What are the days of the last week before Easter called? Holy Week: what to eat, what not to do and how to prepare for Easter

A special period for Orthodox Christians, a time of spiritual contemplation, reflection on the life of the Savior, is the last week before Easter. In memory of the last earthly days of Christ, when he was betrayed and crucified, the week is called Passion Week. At the same time, this is the time of understanding the need for spiritual and bodily purity, therefore the week has other names - Great, Pure, White. Each day of Great Week has a special meaning: it is dedicated to a certain event, and these traditions have been preserved for centuries.

Holy Week actually begins already with and ends in the afternoon. The next one marks the beginning of Bright Week. But the Resurrection is yet to come, and these few days before it are Golgotha ​​for the laity.

The Holy Week before Easter shows that the path to the heights of spirituality is repentance and humility for the sake of the great goal, the Resurrection, and there is no other way to eternal life, but through the cross and suffering. During these seven days, the longest services are held in churches, calling a person to empathy and compassion for the Savior, who accomplished the feat of self-denial. According to religious canons, all days of the week of worship immerse believers in the events of the last days of Christ's life. Each of these days was holy and therefore received today the same name as the week - the Great.

Gospel readings seem to lead along the path of Christ:

  • Monday is dedicated to the memory of the parable of the withering of the fig tree, as well as of the Old Testament patriarch Joseph;
  • Tuesday is reserved for reading about the ten virgins and remembering how Christ denounced the Pharisees;
  • on Wednesday they compare the life paths of the repentant Mary Magdalene and the traitor Judas;
  • on Thursday they talk about how Christ washed the feet of the apostles, remember the Last Supper, the prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the betrayal of Judas;
  • Friday is dedicated to remembrance of the Passion of the Lord;
  • on Saturday they remember the burial of Christ, His descent into hell for the liberation of the souls of believers.

They do not perform the sacraments of weddings and baptisms on Holy Week, they do not celebrate the days of the great martyrs and saints, they do not commemorate the dead. Believers attend church services during Holy Week with a special feeling. You can confess before Easter on Great Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Holy Saturday.

Outside the temple, Christians spend their time in fervent prayer and observe the strictest fast.

How to spend Holy Week

Worldly affairs and duties are also subject to traditions and rules that prescribe what cannot and what can be done before Easter. On Good Monday, according to church canons, one should adhere to dry eating, not eating hot food and butter: it is advisable to limit yourself to black bread, fruits, mushrooms, pickled vegetables. At home, it is necessary to complete general work: repairs, cleaning the house and the farmstead. On this day, the willow consecrated the day before is usually decorated with bright ribbons.

On Maundy Tuesday, hot lenten food is allowed, but without the addition of oil. Housewives wash, put in order and prepare festive clothes for Easter. On Tuesday, it is also customary, showing Christian humility, to stop all quarrels and insults.

On Great Wednesday, if health permits, it is better to completely abstain from food. Believers attend confession in the temple: it is on the Wednesday of Holy Week that the Lord forgives all sins, voluntary and involuntary. After the remission of sins, one should cleanse oneself bodily: upon arrival from the temple, it is customary to wash before midnight. Do not forget about cleaning the house, throwing away all the accumulated rubbish and unnecessary things. On Wednesday, they start preparing food for the Easter meal.

What is customary to do on Maundy Thursday.

What do they do What are the beliefs associated with it?
Before dawn it is customary to bathe. Food can be taken twice, including hot. After washing, you need to put on only clean clothes in order to prepare for communion in the temple. From Matins, during which the Thursday fire is lit, a candle is brought home: it is believed that it will protect the house for a whole year.
Household work and cleaning before Easter is finally completed in the dwelling. In some areas, it is believed that before Easter Monday comes, you can’t wash floors, windows, so they put things in order at this time.
You can also start painting eggs, put the dough on Easter cakes. You can’t do this work in a bad mood, with resentment or anger in your soul: the dough will not work, the shells of the eggs will crack.
Another tradition associated with Maundy Thursday is the production of salt, which is called Thursday. It is considered cleansed of filth and is endowed with healing properties. It is done like this: coarse salt is calcined in a dry frying pan or baked in an oven, then stored all year.

Good Friday is considered a day of mourning. It is necessary to remember the agony of Christ, and therefore it is impossible to quarrel and swear. All unfinished household chores are left for Saturday. On Friday, there is a particularly strict fast: even those who adhered to a more sparing diet on other days of the week try to follow all the prescriptions regarding food intake.

Since fasting is still going on, on Holy Saturday, true believers continue to abstain from food. Before the All-Night Service, you need to have time to finish all the preparations for the Easter meal, baking Easter cakes and painting eggs in order to consecrate them in the temple. On Saturday evening they begin to read the Acts of the Apostles before Easter and continue reading until the beginning of the Midnight Office. This is how the strict and at the same time majestic week comes to an end, preparing the Orthodox for the most important and bright day.

Along with Holy Week, sorrow and sadness leave, giving way to bright joy and triumph - the feast of Christ's Resurrection.

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  • umnye-sovety.ru tell about the Holy Week before Easter - day by day

Today we'll talk about what to do on Holy Week before Easter. After Palm Sunday, an important moment for the Orthodox begins on Monday - Holy Week. Great Lent is ending, and in these last 7 days for many, there is an opportunity to give their souls a chance to be cleansed, to spend this time in repentance, thinking about their sins and strict abstinence.

Holy (Terrible) week - we cleanse the soul, body and everything that surrounds us

After Palm Sunday, on Monday, we begin to restore order in our house. What must be done?

  • Wash the windows and wash the curtains, thereby opening the way for Holy Easter to your home.
  • Give unnecessary things to the poor, get rid of everything that is broken, spoiled. Especially do not feel sorry for cracked dishes.
  • In the old days, walls were whitewashed during Holy Week, but nowadays it will be enough to do a general cleaning. Look in every locker, in every corner, remove dust and throw away everything you don't need. Wash the shades on the lamps. Clean pans and pots. Let your home breathe cleanliness.
  • Launder clothes, put away winter clothes, put summer clothes in order, repair shoes.
  • Get rid of harmful insects - cockroaches, bedbugs, ants.

Cleanliness in the house should ring.

Wednesday - expel bodily ailments

On Holy Week on Wednesday, a ceremony was held to get rid of bodily ailments. For it, you need to draw water from any source into a glass jar or earthenware jug, put it on the table under the images. They were baptized three times, read the Our Father and covered the dishes with a new handkerchief or a clean towel. At two o'clock in the morning they read a prayer again and were baptized three times, then they poured holy water over the body. A little water was left and poured under a tree until 3 o'clock in the morning. It was believed that the body washed in this way, got rid of all the sores and, as it were, was born again.

What to do on Maundy Thursday

Before sunrise, you need to wash your hair, swim and put on everything clean. Mentally at this moment ask the Lord on Maundy Thursday to help wash off what your soul is toiling about. At this moment, the heavens open and requests sincerely addressed to God will be heard and fulfilled. Forgive your offenders and debtors, and all the negativity that you wear on yourself will be washed off - the evil eye, damage, slander.

After bathing on Maundy Thursday, the beauties cut the ends of their hair so that the braid was thick and grew to the waist. Babies, who by this time were one year old, were sheared for the first time, and a piece of wool was cut from the cattle so that they would not get sick and be fruitful.

If a girl cannot find her betrothed in any way and wants to get married, have a strong family, then the towel that she used on Maundy Thursday, Easter Day and give to those who ask for alms at the church along with Easter cake and Easter eggs.

It was on this day that all actions related to cleaning, washing, ablutions ended. It was forbidden to sweep the floor and make rubbish, and it was forbidden to give something from the house.

In a clean house and with pure thoughts, a sacred action begins - baking Easter cakes and dyeing Easter eggs.

On the Power of Thursday Salt

Many rites on Holy Week were associated with Thursday salt, which had great power.

Each family member picks up a handful of salt and pours it into a paper or linen bag. This salt is then sacredly kept and applied. when you need to be cured of an illness, cleanse the house of filth, and the garden and cattle from the evil eye.

Day of Sorrow - Good Friday

This is the day of the strictest fast. Even water is desirable to refuse. They said that if you don’t quench your thirst with water on this day, you won’t experience it all year, and any drink will be good.

On that day, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, martyred and atoned for all our sins. For all Christians, this day is the most mournful and sad, spent in prayers and abstinence from food and water. On that day, you cannot laugh and have fun, otherwise you will have to cry all year.

On Good Friday, you can’t pick the ground, so as not to invite trouble, you can’t plant anything, you can’t wash.

On this day, it is good to wean a baby from the breast - it will be healthy, happy and rich.

On this day, it is good to give alms or make a donation for the good of your neighbor.

Signs of Good Friday

On this day in the morning they looked out the window.

  • We saw a man - you will be lucky for three months.
  • I saw an old woman - to illness.
  • Young - all troubles will bypass.
  • We saw a whole family - to peace in the house, to reconciliation.
  • Dog - to longing.
  • Cat - for profit.
  • A bird is a new acquaintance.
  • Disabled, crippled - to death.

Holy Saturday was spent in labor and completion of all pre-Easter affairs. You can bake Easter cakes and make Easter, paint eggs, prepare for the holiday of the Bright Resurrection.

In the evening they go to the church for an all-night service.

"Christ is Risen!" “Truly Risen!”

On Bright Sunday, wash your face with Thursday morning water. This rite is for wealth and health.

All family members should greet each other with the words "Christ is risen!" "Truly risen!" Relatives and friends kiss each other, kissing, husband and wife - without prying eyes, in order to avoid separation.

Upon returning from the church with consecrated products, crossing the threshold, say three times: "Easter in the house - evil spirits from the house."

Then sit down together at the festive table. First they eat what they have consecrated. Then meat dishes - sausages, jelly, aspic, and finish the meal with a sweet Easter or Easter cake. Peel and cut one of the eggs consecrated in the church into as many pieces as there are family members at the table.

On Bright Sunday, people go to visit, invite guests to their place, rejoice and have fun, exchange treats, give gifts, serve to the poor and suffering. On this day, you can not frown and swear. Remember the One who gave his life for you, and be grateful to HIM.

If there are food left on the Easter table, in no case should you throw it away or feed it to animals and birds. Better bury it or lower it into the river.

Easter is followed by Bright Week, 7 days of joy and prosperity.

Eat and drink, be merry, but know your limits!

In addition to the Easter holiday itself, the whole week before it is also important. Each day of the week has its own peculiarity and fulfills its role in religion.

The week before Easter is called Holy Week.

Every day of Holy Week is called the Great Day. Special services are held in churches, which are considered the most majestic and solemn in the entire church year. At the same time, these seven days do not celebrate the days of the saints, do not commemorate the dead, do not hold weddings and baptisms - all the rites at this time are devoted to preparing for Christ's Resurrection, Easter.

On Monday according to custom, they did a general cleaning in the house and yard. One of the stories about Jesus Christ is connected with this day. One day he was walking with his disciples and saw a fig tree (fig tree), which, although growing, did not bear any fruit. The Savior compared her with people who, although they live and fulfill all their duties, suffer from spiritual barrenness. Faith, mercy, condescending attitude towards neighbors - this is what helps a person to feel peace of mind and get real fruits.

Tuesday for housewives, as a rule, took place in a large wash. On this day, it was also necessary to prepare clothes in which the family would go to church for the Easter Vigil. The best embroidered shirts and spares, bright scarves and coral beads. The main color of Easter is red, so scarlet, purple, and orange were always present in the decorations of the costumes. In the church on this day, parables are read about ten virgins, about faithful and unfaithful slaves, and about the Last Judgment.

On Wednesday remember the story of the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ to the Pharisees for only 30 pieces of silver. It is noteworthy that later Judas repented of his deed, fell into despair and committed another grave sin - he hanged himself on an aspen branch. The legend says that at first the traitor chose a birch, but she turned white with fear. But the aspen, after hanging, began to constantly tremble in the wind - as if shuddering with horror from what had happened. On Wednesday, they remember one woman who helped prepare the body of the Savior for burial. Before meeting with Christ, she did not lead a completely correct lifestyle and was known as a sinner. The positive influence of Jesus, the sincere faith of this woman completely changed her way of life, and in the end she was forgiven. On Great Wednesday, all household affairs had to be completed. After all, by the dawn of Thursday, the house should shine with cleanliness.

Even on this day, our ancestors prepared eggs for coloring. Future krashenki and pysanky should be thoroughly washed with soap and wiped dry. You should also prepare everything that is needed for painting them: paints, special tools, dishes, and so on. It is believed that on Wednesday confession has a special power. Therefore, believers can go to church, and also offer a prayer to the Lord for repentance for their sins.

Thursday before Easter is known to many as Pure Thursday. Traditionally, it is on Thursday that Easter cakes are baked, or, as they are called in Ukraine, Easter cakes. This is a very responsible matter, since paska is not just bread, but a symbol of the body of Christ. So, before kneading the dough, the hostess said a special prayer. And of course, on Maundy Thursday, all households were supposed to wash themselves. People believed that washing with prayer cleanses not only the body, but also the soul. By the way, Ukrainians did not forget about the main thing - the service of God, while doing household chores. So, on Thursday morning at the liturgy (at which the Last Supper is remembered), everyone usually took communion. And in the evening, the whole family went to church for the Passion - a special service at which 12 passages from the Gospel are read about the last hours of Christ's earthly life and his death on the cross.

But of the stories that are remembered on this day, the main event is the Last Supper. Not only the texts of Holy Scripture are dedicated to her, but also some works of art - for example, the painting of the same name, which belongs to the pen of the legendary Leonardo da Vinci (drawn at the end of the 15th century).

Good Friday also known as Good Friday. A day of mourning, because on Friday Christ was condemned and crucified. The service is dedicated to the memory of the suffering of the Savior on the cross. The shroud, the image of Christ lying in the tomb, is taken out of the altar, and the faithful bow to it. This is the day of the strictest fast (which involves complete abstinence from food). Moreover, on Friday it was not supposed to sew, wash, chop wood, or cut anything. Our ancestors believed that on Good Friday you should not sing, talk loudly and, moreover, laugh. “Whoever laughs on Terrible Friday, will cry on Great Day”, - the elderly warned young people and children, who found it difficult to refrain from pranks in anticipation of the holiday. In short, Good Friday is a day of mourning and prayer.

Holy Saturday called Quiet. On this day, the Lord was in the tomb and descended in soul into hell in order to free the Old Testament righteous. Saturday is the culmination of Holy Week. The Savior died on Friday, and on Saturday the body was placed in a coffin, which was placed in a cave. The entrance to it was blocked with a huge stone, which in shape resembled an egg. By the way, one of the legends claims that this is why the egg has become a symbol of Easter.

Many believers strive to get to the temple in order to take part in the Easter service - the all-night service, which is held from about 11 p.m. Saturday to 2-3 p.m. Sunday. You can stand for a few minutes, and for the whole time - depending on the possibilities of health. But it is better, of course, to wait until the end of the service. After all, it is at this moment that you can be among the first people in the world who will say this year: “Christ is risen! He has truly risen!" On these days, believers remember the sufferings of the Lord, and they also bring colored eggs and Easter cakes to the temple to bless food. Also on Saturday in Jerusalem, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Holy Fire descends. And although only representatives of the Orthodox Church recognize the miracle, the joy of believers does not decrease from this.

Holy Week (week)- this is the week before Easter, the time before the most important holiday in Christianity. All believers spend this period in fervent prayer and strict abstinence.

Each day of Holy Week begins with the word "Great", has its own meaning and is dedicated to memories of the last days of the Savior's earthly life, His sufferings, crucifixion, death on the cross, and burial. Believers these days try to attend all services and keep the strictest post.

Holy Week is not only a period of strict abstinence, but also a time to prepare for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ - Easter.

Signs and traditions for Holy Week by day. Do's and Don'ts during Holy Week

On the first day of Holy Week - Maundy Monday- begin to prepare for Easter, put themselves and their homes in order. On this day, it is customary to carry out a general cleaning and a large laundry. The house is cleared of old, bulky things.

From food on this day, only raw vegetables and fruits, as well as bread and water, are allowed. The people said: “Terrible Monday is coming into the yard - it sweeps with a willow all the way!”, “From Great Monday to Easter, a whole week - women are up to their necks!”.

Clear skies and bright sun on Maundy Monday herald a fruitful summer and a generous autumn. To preserve youth, health and be with money, it was customary to wash your face from a silver or gold dish on Maundy Monday.

On the second day of Holy Week - Maundy Tuesday- it was customary to buy food for Easter and prepare medicines for fever. The people said: "Great Tuesday drives the fever."

Women were engaged in this, and men were not even supposed to touch any herbs, tinctures, or powders.

On this day they iron clothes, hang curtains, sew and prepare clothes for the Easter holiday. Especially carefully choose tablecloths and towels. They should be light shades, and preferably white.

On this day, it was allowed to eat the same foods as on Good Monday - raw vegetables, fruits, bread and water.

On the third day of Holy Week - Holy Wednesday- there were some cleansing and protective traditions of the next day of Holy Week - Maundy Thursday. Some Thursday rites began on the evening of Great Wednesday.

This is the day of any rubbing, when it is desirable to wash, scrape the floors, knock out rugs, bedspreads and carpets.

On this day, they finish cleaning and decorate the house for the holiday. White curtains are hung on the windows. Wreaths of flowers and greenery are attached to the cornices and doorways. Arrange bouquets with tulips, daffodils or other flowers.

On Great Wednesday, they buy eggs for the holiday. It is believed that eggs bought on Great Wednesday will not spoil for a long time, will be well colored and will be especially tasty.

It was forbidden to tell fortunes and summon spirits on Holy Wednesday. In nutrition, they followed the same rules as on the previous days of Holy Week.

Fourth Day of Holy Week - Maundy Thursday It is customary to call it Pure, since almost all the traditions of this day are associated with water and cleansing rituals.

It is supposed to be washed in a bathhouse or just at home on Pure Thursday before sunrise. It is believed that water on the night of Maundy Thursday has the same miraculous power as on. On Maundy Thursday, the custom of cleansing with water was widespread - bathing in an ice hole or dousing in a bath before sunrise. Some believers threw leaky clothes into running water, getting rid of it, and from troubles, sorrows and illnesses.

On Maundy Thursday, treats are prepared for Easter: they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, and make pastries.

On that day, it was advised to cut the hair of a one-year-old child for the first time, and for girls to trim the ends of the braids so that they grow longer and thicker.

On Maundy Thursday, Thursday salt is prepared: it is calcined in a frying pan, and the salt acquires healing properties.

Pure Thursday is the day when the dead ancestors descend to earth and stay on it until the Trinity (Pentecost). Therefore, many Christians have preserved the tradition of visiting cemeteries on this day.

From Maundy Thursday until Easter, it is forbidden to give salt, bread, money from home - along with them you can give peace and health.

To see a man or a dog first on Maundy Thursday morning - fortunately and well-being; an old woman - to failure.

If you put a silver thing in water on Maundy Thursday: a coin, a spoon or jewelry, and wash yourself with this water on Easter, then this will attract beauty and financial wealth.

Fifth Day of Holy Week - Good Friday, Good Friday is the most difficult day. This is the day of mourning over the death of the Savior.

Good Friday is a special day on which one must refrain from eating until the removal of the Shroud, and after that one can only eat bread and drink only water.

All preparations for Easter must be completed the day before - on Maundy Thursday, so that on Good Friday nothing distracts from prayers. On this day, you can not do any business, and especially - wash, sew or cut something. Violation of this prohibition is considered a great sin.

Anyone who does laundry on Good Friday will not only suffer from hand diseases, but will also become a beggar, since any money will “run” from “sinned” hands. And linen washed on Good Friday not only becomes covered with red spots, but also brings all sorts of misfortunes to those who then put it on.

A man who has fun on Good Friday will cry all year.

On Good Friday before Easter, you can not pierce the ground with iron. Whoever does this will be in trouble.

A child conceived on Good Friday may be born sick or crippled.

To guarantee yourself health and good luck for the whole year, you should not go to bed on the night from Good Friday to Saturday. It is believed that those who do not sleep at this time will ensure good luck and excellent health, especially if they are in church.

On Good Friday, they tried to completely abandon any communication and spent this day in calm silence. It was not allowed to arrange quarrels and scandals, swear and sort things out. On the fifth day of Holy Week, even the birds fell silent, and the animals were humble and calm.

V Day 6 of Holy Week - Holy Saturday carried to the church to consecrate colored eggs, Easter cakes, Easter and other products.

This is a day of peace and quiet, when it was forbidden to do household chores. However, on the morning of this day, you can still paint eggs and cook common holiday dishes.

Believers did not go to bed on the night of Easter. It was necessary to defend the Vespers, go through the procession and return home to the festive table. There is a sign among the people that the one who survives the night without sleep before Easter will be healthy all year. For girls, wakefulness will bring a successful marriage.

It is impossible to fish and hunt on the Saturday before Easter - unfortunately.

Anyone who spends Holy Saturday in fun and laughter will cry all year.

Holy Week is dedicated to the memory of the last days of the life of Jesus Christ, his execution and resurrection, as well as preparations for the bright holiday. Baking, painting eggs and other preparations must be completed by Sunday. Easter is supposed to be celebrated, not cooked or cleaned.

Holy Week

The Passion of Christ (anonymous artist of the 15th century, the Netherlands)

Signs for the week were of great importance for our ancestors, as was the very essence of these dates. Even prisoners who committed serious crimes were released into the wild in the old days, so that they, too, had the opportunity to engage in their spirituality. Litigation was suspended until the end of the holidays.

According to church tradition, commemorations cannot be held at this time. There are no weddings. The Church does not approve of secular marriage during Lent, especially in Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday. Baptism must be rescheduled for other dates.

Great Lent will end only on Sunday, those who observe it eat bread, vegetables and fruits. You can not have fun, sing and dance, especially on Good Friday. Whoever breaks the ban will cry all year. Quarrels, noisy showdowns, foul language are prohibited.

Signs for Maundy Monday

Holy Monday of Holy Week: Joseph the Handsome and the withered fig tree.

On the Monday of the Great Week, they remember Joseph the Beautiful, who was sold by his brothers to Egypt because of envy. Joseph personifies the suffering experienced by the Savior. Also, the date is associated with the curse of a fig tree that does not bear fruit. It is comparable to a soul devoid of spirituality - repentance, faith, good deeds.

After cleaning, it is worth doing a vegetable garden, a garden, house plants. The seeds planted on this day will give an excellent harvest. Those who do not eat and drink before midnight will have special luck in finding bird nests.

On Clean Monday, they don’t start cooking dishes for the Easter table - it’s still too early for this. Meat, milk and eggs must be purchased no earlier than the second day of the Week. In the autocephalous churches, preparations are underway for the rite of Chrismation. This is done until Wednesday, only once a year. On Maundy Thursday, the myrrh is consecrated.

On the morning of Holy Monday, you should wash yourself with water in which a gold or silver object lay. This helps to preserve youth, restore health and increase income.

The Eastern Slavs have Great Monday - Easter of the Dead, or Navi Day. It is dedicated to cleaning the cemetery and commemoration. During the latter, fasting is often broken.

Maundy Tuesday - preparation for Easter

On Tuesday, the denunciation of the Pharisees and scribes is remembered, as well as parables and conversations in the Jerusalem temple. On this day, the Savior told his followers about the tribute to Caesar, the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment and the Apocalypse, talents and ten virgins.

Great Tuesday. The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Modern Greek fresco

From time immemorial, on Maundy Tuesday, they have been engaged in preparation of festive clothes for Sunday. Everything related to this is allowed: from shopping to sewing and washing. The main thing is that by the evening you understand that you will put on clean, beautiful clothes on Bright Sunday.

You need to prepare or buy a tablecloth for the festive table and a towel that is taken to the Easter service. They must be white, red or green embroidery is allowed. Anyone who meets Easter with a dirty tablecloth or towel will suffer from bad luck for a year. If there is enough time, it is worth putting in order everyday wardrobe items and home textiles.

It is customary to buy not only clothes, products for Easter dishes are purchased on Tuesday. In the old days, they harvested firewood for baking Easter cakes and inspected the fields, planned work in the garden. On Maundy Tuesday, you can eat hot dishes without vegetable oil.

The healing herbs left after the winter are used to make tea and tinctures. Only women were engaged in this, men were not supposed to touch health-improving fees until they were ready for use.

What to do on Great Wednesday of Holy Week

On Wednesday evening, Judas decided to make a deal with the Jewish elders. She brought him 30 pieces of silver. At that time, this was a substantial amount, sufficient to buy a home in the vicinity of Jerusalem. We also remember the sinner who washed Christ's feet with her tears in the house of Simon the Leper.

Giotto. Kiss of Judas

Great Wednesday, like Thursday - time for general cleaning. Some signs for Holy Week before Easter advise finish tidying up by Thursday noon. Therefore, it is better to start cleaning on Wednesday in order to have time for everything - scandals and illnesses come to dirty houses at Easter. Special attention - unnecessary things. Getting rid of them on Wednesday or Thursday of Holy Week is a good omen.

Products were bought on Tuesday, and on Wednesday - eggs were selected for Easter eggs and Easter eggs. Not everyone has a chicken coop now, so both days are considered to be a good day for a trip to the supermarket. Signs say that eggs bought on Wednesday retain freshness longer. Work in the garden is allowed.

You can prepare a remedy for the evil eye. It is necessary to put salt under the roof of the house, and on Thursday, hide it so that no one knows. Salt should be added to the drink - a pinch per glass. Since Wednesday, soap has been taken out into the street, which they are going to use on Maundy Thursday. Some signs advise leaving it under the moonbeams, others - under the roof or on the threshold. In a city apartment, a balcony is quite suitable.

Maundy Thursday

On Thursday, the Last Supper is remembered, at which it was established sacrament of the Eucharist - communion, as well as Christ washing the feet of his disciples. On the same day, Judas made a deal, betraying the Teacher.

The Last Supper

Get up before dawn and take a shower or bath. Water of Pure Thursday - from all sins and diseases. For the same reason, cleaning is required. It must be completed before midnight, according to some signs - before noon. If possible, rearrange furniture and things, this will attract positive changes in all areas of life. You can clean up the graves of loved ones, in some regions of Ukraine and Russia - a memorial day.

Maundy Thursday is the best time of the year for haircuts for adults, children and even animals. This is especially true if this is the first haircut in your life. It removes sins and diseases. Count the money three times so that they are not transferred in the wallet for a whole year. You can’t borrow and lend money and things - luck goes with them.

On Maundy Thursday they cook - a strong remedy for damage, illness and family troubles. On the same day, it is customary to start preparing dishes for the Easter table. But you can’t eat them until Sunday morning - Great Lent continues until Easter.

Good Friday - mournful day

Remember Friday Judgment, suffering on the Cross and death of Jesus Christ. Honoring him, it is customary to observe Great Lent with particular rigor. Whoever abstains from food and drink on Friday will be protected from theft and intrigues of enemies for a year. Restrictions apply not only to food, but also to entertainment, relationships between spouses and other aspects of life. Therefore, Good Friday is the best time to wean a baby from the breast.

Crucifixion of Christ (fresco by Theophanes the Cretan in the Krestonicitsky Monastery of Athos)

Do not work around the house or in the garden. An exception is the sowing of bread and peas, this brings a good harvest. It is undesirable to cut your hair and dye your hair - to loss of health. But in Eastern Europe, people bathe in natural reservoirs on this day to ward off diseases.

Bearing in mind the mournful atmosphere of the date, it is forbidden to have fun, laugh, rejoice, sing. As on Maundy Thursday, you can’t give anything away from home and borrow things and money so as not to lose your luck. You can bake Easter cakes and paint eggs.

To see a man, a young girl or a cat in the window immediately after waking up - you will live happily for three months. The old woman outside the window - to illness. A disabled person portends the death of one of the family members. Mother, father and child - reconciliation, family happiness, prosperity. Dog - to problems, birds mean receiving news and acquaintances.

Appeared in the disease and problems will quickly come to naught. The ash collected on this day cures the evil eye, alcoholism and depression. A consecrated ring keeps its owner from disease.

Saturday - beliefs about the eve of Easter

A sad and happy day at the same time. Jesus Christ is in the tomb, but it is known that his Resurrection will soon be celebrated. His soul is in hell, freeing others who were waiting for the Savior to come. This is the last day of Lent. People call him Quiet- Noise, songs and other entertainment is still banned.

Descent from the Cross by Rogier van der Weyden. 1435–1438

Saturday is the last day of Holy Week, when it is forbidden to borrow and lend money and things. But it is also undesirable to refuse those who ask directly - say that you can give the thing they need next week. Easter Eve is the best time to repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness.

You can’t work around the house and in the garden, fish, hunt, do needlework, but you can cook - by the evening all treats for the holiday should be ready. Signs allow you to clean the graves, decorate the house, buy gifts. Sleeping on the night before Easter is not accepted - there will be no harvest. On Saturday, the Easter basket is collected and put in order - washed and dried.

Each day of Holy Week has its own meaning, and many signs are associated with all six days before Easter. Some of them appeared in pre-Christian times and have other meanings of the date - the meeting of spring. Observing old signs, everyone can attract happiness and drive away troubles.