How to make a garage roof with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, video. Shed roof for a garage: an overview of options and construction technology Do-it-yourself garage roof

Completion of the construction of any building is the construction of a roof. For a garage, different designs can be used, but a single-pitched roof would be the best and cheapest option. This is due to the fact that decorativeness and appearance usually fade into the background here, giving way to reliability, simplicity and speed of construction. A pitched roof has all the listed advantages, therefore it is used for a garage most often, especially since any home craftsman can do it with his own hands.

Types of pitched roofs

When creating a pitched roof, the rafters are laid parallel to each other, while one end is slightly higher than the other, due to which the desired slope is provided. A crate is mounted on the rafters, which serves as the basis for the selected roofing material.

In order for one edge of the rafters to be higher than the other, the following design solutions can be used.

  1. During the design of the garage, it is envisaged that one of its walls will be higher than the other. Depending on the direction in which the roof slope should be directed, the opposite walls are made of different sizes. If the slope is from front to back, then the front wall is made higher, otherwise the back wall should be higher. In such cases, the length of the rafters is more than 5-6 meters, so they must be additionally reinforced. When creating a transverse slope, one of the side walls is made higher. Here the rafters will be shorter, usually 4–5 meters, so there is no need to reinforce them, and the design is simpler.

    The required slope of the slope is provided due to the difference in the height of the walls

  2. A pitched roof can be erected already on a finished building, in which all walls are of the same height. In this case, the slope is ensured by installing struts on one side of the roof. From above, the racks are tied with a bar, which acts as a Mauerlat. After installing the roof, the front part and side triangles are sewn up, for which wood or metal can be used. This solution allows you to save wall material, since there is no need to erect trapezoidal gables, and the construction process is much faster.

    If the walls are of the same height, the required slope of the slope can be provided by installing the racks on one of the sides.

  3. With the same height of the garage walls, roof trusses can be made on the ground, and only then they can be installed on the Mauerlat at a certain distance. To simplify the work, you must first assemble a template farm and then make all the rest on it. After all the triangles are ready, they rise to the roof. The lower corners are fixed to the Mauerlat, and the upper corners are tied with a bar into a single structure. This solution allows you to create long rafters, since they can be strengthened with struts and struts. In the garage, a horizontal ceiling is obtained, so it will be easier to hem and insulate it.

    With the same height of the walls, the required angle of inclination of the slope can be obtained by installing rafter trusses assembled on the ground

  4. If the garage is attached to a capital building, the lower edge of the rafters rests on a Mauerlat or on racks, and the other end is fixed on a support bar previously fixed to the wall of the building. Both rafters and trusses can be fixed, as described in the previous version.

    If the garage is adjacent to the house, one end of the rafters is fixed on the wall of the building, for which a supporting frame can be assembled on it

Do-it-yourself shed roof for the garage

A pitched roof is a simple solution that is often used in garage construction. Depending on the used roofing material and climatic conditions of the area, the angle of its inclination should be different:

  • for slate - 20–35 o;
  • for corrugated board - not less than 8 o;
  • for a soft roof - more than 10 o;
  • for folded roofs - 8–30 o;
  • for metal tiles - from 30 to 60 o.

Despite the fact that such a roof has a simple design, if everything is done correctly, then it will serve for more than a dozen years. For the manufacture of the rafter system and lathing, only well-dried wood should be taken (moisture content should be no more than 18%). If it is more humid, then during drying, the structure may change its size and shape.

A single-pitched roof is quite within the power of any home craftsman to make with his own hands. When choosing this particular design for a garage, its main advantages should be taken into account:

  • simple calculation;
  • a small amount of building materials;
  • cheapness;
  • high speed of construction;
  • the possibility of improvement, insulation and modernization in the future.

Despite this, the single-slope design has its drawbacks, which must also be taken into account:

  • you will have to divert a large amount of precipitation, so you need to make an appropriate drainage system;
  • if the slope of the slope is less than 30 o, during heavy snowfalls, it will be necessary to manually clean the snow, since due to the insignificant angle of inclination it will not be able to descend on its own;
  • it will not be possible to make a full-fledged attic space;
  • the building will not have a very attractive appearance, but this is not decisive for the garage.

Materials for the manufacture of the rafter system

If you decide to build a garage with your own hands, then to create its shed roof, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • beams and beams for the rafter system;
  • unedged boards for lathing;
  • waterproofing materials - a special film is used for this;
  • insulation - it can be mineral wool or foam;
  • roofing materials;
  • fasteners: screws, nails, staples.

Roof coverings

For a pitched roof, there is a large selection of roofing materials, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • corrugated board. Differs in light weight, affordable cost and reusability;

    Decking is the most popular roofing material for a garage.

  • slate. It is easy to install and has a long service life. Although the weight of this material is relatively heavy, and the appearance is not the most modern, it has not lost its popularity over the years;

    Modern slate can be not only gray, but also painted in other popular colors.

  • ondulin. It is a modern alternative to slate, which has less weight and an optimal price-performance ratio. In addition, it is much easier to mount;

    Ondulin looks like slate, but is made of other materials, has less weight and is much easier to assemble.

  • metal tile. It has a beautiful appearance and is excellent for large roofs with an increased slope;

    Metal tiles imitate natural tiles, but have less weight and cost

  • folded roof. For its manufacture, sheet or roll material is used, while the surface is durable and airtight. The laying of such a coating is carried out using special equipment, since the fold is done at the site of construction work, and this is not the cheapest pleasure;

    Seam roofing provides high tightness, but its installation requires special equipment and skills.

  • soft roof. Its cost is small, installation is simple and quick. The most modern coatings have a service life of up to 15–20 years, but it will still be less than that of other roofing materials;

    The most budgetary option for garage roofs with a slight slope is a soft roll roof

  • flexible tile. It is easy to install, but a continuous crate is required, and this is an additional cost. The service life of such a roof will be relatively short - about 10-15 years;

    For laying flexible shingles, a continuous sheathing is required, and its creation is associated with additional costs

  • natural tile. It has a beautiful appearance, but it weighs a lot and requires special skills during installation. For a garage, this material is rarely used, usually in the case when the garage is located next to the house and must be made in the same style as it.

    For a garage, tiles are usually used only in cases where it is necessary that it be made in the same style with adjacent buildings.

Required tools

To complete the work, you will need the following tools:

Shed roof device

As already mentioned, a pitched roof is arranged quite simply, it includes the following elements:

  • rafter system. It is the basis of the supporting structure, it takes all the loads and serves to fasten other elements of the roofing system;
  • racks, braces and other elements necessary to strengthen the rafter system. They are usually used when the span is more than 5–6 meters;
  • crate. Serves as a support for the selected roofing material, it can be either solid or rarefied;
  • hydro and thermal insulation materials. Designed to protect the building from moisture and to keep it warm;
  • roofing material. Protects the roof from external negative factors. The options for roofing used in the construction of a garage were discussed above.

Since the rafter system is the main supporting frame of a pitched roof, let's talk about it in more detail. The main element of this system is the rafter, which can be suspended when resting on the ends, and layered, if it has an intermediate support. Usually, the span of the garage between the supporting walls on which the roof is installed is about 4–5 meters, so in such cases, you can do without strengthening the rafter system. At the junction of the rafters and the Mauerlat, a reliable connection is made, which is fixed with nails and anchors.

If the span is more than 6 meters, then it is necessary to reinforce the rafter system with additional stiffeners

In addition to the rafter legs, the rafter system includes the following elements:

  • Mauerlat is a timber that is installed on the walls and evenly distributes the load from the roof. In stone or brick garages, it is fixed to the wall with anchors. In wooden buildings, the role of the mauerlat is played by the last crown of the wall trim;
  • overhang - the length of the rafter protrusion beyond the perimeter of the garage;
  • pediment - part of the wall located between the corner of the roof and the cornice;
  • lathing is the basis for laying roofing material.

Installation of elements of a shed roof for a garage

After you have purchased all the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed directly to the installation of the roof.

  1. Laying the Mauerlat. The specified element serves to evenly distribute the load from the roof to the walls of the building. This should be a bar with a cross section of no less than 10x10 cm. It is mounted on load-bearing walls using anchors with a step of 1–1.5 m, its laying is controlled using a level. A waterproofing material must be laid between the wall and the timber, usually roofing material. The greater the slope of the slope, the thicker the Mauerlat section should be.

    A waterproofing layer must be laid between the wall and the Mauerlat.

  2. Installation of the rafter system. Depending on the type of roofing material and the total external load on the roof, the cross-section of the rafter beams and the distance between them are selected. Usually they take rafters with a size of 100x50 or 150x50 mm, while the beam is installed on the edge. The distance between the rafter legs is usually chosen in the range of 60-100 cm. To fix the rafters in the Mauerlat, an inset is made so that the fastening is as reliable as possible. First, the extreme beams are laid at the same angle, then a rope is pulled between them and all the rest are mounted. If necessary, elements are installed to strengthen the rafter system: struts, braces, etc.

    When laying rafters, it is necessary to ensure the same angle of inclination of the roof along the entire length, therefore they are usually aligned with a stretched rope

  3. Sheathing. For it, unedged boards with a thickness of 20-25 mm are usually used, which are laid across the rafters and fixed with nails. Depending on the roofing material used, the pitch of the lathing is selected, and a solid base is created for laying roll materials or shingles.

    The lathing can be sparse or solid, it depends on the used roofing material

  4. Laying of roofing material. The selected type of roofing material is mounted on the lathing. Depending on its type, fastening can be done in different ways. Decking and metal tiles are fixed using roofing screws with seals, slate and ondulin are attached with special nails, roll materials are glued using bitumen mastic or by means of a self-adhesive layer.

    Roofing material can be sheet or roll, the method of its installation depends on it

  5. Warming. If necessary, the roof is insulated. First, a waterproofing film is attached to the rafters with a stapler. Then the insulation is laid and fixed, usually it is mineral wool or foam. After it, a vapor barrier film and the material of the interior decoration of the ceiling - plywood, chipboard, MDF, etc. are stretched.

    Mineral wool or polystyrene is most often used as insulation for a pitched roof.

To reduce the load on the rafter beams and to be able to use a smaller beam for them, the distance between the rafters must be made small.

Video: Create a Shed Roof

Operation and maintenance of a gable roof for a garage

Since the pitched roof has a simple structure, its maintenance does not require much effort. The advantages of such structures have long been appreciated in Europe, where they are used not only on outbuildings, but also for residential buildings.

In order for a pitched roof to serve reliably and over a long period of time, it must be properly looked after. It is not difficult, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  • with a slight slope of the roof during heavy snowfalls, it must be cleared of snow, since it will not be able to go off on its own. This is especially true in spring, when the snow becomes very heavy.;
  • it is necessary to monitor the condition of the elements of the rafter system and, if serious damage is detected, replace them. If this is not done, then after a while it may be necessary to completely replace the failed rafter system or roofing material;
  • periodic inspection of the roof covering should be carried out. It is advisable to do this twice a year: in autumn and spring. If damage is detected in it, they must be urgently eliminated, otherwise, as a result of leaks, wooden structural elements and insulation will begin to be damaged.

If you follow the rules described, you will be able to ensure the longest possible roof life.

Shed roof repair

In the garage, a shed roof is usually made with a slight angle of inclination, and roll materials are often used to cover it. If the service life of an ordinary roofing material does not exceed 5 years, then its modern counterparts can serve up to 15–20 years.

The main enemy of roofing material is the frost that appears in the cold season, improper removal of which with a steel scraper or shovel leads to damage to the roofing material. In addition, damage can occur from walking on such a roof and from exposure to rain, wind and sun.

Before the onset of cold weather, it is imperative to perform a preventive inspection of the coating in order to identify possible defects. The order and list of repair work will depend on the degree of damage to the coating.

Elimination of cracks and small holes

If the roofing material is covered with cracks, but still does not leak, it is enough to clean it of debris with high quality and cover it again with bitumen mastic. Keep in mind that you need about 1.2–1.5 kg of mastic per square meter of surface.

If there is a small hole, the area around it should be well cleaned, and then simply filled with bitumen mixed with sawdust or sand. It is better to use not just bitumen, but a special mastic, since it contains additives that improve the plasticity and adhesion of the material.

To eliminate cracks, the surface of the roofing material is covered with bitumen mastic

Damage repair

If the damage is significant, then a patch is applied to it. To do this, use a piece of roofing material, which is larger in size than the damaged area. The place is also cleaned, after which the patch is lubricated and pressed to the surface. If the roofing material has sprinkles on both sides, then it will prevent it from sticking, so it must be removed. This is done using diesel oil, which is applied to the sprinkled layer, and then removed with a spatula. After installing the patch, it also needs to be covered with a layer of mastic.

If the damage is minor, it can be repaired with a roofing felt patch.

Elimination of through holes

Holes through holes are repaired by replacing all coating layers down to the base.

Repair of such roofing materials as slate, metal tiles, ondulin and metal profiles is carried out by replacing the damaged sheet with a new one.

Video: roofing roof repair

The single-pitched garage roof is easy to install and maintain. It can be used to cover other outbuildings. In order to build it correctly, it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination of the slope, depending on the used roofing material and the weather conditions of the region where the work is being carried out. If you follow the recommendations of experts, you can independently make a reliable roof that will serve for more than a dozen years.

The safety of his "iron horse" is very important for every motorist. Garage storage can provide this. The quality of construction is also of great importance. In particular, a reliably built garage roof will provide protection against leaks, accumulation of excess moisture in the room, and will help keep the car beautiful and serviceable for a long time. You can make a garage roof with your own hands, the main thing is to have step-by-step instructions on how to make a garage roof. Our today's material will become such an instruction.

  1. The design must be reliable. Rather heavy loads fall on the roof, in particular, these are temperature drops, moisture, precipitation.
  2. The roof must be reliably insulated and waterproofed. This will help prevent moisture from entering the room, prevent the formation of mold and mildew on the walls of the garage.
  3. The roof must be made of non-combustible materials. If you decide to make your own garage roof, it is important to remember about fire safety. Especially considering that there will be a car, gasoline, and other combustible mixtures in the garage.
  4. The roof must be beautiful.

In addition to how to properly make the roof of the garage, it is worth taking care of the question of how to make it beautiful. After all, the question of aesthetics is not in the last place, especially if the garage is located on the site of your private house.

Flat roof

For those who decide to make a roof on the garage with their own hands, the issue of price is important, so many people choose a flat roof. This design is quite simple and does not require large expenditures. Reinforced concrete slabs can be used to build a flat roof. They are lowered and attached to the walls of the garage. Also, a flat roof has one important advantage - it is impossible to get inside through it in order to steal property stored inside, or steal a car.

In order to build such a roof, it is necessary to insulate the concrete box and lay the roofing material. The construction must be done on a slope. Even at the construction stage of the walls, one of them is raised to create a slope. A screed or insulation is laid on a concrete base, and a roof is installed on top. The slope should be 2-3 units.

If you want to make a wooden roof for your garage, then it will take time. So, the boards are stacked on the box, but do not forget to make holes for them when laying. After that, it is necessary to create a flooring, having previously treated the boards with an antiseptic. At the last stages of roof construction, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer with a thickness of at least 3 centimeters, and then the roofing material itself.

Shed roof

To properly make the roof of the garage, you first need to fix the rafter system. We take the guide beams and treat them with an antiseptic. If the walls of the garage are made of concrete or bricks, waterproofing must be installed. Then we lay the beams on the supporting structure, and with their strong anchor bolts to the wall. After that, you need to mark the slots for the rafters. After installing the rafters, they must be fixed with wire or anchors.

Be sure to consider an important point: if your garage is wide enough (its width exceeds 4.5 meters), you need to support the rafter system to prevent sagging. Next, we move the beams out of the walls by 30-50 cm in order to create a visor. And we place the props at a distance of 60-70 cm.

Gable roof

Some experts believe that it is better to make a gable roof on the garage. In order to build a gable roof, first we lay the guides around the perimeter, then we fix them with anchors, and then we make nests. Next, we put a roofing felt lining.

At the next stage of work, we create a template measure. To do this, measure the distance between the nests. We will need the obtained width readings for cutting the beams. Next, we fix the supports, which are placed perpendicularly. We fix the rafters, and below we mark the places necessary for cutting the guide.

  1. We pull the cord over the ridge.
  2. We set the extreme pairs in steps from 60 to 120 cm.
  3. We fix the connecting bar lower than the ridge.
  4. We make the crate perpendicular to the rafters.
  5. We lay the roof.

To build a roof for a garage, today you can use a fairly wide range of roofing materials. However, you should not choose them at random; when choosing, you need to take into account the design features of the garage.

For a flat roof, materials such as are suitable:

  • roofing material;
  • glass bit;
  • bikrost;
  • ondulin.

Working with these materials does not require special knowledge, so with their help you can easily make a garage roof yourself.

For pitched roofs, materials such as:

  • corrugated board;
  • metal tile;
  • slate;
  • smooth galvanized metal sheet, which may have a polymer coating. This will provide additional protection to the roof.

The optimal material is metal tile, since it has a low price, and you can make a roof out of it without the use of special tools. Using self-tapping screws for metal, the steel sheet is attached to the wooden crate. It is necessary to overlap metal tiles from below.

In order to understand how to make a garage roof yourself or how to remake a garage roof, it is important to understand what tools you will need in the process of work, and to prepare them in advance.

You will need:

  • drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • saw;
  • parquet;
  • electric planer;
  • axe;
  • chisel;
  • several hammers;
  • building level;
  • building corner;
  • drill;
  • construction knife;
  • construction stapler;
  • pencil;
  • trowels;
  • brushes.

Not all novice builders pay much attention to garage insulation, some prefer to save on this moment, making a big mistake. The right temperature conditions will help create high-quality garage storage for your car. Therefore, we propose to deal with the points that are important when insulating a garage roof.

Insulation of a flat roof is carried out using sawdust, slag, expanded clay. More reliable and modern methods are insulation with foam or polyurethane, you can also use mineral wool.

When insulating a pitched roof, no bulk materials are used. It is advisable to insulate the pitched roof with polyurethane, mineral wool, or expanded polystyrene boards.

Before starting work on roof insulation, it is necessary to make an inner ceiling lining. Next, we lay the insulation, and close it with a vapor barrier membrane. On top of it, it is necessary to nail the slats of a wooden counter-lattice.

Also, do not forget, if you use roll-up heat insulators, they must be laid with overlapping strips. The joints must be glued with construction tape. This ensures reliable thermal insulation without crevices.

When equipping a garage roof, some owners also want to make an attic, in which case insulation is of great importance. Since it is thanks to him that it will be warm in the garage and in the attic, condensation, mold, fungus will not form on the walls, and the correct microclimate will be created inside the room.

We hope that our material helped you figure out how to make a garage roof with your own hands, as well as how to insulate it. After completing all of the above work, you can be calm about the safety of your car and the quality of the erected structure.

How to make a garage roof with your own hands: video

A garage is a room, of course, not intended for housing, but it cannot fulfill all its functions if the roof is constantly leaking. Car owners often encounter this phenomenon in the spring, when the snow accumulated on the roof begins to melt. But a well-made roof will not flow and will not cause problems, and the house for a car will always be dry and comfortable. What is the best way to cover your garage roof to avoid all the trouble?

The purpose of any garage is to protect the vehicle from external influences. Rain, snow, wind can spoil the appearance of the car rather quickly, and for a motorcycle standing on the street, such effects are simply destructive. Due to excess moisture, corrosion processes on metal products begin to take place quite quickly, destroying the metal. That is why the garage must be of high quality, free of leaks.

The roof on the garage can be single-pitched or double-pitched. These are the most common options. In the first case, it is easiest to make the roof - it is a single slope resting on the walls of a building with different heights. The angle of inclination can be different (up to 60 degrees) - usually this indicator depends on the climate in the region, the wind rose, the chosen roofing.

On a note! A single slope roof is usually constructed when there is no need to create an attic.

The roofing material is laid on wooden rafters. The drop height is calculated by the formula H = D x tan a where D is the width of the garage. The last indicator is selected according to the Bradis table. Wood for rafters should be treated with antiseptic compounds that protect the material from the effects of biological organisms, and it is also recommended to cover it with compounds that reduce the likelihood of fire (fire retardants). The pitched roof category also includes the roof, which is often found in garages built of concrete.

A gable roof is built if the garage is planned to be equipped with an attic. Usually such a roof is in the shape of a triangle. The frame is rafter legs connected at a certain angle, supported on the walls and at the upper point of their connection. The height of the roof ridge H and the length of the rafters C can be determined by the formulas H = 0.5 x H (Z: 2) and C = 0.5 x H / sin (Z: 2), where Z is the slope. For an equilateral roof, a variant of using the Pythagorean theorem is suitable.

Less often, but nevertheless, a multi-pitched roof is equipped. However, it is already much more difficult to execute, because rarely anyone undertakes to build it with their own hands.

Advice! To create a roof on a garage with their own hands, beginners are advised to opt for a simple single-pitched roof.

Table. What else do you need to consider?


To select the type of roof and materials for it, it is worth considering the type of foundation and its strength, the strength of the bearing walls, floors. After taking into account the main indicators, in accordance with them, the roofing material is also selected.

It is important to take into account the wind load on the structure, the location of the garage, the frequency of snowfall and rain.

If the garage is in a cooperative, then it is recommended to select such a roofing material so that it is in harmony with the rest of the buildings.

Various tools may be needed to create the roof and cover it. It is worth making a list of the ones you need and purchasing or renting them before starting work.

Comparison of materials

For the roof of the roof of the garage, you can use any roofing materials. Of course, most owners want to save money on construction, choosing the material that is suitable for both quality and cost. Consider the main types of coatings used for the roof.

Ceramic roof tiles

This is one of the most beautiful and popular types of roofing material. It is made from clay and therefore has advantages such as resistance to rust, sunlight, low temperatures and attack by microorganisms. The service life of the coating is long and is about 100 years. The disadvantages include the significant weight of the material, the difficulty in transportation due to fragility, and a fairly high cost.

Installation of such a roof is easy, but with a roof slope angle of more than 12 degrees, shingles should not be used. Also, it is not suitable for finishing a concrete garage.

Prices for various types of tiles



This is a kind of soft version of slate, otherwise called euro-slate. It has several color variations, which allows you to choose it for any building style. The service life of the coating is 20 years (warranty period), the material protects the roof well from leaks, is not dangerous from an environmental point of view, easy to install and lightweight. Its low price also belongs to the advantages. Of the shortcomings, the flammability of the coating can be noted, but by itself it will never catch fire. It also quickly fades in the sun and loses color brightness.

Prices for various types of ondulin

One of the oldest roofing options. It is a corrugated sheet made of asbestos-cement mixture. The material is durable, easy to repair, does not rust, is cheap, does not burn. However, it is quite fragile, and if the roof is not properly sealed, leaks can form.

On a note! Slate is one of the cheapest coating options, therefore it is often used for finishing the roof of a budget garage.

Prices for various types of slate

Metal corrugated board

Roofing option that replaced slate. It is made of galvanized thin steel sheet, has waves or trapezoidal corrugations, due to which it acquires additional strength.

The material is easy to install, has a lot of color variations, and lasts a long time if installed correctly. Due to the polymer protective coating, it is not afraid of rust and does not fade. The main disadvantage of the material is that if the polymer layer is damaged, the sheet will quickly rust. Moreover, you can damage the coating just by walking over it in rough shoes. It costs more than ordinary slate.

An option that is quite often used for finishing pitched roofs and flat roofs. It is a roll material consisting of dense cardboard impregnated with bitumen and covered with protective dressing. It is very cheap, durable, well insulates the roof from water, easy to use. However, the material easily ignites, tears, and looks, to put it mildly, ugly. It can be used as a waterproofing layer in roof construction.


Yes, this material can also be used to make a garage roof or create a small carport. Polycarbonate can be structured or monolithic. The latter resembles glass and is completely transparent. Suitable for creating a flat roof option.

The first variant of polycarbonate is known as honeycomb or honeycomb. Very lightweight, strong enough and flexible.

Roofing process

The design of the roof of the garage can consist of several stages, depending on what kind of roof is needed. For example, it can be built from scratch and for this you will have to build a rafter system, lay waterproofing, and mount a covering. If you do not need to make an insulating layer, then the work will be greatly simplified. Also, the roof may already be finished (for example, concrete), but in need of additional finishing.

Important! When choosing a material, it is worth considering the angle of inclination of the roof. For roofing material, the best option is an angle of up to 5 degrees, for slate - no more than 25-35, the corrugated board is laid on the roof with a slope up to 8 degrees, and the metal tile can be used on a slope up to 30 degrees.

All work must be performed only under the condition of sunny weather. It is best to check the forecast for at least a week and choose warm days.

Concrete roof finishing

Even if the garage already has a concrete roof, it must be specially prepared before the new roofing material is installed. In general, the process begins precisely from this stage and ends with the laying of a new coating.


Step 1. The old coating from the concrete slab, if any, will have to be removed completely. This is done with the help of improvised means - for example, shovels, chisels, etc.

Step 2. The concrete surface is inspected - it must be in good condition before further finishing. It is tapped with a hammer - everything that peels off in the process must be removed.

Step 3. All small cracks are sealed with cement laitance (or liquid glass), which is applied with an ordinary wide brush. Wide cracks can be filled with polyurethane foam, the excess of which is then cut off with a sharp knife.

Step 4. An uneven base is leveled with cement mortar. It is applied to the surface and leveled using a rule. Then the cement layer is dried.

Step 5. After drying, the cemented surface is treated with deeply penetrating soil. It is applied with a roller or with a spray gun in an even layer.

Step 6. When the primer is dry, the surface is covered with bitumen mastic.

Roofing works on a concrete roof

Step 1. Work on laying roofing material on the roof begins with lifting the rolls of material to the roof surface. Then one of the rolls is placed in the corner of the roof and the bitumen mastic applied to the base is heated with the help of a gas burner.

Step 2. A roll of roofing material without sprinkling with a metal hook is neatly unfolded as the mastic heats up. In this case, the flame of the burner is directed to the lower part of the rolled material. Thus, the entire roof is closed, individual strips of material are stacked overlapping each other.

Step 3. The top layer of material that already has a powder on the surface is laid. To begin with, the required dimensions of the segment are measured. For ease of use, they are rolled into rolls.

Step 4. Laying the upper layer of material should be done on the lower one so that the seams overlap each other, that is, with an offset. Laying begins at the bottom of the roof slope.

Step 5. And again the gas burner is used. The previously laid lower layer of material is heated.

Step 6. After the bottom layer is well warmed up, heating and rolling of the roll with sprinkling begins. It is also rolled out with a hook.

The same metal hook is used

Step 7. The material laid in this way is sprayed with water to speed up the cooling process. Also, a layer of water will prevent crumbs on the surface of the coating from sticking to hands and tools.

Step 8. The material is pressed against the roof surface with patting movements using a wooden board wrapped in cloth.

Step 9. The entire roof is closed in the same way. Individual strips of the covering are overlapped.

Step 10. The sides of the roof are also covered with roofing material.

Video - How to cover the roof with TechnoNIKOL material?

The process of finishing the roof of the garage with corrugated board

Quite often, corrugated board is used as a roof covering in the construction of a garage. This strong and durable material will serve you faithfully if laid correctly.


Step 1. The roof is being prepared - if necessary, a waterproofing layer is laid. Next, the installation of supports for the material begins - bars of 50x50 mm are laid on the base, and across them - boards of 40x15 mm.

Step 2. The bars are leveled strictly according to the level, and the cross-beams are also leveled.

Step 3. The longitudinal beams are attached to the base of the roof with frame bolts.

Step 4. The transverse boards are fixed with self-tapping screws to the bars - two pieces at the edges, and one in the middle of the boards.

Step 5. Planks are nailed along the perimeter of a kind of lathing. Their upper part should be flush with the cross-boards. You can start laying the corrugated board.

Installation of corrugated board

Step 1. Sheets of corrugated board are raised to the roof, stacked on the crate and leveled. Separate sheets are stacked with an overlap of 2 waves. For installation of the roof, it is better to use sheets of such a size that at once cover the roof slope from edge to edge.

Step 2. At the exit of the garage pipe, it is required to cut the material so that a hole for the chimney is formed. The easiest way is to cut a hole in the whole sheet, and then put the sheet on the pipe.

Step 3. The sheets of corrugated board will be screwed on with self-tapping screws. For convenience, you can mark along a string that is evenly stretched from one edge of the roof to the other. The markings are applied with a marker. The markings should be straight along the cross-member boards.

Step 4. Special roofing screws with a rubber washer are screwed in. Along the perimeter of the sheets, their pitch is 40-50 cm, and along the rest of the sheet, according to the markings, they are screwed through one corrugation.

Step 5. The side part of the roof can be finished with roofing felt, reinforced with bitumen mastic, or closed with metal shields of the required height.

Step 6. Shields are fixed with roofing screws, and the joints between them and the roof are covered with bitumen mastic.

Step 7. Fabric strips are glued to the first bitumen layer, which are then again coated with bitumen.

Step 8. The joint between the pipe and the corrugated board is sealed with a waterproofing material or sealant.

Prices for corrugated board

Corrugated board

Video - Corrugated roof in the garage

What material to use for the roof of the garage? Here the owner will have to decide in accordance with his wishes and budget. It is also important to consider the characteristics of each coating. But of the above two main materials, it is better to use corrugated board - it will be more reliable and durable for the roof than roofing felt.

A reliable garage roof is an important condition for the preservation of the building. Roofing work in the garage is mainly carried out in the same way as on other buildings, but there are some nuances.

Types of garage roofs

According to the design features, several types of roofs can be distinguished. By the presence of roof slopes, there are:

  • pitched;
  • flat.

A flat roof needs to be equipped with a continuous elastic coating made of polymer-bitumen materials that are resistant to temperature changes. The supporting parts for such a structure are the walls of the building. Screeds or slabs can be used as a base. In some cases, a hanging garden is made on a flat roof. In this case, the structure will be exploitable.

A pitched roof is formed by bases, the angle of inclination of which can be from 10 to 60 °. The structures have an emphasis on the rafter mechanism. The following types of roofs can be built for the garage:

  1. With one slope. The structure has an emphasis on the walls of the building, in connection with which one of the walls must be higher than the others in order to be able to create a slope. The difference in height is calculated by the formula: H = tg α x s, where s is the width of the building, tg α is the slope tangent, the value of which can be calculated on a calculator or taken from Bradis tables. The slope of the roof depends on the characteristics of the climate of the region: the amount of snow and the strength of the constant wind.

    A pitched roof is formed by walls of different heights

  2. With two slopes. This option is most often used in the construction of garages, since it allows you to increase the usable area of ​​the building due to the attic space. A roof of this type can be made with or without overlap, however, it must be supported by a Mauerlat - a horizontal strapping made of bars, which unites the rafter mechanism into a solid structure.

    The gable roof increases the useful space of the garage due to the attic space

  3. Hip roof. It is used quite rarely for garages, but in some cases it is used to maintain a uniform style of building the territory. The rafter mechanism in this case will not have a ridge run, since the roof frame is formed by four identical slopes.

    The hipped roof consists of four identical slopes

  4. Mansard room. This type of construction allows you to arrange an additional room above the garage structure, which can be used by the owner for his own needs. For example, you can create a workshop, storage room, study, or guest room. It differs from the attic space in the height of the ceiling rise: at least 1.5 m. This roof project is considered expensive, since it needs steam, hydro and thermal insulation. You also need to install non-standard double-glazed windows. The rafter pair will have a steep kink, which can lead to a decrease in the strength of the building.

    The minimum rise of the floor in the room under the mansard roof is 1.5 m

Materials and tools for manufacturing

Competent erection of a roof with a single slope implies compliance with the slope required for the unimpeded drainage of melt water after rains or snowfalls. The height of the support pieces must be different. The slope should be chosen taking into account the following factors:

  1. The climate of the region in which construction works are carried out. Gentle roofs with a slope of 5-7 ° are impractical to produce in regions with a lot of snow. However, they are suitable for places with strong winds. Roofs with a slope of 20-25 ° should not be made over separately located garage spaces in regions with moderate winds. Such structures can only be erected over attached buildings.
  2. Coating material type:
    • when making roofs with a slope of 15 ° or less, it is necessary to use materials in rolls - polymer, polymer-bitumen or bituminous;
    • if the slope is up to 10 °, then the roof should be arranged in 2 layers;
    • at an angle of inclination of 17–20 °, metal sheets are used, sealed with a seam, flat or wavy slate;
    • for roofs with a slope of 25 ° and more, it is better to choose profiled sheets or metal tiles.
  3. Site design. The architectural features oblige to use the roof of the same color and shape throughout the entire territory.

When calculating the area of ​​the slope, it is necessary to take into account the installation of overhangs that protect the structure from rain.

Overhangs are roof outlets that protect the building from rain and snow

It is important to consider such nuances:

  1. There should be overhangs of 55-60 cm above the frame.
  2. The overhang over the iron-clad frame structure should be at least 15–20 cm.
  3. The overhang over a concrete or brick building should be 35–40 cm.

In some cases, the size of the overhangs is made larger to form a canopy on the side of the entrance or along the wall. The canopy will need to be supported on support pillars made on a separate or common base with the garage.

Garage Roof Covering Material

The roof of the garage can be covered with different materials. You need to choose based on the operating conditions and financial capabilities. For example, a building with a tile roof will cost much more than a building covered with slate. At the same time, laying metal tiles takes a lot of time. The most commonly used materials are:

  1. Roofing material. This is a material based on dense or lightweight cardboard impregnated with bitumen. It is covered with refractory bitumen, after which minerals are added to it. Breaking load - 26-28 kg. One roll is enough to cover approximately 10 m 2 of the roof. Roofing material can withstand heating up to 80 ° for two hours. The material can be used with a slope of at least 5 °. The rolled sheets are connected with an adhesive mixture or mastic in several layers or are fused with a gas burner. Roofing material is recommended for use if a garage with a complex-shaped roof is being manufactured. The main advantages of the material:
  2. Bituminous shingles. It is an artificial soft material for roofing, based on fiberglass impregnated with rubber bitumen with basalt or slate powder. Service period - up to 50 years. The decorativeness of the coating is achieved due to a wide range of colors and cutting shapes. Bituminous shingles have all the advantages of roofing material, however, they have a more aesthetic appearance. An additional advantage is the ability to replace individual fragments during repairs. The material can be installed on a roof with a minimum slope of 2 °.

    A roof made of bituminous tiles has a much more aesthetic appearance compared to roofing felt

  3. Ondulin. This is a molded mass based on cellulose, bitumen, various pigments and fillers. After drying, the sheets with waves become resistant to chemical attack. The advantages include low weight and low cost. The period of possible operation is up to 15 years. On sale can be found in material of different colors. Special fasteners should be used to fix the sheets.

    Ondulin is well suited for the garage roof, because it is a lightweight and beautiful material.

  4. Slate. It is a sheet of asbestos cement with a surface in the form of waves. Despite not the most aesthetic appearance and hygroscopicity, it has quite a few advantages:
  5. Iron sheets. The material has a polymer coating and is strong and durable. Sheets are fastened in a folded manner in a lock, and therefore experience in carrying out these works and a special tool are required. The permissible slope is 19-30 °. It is advisable to apply an additional protective coating on the metal roof, which can be organized using acrylic paint.
  6. Decking. These are metal sheets of a wavy shape, which are laid with an overlap in one wave on each side and are attached to the crate with roofing screws, which greatly simplifies the installation process. The recommended tilt angle is from 8 °.

    You can cover the roof of the garage with a profiled sheet alone in a day.

  7. Metal tiles. It is one of the most popular roofing materials. In terms of their properties, metal tiles are similar to corrugated board, but they look much more attractive. The coating consists of profiled iron sheets with a thickness of about 0.5 mm with a smooth or rough surface, protected by a layer of polymer spraying. Average service life is 30 years. The minimum slope is 14 °.

    The coating resembles natural tiles from a distance, but costs much less

Garage Roof Tool

In order for the work to be done with high quality, you need to prepare the following tool:

  • hammer;
  • a mallet made of wood;
  • a jack for lifting material to the roof;
  • roulette;
  • level for taking measurements;
  • spatula, if you plan to plaster and paint the garage;
  • scissors for metal, if you plan to use corrugated board;
  • saw;
  • axe.

Some metal roofing materials will require hole preparation. In this case, a countersink and a countersink should be added to the list.

DIY garage roof device

A roof for a garage building consists of the following elements:

  1. Rafter mechanism. It is used as a basis on which all the details are fixed. The structure will take on the overall loads of the roof.

    The rafter frame defines the shape of the roof and is its supporting part

  2. Sheathing. Serves as a support for fastening the roof covering.

    The step of the lathing depends on the used roofing material

  3. Materials for hydro, steam and thermal insulation. They are required in order to retain heat and protect the building from moisture.

    In order for the roof to retain heat and protect the garage from moisture, insulating materials must be installed in a specific sequence.

  4. Finish coating.

    Laying the topcoat is the final stage in the construction of the roof

  5. Additional details to strengthen the rafter mechanism.

If it is planned to build a garage with a pitched roof, then a Mauerlat or logs must be placed on the upper end parts. The elements will be used as a support for the rafter mechanism. They are fixed to the walls with wire through anchor bolts. Fasteners must be hammered into the wall or bricked up in the masonry.

The main parts of the gable roof rafter are the rafter legs. They may be:

  • suspended (supported by extreme parts);
  • layered (have intermediate parts for support).

If the span, which is formed by the supporting walls, has a length of less than 5 m, then only horizontal elements can be installed on the rafter frame. They are called crossbars. In the places where the Mauerlat and rafter legs are attached, holes for fasteners must be prepared. The supports are installed in these holes and are securely fixed with nails or anchor bolts.

Installing Mauerlat

Laying a roof for a garage should begin with the installation of a Mauerlat. For this, a beam of 15x10 cm is used. If the walls of the garage are made of timber, then the upper crown can be used as a Mauerlat.

  1. For walls made of bricks or concrete blocks, a reinforcing belt is made. Steel studs are mounted in it, on which the Mauerlat will then be put on. The design of an armored belt is required not only for the distribution of loads from the roof, but also for the horizontal alignment of the end surfaces of the walls. Without this element, the slope can be different in different parts of the roof.

    Before pouring concrete, metal threaded rods are welded to the reinforcing cage so that their protruding part is several centimeters longer than the Mauerlat beam

  2. Concrete is poured into the formwork, its surface is finally leveled, and then the structure is covered with a layer of roofing material and left to dry completely (at least 7 days).

    After leveling the concrete layer, the studs should come out of it to a height that exceeds the thickness of the Mauerlat by 3-5 cm

  3. Mauerlat beams are mounted. At the locations of the studs, holes of the corresponding diameter are drilled, and the beams are put on the studs. Nuts are screwed on top.

    After the Mauerlat beam is laid on the armored belt, it is fixed with nuts screwed onto the ends of the studs

  4. The rafters are fixed to the Mauerlat. The simplest method is two nails with a length of 150 mm, located crosswise, or staples made of iron. For better fastening, metal plates can be used.

    With the help of metal plates, you can make a sliding mount that will allow the elements to move within a small range during frame shrinkage and seasonal deformations of the building

Marking rafters and making lathing

At this stage, you will need to mark the rafters:

Installation of rafters for a pitched roof is not difficult. When constructing a rafter mechanism, one should be guided by the following principles:

As the base of the garage roof under the covering material, a crate made of strips or iron purlins should be used. The lathing is selected in this way:

The lathing should be done from bottom to top.

Each rail should be fastened with one nail to the rafter leg.

Insulation and waterproofing of the garage roof

External insulation of a garage roof should be done in the following sequence:

Internal roof insulation is performed as follows:

  1. First of all, a waterproofing layer is performed. The joints are sealed with tape.

    It is better to lay the waterproofing film with a slight slack in order to avoid excessive stress during thermal deformations.

  2. If it is planned to use polystyrene, then a crate must be made under it. Next, the sheets are attached with self-tapping screws. In the process, it is necessary to glue the joints with an adhesive mixture.
  3. If mineral wool is used, then it fits into the gaps between the rafters of the rafters.

    Slabs of mineral wool should go into the gaps between the lags and be held there without additional fastening

  4. The insulation material is covered with a vapor barrier film. The joints are glued with construction tape.

    A vapor barrier film protects the insulation from warm humid air coming out of the lower rooms

Care should be taken that the insulation material does not come into contact with the waterproofing film. There should be a gap between them. To do this, a counter-lattice of 30x40 or 50x50 mm bars is stuffed over the film. If a super diffusion membrane is used for waterproofing, a ventilation gap is not required.

Insulation of the roof inside can be done using penoizol.

Penoizol is applied to the roof by spraying

The foam should be sprayed on. It will penetrate all gaps, expand as it dries, and spread throughout the base. As a result, there will be no gaps into which moisture or cold could penetrate. Penoizol is one of the best materials for insulation. It eliminates the appearance of mold and mildew. The only drawback is the high cost. However, it should be remembered that the period of possible use of the material is 70 years.

As a material for waterproofing pitched roofs, bituminous mastic is most often used. The coating, distributed over the roof surface, is able to form a base with excellent waterproofing parameters. It is also allowed to use an anti-condensation film, which is made on the basis of viscose. This option is most often suitable for roofs covered with profiled sheets.

Waterproofing is done after the rafter system and lathing have been completed, as well as the insulation has been laid:

If the roof will not be ventilated, then not an ordinary film should be used as a material for waterproofing, but with a protection against condensation. It is also possible to use a modern vapor-permeable membrane, which will remove excess water vapor to the outside. The waterproofing process can be facilitated by using a self-melting roof. However, it is important to ensure that the coating material does not overheat.

Video: waterproofing a garage roof

Laying roofing

One of the most popular options is roofing felt roofing.

Step-by-step guide to laying roofing material

Roofing material is mounted on a solid crate. The material is capable of performing two functions at once:

  • protect the interior from precipitation;
  • create solid budgetary coverage.

Roofing material is a soft roll material for roofing, so it is easy to install. To reliably protect the roof, roofing material must be installed in 2-3 layers. The first layer is used as a lining, and the next ones are used as the main coating.

In addition to roofing material, other roll-type materials can be used. They are laid out on mastic or fused with a gas burner. The second method requires increased attention, since it is fire hazardous. Such work should be performed by a person with experience.

Video: roofing with bitumen and roofing felt

The sequence of installation of roofing sheeting

The corrugated board has a low weight, so there is an opportunity to save on the manufacture of the rafter mechanism and lathing. The rafter legs can be made of 100x30, 50x30 or 50x50 mm bars. The choice must be made based on what load will be on the rafter mechanism. To create a high-quality roof, it needs to be insulated and waterproofing material installed. Sequencing:

  1. Waterproofing is laid on the surface of the frame. In this case, it is allowed to use a polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns. The film is fixed to the lathing using slats of small thickness with a section of 20x20 mm. The distance between the slats must be made so that the profiled sheet can fit tightly on the parts.

    For laying a profiled sheet with a thickness of 0.4-0.5 mm, a sheathing step of 50 cm is sufficient

  2. A metal roof is laid on top of the waterproofing material. Profiled sheets are fixed to the crate with special self-tapping screws with rubber lining. For convenience, you can pre-make small holes in the base. Self-tapping screws must be screwed in without tension, so that the material can contract and expand with changes in temperature.

    Sheets of corrugated board are fastened with roofing screws into the groove of the wave

  3. The roof is insulated from inside the garage. The process of insulation for corrugated board is completely similar to that described above.
  4. On the inside of the roof, a vapor barrier film and a finishing coating of the walls and ceiling of the attic are mounted.

Video: self-covering the roof with profiled sheets

Features of laying folded and slate roofs

It is possible to lay seam roofing made of galvanized metal only if you have certain skills and special devices. It is not recommended to do this on your own.

A slate roof can serve for over 40 years. The material is laid in the same way as the corrugated board, but the slate is heavy. Accordingly, he needs a strong and reliable rafter mechanism. Rafters should be made of wooden bars with a cross section of at least 100x80 mm.

Video: roofing with slate

Operation and maintenance of a roof for a garage

Soft surfaces are quite durable, but regular inspection of the substrate is recommended. Signs that indicate the need for repair:

  1. Various mechanical damages: through abrasion, deep crack, burst hole.
  2. The appearance of depressions in which water or dirt can stagnate.
  3. Changes in the appearance of the coating: the appearance of moss, mold or mildew.
  4. Emergency layering at the joints.

If these signs are present, it is recommended that the roof be repaired immediately. Experienced experts recommend that garage owners carry out regular maintenance activities at least once every 3 years. In this case, it will be enough only to eliminate minor flaws. If the roof is left in disrepair for a long time, then a complete replacement of the coating may be required.

Garage roof repair

The repair method depends on the type of roof and the degree of deterioration of the building. In private buildings, where the garage is located separately from the building, budget materials for the roof with a long service life are used. Garages in cooperatives cannot be covered with profiled sheets or flexible tiles, therefore soft materials on a bitumen basis are used. There are 3 options for repairing a garage roof:

  1. With the help of heated bitumen.
  2. The use of soft roofing material.
  3. Application of profiled sheets or tiles.

Before proceeding with the repair work, you will need to remove debris from the roof and clean up the places that need to be repaired. If the previously installed coating material can be used, then it will be necessary to cut out the indentations in the places with defects with an ax. If the roof was covered with roofing material, then the structure should be inspected for cracks or swelling. Such defects must be eliminated prior to repair work.

When the preparatory work is completed, you can start repair work:

It is quite simple to repair a roof with roofing material. You will need to cut out several pieces of material, and then close the indentations with their help. Each segment must correspond to the size of the depression. Sequencing:

Video: partial repair of the garage roof

It is quite possible to build a durable roof for a garage on your own, but it is important to follow the instructions and choose high-quality and reliable materials at all stages of work.

A lot of questions arise from homeowners when in plans for home improvement a garage roof with their own hands. Let's go through all the stages of the arrangement step by step, paying attention to the main thing.

In this article

Choosing the type of roof

The first thing that needs to be decided at the project stage is the type of roof: flat, single-slope or gable.

Flat roofs are made of concrete. To lay the concrete floor slabs, you will need a crane installation, a crane operator and a team of experienced installers. To fill the floor with concrete, formwork, reinforcement, a large supply of concrete and, again, people are needed. It is clear that in the case when a flat roof is required for a garage, the best solution would be to hire a qualified team.

For this reason, we will talk about single-pitched and gable roofs available for self-assembly.

To choose one of two options, you need to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each type of roof:

  • A gable roof for a garage will be cheaper in terms of material costs;
  • Installation of a shed structure is easier;
  • To do this kind of work faster;
  • Installation of a pitched roof can be done even by one person;

But if solidity is more important for the roof, the roof is supposed to be actively used for storage or living, then the gable roof option is preferable:

  • The snow load on the gable roof is less. With the correct slope of the roof, snow does not linger on it;
  • It is possible to create an additional room in the attic;
  • The room is better ventilated, so it is easier to perform thermal insulation;
  • Less risks with versatile wind load;
  • A gable roof looks more presentable

If the garage is adjacent to the building, only a single-pitched garage roof can be built to ensure the removal of atmospheric precipitation. This version is good in that it will save a significant part of the finances for materials and time for the construction of walls.

It is important to decide on the type of roof at the initial stage because for a gable roof the walls will be of the same height, and for a pitched roof - different.

Determine the angle of the roof slope

The optimal angle of inclination of a single-pitched roof of a garage is 25-300. If you make it higher, the top will be disproportionate in relation to the entire building. You shouldn't make it less than 100, because the pressure of the snow masses at this slope is critical. The range for a gable roof is much wider. In areas of heavy snowfall, the angle of inclination is 450. In general, the stronger the winds in the region, the smaller the slope should be chosen. Conversely, the quieter the weather and the more rainfall, the steeper the angle of the roof.

The choice of roofing material also affects the height of the slope. When using roll roofing materials, the slope angle can be 100. For slate - 200. And for tiled roofs - at least 300.

It is important to decide on the type and material of the roof before starting construction also because the size and type of foundation will depend on this: a slab under the entire garage, tape or columnar.

Roofing materials

  • Roofing material. Inexpensive soft roofing material. Service life up to 5 years (modern counterparts have 15 years). Not suitable for extremely hot or cold climates. Sold in rolls. Easy transportation and stacking. It is laid in several layers. Bonded with bituminous mastic. In this case, waterproofing of the garage roof is not required. Consider the additional costs for the mastic, as her consumption is on average 0.8 kg per 1m 2
  • Slate is an inexpensive, more durable and durable material than roofing material (it can last about 10 years). Sold in sheets. It is relatively easy to install. Cons: heavy, difficult to change due to fragility. Suitable for roofing garage roofs from 300
  • Metal tiles and corrugated board. Modern, durable lightweight materials based on galvanized profiled sheet. Covered from above with a polymer protective coating. Simple installation. Suitable for slope angles from 150. Durable. Withstand a wide range of temperatures. Wide decorative possibilities. They require high-quality fastening with special hardware and caution during installation. The damaged polymer coating must be urgently repaired in order to preserve its protective functions. Low sound insulation. Relatively expensive for the price.

To calculate the consumption of roofing material, you need to know the length and width of the garage, and the width of the roof overhang (from 20 to 40 cm, depending on the vulnerability of the wall material). Calculation of the area for a shed roof: multiply the numerical values ​​of the width and length of the garage (with overhangs) and divide by the cosine of the slope angle. For a gable version, in the same way, you need to calculate the area of ​​each slope, and then add the resulting values. Next, the roof area is divided by the area of ​​the roofing sheet. It turns out the required number of sheets. You should also take into account the margin for a possible marriage.

Choosing a rafter system

There are a number of ways to build pitched roofs. For example, methods with or without floor beams. Methods when the rafters are laid on top of opposite walls with a difference in height. A method when roof trusses are pre-mounted on the ground, including floor beams, rafters and rafters. The dimensions of the garage are of particular importance for the choice of the rafter system.

The same goes for gable options. For layered equipment, a solid frame is first mounted, resting on the centers of opposite walls, and then the upper ends of a pair of rafters are placed on it. There are also different versions with gable trusses: with and without a support in the center. Finally, the old technique of roofing with slabs.

To find out which roof structure is suitable in this case, you will have to familiarize yourself with the relevant teaching materials. Having chosen a specific design, you must carefully study the step-by-step instructions. Determine where you might need help.

We calculate the consumption of materials

After choosing the rafter system, you need to calculate the length and thickness of the material for it. This is the most critical part of creating a rafter system. To do this, you need to know:

Height of the roof drop. It is calculated by the formula: the length of the wall (along which the slope will pass) multiplied by the tangent of the angle of inclination.

The length of the rafters is calculated using the formula of the Pythagorean theorem:

The numerical value of the length of the rafters in the square is equal to the sum of the squares of the length of the wall and the height of the drop. The length of the roof overhang must be added to the resulting length of the rafter.

The pitch of the rafters is calculated individually and ranges from 1m to 60 cm, depending on the load on the roof.

The cross-section of the rafters is calculated using a formula that takes into account many factors from the specific gravity of roofing materials to wind loads in a given region. Therefore, for such complex calculations, it is better to use an online calculator.

The cross-section of the Mauerlat beams and the ceiling, if needed, is taken from 100 x 50 mm. The distance between the ceiling beams is approximately 1 m. Anchoring is used for them

What other tools and materials will be needed for roofing:

  • Ax, hacksaw, hammer.
  • Construction stapler with staples, level, tape measure, marker, screwdriver.
  • Unedged board 25x150 mm, taking into account the fact that for each sheet of roofing material there must be at least 3 boards.
  • Bar 50 * 50 mm for counter-lattice.
  • Vapor barrier is a membrane that, on the one hand, acts as a waterproofing of the garage roof, and on the other hand, allows steam to pass from the room to the street. Such a film should be suitable for gluing with special mastic or special tape.
  • Insulation (if the room is capital, then roof insulation will be required).
  • Metal corner fasteners for beams, nails, screws.
  • Mastic for bonding steam and waterproofing.

Installation of a pitched roof

It is important to orient the slope of the roof towards the windy side so that the air flow does not lift up, but presses on the roof.

  • Installation begins with the installation of a Mauerlat - a strapping of the garage walls from dry wooden beams impregnated with an antifungal composition. It is carefully aligned horizontally. Fixed in the wall with long anchor bolts
  • The selected roof truss system is mounted on the Mauerlat. For fastening the rafters, 100 mm nails or anchors are used. All attachment points are treated with a bioprotective compound.
  • Waterproofing of the garage roof is laid on the rafters with an overlap of layers of about 20 cm. It is fastened with a stapler. The membrane overlaps are glued together with mastic or tape.
  • Installation of a counter-lattice made of bars. Allows to create a ventilated gap under the roof.
  • Sheathing of boards with a frequency depending on the roofing material.
  • Installation of roofing. Starts at the bottom corner of the roof. The first sheet is placed on the level. The following are oriented away from him. In general, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions for installing a specific roofing material.
  • Roof insulation takes place in the rafter intervals or fits in the gaps between the ceiling beams.

Installation of a gable roof follows the same plan, only the rafter triangles will be isosceles. Let's consider a variant of the device for a gable rafter system.

Simple gable roof design

Material for beams, rafters, struts - board 50x150 mm, for ridge run - board 50x200 mm. For puffs - board 25x10 mm.

  • We mark equal lengths (from 60 to 40 cm) on the garage along the long sides of the strapping. We markup symmetrically from the outer corner of the box, from where the extreme rafters will be attached.
  • We put the ceiling beams on the edge according to the marks. They are located strictly horizontally, check the level.
  • We fix it with nails or self-tapping screws. In this version, the ceiling beams also act as braces to compensate for the expansion.
  • On the beams, stele boards or plywood to provide access to further installation.
  • We mark the centers of the end walls. In these places, we temporarily nail the slats vertically, one side of which coincides with the imaginary axis of symmetry. Along these slats, pulling the cord between it at the desired height, we determine the position of the ridge.
  • Attaching the board to the location of the outer rafter, mark the resulting cutting lines of the board. The template is ready. We use it to prepare the required number of rafters.
  • Relative to the temporary rails, after about 1.5 meters, we fasten the support posts for the ridge run. Checking the vertical. We fix it with a corner metal tie.
  • We put a ridge run board on the supports with an edge. We check the horizontal, we fix it with nails or
  • At the bottom, parallel to the run, we nail the bars to the base of the central supports, which will play the role of a bed.
  • In the center of the roof with an angle of inclination of 450, install a brace. Its top rests against the shoulder strap, the bottom against the bar at the base of the supports. We install a paired brace symmetrically on the other side of the support.
  • We install the rafters. We start with the outermost pairs, pulling a lace between them. Fastening is carried out with nails or self-tapping screws to the strapping and to the ceiling beam.
  • We strengthen the extreme rafters with additional vertical posts attached to the harness at the bottom.
  • We additionally fix each pair of rafters with a tightening.

The device in the garage of the exhaust pipe will be useful. Its diameter must be at least 100 mm, length at least 50 cm. It can go out both into the wall and into the roof. It is good if it is equipped with a special valve to keep warm in the garage.

A convenient option for an outbuilding will be the combination of a garage and a bath under one roof. In this case, a full-fledged attic can be organized in the under-roof space.