Garden lighting (54 photos): types of lighting fixtures. Features of lighting paths, pond and stairs

Without correct lighting even the most beautiful landscape design with the onset of darkness, it will lose its attractiveness. Lighting for the garden can be functional, security, architectural and decorative. Functional lighting is necessary for safe movement around the garden in dark time days. Security lighting creates the illusion of being present, protecting the site from outside encroachments. Decorative and architectural lighting is designed to beautify the garden area, emphasizing the shape of a particular detail.

Thinking over the lighting design of the garden, first of all, you need to build on its size, as well as the presence of certain landscape objects. In this review, "Dream House" will share the rules for organizing lighting and types of garden lighting.

Illumination of garden paths

Garden paths, paths and bridges are bright decoration landscape design, therefore, the lighting for these objects refers to both functional and decorative type lighting.

The most in a simple way to illuminate paths is the use of hemispherical lamps, which are mounted in the ground along the perimeter of all roads. Floor lighting is not very bright, but it perfectly emphasizes the boundaries of the tracks. If the territory of the site is too large, it is better to use hemispherical garden lighting to illuminate secondary paths and bridges, and most importantly, arrange the path that is adjacent to the house with the help of street or vertical floor lamps. However, when choosing garden lights or lanterns, keep in mind that their height should be lower than a person's gaze.

As additional sources lighting for the garden, you can use glowing stones or decorative lamps, made in the form of various ornaments. For the design of narrow additional paths, illumination in the form of an LED cord is best suited. Since the LED cord is flexible enough, it can be used to highlight the most winding trails. If there are shrubs or small plants growing along the paths, they can be very beautifully illuminated with hanging lights.

What kind of lighting option for garden paths whatever you choose, remember that the area adjacent to it should be the brightest.

Illumination of ponds in the garden

In the daytime, anyone becomes the main decoration of the site, but with the onset of night, its beauty disappears without a trace. Garden lighting for reservoirs, whether it be a pond, fountain, waterfall, or, first of all, it should complement its decorative feature.

The most common sources of illumination for water bodies are ordinary low lamps or floor lamps, which are located at the edges of the object. To further emphasize the beauty of the composition of a fountain or cascade, it is recommended to use floor lamps that can be masked in adjacent foliage, and their light shone on the subject itself. In addition, today there is a huge variety of floating and submerged lamps, thanks to which the reservoir is illuminated "from the inside", becoming a real work of art.

Highlighting trees and shrubs in the garden

Unusual decorative lighting for a garden can be created using ground fixtures that are mounted in the ground and illuminate an object vertically. Especially well such lamps illuminate tall trees and. If the tree has a too wide crown, it is recommended to install the luminaires from several sides.

You can illuminate flower beds or small shrubs with the help of vertical closed lamps no more than 40 cm high, which will wrap objects in soft flood light.

Since lighting for the garden is an integral part of landscape design, when organizing it, you need to take into account all the style features and nuances of the site.

There are quite a few lighting options and each one has its own effect. The most common are lighting of building facades, illumination of paths and an entrance to the garage and house, children's and playgrounds, alpine slides and ponds, fountains and sculptures, various decorative elements of the garden.

Illumination of buildings can be carried out with various lamps. For facade lighting, you can use spotlights with different angles the outgoing beam - from a narrow several degrees to a wide one. It is beneficial to illuminate architectural details on facades, niches, columns with a narrow beam. A wide beam will help to evaluate the whole complex as a whole and will accentuate the texture of the building.

Such lighting did not reveal the beauty of the house's log structure. When designing the new lighting, it was proposed to emphasize the unusualness of the facade made of tinted rounded logs with a diameter of about 40 cm. Spotlights with halogen lamps were installed in the lower area of ​​the base, and their light was directed upwards. As a result, all the beauty of the building was revealed.

Lighting for garden paths is considered difficult - it requires a special approach. First of all, garden lights must fit into the surrounding landscape, both in size and design. The illumination of the paths should help not to get lost in the area and not go in the wrong direction in the dark. The roadbed must be illuminated in such a way as not to blind the eyes and uniformly illuminate the entire path of movement, without sudden changes from light to dark, as sometimes happens in a city - it is light under the lantern, and under the crowns of trees it is impenetrable darkness, although the lantern is located a few meters from you.

Using the example of the same project, the track canvas was illuminated by halogen lamps built into the surface and when walking along the track, it was practically not visible - the light from the lanterns hit straight into the eyes. When looking to the side, nothing was visible. When redesigning the system, it was proposed to use classic scheme- low posts with frosted shades at a level of 80 cm from the ground.

Low power energy saving lamps were used. As you can see in the photo, the track is evenly illuminated and the movement along it is a pleasure. By the way, lamps built into the track canvas may be present, but it is better to choose them with frosted glass and low power lamps, perfect option- 1W LED marker lamps. These lanterns show the dimensions of the track and indicate the direction of travel. It is better to mount such lamps in lateral surface curb or retaining wall.

With this arrangement of the lamps, the canvas is illuminated by side light, and the eyes are not blinded by the directional radiation. Now you can find the products of lighting companies in the form of transparent stones or sidewalk tiles which have LED matrices inside with different shades of light. They are used for insertion into the general road surface as marker lamps. During the day, they are practically indistinguishable from the rest of the stones, and at night they illuminate the path with soft light.

The next type of lighting is the lighting of vegetation - trees, shrubs, alpine slides etc. This type of lighting can be beneficial to highlight the beauty of plantings in the evening, since during the day you see a familiar landscape in natural light. In the evening and at night, everything changes. Highlighting ornamental plants, you create unusual living sculptures from familiar objects on your site. For festive occasions, there are options for backlighting in color - for example, green, emphasizing the color of foliage or needles.

With a neutral white color, you can highlight the interesting texture of shrubs and other plants.

Another point of our journey is playgrounds and playgrounds. This place requires a special approach. In the evening, after a hot day in summer or early evening in winter, you want to be outside and fool around with your children. With mediocre lighting, this is unlikely to be possible. In our project, the evening lighting before the alteration was reduced to several LED rechargeable flashlights, which practically did not give good light; after the alteration, the playground was fully illuminated and the safety of the playing children was fully ensured.

As for the illumination of water devices, here you can use many options for equipment - both surface and underwater. V modern design LED lights and spotlights are best. Most of the assortment is available in multicolor, i.e. with RGB matrices. They are controlled by controllers with remote controls. remote control for ease of inclusion and programming. By illuminating moving water, you can get a myriad of shades and lighting options. Glare from the water creates completely unique patterns on the surface of the water and on the surrounding landscape, on the walls of buildings and on trees. With the help of controllers, the LED matrix creates a moving picture from a color that flows from one shade to another without a sharp change, smoothly.

Using several of these controllers and matrices, you can create a unique color palette, especially if you program the inclusion of matrices with a shift in time. Additionally, you can use devices that create artificial fog. They also contain LED lights with a changing pattern, which additionally creates variety in the play of light. On a quiet summer evening with the devices turned on, a fairy tale and a horror movie with a moving and illuminated fog can come to life.

The most simple option pond lighting is a set of several sealed lanterns (LED or with low-power halogen bulbs) connected in a garland and a step-down transformer with a light sensor. The sensor allows you to start the backlight yourself, without user intervention, at dusk. The lanterns are supplied with color filters, with which you can choose the desired color of light, or the lanterns can be of one color. In any case, the effect of such illumination leaves a lot positive emotions... Evening, water, glare and mysterious light ...

As for the acquisition of all these devices, then at your service are large supermarkets and garden centers, where you can find almost the entire arsenal of lighting equipment and control machines. You just have to decide for yourself what you want to get as a result, and plunge into the world of fantasy.

With the onset of the warm season, many people prefer to spend their free time in the country, surrounded by nature and clean air. In addition to summer cottages during daylight hours, lighting of the suburban area becomes important at nightfall. Some people think that you can limit yourself to ordinary incandescent bulbs and primitive lamps, installed only in the most necessary places. But if a desire arises to create a beautiful, worthy and even more high-quality lighting, you will have to spend money. There are many options for how to illuminate the area in the country.


Self-made country lighting should be as functional as possible, save energy and meet all safety requirements. It is important to connect it to autonomous power sources. This is due to the fact that the dacha is characterized by frequent power outages and therefore needs alternative sources.

There are certain requirements according to which it is necessary to organize lighting at the summer cottage. These include the following:

  • The electrical wiring used for lighting must be assembled taking into account the installation rules and not endanger others. Be sure to install automatic switches and RCDs, with which you can save the line from the occurrence and consequences short circuit, as well as de-energize the network in the event of overloads in automatic mode... It will be important to perform grounding country house.
  • The supply cable must be laid in metal or plastic pipes, as well as in a corrugation. This is necessary to avoid mechanical damage wiring. Switching devices are used in the form of sockets and switches of waterproof type.

  • Lighting suburban area hand-made, must be equipped in such a way that there is free access to the revision of all its elements. The used luminaires must be wired so that they can be switched off locally, as well as emergency.
  • If the lighting of the site will be carried out around the entire perimeter and in the places of the future lawn, its design and installation will be required before starting landscape works... This is due to the fact that the cable is laid in pipes and underground, and this leads to a violation of the garden decor.
  • To illuminate the area on the site, it is better to use lamps that save electricity. The best option counts LED lightening or light sources working on solar powered... This solution saves about 70% of electrical energy.

Organization of a street lighting plan

It is not enough just to choose lighting devices to illuminate the territory in the dark. Before the start installation works it will be necessary to draw up a plan for the placement of lampposts and poles along the entire perimeter of the site, as well as lay routes for laying cables in the ground.

First of all, you will need to decide on the zones of the necessary illumination, the points of connection and connection of the electrical lines of each lighting device. This can be done using waterproof outlets hidden from direct impact moisture, or junction boxes buried in the ground or located on lampposts. The layout of the location of the switches is organized at the discretion of the owner of the site, based on the convenience of their use.

For convenient drawing of the scheme, with the help of which the lighting of the territory will be arranged, you can use a photocopy of the plan of your site. In its absence, you will need to draw a plan on a scale of 1: 100, which will indicate all the available buildings. The lighting scheme is created taking into account the future landscape design. It is necessary to take into account the places on which recreation areas will be located, such as gazebos, terraces, reservoirs, and also take into account the presence of country paths.

The diagram indicates the location of future lamps. Usually, each point on the map is designated by the letter L. In addition to light sources, the location of the switches is indicated - B; sockets - P; if necessary, you can indicate on the map motion sensors, a bell, surveillance cameras, etc.

When designing Special attention should be given to lighting the entrance to the house, the most dangerous places on the site, the gates. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the mounting height of the luminaires, since in winter time they can be covered with snow. Lighting on fences is not recommended. This is due to the dazzling effect of the lamps.

In any case, the decision on how to make lighting for a summer residence depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the site, his imagination and Money that he is ready to invest in it. If you cannot properly organize the illumination of the territory, it is better to contact the specialists who will do this quickly and efficiently.

Basic cottage lighting options

It should be borne in mind that the lighting of a summer cottage can carry various functions, and therefore, depending on one option or another, it is necessary to select all the lamps according to their type of purpose. There are several types of illumination of a suburban area:

  • General. The main function of this lighting is the organization of visible zones on the territory of the site for safe movement in the dark, as well as the implementation various works and spending free time. Luminaires designed for these purposes should be installed near the entrance to the house, along the garden paths and near the entrance to the territory.
  • Marking. This type of lighting is usually used to emphasize any elements of the decor and landscape of the suburban area. These can be steps, benches, borders of a parking space for a car, etc. Most often, lamps with small legs, "glowing stones", pendant lamps are used for such lighting. It is better to use luminaires that have LEDs. This will allow you to save on electricity and choose the right color for the backlight.

  • Security. The main task of such lighting country house and the surrounding area is to protect the site from intruders. Such lamps are installed so that all the main zones are illuminated: the threshold of the house, garage and entrance gate, parking place. General-purpose lights can be used, but for the effect of surprise, motion sensors are used, which give the impression of a person's presence in the house. It is possible to configure the operation of the lighting system or its individual elements in automatic mode. This is possible thanks to the installation of a time relay, which will turn on specific lighting groups at a given time.
  • Decorative. This type of lighting includes lamps, lamps and lanterns, which are installed mainly in places where it is necessary to emphasize the landscape design, near water bodies, in areas where people spend their leisure time. Such lighting devices are not aimed at illuminating the territory, but only serve as lighting and decoration. Currently, there are many lamps of this type, for every taste and color.

Luminaire types

The illumination of the summer cottage should not only carry the functions of decoration and protection, but also have economic efficiency. Already many have begun to abandon incandescent lamps, since they consume a large amount of electricity and often burn out. Today, there are many options for replacing them. These include the following types of lamps:

  • halogen and luminescent - have a long service life and consume less electricity in comparison with incandescent lamps;
  • luminaires with LEDs and led strip- Their main advantage is a bright glow and low electricity consumption, and the service life is the longest among competitors. Some types of lamps have the ability to adjust their brightness;
  • fiber optic systems - appeared on the market recently and are already in great demand. They can be used in almost every lighting scenario.

All luminaires can be classified according to specific criteria, such as where they are installed and supplied.

By installation, they are divided into the following categories:

  • Wall lights;
  • outdoor light sources;
  • hanging lanterns;
  • spotlights that shine with a scattering beam;
  • fiber optic systems.

According to the power source, the luminaires can be divided into the following types:

  • electric - the main type of street lighting for a summer cottage;
  • luminaires powered by solar panels - easy to install, carry, do not consume electrical energy but are quite expensive;
  • candles in decorative jars are part of a romantic design and require constant attention.

Due to the constant influence of weather conditions on street lighting, it is necessary to choose luminaires that are intended for external use and have a sealed casing that does not get moisture inside.

Solar powered luminaire

How to make an original backlight with your own hands?

The cost of most garden lamps becomes an obstacle for many in arranging a summer cottage with decorative lighting. Do not get upset, because you can make a little effort, turn on your imagination and, using available tools, perform interesting design solutions street lamps... Consider the main ways to create decorative lighting do it yourself.

A fairly common option is a lamp from a bottle that has interesting shape, and a garland inserted into it. The void in the bottle is filled with exotic material, you can use beads or some beautiful balls. In the absence of a garland, a small flashlight is used that can be inserted into the neck.

Very simple and beautiful is the version of the lamp from the original glass jars... Anyone will do to fill its contents. interesting stuff, be it sand, stones different color or even pebbles. A candle is installed inside the jar, and for more decor it can be tied with a rope or lace material on the outside.

There is another option for using cans. To receive beautiful effect it is necessary to paint it from the inside with paints on a luminescent basis. You can make a variety of patterns. In the dark, an original glow is obtained.

Tin cans are quite interesting. To create them, you will need the banks, garlands or candles themselves. To create original lighting, you will need to make holes or patterns on such a lamp using a nail so that light can seep through them.

In order not to get lost in your own garden, when it's already dark outside and nothing is visible, you need to create artificial lighting and illuminate your entire suburban area with it. If earlier all the lighting of the territory in front of the house was reduced to only one single lamp, today more and more attention is paid to the lighting of the garden and vegetable garden, as well as the territory of the site. Suburban area lighting. 50 photo options for your summer cottage, garden, personal plot.

Artificial lighting backyard territory in front of the house can be roughly divided into two types. The first is functional lighting and the second is decorative lighting.

Functional lighting

The first type is intended for functional lighting, that is, it directly opposes darkness, and for this reason this type of lighting is installed right next to the entrance to the house, garage, bathhouse and other buildings on the site. Suburban lighting photo:

In addition, those lighting fixtures are considered functional if they distribute light along all garden alleys and entrance paths. With all this, designers, or home owners, use lanterns that are located at a height of 1/2 meter to 3 meters. This will already depend on the type of lighting for the summer cottage, since you can create it yourself. Besides important role plays and what kind of lighting fixture you install in each separate place.

Lighting fixtures, which have a basement orientation, illuminate only certain areas, and very often can have a cutting effect on the eyes. Their main purpose is to illuminate the most important part of the territory. For example, it can be an entrance to a house or another building, a staircase, or other dangerous areas. It is for this reason that it is important to competently and correctly, sometimes with the help of specialists, to fully and completely think over the lighting of the country house site, what, how and where to place it.

As mentioned earlier, in lighting garden plot there is such a special concept as functional lighting. This kind of lighting uses the following types lighting fixtures like: pole lights, sidewalk lights and the like. Suburban lighting photo:

Let's now look at what a functional pole lamp is. This type of device for artificial lighting of the site does not hurt the eyes and evenly scatters the light over the surrounding area. Being located in the light zone of such lamps, you can easily see the surrounding area.

Watch the video: Lighting of a summer cottage - how to organize

Lanterns or pole lights will fit perfectly into your garden design when they illuminate alleys, lawns near a house or a pond, or a fountain in a circle. Such a path will look very attractive from the side when small lanterns are illuminated on both sides of it. They can be both 50 cm and 150 cm high.Lighting a suburban area photo:

With regard to sidewalk lighting fixtures, this type of lighting is used for orientation in the garden. Such lamps are installed in places where bright light is not required. V recent times it is very common to install such sidewalk lamps directly into stone slab, which is a road surface, although they can already be attributed to recessed luminaires.

The switching on of such luminaires, both sidewalk and mast, can be performed both independently, that is, manually, and automatically, using a control panel or a computer program. In addition, such a light in the garden can be turned on with a conventional switch. For application automatic switching on light, it is important to install touch sensors that will turn the lighting on and off in response to your appearance in the garden and movement. Suburban area lighting - see photo:

Decorative lighting in the garden

Devices for providing lighting can be very diverse, because with the help of them you can beat any design and make an excellent decor. Lighting technology perfectly decorates any garden. After all, it is known that in garden lighting there is such a thing as decorative lighting. Decorative lighting for each individual garden is a great opportunity to make any fantasy come true. It is there that you can show your talent in the design art of decorative lighting for a summer cottage. Where, if not at home, you can still manifest it.

In this kind of lighting, you can use the most Various types backlights and the shape of lighting devices, from the most common spotlights to LED garlands. After all, it is the decorative landscape lighting of the site that will help create that unique beauty, mystery and mystery, which almost all owners of country houses strive for.

Decorative lighting of a country house site is most often used to highlight the most beautiful and unique places in the garden, such as usually waterfalls, sculptures, fountains, trees and other architectural and natural forms. With all this, experts do not advise using a large number of paints, colors, so as not to violate the ideal harmony of nature and its natural environment.

Designers, lighting specialists, say that only two or three colors are enough to create beautiful decorative lighting for a summer cottage, they just need to be correctly placed. In this direction, special design studios offer their services, which usually first create a garden lighting project on a computer, and only then, taking into account all the wishes of customers, they will bring it to life.

Designing and selecting lighting for decorating any garden is a rather difficult and tedious task that requires a professional and responsible approach. But even if you do not have the skills or funds to use the services of professional designers, do not be discouraged. You can always experiment with lighting in your garden yourself. Even simple illumination of a stone-paved path along its entire length will already create a pleasant atmosphere in your area with the onset of dark. Go for it and everything will work out. See the lighting of the suburban area photo:

Traditionally, a suburban area is a place to relax from everyday affairs with friends and family. To create a special atmosphere, it is necessary to pay special attention to such important detail like landscape lighting. Garden lights will not only help you feel safe in the dark, but also bring a sense of coziness.

Main selection criteria

When choosing garden and park lamps suitable for your site, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • shapes and sizes of lamps;
  • lighting brightness and power consumption;
  • lamp type;
  • level of protection against dust and water ingress;
  • the total cost.

When choosing the size and brightness of the luminaires, it is recommended to focus on the size adjoining territory... For small area do not use very powerful lamps of large sizes.

There are several categories of lamps used for garden lighting:

  • the most common and frequently used incandescent lamps in everyday life. They are cheaper than other types of lamps, but have a much shorter lifespan;
  • more modern fluorescent lamps... Their service life is slightly longer than that of conventional lamps, but the price is several times higher;
  • LED garden lights that have gained popularity not so long ago. This type of lighting can be attributed to one of the most expensive, but at the same time the most economical to use.

Solar powered luminaires

We should also mention solar lamps, which are very simple and economical to use. Thanks to the located on the lantern solar panel and battery, the sun's rays are converted into energy.

At nightfall, a battery installed inside automatically supplies voltage to the lamp. A well-charged lamp can work for eight hours, that is, practically during the entire nighttime.

The strong point of such luminaires lies in their ease of installation - there is no need to lay a cable in order for the luminaire to work. When using autonomous lighting on solar energy you don't have to spend money on electricity by using renewable natural resources.

Choosing the right lighting fixtures for your garden

Before deciding on the choice of garden lamps, you should decide which style is closer to you - regular or landscape. In the first case, the use of clear lines and correct geometric shapes... Trees and shrubs are not planted randomly, but in symmetrical compositions.

Decorative lakes and ponds have correct forms such as a circle or rectangle. Old lamps in a simple style will ideally fit into such a garden. For example, you can see a photo of garden lamps in Peterhof or Versailles.

Garden made in landscape style, is considered the opposite of the first option. For decoration, smooth and curved lines are often used, plants are planted as naturally as possible, without strict rules... For such a design, almost any type of lamp is suitable, both modern and past centuries.

How to install garden lighting yourself

The priority task when installing garden lighting is that the lamps should look good both in summer and in winter. Plan the location of your garden lamps before planting trees and shrubs on your property. This will allow you to competently and economically lay electrical cable throughout the territory.

The basic rules, subject to which, the installation of garden lamps with your own hands will be quick and safe:

  • make sure that all electrical parts of the luminaires are well protected from moisture;
  • the cable must be laid deep enough into the ground, at least 50 cm;
  • to protect against electric shock, the luminaires must be properly grounded;
  • all connections must be properly and securely insulated;
  • lanterns with a height of two meters or more require installation on a foundation.

Correct connection of garden lights

Connection diagrams for lighting fixtures for a personal plot can be divided into two main types - connection through circuit breakers or using a transformer.

The first type is suitable for high-voltage luminaires, since the presence circuit breakers will allow you to safely use such lighting on the site. At the same time, the lamps are connected in parallel so that the breakdown of one lamp does not affect the work of others.

The second type of circuit is more suitable for low-voltage garden lamps, with a voltage of no more than 24 watts. In work, special induction units are often used, which ensure the operation of up to 40 lamps at the same time.

Photo of garden lamps