How to fix OSB under a soft roof. How to make a crate for soft tiles on the roof - theory and practice

An important element of any roof is the base of the sheathing. If the metal tile can be installed on a stepped lathing, then a solid solid foundation is required for a flexible roof. To create such a coating, plywood or OSB (OSB) is used. Which of the materials is "correct" we will try to figure it out in this article.

OSB- oriented strand board, in everyday life it is found under different names, such as OSB, which is a tracing paper from English OSB (oriented strand board). The material consists of layers of chips oriented in different directions, which are pressed with the addition of synthetic resins.

Plywood is a wood-based material made from thin veneer sheets glued together. Veneer layers are pressed when exposed to high temperatures.


To create the decking under the roof, moisture-resistant materials are used: FSF and OSB-3 plywood. According to GOSTs, the swelling of OSB-3 should be no more than 15% when kept in water for 24 hours. In this case, the inhomogeneous structure of OSB can lead to uneven expansion and delamination. Plywood is more stable in this respect, since its structure consists of solid veneer sheets. Therefore, in terms of moisture resistance, it is definitely worth giving preference to plywood.

IMPORTANT. We must not forget about the acclimatization of the material and the device of expansion joints between sheets with a thickness of 2-5 mm. Otherwise, the deformation of the slab and the displacement of the fasteners will lead to the formation of a wave on the flexible roof.


Strength is another important parameter for the roof. According to GOSTs, the bending strength for plywood with a thickness of 7-30 mm should be 25 MPa, the ultimate strength in bending along the main axis for OSB-3 with a sheet thickness of 6-10 mm should be at least 22 MPa. Solid veneer layers provide the plywood with greater impact resistance.

Impact of Impact on Plywood and OSB (OSB)
Plywood OSB


Cutting out the material is also an important feature that affects the speed and quality of work. Plywood consists of solid layers of veneer, therefore, when cutting with a hacksaw on a saw cut, the veneer cracks, as a result of which fringes and cracks form at the edges. Sawing plywood is usually done with a circular or band saw, sometimes tape is glued along the cutting line to avoid cracks in the layers. OSB in this respect has an unconditional advantage: the heterogeneous structure of the material is easily sawn even with a hand saw.

Sawing sheets of plywood and OSB using a hacksaw
LONG - Plywood FAST - OSB


Plywood and sheets of OSB-3 are fixed on the crate of boards using self-tapping screws or nails. To screw the screws into plywood, it is necessary to make holes for them in advance, OSB is easier in this regard, since this type of coating can be attached to nails without preliminary drilling.

Installation of fasteners in plywood and osb

Plywood OSB


It is not enough just to screw the sheets to the crate, you need the solid flooring to hold well. The fixation of the entire roofing depends on its strength. The retention parameters of fasteners for OSB and plywood are different. More homogeneous plywood holds the hardware in the sheet body better, so in regions with strong winds it is better to give preference to it.


Both materials contain phenol-formaldehyde resins as a binder, which release vapors harmful to humans into the air. Often in this matter, you can come across the myth that OSB is a safer material. In fact, according to GOST, all materials are subdivided by formaldehyde (E) emission into classes 1 and 2 for plywood and 0.5, 1 and 2 for OSB. For this reason, purchasing materials of the same class, the buyer will receive approximately the same formaldehyde emissions.

IMPORTANT. For roofing a room with a residential attic, it is recommended to use panel material with an emission class of no more than E-1.


Thus, we can confidently say that from the point of view of physical and technical parameters, plywood is more reliable materials for continuous flooring for flexible roofing. Whereas OSB-3 is a cheaper alternative. At the same time, the material is not devoid of advantages, which include ease of cutting and installation.

Moisture resistant plywood


Does not delaminate when swollen

Holds fasteners well



Simple cutting

Easy installation of fasteners


Building yard

OSB or plywood for soft roofing

Quite often it is necessary to create , which is an integral part of any roof structure. OSB roofing technology allows for durable and strong lathing. Of course, for some types of roofing, it is permissible to use a lathing with a running start, but no less fuss with it.

Benefits of OSB roofing technology

OSB board has several advantages:

1. Environmental safety, because during its production, wood shavings are used, and the glue introduced into its composition does not emit formaldehyde and other harmful substances.

2. The water resistance of the slab allows it to be used even for outdoor use, including for roof ends.

3. High mechanical properties of the slab allow you to create a continuous sheathing without additional reinforcement of the rafters. In general, OSB is a versatile material that is applicable for the construction of any frame partitions.

4. Due to the special arrangement of the chips in the mass of the board, it has excellent hardness, while maintaining plasticity (ie, the material is not brittle). The increased hardness of the material in relation to the board and plywood allows you to create strong and lightweight structures.

5. Large dimensions of the slab make it possible to quickly cover a significant area of ​​the roof, and the formed surface has no drops, and the seams between the slabs are minimal, which increases thermal insulation.

6. Roofing technologists from OSB allows you to create roofs of any configuration, because the plate is easy to cut.

OSB roofing technology

Before installation, you need to check that the rafter structure or lathing forms flat surfaces. Large irregularities and curvatures of the rafters will greatly affect the final appearance of the roof, as well as make it difficult to join OSB sheets.

The slabs are laid on the rafters with the long axis across, and with the short side to the end of the roof. This arrangement provides a greater number of fasteners, and therefore a better fastening of the structure. For correct fastening between the plates, H-shaped connectors (staples) are used, and the plates themselves are laid with a gap of 3 mm for thermal compensation, because the plate changes size depending on temperature and humidity. But installation and end-to-end is allowed.

The OSB roofing technology allows the slab to be laid on at least three supports, and ideally, the OSB thickness and the distance between the beams are selected to ensure a reliable structure.

The plates are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws along the beams with a pitch of 150-300 mm, and the distance from the edge should be at least 1-2 cm. When installing the roof, the load of the spans by the weight of the workers' body is not allowed, especially with large spans. You can use only the distributed load, for this, an additional board is temporarily attached to the beams on top of the slab, and used as a base for "walking".

And much more. If the material is used for the wall, as in frame houses, the OSB board can be insulated, and a variety of materials are suitable for this.

But in this article we will talk about how to use OSB under a soft roof. After all, this material can be an excellent base for your roof.

OSB thickness for a soft roof

The time has come to decide on the choice of material, and the problem is that OSB is produced in 4 classes and you need to choose OSB only with the necessary characteristics.

OSB under a soft roof should be of 3 classes, it is this class that is waterproof and can bear physical activity.

Now, we determine what the thickness of the OSB should be for a soft roof, everything will depend on the step of the rafters, and the larger it is, the thicker the sheets laid on top should be.

Here are some indicative data for the OSB thickness for the roof:

  • Step 300 - OSB thickness 9 mm.
  • Step 600 - OSB thickness 12 mm.
  • Step 900 - OSB thickness 18 mm.
  • Step 1200 - OSB thickness 21 mm.

Also, do not forget that with an increase in thickness, the weight of the OSB slab also increases, therefore, with large spans, the construction of a roof becomes much more complicated, and there is nothing for it to have excess weight. After all, this further gives additional loads on the walls and foundation.

Laying OSB under a soft roof can be carried out directly on the rafters. But for this it is necessary that their step was within 50-60 centimeters, and the thickness of the OSB was 12 mm.

Styling nuances:

  • OSB is laid perpendicular to the rafters.
  • The beginning and end of the OSB must end and, accordingly, must be attached to the rafters.
  • The sheets should be staggered so that the vertical seams do not line up.

Do not forget that OSB is a natural material and it will expand with temperature changes, so so that the edges do not crumble and the sheets do not warp, leave small gaps in the seams - from 3 to 5 millimeters.

It is necessary to fasten the material to the rafters with nails, and their length should be within 50 mm aisles, so that the material can move freely when expanding. If the nail is short, it can simply be pulled completely out of the rafters.

Nails are advised to use screw, this allows the fastening over time to be more reliable than with a conventional nail.

It is also very important that the OSB lay down parallel to the ridge, and strictly perpendicular to the rafters. If you overeat a few centimeters, the flooring won't forgive it. Your end edges of the OSB will be strongly chamfered in relation to the wooden roof frame.

To prevent this from happening, pull the rope that would be a guideline for laying the sheets and always check everything so that you do not have to disassemble everything later.

Of course, in some case, you can correct it by trimming the sheet, but if you trim each sheet, the work will become more complicated several times.

The main difficulty when laying OSB on rafters is lifting them there. For such work, one or even several assistants are needed.

Laying OSB under a soft roof on a crate

The above described option does not use a crate, therefore, laying OSB under a soft roof may not be of very high quality. The problem is that the long joints of the sheets actually lie in the air, which means that these places will be vulnerable at your roof.

And the problem is not at all that these edges can be deformed from the temperature drop. The fact is that when snow falls on the roof, it gives a very large load on all the material and there should be no weak points. A slight deflection and a hole may appear in your roof, which in a short time will render part of the roof unusable.

To avoid such sad cases, many craftsmen recommend additionally throwing a crate of 20 or 25 boards. The laying of such boards is done so that the long edges of the OSB fall on this crate and are attached to it. Inside, under the OSB, there should also be two more boards that do not allow the sheet to bend.

When laying OSB on the roof, pay special attention to the weather, or to protect the sheets from rain. When moisture gets in, the sheets swell and increase their volume by 2-3 mm - although they are moisture resistant ... And if you finish the roof with dry sheets, you will have a difference in thickness. And all this significantly degrades the quality of your roof.

Since sheets of 2440 × 1220 or 2500 × 1250 are usually used for such purposes, then the distance between the spans of the crate will be either 55 - 60 centimeters, when using one board under the middle of the OSB, or 35-40 when there are two boards.
In the first case, the thickness of the OSB-3 should be 12 millimeters, in the second, 9 mm of the panel will be enough.

The material is fastened to nails, the sheet is nailed along the perimeter and in the middle in one or two rows. The distance between nails in a row should be approximately 150 mm.

It is also unforgettable for the joints, in which the distance should be from 3 to 5 mm. This will allow the sheets to expand freely with changes in temperature. If this is not done, the sheets will begin to press on each other at the joints, they will at least crumble and deform.

Video - soft roof on osb

The main area of ​​application of OSB boards is the arrangement of structural elements of a building: roofs, floors, walls. At the same time, the installation of OSB slabs has some features, the knowledge of which will help to make the cladding of high quality and durable. Before starting the installation, you need to decide on the choice of hardware that will play a major role in securing the OSB.

Applicable nails and screws

There are many types of nails that are used depending on where the plate is attached and its weight:

  • finishing: used where camouflage is desirable and the likelihood of being pulled out is minimized. Often used in conjunction with glue.
  • round without a head: needed when laying floors, when installing frame structures and when fixing slabs with tongue-and-groove joints
  • with a hat: used where there is no need for camouflage;

There are also special nails that have a ring or screw type thread. Such hardware better hold the nailed plate, but are difficult to pull out.

It is best to fix the panels with screws designed for working with wood - the fastening reliability increases dramatically. In this case, the use of a much smaller number of screws is allowed when compared with the number of nails. If necessary, the screw can be easily unscrewed by switching the screwdriver to reverse.

Roof trim

Before starting installation, make sure that the battens or rafter legs are parallel. The surface must be leveled, and non-observance of this requirement leads to the impossibility of a reliable tongue-and-groove connection.

If the slabs prepared for installation are exposed to rain, then they must be dried before laying.

Before installation, make sure that the attic space has adequate ventilation (the total area of ​​the ventilation openings should be at least 1/150 of the total area horizontally).

The largest part of the operating load should fall on the long axis of the slab. The articulation of the short ends should be carried out on the roof supports. The long sides are joined on auxiliary supports, the connection method is a groove-comb or H-shaped brackets.

If the edges of the slabs are even (i.e., there is no spike and groove), then a dilatation gap of 3 millimeters should be left. This will enable the material to change its dimensions with temperature changes without compromising the quality of the coating.

The slab must lie on at least 2 supports (the connection must fall on them). Below is the dependence of the distance between the elements of the lathing on the thickness of the OSB (for roofs with a slope of no more than 14 degrees):

  • 1m: plate thickness from 18 mm;
  • 0.8 meters: thickness from 15 mm;
  • 0.6 meters: thickness from 12 mm.

When laying the slab next to the chimney, the norms established by SNiP must be observed. High-quality fastening of the OSB slab to the rafters is possible using ring nails from 4.5 to 7.5 cm long, or spiral nails 5.1 cm long. The distance to the edge of the slab cannot be less than 10 mm.

Installation of OSB on walls

Installation can be done in two ways: horizontally or vertically.

When bypassing window and door openings, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 3 mm.

With a distance between the wall supports of 40-60 cm, it is recommended that the wall cladding with a slab 1.2 cm thick is recommended. If thermal insulation is required, then it should be organized before the plates are fixed. As a heat-insulating material, preference should be given to mineral wool.

For fixing the plates, two-inch spiral nails (51 mm) or ring nails with a length of 4.5 to 7.5 cm are used. They must be driven every 30 cm into intermediate supports. At the junction of the slabs, nails are driven in every 15 cm. From the edge, nails should be hammered in with a step of 10 cm (no closer than 1 cm from the edge).

Dilatation gaps should also be left:

  • between the top edge of the slab and the crown beam: 1 cm;
  • between the bottom edge of the slab and the foundation wall: 1cm;
  • between slabs that do not have a groove-ridge connection: 0.3 cm.

Laying on the floor

Before laying the material, it is necessary to make waterproofing (if the floor is made on the ground floor).

OSB slabs should be connected on logs. If there are no grooves or ridges, maintain the same 3 mm gap. If a floating floor is planned, then leave a gap of 1.2 cm between the wall and the edge of the slab.

OSB sheets should be laid perpendicular to the logs. The long edges of the slabs should be connected to each other by means of a groove and a ridge, and in their absence - by H-shaped brackets. It is desirable that the joint rests on an auxiliary support. The short sides of the slab must be connected at the logs. The dependence of the thickness of the slab on the distance between the lags is shown below:

  • from 1.5 to 1.8 cm: the distance between the lags is no more than 40 cm;
  • from 1.8 to 2.2 cm: no more than 50 cm;
  • from 2.2 cm: distance - 60 cm.

For fastening, the same types of nails are used that are required for wall cladding and roof arrangement. On intermediate supports, nails are hammered in with a step of 30 cm, at the joints of the plates - with a step of 15 cm.

To increase the rigidity of the entire coating, giving it a holistic look, you can glue the plates to the logs. It will also be useful to glue the groove-comb connection.

It is necessary to use only synthetic glue (water-based compositions are ineffective due to the presence of paraffin in the structure of the slab).

OSB finish

After fixing, you will need wall decoration from OSB. The most common way is putty. This method allows all gaps in the joints to be sealed to prevent moisture penetration. Plus, a well-done work will help prepare the slabs for possible further finishing (for example, varnishing or painting).

For an aesthetically pleasing look, it is better to use slabs specially sanded by the manufacturer. In this case, you will have to spend less time and material on future finishing.

Before carrying out work, you should walk on the slab with finely cut sandpaper, and then cover the surface with a primer (it should not be water-based). Next, you need to choose how to putty OSB. It is better if the composition you choose is colorless. To do this, use one of the types of putty.

After completing this stage, you can think about how to decorate the walls from OSB. For example, it can be varnishing. The board should be varnished in 3-4 steps with complete drying of each layer. Coating with varnish will give the surface a shine and provide reliable protection against moisture penetration.

Another finishing method is painting. Use paint that does not contain water. After priming and putting putty on the OSB board, it can even be laminated or finished with a special film.

Most of the home decoration methods are available after the OSB wall cladding has been made in compliance with the technologies and recommendations of the manufacturer.

Installation of OSB slabs: wall cladding, fastening, surface finishing

Installation of OSB plates - correct cladding and fastening to supporting structures The main area of ​​application of OSB plates is the arrangement of structural elements of a building: roof, floor, walls. Wherein

Fastening OSB boards to walls inside the house. OSB internal sheathing technology.

Before talking about the technical details and intricacies of the inner lining of OSB or OSB plates (they are also OSB, OSB sheets), it is worth considering the feasibility of this event. Indoor installation of OSB boards takes place in two cases, namely:

  1. If you have a frame house and the frame is not sheathed yet.
  2. If the pattern and texture of OSB boards are an element of decor.

If you just need to level the walls, then drywall is better suited for this purpose, since it is cheaper and more convenient to work with during installation and further finishing.

Technologies for external cladding of a house are described in the article: fastening OSB plates from the outside. Here we will consider the issue of the correct installation of OSB plates on the walls inside the house.

The choice of plates for mounting OSB on walls inside the house

When using any material inside the house, including OSB boards, you should pay attention to its harmlessness to the health of the inhabitants of this house. It has already been 34 years since the appearance of OSB boards, and all these years the debate about the environmental friendliness of OSB boards has not stopped. In fact, there are grounds for these disputes, since indeed, when gluing chips, polymer resins containing formaldehyde are used. But formaldehyde is also found in many other surrounding things, for example, in fabrics in chipboard furniture, combustion products, etc.

OSB slabs on the walls inside the house.

To exclude the poisoning of people with formaldehyde, enlightened Europeans established control over the production of OSB boards and divided the harmfulness of the boards into classes. Plates with formaldehyde emission class E1 are harmless to human health and are used in the construction of residential buildings. Therefore, when buying OSB panels, choose a reliable and trusted manufacturer, as your health may depend on it. The Austrian four-star hotel Arlmont, the interior decoration of which is replete with OSB panels, will say better than any words about the environmental friendliness of OSB panels.

Hotel Arlmont, OSB sheets are used in the interior decoration.

OSB boards are divided into water resistance classes:

OSB-1 is the class of board most exposed to moisture and has the lowest strength. Such boards are used for the production of furniture.

OSB-2 is a class of boards with the same moisture resistance as OSB-1, but more durable. Such boards can be used for wall cladding in dry rooms.

OSB-3 - moisture resistant boards with high strength. They are suitable for installation in wet areas. But with prolonged contact with water, they are deformed.

OSB-4 - boards with maximum moisture resistance. They are able to withstand prolonged contact with water.

OSB4 boards are not widely popular due to their price, which is on average twice as high as that of OSB3 boards. Therefore, OSB3 boards are widely used. If they are treated with a primer or painted with paint, then such plates become resistant to prolonged contact with water.

Wall cladding of a frame house from the inside

Before proceeding with the inner cladding of a frame house, it is necessary to insulate the walls, close the frame from the outside and the insulation with a vapor barrier.

It is recommended to insulate the walls with mineral wool, and it is better with slab, since it is easier to work with it than with expanded polystyrene, it holds better in vertical structures and does not sink down, which happens with fiberglass insulation. Other heaters are not excluded and are also suitable for insulating the walls of a frame house. For more information on various heaters, see the article: choosing a heater.

After the walls are insulated, they must be closed with a vapor barrier. A vapor barrier membrane protects the wall from moisture penetration into it, which will keep the house frame and insulation dry. The vapor barrier is attached with an ordinary construction stapler, with an overlap of 10-15 cm and glued together with a special double-sided tape.

An example of the construction of a wall of a frame house. On the inside, a vapor barrier film is laid on the frame, OSB boards are attached on top of it.

The sheathing itself is made as follows, the sheets one after another are alternately screwed to the frame of the house. The gap between the sheets is 3 mm. Sheets are screwed with self-tapping screws for wood with a length of 35-40 mm. All holes (for windows, doors, mounting holes) are cut with a jigsaw.

Decorative wall cladding with OSB plates and lathing

It is best to use a metal profile as for plasterboard as a lathing. It is easy to install and does not deform like wood. When choosing wooden battens for the lathing, it is better to use dried wood bars, because such bars bend and curl less when they dry out. Installation technologies in both cases are not fundamentally different, therefore, we will consider them using the example of a crate made of metal profiles.

In order to sheathe the inner walls with OSB, you need to start by installing the sheathing on the walls of the room.

The crate mounting technology is as follows:

1. First, you need to install the starting profile, which is mounted on the adjacent walls, floor and ceiling as in Figure 1. On the sides, the profile should stand strictly vertically and close around the perimeter with the upper and lower profile.

Figure 1. The starting profile is mounted to the adjacent wall. And it closes with the upper and lower profile.

2. After installing the starter profile, it is necessary to make the markings on the wall for the suspensions. Since the suspensions will hold the vertical posts of the sheathing, it is necessary to mark in such a way that two solid OSB sheets meet in the middle of the profile, you also need to install one profile in the center of each solid OSB sheet.

The hangers are attached to the wall. The crate is attached to them.

3. Mount the profile. It is important, when fixing the profile on suspensions, to control the plane of the sheathing with the rule, so that in the future there is no “hole” or “belly” on the wall.

Installation of OSB boards on an internal wall using lathing.

After installing the battens, screw the OSB panels onto the self-tapping screws with gaps of 3 millimeters between them. The gaps allow in the future to avoid deformation of the boards due to their expansion with changes in humidity. After installation, the finished walls can be varnished or tinted according to individual preferences.

Installation of OSB sheets on walls inside the house

Technologies for the correct installation of OSB sheets on internal walls. How to properly fix OSB on the walls inside the house. Sheathing of a frame house. Installation with lathing.

A very convenient and multifunctional material for various construction work is oriented strand board. Since the production technology of these slabs is not complicated, for interior finishing work, the master can choose a specific option from the four types of OSB slabs, or consider special types of these slabs.

What are the sheets of these products made of? It's simple - wood chips are used (flat fragments are used), shavings: these materials are glued together and, in fact, an excellent finishing material is obtained. Three or four layers of chips or shavings - these are the indicators that can be called optimal. Installation of OSB on walls is more preferable than using the same chipboard.

However, oriented strand boards are a kind of modification of wood fiber material, a kind of modern analogue of it. If finances allow, it is better to choose OSB for facing work (plywood or chipboard is increasingly being abandoned today).

Scope of OSB, classification of plates

The decoration of houses inside is often performed with OSB plates.

Before considering the classification of slabs and deciding what is the best way to decorate walls from OSB, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of such material.

Types of OSB boards

Here everything is as follows:

  • First class OSB boards - they are usually chosen for premises where the level of humidity is low;
  • Type two - the material can be safely chosen for dry rooms, it is even used as a structural element during construction work;
  • 3 type of OSB - these boards are used in those rooms where there is a high level of humidity;
  • The fourth type of such products is used for cladding structures that are able to cope even with significant mechanical loads. Moreover, we are talking about conditions where there is a high level of humidity.

Application area

The material has a wide range of applications

One thing can be said about the field of application - the installation of OSB is a really urgent task, since such plates are used in many construction aspects.

It's just that this material has such a manufacturing technology, due to which all internal defects are simply excluded (at the same time, they very often appear in chipboard sheets - voids, uneven fillings). Due to all this, OSB is a more preferable option - it does not deform, does not shrink.

The tools necessary for working with OSB are available in any household

And now in detail - where exactly can such material be used?

  1. Often for walls, OSB cladding is a very profitable solution. Due to this approach, the house receives reliable protection from dampness, while also acquiring additional insulation. What is the most pleasant thing here: there is no need for additional finishing work after OSB installation;
  2. In the construction of frame-panel houses, OSB plates are usually used, which have a high level of moisture resistance;
  3. Since the material has such a valuable quality, a decent reusable formwork is obtained from it;
  4. It is used as a base when making external wall cladding, as well as in interior work - if finishing wooden country houses, cottages (from a bar, rounded logs);
  5. OSB slabs are your faithful assistant if you are making lathing, roof rafters. This material can work even under a serious load - it will definitely withstand the weight of not only the roof itself, but also all the accompanying loads (wind, snow) - even if natural tiles were laid on the roof (material that weighs a little);
  6. If in the house you need to level the floors or lay them from scratch - here again you can pay attention to the installation of OSB. It's just that such a plate is ideal for creating a very strong, even base. Better not to be found under plank floorboards, carpets or other coverings;
  7. Pay special attention to the process when it is necessary to fit the joints of the plates along the plane. If necessary, they must be equated - there is no way without it.

An interesting point - not every manufacturer can use OSB slabs as underlying layers - in the case of organizing floor coverings. And the panels are laid so that the smooth side is up.

What else does the master need to know? Following:

  • It is not necessary to apply an additional protective coating in the form of paint or varnish to the plates - the material initially has excellent protection in the form of a special impregnation;
  • It is not that difficult to process boards - about the same as regular wood. Screws, nails adhere perfectly to the surface. OSB plates are not afraid of rotting, fungal influences, the decorative qualities of such a material are at a height;
  • OSB panels are often used today in furniture production - after all, they are an excellent alternative to natural solid wood (but in terms of cost, they are significantly more profitable);
  • The material does not weigh so much - therefore, it is perfect for finishing, construction, painting and more.

How to finish a house faster

The material is easy to attach - this may explain its popularity.

It is quite logical that any owner wants to move into his house faster - especially if the construction is being carried out on his own. Private cottages are located separately from neighboring buildings - so in such a design you don't have to worry about your neighbors.

Here a well-grounded question may arise: maybe not to make a rough sheathing - but to immediately attach the finishing OSB materials directly to the frame racks?

Is this approach to business acceptable, or is it excluded?

If you pay attention to the instructions drawn up by professionals, it will immediately become clear: you cannot do this. There will also be justifications for this conclusion. Simply, it is important to insulate the house - only in this situation it will be comfortable in it (especially, in the Russian Federation, winters are cold - practically throughout the territory).

Why are frame cuts required at all - lower and upper? Everything is simple here: they form spatial rigidity - together with the skin. They can also be called mandatory elements if we consider the design of any frame structure.

A frame that does not have slopes, even with cladding, will retain its mobility - as in the case when there are any. However, if there is no cladding, you can imagine what the consequences might be.

External rough wall cladding

Installation of OSB can be performed outside

For rough cladding, many different materials are used today. There is definitely a choice - everyone will agree with this. Pay attention at least to the following options:

Any of these surfaces needs a final finish: it can be siding, plastering - with mesh or a layer of foam. It is believed that even boarding can be left as a final finish - but in this case, the wood will need to be processed additionally. Hydro-wind protection of the walls is also arranged under the boards.

In roofing works, such slabs are also used constantly.

You should consider the following: it is not recommended to trim the frame with a board - without rough, preliminary lining of OSB plates. Otherwise, there is a risk that the boards will unscrew in the fall or spring. In addition, it is important for the spatial rigidity of the frame.

You will get fewer joints due to the area of ​​OSB sheets - which cannot be said about working with other materials. OSB trim is usually done with a material whose thickness is 11-13 mm.

Let's consider in more detail:

  • The OSB boards are fastened to the racks so that there is a joint in the middle. And a small gap should remain between the plates - three to five millimeters are quite enough;
  • The sheet completely overlaps the lower strapping;
  • The upper harness is closely connected with the number of storeys of the house. It will be completely hidden - and the edge of the OSB slab will be aligned with the edge of the strapping if the structure has only one floor;
  • When a building consists of two floors, the sheet is arranged as follows: it must go onto the racks of both floors at once. But somewhere in the middle of the sheet, the upper strapping overlaps. This condition cannot be called mandatory, but if it is met, the rigidity of the structure increases significantly, which benefits the structure;
  • Sheathing with OSB plates, when fastening to a window opening in two-story houses, should be made with a solid sheet - this is exactly what the professionals advise. Then all the joints can be taken out to adjacent racks outside the opening racks. A window opening is simply cut into the slab - there is nothing complicated in such work;
  • When horizontal or vertical bridges are made in the frame, a very convenient joining of plates is obtained. In the event that these jumpers have the same cross-section as the racks - and this happens often;
  • Spiral nails are selected for fastening. Self-tapping screws are also suitable - 0.5 or 0.45 cm long. You should not refuse combined fasteners (both nails and self-tapping screws) - such a solution is considered very high quality.

Remember that basic rules for performing fastening work must be observed.

  1. It is customary to fix the finishing of OSB plates in intermediate sections every 300 mm;
  2. After 150 mm, the places where the plates are joined are fixed;
  3. After 100 mm, the outer edge must be stitched.

A room whose walls are sheathed with OSB

Also, you should know:

  1. The Super Diffusion Membrane is set depending on what the rough material is and what the finish is. For example, the membrane is often attached close to the insulation - to the frame racks;
  2. They make a crate (here they use slats made of wood, the cross section of which is 2 by 5 or 3 by 5 cm. Thanks to this design, the required gap will be achieved. Then you can finish the OSB surface with plates, LSU, DSP or sheathe boards;
  3. From inside the room, using the film, you can make the vapor barrier of the walls. The material is installed in such a way that it fits snugly enough to the insulation. A construction stapler is used for fastening. An overlap is made of joining - 150-200 mm, the joints must be glued with tape.

Plates can be laid on the floor - many do so

Finishing the structure inside

Many refuse to use drywall sheets in favor of OSB boards

Which is better: OSB cladding or plasterboard cladding? Many are unequivocally in favor of option number one - when it comes to interior finishing work in the house. It is quite difficult to keep the frame racks in an absolutely level state - when work is in progress, the same applies to drywall.

It's just that the sheets of this material are softer when compared to the osb plates. They will easily repeat all the irregularities - so then you will have to work hard to get a completely flat surface - more layers will need to be applied to align.

The OSB board is an order of magnitude harder in structure than drywall sheets, so that all flaws can be smoothed out to a certain extent. After that, they already begin to perform work related to finishing.

OSB-3 slabs and roofing works

In roofing work, the material has its advantages.

Roofing work is a very popular way to use material such as OSB boards. By the way, to cover the roof with OSB-3 slabs, a material thickness of 0.18 cm is quite enough.

  • Both the locking and the flat edge can have products. The first option is preferable;
  • The distance between the load-bearing beams should not be more than 609 mm - this applies to both the organization of sloped and flat roofs;
  • Whether the slabs are able to expand is of great importance. It is customary to leave a gap for each running meter: 2 mm is quite enough (believe me, this is enough);
  • When plates with even edges are laid, the gap is already made a little larger - 3 mm. Leave it around the perimeter of each slab - this is the only way to achieve optimal results;
  • To fasten the OSB to the roof, choose nails. Attached to supporting supports. There should be a distance between them: 10 cm or even more;
  • Finishing OSB slabs is attached with nails - they should have a length that exceeds the thickness of the slab by two to two and a half times (or even more) - this is quite normal.

Frame construction in full swing - cladding is present

If the interior is finished using OSB panels, then the following can be noted: a slab of polished panels will look better if appearance is very important in your space. For finishing such plates, it is better not to use ceramic tiles or wallpaper, as the manufacturers themselves recommend. And it's best to listen to their opinion!

Sheathing of internal walls with OSB slabs

Finishing walls and applying decorative coatings are of great importance in drawing up the design of a room. More recently, getting a flat plane was a difficult and time-consuming process that requires certain skills.

With the advent of new building materials, almost everyone can do it. Mounting OSB on walls is one of the possible options for wall cladding, which you can easily do with your own hands.

Features of the OSB slab and the main stages of wall cladding

Modern methods of interior decoration are strikingly different from those that were used 10-15 years ago. The long and complex process of plastering surfaces was replaced by simpler finishing options based on the use of drywall and OSB boards. At the same time, it is the oriented strand board that has all the necessary qualities that distinguish it from other building materials on the market.

OSB is a sheet material that consists of wood chips impregnated with a special adhesive and strongly compressed. Due to this structure, the material is able to withstand colossal longitudinal loads and withstands transverse forces quite well.

The surface of the finished board is coated with an additional layer of liquid paraffin and resins, which make it immune to the effects of a humid environment. Depending on the marking, the degree of protection of the sheet also varies. OSB-3 and OSB-4 are the most insensitive to moisture. Therefore, this material is most often used to create an external coating and interior decoration of rooms with high levels of humidity, like a kitchen or bathroom.

Wall cladding with a slab inside the OSB can be carried out using a material with a lower degree of security, such as OSB-1 or OSB-2. The standard dimensions of the slab are 2500x1200 mm. The only parameter that changes is thickness. It varies in the range of 6-22 mm, which helps to expand the scope of the material.

The best option for finishing work inside the premises is a sheet with a thickness of 10 mm, which allows not only to obtain a solid base, but also to save a significant part of material resources. Wall cladding with OSB slabs makes it possible to increase the level of thermal insulation of the room and is carried out using the following technology:

  • collection of tools;
  • preparatory work;
  • installation of the lathing;
  • laying insulation;
  • fixing OSB sheets.

All these stages are extremely important and require detailed elaboration. Strict adherence to the installation technology and a responsible approach to business is the key to obtaining a strong monolithic plane. Moreover, each of them can be done by hand without any problems.

Preparatory work and collection of the necessary tools

The process of decorating the walls with OSB slabs is clearly structured and begins with the collection of the necessary inventory. It is this stage that marks the beginning of work and is the eve of installation work. The list of required tools is as follows:

  • Tape measure, metal scissors or grinder, pencil, level, plumb line, hacksaw, screwdriver set, screwdriver, drill.

Such a list of tools is optimal and makes it possible to complete the entire cycle of decorating the walls with OSB plates with your own hands from the very beginning to the end. The list contains only the necessary inventory, which is indispensable in the process of installation work. If possible, it can be expanded by adding a laser level, jigsaw or other useful tool. Preliminary collection and preparation of inventory can significantly reduce the time of construction work and optimize them.

The essence of the preparatory work is the processing of the initial surface and the creation of optimal conditions for the installation of the frame structure. Also, their direct part is the marking. Initially, all debris and parts of the old finish are removed from the wall, and all cracks and holes are repaired. Some people mistakenly believe that preparation can be neglected, since the initial surface will be completely hidden under the OSB panels.

However, if one of the tasks of wall cladding is to improve its thermal insulation properties, adherence to this stage is mandatory. The presence of cracks significantly increases the thermal conductivity of the plane due to the formation of cold bridges with the subsequent displacement of the dew point into the building. Therefore, all cracks and holes must be completely repaired and all pieces of the old finish removed.

Marking is necessary to simplify installation work and determine the exact location of the frame structure. Based on the size of the OSB board, the optimal spacing between the posts will be their location every 50 cm. In this case, when the sheet is oriented horizontally, both of its edges will be fixed, since they will lie on the profile.

Erection of the frame system and laying of thermal insulation material

Wall cladding from the inside begins with the installation of the frame system. The main components of the lathing can be metal profiles or wooden beams. In this case, the first option is more preferable, since it is simpler and more convenient to use. The creation of the frame is carried out in accordance with the following scheme:

  • The CW or UW guide rail is fixed to the ceiling and floor according to the markings. Its purpose is to fix the vertical struts. It is fastened every 40-60 cm. At the same time, depending on the material of the initial surface, various fasteners are used. Dowels are used to work with concrete and bricks, and installation on a wooden base is carried out exclusively with self-tapping screws.
  • The first profile is the most important, since it is he who sets the direction of the future plane. It is carefully measured using a plumb line and level. The exposed post is installed in the grooves of the lower and upper profiles, and then additionally fixed with brackets in the middle.
  • At a distance of 50 cm from the first post, a second profile is installed, which is also carefully leveled. Its fastening is carried out in a similar way - first at the top and bottom points, and then in the middle. The size of the step between the central parts of the racks at any point in the profile should be 0.5 meters.
  • All subsequent profiles are mounted in the same order to the opposite wall. To increase the bearing capacity, cross members are installed between the profiles. They are made from an ordinary CD profile and are designed to additionally tie the structure.

The finished frame is the ideal basis for creating an OSB wall. When creating partitions indoors, the crate can be not insulated and immediately sheathed with particle boards. However, when it comes to finishing the walls facing the street, it is better to use the interframe space with benefit, filling it with thermal insulation material. Most often, mineral wool is used to insulate frame systems, which is sold in a single roll or in the form of square mats.

The standard width of any kind of material is 60 cm. It is laid close to the wall so that the starting plane is completely covered and does not contain gaps. All seams are adjusted and sealed as much as possible. A vapor barrier is mounted on top of the insulation layer, designed to protect it from the influence of the smallest particles of moisture.

Fixing OSB boards to the crate: the structure of installation work and its features

You need to fix the OSB carefully, starting from the bottom point, best of all from the corner. Immediately before installation, the material is not processed in any way. The main thing is to give him the necessary dimensions and take into account all the design features of the room. The orientation of the sheet is also irrelevant. It can be mounted both horizontally and vertically. Although the installation of OSB inside the house does not contain any secrets, it must be carried out using the following technology:

  • The first slab is installed in the very corner of the plane so that at least 7-10 mm of free space remains between the surface of the adjacent wall. This gap is necessary to avoid deformation of the sheets, which can occur as a result of thermal expansion of the material. The location of the slab is carefully measured in terms of level and plumb line.
  • The plate is fixed using self-tapping screws for metal. For work with 10 mm sheets, the optimal length of the fasteners is 16-20 mm. OSB is fixed with self-tapping screws every 10-15 mm
  • The second sheet is installed directly above the first and is also carefully checked. The slabs do not fit closely. Taking thermal expansion into account, the required clearance is 2–3 mm. The use of a drill for drilling the places of future fastenings greatly facilitates the procedure for fixing the top sheets.

Using a similar principle, sheathing the wall with OSB slabs will not be difficult. Subject to the installation technology and strict adherence to the proposed plan, the finished surface will differ not only in uniformity, but also have an excellent appearance. In addition, the procedure for laying an additional layer of thermal insulation will make the building significantly warmer and save a significant part of the material resources for heating it.

Wall decoration with osb slabs is the second most popular way to obtain a perfectly flat plane, after drywall. Moreover, its load-bearing characteristics will be much higher compared to the same plasterboard structure. The reliability of such a system is due to the qualities of the oriented strand board and its thickness. The best option for wall decoration is 10 mm sheets, the cost of which varies in the region of 900-1100 rubles.

Wall cladding with OSB slabs inside: the structure of installation work and their characteristics

With the advent of new building materials, almost everyone can do it. Mounting OSB on walls is one of the possible options for wall cladding, which you can easily do with your own hands.