entire length on a videotape (tele-logging of the well). Subsequent careful viewing of the video cassette will reveal the reasons for the deterioration of the well performance. There may be several of them. For example, partial destruction of the filter of the production string, the appearance of a hydraulic connection between the aquifer and the layers of rock located above it, mechanical damage to the wall, disruption of the connection of individual sections of the casing pipe or production string, depressurization of the casing plugging, sharp increase the number of wells in the district and more. The BIIKS specialists believe that the results of telecarotage, which will cost from $ 3 per meter of length, will not only help to decide whether to repair an existing well or drill a new one, but will also reduce the decision-making time to one day. Also, the costs of eliminating the causes of deterioration in well performance will decrease.
Collection of rainwater from roofs

Peak water loads in central Russia occur annually from May to August, when moisture consumption for irrigation is much higher than the amount of natural precipitation. During this period, lovers of lush green areas can compensate for the occasional shortage of water with the help of a storage tank. On the contrary, in the rainy season, which lasts from late August to November, excess natural moisture can be collected and used for household needs in the same year. Rainwater it is distinguished by guaranteed softness and can be successfully used for washing and washing, but not for drinking - due to possible contamination with sulfur dioxide, which falls together with "acid" rain.

A special installation Hydrorain from GRUNDFOS with a capacity of 0.5 to 2 m 3, a hydraulic accumulator tank and a pump automatically supplies the collected water to addresses (toilet, washing machine, watering tap). It is easy to install the device yourself at the place where rainwater is collected from the roof of a cottage, a bathhouse and a garage, connecting it with a flexible metal-plastic pipe with seasonal water supply. A drainage system for collecting moisture (for example, the German company INEFA-KUNSTSTOFFE) will itself purify the water from fallen leaves.

How much does the water supply system cost?

In the presence of a functioning well, all necessary equipment external water supply, including a submersible pump from the SQ and SP model series (GRUNDFOS, Denmark), USD (CALPEDA, Italy), UPA (KSB, Germany), SCM (NOCCHI, Italy) or BHS (EBARA, Japan) - their characteristics were given in article "A spring in your area", as well as systems for its installation, control, head, caisson, hatch, insulation cushion, hydraulic accumulator tank, controller, main pipe up to 100 m long, laid below the freezing depth, together with earthworks, transportation costs and a one-year warranty will cost you $ 2.5-7 thousand. The last figure is associated with the supply of water to detached buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, a swimming pool. Connecting a seasonal branch can cost another $ 0.6-1.5 thousand (depending on the size of the tank and the length of the pipes). The purchase of a device for collecting rainwater, completing the creation of the outer part of the water supply system, with an independent connection to the system, will cost an additional $ 1.2 thousand and more. The cost of the interior of the plumbing is not considered as it usually includes the amount spent on plumbing products.

Maintenance of the water supply system

Particles of sand and silt contained in the water can lead to wear of the moving parts of the pump, form deposits on the inner surfaces of horizontal pipes, and particles of iron, manganese, lime and bacteria compounds can also be found in the slots of the well filter and in the intake part of the pump. The ingress of corrosive carbon dioxide, salts or copper ions with water contributes to the corrosion of the elements of the water supply system, especially at the joints, as a result of which the tightness is broken. Voltage surges over time can damage the insulation of the pump motor windings.

That is why a specialist should comprehensively examine the entire system every 5-6 years. Inspection may reveal the need to replace gaskets, fittings or individual pipe sections, and even repair the submersible pump. The data received from the controller will help to determine the period of the inspection.

With the onset of cold weather in the caisson at a depth of about 1 m from the hatch, it is enough to install an insulating foam cushion with a thickness of 20-30 mm. This structure, mounted on wooden frame, even in especially severe frosts, it will prevent the temperature drop of the well head with a valve below + 4 ° С. The water from the container and from the seasonal water supply system, intended for irrigation, must be drained before the onset of cold weather, simply by opening the taps.

It is very convenient to put an autonomous water supply on service maintenance, which will cost 8-10% of the cost of the equipment annually. The experience of the installation and service center of the "VODNAYA TEKHNIKA" company, which carries out such a service, shows that a diagnostic inspection of the water supply system twice a year with free replacement necessary elements completely eliminates the occurrence of emergency situations.

If the power grid is de-energized

The assembled system works flawlessly as long as all the pumps provided in it are supplied with electricity. But what if the power supply is cut off? There are two possible ways out of this situation. The first is connected with the connection to an autonomous energy source, usually an electric generator running on gasoline or diesel fuel. The second way out is simpler, but not always feasible: it involves switching to a rural water supply system. Although it often does not differ in reliability, it is not worth giving up the possibility of such a connection (even after installing an autonomous water supply system). When the power supply is de-energized, it will only be necessary to "transfer" the system with a valve to work from another source of water.

A few practical tips

  1. When developing a water supply scheme, think over its possible changes in the future as detailed as possible. Let the construction and installation organization take these wishes into account when designing, then it will be possible to increase the length of the pipes or the number of consumers without violating the specified fluctuations in the water pressure in the pipes.
  2. Grounding and lightning protection of the water supply system must be carried out with the greatest care so that the rather sensitive electronic control circuit is not damaged by a possible lightning strike.
  3. With a cheaper night electricity tariff, the use of additional tanks will not only solve the problem of water interruptions, but also save money by storing it at night.
  4. It should be noted that the construction and installation organization gives a guarantee only when the water supply system is equipped with fittings (compression or collet clamps, fittings, water level limiters, valves), which it offered itself, and not which the customer bought.
  5. When the pump is operating not from the mains, but from another source, it is advisable, in order to save energy, to supply water from the well first to the storage tank, and then, by gravity or forcibly, into the water supply system.
  6. In order to maintain the speed of the water sucked in by the submersible pump at a level of 0.15 m / s (this is necessary for normal cooling of the electric motor) in case of insufficient well flow rate, the pump can be equipped with a water intake chamber mounted when the pump is lowered to artificially increase the water speed at the suction point.
  7. The concentration of sand in water from an artesian well exceeding 15 mg / l will not only dramatically increase pipe wear, but will also necessitate frequent backwashing of filters. Otherwise, the life of the well itself will be reduced. And although the permissible limit of this concentration for most models of submersible pumps is 3 times higher, the reason for the growth of suspended matter in the water should be identified as soon as possible, for example, using telecarotage.

The editors would like to thank AQUATERMOSERVICE, F-PLAST, BIIKS, ANION, ROLS ISOMARKET, EGOPLAST, GRIF, SANTEKHKOMPLEKT, VODNAYA TEKHNIKA installation and service center for assistance in preparing the material.

An individual water supply system with a storage tank is easy to use and easy to use. Water from the well is pumped by a pump or it is poured manually. But the last option is considered "Spartan" and modern technologies allow you to get away from this method of collecting water, especially since the pumps are relatively inexpensive, and water is pumped into storage tanks.

A little about pumps

Submersible pump for water intake.

In work, they usually use silent submersible pumps or installations with a hydraulic tank. It will be good if there is small place for the installation of such a station. This can be a basement, a shed attached to the side, or a place in the bathhouse separated by a partition. In some embodiments, it is even possible to refuse to install the tank if the reservoir of the pumping station has a sufficient reserve.

By type, pumps are distinguished by power characteristics and noise ranges. It is clear that the quieter it works, the more complex the mechanism and the more expensive the device itself. But for a bath, these are not regulatory indicators. For a one-time water intake, the cheapest pump is suitable. But only such devices pump water from wells located nearby, with a high water mirror in them. The main thing is that the height between the level in the reservoir and the place where the water tank is installed should not exceed 7 meters, but in reality this is rarely the case. If only the bath is made in two floors.

Methods for installing storage tanks

The complexity of the water supply system depends on the installation site of the water tank in the bath. It must be chosen so that afterwards you do not have to pull the feed from one end of the room to the other. A bathhouse is, in any case, a low-rise building, therefore, you will have to choose the location of the drive from two options: lower and upper.

Bottom tank location

Such tanks are installed in basement... They already have a built-in water supply system.

In this scheme, it is installed at the level of the basement of the bath. The tank is buried in the ground, and water is taken by installing an additional pump. Year-round use of the bath requires insulation of the tank and its laying at a level below the freezing of the soil. V summer version it is installed in a basement at a distance of 0.5 meters from the ground.

This arrangement of the tank also works on a pneumatic water supply circuit. The pump forces fluid into the reservoir, displacing air. When the balance is exceeded in favor of fluid, due to physical properties the latter will begin to displace water to the exit point: taps and watering cans. But such a scheme is rarely resorted to, due to the unreliability of its work. Usually, additional units are used to supply water: pumps and blowers. But this also entails increased costs, not to mention the work on installation, connection and adjustment of the supply.

Upper circuit

An example of the top location of the drive. This is not recommended. It is better to secure it on a more stable platform.

Due to the simpler installation, the absence of the need for a central water supply to the bath and the installation of additional devices, the version with the upper location of the tank is used more often. According to the name, the tank is mounted at the maximum height, from the point of delivery: watering cans and taps. This can be a roof, a special overpass and a place inside the bath. Water supply is carried out due to the height difference. That is, by placing the tank in the attic, no blowers are needed, the water will flow by gravity into the taps. Like the lower version of the installation, this arrangement requires insulation if the bath is operated all year round.

The disadvantage of this method is considered to be a low pressure, but to rinse after a steam room, you do not need high pressure. Raising it slightly will allow the location of the tank. The increase in pressure is achieved by setting it at a higher point. For example, for 0.1 atmosphere, a height of 1 meter above the level of the taps is sufficient, and for 0.5 atmospheres, the storage device is installed at a height of 3-5 m. It is quite enough for bathing procedures and is feasible from the technical point of view. Also, when installing the roofing system of the bath, a place for the tank is provided in advance.

Simple Drive Installation Procedure

As it turned out, these include top-mounted tanks. So, first we choose a container or make it from stainless steel according to required dimensions... The tank installation process is as follows:

  • in the intended place, the floor beams are first strengthened;
  • the tank is installed, attached to the base in any way convenient for you;
  • the valve and all branches are mounted.

How to mount the valve?

An example of a storage device installed in a wash compartment.

This process needs to be described in more detail. It is necessary to mark a point from the upper edge of the tank, departing from it 7–8 cm. Here a hole is cut to fit the valve. The tail section with a plastic float is inserted inside and secured to the tank by a bolt connection. So that water does not come out at the entry point of the valve, rubber gaskets are made on both sides, and the junction is oiled adhesives and sealants. The seat is tightened, and a supply pipe of the corresponding diameter is connected to the shank. It is better to lay it to the tank in the ceiling space of the bath, so that there are no pipes in the attic room that interfere with movement. Now, when collecting water, the float will block the inlet, thereby shutting off the supply until space becomes free.

Next, we make an overflow. It is located 2-3 cm below the valve entry point. A hole is drilled and a pipe is drilled, by analogy with installing the valve, it is fixed in this place. The outlet is discharged into the sewer. The place of withdrawal is made at a level above 3 cm, from the bottom of the tank. So that water is not completely taken out of it. All outlets are sealed with gaskets and treated with hermetic compounds.

Plastic container for the drive. Very convenient containers. The outlet and inlet valve are already installed on this model.

The tank is installed. If necessary, it is insulated, closing with a special box. All protruding pipe sections, if possible, are fixed on the walls so that there is not a single free hanging hose. The operation of the system is checked by starting the water. If any shortcomings are revealed, it is better to eliminate them at the stage of installing the drive.

The upper location of the water tank is convenient when planning the construction of the roof of a bath with a veranda. You can pre-allocate a small space and safely hide the drive, making all the necessary connections.

Wells are most often the source of water in summer cottages.

Less often - a centralized water supply. if the dacha is located in a residential area.

If the pressure in them remains constant around the clock, there will be no problems with the supply of water to the country house - you just need to connect the pump.

The source of life is water

Often, the water supply conditions for summer cottages are far from ideal:

  1. there is water in the system not around the clock, but at certain hours;
  2. there is a well on the territory, but its volume is not enough to meet all summer cottage needs;
  3. water is supplied using an electric pump, but on the site, the lights are often turned off.

It is difficult to use the water supply in such conditions:

  • when water is needed in large quantities, it is not (how),
  • when there is no need for it, it runs in a stream.

To avoid such overlaps and to rationally use water on the site, a storage tank is needed. It will act as a battery, storing water and filling the autonomous water supply network.

There are 2 ways to locate the accumulator in the water supply system of the summer cottage: upper and lower.

Installing a top-mounted accumulator

In this case, the container is placed on top floor country house or in the attic.

With this method of positioning the tank, water is supplied to the water supply points:

  • kitchen faucet,
  • bathroom,
  • dishwasher ()
  • washing machine, etc.
    - by gravity, without a pump.

Water towers function in the same way.

The main advantage of such a system is energy independence - the water supply does not depend on the availability of electricity.

In addition, the top-mounted tank is easy to service and do-it-yourself.

The relative disadvantage of such a system is the limitation of the head. Since the water is supplied without a pump, the pressure will decrease in proportion to the decrease in the floor.

A level difference of 10 m creates a drop of 1 atm.

Another disadvantage of this design is its cumbersomeness. The tank takes up a certain amount of space that can be adapted for a storage room or living room.

Therefore, some summer residents practice installing a hydraulic accumulator outside, on a metal overpass.

This is exclusively summer solution, although when organizing insulation and heating of the tank and pipelines, it is possible to use the system in winter.

Bottom storage tank

This option involves placing the reservoir in a pit dug in the ground.

It is sprinkled with a thick layer of soil, so this design does not spoil the landscape and allows you to make the most of usable space(on top of a dug-in tank, you can break a flower bed).

The dimensions of the tank in this case are not limited by the size of the room, so you can choose a tank of any desired volume.

The downside of the system with the location of the reservoir in the ground is the need to connect a pumping station to supply water to the house.

This is an order of magnitude more expensive than installing a tank in the attic. or overpass. In addition, a tank placed in the ground is difficult to maintain - it is necessary to remove a layer of earth for cleaning or repair.

In regions with harsh winters, the soil above the tank needs to be insulated to minimize the impact of frost heaving on the plastic. If this is not done, the tank will crack at strong temperature changes.

The water container is dug into the ground with a slight slope. This will ensure the accumulation of sediment on one side only, which will facilitate the maintenance of the system.

For underground installation, choose round tanks or with stiffeners to reduce soil pressure.

Tank selection

Laying and routing of pipes

Most often, metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes are used.

Their price, in comparison with metal ones, is low, they are easy to maintain () and are well suited for systems with a low pressure level.

If the water supply to the cottage is needed only in the warm season, pipes can be laid directly on the ground surface.

With the onset of cold weather, the system is dismantled. Laying pipes in the ground is practiced when arranging a permanent water supply.

Distribution of valves and drain valves

A float-type tap is installed on the storage tank, which allows you to automatically control the water level in it.

When the level drops to a critical level, the system automatically activates a pump that pumps up water from a source (it is written about deep well pumps).

In order for the water supply system of the dacha to function smoothly, during its installation, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Temperature at the place of installation of the tank, regardless of its location (outside or inside the house) should not fall below zero.
    Freezing of water in the system is fraught with deformation of the valves, and, as a result, failure of the entire system.
  2. In the pipe section from the pumping station to the storage tank, the resistance should be minimal.
    For this on the desired area install a pipe with a diameter greater than the main wiring.
  3. The volume of water in the well or well must exceed the maximum capacity of the tank.
    Otherwise, the pump (how to connect to increase the water pressure is written in the article) will run idle, which will affect its performance.

Hot water supply in the country

When arranging a water supply system with a hydraulic accumulator, it will not be difficult to provide a country house with warm water.

If the electrical wiring is relatively fresh and can withstand a load of up to 6 kW, it can be installed next to the main points of water consumption (for a shower for a summer residence).

Such devices quickly cope with heating water from the tap in the kitchen or in the shower, but they are very gluttonous in terms of energy consumption.

If you want to save money or the wiring in the country house is not designed for intensive loads, it is better to install a storage-type water heater.

It heats a large amount of water in one go, distributing it to all points of water consumption.

We invite you to watch a video on installing a storage tank in a city apartment.