I bought a house with which to paint the walls of the lining. Painting lining inside the house in different colors: original ideas

It would seem that an ordinary wooden lining - is it possible to find a finishing material easier and more affordable? But if you approach the finishing issues correctly and creatively, then you can create truly unique interior combinations. Today we’ll talk about how you can paint the lining inside the house.

After applying the protective layer, you can proceed directly to the finish. The lining inside the house is painted using various decorative means:

  • oil or acrylate paints;
  • decorative glaze;
  • stains or alkyd varnishes;
  • acrylic scuba diving;
  • opaque enamel.

This is not a complete list, but only the most common tools. They differ in cost, in terms of environmental friendliness and, of course, in their decorative properties. So, painting with oil paint will preserve the wood for a long time, giving it excellent water-repellent properties. But such a coating has a pungent odor until it dries completely, and requires renewal approximately 1 time in 5 years.

If you paint the lining inside the house with glaze, you can successfully emphasize the texture of the wood, and if you add a little color to the solution, you will give your walls any shade you like.

A similar effect is given by water-based acrylic varnish - the material is transparent, perfectly emphasizes the natural pattern of wood, and can be used with the addition of colored pigment. True, this coating option is not applicable for the floor, due to rapid wear.

Another option is varnish. But there is one condition in working with such material - it is possible to properly apply varnish only on a completely dry surface of the tree, otherwise it will crack during the drying process.

If you are a supporter of staining wood, you, of course, know that such a tool can only change the shade, but not paint over the tree. To make the walls look attractive, the lining under the stain must be perfectly even, without noticeable flaws.

Painting stages

Before starting work, you should stock up on everything you need: prepare rollers and brushes, arm yourself with a paint bath, gloves and goggles. The painting procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning the treated surface from dirt and dust, and possibly from the remnants of the old decorative coating.
  2. Degreasing wood (using an alkaline detergent) for better adhesion of the composition to the surface.
  3. Sanding or leveling wood with ordinary pumice;
  4. Now you can apply a primer or antiseptic composition for additional protection and a better effect.
  5. Directly painting with decorative material or varnish. The selected agent is applied in three layers, trying not to paint over the same area several times, and to allow the lining to dry completely between approaches.

Coloring tricks

  • in the process of work, try to mix the coloring solution more often - then the color of the coating will be as uniform as possible;
  • do not work on a hot sunny day - then the coating may dry too quickly;
  • using a primer, you can add to it the color that was chosen for the final finish, this will favorably affect the uniformity of the color of the walls.

Ideas for using lining in the interior

The erroneous opinion that clapboard wall decoration is applicable only in a country house is quite common. However, more and more modern interiors debunk this statement: there are a lot of ideas on how to combine wooden lining with decorative plaster, wallpaper, and even use it in a high-tech interior. For example, if you lay the sheathing board vertically, you can make the ceiling visually higher, and horizontal laying allows you to "push" the walls.

That's all the tricks regarding painting wooden walls in the interior. Please note, if you are interested in how to paint the lining outside the house, these materials should not be used. For outdoor work, more sustainable means are used, which we will talk about next time.

The irrefutable advantages of wood have made it one of the most popular finishing materials even in the era of the "construction paradise", when every craftsman can choose the material for every taste. It is precisely due to the low thermal conductivity and other positive qualities, such as ease of fastening, the ability to hide surface defects, as well as environmental safety, that wooden eurolining has ensured stable popularity for a long time. The lining is a thin finishing panel made of selected wood, designed for interior and exterior decoration of premises and performing several functions, among which a special place is given to cosmetic, decorative and soundproofing. Despite the fact that there are several types of lining - wooden and plastic, experienced professionals prefer the first option, in view of its significant advantages. In most cases, clapboard is sheathed on the outside of the house, as well as verandas, loggias and balconies. After finishing the walls with clapboard, which hides their irregularities and other shortcomings, they acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance. The use of wooden lining contributes to the uniform distribution of humidity and the preservation of heat in the room, which, after finishing with this material, is filled with a pleasant woody smell. An ideal option for interior decoration is pine, which nature has endowed with a pleasant golden hue that darkens with time. Despite the fact that, theoretically, lining is a durable material, like any other, proper care is needed to extend its service life. The main component of proper care is painting the lining, which will protect the material from drying out, dust and damage by insects, as well as from changes in temperature and humidity. Due to the relevance of this issue, in this article we will answer the question: “How and with what to paint the lining inside the house?”

Painting lining: the relevance of the issue

We can talk for a long time about the advantages of wood as a finishing material. It is characterized by the ability to heat and sound insulation, and the ability to visually hide the irregularities of the finished surface, and ease of installation, and, of course, durability. Thus, lining is characterized by all the advantages inherent in wood. However, wood also has its own disadvantages, such as a tendency to ignite, rot, as well as susceptibility to damage by insects and fungus. In this regard, despite the fact that lining is a durable material, over time it loses its original characteristics. To avoid this, wood finishing materials must be properly maintained, one of the stages of which is painting the wooden lining.

Important! Painting the lining is the final stage of finishing activities, however, as well as the implementation of other stages, it must be approached with due responsibility. The operational life of the lining and its ability to maintain the original performance characteristics depend on the selection of the most effective paint and varnish composition.

lining photo

How to paint the lining: the choice of paint and varnish composition

The most susceptible to destruction and aging is the lining, which was used for cladding the facades of buildings. This is due to the fact that it is constantly influenced by negative environmental factors, such as microorganisms present in the environment and causing wood decay, ultraviolet radiation, as well as sudden changes in temperature and humidity, leading to mold growth. In this regard, for exterior decoration, experts recommend using lining made from coniferous wood, which contains resin that has antiseptic properties and prevents the development of mold and fungus. However, it must also be treated with special compounds to extend the performance. For the processing of wooden lining, functional and decorative compositions are used. The first group includes:

  • flame retardants- functional compounds used to reduce the combustibility of the material. Due to the fact that wooden lining is a fire hazardous material, flame retardant treatment is a must;

Important! According to experts, the most effective is the industrial processing of wooden lining with fire retardants, which involves the application of a protective composition under high pressure. Do-it-yourself flame retardant application is considered less effective.

  • Bactericidal and antiseptic compounds, penetrating into the wood structure to a depth of several millimeters and preventing its destruction under the influence of aggressive environmental factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, mold and rot. For processing wooden lining inside the house, compounds are used that indicate their purpose for interior work;
  • Drying oil- a composition that provides reliable protection of wood from decay, as well as giving it water-repellent characteristics. However, the disadvantages of drying oil, such as an unpleasant odor and a long drying time for each layer, significantly limit its use;
  • Acrylic varnishes- paint and varnish compositions that have not only functional, but also decorative characteristics. They are used for finishing the lining and are applied in two stages: the first layer involves the application of a transparent varnish, and the second - a varnish with the addition of a tinting composition. Choosing a water-based acrylic varnish is ideal for those who want to keep the original texture of the material;

  • Yacht varnish forms a reliable and durable coating of wooden lining, protecting the material from moisture, mold and fungus, as well as ultraviolet radiation. In view of the presence of solvents in the composition of the varnish, it is characterized by an unpleasant, but quickly weathered odor. There are matte, semi-gloss and glossy varnishes. The disadvantage of yacht varnish is its high cost, but it is fully consistent with the quality of the composition. In this regard, painting the lining with varnish can be significantly limited;
  • Synthetic varnishes- unlike water-based acrylic varnishes, they are more toxic, but during application they provide the lining with a rich shine and a smooth surface. Due to the fact that the composition of synthetic varnishes includes xylene and toluene, it can only be used for outdoor use;
  • A profitable alternative to varnishes is considered wax-based formulations, providing the lining with a semi-matt sheen. However, the limiting point in its use is the complexity of application.

If the first group of funds is focused on protecting the lining from operational factors and extending its use, then the use of the second group - decorative compositions is relevant if you plan to radically change the design of the room.

Decorative compositions for painting lining:

  • Oil paints, deeply penetrating into the structure of wood and effectively increasing its resistance to negative environmental influences, including moisture. However, they are characterized by a rather long drying time, as well as a gradual loss of color during operation. In addition, the peculiarities of the composition of oil paints contribute to the fact that the air permeability of wood is reduced, and therefore, they can only be used for painting individual elements indoors;
  • Acrylic paints in terms of performance, they are superior to oil compositions, which guarantees greater preservation of the color and luster of wooden lining. They are characterized by high elasticity, and therefore, they do not crack even with significant temperature changes and deformations, and painting the lining with paint can be used both for outdoor and indoor work;
  • Enamels based on alkyd allows you to paint the lining in a wide range of colors both inside and outside the room. After painting a wooden lining with alkyd-based enamel, a glossy surface forms on the surface of the material, which may fade over time, which leads to the need for re-painting;
  • Water-based paints do not hide the texture of wood, giving it a matte surface. They are characterized by the absence of an unpleasant odor and a quick drying time, but they are inferior to varnishes in terms of reliability. The construction market offers a wide variety of water-based paints and varnishes, among which there are facade, waterproof, washable, as well as enamels intended for interior use.

Important! For painting wooden lining in a bath or sauna, professionals recommend choosing special impregnations or varnishes that reliably protect the decorative coating from moisture and dirt, and also do not emit harmful volatile components when heated.

Lining painting technology: step by step instructions

Regardless of which paint you choose, painting a house, in which lining is the main finishing material, requires compliance with the technology for applying paint for lining. An important role in this process is given to preparatory activities.

What are the preparatory measures: we prepare the lining for painting

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean the lining from the old paint. If the layer of paintwork material is strong enough, the painted lining must be cleaned with a 2% soda solution, which will help to effectively remove the layer of old paint. If fragments of paint still remain on the surface of the lining, they can not be removed, as they make it possible to give the lining a new, original texture;
  • After cleaning the lining, it is necessary to polish it, for which it is recommended to use not a specialized grinder, but traditional sandpaper or even pumice;
  • After grinding, process the lining with drying oil;

Important! To improve the result of processing lining with drying oil, add 50 grams of turpentine and dry pigment to its composition, which can be used as minium or ocher;

  • The final stage of the preparatory measures is the primer, for which primers for wood or compounds that will be used for further painting are used.

Important! Experts recommend replacing the traditional primer with a primer antiseptic, which will increase the protective characteristics of the processed wooden lining to a greater extent. Despite the fact that this preparatory stage is not mandatory, experienced specialists do not recommend neglecting it, explaining that certain types of wood in the area of ​​sawn knots have specific formations - “tar pockets”, from which resin is released from time to time, reducing protective properties of paint or antiseptic. Currently, manufacturers offer many varieties of primers: both for outdoor and indoor use, as well as specialized antifungal and anti-mold primers that significantly extend the life of paint and varnish coatings.

Lining painting technology

  • Painting the lining, the video instruction for which is attached below, is a process that is not difficult and can be carried out even by a beginner. But, despite this, experts recommend following some tips, which can also be found in this article.
  • The application of paint must be carried out in a thin layer, making continuous movements along the wooden panel. It is important that in the process of painting the lining, only the tips of the bristles of the brush pass along its surface, but not its base;
  • Even if the paint or varnish does not completely cover the surface of the lining, it is not recommended to apply too thick a layer of paint and varnish composition, since several thin layers will provide a more durable coating than one thick layer;
  • In order to effectively paint over the lining in hard-to-reach places, as well as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bskirting and platbands, experts recommend using a thinner brush, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm;
  • The following advice will avoid the appearance of marks on the surface of a freshly dyed lining. To do this, the top coat of paint must be applied from top to bottom, which will most effectively smooth the surface of the freshly painted lining.

Important! In the process of painting vertical surfaces, for which wooden lining was used, a layer of paint must be applied continuously. At the same time, it is not recommended to paint over the same place more than two or three times, as this will lead to the fact that the painted surface will not be strong enough and will acquire a sloppy appearance. In addition, after applying each layer, it is necessary to wait for it to dry, and then proceed to apply the next layer of paint.

  • To improve the quality of your painting, follow the advice of our experts.
  • Before painting, as well as in the process of work, it is necessary to mix the paint thoroughly, which will achieve uniformity of color and gloss;
  • To make sure that the color match is correct, make a test paint, which involves applying paint to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe unused board;
  • To avoid uneven color and gloss, experts do not recommend applying too thick a layer of paints and varnishes, replacing it with several thinner layers;
  • The following fact may seem surprising to someone, but sometimes, in the course of painting the lining, zigey mittens may be required. Experts explain this by the fact that sometimes wooden lining can alternate with metal pipes and other metal elements that are quite difficult to paint, which is explained by the fact that one side is on the ground. To facilitate the dyeing process, it is enough to turn the zigey mitten with the fur outward, put it on your hand and, dipping it in the paint, use it instead of a brush. This method significantly speeds up the painting process and allows you to paint up to 5 meters of pipe in 1 minute;
  • Experts recommend tinting the primer in the color that best matches the color of the subsequently used paintwork;
  • It is not recommended to carry out paint and varnish activities in sunny weather or under the influence of direct sunlight, which can excessively speed up the drying time of the paintwork material. To avoid this, do not hold such events in hot sunny weather, as well as on rainy days. The most optimal weather for painting events is warm, cloudy and calm weather;

  • The weakest point in this case is the ends of the boards, through which water is absorbed at the highest rate, causing damage to the wood. This causes the most thorough approach to their processing, including the application of several layers of primer and paintwork materials;
  • An interesting fact is that in the process of re-painting the facade of the building (if there are no gross structural defects on it), the same or a different shade can be used. However, it is important to follow the rule that it is necessary to use the same paintwork material that was previously used.
  • Determining the types of paintwork can be done visually. For example, acrylate paint typically cracks along the grain and has a leathery surface. At the same time, it can be torn off and even rolled into a tube, which will not affect its integrity in any way. As for the antiseptic, it is characterized by a glossy surface. A surface previously painted with an antiseptic can be painted with it or with oil paints.

Some tips for choosing paints and varnishes:

  • Due to the fact that during the drying process oil paints change their color somewhat, in the process of choosing the tone of the paintwork composition, give preference to a darker one;
  • As for acrylic paints, they do not change their color in the process of work and do not crack;
  • Water-based paints are environmentally friendly, however, more expensive materials. Having given preference to them, you will be surprised at the vastness of the choice of color palette;
  • Using aqualak, pre-paint the lining with water-repellent and anti-slip compounds, and also treat the lining with an antiseptic and impregnation, which will increase the fire safety of the treated wood;
  • If you or your family members are allergic, give preference to scuba diving, which is the safest material;
  • If you are using lining made from precious woods and want to emphasize its texture and naturalness, give preference to transparent polyurethane varnishes;
  • To paint wooden lining in the dressing room, use urethane-alkyd varnish or antiseptic paint, the service life of which exceeds a decade. They will reliably protect wood from rot, mold and fungus, as well as increase its water and dirt-repellent characteristics.
  • Due to the fact that oil paints reduce the air permeability of wood, to create an optimal microclimate in the room, use a primer and acrylic scuba varnish, which will reliably protect wood from dirt and dust and emphasize its natural beauty.
  • Also remember that after applying the varnish, a translucent film forms on the surface of the lining, the paint contributes to the formation of a durable film, and the impregnations are not visible at all on the surface of the wood.

How to paint the lining: the choice of color scheme

Regarding the question: "What color to paint the lining?" , then we can safely say that there is no unequivocal answer to it, and the choice of colors depends only on your preferences.

But, despite this, certain trends dominate at one stage or another in the development of design, and at the moment they are in the "leadership" of white, which contributes not only to the visual expansion of the interior space, but also to raising the mood of the residents.

Painting with a roller

Often, lovers of natural home decoration have to figure out in detail how to paint the lining inside the house. Such a procedure, in fact, is mandatory, and this is necessary for several reasons. First of all, thanks to the lacquer coating of wooden panels, you can extend their service life. In addition, well-chosen paint will allow you to save not only the texture, but also the appearance of the wood from which the lining is made.

Coating options for lining

Modern sellers of paints and varnishes are ready to offer their customers a large selection of different impregnation options. These compounds differ from each other, depending on the purpose for which they are intended.

  1. Use of fire retardants. These substances can significantly reduce the level of fire hazard of the processed material. Accordingly, treatment with a fire retardant composition is a prerequisite for extending the life of the lining, as well as for safety purposes.

It is important! It is customary to apply a flame retardant under special pressure, respectively, it is desirable that such a composition be applied at an industrial level. Only this will allow you to get a more thorough effect than if you apply paint that reduces flammability with your own hands.

  1. Compositions from bacteria. With the help of such impregnations, it is possible to protect the lining from various kinds of decay, infection, as well as from fungal and bacterial infections. At the same time, it is worth paying attention that coatings with a special mark are required for the processing of internal walls. This will select the harmless option, which is done ;
  2. Acrylic varnishes having a water base. Their use is suitable for finishing the lining, when it comes to coating inside the house. With acrylic, you can achieve not only a purely aesthetic effect, but also protect wooden panels from external influences.

Apply acrylic varnish in two steps:

  • Step 1- applying a transparent base, which is a prerequisite if you are looking for how and what is better to paint the lining inside the house;
  • Step 2- direct coloring, this is possible if you use a special tinting mixture. Here you can choose absolutely any shade, depending on your preferences.

  1. Synthetic varnishes. They are more toxic than acrylic varnishes, which are based on water. However, with synthetics, you can achieve the smoothest surface and shine, since they contain certain substances. Among them are toluene, as well as xylene. The presence in the composition of impregnations of this type of these substances allows them to be used exclusively for outdoor work, in view of too high toxicity and harmfulness to residents of the house;
  1. Wax formulations. These lining materials are an excellent substitute for varnish. With their help, not only a semi-gloss type, characteristic only for them, is provided, but also excellent protection of wooden panels. However, it will be difficult for a non-professional to apply this composition, it is desirable that only an experienced craftsman do this.

Coatings for decorative function

The compositions for coating wood panels indicated in the previous paragraph have one common undeniable function - they serve, first of all, to extend the life of the material, to protect it from any impact.

In the event that for you the design of the room is still in the first place by way of it or by changing an existing design, then you will have to figure out how best to paint the lining inside the house again.

Among the various compositions for decorative processing of wood panels, there are:

  • Oil paints. They are distinguished by excellent resistance to all external influences, even when it comes to moisture. In addition, the paint perfectly penetrates the structure of the tree, but it dries very slowly. Most oil paints tend to lose color over time after application, resulting in the need for constant renewal;
  • Acrylic based paints. This option is much better than a simple oil one, because it will allow you to keep the color much longer, while maintaining the shine. They are not afraid of temperature jumps, because they are characterized by increased elasticity. However, this type of paint has a certain drawback - this is the price.

It is he who determines the frequent choice of many homeowners in favor of just simple oil coatings;

The process of painting the lining

You should proceed directly to the painting process only if the primer has dried completely. A special video can help with staining technology, which will not only simplify the process, but also not forget about the following features:

  • Do not drive the base of the brush over the surface of the lining, use only the tips of the brush;
  • If a thin layer does not cover, in your opinion, the entire surface of the lining, you should not make it thicker. It is much better to apply several thin layers, because this is the only way you can provide yourself with a durable coating that will be durable;

An increasing number of homeowners, when choosing a finishing coating for interior walls, prefer natural material - wood. This choice is not surprising, because wood combines many useful properties: environmental friendliness, health benefits, beautiful appearance. To these qualities are added excellent operational qualities: light weight, good sound and heat insulation. The simplest and most affordable wooden finishing material is lining, a thin cladding panel with a thorn-groove connection. Painting the lining inside the house is a necessary stage in the finishing of housing, which allows you to give the interior a complete look and solve several additional tasks.

Lining in the interior: a stylish living room of a country house

On the need to process lining

Many sincerely believe that wood-paneled walls are beautiful in their natural appearance and do not need additional processing. Knowledgeable people have several valid objections to this; they indicate the need to protect sheathed walls from the following factors:

    Actions of ultraviolet. If a wall covered with clapboard is regularly exposed to sunlight, over time the wood will darken and the walls in the room will begin to look different.

    Color changes. If the house has an unimportant ventilation system, the air begins to stagnate. In places of high humidity, microorganisms develop and the wooden lining may turn blue.

    Structure damage. In a room with excess moisture in wood, insect pests easily start up, mold settles; this causes rotting and destruction of the finishing layer.

    Mechanical damage. A layer of paintwork will take on scratches and bumps and will not spoil the beauty of the walls.

    From the fire. It is considered reasonable and prudent to protect wooden surfaces from the rapid spread of flames.

Unprotected lining - an easy target for destructive factors

Sometimes the owners think about changing the interior. The wall paneling is easy to update - there are dozens of coating options and hundreds of shades that allow you to make familiar rooms unrecognizable.

There is no definite answer to the question of how to paint wooden panels inside a country house. The choice is determined by the goals - whether the owners only want to protect wooden walls, refresh dull surfaces, or radically change the color. Materials suitable for lining processing can be divided into two types: protective and decorative.

Protective compounds

There are many ways to protect a wooden surface from the damaging effects of external factors. Substances that can protect the panel covering include the following substances:

    flame retardants. This group of compositions is recommended for use in rooms with wooden walls or coatings. Flame retardant impregnation is not able to stop burning, but can significantly delay the spread of fire. This time will be enough to leave the premises and call firefighters, and, perhaps, to cope with the source of fire on their own.

Painted lining is protected from solar ultraviolet radiation

Flame retardants practically do not change the appearance of the wooden surface, and during operation they do not emit harmful substances.

    Antiseptics. Agents with bactericidal properties are used in the fight against biothreat - they are used as a preventive measure, but they are also effective if the infection of the fungus has already begun. The inconvenience of antiseptic treatment is that it must be repeated periodically, since the compositions tend to evaporate. Recently, complex impregnations have appeared that not only cope with mold and wood-boring beetles, but also perform the functions of varnish and stain. Such “three in one” antiseptics create a film on the surface, cost more, but additionally protect the lining from moisture and give it a spectacular look.

Treatment of lining with stain

    Linseed oil. It is used both for the manufacture of quick-drying varnishes and drying oils, and as an independent impregnation with valuable qualities. Oil is a natural agent that makes the lining water-repellent and makes it insensitive to microorganisms. The oil penetrates deep into the material without creating a film on the surface and allowing the wood to breathe. A surface impregnated with linseed oil shows the texture more clearly and acquires a light shade. Impregnation with linseed oil, although relatively inexpensive, will cost more than treatment with stain or varnish.

    Drying oil. There are natural, synthetic and combined drying oils. Every year they are used less and less - not the most attractive set of qualities affects: over time, the surface soaked with drying oil turns yellow and becomes sticky.

    Primer. Before using varnish or paint, the wooden surface is treated with a primer. Such a base protects the wood from moisture and reduces the consumption of paints and varnishes. The decorative layer is more even and attractive in appearance.

The use of a primer improves the quality of the base coat

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home finishing and insulation services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Bleachers. A group of products that allow you to get rid of stains of various nature that appear on a wooden surface. Bleach is applied to the problem area, and then washed off with water.

    Lucky. The varnish has not only protective, but also decorative functions, which is why it is often chosen for processing walls and ceilings from lining. One of the best options for indoor use is acrylic lacquer. Usually it is applied in two layers - the first is transparent, and the second can be tinted. Water-based varnish (aqualak) can create different effects - the walls after its application become glossy, matte or semi-matte. Aqualac creates a vapor-permeable film on the lining, often with protection from ultraviolet radiation and microorganisms.

    Wax. Wax mixtures are a classic remedy with effective protection. They give the wood a semi-gloss sheen and are a good alternative to varnishes. Manufacturers offer hard wax (it is heated before use), as well as liquid and water-based (ready-to-use). The wax composition is difficult to distribute evenly, but the preliminary application of a primer greatly facilitates this process.

Waxed lining is always in fashion

Decorative (covering) products

Decorative means are those that make the color and texture of the wood finish invisible. Sometimes they are used to hide a wooden surface that has darkened from time to time. Decorative options for painting the lining inside the house are distinguished by a pleasant variety; These include the following types of paints and varnishes:

    Oil paint. An old, tried and tested way to protect and freshen up a wall is to cover it with oil paint, which creates a dense moisture-proof layer. The downside is the long drying of the paint and its pungent smell. Because of this, it is recommended to perform work in the warm season, when the walls dry out and the smell disappears as quickly as possible.

    Acrylic (acrylate) paint. In many ways, it's a better quality, easy-to-work material than oil-based paint. It does not lose color and gloss, creates a waterproof elastic film on the surface, which does not violate the integrity during temperature fluctuations. The paint is easy to use - it dries quickly and weathers.

Clapboard covered with acrylic paint in the interior of the living room

Having opted for painting the lining inside the house with acrylic paint, it would be right to use it to decorate the walls in the bedroom and the nursery - it is absolutely harmless. The only thing that spoils the impression of acrylic paint is its high price.

    Acrylic scuba tank. An eco-friendly product that is gaining popularity is able to simultaneously decorate and protect the walls from the lining. The product has a high degree of protection against microorganisms, does not have an unpleasant odor after drying, and when applied lies flat, without marks and streaks. Painting the lining inside the house with acrylic scuba diving has its own separate plus - a wide palette of colors that allows you to create an original interior.

    Alkyd varnish. This type of paint and varnish products is used mainly in rooms that need regular wet cleaning (kitchen, hallway, living room). Colored varnish is resistant to abrasion, colorless - also to water. Minus: alkyd varnishes dry for a long time and are expensive.

    Decorative glaze. It is used as an independent decorative composition. Can be transparent or colored; in both cases, it favorably emphasizes the texture of wooden panels and protects them from moisture.

Video description

About the protection of wood panels in the following video:

    Opaque enamel. It is beneficial to use it if it is necessary to hide defects on the lining; the layer is dense and solid.

Painting: features and nuances

Having chosen how to paint the wooden lining inside the house, they begin the painting process. In order for the result to be of high quality and to please the owners for many years, the following preparatory work must be performed:

    stock up on tools. You will need paint brushes and a tray, the selected paint and varnish material, a roller with interchangeable nozzles, a bucket, fine-grained sandpaper and protective gloves.

    Clear Surface. The lining is cleaned of dust, dirt, old coating with a hard brush or pumice stone, then treated with sandpaper.

    Degrease wood. Surface treatment with an alkaline detergent will improve the adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the wood.

    Carry out grinding. You can level the surface with pumice stone, sandpaper or a sanding grid. Previously, defects are sealed with putty, the resin is removed with a solvent.

Minimum set for painting wood panels

    Pre-treat lining. A primer is applied, after it dries - antiseptic impregnation. The process can be accelerated if you purchase a combined composition that combines both means.

    paint the walls. After waiting for the primer and antiseptic to dry, proceed to painting. Paint for lining inside the house is applied in two or three layers. The number of layers depends on the material chosen and is indicated in the instructions. It is possible to qualitatively paint wooden panels before they are mounted on the walls, but this is not always possible (a large awning or canopy is required for the procedure).

Video description

About painting the lining in different colors in the following video:

Some subtleties of the workflow will help make the painting better. When processing wooden panels, the following points are taken into account:

    Reduce painting cost the use of paints and varnishes with a complex action will help. Tinted varnish or oil-wax is more expensive, but the effect of its use will be higher.

    Pre-impregnation lining should be made from all sides, this will greatly enhance the protective effect.

    When working with oil paint its tendency to change color (burnout) should be taken into account. So that over time the color change does not catch the eye and does not spoil the interior, it is worth choose darker, more saturated shades.

    Painting is best not done on a hot day., since the coating will dry out too quickly, and lie down unevenly (spots of different saturation may remain).

    To get the coverage uniform in color, mixture during operation is necessary stir occasionally.

The coating is applied along the fibers of the lining

    To the color of the walls was uniform, you can add the color of the finishing material (paint) to the primer.

    When choosing a paint composition take into account the total costs: not only its cost, but also the recommended number of layers, as well as paint consumption per 1 m².

The choice of color for painting lining

Walls sheathed with clapboard are the backdrop for creating the interior of a country house, so choosing the right shade is no less important than choosing the optimal paint and varnish composition. So that the choice of color for wooden panels does not violate the harmony of design, they are guided by the following rules:

    For walls choose a shade that differs no more than a few tones from the color of the ceiling and floor. Contrasting transitions will harm the overall style (only if the interior is not designed in any of the avant-garde styles).

    White color- a classic way to expand the space and make it lighter. It adds elegance to the interior, goes well with other shades and well hides surface defects.

Warm colors are welcome in the design of the bedroom

    In design living room and kitchen on the walls, trimmed with clapboard, look best light and warm colors: cream, peach, brown.

    Nursery interior allows the use bright colors(for which high-quality and safe acrylate paints are ideal). V bedroom walls, sheathed with wooden panels, are tried to be varnished with natural shades or soothing colors - purple, beige, honey. For wall decoration cabinet suitable gray-blue or brown-green gamma.


Walls sheathed with clapboard are a spectacular and practical way of interior decoration of a country house. In order for the coating to turn out to be long-term, careful preliminary preparation of the wooden panels is necessary. Qualitatively processed and painted lining will emphasize the interior design and save you from too frequent repairs.

Lining has long been used for finishing all kinds of surfaces indoors and outdoors. This sheathing method is quite reliable and simple, as well as universal, because the material can be used in the area of ​​​​ceilings, verandas, doors and loggias. Wood is so popular with the modern consumer for the reason that it is environmentally friendly, it can be used to create a comfortable and warm microclimate, and the appearance allows you to get a feeling of closeness to nature.

The need for staining

Over time, the surface of this finish may lose its appearance, which occurs due to changes in moisture and temperatures, as well as other negative factors. Therefore, she needs protection measures. If you paint the lining, then this will save it from drying out, exposure to insects and damage, and extend its service life. Among other things, the painted surface can be subjected to wet cleaning, which prevents the penetration of water and dirt.

Many owners of houses and apartments are wondering not only how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, but also decide for themselves whether it is worth doing such work at all. Without staining, the wood will darken rather quickly, it will have to be restored.

The choice of material for staining

If you are faced with the question of how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, you may prefer a material that belongs to one of the two existing groups. Compositions can be decorative or protective, in the latter case, you can choose impregnations and primers that can protect wood from insects, the occurrence and development of fungus, decay and drying. If you prefer decorative means of protection, then you can choose acrylic or oil paint, decorative glaze or scuba, stain or opaque enamel. This list is not complete, as there are many different products among paints and varnishes, each of which differs in cost, manufacturer, service life, decorative properties and environmental friendliness. If you are faced with the task of how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, then you can, for example, prefer a hypoallergenic varnish, which also has decorative qualities. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a glossy or matte surface.

When to choose oil paint

Thinking about how to paint the lining inside the house in the country in white, you can choose oil paint. These compounds are able to serve for a long time, they dry quickly, and in the process of use they are able to repel moisture. But you must be prepared for the fact that during the course of carrying these mixtures emit a persistent odor, as well as during drying. Therefore, staining with oil compositions must be carried out on warm days, when it is possible to ventilate the room. After 5 years, such a surface will begin to lose its original luster, which will indicate the need for renewal of the coating.

Is Acrylic Paint Worth It?

If you still can’t decide how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, then you can buy which has a higher cost compared to the one described above. You can apply this composition at any time of the year. The high cost will be offset by the absence of odor and the possibility of application at various temperatures.

Decorative glaze or acrylic scuba

Decorative glaze perfectly emphasizes the texture of natural wood, as it has a transparent structure. If there is a desire to give this composition a certain shade, then all kinds of colors can be added to its ingredients. Acrylic scuba paint retains its texture just as well, but it cannot be used to paint surfaces that will be subjected to intense stress.

Alkyd varnishes, stains or opaque enamels

Quite often, people are interested in experts, how to paint the lining inside the house in the country. The photos presented in the article will allow you to understand which composition is best to purchase for this. If you do not want to hide the natural pattern of wood, then you can use alkyd varnishes, but they are applied only on a completely dry surface. That is why you must ensure that the lining is prepared in accordance with all the rules, which is not always possible. If you do not follow this rule, then the surface can quickly become covered with cracks when dried.

Will not paint over wood and stain, but only change its basic tone. But you can use this composition only when you are sure of the perfect evenness of the products, they should not have flaws. When choosing a lining of low quality, it is best to refuse such surface treatment. If you are still thinking about how and with what to paint the lining inside the house in the country, then you can purchase opaque enamel that will completely color the canvas. At the same time, natural wood will not be visible, however, it is possible, with the help of these mixtures, to completely renew the surface, which has been used for more than one year and has lost its original beauty. The application of these compositions is carried out in several layers, between which it will be necessary to wait a certain time.

Which varnish to choose

The huge range of paint and varnish products can lead to confusion for the modern consumer. Having visited the store, you can pick up varnishes that are great for lining the lining, including alkyd, acrylic-polyurethane, water-based acrylic, water-based and polyurethane. Acrylic water is excellent for interior work, they can be glossy or matte in structure. Alkyd are universal, as they can be used to cover lining installed not only inside, but also outside the premises.

Traditional water emulsion perfectly show their quality characteristics in interior decoration, but acrylic-polyurethane can be used even in rooms whose surfaces will be exposed to sunlight. This is due to the fact that such compositions are completely not subject to burnout. If you are especially afraid that the lining will turn yellow over time or will age under the influence of ultraviolet rays, then you should choose polyurethane compounds that do an excellent job of protecting wood.

How to paint lining on top of drying oil

If the premises have not been renovated for a long time, then you may face the acute question of how to paint the lining inside the house in the country on top of drying oil. If necessary, you can sand the surface, only after that you can start applying any enamels or paints, but you should refuse organosilicon, which has silicone in its composition. If you cover the lining with alkyd or acrylic compounds, then the materials will hold together well, which applies even to dry drying oil. However, in the latter case, you should not rush, as the surface may subsequently become covered with ugly wrinkles.

If you cannot decide how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, it is recommended to read the reviews. From them you can find out that the base, if there are small cracks on it ranging from 1 to 1.5 millimeters in size, can be covered with putty, but you should not be zealous when applying it. As a putty, you can use a composition that is independently prepared from chalk powder and drying oil. If you do not want to bother with the independent preparation of different mixtures, then you can use the special Pufas wood putty, which is sold in tubes. Its cost is significant, but it justifies all expectations. Another solution is a tinted one specially designed for wood.

Quite often, the owners of suburban buildings think about how and how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, the reviews will allow you to understand which composition is better to choose. The opinions of users in most cases coincide with the information presented above. But a successful outcome should be expected only with the right choice of mixture, as well as subject to the rules for application. To begin with, the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, as well as old finishes. After the lining is polished, for which you can use ordinary pumice. At the next stage, the master can apply a primer antiseptic to enhance the effect of durability. If you have already decided how to paint the lining inside the house in the country house cheaply, then at the next stage you can purchase the appropriate materials and start work. To do this, use a roller, spray gun or brush. Movement should be directed from top to bottom.