What products are in the greatest demand. Vacuum Food Sealer

The unstable economic situation affected everyone in different ways: some types of business suffered more, others less, and for the third, new prospects opened up. According to open statistics, it is possible to trace the main trends and draw conclusions: in which area is it most profitable to open a business now, and which is better to refrain from.


Crises come and go, but you always have to work. What business is in demand now, where to look for a promising niche? Despite the fact that the SME business activity index shows a decrease (Fig. 1), the number of individual entrepreneurs in Russia has increased. According to Kommersant: as of December 2015, their number was 3,643,911 against 3,534,516 for the same period in 2014.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the entrepreneurial activity index in 2014-2015. According to public organization SMB "Support of Russia".

The decline was mainly due to a drop in sales and investment: the share of trade in small businesses is more than 40%. You shouldn't be guided by the average "temperature in the hospital", so let's take a closer look at how the situation is developing in three directions:

Main directions in trade

The negative impact of the crisis on retail is obvious: a decrease in income, a saving model of behavior, and the transition of buyers to cheaper goods. The latter factor was not negative for everyone. Networks of the “all for one price” type are expanding, including actively moving to remote regions (“Fix Price” franchise); commission trade has revived. According to a study by the Magazin Magazin group, stagnation was observed in the trade sector in October last year (Fig. 2, 3).

What entrepreneurs complain about:

  1. a drop in sales is noted by 76% of respondents;
  2. 55% of retailers were forced to raise prices;
  3. increased rental prices, property tax.

In general, the mood is pessimistic; a revival of consumer demand in the near future can hardly be expected. But on a sectoral basis for industrial goods - the decline is not the same, which is clearly seen in Figure 3. For certain commodity items, the index is above average.

Summary. The market for luxury consumer goods (and services) is virtually unchanged. The segment of the "economy" class is not developed. It requires a special skill to organize profits at low prices, low costs and margins, which not many have (successful example of "Fix Price"). In recent years, trade has been most active in the middle class segment, and the greatest decline in real incomes has occurred in this particular segment of the population.

How does the current crisis differ from the previous ones? Opinion of Evgeny Butman, serial entrepreneur since 1990 (Forbes interview). “The crises of 1998 and 2008 were instantaneous - everything fell, depreciated, froze. Ah! and they raise the temperature by one degree every hour. The frog will cook without noticing it. There seems to be no crisis, but this very heating is going on. We and our business are like this frog. "

Paid services market

In the service sector, the situation is different. According to Rosstat data, there is a general decline in consumption in price terms, but it does not look like a "landslide" (Fig. 4). As of November 2015, the share of paid services in the total expenses of the population even increased - 20.8% (in 2014 - 19.9%).

Analyzing the indicators for certain types of services (Table 1), it is easy to see that the crisis has a positive effect on citizens' craving for sports, culture and a healthy lifestyle.

Table 1. Distribution of consumer services in 2015. According to Rosstat data.

Paid services







sanatorium and wellness

sports, physical education




Promising trends in the service sector

  • Tourism- on domestic routes, agritourism. In order to save money, many go on vacation on their own: it is no coincidence that there is an increase in the hotel industry. The niche for the organization of mini-hotels, catering points, parking lots, hostels is expanding - along highways and in places of mass "wild" recreation.
  • Outsourcing of all types- large and medium-sized companies save on personnel, marketing, IT services, education. Small businesses take advantage of these difficulties by offering inexpensive services, products, and services. Leader - IT-sphere: mobile applications, website builders, analytics, landing pages.
  • Medical, wellness, sports services- there is a clear increase in demand in this market. If someone thinks that this is too narrow a professional niche, he is mistaken. Below is an interesting example.

Sale of medical services from Germany

Alexander Bortenev and Roman Prilipko organized an online medical consultation service by doctors from Germany. Analyzes, MRI and CT images are sent for examination to doctors who carry out diagnostics, recommend an additional examination, and a treatment program. Results are received within 4 days.

In January 2015, a website was created, a month later they opened an office in Magnitogorsk, then in Chelyabinsk. In total, up to 50 orders per month are received through the offices and the website, the volume of proceeds is up to 800,000 rubles per month. The entrepreneurs plan to recoup their investments (about 5 million rubles) within a year and a half.

Summary. People have not stopped using services, only the choice is made in favor of cheaper ones, the priority is given to children's needs. Cost reduction occurs due to the "cleaning" of the main service: coffee breaks, reservations, field consultations are excluded. The rental of expensive machinery and equipment is gaining popularity: cars, bicycles, ski equipment, exercise equipment.


Manufacturing business shows the most optimistic activity index compared to other activities. The sanctions forced large manufacturers to look for replacements for imported components, materials and products. For small businesses, opportunities are opening up to serve large enterprises. According to the portal TIU.RU (trade in machine tools and equipment for SMEs), in the first 9 months of 2015, the total amount of income from sales exceeded the level of the previous year by 20%.

1 Food production.

Large retail chains: Perekrestok, Pyaterochka (Retail Group) signed new contracts with 800 suppliers in 2015. The share of Russian goods has more than doubled compared to 2014. For many product groups, it has reached the level of 90 - 100%. "Dixy" - imports fruits and vegetables from the south of Russia, Tula, Moscow regions; 90% of dairy products are Russian and Belarusian.

Russian "Camembert"

Family enterprise "Nikolaev and Sons" ( Krasnodar region) increased the production of cheese in 2015 by 10 times. The business was started 4 years ago, it was planned to develop Italian, French "premium" varieties. In total, the line consisted of 12 varieties. With the introduction of the embargo, the company reduced them to 4; Camembert Lefkadia became the main product in demand. Blue cheese was the first to leave the shelves - retailers queued up. Sales prices start at 1.1 thousand rubles per kg, and have not increased during the year. Supplied to retail chains: Azbuka Vkusa, Magnit, Lenta, Perekrestok, geography - more than 10 cities.

2 Innovative technologies.

Investors and large enterprises are now more willing to support Russian developments that have been on the shelves of research institutes for years. Scientists are bad at promoting their new products, looking for customers, and setting up production of prototypes.

Helmet for miners and rescuers with "Wi-Fi"

In August 2015, NPF "Granch" (Novosibirsk) announced a new development: a helmet for rescuers and miners, equipped with a search system, a thermal imager (allows you to see through the smoke), a video camera, and communications with a dispatch center. While an agreement has been concluded with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the first samples are also supplied to neighbors - to the miners' Kuzbass. High-tech development has no analogues in the world, interest in it was shown in Germany. Is it worth it to say what a foreign contract means now?

3 Highly specialized niches.

Many large enterprises need components, which are unprofitable and troublesome for them to produce. They willingly outsource such tasks to small businesses. There are always unoccupied places in this niche.

Necessary little things

An object that slightly resembles a toy excavator - a metal sieve for rubble. It is produced at the Gorny Tekhsnab Holding (Elektrostal). This crushing and screening equipment is in demand in the mining industry, in quarries. Production began five years ago, and in 2015 they began to supply products to Belarus and Kazakhstan. For 2016 - it is planned to conclude agreements with Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Production is expanding, new equipment is being purchased.

4 Products for export.

Anything that can be exported must be produced and sold. Lack of information, the problem of finding buyers is an obstacle. There are special structures where you can get advice on these issues: "Russian Export Center", "Excar".

The Export Insurance Agency (EXIAR) announced the data for 2014. The number of exporters among small and medium-sized enterprises amounted to 13,500 firms by the end of the year, an increase of 27%. Of these, 85% are in remote regions. In the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, the growth is about 2,000%, in the Murmansk Region - over 4,000%, in Moscow - 139%.

An unconventional approach.

Importing goods from China is a common thing for many entrepreneurs. The small enterprise "Zaytsa" (Khabarovsk) has signed contracts for the supply of the most common product to China and Korea - ice cream. It is interesting that in the city itself, imported products from Moscow and Tomsk prevail. According to director Ilya Amirkhanov, the Chinese were very surprised by our initiative. Nevertheless, 18 tons have already been exported to China, and 5 tons ($ 40,000) to Korea. The Chinese have respect for imported food. According to surveys, more than 50% of buyers consider them to be of higher quality, and are ready to pay for it.

The lower price segment of ice cream (locally produced) in China includes items up to $ 1.5 (per serving). About 30% of buyers choose more expensive imported ones. The American brand "Haagen-Dazs" is sold at 2 times more expensive than at home - $ 5-7. In 2015, the Latvian form Food Union (after the closure of the Russian market) delivered 12 tons of the product to China. The serving price was set on the advice of the Chinese from $ 3 to $ 6. The sales figures exceeded the values ​​of the European outlets by 300%.

Conclusions. There is no definite answer to the question of what kind of business is in demand in Russia now. There are successful examples in various industries. Key positions are occupied by wholesale and retail trade in food products, inexpensive goods, food production; transport; services in the IT sphere, medicine, individual educational and cultural and sports projects. In any case, those leaving the market are replaced by those who offer a new, more convenient, profitable solution.

Hello dear reader! I am glad to welcome you to the vastness of our business magazine.

Recently, my colleagues and I thought about the question of which product is the most popular in Russia. I think every thinker sooner or later comes up with this question. Personally, he began to torment me from the moment when we decided to launch our online store, but that's another story.

Usually, one question causes a series of subsequent ones, so today there will be not only the top-selling goods in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS - we will also consider with you:

  1. trending products in online sales;
  2. what is in demand on message boards (www.avito.ru);
  3. top 10 purchased products worldwide;
  4. What's on this moment bought by a Slavic brother in China (using the resource ru.aliexpress.com).

Purpose of this article- general development, expansion of consciousness. You will learn how to analyze the demand for a product and its seasonality using publicly available Internet tools, and most importantly, you will be able to show off new knowledge in front of your comrades. Let's start!

The best selling product in Russia and Ukraine

This information is unlikely to help you find a niche for your store, but at least it's interesting. You have a minute to think for yourself which product is the best-selling in Russia.

And no, the answer is not food, not cigarettes or even alcohol, but we buy it almost every time we go shopping in a store or market. In general, the purchase of this product takes place automatically. Have you guessed?

So, the title of the best-selling product in Russia is the usual one. plastic bag... Even on such a seemingly insignificant product, you can make millions of rubles.

The world has already begun to realize that plastic products cause great harm to the environment. environment... The problem is that polyethylene for a long time does not decompose, and this leads to the death of 1 million birds, 100,000 marine mammals and a huge number of schools of fish. In the USA and Europe, they began to refuse cellophane bags.

What to focus on when choosing a product for sale?

If you are interested in a product for sale, you should go the other way. You shouldn't be looking for the most popular goods, which are bought by the population in “wagons”. First of all, we need to look at the prospects and profitability - our product must also be ready for unfavorable conditions, since economic crises are not uncommon now.

The list of the most bought goods in Russia contains the following:

  • small household appliances;
  • electrical goods;
  • sanitary goods;
  • everyday tools;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • childen's goods;
  • other goods of daily use.

Let's go through the list of the most demanded products:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey);
  • semi-finished products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • frozen seafood (fish);
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • flour and pasta;
  • sugar and salt;
  • Black tea;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, oats);
  • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage);
  • apples, bananas.

Something has more demand, something less. How to decide?

  1. Focus on your interest and think what is closer to your heart.
  2. Everything is learned in comparison: in order to make a choice in favor of a particular product, an analysis is needed (there will be a separate article about this).

It is beyond the scope of the article, so we will consider this problem in more detail another time. And now let's start compiling a rating of the most bought goods by Russians on the Internet. Go!

Top best-selling products on the Internet in 2017

The Internet is a large and interesting market for three reasons:

  1. now the Internet coverage in Russia is about 74%, while there is a constant growth;
  2. the share of users in the older age group is also increasing;
  3. mobile Internet audience rushes at cosmic speed (30-40% of people visit our site from smartphones or tablets).

70% of all Russian Internet users entered the network at least once from a mobile device - a year ago, for example, this value was 56%.

What is the reason for such a rapid growth of the Internet? Together with it, the demand for goods and services increases, and this is what we need. Next, we'll look at:

  1. the most demanded and popular products in online stores;
  2. the most trendy and hot products on one-page pages for today.

1. Search for a product in demand for an online store

In an effort to track the most in-demand and popular products in online stores that are best bought by the public in 2016, we came up with the following top 10 list.

  1. Small household appliances are the leader in online sales today. The low price and compact size make these products almost ideal (but this product is not suitable for sale in your online store).
  2. Perfumes and cosmetics .
  3. Mobile devices.
  4. Laptops and tablets.
  5. Internet gifts and toys.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Clothes and footwear.
  8. Books. Surprisingly, paper books are still popular. It would seem that they are expensive, in addition, there are many sites where you can download the literature of interest in electronic form for free. However, this does not stop paper books from selling.
  9. Online ticket booking. You will not be able to imagine how many planes are in the air now (when you have a free minute, go to flightradar24.com - this will expand the boundaries of your consciousness).
  10. Large home appliances.

Most of the listed products will not work if you are planning to open an online store from scratch. Problems and breakdowns can arise with equipment, and in order to make money normally, you need to order in bulk. It is unrealistic to compete with large players who take goods in large wholesale and sell at prices typical of regular stores.

2. One-page: what is it and why is it needed?

One page, landing page, landing page, landing page are all synonyms.

There is such a category as wow-goods (in Russian wow = wow) - impulse demand goods. Have you ever had such a thing that you walk past a shop or kiosk, saw an advertisement for a product on TV or the Internet, and you immediately wanted to buy it, although before that you did not even know about its existence? Chances are high that it was a product from this category. TV shops often sell wow goods too. Here are some examples:

  • an effortless slimming belt;
  • simulators that pump muscles without your participation;
  • all kinds of economists of water, light, fuel, etc .;
  • creams to enlarge something;
  • copies of branded watches, iPhones.

Are you familiar with CPA networks, affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage? If not, there will be a separate detailed article about this. In short, a CPA network is an intermediary between a webmaster (the person who works with sites and traffic) and advertisers who have a product. They are ready to pay a commission to the webmaster for promoting and selling the product. CPA networks sell wow products through one-page sites. Remember the phrase that demand creates supply? In the case of these guys, the opposite is true.

Here is one of the many pater networks - http://m1-shop.ru/. After registration at the link http://m1-shop.ru/ofers, the offered goods will be available, with which you can familiarize yourself (about 300 offers). I will cite 10 of them that were top at the time of this writing.

So, your attention is presented to the top of the most popular products that are sold through one-page sites in large volumes.

  1. Mask for blackheads and acne Black Mask.
  2. Solar powered PowerBank.
  3. Army wrist watch Amst.
  4. AB Gymnic Belt.
  5. Corrector MAC.
  6. Waist Trainer Corset.
  7. Mangosteen is a slimming syrup.
  8. FishHungry Bite Activator.
  9. Hair spray Ultra Hair System.
  10. Titan gel.

Some data from Avito - the largest bulletin board in Russia

I tried to find information for 2016, but only came across an official report two years earlier. Since there is fish in the absence of fish and cancer, further we will talk about 2014. However, the information is interesting and useful, so there will be something to think about.

Carrying out the research, Avito analysts found out that website users skimmed 34.4 billion rubles in such product categories as:

  • personal belongings;
  • goods for home and summer cottages;
  • hobbies and leisure;
  • Appliances;
  • goods for pets.

A third of the turnover was taken over by the categories "Personal belongings" and "Goods for home and summer cottages" (6.5 and 5.5 billion rubles, respectively). Funny point: Compared to the previous year, sales in these categories grew almost the same - by 38.6% and 38.3%.

And the best-selling category of goods turned out to be "Consumer electronics": laptops, computers, video and cameras, smartphones and other gadgets were sold on Avito for 15.2 billion rubles. The amount is not small, but when compared with the previous year, the growth is only 13.2%.

3.5 billion rubles were spent on Hobby and Leisure, an increase of 47.4%. And they did not spare money on pets and spent 4.7 billion rubles: the annual growth was as much as 82%.

  • fan;
  • netbook;
  • swimsuit;
  • smartphone;
  • prom dress;
  • tent;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • video card;

From this list, we can conclude that demand is strongly influenced by the season.

How to analyze the seasonality of a product?

If you are reading this article because you are about to open an online store or start your own business, it is important not to miscalculate with the seasonality of the product.

Let's look at the product that is at the beginning of the top on Avito - a fan.

To analyze seasonality and demand, we will use the well-known service https://wordstat.yandex.ru/. It is designed to measure user interest that can be applied to the product we have selected. Before starting work, you need to register / log in to the service. If you do not want to constantly pop up captcha, it is better to immediately disable adblock or its equivalent.

Next, we select the region that interests us (in my case, I look at the data for Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries). Next, in a special field, I enter the query “buy a fan”, as it more accurately reflects the intention of users than just “fan”.

The service shows that over the last month there were 236,554 impressions for this request (wow, not sickly!). We can conclude that the product is in demand. And I'll check the seasonality of this product! I just did a search for "By words", now I will switch the checkbox to "History of requests" and see what happens. The graph shows that in 2016 the demand for fans has doubled compared to last year (apparently, this year is VERY hot). So, if you bought fans and started selling them in the winter, it probably wouldn't work. Therefore, never buy a product without testing the demand!

Of course, the example I gave is obvious - it is clear that it is hot in summer, and the demand for fans will be greater than in the cold season. However, not all products are that obvious. It is also better to look for niches where the schedule is just beginning to climb - it is better to prepare for the season in advance.

Rating of the most popular products from China

It is difficult to determine the leader of sales of the Chinese market, because everything is bought on it and in huge quantities. Have you ever ordered something from China? Personally, I ordered a watch, a scale, a case for e-book, a bag, a UV lamp and all sorts of other things. If anyone does not know, here are 2 sites where the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS orders goods from China:

  1. Aliexpress is more designed for retail purchase - here you can order goods in one copy without any problems. However, sometimes it is more profitable to buy a product in a regular online store than here.
  2. Alibaba is a large wholesaler: prices for goods are much cheaper, but you have to order in bulk. Delivery of goods often costs several times more than their cost.
  1. mobile phones;
  2. clothing and footwear, including copies of world brands;
  3. laptops and tablets;
  4. Appliances;
  5. computer components and accessories;
  6. goods for sports and recreation;
  7. bed dress;
  8. furniture;
  9. electrical goods;
  10. equipment and machines.

Of course, the data does not represent 100% reality, but the truth is somewhere nearby.

For women

For men

For kids


Credit card flash drive

IPhone Waterproof Case

Convenient wallet for IPhone


Today, aspiring businessmen are faced with difficult questions: “What is interesting to the consumer? In what direction to start acting? " Indeed, the modern market is ready to offer "everything and a little more." To entrepreneurial activity brought not only pleasure, but also profit, you need to know what people will always need, regardless of the financial situation. Products in demand in Russia in 2017 are the topic of our article, because they influence the economic structure of the country.

What is it - the most demanded product in Russia

To begin with, you should pay attention to food - here is the product that will always be bought:

    meat, fish, sausage;

    milk and products from it;

  • "Macaroni";

    vegetables and fruits.

In addition, products in demand in Russia are personal hygiene items and household chemicals. They are needed in any case, regardless of the current economic situation in the country. Whatever income buyers have, they will always allocate funds to purchase:

    toothpaste, shampoo and soap;

    laundry detergent, detergent and detergent;

    creams and cosmetics.

Products, chemistry and hygiene products are always part of the consumer basket, therefore, experts recommend that novice entrepreneurs start with them, paying special attention to the product range.

Thinking about what products are in demand in Russia, you should not discount alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Considerable profit can be obtained from the manufacture or sale of seasonal goods: clothes and shoes, ice cream, etc.

When working on your business model, do not forget about the so-called impulse products: candy, gum and chocolates. Quite often, buyers do not perceive such a trifle as a significant acquisition - this large enough advantage can turn into a good profit.

Analyzing the last year, which, by the way, was quite difficult economically, we can determine the most demanded goods in Russia in 2016, and this list will not be limited to one or two items. So, there was a good demand for the following products:

    Appliances and electronics. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, digital video cameras took the leading place in Internet sales in the crisis year of 2016. Of course, working with such a product will require certain financial resources and knowledge.

    Products... Opening a grocery store in a prime location can generate a decent, regular income for its owner.

    Clothes and footwear... Pay attention to the combination of price and quality. Buy good low-cost products in bulk and retail at affordable prices.

    Stationery. At the beginning of the school year, this is the most popular product.

    Products for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today we can safely say that these are popular goods in Russia, since now more and more people are inclined towards a healthy lifestyle and purchase exercise equipment, sports equipment and clothing.

    Fabrics... During the crisis, many people began to replenish their wardrobe with things that they sewed on their own. Naturally, the demand for quality fabrics has increased.

    Flowers. No crisis is able to cancel the celebration of weddings, anniversaries and other festive events, which, according to the established tradition, are accompanied by the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. Quite often, the price of a bouquet is much higher than the cost of its constituent components (flowers and decor items), so this business is able to provide a comfortable existence for its owner.

    Products for children... As a rule, parents want to give their children everything they need, try to satisfy their desires. Therefore, diapers, toys, strollers, cribs and other goods for children bring a stable and fairly decent income.

In order to understand which product is most in demand in Russia, you need to carry out some analytical work, paying attention to several critical factors,able to influence the demand for the product:

    Price... Agree, this is usually the first thing the buyer is interested in. In case of coincidence of quality and price indicators, the purchase is carried out. To form the "correct" price, the following must be taken into account: cost and purchase price of goods, pricing strategy and margin percentage. In order to draw attention to the uniqueness of the products offered, you can start selling at the highest possible cost and get a solid profit, but after that you will need to set a price corresponding to the market price. This step is applicable only if you are completely sure that this product is in demand. In addition, the price can be kept as low as possible. But it should be done carefully enough. Such a move requires explanations, for example: "I sell cheap in order to attract a buyer and give an opportunity to be convinced of the high quality of the goods."

    Competitor prices... One of the key factors affecting demand. Customers do not trust “price extremes”. And it doesn't matter: it's too expensive or too cheap - both are suspicious. Therefore, it is imperative to determine the middle ground, which will require knowledge of the market, familiarity with the experience and pricing strategy of competitors.

    Potential customer preferences... To begin with, it is important to find out the goods in demand in Russia during the period of economic stability, to understand which products are "popular" directly on the territory of your region (if they prefer and buy beef well, then there is no point in offering pork or mutton). Only then can customer demand be formed correctly.

So what is the most popular product in Russia?

The leading place in the Russian commodity market is taken by Chinese-made products imitating clothing and footwear from popular world manufacturers.

The target audience is young people who follow fashion trends and those who want to look in line with her trends. Quite often, guys and girls are simply not able to shell out a significant amount for an original item, so Chinese counterparts are the most popular goods in Russia. Moreover, the range of products is so wide that everyone will be able to find what he likes and can afford.

Market analysis showed that Nike Air Max sneakers made in Chinese workshops are especially popular in Russia. In addition, the following goods from the "Celestial Empire" have become in demand:

  • Louboutin - women's shoes with red sole with high stiletto heels.
  • Converse are very popular sneakers, both for men and women. This product has been included in the TOP-10 for more than one season.
  • Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors - handbags for women (of course, "almost" of the original production).
  • T-shirts with Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste logos (mostly for men).
  • Christian Dior sneakers are very comfortable women's shoes that quickly found their customers in Russia. The originality, convenience and beauty of the model allowed her to become one of the most popular in the 2015–2016 season.

Please note that there is strife between China and China. Many branded imitations can be of quite decent quality. It all depends on the material and accessories used by the manufacturers of the "brand".

A faithfully simulated item made from quality material, will have a higher purchase value.

Low-quality copies will not only cost less, but will also be very different from their original ( appearance, inscription, etc.).

Products for children are no less popular in the domestic market. And this applies not only to clothing and shoes. Products in demand in Russia are children's hygiene products, strollers, tables, and much more.

The third place is rightfully assigned to small household appliances: electric kettles, vacuum cleaners, coffee machines and irons, along with curling irons and straightening combs, have firmly established themselves in the Russian market. Usually, these devices have a price that is quite acceptable for an ordinary consumer, so their target audience is quite extensive, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to attract a fairly large number of buyers.

Below we will tell you in more detail about the products in demand on the Russian market in 2017. Working with them, it is quite possible to successfully organize and successfully develop your business.

The most popular Chinese goods in Russia

High-margin products are products that are purchased cheap and sold dear. It is no secret that this is the approach that underlies trading profits. Chinese products are the most striking example of this.

We would like to present you the TOP of popular goods in Russia, imported with the aim of obtaining the highest profit or not losing their popularity among consumers.

    Disposable items - the most demanded goods in Russia in 2017. We put this type of product in the first place, because if you take a closer look at the market of Chinese retail trifles: disposable tableware, hygiene products, kitchen utensils, stationery and much more, you will see that their you can buy in bulk at 10 or even 1000 times cheaper. The wholesale price of the product is just "penny", and there will certainly be income from it.

    Food. A product that is always relevant. Loose products, which are packed in small bags, are quite in demand in Russia. These include dried squid and other seafood, nuts, dried fruits and other snacks that the Chinese sell in containers at very competitive prices for wholesalers. After packaging, the cost of products increases significantly, so that profit is guaranteed.

    Car accessories. Electronics for cars, auto and motorcycle parts, tuning elements have become quite popular among Russians. The demand for this market segment is increasing with enviable constancy. DVRs and rear-view cameras, radio tape recorders, backlights - that's far from complete list goods with which it cannot yet compete domestic manufacturer(if we exclude the Chinese products produced under the Russian brand). If you continue the list, supplementing it with various little things that can personalize the car (stickers, chrome, etc.), then you will understand why auto accessories occupy such a high place in our TOP.

    Electronics... This does not mean cheap chinese fake, and electronics that have occupied a worthy niche Hi-Fi and Hi-End, as a rule, this refers to the analogs of products from leading world manufacturers. Photo and video accessories, plasma panels, projectors, mobile communications, printers and much, much more - this is not a complete list of this market segment. It can be continued with goods that are accessories to the products of well-known brands (headphones, protective glasses and films, etc.). In China, they are 3–40 times cheaper than in Russia. Agree, a fairly wide field of activity.

    Fur - goods in demand in Russia, especially since many popular brands have transferred their factories to China. Cloth High Quality is not cheap, but you can sell it at times more expensive.

    Furniture. For China, furniture is a weighty commodity. Especially if the local solid wood is used in the production (there is much less of it in Russia). Despite the rather high cost of furniture in the Chinese market, it is profitable to purchase it - it is still cheaper than furniture from a Russian manufacturer. Naturally, the "furniture" business is becoming more and more popular.

    Shoes and accessories... As well as the enterprises for the production of outerwear, workshops and factories for the production of footwear moved to China. Now Chinese footwear is not only distinguished by its affordable price, but also completely repeats all the features of the brand analogue. The same can be said about accessories (belts, bags, gloves), which are cheap but incredibly popular.

    Products for children - clothes and footwear, toys and hygiene products, slings and backpacks for carrying children and much more (there is where to "turn around").

    Household products - incredibly popular products in Russia. Moreover, the list is simply huge, from bedspreads and curtains to air conditioners and gas stoves. However, despite the vastness of the assortment, the demand for products is unstable.

    Machine tools and equipment Chinese-made, of course, cannot be compared with European, Japanese or American in quality, but their price is appropriate. And, as a result, enterprises that are just starting their activities or modernizing acquire analogs made in China. Of course, the service life of such equipment, as a rule, is limited to two or three years, but during this time it is quite possible to earn enough to afford to replace machines and equipment. high-quality units or, at a minimum, repair broken devices.

To identify the most in-demand products, an organization needs a lot of information about the market, which it often does not have. Therefore, it is worth contacting professionals. Our information and analytical company "VVS" is one of those that stood at the origins of the business of processing and adapting market statistics collected by federal agencies. The company has 19 years of experience in providing product market statistics as information for strategic decisions, identifying market demand. The main client categories are: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants in product markets and B2B business services.

    commercial vehicles and special equipment;

    glass industry;

    chemical and petrochemical industry;

    Construction Materials;

    medical equipment;

    food industry;

    production of animal feed;

    electrical engineering and others.

Quality in our business is, first of all, the accuracy and completeness of information. When you make a decision based on data that is wrong, to put it mildly, how much will your loss be worth? When making important strategic decisions, it is necessary to rely only on reliable statistical information. But how to be sure that this information is reliable? You can check it! And we will give you that opportunity.

The main competitive advantages our company are:

    Accuracy of data provision... A preliminary selection of foreign trade supplies, the analysis of which is made in the report, clearly coincides with the subject of the customer's request. Nothing superfluous and nothing overlooked. As a result, at the output we get accurate calculations market indicators and market shares of participants.

    Preparation of "turnkey" reports and ease of work with them. Information is quickly perceived as tables and graphs are simple and straightforward. Aggregated data on market participants are summarized in ratings of participants, market shares are calculated. As a result, the time for studying information is reduced and there is an opportunity to immediately proceed to making decisions that are “on the surface”.

    The customer has the opportunity to receive part of the data free of charge in the form of a preliminary express assessment of the market niche. This helps to navigate specific situation and decide whether to study deeper.

    We not only talk about the customer's market niche, but also suggest which niches are considered close. We give you the opportunity to adjust your business strategy in time - not to be limited to your product, but to find profitable new niches.

    Professional consultation with our industry managers at all stages of the transaction... We are the creators of this niche of export-import analysis based on customs statistics, our almost 20 years of experience is the key to effective cooperation.

Unstable financial situation in the country leads to job cuts. Some people go into new companies after being laid off, while others are looking for ways to start their own profitable business. After reading the article, you will find out which business is profitable to open in Russia with little investment.

What business is in demand now

Supply is driven by demand. This is one of the main economic laws, therefore, in order to open the most demanded business, you need to determine what products and services are needed by the population of your city. It is believed that in any region, organizations engaged in the repair, replacement of plumbing, and the sale of household chemicals and products are in demand. To find out more precisely what kind of business is relevant now, an analysis of the market for services and goods will help.

Service demand

Employment agencies are very popular: the crisis and constant layoffs increase the need for such organizations. The demand for the services of plumbers, hairdressers, electricians and funeral directors remains unchanged. In large cities, the first place in terms of the number of calls is taken by companies providing commercial transportation. Organizations from the field of beauty and health are only 1% behind in the top. Finding out what services are in greatest demand among the population, you can organize a profitable business.

What is profitable to sell now

Aspiring entrepreneurs like to wonder what people are in demand right now. Actual products remain the same. High-margin products include flowers, drinks, jewelry, hand-made products. Such goods are distinguished by stable demand, low production and storage costs. Popular alcoholic beverages are considered popular products.

What kind of business is in demand in a small town now?

Small settlements are bypassed by novice entrepreneurs. In their opinion, the business there generates very little income. This is partly true, because salaries there are less than in megacities. The costs of renting and buying premises will also be less than in big cities, so you can organize your own business with minimal financial costs.

The most popular business in small town- a hairdressing salon of a wide profile. In addition to hairdressers, there should be masters of manicure-pedicure, cosmetologists and masseurs. Shoe and furniture repair shops are popular regardless of the country's financial situation. people tend to restore old things out of fear of big waste.

Demanded business

Commercial activities are always aimed at meeting the needs of people or stimulating demand. Any demanded business is built on this. You can create demand for products artificially by launching advertising for products on the street and on television. The relevance of the entrepreneurial field and whether business solutions are effective still play a significant role.

Profitable business

Commercial activity should bring maximum income with minimum cash investment and exploitation of various resources. A highly profitable business is characterized by these features. During a crisis, you should not open enterprises that manufacture any products. Their profitability will be low, the risks are high, and you will see real profits only in a few years. The service sector is considered to be successful.

Super profitable business

All start-up entrepreneurs dream of getting fabulous money, but in practice, few manage to realize this. Some franchises allow you to build a super-profitable business from scratch in just a couple of months. Another way not to save money and get a lot of money is to create a completely new and in-demand business for the region. The direction can be anything, from restoration or car rental to your own thrift store.

The most profitable business

By opening your own bakery in a large city, you can return all your investment in less than 2 months. The situation is similar with restaurants. healthy eating... People are no longer attracted to fast foods. The most profitable business is able to return all invested funds in a month. Before starting your own business, study current business ideas, sorting them by profitability indicators for your region - this way you can weed out proposals that will lead to bankruptcy of the company in the future.

Profitable business on the Internet

Distinctive feature activity on the World Wide Web is the lack of attachment to their place of residence. You can look for clients both in your city and outside it, so organizing a profitable business on the Internet is easier than doing it in a real market. A budding entrepreneur doesn't even need start-up capital. There are several areas of such business:

  • provision of online services (programming, design development, accounting, etc.);
  • launch of an online store;
  • participation in partnership programs;
  • creation and promotion of your information product.

An up-to-date business with the provision of services on the Internet can be created if you are an expert in any field. You need to design a portfolio or launch a business card site, where your skills will be detailed. You can launch an online store without money, acting as an intermediary between foreign sellers and buyers from Russia. The goods will be sold with a slight wrap.

Profitable business with minimal investment

Many people want to make a profit without spending their own money, but not everyone succeeds. In practice, a profitable business with minimal investment can be organized if you offer products of your own production, engage in intellectual work, or act as an intermediary, organizing sales and purchases. Some open collection points for glass containers or scrap metal in the garage.

Network marketing also refers to making money with a small investment. You can develop your business at home by recruiting interested persons from the population. If the idea of ​​creating a network of independent distributors does not appeal to you, then you can start farming: the demand for basic food products that are not harmful from the point of view of ecology is high among residents of megacities.

Rating of profitable businesses in Russia

The commercial activity must be profitable. The proceeds should cover the costs of the further development of the organization, remuneration of employees and the entrepreneur's own needs. If this is not observed, then the business is recognized as unprofitable. Some entrepreneurs initially choose unprofitable areas, which leads to the loss of finances over time. By examining the rating of small business in terms of profitability in Russia, you can avoid this. The TOP 5 entrepreneurs include:

  1. Private auditors. The economic state of the country, changes in legislation practically do not affect the popularity of auditing. Consulting services also belong to this list.
  2. Clinics of narrow specialization. Various types of cosmetic and medical procedures are in demand among residents of all cities, therefore this field of activity is classified as highly profitable.
  3. Accounting services. Needed by both small companies and large enterprises... The only drawback of this industry is high competition today.
  4. Law offices. Highly profitable business with highly qualified specialists and many cases resolved in favor of clients.
  5. Microcredit. This niche has gained popularity over the past 3 years. Money is issued on the security of products manufactured by enterprises or any property.

Business profitability by industry

Cost-effectiveness measures determine whether a company will survive or not. They must be taken into account when choosing the directions of the enterprise. Economic efficiency indicators determine the company's development strategy. Below is a table showing business profitability by industry.