Find out the name of your guardian angel. How to find out the name and age of your guardian angel

Imagine the situation: a man took a plane ticket, but suddenly something delayed him. Perhaps the car did not start, the taxi arrived late, the keys disappeared, although it seemed that they should have been “right here”, the ill-fated passport disappeared somewhere again. In a word, the man was late for landing. Sadness and mat! But suddenly, after 1-2-5 hours, they say on TV or radio that the plane that he was so eager to get on exploded in the air (fell, sunk into the abyss, and so on). What is it: fate, providence, or the help of the intercessors of mankind - the angels of God? And if the latter, then who are they, what are their names, how old are they and how to get acquainted? Let's try to figure it out. If you are interested in how to recognize your guardian angel, read on.

Are there angels?

You can not believe in the existence of celestials in only two cases: you are not an Orthodox person or you have never held a Bible in your hands. On the pages of this Christian book, heavenly protectors are mentioned more than 300 times. Jesus Christ Himself, according to Matt. 10:18, said that they should not be offended or despised, for they always see the face of Heavenly Father and can tell him everything. The Lord, in turn, is able to convey his will to people through them.

Orthodox guardian angels

In Christianity, they are considered to be the messengers of God to protect earthly man. According to beliefs, they begin their position from the moment the baby is baptized in the church and freed from original sin. After that, they lead a person throughout his life by the handle and protect him to the best of his ability. They can retreat from their own duties in one case - if the former ward embarked on an unrighteous path, was tempted by the promises of demons.

Sky Guardian Abilities

The strength of the angels is given by God, whom they can see. It is he who determines what ability this or that heavenly intercessor will have, what he will do. According to many Christian legends, celestials are able to protect not only people, but entire states. If there is a war, they do not participate in it, but fervently pray to the Heavenly Father for the admonition of people. All angels are given the opportunity:

  • be invisible or visible to the eye (at will);
  • influence the material world;
  • to see a person and his thoughts, to intercede for him;
  • destroy entire cities if necessary.

But they cannot punish a person for something, since it is not in their power. It is the Lord himself who does it. Many are interested in how to recognize your guardian angel, but first try to determine if you have one or have long gone.

Do you have a heavenly protector?

People who happily escaped any tragic situations are considered lucky and say that they have a heavenly intercessor. Allegedly, it was he who hurried to their aid, closed his wing from trouble. But how do you know if you have a guardian angel, will someone invisible come to the rescue if trouble happens? In fact, it is quite simple to determine this, you need to look:

  1. To your dreams. In them you can sometimes see a person who gives a hint or warns against something. This is the guardian angel.
  2. Realistic visions. Angels are able to appear before their wards in the form of quite ordinary people. Therefore, if you saw a handsome old man (an old woman, a woman in white) and he warned you about something, it is better to listen.
  3. Otherworldly voices that sound somewhere from the outside, but do not have a source. They can be heard both at the moment of your awakening from sleep, and when you are alone at home, and among others. An important sign is that no one but you hears voices and sounds.
  4. Signs - numbers, letters, symbols and so on. If, for example, you see the same number everywhere, you should pay close attention to it and try to decipher the message.
  5. Strange but pleasant feeling. For example, a delicious smell that only you feel may indicate that a guardian angel is somewhere nearby.

Evidence of the existence of your protector is also occurring, seemingly random events: you missed the plane, and it collapsed; suddenly left the place where they stood for a long time - a brick fell; moved from one place to another on the bus - an accident occurred, half the transport was demolished, you miraculously survived. All this means that someone carefully guards you.

Man or woman?

According to the Bible, angels do not have a specific gender, as well as a bodily image. But they can, if necessary, take on one form or another. If you are wondering how to recognize your guardian angel by gender, you should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, this is 11/29/1968: 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 37. It turned out an odd number, which means that a person has a heavenly patron - a woman or a girl. If you get an even number - respectively, a man or a boy, depending on how old he has already turned out.

How old is he/she?

After you have decided who it is - he or she, you can calculate the age of the guardian angel. To do this, add the numbers of the day and month of birth. In our case, this is 29 + 11 = 40 years old (quite an adult young lady, it is worth noting). But it may also fall out so that the defender (or intercessor) turns out to be a very small child. You shouldn't worry about it. Even earthly children see and feel much better than their parents, let alone the heavenly ones.

Who is by nature?

The most interesting thing about how to recognize a guardian angel by date of birth is the ability to understand how he is - kind or mischievous, brave or touchy, and so on. To do this, it is enough to calculate the number of his element. You should look at the day of the month in which you were born. If the number is single-digit, you need to look at it, and if it's two-digit - at the last one. In our case, this is 9, look:

  • 0 - element "Fire". Very strong and courageous guardian angels, able, like the legendary Phoenix bird, to be reborn from the ashes. They are ready to fight for the ward to the bitter end, to take any risk if necessary (within reason, of course). The people they protect are called the lucky ones or the lucky ones.
  • 1 - element "Holiness". These angels are considered the most kind, calm and able to help in resolving any problems. It is their faces, along with the images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Saints, that icon painters most often depict on their canvases. A person under their care is often ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.
  • 2 - element "Light". If you're wondering how to recognize your guardian angel, then you're in luck. The heavenly patrons of light love to appear in the mirror, communicate with a person and warn him of all sorts of dangers. In addition, they often kiss their wards. Where do you think you have so many cute freckles on your face?
  • 3 - element "Air". These are angels with large invisible wings and a rather carefree character. They rush to help if the ward asks for their protection, the rest of the time they mostly go about their business.
  • 4 - element "Wisdom". Very smart angels who can help in making the right decisions. The people they protect are also quite wise, have developed intuition, and succeed in their studies and careers.
  • 5 - element "Metal". Bold, cold and strong angels with powerful wings. They come to the rescue if a person is crying or grieving. The more it hurts you, the stronger they will become. Wards of such heavenly protectors live a very long time.
  • 6 - element "Rainbow". These angels are very funny. They play violins, flutes with pleasure, they are able to change their own appearance. Give clues through dreams. Their wards are extraordinary people with developed creative abilities.
  • 7 - element "Energy". These are the most touchy defenders of a person, but also very devoted, faithful. It is worth not heeding their warnings sent through prophetic dreams, they will fly away and will not return until you strongly ask for it.
  • 8 - element "Man". These angels are like ordinary people. In fact, they can be them, or rather the souls of deceased relatives or friends. They always come to the rescue, look after the person entrusted to them, take care of him.
  • 9 - element "Heat". The most optimistic angels with warm wings. They can take the form of animals to be closer to the wards. The people they protect usually have everything harmonious and calm in life.

What is your angel's name?

If you are interested in how to find out the name of the guardian angel by date of birth, then you must remember: there is nothing impossible in this. In Christianity, it is generally accepted that it matches the name given to you at baptism. However, this is not entirely true, the defender can be called differently. To hear how, you need to sit more comfortably, relax, renounce worldly thoughts, close your eyes and ask the question of interest to the angel.
If the same name comes to your mind several times, then it is. To make sure, it is enough to ask the intercessor to give some kind of sign. It is best to do this on the day of your angel, which is indicated in the Orthodox calendar. But remember that at such a moment you must be pure spiritually and in heart, otherwise he may refuse to communicate with you.

How to see a guardian angel?

So, we figured out how to find out the name of your guardian angel, his gender, age and element. But sometimes this is not enough. After all, I want to not only understand what it is, but also to see it. Of course, this cannot be done, but with a little practice, you can feel his presence very close by. To do this, you need to sit in a warm environment on the floor or sofa, on which lies something beautiful (pillow, blanket, and so on).

You should sit as comfortably as possible, straightening your back and closing your eyes. Imagine that a bright golden color is spreading around, and roots are going from the legs to the floor. Ask the heavenly intercessor to come, whose name you heard before when you looked at how to recognize the guardian angel by date of birth. You can feel it nearby by a sudden sensation of warmth, a slight breath of a breeze or a lightness that has spread throughout the body (this is purely individual).

At such a moment, you should ask to hug you, touch you or give you advice. After a few minutes, it is recommended to sincerely thank for the communication and let go of the angel, since he cannot stay on earth for a long time. When you open your eyes, at first you will find yourself as if in a fog, but not sticky and heavy, but light and airy. Your heart will be good!

Prayer to your heavenly intercessor

The question of how to find out the name of your guardian angel is, of course, an interesting one. You can sit for days and count various numbers, finding out the answer. But you should not forget to sometimes pray to your intercessor. You can do this at any time when you feel scared, bitter, offended or hard. The words are simple, but very true: “My angel, come with me. You are in front, I am behind you.

It is worth saying this simple phrase so that the celestial will hear you and come to the rescue. You yourself will be surprised how it will become easy and calm in your soul, as if someone really closed his invisible wing from the outside world and its cruelty.

Should we trust the results?

Well, the answer to the question of how to find out who your guardian angel is is given. Now you can independently determine his name, gender, age and character. But we should not forget that all these formulas and decodings for them were invented by people - the same as you and me. How things really are, no one knows.

Each person has his own guardian angels who protect him throughout his life. Knowing them, you can turn to them in difficult times with any request or question. The patron saints will help you become bolder and more confident in your actions.

Angels are always near. To turn to them, you only need to open your soul and heart towards the Higher Forces. Site site experts also recommend using appeals to angels for every day of the weekto change life for the better and get around difficulties.

Guardian angels by date of birth

December 22 - January 20. Your angels are the mighty saints Sylvester and Seraphim of Sarov. Also, the icon of the Mother of God "Sovereign" acts as an intercessor in pressing matters. You can safely address your patrons by name, and they will certainly respond to your prayers. In front of the icon, you can ask for sincere love and understanding with your spouse, the search for true love if you are alone.

January 21 - February 20. Those born during this interval can safely turn to the icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya" and the patron angels Athanasius and Cyril. These saints will tirelessly be near you and will definitely come to the rescue in difficult times. Site site experts advise people born on these dates to pay attention to the Burning Bush icon. In front of these icons, you can pray for health and ask for protection from ill-wishers.

February 21 - March 20. The intercessor in worldly affairs for you is the icon of the Iberian Mother of God, before which prayers are offered to protect yourself and people close to you from all kinds of misfortunes. In spiritual anxieties, you can ask for patronage and advice from Saints Alexy and Milenty of Antioch.

March 21 - April 20. Those born in the spring are guarded by Saints Sophronius and Innocent of Irkutsk, as well as the Hodegetria icon. This face is a guiding star for you and is able to heal all ailments and diseases, being miraculous and endowed with Higher powers. Site site experts recommend that people born during this period contact the saints with requests to improve the health of their own and their relatives.

April 21 - May 20. People born at this time are protected by Saints Stephen and Tamara, who are invisibly nearby and protect from negativity and evil. Each of those born in the April-May time can resort to the help of the icon "Guide of Sinners". This shrine is able to cleanse the soul of negativity, put thoughts in order and indicate the right path to light and truth.

May 21 - June 21. The patron saints of those born in these numbers are Alexei and Konstantin. These saints are strong protectors, able to drive out any evil from life. The icon before which you need to offer prayers is the “Vladimir” Mother of God, protecting and guiding on the true path all those who need support and heavenly blessings.

June 22 - July 22. The Holy Angel Kirill and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are the patrons of people born from June 22 to July 22. The icon and prayers in front of it are able to expel any sorrows and insults from life, and the guardian angel invisibly protects his wards from adversity and ill-wishers on the way to well-being.

July 23 - August 23. Those born from the middle to the end of summer are protected by Ilya the Prophet and Nikolai Ugodnik. Their presence in people's lives helps to cope with difficulties and gain self-confidence. Protects the rest and the icon "Protection of the Holy Mother of God", giving help and protection to everyone who asks, quenches troubles and sorrows.

August 24 - September 23. Strong heavenly patrons John, Paul and Alexander help people born in the period from late summer to mid-September. The “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God acts as an image-defender. In front of her, every believer can ask for protection and protection from adversity and negativity that create obstacles on the path of life.

September 24 - October 23. Tireless protection over people born on these dates is carried by St. Sergius of Radonezh, mentor and patron of every Christian. The icon-protector is the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God. Her strength helps everyone to gain true faith, strength and justice in relation to ill-wishers, confidence and calmness in making decisions.

October 24 - November 22. The guardian of people born at this time, St. Paul, helps everyone fight evil within themselves and achieve enlightenment by finding harmony with themselves and the outside world. The icon-protector for them is the "Quick Hearer", who heals bodily and mental illnesses, bestows peace and tranquility in the family, and guides on the true path.

November 23 - December 21. The patron angels of these people are Saint Barbara and Nikolai Ugodnik. It is first of all necessary to pray to those born on these dates in front of the face of Our Lady of the Sign. This icon relieves bad influence, helps to find true friends, and also helps to heal deep spiritual wounds.

True faith allows each person to gain self-confidence, start a path filled with deep meaning and satisfaction, contributes to gaining wisdom and spiritual kindness. Site site experts recommend that everyone contact their heavenly patrons at any time when their soul and heart require it. We wish you sincere happiness and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Finding out who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy is quite simple.

You can determine the nature, gender and age of your patron, as well as find out his name and establish contact with the divine essence - this is useful to every person.

Almost everyone knows who the Guardian Angel is in Orthodoxy. However, not everyone understands the importance of knowing his name, character, and other details about his heavenly patron. What gives an understanding of the nature of your patron? The features of his character will help you navigate if you want to make contact with your angel in order to receive his help and be able to recognize the prompts of angels.

So, how to find out what is your Guardian Angel by date of birth in Orthodoxy?

This will require only the number of your birth. Thus, you can calculate the character of the Guardian Angel of any person. What does it give? There is a lot of information about an enemy or a friend that you cannot find out in other ways. The second number of the date of birth will tell about the temper of your patron. That is, if you were born on the nineteenth day of the month, the number corresponding to the character of the Angel is 9, and if on the second day - 2.

Read below for the meanings of all ten possible options.

0 - you got a keeper with a fiery disposition. He is almost omnipotent and can be reborn like a phoenix. This Guardian Angel can help in any situation - from minor difficulties to complex and dangerous situations. If it is he who protects you, you are very lucky.

1 - holy angel. Among all the rest, he is considered the most active defender who will never leave his ward in trouble. However, not everything is so rosy - such angels always go to people with a particularly weak energy field, who really need powerful protection from evil.

2 - your angel is bright. In the images, these can be seen with large white wings - they are larger than those of other representatives of the heavenly defenders of mankind. They are always close to those they protect. At birth, your angel kissed you. Kisses of angels, as a rule, take the form of moles and freckles - especially if the meaning of the mole is positive according to ancient signs. A bright angel always keeps in touch with his ward with the help of angelic numerology, dreams and even reflections in mirrors. Pay more attention to unusual things in your environment, and you may find traces of the presence of the Guardian Angel.

3 - air angel. He likes to express himself with the help of rustles and other unusual sounds. There is no need to be afraid of them, this is how the Guardian Angel shows his presence and support. Often he shows frivolity and goes away for a long time on his own business, leaving the ward alone. However, the latter can always call on an angel, and also turn to him with the help of a prayer - the air Guardian Angel will hear and rush to help.

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4 - you have been granted the protection of a wise Guardian Angel. His help lies in sending the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. Wards of the sage angel are quickly moving up the career ladder - they know what needs to be done for this. Such people are prudent, intelligent and able to carefully think through the situation and its consequences. It is better to listen to their advice if you want things to be the way you need.

5 - metal angel. Of course, it does not look like an iron statue. The angel of metal protects only courageous, determined people with a strong character. He appreciates when his ward shows willpower. This angel helps both physically and spiritually, if you make contact with him, the Guardian Angel will protect you from any trouble.

6 - rainbow angel. Such patrons go to people with creative inclinations. Representatives of creative professions are often prone to sudden mood swings - from inspiration to despondency. The Rainbow Guardian Angel helps to disperse longing and get rid of depression, often he inspires his ward to new creative successes.

7 - energetic angel. He is active and wants to be in constant interaction with his ward. However, this Guardian Angel is distinguished by changeability and resentment. In order not to lose his help, constantly thank the angel for all the good things that happen to you. You can get in touch with him the same way.

8 - the spirit of a deceased relative or close friend acts as your Guardian Angel. After his death, he decided to become your patron. Such an angel is well acquainted with the character of his ward, he is merciful and always ready to help. To establish contact with him, you should honor the memory of a relative or friend who decided to become your Guardian Angel, thank him for his help and read prayers addressed to him.

9 - your angel has a warm character. He is always kind to his charges and likes to inspire them with optimistic thoughts. The life of a person under the patronage of such an angel is full of harmony and happiness.

Are there icons of the Guardian Angel by the name of a person

The icon of the Guardian Angel by the name of a person is an obvious myth. There is a Guardian Angel, and there is a saint, in whose honor you were given a name at baptism. Both of them are your patrons, but they are completely different personalities. This fact proves, among others, the existence of separate prayers to the Guardian Angel and the saint to whom you wish to turn. They should pray in the morning - first to the angel, and then to the saint.

Guardian Angels named after a person is a myth. Only a saint wears the same with you, and that is given in his honor and known to you since baptism. You can turn with the help of prayer to any of the saints - not only the one in whose honor you were given a name at baptism will hear you. There are many recommendations regarding the correspondence of saints and situations in which it is customary to ask for their help.

For example, they pray to the Holy Matrona to get rid of infertility. There is only one angel, but there are exceptions, which can be read below.

Guardian Angel in Orthodoxy - find out age and gender

Angels also have an age, but it never changes. In addition, you can find out its gender.

If you are wondering who protects you from life's adversities, sum up the numbers of the day and month of your birth. For example, for a person born on August 8, the calculations will be as follows: 0 + 8 + 0 + 8 \u003d 16 In our example, the angel is only 16 years old, but how many centuries in a row he is sixteen is unknown. However, he looks exactly the same age.

In order to find out the gender, you need to sum up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, in our example with the date 08/08/1996, the calculations will be as follows: loading ... 0+8+0+8+1+9+9+6 = 41 Now we bring the number to a single-digit form: 4+1 = 5 5 is an odd number, so the angel is female. If the number were even, the gender of the angel would be male.

So, in our example, it turned out that the angel is a sixteen-year-old girl.

How to find out the name of your angel - effective ways

If you know the name of your angel, it will be much easier for you to make contact with him. People who are in constant interaction with their heavenly patron are always protected. It is almost impossible to damage them or harm them in any other way. They are lucky even in the most difficult situations.

Next, methods will be described that are a kind of acquaintance with the Guardian Angel. Looking ahead, keep in mind that the name can be very unusual. Do not take it for nonsense, disbelief can offend an entity close to God. Try to concentrate better and pronounce the name several times - you may find a secret meaning in it.

Sometimes angels do not want to write letters to their familiar wards and use unfamiliar symbols and signs. Do not hesitate, they add up to what you were looking for, but the angelic message will have to be deciphered. So, how to find out the name of your angel?

The first way is mechanical writing. To do this, you need to be able to enter a trance. Put a pen and paper in front of you, induce a special state of consciousness, mentally call your keeper and ask for his name. If you get it right, the angel will write his name in your hand. It can help to find out who your Guardian Angel is by name in Orthodoxy, meditation.

It is not at all necessary for him to answer during it, he may even dream, and even after a few days. If there is no answer from the angel, most likely you did not concentrate enough, and the angel was offended by the abundance of extraneous thoughts in your head during such an important acquaintance.

Another way is sleep. If you have learned to be conscious of dreams, this will be a plus. You can call on your protector while traveling through the depths of your subconscious and ask for his name. If this is not available to you, ask the question mentally before falling asleep. Most likely, the angel will answer it by dreaming about you.

The face of an angel - can you see it

In iconography, the Guardian Angel is usually depicted as a young youth with white wings, a drawn sword and a cross. His images appeared only in the 16th century, while Byzantine iconography, samples of which date back to the 11th century, does not contain them at all. It is believed that the face of an angel is hidden from people. You can see him only after death - the Guardian Angel appears to the dying to become the guide of his soul to the afterlife.

A logical conclusion follows from this - no one has seen the Guardian Angels. Even if we assume that the icon painter died and resurrected after that, he could only capture his patron, because it is known that every person has his own angel, or even more than one. But, the face of the keeper can be tried in a dream.

Again, if you are able to control dreams, you can try to call the angel, ask for a name and try to make contact. It is known from the lives of the saints that sometimes angels show their faces to people, but this is very rare. Usually they prefer to help their wards, remaining invisible.

How many angels does a person have according to Orthodoxy

Many people are concerned about the question of how many angels a person has according to Orthodoxy. Most people believe that there can be only one Guardian Angel, but this is not so. The number of patrons depends on the level of spirituality of a person. In fact, the average person can have from one to nine angels.

The largest number of them patronized St. Nicholas - he had 27 guardians. The more patrons a person has, the more successful and happy he is. It is easy for him to solve problems and achieve goals. Losers are called people who have been abandoned by their angels.

They can return, and for this you need to live according to your conscience, do good and not expect gratitude for this. You can also read a prayer-appeal to the Guardian Angel in order to attract the attention of divine forces.

With the help of magic, you can increase the number of guardians. As a rule, we are talking about black magic. However, the defenders called with its help will refer to dark angels, the spirits of dead people, demons and other evil spirits.

According to legend, most sorcerers have helper demons that do not let their soul into the afterlife. Therefore, black magicians die hard and for a long time - until they manage to transfer the dark gift and demons to the next carrier. In general, each person should know how to establish contact with his personal guardian, given by the Lord.

With the help of simple manipulations, you can find out the name, age, character and even gender of your patron. However, it will only be possible to see him in a dream or after death. There may be more than one angel, many people receive protection from two or more guardians.

The number of guardian angels in a person is a long-standing subject of theological disputes. There is a version that there is only one guardian angel, there are other judgments on this matter. How many heavenly intercessors does a person actually have? Why are these creatures needed and do they help in spiritual endeavors? And under what circumstances does a person have a guardian at all?

Most Internet users tend to think that people have exactly two guardian angels. The Orthodox Church assures that a person cannot have more than one guardian. There are conflicting reports that, accompanied by some celebrities, there are almost dozens of guardian angels. Let's try to find the truth together.

Guardian Angel - who is it

Before dealing with the number of guardian angels, let's define who they are. Guardian angels are mentioned primarily in Abrahamic religious systems. Christianity is one of these religions. In general, an angel is a supernatural being that lives in the afterlife. For people, these creatures are invisible, and their name is translated as "messenger". Here are some interesting facts about guardian angels:

  1. These creatures protect the soul and body of man.
  2. Angels have their own hierarchy.
  3. The greatest power of the Seraphim.
  4. The guardian takes care of a person throughout his life.
  5. To receive your own angel, you need to go through baptism.
  6. There are cases when a person overcame severe trials with the help of a guardian angel.

There is a rather interesting hypothesis about the appearance of guardian angels. If you believe this hypothesis, human souls become angels, not ready to pass through the gates of Paradise. Guardian angels return to the human world, live among us and do good deeds. A relative can love you so much that after death he stays and looks after your destiny.

Preliminary conclusion: a personal angel is allocated to a person who helps to cope with life's adversities. Guardian angels are divine messengers, they can communicate with you through signs and symbols. A person should not neglect angelic advice, since the guardian is easy to offend. Angels constantly take care of a person and have incredible power, backed up by divine intercession.

When a person has a guardian angel

There are fanatics who are sure that the Lord provides guardian angels exclusively to adherents of their religion. In fact, every person is given an intercessor from birth. Religions may differ quite significantly, but God is one. Therefore, the principles of obtaining guardian angels remain unchanged. The appearance of an angel is not affected by:

  • religion;
  • origin;
  • nationality;
  • wealth level.

Each person has a guardian angel given to him upon birth.

You may not trust the guardian, you may not feel his presence, but this does not mean the absence of an angel. Religious people know that from early childhood, a heavenly intercessor begins to help a person. There is another fact: in infancy, our mother's invisible helper joins our guardian angel. Together, the guardians avert terrible misfortunes and misfortunes from a person.

Priests believe that the power of guardian angels depends on the faith of their ward. A person's lifestyle and additional prayers can also strengthen intercessors. It is customary to thank the guardian angel for the help - then he will try even more. Remember that angels are good creatures, they cannot tolerate the evil deeds of their wards. A person should avoid:

  • foul language;
  • bad thoughts;
  • negative emotions;
  • bad habits.

How to find out how many guardian angels a person has

For many centuries, religious theorists have been struggling with the question of how many guardian angels a person can have. Opinions are fundamentally different. The Orthodox Church stands on the fact that a person can have only one guardian angel. According to other "experts", the maximum number of guardian angels in ordinary mortals can reach nine. Holiness increases this parameter many times - some sources mention the number 27 (Nikolai Ugodnik). At the moment, this is a record - the largest number of heavenly intercessors assigned to a single person.

The number of guardian angels directly affects our luck. The more patrons, the faster the person achieves the intended goals. Based on this theory, it can be assumed that the losers are those whom the guardian angels have long abandoned. Sometimes angels return to the sufferers - for this to happen, you need to get back on the right track. On the Internet, information flashes about the percentage of guardian angels to the population of the planet. It turns out an interesting picture:

  1. One intercessor - 15% of the earth's population.
  2. Two or four angels per person - 10%.
  3. More than five patrons - 10%.
  4. Three guardian angels - 65% (most people).

How many invisible patrons are assigned to the most successful people? It is logical to look for such lucky ones among famous saints and defenders of the Orthodox faith. The following saints had the largest number of guardian angels:

  • Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Nikolay Ugodnik;
  • Sergius of Radonezh;
  • Xenia of Petersburg.

Please note that the inhabitants of the Russian lands are most often taken under the protection of guardian angels. Do you know how many holy places are on the planet? There are 12 in total, five of which are located in Russia. This is probably why Russian people are best provided with guardian angels. There is one good way to check if you have an angel. Religious leaders consider love to be an angelic gift. Do you have strong feelings for someone? If a person has compassion, empathy, love - this is a sure sign of angelic patronage.

How to get a second angel

The number of guardian angels may change over time - up or down. This process directly depends on the actions of a person. By doing bad deeds, you risk losing intercession. Sometimes it seems: how many good things he did, but luck did not increase. Have patience, as your guardian angel has it. Do not judge other people, strive for righteousness. Remember that angels come and go, but no one leaves their charges for longer than seven years. Here is a list of actions that need to be performed so that the number of guardian angels increases:

  1. Check your own date of birth. If there is a seven in it, the probability of having a "bonus" guardian angel increases.
  2. Save other people's lives. You can help drowning people, those who got into a fire or became a victim of an earthquake. The second option is love, participation, good advice. If trouble overtook a person, and you were there and helped, this can increase the chances of a second guardian angel appearing. In this case, you should be careful - your actions should not aggravate the situation. If a “smart” recommendation harms your neighbor, the angel may leave you.
  3. Choose the right spouse (or spouse). Guardian angels love to help families in which harmony reigns.
  4. Try to be attentive to the guardian angel. Pray earnestly, communicate with him, heed his advice. Usually communication with angels takes place in the format of internal dialogues.
  5. Develop spiritually, trust your intuition. Invisible threads are stretched between people and guardian angels, the essence of which is very difficult to comprehend. Premonitions may well turn out to be the will of an angel.
  6. If you successfully resist temptations, higher powers may well reward you with another guardian angel. When making a moral choice, rely on your own conscience, because a person must have spiritual aspirations.

And what can famous people, our contemporaries, boast of? A number of celebrities have no shortage of angels - according to the media, of course. Moreover, one person sometimes has more than 9 intercessors. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Pierre Richard, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brigitte Bardot - 14 per person;
  • Alain Delon, Vanga - 12;
  • Gerard Depardieu - 13;
  • Catherine Deneuve - 9;
  • Valery Leontiev -15.

Recall that the above facts about guardian angels do not correspond to the spirit of Orthodoxy. In the Slavic tradition, a person can have only one protector. Orthodox believe that the main thing in an angel is strength. Another important point: no one orders the guardian angels to choose you. The heavenly host is guided by its own considerations.

Why does a person need a guardian angel

A person constantly talks about his guardian angel, but does not always realize the purpose of the divine messenger. And why did the angel need to accompany us at all? We note right away that a bright spirit always accompanies a person, but does not always help him. In order for the guardian angel to operate in full force, you need to go through the rite of baptism. The introduction of a person to Christianity gives the angels complete freedom of action. Now you can count on:

  • protection from dark forces;
  • escort by an angel of the soul to the afterlife;
  • providing a person with information about impending disasters;
  • help in overcoming human trials;
  • miraculous rescues in catastrophes;
  • guide to the right path.

Often patrons send us prophetic dreams, visions and signs. It is important to read these signs in a timely manner in order to avoid trouble. At the same time, intercessors want to see in a person the sprouts of kindness and a responsive attitude towards others. Adhere to Christian views of the world, and all misfortunes will bypass your home.

Every day of the week is under the auspices of its Supreme Angel. Those born on a certain day of the week receive gifts and personal qualities from the Archangel.

archangel Michael rules Monday. Archangel Michael is trusted by those who fear enemy attacks, theft, slander. Just do not try to ask to destroy your enemies, deal with enemies, help you take revenge on ill-wishers. Angels and archangels will help to avert someone else's aggression, but they won't help you concentrate yours against someone.

Born on a Monday

Personal qualities

Energetic, truth-loving, strong people, often leaders (or potential leaders). Able to take responsibility for difficult situations. They are true friends, excellent colleagues, you can always rely on them. In people born on Monday, the sharpness of the mind is combined with devotion to their beliefs, they do not change their ideals.


Non-conformism, uncompromisingness, fidelity, great "penetrating power", creativity.


Belief in false promises, susceptibility to flattery, sometimes impulsiveness, recklessness in a fit of passion.

"Mondays" can be prevented by non-criticality towards oneself and the idea proclaimed by them, excessive self-confidence, arrogance, pride, straightforwardness on the verge of tactlessness.


“Mondays” are characterized by problems with the heart, pressure, blood vessels, deterioration of vision and hearing of various etiologies, arthritis and rheumatic phenomena.

Relationships with people

"Mondays" make themselves both followers and ardent opponents. Friends adore them, enemies hate and fear them. "Mondays" often have "stickers", imitators, and also envious people.

"Monday" will not compromise principles or truth to the detriment of the interests of loved ones and relatives. He will defend the truth, even at the cost of worsening relations. Not many people can really appreciate the uncompromising nature of these people.

"Monday" is devoted to his family, friends, teachers.

In marriage, "Monday" may not be flexible enough, therefore, if its half does not show special sensitivity, cracks may form.

Archangel Gabriel rules Tuesday. He is the patron of pregnancy, he is approached with a request for offspring. He also helps to receive good news: you can ask him to speed up the decision in your favor (about hiring, paying money, getting married, etc.).

Tuesday Born

Personal qualities

Friendly, sociable people who know how to keep secrets. "Tuesdays" are excellent performers, wonderful mediators, unobtrusive advisers and diplomats, they have no price as negotiators, they are endowed with the talent to convince, inspire confidence in people, win over themselves at first sight. Charming, eloquent, have excellent logic and a sense of proportion.


Attentiveness and compassion for people, kindness, decency, gentleness, the desire for compromise, eloquence.


Sometimes - excessive complaisance, a slightly slow reaction, slowness, creative disorder in business, amorousness.


There are leg diseases (gout, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis), you should especially take care of the liver, spleen, beware of immune and autoimmune disorders, in the cold season the respiratory system is under attack - be careful!

Relationships with people

Charming "Tuesdays" will talk and talk to anyone. They have a lot of acquaintances and friends, they can discuss other people's problems for hours, they are valued for their responsiveness, tact, compassion.

If desired, "Tuesday" neutralizes his enemies and people who are negatively disposed towards him - it is enough for him to speak frankly with them.

"Tuesdays" often become trusted representatives of the authorities, they are sent to negotiations, given tasks related to communications.

Family relations among "Tuesdays" are harmonious. Marriage can break up, but at the same time, smooth friendships are maintained (sometimes restored).

Archangel Raphael dominates Wednesday. Turn to him during illnesses (your and loved ones), in cases of troubles at work, in your personal life.

Wednesday Born

Personal qualities

Ability to listen, intuition, perseverance, excellent knowledge of a person, professionalism, quick reactions, prudence, resourcefulness, openness, ability to calculate multi-way situations, confidence, respectability.


Reliability: if the "environment" is taken to help you, then it will definitely help; intelligence; knowledge and connections.


Sometimes - taking on an excessive number of cases, workaholism, hyper-responsibility, excitability, a tendency to depression and melancholy.

“Wednesdays” can be harmed by the desire to be on top in everything, not recognizing one’s own right to make a mistake, excessive demands on oneself and one’s loved ones, perfectionism.


Chronic or acute migraines can torment, the weak link is the stomach and intestines. In adulthood, some dysfunctions of the genital area are possible (especially in men). Tendency to allergies (including seasonal), there may be hormonal disorders.

Relationships with people

“Environments” are always needed by everyone. They are loved, they are well treated, but at the same time, contacts with them inevitably involve their consultations. Therefore, the professional sphere of private life of these people is very closely intertwined.

"Wednesdays" constantly take care of someone, solve problems near and far, usually create families with those who are in dire need of their care. It happens that over time, new applicants for the care of "environments" appear, and then families are reformatted. But, even leaving their old family, "environments" do not leave their former household members with their attention.

Archangel Uriel, chief on Thursday, ask for help in preparing and passing exams, writing reports and reports. In addition, this is a peacemaker warrior, he will help to extinguish a quarrel, prevent a scandal. They turn to him to solve complicated cases, when it is necessary to find a way out of an impasse.

Thursday Born

Personal qualities

Non-trivial thinking, the ability to abstract, "to rise above the vanity", mobility, endurance, mental alertness, the ability to find compromises, ways out of any impasse.


Fortitude, perseverance, the ability to mobilize in a given situation, adapt to it.


Sometimes - excessive dependence on circumstances, the dissolution of one's own ambitions and plans in others, the inability to defend one's point of view, excessive softness, diligence.

"Thursdays" may be prevented by insufficient faith in oneself, one's rightness, a desire to immediately correct one's mistakes noticed by others, fussiness, anxiety.


There may be problems with the spine and vestibular apparatus, arthritis and arthrosis of the upper extremities, cardiac arrhythmias, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, visual impairment, sand and kidney stones.

Relationships with people

"Thursdays" are the first to admit their mistakes, it is not difficult for them to apologize, they may find themselves in a situation of "guilty without guilt." Meekness and irresponsibility sometimes extend to them all kinds of "commanders" who realize their complexes in communicating with them.

Relatives may be dissatisfied with the abundance of friends and familiar "Thursdays" that can give the Central Administration on various issues.

In family relationships, "Thursdays" are complaisant, responsive, reliable, and tolerant.

Archangel Selaphiel, managing Friday, they ask for help in gaining humility, about abandoning their own proud "I", which sometimes does not allow us to make the right decisions, rebels against our common sense and truth.

Friday Born

Personal qualities

Often "Fridays" seem devoid of pride, very calm and balanced. They say about such people “all in themselves”, since public emotional outbursts rarely happen to them. Meekness and gentleness are combined on Fridays with high intelligence, erudition, and a flexible mind. These are people without a stone in their bosom, capable of true sympathy for someone else's grief, selfless and kind.

"Fridays" are amorous, trusting, sometimes seem rustic, but in fact it is not!


"Fridays" accept the world as it is, without making excessive demands on others, without trying to remake them in their own way. They try not to participate in gossip, not to slander, not to speak badly about anyone. For this, they are loved and appreciated.


"Fridays" are usually not too ambitious, therefore they can easily give in to those "who need it more."

"Fridays" can be hampered by natural delicacy, inability and unwillingness to fight for one's own interests, modesty, placing excessive hopes and partners.


“Fridays” may have an underestimated immune threshold, they catch many seasonal diseases. For them, the nature of allergies, food poisoning, insomnia, hematopoietic dysfunction.

There may be problems with the vestibular apparatus, osteochondrosis, polyps, a tendency to the tumor process (do not be alarmed, not all tumors are malignant!)

Relationships with people

Relations in the family and the team are usually peaceful, calm. "Fridays" do not generate great passions, they are ready to put themselves in last place. However, domestics can walk around the unambitious "Fridays". Families sometimes break up precisely because of the misunderstanding of the spouses.

Archangel Yehudiel who manages Saturday is called for help in order to receive remuneration for the work done, calculation, vacation, for any problems that arise between the employee and the employer. It is no coincidence that he is depicted with a golden crown in his right hand.

Saturday Born

Personal qualities

"Saturdays" are naturally fair, incorruptible, ready to defend their own and others' rights. They have a great sense of humor, good storytellers, if they are on a roll, they can be the soul of the company. Hardworking, wasteful, smart, unforgiving, accurate.


The ability to think logically, defend one's position with reason, a systematic approach to various problems of "Saturday", when necessary, "switch on" the charm. They can adapt to any situation, find a common language with almost any person.


Sometimes “Saturdays” are too self-confident, they themselves give out what they wish for what has already happened, they unconditionally believe that they are right, they rebuild with difficulty, they are not inclined to compromise, they do not like to revise their point of view and their attitude to people and events.


There may be problems with blood vessels, heart, stomach. "Saturdays" quite rarely suffer from colds and infectious diseases, but the course of the disease is usually acute, complications are possible.

Relationships with people

Some revere "Saturdays" and support everything, seeing in them fighters for a common cause; others cannot stand it, counting it as a plug in each barrel. There is a lot of gossip about "Saturdays" in situations in which they excelled, often becoming almost legendary.

In family life, “Saturdays” uphold equality, cannot get along with relatives of the second half prone to dictate. However, they do not favor interference in their lives from their own relatives, friends, etc.

TO Archangel Barahiel who governs Sunday, offer prayers for any problems in the family: whether it be marital troubles, disagreements between parents and children, etc.

Sunday born

Personal qualities

Natural wisdom, courtesy, goodwill, love for people, well-developed intuition, optimism, inner serenity, prudence, gentleness.


"Sunday" is almost impossible to piss off, he is always a little above the situation, categorically refuses to see enemies in people, does not believe in the bad intentions of others, is inclined to compromise, solving problems for the benefit of all.


Sometimes he does not want to notice obvious meanness, injustice, he is gullible, not inclined to double-check information. This can be used by those who wish to lead "Sunday" astray.


The liver, pancreas can fail, endocrine disorders occur. "Resurrections" are often tormented by neuralgia, they have an increased pain threshold.

Relationships with people

"Sundays" love people, and in most cases they reciprocate. Very often, “Sundays” are turned for advice, asked to be arbitrators in disputes, etc.

These people create a family forever, they are very acutely experiencing betrayal and betrayal of their spouses, until the last they do not want to believe in the possibility of the collapse of their own marriage. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

You can get acquainted with the energy of the Archangel and live it with the help of a webinar either.