Do-it-yourself boiler room in a wooden house. Boiler room in a private house: strict design rules and scope for engineering solutions

Competent design engineering systems in full compliance with building codes and regulations, it not only guarantees a comfortable temperature in a private house even in the most severe winters, but also protects you from various breakdowns and incidents, including those dangerous to life and property. In addition, proper and hot water supply will save you in the future from problems with acceptances, checks, approvals and other bureaucratic procedures. The most important component of engineering systems is a boiler room in a private house - about the selection of equipment for it and complete installation schemes, which ones to choose, you can get basic information here in this article.

Boiler room in a private house - equipment selection, complete installation scheme

Boiler room in a private house - main types

There is no single boiler room design that is mandatory for all private houses - the size, location and parameters of the room can have significant differences. They depend on the goals and objectives set for the heating equipment, the size of the cottage that needs to be heated, the budget allotted for the construction, and the personal preferences of the owner. land plot. Based on the location, we distinguish four types of boiler room in a private house. , you can read in our article.

Interesting! For a gas or solid fuel boiler in a separate room of a house or an extension to it, the term "furnace" is often used.

List of equipment required for a boiler room in a private house

In addition to the room itself, the most important component of the boiler room is the equipment placed in it. Not only functionality, power and durability depend on its competent selection. heating system but also its safety for your health, life and property. To begin with, we give a list of equipment for a boiler room in a private house.

Table. Boiler room for a cottage - the necessary equipment.

equipment identificationExecutable function

The basis of the heating and hot water supply system. Due to the combustion of gas, firewood, coal, pellets or electricity, it heats the coolant, which is ordinary water.

A device that heats water used in domestic needs - for showering, washing dishes and other things.

A container into which water enters, displaced by the heating system when the temperature rises. With it, pipes and radiators are protected from a sudden increase in pressure, due to which a breakthrough can occur.

A container containing water or other coolant. It collects "excess heat" generated by the boiler and transfers it to heating radiators during severe frosts.

Engineering communication designed to remove the products of combustion of the fuel of the heating boiler.

A device that evenly distributes the coolant over all radiators. Without it, maintaining the same comfortable temperature in all rooms is an extremely difficult task.

A device used in a heating system with forced circulation of the coolant. Provides the necessary pressure in the line.

A set of instruments that record the temperature and pressure in the boiler, boiler and lines, as well as monitor the concentration of hazardous substances in the air of the boiler room.

Various taps and valves required to control the flow of coolant in the heating system.

The main element of the heating system - from the boiler and the collector, the coolant flows through them to the radiators.

A complex of sensors and equipment used to maintain a user-specified temperature and pressure in the system.

A device that purifies water before entering the heating boiler and heating system lines.

In the following sections of the article, the nuances of the selection and placement rules of the most important equipment for the boiler room from the table above. "P , you can read in our article".

Heating boiler - installation diagram

Let's start with the heating boiler - the "heart" of the heating and hot water supply system of most country houses. As an introduction, we present a classification of layouts and connection of heaters.

Let's start with the first - according to their location they are divided into two types:

  • wall;
  • floor.

As the name implies, heaters of the first type are placed directly on the wall of a residential building. In most cases, such devices also include a pump, distribution manifold, sensors and other equipment. From the user's point of view, this design is extremely convenient - everything is in one place and for one price. In addition, the wall-mounted boiler is perfectly installed in the kitchen or in the corridor, does not take up much space and does not require the arrangement of a long and complicated chimney - combustion products can be removed through a short pipe placed in the wall right behind the heater.

But, like any complex device, the wall-mounted boiler has its drawbacks. The first is the high complexity of the entire system - a large amount of equipment is placed in a small volume. And it has a high probability of breakage, especially when illiterate editing and incorrect operation. The second disadvantage of wall-mounted heating boilers is relatively low power. Due to its design, such a device is unable to provide the amount of heat that would be sufficient to heat a very large country cottage. But for small houses in villages or the private sector, a wall-mounted heating boiler will be just right.

Floor placement devices have opposite advantages and disadvantages. They have high power, sufficient even for the largest buildings. In addition, floor heating boilers are designed for maximum reliability, even at the expense of size and quiet operation. At the same time, it is better for them to allocate a separate room, called a furnace, or build their own boiler room. Also, floor heating boilers will require a chimney and a whole range of equipment necessary to deliver the coolant to the radiators and reliable operation the entire system.

As for the schemes for connecting lines to the heater, they are classified according to the way the liquid circulates in it (it can be natural or forced). In the first case, the coolant moves in the pipes due to the difference in density and temperature. Arrangement of a heating system with natural water circulation saves on pumps, but at the same time, the total length of the mains is limited to 30 meters.

Important! At natural circulation coolant from the boiler to the radiators, all pipes must be installed at an angle. Some owners of country houses consider this a disadvantage - inclined highways do not look the best in terms of aesthetics.

Connecting a heating system with forced circulation of the coolant has exactly the opposite advantages and disadvantages. Of the pluses, it should be noted that the length of the highways does not have any restrictions, in addition, the pipes themselves can be laid in the way that you think is convenient and beautiful. Also, the system itself will maintain a constant and high pressure liquids. But for all this, it is necessary to purchase a set of pumps, which, in addition to their cost, will require electricity to operate.

Another sign by which the heating boiler connection schemes are classified is the method of laying the inlet and outlet pipes. According to this characteristic, heating systems are divided into single-pipe and two-pipe. In the first case, the inlet and outlet lines are represented by one pipe - the coolant from the boiler is circulated sequentially through all radiators. At the same time, the owner of the house will win in the cost of the entire system, but will lose in the quality of its functioning - the batteries closest to the furnace room will be excessively hot, and the farthest, on the contrary, cold.

Important! Another problem with the standard single-pipe circuit is the inability to control the temperature in the radiators. This defect is eliminated when installing the heating system according to. You can see her device in the image below.

A two-pipe scheme for connecting lines to a heating boiler provides uniform distribution coolant through radiators and the ability to adjust the power of each individual battery. But at the same time, the owner of a private house will have to invest more money and effort on laying engineering communications during construction or renovation.

In turn, the two-pipe scheme is divided into the following subspecies:

  • vertical with top wiring;
  • vertical with bottom wiring;
  • horizontal dead end;
  • horizontal passing;
  • horizontal beam.

The very process of arranging a boiler room in a private house can be presented in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

Step 1. Independently or in a design organization, a diagram of the installation and location of the boiler, boiler, expansion tank, other equipment and highways.

Step 2 The project is coordinated in various inspection organizations, including the regional gas service.

Step 3 A chimney is laid in the building or room allocated for the boiler room.

Step 4 After the chimney, the rest are laid network engineering- Sewerage, electrical wiring, inlet and outlet lines of the heating system, gas and water supply, ventilation.

Step 5 In accordance with the requirements of SNiP and the gas service of your region, the boiler room is finished with non-combustible materials.

Step 6 The boiler, boiler and expansion tank are installed and connected.

Heating boiler prices


Gas heating boiler - installation requirements

Heating boilers that produce heat by burning gas, today received wide use. This is largely due to the availability and low price of fuel for them. But at the same time, such heat generators have one serious problem– There is a risk of fire or even explosion if installed and used incorrectly. Therefore, the installation of gas heating boilers requires taking into account many fairly strict standards. Without compliance with them, the heaters will not pass the acceptance of the relevant organizations. Are you going to equip a gas boiler room in your cottage? Then be sure to check out this section of the article. Here we have collected the main regulatory requirements for the installation of gas heating boilers. They are presented in three lists. The first refers to heaters installed in the kitchen or corridor, the second - for those devices that are located in a specially designated room in the house. The last list contains the requirements for a boiler house as a building separate from housing.

It is possible to install a gas heating boiler in the kitchen or in the corridor when the power of the unit is less than 60 kW. The requirements for its placement are as follows.

If the gas heat generator has a power of over 60 kW, but less than 350, then it is impossible to place it in the kitchen or in the corridor (and given the dimensions of all equipment and the noise produced, it will also be uncomfortable). There is a need to arrange a furnace - a separate room where the boiler, boiler, collector and everything else will be located. Of course, such a boiler room for a private house must meet a set of requirements.

Advice! Regardless of the installation location of the heating boiler, be sure to equip it with a sensor that responds to increased gas concentrations in the room.

For boilers with a power of 350 kW or more, the presence of a separate building-boiler room is mandatory. Equipping it, be sure to pay attention to the insulation of pipes with hot water from this building to the main house - this way you will reduce heat loss and save fuel and money. As for the requirements for a separate gas boiler for a private house, they are as follows.

  1. The boiler room has its own separate foundation.
  2. The walls must be made of a material with high resistance to combustion.
  3. The interior finish of the floor, walls and ceilings must be non-combustible.
  4. The presence of a window and a window is a must.
  5. The width of the door to the boiler room is not less than 0.8 m.
  6. Electrical wiring in the boiler room must be protected from ignition and sparks.
  7. Under the floor gas boiler, it is necessary to have a substrate with a height of 15 to 25 cm. In its length and width, it must protrude beyond the edges of the unit by at least 10 cm.
  8. The requirements for the volume and height of the boiler room are the same as in the previous lists.

Development of individual housing construction brought to the fore the question of what should be the boiler room in a private house.

First of all, at the design stage, the owner of a private house formulates requirements for technical specifications heat source.

The issue of ventilation is also acute.

The power of the heat generator must be sufficient to heat the entire house.

Equipment and all necessary communications are installed and laid in accordance with the requirements of SNiP.

It is allowed to install the heating system with your own hands, provided that there is sufficient skill in performing similar work.

Requirements for the premises

When developing a project for a private house, you need Special attention draw on three components - the foundation, the roof and the heating system.

The scheme of the heating system includes an energy source, a heating device and a pipeline.

The boiler room is special room in which the heating equipment is located.

According to their location, they are divided into the following types:

  • stand-alone;
  • attached;
  • built-in.

The minimum dimensions of the boiler room are determined by the design of the boiler and the type of fuel for which it is intended. The requirements for the premises are clearly spelled out in the SNiP.

The development of a project and design for heating a private house requires an accurate knowledge of what standards and tolerances apply when the boiler room is being installed.

When piping the boiler, the equipment must be located at least 50 cm from the wall. There is a convenient approach to the premises.

The walls must be either brick or concrete. The floor must also be concrete. For greater security, you can lay a metal sheet on it.

When the owner of the house does not have the opportunity to equip a special room, you can install a mini boiler room. Such a mini boiler room is placed in compact container without windows.

It is important to note that a mini boiler room can be installed in the courtyard of a private house. Installation and connection to the laid communications takes a minimum of time.

The photo shows a mini boiler room for heating a private house. A clear advantage of this solution is that you do not have to build and equip a special room.

No need to design a boiler room, no need to think about how to make ventilation correctly, since all the necessary equipment is collected in a mini container.

However, the high cost of such a module limits its use.

Practice shows that it is possible to purchase equipment in parts and install it in the basement of a private house for a much smaller amount.

Only two boilers can be installed in a separate building or in the basement of a private house. The area of ​​​​the premises is calculated according to the standards contained in the SNiP.

The minimum height of the room must be at least two and a half meters, and the area - 6 square meters. m. The minimum volume of the boiler room must be at least 15 m 3.

The door in the boiler room is installed in such a way that it opens outwards. The door must be sheathed with a metal sheet or other non-combustible material.

It is necessary to provide for the installation of a window. This window should have a window for ventilation. Ventilation in the boiler room of a private house performs an important function - the safety of the operation of the boiler room.

It is very important that fire safety requirements are observed during the arrangement of the boiler room. It is not allowed to store foreign things and objects, especially those that have the ability to burn.

Supply ventilation and exhaust ensure the supply fresh air and removal of stagnant.

It is especially important to ensure constant ventilation of the boiler installed in the basement of a private house and running on gas.

At the same time, the door and windows in the boiler room must be tightly closed. It is unacceptable for drafts to walk around the room. All these works are easy to do with your own hands or with the involvement of professionals.

General scheme of the boiler room

After the appropriate finishing of the premises, project equipment is installed in the allotted places and all communications are laid. Installation and piping of the boiler is carried out according to certain regulations.

The device of any boiler room includes mandatory components and assemblies. Knowing the purpose of each of them, you can service the boiler room with your own hands.

If the scheme involves not only heating a private house, but also hot water supply, then you will need a water heater tank, which is called a boiler.

The photo shows functional diagram boiler room with a set of all necessary equipment.


According to the current classification system, all boilers that are used to heat a private house belong to the class of low power heat sources.

The maximum performance of such a heat generator is 65 kW.

Boilers are divided according to the following parameters:

  • Type of fuel;
  • heat exchanger material;
  • installation method.

When designing a boiler room for a private house, it is necessary to calculate the area that the boiler will occupy and provide for the possibility of access to the object during the installation of the piping.

Operating sanitary norms and the requirements of SNiP determine: in order to heat an area of ​​​​10 square meters. m, 1 kW of boiler power is required.

According to the theory of reliability, the heating system should have an excess margin of 20%. The calorific value of each type of fuel has its own values.

In a private house, after finishing, you can install boilers of the following type:

  • solid fuel;
  • on liquid fuel;
  • on natural gas;
  • on electricity.

Each type has its own characteristic features in design and mode of operation. An important parameter is dimensions boiler.

Today, the project is laying the system " smart House", which allows you to heat a private house according to the given program.


In short, a boiler is a water heater. The dimensions of the heater are selected depending on the daily need.

For a family of 4, a tank capacity of 100 liters is enough.

The simplest boiler can be made from components with your own hands. The most convenient substitute for a boiler is a gas water heater.

Boilers available on the market indirect heating and straight lines. The boiler is supplied with an indirect heating boiler.

According to SNiP, it is impossible to use water from the heating system for domestic needs. The boiler device allows you to heat and supply water to the pipeline, suitable for cooking and other needs of residents of a private house.

Expansion tank and manifold

In order for hot water to circulate rhythmically through the piping system and not create excessive pressure, an expansion tank is used.

It compensates for high blood pressure in the heating system.

The distribution manifold device allows you to maintain uniform circulation of the coolant through all heating devices.

The manifold circuit includes circulation pump, comb and hydraulic distributor.

The requirements for the assembly quality of this unit are high, especially for regulating the temperature of the coolant that circulates in the heating system of a private house.

When installing elements with your own hands, this should be remembered.

Security group and automation

The boiler room must be highly reliable and not pose a danger to people living in a private house. The same requirements apply to the room in which the boiler room is located. The room must have a window.

A reliable hood and a window with a window leaf provide the necessary ventilation.

The boiler piping includes a pressure gauge, safety valve and an electronic control device.

Installation of the piping and adjustment of the automatic system should be entrusted to specialists. Design and supply of all necessary communications to the premises, as well as ventilation must be carried out in accordance with the standards specified in SNiP.

Which boiler to choose

Requirements for the power of the boiler house are formed depending on the size of the heated area. The photo shows a solid fuel boiler installed in the basement of a private house.

it floor type, and a certain area is allocated for its placement.

If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for the boiler, then the design and installation of a wall structure is chosen, most often with a gas orientation. The electric boiler also has a compact size.

You can install it in the basement of a private house. But the windows in the basement must be mandatory. The design and installation of the strapping will have to be done in any case. The joints of the pipe and fittings are subjected to pressure testing.

If a separate room is allocated for the boiler room in a private house, then a solid door with a lock is installed at the entrance and a window and an exhaust hood for ventilation are equipped.

These requirements are contained in the operating rules for all heat engineering appliances and devices, and mini installations too.

Preparatory work can be done with your own hands, but the installation of the boiler, including the installation of piping elements, should be entrusted to professionals.

Electrical wiring and lighting lamps must be protected with durable shades and a metal mesh.

Gas boilers are widely used today. However, in those regions where there is no gas pipeline yet, heating installations on solid and liquid fuels are being installed.

Installation and start-up of a boiler on coal or peat can be done by hand. In this case, you must follow the rules for installing thermal installations. The door to the room is insulated and strengthened.

The piping of the boiler is carried out according to the minimum scheme - a pressure gauge and a safety valve.

If a mini boiler room is installed in a private house, then the installation work comes down to connecting to all communications.

Some subtleties and nuances

The question of which boiler room to choose for a private house is decided at the project development stage. All requirements for heating device summarized in one table and analyzed in order of importance.

When creating a heating system for suburban housing, first of all, they develop a project for the boiler house included in it. Without this, it is almost impossible to ensure the effective distribution of heat throughout the building. While its constituent boiler equipment will become good decision heating problems. And in order to choose the right appliances for a private home, you should take into account some of the nuances and use certain recommendations.

Purpose of the boiler room

A private boiler house is a set of devices designed to provide suburban housing with heating and hot water. Its installation is necessary in cases where:

  • the use of a centralized heating system in a private house is impossible due to long distance to the nearest highway. In this case, solid fuel boilers are most often used (there is no need to arrange boiler rooms for an electric unit);
  • independent regulation of the coolant temperature is required, which in regular system heating depends on the centralized supply and does not allow either to save money by reducing gas consumption, or, conversely, to increase the temperature in the room (for example, in hard frost), neglecting costs.

The advantage of this mini-complex is not only the ability to set the time and intensity of heating at the discretion of the user.

If a we are talking not about gas boilers(capable of operating also on liquid gas), then the system using its own boiler house is a non-volatile equipment that is not affected by interruptions in gas supply and various preventive maintenance of utilities.

Mounting Features

In systems of water heating of private or country house installation of equipment operating on gas (conventional and liquefied), diesel fuel, electricity and solid fuel (including firewood, pellets, coke, peat and coal).

Wherein electrical equipment does not require the installation of a separate complex, since in itself they are an autonomous system.

And diesel fuel boilers are used very rarely because of the high cost of maintenance and because of low environmental friendliness.

Thus, most often the project of organizing a heating system for private housing provides for the installation of gas or solid fuel boilers.

Heating for which it is applied gas equipment and it is necessary to have a central highway, it is the most profitable option for heating a private house. Do-it-yourself installation and operation of a system in which the same gas, but already liquefied, acts as an energy carrier is more expensive. Although the efficiency of providing housing with heat in this case remains at a good level, due to which gas boilers are used more often than others.

The design of the premises for such a complex should be created subject to the following rules:

  • equipment with a power of up to 30 kW can be installed in one of the rooms of the building. With greater productivity, it requires a separate building;
  • a boiler room requires a room located on the first floor and having a volume of at least 15 cubic meters. If the boiler is installed, for example, in the kitchen of a private house, minimum dimensions the rooms are doubling;
  • effective ventilation is required in the room, and the wall decoration must have a fire resistance of at least 0.75 h ( high-quality plaster or tile);
  • between the boiler and the floor, a substrate is arranged that protrudes 10 cm beyond the edges of the equipment around the entire perimeter. And to the nearest pieces of furniture, the distance should be at least 0.7–1 m.

It is desirable that the installation of the boiler is carried out on a podium with a height of 0.2 m, poured separately from the common foundation. The floor of the room is arranged from non-combustible material- for example, cement screed. If the mini-complex, due to its high power, is located in a separate building, it should not have common walls with a residential building.

Solid fuel equipment

Installation of solid fuel boilers has become more profitable after rising prices for gaseous fuels and other types of hydrocarbon energy carriers.

When arranging them with your own hands, it must be borne in mind that for normal operation equipment, the diameters of the chimney and the boiler nozzle must match. This often leads to a significant height of the pipe required to create a sufficient pressure to remove the flue gases.

Exhaust ventilation must be arranged in the boiler room with an exhaust area of ​​​​at least 8 square meters. cm for each kW of equipment power (24 sq. cm for a boiler installed in the basement).

The plaster layer of the walls must have a thickness of 3 cm or more. A steel sheet is laid under the boiler.

The area of ​​a separate room must be at least 8 square meters. m, and the height of the ceilings - from 2.5 m.

Installation of boiler rooms

Since the design of the boiler house may provide for their installation both in a residential building and separately, the requirements for equipment are also different. So, if the complex is located in one of the rooms of the house, in some cases (for example, if there is a noisy forced draft burner), additional sound insulation may be required.

While boilers installed in separate buildings, are the safest and practical option, although they require relatively large capital investments.

The main equipment required for the operation of a heating system, as a rule, does not depend on the location of the room, or even on the type of fuel used for its operation. Almost all boiler rooms consist of the following elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • boiler (water heater);
  • expansion tank;
  • distribution manifolds;
  • chimneys;
  • boiler safety and feeding systems;
  • pipes and valves.

Boilers in this complex are heat generators. They burn fuel, due to which the coolant (usually water, less often antifreeze) is heated and supplied to the water heating system and to the boiler (if any), which is necessary to provide housing with hot water.

Inside such a device, a heated liquid circulates, raising the temperature of the water used for domestic needs.

Tanks and collectors

The purpose of the expansion tanks is to compensate for the excess pressure of the coolant to eliminate the risk of creating an emergency in the heating system of a private house, in which pipes may burst.

A distribution manifold, consisting of a pump, a hydraulic separator and a comb, is necessary for the correct circulation of the coolant and its uniform flow into various circuits of the system (hot water supply, radiators, "warm floors").

Chimneys and security systems

Chimneys are necessary for the removal of combustion products from the boiler room. Not only safety, but also the efficiency of the boilers depends on how they are installed and the parameters are selected.

And the tasks of the make-up and safety systems are to control the pressure of the liquid circulating through the pipelines. Only the first prevents a decrease in pressure due to leaks and evaporation, and the second, on the contrary, increases it by removing air from the pipes.

Automation and fittings

Automation installed in mini-boiler rooms of a private house is necessary for the operation of equipment (turning on, turning off, setting the required air parameters) in the absence of a person and providing additional security for heating and hot water supply systems.

It may depend on the power supply (in this case, the boiler is able to work independently for up to several days) or have mechanical regulators. Pipes and valves are required to ensure the circulation of water in the system.

The desire to make your life more comfortable is understandable and understandable. But in the event of a lack of information or practical experience, it may happen that the boiler room becomes a source of trouble. Our article will tell you how to ensure the safety of the boiler room.

For heating houses in the private sector, natural gas heating boilers are the most common. With the well-known advantages of this heating equipment it poses at the same time a serious threat to both the residents of the house and the building itself.

The regulations provide various options placement of such equipment, for example in the kitchen, in a separate room, in the basement or basement of the house. And the first question that arises from the owner of the house:

How to build a boiler room in a private house?

It is most rational in terms of safety and comfort to take out a natural gas boiler room outside the residential area. So the decision was ripe to make a separate attached room for the boiler. But even this is not sufficient from a security point of view. Therefore, I will dwell on the features of the arrangement of the room for the boiler (autonomous boiler room) in more detail.

In addition, based on the practical experience gained in the construction of a boiler house, we note some important points which are poorly documented or regulated, but are significant from the point of view of the practical implementation of work. So:

What is important to consider before starting work?

Before starting work, it is important to think over and decide on the following issues:

a) How to ensure temperature regime in an attached building. Counting on the fact that the heat generated by the boiler during operation will be enough is a big mistake.
b) It is better to buy boiler equipment before starting work. This will allow to take into account the features and requirements for the placement of the boiler specified in the manufacturer's passport, as well as to clarify the size and placement of technological openings in building structures for supplying pipes, a chimney, etc.
c) A place for an attached autonomous boiler room must be chosen without fail along a blank wall of the house, or if this is not possible, window or doorways in the wall adjacent to the boiler room must be repaired.
d) When determining the size of the boiler room, it is necessary to focus on the following parameters:

  • The area (for one heating boiler) of the room must be at least 4 m2.
  • Ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m.
  • The total volume of the room must be at least 15 m3

e) When determining the size of the boiler room, it is better to focus on the requirements for installation gas boiler, even if you plan to use a different type of fuel.

Features of the implementation of regulatory requirements at various stages of the construction of a natural gas boiler house

Zero work cycle

Requirements normative documents: the presence in the room of the introduced conductor of the house ground loop

It is most convenient to implement this requirement, if necessary, at the very beginning of the work. The presence of a ground loop is relevant for houses old building, as well as for owners who plan to use a volatile (usually imported) boiler. An example of a ground loop device for a boiler room at the initial stage of work is shown in the photo below.

The ground loop is made as follows. Four metal pipes with a diameter of 57 mm are vertically driven into the ground along the perimeter of the building to a depth of 2.5 - 3 meters. Between themselves vertical pipes welded together with a corner. The metal connection with the house ground loop is made of steel bars with a diameter of 12 mm, they can be seen in the photo.

Requirements of regulatory documents: availability sewer runoff(ladder or pit)

The fulfillment of this requirement is shown in the photo below.

The pit (in case the heating system needs to be emptied) is made about 45x45 cm in size and about 50 cm deep so that a conventional bucket can be installed.

When installing load-bearing walls of the boiler room

Requirements of normative documents. It is necessary to provide an opening for the inflow of outside air at a rate of at least 8 sq. cm per 1 kW of rated power of the boiler, or 30 sq. cm per 1 kW, in case of air inflow from inside the building

When installing load-bearing walls, it is necessary to provide a technological hole in the lower part of the wall structure for supply ventilation(shown in the photo below with an arrow).

The opening for supply ventilation is a sleeve made from a piece of CSB pipe with DN = 150 mm

Centrally located outer wall buildings at a height of approximately 35-40 cm from the floor level of the room. This photo shows the fulfillment of another important regulatory requirement.

Requirements of normative documents. The wall of the extension must not be connected to the wall of the residential building.

The autonomous boiler room around the perimeter has its own bearing walls. As can be seen from the photo, the wall of the boiler room along the log house is an independent independent structure that is not connected with the log house.

As noted earlier, the purchase of boiler equipment before the start of construction work can make life much easier and avoid miscalculations when installing a boiler room. The photo below shows the hole for mounting the transition from the boiler to the attached chimney (black arrow) and the sleeve (white arrow) for entering the direct and return pipes of the heating system into the residential building.

Of the features, the following should be noted. The sleeves for the input of the direct and return pipes of the heating system are made from cuttings of CSB pipes with DN = 100 mm. Homemade design transition from the boiler to the chimney, installed in the wall, insulated. Expanded clay concrete was used to fix the structure of the chimney transition in the wall opening.

Requirements of normative documents. Mounted section of the gas pipeline before lowering, with a gas cock for each boiler

It is clear that only a specialized organization can lower the gas pipeline, but it is necessary to provide a hole in the wall for entering the gas pipeline during the construction of a gas boiler house. The photo below shows the input device to the boiler room.

The sleeve for entering the gas pipeline must be made of a metal pipe and exceed the wall thickness by at least 20-25 mm on both sides, i.e. the sleeve must be visible to the gas workers. It is better to choose the sleeve size so that the gap between gas pipe and the sleeve was at least 10 mm. After installing the gas pipeline, I sealed the gap mounting foam, and from both ends of the sleeve, to a depth of 1.5 −2 cm, plastered with cement-sand mortar.

Requirements of normative documents. Natural lighting is required at the rate of glazing 0.03 m² per 1 m³ of the room

The photo below shows compliance with this requirement when installing a boiler room. To ensure natural lighting of the boiler room, it was decided to install two small windows, shifting them in height to the upper part of the wall structure. Why? Two small windows, moreover, located in the upper part of the structure of the room, provide more uniform illumination of the room than one window, even a larger one. And since one window was planned to be made with an opening transom for additional ventilation (and an emergency exit in case of an emergency).

Requirements of normative documents. The room should be provided with ventilation on the basis of: extract in the volume of 3 air exchanges of the room per hour, inflow in the volume of the extract plus the amount of air for gas combustion

To fulfill this requirement, it is necessary to provide a hole in the upper part of the wall structure for exhaust ventilation. The photo below shows the exhaust ventilation device.

Requirements of normative documents. Width front door must be at least 80 cm

Of the features of the ventilation system for the boiler room, the following should be noted.

  • It is better to make the area of ​​the holes deliberately somewhat redundant. Reduce sectional area air vent is not difficult, but it will be quite difficult to increase it.
  • It must also be borne in mind that the use of forced ventilation in a natural gas boiler room is unacceptable.

The device of the upper floor (ceiling) of the boiler room

The top floor of the boiler room should be very light compared to the load-bearing walls. The essence of this requirement is very simple. In the event of an emergency or emergency situation, such a ceiling design can act as a protective relief valve and protect the building in the event of an explosion, since the main destructive blow will be extinguished by the discharge (destruction) of the upper ceiling.

Of the features of the device of such an overlap, the following should be noted:

Light does not mean cold. Therefore, the floor structure is made as follows: false ceiling from a board 30 mm thick. Bituminized paper was laid on top, on which a layer of sawdust about 14 cm thick was poured. Reflective thermal insulation 4 mm thick was shot from the inside of the room to the ceiling with a construction stapler. A crate of slats is installed on it. Ceiling boards and slats are treated with fire protection. GKL (KVL) sheets are fixed along the rails. This design is quite light and warm at the same time.

If I did it now, then instead of GKL sheets I would use KVL sheets, which are able to withstand temperatures of more than 1000 gr. But, at the time of the construction of the boiler house, we did not yet have KVL sheets for sale.
Concluding the story in the part relating to construction work, when installing a boiler room, it should be noted that one more requirement of regulatory documents has been met, in particular:

Requirements of normative documents. Enclosing walls and extension structures must have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, and the limit of fire propagation through the structure is zero

This requirement is met (at least partially) by the choice of materials for wall structures(brick) and additional measures, in particular, processing wooden structures fire-retardant composition and protection of wooden structures from direct impact fire sheets, better KVL.

At the stage of construction and finishing works

Requirements of normative documents. The walls of the room must be plastered and the floor leveled.

No special explanation is required here. It is worth paying attention to only one point. If possible (constructive), it is necessary in the lower part of the boiler room along the perimeter of the floor to a height of approximately 5-10 cm (depending on the size of the boiler room and the amount of water in the heating system) to ensure water tightness, tightness in case of an accident in the system.

Finishing work

The essence of the work is to provide comfortable conditions for the operation of the boiler and to give the room, within reason, an acceptable appearance. The photo below shows the main points for finishing the room. In particular, when finishing, additional warming of the room from the inside was made. Shown in the photo below.

Reflective thermal insulation is glued along the entire perimeter of the walls. Bars set to create air gap. PVC panels are fixed on the bars. It turns out quickly (in two days off), inexpensively (reflecting TIM and the most inexpensive PVC panels), efficiently (thermal insulation and noise insulation have increased, the aesthetics of the room have improved).

To avoid dust from cement, the floor is lined with porcelain tiles, also the most inexpensive. As you can see in the right photo, in the cold season, the air intake for the operation of the boiler does not come from the street, but from an adjacent room.

What can be saved and what can be in demand?

If you plan to use a double-circuit boiler (heating and cooking hot water), then it is necessary to provide in advance places for a stationary supply cold water to the boiler room and hot water to the house. In the case of using a single-circuit boiler, this is not necessary.

In fact, this article completes a series of articles on the insulation of the walls of the house. The north side of the house was insulated with the help of attached vestibules and a boiler room in such a way that it turned out to be even warmer than all the others insulated in the traditional way.

In a private wooden or brick house often there is a need to build an artificial heating system. A very popular solution is to install a boiler room in a private house, usually with your own hands. It should be understood that such a system poses a very real danger, therefore its construction is strictly regulated by regulatory documents.

Boiler room diagram.

The boiler can be located directly in a private house (in the kitchen, basement, basement) or in a separate building.

Systems installed in living quarters (in the kitchen) should not exceed 30 watts in power. In a separate room (basement, basement) it is allowed to arrange boilers with a capacity of 30-200 kW. If the installation exceeds 200 kW in power, it can be located in a separate room attached to the house, or in a separate building, a separate room in the basement, basement, first floor.

Various types of heat carriers can be used as fuel for the heating system. If the choice is made in favor of natural gas, the most rational decision from the point of view of safety, it will be the removal of the working boiler outside the living quarters. However, even in this case, a number of requirements that must be met apply to the boiler room.

Types of remote boiler rooms:

Scheme of a stationary boiler room.

  • stationary (arranged in a building located separately from the residential building);
  • roof (located in the attic of the building);
  • block-modular (a separate mobile block container is used);
  • attached (located in an extension to the house);
  • built-in (located in a separate room).

To install a boiler room, it is best to use the services of an experienced contractor who knows how to perform installation than to do it yourself, since this requires compliance with various standards. In addition, experienced professionals will advise different variants work, which will save the cost of materials and time.

Choice of energy carrier

Scheme of a boiler room with a boiler.

  1. The most profitable from an economic point of view is natural gas. It also has other advantages: it is the most environmentally friendly energy source. After combustion, a minimum amount of soot remains, which allows the boiler and chimney to be cleaned less often than in the case of using other types of fuel. You can store gas in a special container - a gas tank or connect directly to the gas pipeline. The latter option is very advantageous, but it can be extremely difficult and costly to obtain permission to switch on.
  2. Liquid fuels may be used without permission from any third party. When designing the site, it should be borne in mind that it will be necessary to provide the ability for the tanker to drive up to the fuel tanks. Systems using diesel fuel usually need an annual cleaning of accumulated soot (boiler and chimney). It is very important to use high-quality diesel fuel, because otherwise the diesel boiler will often break down and may even fail.
  3. solid fuel. This is the most accessible and cheapest type of energy carrier, but its use is associated with a number of unpleasant moments. In this case, the boiler is heated with its own hands, and firewood must be thrown manually and constantly. Adjusting the temperature in the case of solid fuels is also quite problematic. For example, to heat a house at night, you will sometimes have to wake up and add firewood to the boiler. The boiler and chimney quickly become clogged and therefore need frequent cleaning. solid fuel heating can be used as a backup or when it is not possible to organize another.
  4. Electric boilers absolutely do not need a separate room. They do not require manual cleaning; they are completely environmentally friendly because they do not produce waste. Electric boilers can be powered by single-phase network or from three-phase. If the power of the installation exceeds 12 kW, only a three-phase network is suitable. A permit is required for its entry. The disadvantage of such a system is the high cost of electricity.

Preparation for the construction of a boiler room with your own hands in a private house

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of regulations and adhere to certain recommendations. Among them:

Scheme of building a boiler house in the house.

  1. It is necessary to install artificial heating in the room where the boiler is installed, since the heat generated by it is usually not enough.
  2. It is recommended to purchase boiler equipment in advance - before the start of construction works. This approach will make it possible to take into account the requirements of the manufacturer for the installation of the boiler and correctly construct technological openings in building structures that will serve to supply the chimney, pipes, etc.
  3. You can not make an extension to a wooden or any other house where there are windows or other openings. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a blank wall of the building or close up the door and window openings that are in the wall adjacent to the boiler room.
  4. The height of the ceiling in the boiler room must be at least 2.5 m. The permissible internal volume of the room is at least 15 m³. The area must exceed 4 m².
  5. It is recommended to maintain the dimensions of the boiler room that are required for a gas boiler, even if the installation will operate on a different type of heat carrier.
  6. The room must be ventilated. The hood must pump an hourly air volume that is 3 times the total volume of the room and the amount of air consumed for fuel combustion.

Installation: initial work

Installation of a boiler room in the house.

According to requirements normative documentation a ground loop must be connected to the boiler room. For this purpose, you can use 4 metal pipes, which are driven into the soil vertically around the perimeter of the boiler room. The pipes are connected by means of corners by welding. Grounding is brought to the house through steel bars, the diameter of which should be 12 mm.

In the boiler room, a sewer drain must be installed, which serves as protection when the heating system is emptied. To do this, you can make a hole (pit) in the floor with a depth of about 0.5 m. To ensure the flow of fresh air for exhaust, it is required to provide a special hole in the wall. Its dimensions are selected based on the calculation of 8 cm² per 1 kW of installation power, if the air comes from the street. If the air is supplied from other internal premises of the building, there must be at least 30 cm² of ventilation openings per 1 kW of power. Installation of forced ventilation is not allowed if the boiler room runs on gas.

It is impossible to connect load-bearing walls with existing ones; the boiler room requires the construction of separate independent walls: even when it is adjacent to the building. If a gas pipeline is used to supply the coolant, it is necessary to provide an inlet sleeve in the wall through which the leading pipe will be laid. The sleeve is fixed in the wall with the help of expanded clay concrete. As a sleeve, you can use a piece of pipe 100 * 100 mm. The inside must be insulated. It is required to arrange natural lighting in the room, at least 0.03 m² of glass per 1 m³ of internal volume.

Do-it-yourself ceiling installation in a private house

Installation of the ceiling in the house.

For the top floor, the main requirement is that it should be light. This is done to ensure safety, since in the event of an explosion, it is the upper part of the building that will take the main destructive blow. As a result of this, the energy will be extinguished by the destruction of only the upper floor, and not the walls.

In addition, it is necessary to comply with the norms for insulation. For this purpose, you can use a heat-reflecting film, sheathe the ceiling with KVL or GKL sheets. The boiler room must have a fire resistance of 0.75 hours and prevent the spread of fire through the structure. To do this, it is necessary to choose the right building materials and use the treatment of fire-vulnerable parts of the boiler room with a special compound.

Installation of finishing materials in a wooden or other house

According to the requirements of regulatory documentation, the floor must be leveled, and the walls must be plastered. Preferably waterproof. lower part premises. This will minimize the negative consequences as a result of a possible accident in the heating system.

At the stage finishing works it is possible to further improve the heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties of the boiler room. For this, the installation of PVC panels or reflective TIMs can be used.