When to plant hellebore in spring. Hellebore plant: description, cultivation and photos of flowers

For a long time, people believed that a hellebore planted at home was able to protect against magic and attacks of evil spirits. Over time, they started talking about him as a miracle healer who helps to overcome various ailments, cleanse the body and even lose weight. And the hellebore, which even a beginner can plant and care for, blooms early and so beautifully that it was dubbed a Christmas rose.

Hellebore species

In nature, thickets of the evergreen hellebore (helleborus) from the buttercup family are found in Western Asia, Central Europe and the Mediterranean. The perennial is resistant to cold and drought and begins to bloom when the flower beds are still empty. Large inflorescences reach a diameter of 8-12 cm, and the color of the petals depends on the type and variety of the plant.

Perhaps the most spectacular representative is the black hellebore. In nature, it blooms in December, but in our latitudes - closer to March. This species got its name because of the thin roots, which really have a black color. Flowers on a fleshy stem are usually solitary. The petals are completely snow-white or with a greenish and pale pinkish tint, the stamens are yellow. Basal leaves are dense, dark green in color, with a glossy surface. The plant stretches up to 50 cm in height.

There are several varieties of black hellebore. The Potter "s Wheel has snow-white flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. Phaecox blooms in a delicate pink, and will decorate an empty flower garden in late autumn. The white petals of the White Magic variety gradually turn red.

Eastern hellebore is no less attractive, it blooms one of the first, when the soil has not yet thawed from the winter cold. The species is unpretentious and frost-resistant, will delight you with a wide palette of shades. Inflorescences can be creamy, white, lilac, yellow-lemon, pinkish, Burgundy wine color. Sometimes the petals resembling an asterisk are decorated with specks, and the flat dark green leaves look like an open palm.

The Caucasian hellebore is not so beautiful during the flowering period, but the foliage retains its decorative effect until autumn, and sometimes, in winters with little snow, even longer. The plant is poisonous, so you should be extremely careful with it. However, this species is often used for medicinal purposes. The stinking hellebore does not smell very pleasant, nevertheless, it is loved by gardeners for its exotic appearance. It has multiple pale green flowers and deeply dissected leathery leaves.

Among the selective varieties, there are stunning specimens, for example, with bluish-black petals or double.

How to plant

The hellebore does not like transplants, so it is advisable to immediately choose a suitable place for him where he can live without problems for about 10 years. There are no special requirements for the soil, but it is better if it is loose and well-drained. Helleborus prefer partial shade, they can be safely planted under spreading trees or among shrubs, etc. Then in the summer they will be protected from the sultry sun, and during the flowering period they will receive enough sunlight. In addition, falling leaves and needles will serve them as mulch.


The hellebore can be propagated by the seed method or by dividing the bushes.

Growing a hellebore from seeds. It is not recommended to store seeds for a long time, as they will quickly lose their germination. Therefore, immediately after harvesting, plant them on seedlings in loose and moist soil, deepening by about 1.5 cm. Seedlings will appear in March. Grown plants with a couple of leaves is time to dive into a slightly shaded place, but the bushes will bloom only after 3 years. During this time, they should be transplanted to a permanent site, preferably in September. True, sometimes seeds are planted in June directly in open ground.

Division. Propagating hellebore in this way is as easy as shelling pears. In the spring, when the bush has already faded, the root is divided into parts and each of them is planted in previously prepared holes.

The rules for planting hellebore are the same for the cuttings and for the bushes grown from seeds. Pits are made at a distance of about 30 cm, spread a little on the bottom. Gently holding the plant, it is necessary to fill the space with soil, gently tamp it and moisten the area. For the next 20 days, it is important to remember to water regularly.

Gelleborus black and oriental reproduce well by division. The smelly hellebore responds poorly to root division, but it easily spreads on the site by self-seeding.

Planting and caring for a hellebore is an easy task. The plant needs regular watering. To retain moisture in the soil with the onset of warmth, after the bushes have faded, the area around is mulched with compost. In gratitude for feeding, the Gelleborus will bloom more magnificently. Bone meal can be used as fertilizer every 3 months.

Slugs, snails, caterpillars, rodents and aphids can become a threat to the plant, then insecticides will help out. If the leaves are visible dark spots that gradually increase - they were probably struck by a fungal infection, which most often happens in wet weather. It is better to remove diseased leaves and treat the bush with a fungicide.

Perennials that are cared for correctly (water on time, do not forget to fertilize, etc.) practically do not get sick, as a rule, the weakest specimens are affected.

Hellebore, the flower is unique. There are few garden flowers that combine unpretentiousness, usefulness and the ability to bloom among the snow. For this feature, the flower got its name. Although, this name is not the only one. There is a legend that says that a hellebore was among the gifts to the Christ child, receiving the name “ Christmas rose" or " Christ flower". It is often called “ Bear Paw". In botany, he is known as " Helleborus».

For some time, the plant lost its popularity, and left the flower beds of amateurs. He returned thanks to medicinal properties. For example, " Hellebore Caucasian”Gained fame as a means for losing weight and cleansing the body. But one nuance should be taken into account ...

Be careful when growing this species. This type of hellebore is poisonous! You should not even try to prepare a medicine from it yourself. And its decorative qualities leave much to be desired, the Caucasian Hellebore blooms very plainly. You should not risk in vain, there are other species of this plant, more beautiful and less dangerous.

Planting a hellebore

Landing dates

They mainly depend on your climate zone. Given that the hellebore is planted in the spring, it can only be planted by steady heat. That is, when the threat finally passes spring frosts... Only when the hellebore is thoroughly rooted and gets stronger during the summer season, it will not be afraid of severe frosts. And in March, when the ground is still covered with snow, and the primroses are still, and the snowdrops are still planning to bloom, the hellebore will delight you with a beautiful flowering.

Landing place

It's great that hellebore can be safely planted among bushes and trees. During the flowering period, they all stand without foliage and do not shade the plant. In summer, on the contrary, they create partial shade, which is beneficial to the hellebore. And this is not the only reason for choosing such a planting site - fallen leaves of trees mulch and fertilize the earth. When choosing a place for planting a hellebore, keep in mind that this flower tolerates transplants hard and painfully. Therefore, the place is chosen for a long time. A hellebore can grow for ten years or more without a transplant.


The technique of planting a hellebore is very similar to planting another "long-liver" flower garden -. The best decorative result can be obtained not from single, but group plantings of hellebore. In groups of eight to ten seedlings, planting them at a distance of 30-35 centimeters from one another. Landing holes are usually prepared with dimensions 25X25X25, but these are average parameters. You should be guided by the size of the root system of the hellebore. The hole should be about twice the size of the root system. Make the depth based on the creation of a drainage layer. Its creation should not be neglected. It will remove excess moisture from the roots of the plant and prevent waterlogging with subsequent decay of the roots. A 5 cm layer of sand can be used as drainage. A 10-centimeter layer will not be superfluous fertile soil... This can be greenhouse soil, compost soil, or mixtures of these. Therefore, the landing hole is prepared with these layers in mind.

After planting, the hellebore is watered abundantly. After watering, the earth will sag slightly - add more earth. Root system must be completely covered by the ground.

Note! Within a month after planting, watering should be given Special attention, and conduct them regularly

Hellebore care

Taking care of this plant is simple and not burdensome. When the hellebore has faded, land around the bushes to help retain moisture longer. Water the plant sparingly but regularly. As for dressings, in the first couple of years, if you created a fertile layer when planting a hellebore, you can do without them at all. In the future, twice for warm season you can apply complex fertilizer. A good result is given by crumbling under bone or bushes.

Hellebore propagation

It reproduces in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bush. The second way is the most common. It is both simpler and retains all species characteristics. The hellebore bush is divided in the spring, when the weather is warm. But there are also disadvantages of this breeding method. First, the hellebore grows slowly, and it will take a long time to wait until it grows enough and is suitable for division. Secondly, it is a very painful procedure for him.

There is a technology for dividing the hellebore bush, when it divides before flowering, in early spring. But I do not advise beginner growers to use it. Too risky.

Hellebore propagation by seeds

This method is safer. But it also has its drawbacks. It is more labor-intensive, it will take much longer to wait for flowering, varietal characteristics may not remain.

Important! Hellebore seeds quickly lose their germination. Only fresh seeds are suitable for planting. After six months, they are practically unsuitable for sowing.

The best results can be achieved by sowing hellebore seeds immediately after they are ripe. In conditions temperate climate, this period begins at the beginning of summer. For later plantings, please note that they must be carried out no later than three months before the first frost.

Hellebore seeds are sown directly in open land, in a dedicated and prepared area. When preparing, loosen it thoroughly and fertilize with nutritious soil. Embed hellebore seeds into the ground not deeply, about 1-1.5 centimeters deep.

You should not wait for the sprouts to appear in the same year. They will appear only next spring. In the current year, only periodically moisten the soil with crops.

When the sprouts grow up and grow in a pair of real leaves, having dug them with lumps of earth on the roots, plant them in partial shade. But this is also a growing stage. After a couple of years, grown and matured plants can be planted on permanent place... From the moment of sowing the seeds to the blooming of the hellebore, it usually takes at least three years.

When choosing a hellebore for the initial planting, keep in mind that not all types of it can be propagated by seeds. For example, the most popular "Black hellebore", also known as "Christmas star" and "Eastern hellebore", reproduce mainly by dividing the bush, since seed propagation rarely gives a positive result. But the "stinky hellebore", easily multiplies and without your participation, self-seeding.

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Most plants bloom in spring and summer. But there is a separate category of winter flowers. It is not numerous, and each specimen in it is a real miracle of nature. The flower with the "cold" name hellebore refers to just such herbaceous plants. He is a perennial, lat. the name Helleborus. We call it a winter house, helleborus, a Christmas rose. How to grow a hellebore, its detailed description and medicinal properties will be discussed in this article.

The real birthplace of the flower is the Mediterranean. However, it is popular all over the world due to its spectacular appearance and unique medicinal properties. Helleborus flower or hellebore has proven to be effective in the treatment of gynecological and skin diseases, is actively used for weight loss. Our ancestors believed that the plant is able to protect against evil spirits and the evil eye.

Despite the visual appeal and healing properties, a representative of the buttercup family is poisonous. Before treating this or that disease, you should consult your doctor. Only he has the right to prescribe the dosage and give individual recommendations.

Description of the species

Having lost popularity among flower growers, 10-15 years ago they remembered the hellebore again. And today he is found on many household plots, decorates fields and flower beds with luxurious flowers.

Hellebore is a plant from the buttercup family

A hellebore is recommended for novice gardeners - planting and further care do not present any difficulties. According to old beliefs, it was the Caucasian hellebore that was found near the birthplace of Jesus. Plants are evergreen, from the buttercup family. They are actively used in traditional, official medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

  • The maximum height is no more than 50 centimeters.
  • Hellebore root is small but powerful enough.
  • Flowers located at the edge of the stem, as well as leaves, are of decorative value. They practically lie on the ground.
  • The color is peculiar. Outside, almost all the flowers are pale green, but inside they impress with an abundance of colors. Almost any color can be found in nature.

Soil selection

There are no specific soil requirements. Hellebore seedlings thrive in loose and nutritious soil. Even if the acidity of the soil is increased, liming will help solve the problem. The flower called hellebore loves humus leaves... It is often planted near large trees such as apple trees. The leaves of the tree are rich in nutrients necessary for normal growth and development. But the stagnation of moisture in the soil affects the oriental hellebore and other varieties destructively. In such cases, drainage is required. The black hellebore feels comfortable in moderate shade.

Not sure if the soil will work for your plant? You can't go wrong if you pick up Helleborus turf in the thicket. It is ideal for the plant both in composition and structure.


For a plant such as hellebore, planting and further care will depend on the chosen breeding option. They are planted in 2 ways: by seeds, by dividing. The second option is rarely used, since some varieties take root poorly, do not bloom at all.

Seed propagation is the best for hellebore

Lucky for those who have grown on the site Caucasian hellebore or any other variety. In the fall, it will be possible to collect many seeds with excellent germination. They are sown after harvest. Mineral substances are introduced into the open ground, and only then the seeds. Sprinkle with a small layer of soil, about 1 cm.

When choosing a landing site, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • The hellebore grass will grow well and bloom luxuriantly where a light shade has been created for it. It is in partial shade that a representative of the buttercup family will delight the grower with its exuberant flowering long time... The leaves will grow large and the color will be rich.
  • Being in direct sunlight, the eastern hellebore begins to fade. Its leaves become shallow and pale.
  • According to landscape designers, gelleborus is best combined with evergreen conifers.

Planting seedlings in open ground begins with digging a shallow hole - no more than 30 centimeters. The hole diameter will be the same. If you have free time, we advise you to lay out the bottom of the hole with pebbles, sprinkle with sand. You will get effective drainage that protects against decay. If moisture does not linger, drainage is not necessary. As mentioned above, a neutral, slightly alkaline soil is selected. Is the earth rich in humus? This will only benefit. Growth points do not deepen.

Spring planting hellebore plant

In the spring, disembarkation is permissible. They dig holes in the ground a little deeper than the root. The bottom is laid out with humus, compost, the bush is set vertically, and the root is straightened. The well fills evenly. Holding the plant, the rhizome is covered with soil and slightly strengthened with a palm, watered abundantly.

The main rules for watering and fertilizing

Humidity is monitored only for the first week after disembarkation. New seedlings are watered with water (one liter) in the evenings.

Residents of regions with very snowy winters do not need to bother with artificial irrigation. The earth is already moistened with melt water. And excessive moisture will only hurt. In arid regions, you can water the branches even in hot weather.

It is not difficult to take care of the hellebore, numerous photos of which you will find on our website, for one more reason. Helleborus practically does not need fertilizers. Everything necessary elements the plant gets from soil and water. For example, nitrogen, various minerals. To avoid exposing the root, mulch is applied.

The hellebore practically does not need fertilizers

When it blooms

Many growers are interested in: does the hellebore bloom in spring or not? We will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible. The Caucasian hellebore appears in February-March, when the snow begins to melt. This is one of the reasons why it was called the wintering house. Large foliage appears only in April.

After some time, the fruit-box appears. Sometimes this process is disrupted, and then the peduncle dries up. After seed propagation, the bush begins to bloom after a few years. It is also worth remembering that all uncollected pods will scatter the seeds. In the spring they germinate again.

All about hellebore (video)

Pest control

Eastern hellebore, its closest relative, the black hellebore, are ill infrequently, they are not afraid of insects. The perennial is very hardy, even at -30 degrees in the snowless expanses, the survival rate is almost 100%. In warm regions, it generally blooms in December. Shelter is not necessary, but if it is a hybrid variety, it may suffer due to a little snowy winter. Shelter with spruce branches is allowed.

Since the plant is poisonous, the leaves are not attacked by insects. In rare cases, Helleborus can "pick up" the fungus. It is manifested by the appearance brown spots... The diseased area is cut out, treated with antifungal agents.

You also need to be extremely careful in direct contact with the wintering house - especially with the juice. Animals do not touch, but small children, due to their attractive appearance, can rip off. The plant is poisonous, so it is better to limit yourself to admiring, but not pick, do not pick it up.

Popular types

On summer cottages there are natural species and those created by the careful hands of breeders.

Eastern hellebore

Distributed everywhere. Not afraid of a dry summer or cold winter... Eastern hellebore does not grow unless in areas with permafrost. The flowers have a creamy shade, the strokes are small, hardly noticeable. But hybrid varieties amaze with a variety of shades.

Eastern hellebore

Reddish hellebore

The plant is easily recognizable by its narrow, elongated leaves and flowers with a reddish tint. It is very much in demand among flower growers due to its decorative and demanding appearance.

Reddish hellebore

Caucasian hellebore

The Caucasian hellebore is one of the most poisonous varieties. Most of the poison is concentrated in the root. Tinctures made from the root are effective in treating skin and joint diseases. But if a person takes at least a little tincture for external use inside, there is a high risk of complications and lethal outcome.

Carefully! The Caucasian hellebore is poisonous!

Black hellebore

The list of popular varieties is completed by black hellebore. It got its name because of the characteristic color of the roots. Young plant with bright white flowers covered with small specks. In adulthood, a pink tint appears.

Black hellebore

Helleborus in medicine

The healing properties of hellebore are quite diverse. The plant has a powerful analgesic effect, is an excellent antispasmodic. They are treated for constipation and illness. of cardio-vascular system, cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

From a medical point of view, the medicinal, medicinal properties of hellebore are truly unique. The composition includes glycosides, alkaloids, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In case of gynecological diseases, disorders of the immune system, the wintering house eliminates bleeding, strengthens and stabilizes the state of health.

How to use hellebore in the treatment of diseases (video)

How a slimming drug is prepared

Hellebore root has a fairly wide range of applications. It is used in powder form, decoctions and infusions can be prepared. Polyarthritis, hemorrhoids, warts, rheumatism, various abrasions, bruises - this is an incomplete list of health problems that Helleborus solves.

The hellebore is widely used in medicine.

But there is another amazing property of the plant - it effectively fights obesity. Our ancestors also used hellebore herb for weight loss and body shaping. For the preparation of a healing infusion 8 gr. chopped root is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. After straining it can be drunk, but not more than 150 ml per day. Regular use works wonders. General health improves, extra pounds go away. There is a natural cleansing of the body due to the elimination of toxins.

In order for the medicinal infusion to be well absorbed, adhere to these rules:

  • Avoid overeating both before and after taking the decoction. Make sure your diet is balanced and nutritious.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Observe the dosage exactly when using the Caucasian hellebore for weight loss. Otherwise, the laxative effect will affect, and all the beneficial components will leave the body.
  • When taking preparations based on Gelleborus, it is necessary to include calcium-containing dishes in the daily diet.


Stunning appearance, unique healing properties of Helleborus, unpretentiousness to growing conditions have become the main reasons for the love of flower growers. Plant it on the site - and the "Christmas star" will become one of the desirable plants at any time of the year.

Hellebore is rarely grown in gardens due to its slow growth and difficulties in growing. However, the flower will reward the gardener early flowering and beautiful delicate flowers.

What is a hellebore

The hellebore or wintering plant belongs to the Buttercup family. This is a perennial herb, the name of which speaks of the plant's ability to bloom in the cold season.

The genus has 14 species, most of which are native to Europe, the East and the Mediterranean. Almost all species can be found in the Balkans.

Plant characteristic:

  • Hellebore leaves are long-petiolate, basal, leathery.
  • The flowers have 5 non-falling sepals, which are white, green or purple in color.
  • Small petals act as nectaries. Some species are honey plants.
  • The hellebore prefers cold weather and thrives best in shade and mountainous terrain. The ability to grow hellebore has appeared thanks to the development of hybrid varieties.

In the southern regions, flowering begins at the end of February, possibly later, if the frost is delayed. Earlier, hellebore blooms only and. The hellebore can bloom before the snow has melted. V middle lane the flowering period falls in April and lasts about a month.

The hellebore is highly resistant to frost, begins to bloom either in winter or early spring, the foliage is evergreen. On private plots, both decorative and medicinal forms of hellebore are grown.

The traditional type of hellebore is the Christmas rose. It has white flowers that take on a pink hue over the years. The surface of the petals can be double or smooth, the diameter of the flower can be larger or smaller, it all depends on the choice of the variety.

The most popular hellebore species for cultivation is Helleborus orientalis. Flowering begins in early March and stands out well on the site. Black and white hellebores are widely used in traditional medicine. You need to be extremely careful with the white hellebore, as it is highly poisonous. If the black hellebore is used improperly, suffocation, dizziness, edema, vomiting, and cardiac arrest may occur.

The composition of plants includes iervin, cyclopamine, teratogen, veratrin. Traditional medicine advises against using the plant on its own for treatment. Glycosides and alkaloids that come into the composition of the flower have cardiotonic properties. The hellebore is a unique plant. Differs in early flowering, high decorative and medicinal properties.

Choosing a place on the site should be based on the natural place of growth. The hellebore stretches along the edges of forests and mountains, so swampy soils and windy places are absolutely not suitable for it. The plant will not die in the sun, but you will need to ensure that it does not burn the petals and the plant does not die from drought.

To grow a hellebore on your own, you need to carry out preliminary work with the soil:

  • The soil must be provided with a good drainage system. Without drainage, the dense roots of hellebore can rot from excess moisture.
  • Ideal conditions for a flower - in the shade of conifers or fruit trees... Falling leaves in the fall will cover the flowers and protect them from winter frost.
  • When the hellebore grows, it forms wide clumps, they decorate the garden not only during flowering.

Other spring-flowering plants and are suitable for the composition. Nearby, cereals will get along well with ferns, if there is no desire to create a blooming composition. The main thing is that the neighboring plants do not cover the hellebore with themselves. Designers prefer to plant next to white flowers and purple, pink, it turns out gently and unobtrusively.

The plant needs a lot of nutrients, so the soil must be fertile, pH neutral. Strongly acidic soil will have to be additionally limed. Growing culture is not easy. She develops slowly, does not adapt well to a new place. When planting plants, you need to purchase a large number of shoots at once. If you plant just a few specimens and wait for them to grow, it will take several years.

Plants are planted at a distance of 40 cm. Having planted the plant once, the soil can be left unchanged for about 10 years.

The hellebore loves a lot of water. In order for the flower to actively develop and bloom magnificently, it needs to be watered regularly, soft, settled water is used. In order for the moisture to linger for a large amount of time, the hellebore after flowering is mulched with compost, decomposed peat or sawdust.

As such, the plant does not need fertilizing; it takes all the necessary substances from the soil. But it will be superfluous to apply mineral fertilizers several times for the entire summer season... Before flowering, old leaves are cut off. Superfluous ones will not go to them nutrients, plus it will be the prevention of a fungal infection.

The hellebore reproduces in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bush. The first one is much more difficult technically and takes a lot of time. But there is an opportunity to get a large number of plants at once and enjoy the process of getting a flower from scratch.

Reproduction by seeds:

  • After purchasing seeds, you need to immediately start to deal with them. The seeds should be fresh, as they quickly lose their germination. Ideal option is self-collecting seeds with flowering plant and quick landing. If you store seeds in a paper bag for more than six months, there is a great risk that not a single seed will germinate.
  • The most important thing is not to overdry the seeds, it is much better if they are slightly unripe. In the second case, they will ripen after a while, but in the first case, nothing will save them.
  • At the end of flowering, seeds are collected and immediately planted in the ground.
  • They are buried 1 centimeter into the soil.
  • If the conditions are favorable, then the seedlings will appear next year, the maximum will have to wait 3 years.

If the seeds are purchased in the store, then they can be planted later, but not earlier than 3 months before frost. You can also plant seeds in boxes. At first, they are kept at room temperature, then move to the refrigerator or basement. The soil must be kept moist at all times. The box must be removed periodically to inspect the ground, it should not be moldy. Least of all mold forms in peat-sandy soil (3 parts of peat and 1 part of sand).

In the spring, the first leaves should already appear. After that, each sprout is dived into separate pots and left in them until September. After that, the sprouts can be transplanted into open ground, but you can count on flowering only in the 4th year.

The division of the bush is carried out in early spring. During this period, the roots are dormant, so it will be easier for them to transfer it.

The hellebore does not tolerate transplantation, so there is a risk of complete loss of the flower. The most harmless thing that can happen to a hellebore is the lack of flowering in the first year after breeding.

Do-it-yourself reproduction of a hellebore is a laborious task, beginners need to study the theory and reviews well before proceeding with the operation.

More information can be found in the video.

The first time you see bright cups of blooming hellebore against the background of a snow-covered flower bed, you truly fall in love with this amazing evergreen flower. And the color palette of inflorescences is so diverse in shades and combinations that every florist can find his favorite variety. Moreover, the versatility and endurance of the hellebore allows you to easily grow and propagate a culture on your site.

How to plant a hellebore correctly and provide the plant with proper care, which variety to choose and how to reproduce, is described in detail in the article. A selection of photos of varieties of hellebore and detailed video about the peculiarities of growing this garden plant, will only add to the overall impression after reading the material.

Hellebore, description of the plant

The name of the plant already, in a sense, characterizes its properties. The hellebore or wintering is not afraid of low temperatures, being a frost-resistant evergreen representative of the Buttercup family.

It is also known under the name "Christmas Rose" and "Christ Flower". According to legend, at the birth of Christ, the poor shepherd could not find a worthy gift to congratulate and wept bitterly. Then, in this place, a flower of wondrous beauty appeared, which became a real and unusual, for the winter time, a flower gift for the baby - Jesus. The hellebore may also have a name of Latin origin - "Helleborus" (Helléborus).

The natural area of ​​origin of the plant is considered to be Europe, in particular the territory of the Mediterranean Sea basin. Wide use the winter house received in the regions of central Europe to the countries of Asia Minor. In nature, hellebore prefers mountainous and shady terrain.

This perennial herbaceous genus of plants has more than 14 species. It has a short (from 20 to 50 cm) non-branched stem, with basal, rigid and long-petiolate leaves. The bright green leaf blade is perfectly preserved in winter under the snow, which gives the plant a special decorative value throughout the year. By the flowering period, the leaves look slightly wilted, and fresh buds grow from the middle of the plant. With the onset of stable spring heat, new young leaves sprout.

The hellebore's rhizome is quite powerful: short, thickened and strongly branched.

The main wealth of the plant, flowers: large (up to 13 cm in diameter), cup-shaped with various shades of sepals. There are hellebores with simple and double inflorescences of white, yellow, pink, light green, purple, and even ink flowers. Species with flowers marked with contrasting lines or specks along the entire length of the sepals look especially bright, shading the main color palette of the flower.

This herbaceous plant blooms in early spring, and in temperate regions with a warm climate - already in winter period continuing to bloom until summer. When the seeds ripen, the flowers of the Christmas rose do not wither or wrinkle: they gradually dry out and become light green in color, until the moment the ripe seeds spill out.

Neither the leaves, nor the buds, nor the flowers of the hellebore are afraid of frost and snow. This unique feature of the perennial raised this flower to a separate rank of early ornamental plants... Gardeners enjoy cultivating this crop, enjoying the early bloom of its beautiful, lantern-like flowers.

The varietal division of the wintering house is poorly expressed. This is due to the peculiarities of the seed reproduction of the plant, when the germinated seedlings that have appeared may have a completely different color or flower shape than the parent individual.

The greatest varietal variety recorded in the Balkans, in Europe such types of hellebore as black and oriental hellebore have become the most popular.

Varieties and types of hellebore

The most popular types of perennials:

  • The black hellebore is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful representatives of the genus. The plant blooms, as a rule, in March-April with snow-white and pale pink, not drooping flowers, with a diameter of about 8 cm. This view hellebore is a short and compact bush, up to 30-50 cm high, with high level winter hardiness. In particular, the perennial is able to perfectly withstand frosts down to -35 ºC.

Of the common varieties, Potter's Wheel should be noted with very large, white, sepals, reaching a diameter of up to 12 cm.

The Rhaesokh variety has light pink flowers that delight with their flowering in November.

Louis Cobbett is different pink flowers and stems of deep burgundy color.

  • Eastern hellebore - evergreen species, reaching a height of 30 cm and blooming in March-April. The large selection of inflorescence coloration is explained by the high species variability of the species. The sepals palette ranges from white, pink and cream to purple and black. Flowers can have a variety of blotches, resemble a star in shape and have a diameter of about 5 cm.

The Schmiemann Strain Lady Series is represented by erect low bushes that bloom depending on the region: in the south - in February, in the middle lane - in April. The flowers of the varieties are distinguished by a variety of colors.

  • The smelly hellebore, although it has an unpleasant aroma, looks very impressive and original. Many, light green and gently greenish in color, bell flowers, attract florists with their unusually decorative appearance. A single flower is small in size, but, located on high peduncles (up to 80 cm), with whole clusters of inflorescences, they form beautiful fluffy twigs. The winter garden grows to a height of no more than 50 cm, densely planted with deeply dissected dark green leaves. The species is quite drought-resistant, frost-hardy and shade-tolerant.

Wester Flisk is a popular variety that has red inflorescences and grayish-gray leaves.

  • The Caucasian hellebore is characterized by long (up to 15 cm) hard leathery leaves and drooping flowers, no more than 8 cm in diameter. The color of inflorescences can be light green, white, yellow. It blooms from late April to June. The Caucasus is considered the birthplace of the species. Gelleborus is distinguished by a high degree of winter hardiness and endurance. The plant is poisonous.

  • The hybrid hellebore is represented by garden hybrids obtained as a result of crossing different types. Color palette- the most diverse, the size of the inflorescence does not exceed 8 cm in diameter. Peduncles are strong, from 45 to 70 cm long, depending on the variety.

Violetta is distinguished by white, fluffy at the base, sepals with pink thin veins and border.

Belinda has double white flowers of a mixed light green hue and a thin border around the edge.

Queen of the Night is a variety with bright pink flowers and golden stamens.

  • The reddish hellebore is characterized by large, finger-dissected, non-hibernating leaves. Flowers - drooping, small (4 cm in diameter), greenish tint, with unpleasant odor... Blooms in April and continues to bloom until May-June.

Hellebore is a perennial culture that grows in one place for up to 50 years, depending on the species, climatic conditions and appropriate plant care.

Agricultural technology for cultivating hellebore

It is absolutely not difficult to grow a hellebore on the site - it is enough to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology when planting and caring for it.

Landing place

Choosing a place for Helleborus in open ground, you should take into account, first of all, the period of its flowering. Hellebore - shade-loving plant avoiding direct sunlight. Therefore, a perennial, like any other primrose, will have enough lighting, for example, under deciduous trees... In addition, fallen leaves will serve as a natural mulch and fertilizer for the hellebore. In such favorable conditions, the Helleborus bush grows rapidly, forming large clumps with big amount stems and peduncles.

As for the soil, fertile soil rich in humus and rotted foliage is preferable. It is desirable that the soil is light, loose and not caked. If the soil is acidic, it must be limed; hellebore prefers soil with a neutral environment. Swampy soils are also not suitable for planting.

Given the long life of a plant in one place and the undesirability of frequent transplants, the choice of a place must be approached responsibly and rationally.

Planting a hellebore

The procedure for planting hellebore bushes is quite simple, which does not require special skills and special skills. After the end of the flowering period, the mother bush is divided into several parts, which are planted in a new place:

  1. Small pits are prepared in advance, about 25 x 25 cm in size.
  2. A distance of about 30-40 cm is maintained between plants.
  3. The hole is half filled with prepared compost.
  4. Having spread the roots of the hellebore, and covered with earth, they tamp the soil.
  5. Plentiful watering of the planted plant is carried out. This rule applies up to 3 weeks after planting the bush. The main thing during the rooting of the hellebore is to prevent stagnation of moisture or, conversely, strong drying out of the soil.
  6. For a spectacular decorative look, for example, along paths or curbs, it is recommended to plant from 10 to 20 plants at once, observing the specified distance between the divisions.

In the case of planting a hellebore from seeds, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Use only fresh (after harvest) seeds for planting. Old or dry seed has a very low germination rate.
  2. Seedlings may appear in 1-2 years.
  3. Seeds are sown, as a rule, in early autumn (or spring) so that they are not exposed to freezing. The depth of planting in the ground is about 1-1.5 cm. The soil during sowing should be loose and moist.
  4. At late planting dates, the seeds are planted in special containers, which are removed to the basement for the winter, providing them with periodic moisture. In the spring, the seedlings are placed in a warm room, grown to 2 leaves and dived. In autumn, the bushes are planted in the ground, and flowering begins only after 4-5 years.

Plant care

The hellebore is absolutely not a demanding plant. It is enough to follow the basic rules of care, like for any other plant. Let's designate the basic conditions of agrotechnical measures:

  1. Watering
  • The culture develops well with moderate but regular watering. Gelleborus negatively tolerates both stagnant moisture and excessive drying out of the soil (with the exception of drought-resistant varieties).
  • To retain moisture, it is advisable to mulch the soil with compost or peat, which will also serve as an additional fertilizing for the plant.
  • In the absence of mulch, after watering, the soil needs additional loosening.
  1. Fertilization
  • Additional plant nutrition, as fertilization, will only improve the growth and development of the crop, including the flowering process.
  • In early spring, the hellebore is fertilized with bone meal and superphosphate. Bone meal can be continued every 3 months thereafter.
  • When applied to the soil mineral fertilizers, the risk of fungal diseases is reduced. Mineral feeding is carried out more often in summer, in dry weather.
  1. Pest and disease control
  • The most common hellebore pests are snails, mice, slugs, and aphids. To get rid of mice, bait with poison is destroyed, and snails and slugs are carefully collected from the bushes. To exterminate aphids will help, for example, a special drug "Antitlin".
  • The hellebore can be attacked by the caterpillars of the hop fineworm, which destroys the roots of the plant. To combat them, chemical insecticides, for example, Actellik, are suitable.
  • Of the diseases, Helleborus can be affected by fungal infections - Coniothyrium hellebori. The first signs of the disease are dark spots on the leaves of the plant, which gradually increase. Damp weather contributes to the development and spread of infection. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to remove all affected foliage, and then treat the plant with a fungicide.
  • For hellebore, diseases such as powdery mildew, ring spot and anthracnose.
  • Ring spot is carried by aphids, therefore, in order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to exterminate insects that have appeared on the plant in a timely manner. If the plant is already sick, the affected parts are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide.
  • Anthracnose is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the leaf blade. Such leaves are also destroyed, and the hellebore is sprayed with preparations containing copper.
  • Downy mildew is a disease that interferes with the growth of young leaves and shoots. Dark spots also appear on the leaves, and if the leaf is turned over, a characteristic gray bloom will be noticeable. In case of illness, all affected leaves are cut out, and the gelleborus is treated, for example, with Previkur.

Despite the extensive list of pests and diseases, hellebore is quite resistant to their effects. And provided that all the rules of agricultural technology for growing Helleborus are observed, such troubles practically do not threaten him.

  1. Hellebore in winter

Given the characteristics of the plant - high frost resistance and endurance, it practically does not need care in winter time... The only exceptions can be young plants and severe winters with little snow. So that during such a period, the hellebore does not freeze out, the site is sprinkled with foliage or spruce branches.

  1. Plant pruning

On the eve of the hellebore blooming period, experts recommend removing old foliage to preserve a better decorative appearance and in order to prevent the disease of new young leaves with fungal spot. Given the toxicity of the plant, pruning must be carried out with gloves. The cut tops should not be given to pets, in order to avoid their poisoning.

Hellebore propagation

The plant reproduces in two ways: vegetative (dividing the bush) and generative (seed).

  1. It is better to divide the bush into parts in early spring, while all growth and vegetation processes are still slowed down. The hellebore is "capricious" when transplanting and may bloom only the next year or not take root at all. Therefore, when planting parcels, you need to follow the technology and provide young plants with proper care. It is better to divide a young and healthy bush, providing each section with full-fledged roots, and treat the place of the cut on the rhizomes with charcoal. The resulting seedlings grow very slowly, therefore, planting with seeds is most often used.
  1. The seed method is quite simple and not intricate. Seeds must be always fresh, because after six months of storage, germination will be almost zero. The best option is to sow the seeds immediately after they ripen (approximately in June). Overripening or overdrying of the seed should not be allowed, it is better if they do not ripen slightly - this will not affect their germination. Ripe seed pods burst sharply, scattering seeds around, and often self-seeding also shows good results. Therefore, most often, for organized sowing, unripe bolls are collected and, after drying a little of them, they are sown into the ground.

Some hellebore varieties have their own preferences regarding breeding methods. So, the smelly hellebore is best propagated by self-seeding and practically does not take root with the vegetative division of the bush. And the black hellebore reproduces successfully by dividing the bush, in early spring. Eastern hellebore, on the contrary, takes root better after the autumn division of the parent plant.

The use of hellebore

With such valuable qualities for flower growers, as frost resistance, unpretentiousness in care and an unusually beautiful decorative appearance, including in the cold season, the hellebore could not fail to win deserved fame and recognition.

  • Use in landscape design

It is impossible not to admire the flowering of hellebore against the background of a snow-covered garden, especially if a perennial is planted not singly, but in whole groups. Group landings look very impressive both along the tracks and on flower beds or shady alpine coaster... Hellebore is prized primarily for its evergreen foliage and resistance to low temperatures... And the multi-colored palette of hellebore sepals impresses with its unique beauty. Fading away, hellebore still remains a real decoration of the flower bed almost all year round.

Helleboruses are perfectly combined in plantings with other early flowering plants: crocuses, undersized varieties of tulips and daffodils, scylla. When combined garden plants, it is more expedient to select companions for the hellebore that do not exceed their height. And such a property of a plant as shade-loving allows you to plant a hellebore under trees and shrubs. You should pay attention to the toxicity of all parts of the hellebore and do not plant it in places where children can play.

Increasingly, hellebore was also used as a potting culture, thus decorating terraces, paths or playgrounds. When creating pot arrangements, designers combine plants not only in color, but also in terms of flowering time. Every year, the perennial grows more luxuriant, and the flowers grow larger. In Germany, for example, there is still a custom to give your friends or loved ones for Christmas, a hellebore planted in flower pot or cut in the form of a bouquet. When choosing a pot for planting a hellebore, you should opt for spacious containers that allow the root system to grow freely.

  • Medical use

The hellebore became famous for its healing qualities. Most valuable medicinal properties hellebore Caucasian and black hellebore. In folk medicine, these plants are designed to regulate metabolism and lower blood pressure; have a laxative, diuretic, choleretic and bactericidal effect; improve immunity and even prevent cancer.

There are known facts of using hellebore as effective means for weight loss. This is due to the plant's ability to cleanse the body, remove excess fluid and accelerate fat metabolism.

It is important to use the hellebore only after consulting a doctor. Poisonous plant has a lot of contraindications and can be fatal.

Summing up, it can be noted that, it would seem, such a simple herb - hellebore, is rightfully considered a unique evergreen plant with wondrously beautiful flowers and such early flowering periods. And the unpretentiousness in care and endurance of a perennial growing in one place for many years made it a real favorite for many gardeners. Such qualities will allow anyone who wants to easily grow a hellebore in their garden and admire it all year round.

Hellebore, photo gallery

Video: "How to plant a hellebore"