Why does the pug smell from the mouth? Bad smell from the dog's mouth

Four-legged friends have their own natural specific smell, which is due to the physiological structure of the skin. However, a change and enhancement of the natural aroma can be caused not only by a violation of hygiene rules, but also by the development of a number of diseases. Specially developed products will help to get rid of unpleasant amber, as well as compliance with the rules for caring for a pet.

Experienced dog breeders and veterinarians distinguish several groups of causes of unpleasant odor in dogs:

  • Physiological. Up to 3-4 months, puppies do not have a specific aroma characteristic of an adult dog. Each dog, due to the anatomical structure of the skin, has an odor resulting from the work of the sebaceous glands. It is generally accepted that males smell more intense than females. At the same time, in females during estrus, the natural odor increases due to hormonal changes.

The specific scent serves to attract males and can be unpleasant to the human nose. In some individuals, by the time of completion of sexual development (1.5 - 2 years), hormonal levels stabilize, and they stop emitting an unpleasant odor during estrus. Owners of neutered and neutered pets note that after the operation, the problem ceases to be relevant.

Seasonal causes also fall into this category. So, in summer, especially on hot days, the smell from a furry pet becomes more intense. The heavy spirit of the animal increases after bathing or rain, when the coat gets wet. When dry, the intensity decreases.

  • Hygienic. This category includes, first of all, a violation of the rules for caring for the skin and coat of furry friends. Accumulated dust, dirt in thick wool is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms. Bacteria, viruses, yeast-like fungi, multiplying intensively on the skin and dirty wool, emit a specific odor.

Irregular combing, infrequent water treatments, illiterate use of detergents, irregular trimming are common causes of animal stench.

  • Pedigree... There are dog breeds that, due to physiological characteristics, have a more pronounced odor. Basset Hounds, American Cocker Spaniels, Newfoundlands, as well as many hunting dogs such as Shorthaired Pointers, Pointers, Pointers smell much more intense.

This feature is associated with a genetically predisposed seborrhea of ​​the skin and the peculiarities of the functioning of the sebaceous glands of dogs hunting for waterfowl.

  • Allergic... The presence of an allergic reaction to chemicals, household pesticides, feed components in a furry pet often leads to irritation of the skin. A rash, itching, scratching provoke a violation of the integrity of the skin, the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, which is accompanied by an unpleasant dog scent. Especially often, the fish mono-diet is the cause of the stench from a pet.
  • Pathological. Some diseases can cause a stench from a pet: bacterial infections, dental problems, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, stomach, kidneys, as well as oncological pathologies.

An enhanced smell from an animal can remind the owner of a stench from fish, rotten meat, dog. The various "flavors" usually have their own reasons.

Dog smells like fish, mice

If the owner catches the smell of fish from the pet, the smell of old men's socks,
"Mouse" stench, then the cause of this phenomenon may be diseases of the internal organs.

The smell of rotten fish may indicate, first of all, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. , liver disease is the most common cause of a putrid stench from a pet.

Often, no other symptoms of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, except for the smell from the mouth, are observed.

The stench from a dog is often a sign of the development of kidney pathology, diseases of the respiratory system and metabolism. For example, diabetes mellitus can be accompanied not only by a pronounced ammonia smell, but also by rotten stuff.

The stench comes from the pet and with such pathologies as inflammation of the paraanal glands. These formations are under the tail and for a number of reasons can become inflamed. In the area of ​​the anus, a foul-smelling secret accumulates, which gives a stench not only to the animal itself, but also to the room in which it is located.

For information on why a dog can emit an unpleasant odor, see this video:

From her it bears a strong dog

Any dog ​​smells like dog. However, if the smell becomes strong, it poses a problem for the owner and household members. First of all, the animal must be thoroughly combed out and washed. For this purpose, you can use a special detergent that eliminates odors.

In the event that the unpleasant phenomenon cannot be eliminated with the help of hygienic procedures, it is worth looking for the cause of the stench in the pet's health. The owner should first rule out food allergies. Even the most expensive and high-quality food is not a guarantee that the dog is not allergic to the components of the mixture.

The most common allergic reaction to chicken... Sweets, spicy and salty foods should also be completely excluded from the diet. Improvement occurs, as a rule, 2 - 3 weeks after the correction of the diet.

The next step is to visit a veterinarian with your pet. A biochemical analysis of blood and urine prescribed by a doctor will help to identify the level of liver enzymes, detect renal pathology, and exclude diabetes mellitus. The veterinarian will also examine the animal's oral cavity for dental problems.

Causes of bad breath, ears, paws

Inflammation of the gums, tooth decay, periodontitis, trauma and bruising of the jaw are often the cause of the foul smell from the dog's mouth. Irregular brushing of teeth or its complete absence also leads to the accumulation of food particles between the teeth, the formation of tartar, the development of putrefactive bacteria, which are the source of the stench from the animal.

In the early stages of tartar development, you can get rid of the problem by regularly brushing your pet's teeth with special pastes. Effectively combats plaque and calculus; professional cleaning of the oral cavity with ultrasound in a specialized clinic.

Many owners note the stench from the dog's limbs. This is due to the fact that between the pads of the fingers there are special glands that cause a unique "trace" smell from the pet. The glands can become inflamed or simply produce an increased amount of secretion, which is the cause of the unpleasant amber.

Inflammatory processes during infection of wounds, splinters, abrasions can also cause stench from paws. Regular treatment of paws with disinfectant solutions after a walk will help prevent an unpleasant phenomenon.

For information on how to brush a dog's teeth at home, see this video:

Why does urine stink

The reason for the strong smell of urine in a dog is often an error in feeding. If there is too much protein in the pet's diet, a violation of nitrogen metabolism occurs, which is accompanied by an ammoniacal odor of urine. Correction of the diet for nutrients, enrichment of feed with vitamins and minerals after a while normalizes the situation.

However, the stench can also have a pathological cause. With the development of renal failure, the composition of urine changes sharply, which is accompanied by the appearance of an ammonia odor during urination.

A sharp stench can come from urine and with the development of diabetes mellitus. The disease is accompanied by a violation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, as a result of which the urine becomes odorous. Having discovered such a phenomenon, the owner should not hesitate to visit the veterinarian.

How to get rid of the smell in the apartment

Interior items, upholstered furniture, carpets, textile coverings quickly absorb the unpleasant odor emanating from the pet. The owner can get rid of it by following the tips and rules:

  • Carry out wet cleaning and airing of the room every day. Effectively removes stench and stench by adding disinfectants based on chlorine, citric acid, vinegar to the water for cleaning floors.
  • In the resting places of the pet, it is necessary to use special neutralizers. Dog odor eliminators contain aromatic substances that act at the molecular level. In a specialty store, you can buy products for both treating the dog and for neutralizing the odor in the room.

Using disinfectants and aromatic agents, one should not forget that they only eliminate and mask the stench, but do not eliminate the true cause of the phenomenon.

For information on how to get rid of an unpleasant smell from a dog or cat, see this video:

Veterinarian assistance

In the event that compliance with the hygienic rules for caring for an animal does not bring tangible results, you should seek advice from a veterinarian. First of all, the doctor will conduct a general examination of the animal with a mandatory examination of the oral cavity. This simple manipulation allows you to identify dental problems: tartar, caries, inflammation in the gums, teeth, pharynx.

Palpation and examination of the retropharyngeal and submandibular nodes will also help determine the cause of bad breath. Examination of the auricle using a special device will help exclude otitis media. Scraping from the skin is taken if otodectosis is suspected.

A general clinical examination will help identify inflammatory processes in the paraanal glands. Your veterinarian will clean them and advise the owner on caring for the pet. If gastritis is suspected, the animal is prescribed endoscopy. Liver pathology can be detected by the deviation of enzyme indices in a biochemical blood test. Clinical examination of urine allows you to exclude kidney pathology, diabetes mellitus.

The specific smell in dogs is due to the physiological and breed characteristics. The stench from the animal has, as a rule, pathological causes and is associated with diseases of the oral cavity, otitis media, inflammatory processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and respiratory system.

If hygiene procedures do not bring tangible results, the owner should contact a veterinarian in order to identify pathology.

The appearance of bad breath in a dog can be both a consequence of improper care of the pet's oral cavity, and a symptom of the disease. The owner's task in this case is to figure out the reasons as soon as possible and take measures to eliminate them.

Possible reasons

When a dog develops bad breath, the reasons may be related to the following:

Pathological processes are not always the cause of the cadaverous odor from the pet's mouth. It can also be associated with a nasty habit of picking up found carrion or spoiled food.

  • Improper nutrition. An unbalanced diet negatively affects the freshness of the dog's breath. A large amount of protein food sometimes provokes the appearance of a rotten smell from the mouth, since the stomach cannot cope with the digestion of meat and offal. The reasons for its appearance can also be the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet or chlorinated water from the tap.
  • Breed features. One of the reasons not related to health problems. In short-faced pets with sagging lips, the mouth stinks due to food debris accumulated behind the cheeks, which has already begun to rot.

What the owner should do

Obviously, the appearance of bad breath in the dog should be a reason for more careful observation of the pet. The first thing to do:

  • Examine the oral cavity. There may be food debris trapped between the teeth or behind the cheeks, as well as plaque. In such cases, brushing your teeth will help get rid of the problem. To do this, use a soft toothbrush or a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger and soaked in an antiseptic solution. But when large foci of inflammation, tartar are found, it is categorically impossible to engage in treatment on their own.
  • Assess the presence of other alarming symptoms: lack of appetite, drowsiness, thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, sudden weight changes, lethargy, fever, etc.

Preventive measures

The following steps can help reduce the risk of a stench from your pet's mouth:

  • Regular brushing of teeth (at least once every 4-5 days) with a special paste for dogs.
  • Organization of the correct diet based on meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits, but without fatty, sweet and salty foods. Continuous access to clean, filtered water is also important.
  • Purchase "chewy" toys that will also help you clean your animal's teeth.
  • Systematic treatment for helminths.
  • Regular visits to the veterinarian to help identify possible health problems in the early stages. Separate visits to the dentist are also desirable.

The article contains up-to-date information on one of the questions frequently asked by the owners of dogs of different breeds, as well as recommendations that veterinarians can give, but it is worth remembering that this article is for informational purposes.

Unpleasant smell, stinks from the mouth of the dog for reasons, from which and treatment

Bad breath from dogs is called halitosis. The reasons for this phenomenon are:
- violations when changing teeth;
- trauma to the oral cavity or ingress of a foreign body;
- digestive problems;
- diseases of the internal organs;
- change of diet;
- bad habits (eating dirty food).

If you find an unpleasant odor, you should definitely contact your veterinarian. He will identify the cause of the bad smell and diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Bad breath in a dog during the change of milk teeth what to do

Loss of milk teeth occurs in puppies. In place of milk teeth, bleeding pits remain in the gums. The blood combines with the dog's saliva and can give off an unpleasant odor. This does not require special treatment, the gums will heal on their own and the smell will disappear.

How to remove odor from a dog's mouth at home, fight it and get rid of it quickly

Brushing your teeth will help get rid of the unpleasant odor. Pharmacies sell special toothpastes for animals that are harmless. All you need to do is take an old toothbrush, apply some toothpaste and brush the dog's teeth.

To freshen the dog's breath, parsley or alfalfa can be added to the food, the grass must be finely chopped. This method will help if your pet's diet has changed.

To fight bacteria in the mouth, use baking soda. Throw 1 tablespoon into a glass of warm water. baking soda, moisten a cotton pad in the resulting solution. Wipe the tongue, teeth, cheeks of the pet with a damp disc. Repeat this treatment several times and the smell will disappear.

Dog breath after dry food, stone removal, digestive disorders treatment

Changing dry food can cause a rotten smell, so carefully monitor which food is suitable for your pet and eliminate the unsuitable one.

To remove tartar, dogs are given bones or toys that are impregnated with special compounds. Launched dental calculus is treated by a veterinarian, in a veterinary clinic. If, nevertheless, after removing the stone, the dog's mouth smells unpleasant, then the reason may be in indigestion, stomach diseases.

If the cause of the odor is indigestion, then it is necessary to contact the veterinarian, only he will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Folk methods can only harm if the diagnosis is unknown.

Problem with bad breath in a young, middle-aged and old dog

In a young dog, an unpleasant odor is associated with the change of milk teeth. Puppies are curious, playful, so there is a high probability of damage to the oral cavity or ingestion of a foreign body.

Middle-aged dogs are more susceptible to diseases of the digestive system, periodontitis, and tartar formation.

Old dogs suffer from various diseases of internal organs, diabetes mellitus, and therefore they feel bad breath. It is necessary to show the pet to the veterinarian for prevention and treatment.

therapist, cardiologist

Bad breath, scientifically halitosis , is one of the most common reasons for pet owners to go to a veterinary clinic. This condition can be a symptom of many diseases, both organs and tissues of the oral cavity and internal organs.

Let's try to figure out the reasons. Conventionally, animals suffering from this pathology can be divided into 3 age groups: young animals under one year old, middle-aged animals from 1 year to 9 years old, animals over 9 years old.

The main mechanism causing unpleasant odor is bacterial decomposition. Normally, microflora lives in the oral cavity, the purpose of which is to restrain the reproduction of pathological flora. In some cases, its function weakens, this can be due to both external and internal factors.

So, the first group - young animals.
Serious diseases of the oral cavity at this age are rare, most often they are:

  1. violation of the change of teeth. For example, milk teeth that do not fall out in time, malocclusion, lead to the formation of cracks in which food pieces can get stuck, thereby creating a favorable environment for the development of pathological flora, the direct consequence of which will be an unpleasant odor. The most problematic in this regard are dogs of dwarf breeds, for example, a miniature poodle, Yorkshire terrier, etc., among cats there is no pronounced predisposition.
  2. injuries and ingress of foreign bodies into the oral cavity. Foreign bodies, trauma, directly damage the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, causing erosive lesions, which are again a favorable place for the reproduction of pathological flora.

Second group, middle-aged animals.
The list of diseases here is wider, but the leading place is occupied by the deposition of plaque on the tooth surface (tartar).
The severity of the lesions depends on the amount of these deposits. The frequency of calculus deposition is directly related to the diet of the animal, for example, it has been proven that animals receiving soft food suffer from periodontal diseases more often. The deposition of tartar leads to the detachment of the gums from the neck of the tooth, in this place a pocket is formed, into which food pieces fall, which, accordingly, creates an optimal environment for the development of pathological flora. Further damage leads to tooth loosening and loss. Predisposed to this disease among dogs, again, are dwarf breeds, medium-sized breeds, for example, the average poodle, Pekingese, dachshund, among cats, Persian, exotic.

Other reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor include injuries, chipped teeth, foreign bodies, in this age group, tumor lesions of the oral cavity or larynx, both benign and malignant, are possible, a frequent example of the formation of benign tumors in the oral cavity is the Boxer dog, whose representatives are prone to to a disease called fibrous epulis, which is expressed in the proliferation of gum tissue with the formation of many tumors of different sizes.

Third group, old animals.
In addition to the reasons typical for the second group, in this age category, the risk of tumor formations in the oral cavity and diseases of internal organs is more pronounced, one of the signs of which may be an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

A classic example of this is chronic kidney failure, which is accompanied by the smell of ammonia. In this disease, some metabolic products are delayed due to weakened kidney function, which directly damage the oral mucosa, leading to the formation of non-healing ulcers on the gums and tongue.

Another example is diabetes mellitus, which produces the smell of acetone. This is a consequence of a violation of sugar metabolism, when the body cannot absorb carbohydrates, and is forced to switch to fat metabolism, in which ketone bodies are formed, giving the exhaled air the smell of acetone.

A very characteristic and noticeable sign of these diseases is a pronounced increase in water consumption. Attention should be paid to fluid intake in adult animals, and in case of an increase that cannot be explained by objective reasons (physical activity, hot weather, changing the diet to dry food), you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Now about solving similar problems... When contacting a veterinarian with a complaint about an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity of your pet, you should be prepared for the fact that a visual examination will not be enough to make a final diagnosis. A more detailed examination of the oral cavity may be required under sedation (sedation) or general anesthesia, and an x-ray may also be required. If a systemic (general) pathology is suspected, it may be necessary for blood and urine tests. After examining your animal, the veterinarian will diagnose and prescribe treatment, which, depending on the situation, may be either surgical or medication.
The veterinarians of our clinics have all the necessary knowledge and equipment necessary to solve the problems associated with unpleasant odor from the oral cavity in your pets.

If your dog has a strong and unpleasant odor from the mouth (halitosis), it is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate it in order to avoid serious consequences associated with the pet's health.

Possible reasons

When a dog suddenly has a strong odor from the mouth, it is unacceptable to ignore it. The reason may lie both in a harmless external effect on the animal, and in a progressive serious illness. First, you need to analyze all changes in the diet and observe her behavior. Sometimes this is enough to understand why the smell appeared and eliminate its cause.

External causes that can be corrected and eliminated

If, after adjusting the nutrition and water regime, it is not possible to remove the unpleasant odor, a consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

With age, dogs' metabolism slows down and the body's resistance to various systemic diseases decreases. In addition to the above reasons, you can add the following:

  1. Diabetes. In many animals, the onset of this disease occurs precisely in old age. In addition to bad breath, the pet will experience general weakness, decreased appetite and increased water intake (due to dry mouth).
  2. Pathology of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Problems with any organ of the digestive system are manifested by the pet's bad breath on the exhale.
  3. Respiratory problems. When the infection enters the upper respiratory tract, the stench from the mouth of the animal may well occur. In this case, you must urgently consult a doctor. This is how not only a cold manifests itself, but also the plague (it leads to a fatal outcome).
  4. Disease of the genitourinary system gives a specific odor from the mouth of the animal. In addition, there is a deterioration in the general condition, loss of appetite and obvious anxiety when going to the toilet.

How to determine the cause by the nature of the smell

Sometimes, by smell, you can guess the reason for its appearance.

  1. Putrefactivesmell (rotten) observed with serious pathologies of the liver or intestines. Sometimes the cause is a tumor in the mouth.
  2. The smell of acetone from the mouth is typical for dogs with diabetes mellitus. With increased fat metabolism, ketone bodies are formed, which give such a picture.
  3. Ammonia stench may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. The slowed down excretion of metabolic products causes the active production of ammonia by the tissues.

What to do, how to treat

Treating a dog's bad breath involves identifying the cause and correcting it. If the cause is external and the owner of the dog finds it, the problem disappears by itself. In the event that the owner cannot cope, the issue is resolved with the help of a veterinarian, who will fully examine the dog, interview its owner, analyze its vital activity and decide on the appointment of the necessary examinations and tests. Based on their results, the appropriate therapy will be selected.

You can get rid of the smell from the pet's mouth by starting to care for its teeth. But this will only give a temporary effect if the reason lies in something else.

How to care for your dog's mouth

  • Prevention of dental calculus formation and its treatment. This can be done by periodically including in the diet a treat for brushing your teeth. Moderately stiff veins are usually made in the form of a bone and are sold at any pet store. If you replace it with a real bone marrow, then give it no more than 1-2 times a week. To soften plaque, tomato juice has proven itself well, which should be added to the dog's food. When the animal is no longer young and there is a stable plaque in the form of a stone on the teeth, it can be removed with the help of the services of a veterinary clinic.
  • Tooth brushing v. Nowadays, there are many tools for brushing your dog's teeth. If the owner regularly carries out this hygienic procedure for his pet, there will be no problems with the oral cavity.

Video: How to properly brush your dog's teeth

  1. A balanced diet and water-drinking regime will be an excellent prophylaxis against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Worms are a common cause of bad breath in pets. Preventive use of anthelmintic tablets will help you forget about this ailment.
  3. Visiting a veterinarian every 6 months will allow the specialist to suspect violations in the dog's health at an early stage during a preventive examination.
  4. Dog oral hygiene is never superfluous. It will prevent bacterial contamination and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  5. If the owner follows all the recommendations and the dog still has a pungent smell from the mouth, you should immediately contact the veterinarian, he will tell you in detail what you need to do to get rid of it.