What to make a fence cheaply and beautifully. Simple options for building fences with your own hands You need to build a fence

As a rule, such fences consist of sections and exist in two types: fences with supports made of metal pipes or brick columns. Profiled sheets on them can be located in one case at a small distance from the ground, and in the other, they can be based on a foundation or a brick side connecting the fence posts.

The first option is more economical, as it involves the use of fewer materials and simplified installation. Another type of fence allows you to make it more respectable, but requires more materials and labor.

The use of a profiled sheet in the metal fencing of the site is fully justified, since it has a number of advantages:

  • The installation process of the fence does not cause technological problems;
  • The profiled sheet is strong enough;
  • If such a fence is properly mounted and then maintained, it will stand for a very long time;
  • The appearance of the fence made of corrugated board is quite modern.
The low price of materials for such a fence makes it affordable for most land owners. And thanks to the wide color scheme and the variety of shapes of profiled sheets, the railings made of them are perfectly combined with many design solutions.

Technology of installation of a fence from a professional flooring

The entire production process of installing a corrugated fence can be divided into several stages. Let's consider them in order.

Preparatory work before the installation of the fence

Before purchasing basic materials, you need to prepare tools and equipment for work. You will need a building level, a concrete mixer, welding machine, pegs and a cord for marking the territory, an electric drill with drills, electrodes d. 2.5 mm. It is also necessary to organize the supply of water to the place of concrete work.

It is not recommended to build any fence without a diagram or drawing. To compile any of these documents, markup data is required. It should begin with the definition and measurement of the perimeter of the site. To do this, you need to hammer pegs in its corners and connect them by pulling a cord between them. Using a tape measure, it is necessary to determine the length of the future fence and the required number of its supports, which are arranged in 2-3 m increments, depending on the length of the sheets. The location of each pole must be marked with a peg.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the foundation, the width of the entrance gate and entrance gate. The width of the base, in order to save the cost of earthwork and concrete works, can be made different. Then, under the supports, it is made in their size, and under the sheets - narrower. Gate dimensions depend on their purpose. All markup data to be transferred to the scheme for counting the right amount materials.

If facing the supports with bricks is not planned, then a powerful foundation for a lightweight fence structure will not be required. In this case, a hole 15 cm wide to a depth of 1.5 m is dug under each rack. You can use hand drill. The depth of immersion of the supports into the ground depends on the height of the fence. The higher you plan to make the fence, the deeper you need to dig in its supports.

For a heavy fence with brick posts, you will need a more massive foundation. To prepare it, shovels, a supply of polypropylene bags for removing excess soil and time are needed.

A trench, for example, with a volume of 4 m 3 is dug by a pair of workers within 4-5 hours with smoke breaks. Its depth for the foundation depends on the level of soil freezing in a particular region, on average - 1-1.5 m.

The most important thing in this type of work is the selection of soil to the desired depth. The level of laying the foundation, its immobility and the normal functioning of the entrance gate depend on it.

The choice of materials for the fence from corrugated board

The main material of the fence is profiled sheet. It is made from durable zinc plated steel. All sheets have a ribbed shape, as well as marking A or C followed by numbers from 8 to 35, which indicate the wave height of the product in millimeters. For example, C10 corrugated board used for fences has a wave height of 10 mm. The larger it is, the stiffer the profiled sheet. In regions with strong winds, it is recommended to use C20 corrugated board for fencing.

The thickness of the profiled sheets should be chosen depending on the height of the fence. If it is, for example, up to 3 meters, optimal value will be 0.5 mm. For a higher fence, sheets of t. 0.6 mm are suitable.

When buying, you should pay attention to the flooring. More resistant is powder coating. Sheets must be double sided. The brighter color has them outer side. Inside the corrugated board is gray.

For the manufacture of a fence from corrugated board, in addition to steel sheets, you will additionally need:

  1. Pipes and bricks for supports. Steel pipes are taken with a rectangular or circular section of 60x60 mm with a wall thickness of 3 mm and a length of 3 m. The brick is silicate, clay or facing. For laying columns from it you will need building mixture.
  2. lags. These are transverse fencing elements designed to securely connect supports into a single frame. In addition, they serve as the basis for fastening profiled sheets. The material for the cross members will be steel pipes. rectangular section 40x25 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm and a length of 6 m.
  3. fasteners. It is needed for the installation of fencing sheets. These are roofing screws or metal rivets measuring 3.2x10 mm.
  4. M200 concrete for mounting fence posts. If its self-preparation is provided, cement, crushed stone and sand will be required.
It is not at all necessary to choose as fence posts from corrugated board metal pipes. You can install wooden or asbestos-cement poles. Before installation, wooden supports should be treated with a blowtorch flame, and then with a bitumen-based primer.

Pouring the foundation for the fence

Formwork assembly is an extremely responsible event. The fact is that after pouring concrete, the admitted formwork defects can no longer be corrected. Therefore, in addition to a semi-edged board, drill and screws, you will definitely need wooden lintels and brick supports for additional fastening of the entire structure.

The assembly of formwork panels is carried out in a trench and begins with the top board, which marks the level of the foundation. Its upper part should be 10 cm above the ground in order to avoid the accumulation of dirt on it during rains.

Reinforcement of the foundation is carried out using a three-dimensional frame made of metal rods with a diameter of 10 mm. In the frame, horizontal reinforcement is represented by two lower and two upper reinforcement bars. Vertical reinforcement - four short jumpers connecting horizontal rods at regular intervals of 1.5 m. The reinforcement is connected with knitting wire.

After installing the frame, pipes or powerful corners are lowered into the formwork to reinforce future brick columns. The installation of these elements is carried out using a plumb line and building level. Then they are fixed in it with short boards. After fixing the formwork with lintels and props, concrete can be poured into it.

When installing a corrugated fence, concrete preparation is done manually or using a concrete mixer. The composition of the mixture is used as follows: cement - 1 part, crushed stone - 6 parts, sand - 3 parts, water - 0.7 parts, concrete additives (liquid household soap) - 0.1% of the amount of cement.

It takes 30-40 minutes to manually mix 100 liters of concrete. After concreting, it is advisable to cover the formwork with a film to avoid drying out of the top layer of the coating, and it can be removed after a week in the presence of warm weather.

Massive strip foundation under the brick columns is poured in the usual way. If it is not planned to line the racks with stone, the bottom of the recesses under them is covered with a layer of crushed stone t. 200 mm, then the racks are installed and concreted cement mixture.

So that over time the soil between them does not wash out, instead of the foundation, the pipes of the supports can be connected with a recessed concrete tape with a total height of 20 cm. For its manufacture along the lower part metal racks a wooden box is made. Its boards are fastened with wire or timber trimmings, and then lined with waterproofing from the inside. After pouring concrete into the box and setting it, the formwork is carefully disassembled. The resulting side will serve not only as a protection against washing out of the soil, but also as an obstacle to penetration under the fence into the territory of pets.

Instructions for installing a fence from corrugated board

The frame of the fence from profiled sheets is assembled from a metal pipe with a section of 20x40x2 mm using manual welding. The pieces of the profile pipe cut to the required length in a horizontal position are slightly welded to uprights in 2-3 rows, the accuracy of installation is checked by the building level. After that, the final welding takes place. It takes about 2 hours for a 15 m long fence welding work.

After their completion, anti-corrosion treatment of frame elements and places of its welding is performed. For this purpose, primer GF-020 is suitable, which can be applied to metal with a brush or paint sprayer.

For the installation of brick columns used facing brick. Usually, experienced masons are involved in such work, because the quality requires it. When laying bricks, a mortar is used in the ratio of cement / sand 1 to 3 with the addition of a small part for the plasticity of the mixture liquid soap. Masonry columns are performed alternately in 1 day to a height of 0.5 m.

The gaps between the masonry and the metal rack are filled with mortar while working on the column. Each row of masonry is reinforced with a mesh of 50x50x4 mm. To protect the upper end of the column from rain and snow, decorative caps are installed on it. This gives the fence a special expressiveness.

As an option, the racks can be lined not with bricks, but with artificial or natural stone. From this, the appearance of the fence will only benefit. However, such a procedure will require considerable investment.

Installation of a professional flooring is the last stage of production of a fence. In order not to damage the end of the profiled sheet during installation, it is recommended to lay cardboard on the foundation. Products are fixed on profile pipe through the wave at the base of the corrugation. The connection is made with an overlap with self-tapping screws using an electric drill with a nozzle. You can take rivets, but they must be steel.

Aluminum fasteners can create between different materials structures, a galvanic couple, the appearance of which causes electrochemical corrosion of steel.

Sheets of profiled flooring in the same fence can be easily combined, for example, with forging. To make such a fence look attractive, you can use different arrangement its enclosing elements: the upper, Bottom part structures or spaces between them.

To maintain a good and attractive condition of the fence from corrugated board, a lot of effort is not required. It is quite enough to periodically clean it from dirt. Any solution containing soap will work for this. It is important that the emulsion does not contain solvents: they can damage the coating.

How to make a fence from corrugated board - look at the video:

It is not difficult to come up with a fence design, it is more difficult to realize the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to do exactly what you want. But when there is a desire to also make money on it, then you need to evaluate the attractiveness from the very beginning. consumable. After all, the overall design is often assembled from everything that is idle or sold for a penny.

From improvised materials

Now, it is on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, that's what you can choose from:

  • Pallets;
  • Used slate;
  • Plastic (various containers);
  • production grid;
  • Cutting from a sawmill (the most budgetary rural option);
  • Shrub branches (gathered with their own hands, if there is one near the construction site);
  • (for fence or barn, more budget option No);
  • Dismantled wooden barrels (rare case, but sometimes in production workshops they are forced to sell already broken barrels of strong wood by self-delivery);
  • Scrap metal (if you have transport, you can visit retail outlets and collect poles, crossbars and even some handmade decor by weight);
  • Professional sheet. The most inexpensive;
  • Concrete, cement and decorative.

How to do cheap fence from all this? Let's analyze in detail.

Designer novelties

Beautiful photos with original ideas:

Simple design layout. In the photo - a homemade picket fence from wire, hazel, willow. You don’t even need to nail anything on a simple fence made of branches with your own hands, it’s enough to make turns between the supporting parts, and a low fence will be ready very soon. It is a pity that such designs do not hold out for very long. strong winds and precipitation.

The garden option decorative fence in a private house, assembled on their own. And the more paint residues are used in this version, the brighter the garden itself will look. Boards can also be selected from pallets, creating a simple decoration element.

Worth noticing! Such a garden fence is also an impromptu bird feeder and drinker. Very original and inexpensive.

Brick, cement and glass. American novelty. The materials are not cheap and improvised, but it looks great. Unfortunately, such a design, most likely, will not stand for a very long time due to the rapid interest. In total there is someone who cannot repeat this.

Copper or other metal at work. Of course, an element for an amateur. And yes, there is a lot of welding. But if you make, for example, from iron beds of past eras, then it will be original, free and forever.

Plastic. Even greenhouses have been made from containers for a long time. And don't forget about fences. It is desirable, of course, to make small pieces from empty containers flat material, with which buildings or fences are then sheathed. But the above method is also suitable, just prepare a strong frame in advance.

Europallet. Suitable everywhere: firewood, building a barn and a fence. Interestingly, the technology for creating the pallets themselves has a drying stage. It turns out that pallets from the warehouse are ideal construction material for an inexpensive fence. And often unloading pallets are sold simply by weight. On small-sized boards, there should be no knots and defects.

It is not necessary to dismantle pallets for the construction of the fence. It is best to do as in the photo above - expose and fix each of them in turn.

Branches, tree and slab

Quite inexpensive, an example in the photo:

You can’t imagine it easier - they insert or drive in something for support, and then weave the way the soul desires. Everything that lies under your feet goes to work. Even dry, crooked and heavy oak branches can be the end of the composition.

Below is a picture of a fence. From a thin branch such a design, of course, does not differ in strength. But you can fix a ready-made homemade fence mesh throughout.

So (next photo) is much stronger, more economic and more beautiful. Livestock, pests from the forest or abandoned dogs will not violate your territorial space. Moreover, the grid can be installed not the smallest, and it is enough for one meter from the ground. Above, such protection is no longer needed.

Mesh combined with a wooden frame performed according to right technology(a tree under a cone, columns are processed by bitumen). Modest, not very expensive and reliable. You should not sin on a tree, because a fence made of absolutely any material will not last forever. And even monolithic structures destroyed by atmospheric changes.

carved grace. This is a small work of art. Although earlier, when most of the population of our country lived in private lands, carved elements were in every yard. It had several meanings: prosperity, accuracy, skill and respect for traditions.

Below - pallet garden fence treated with protective compounds.

fence board blends very nicely With concrete base and pillar.

By the way, it is the “fence board” that comes in several varieties (grade 1-3). If there is a lot of crooked wood at the sawmill, then grade 3 fence boards will accumulate in cubic meters. Externally, of course, there are differences, but this is the same wood that is used in construction. There is more trouble with her, but for such low price she is forgiven. And if grade 1 costs from 3 thousand per 1 cube, grade 3 will cost 1.5-1.8.

It is also interesting that cheap lumber is not bought quickly, so it is easy to find a dry inexpensive fence board in warehouses or squares.

Original wood processing

By Japanese technology now you can burn fence boards giving it a brown tint. Similar processing for natural material only needed once. Moreover, a thin layer of burnt wood is resistant to moisture, and natural processing can only be replaced by expensive paint, the service life of which leaves much to be desired. Burn several dozen boards with oxygen or blowtorch comfortable, practical and original.

Slate, profiled sheet, concrete and mesh

If you take a new slate into work, then it would be better to order exactly the flat version, designed for 1 span. Such material is easy to replace in case of breakage, and it looks discreet, solid, more solid.

Used slate more often with a wave. It is rarely used on the front part, except for visors. However, the back side of the site, closed from the eyes of everyone and everything, also needs to be fenced. That's where they find use for the old slate from the grandfather's house or barn.

Interesting fact! Slate, released in the 70-80s of the 20th century, is very fragile, but durable. If no cracks are made during transportation and installation, then it will stand in the fence for more than one decade.

Classical rules for working with your own hands on a profiled sheet and a metal frame. As shown in the figure, for a high fence (above 2 meters), it is more correct to make 3 logs. Well, the span is not more than 2.5 meters.

Patterned grids. Long and hard work. It must be carried out according to the project or pattern. Of course, you will have to work hard, but you can sell such works. Or get hired for design, if there is interest in your ideas.

Cheap, beautiful and original. Everything can be used in decorative elements: from forks to car hubs. And it doesn’t matter how it all will look exactly in the big picture, because different elements from iron or other material it is impossible to assemble ugly into one structure.

Profiled sheet or corrugated board wooden frame . An option for those who do not know the welding craft. It is better to make the frame itself more stable, although sheets arranged horizontally will give the necessary rigidity. Wood should be treated protective equipment oil based.

Concrete or brick fences. Lots of shades here. decorative elements and, consequently, costs. It is more profitable to make only the base from stone, placing it in the center of each span wood, forging, decking or even factory plastic.

Estimated cost

Let's take a look at the example of a standard 6 acres of a summer cottage:

Type of fence materials Number of materials Cost per unit, rub. Amounts, rub.
Wooden fence with concrete base Cement (concrete); 11 cubic meters; 3 thousand; 33 thousand
pillars (logs); From 50 pieces; 450; 22 thousand
logs (beam); 40 pieces; 150; 6 thousand
fence board (grade 2-3). 200-250 pieces. 60. 15 thousand
Result: 76 thousand for building materials.
Mesh with concrete base Concrete; 11 cubic meters; 3 thousand; 33 thousand
Pipes for the frame; 89X40; 1500; 78 thousand
Logs made of wood; 50 pieces.

200-250 pieces;

108; 3.7 thousand
Net. 170 square meters. 60. 9.4 thousand
Bottom line: material without delivery 124 thousand.

These are prices for the central region. And if you call to count the fences of the above materials on a turnkey basis, then you need to add up to 50 thousand for work and delivery.


Fences made of stone, brick and a decorative component cost twice as much as a fence made of mesh or wood.

It is easy to guess that it is most profitable to do what you have planned with your own hands, using the same euro pallet or used pallet. After all, with high-quality installation, they look much more original. The price of the work is cheap, the material itself can be ordered from 100 rubles apiece. 1 element is a whole meter of an almost assembled fence. Consider for yourself what is better for a conventional fence.

Video instruction

Ivan Galkin tells how to make an inexpensive fence.

Today, a person who decides to build a house on his own should be prepared for significant costs. Most of the money is most often spent on foundations and laying walls, but in most cases you have to significantly spend money on things that at first glance seem not obvious. It's about about the fence.

A reasonable owner of future housing sets out to save on such details. In addition, this is a completely justified and feasible solution.

The key way to reduce fence costs is to do it yourself. The importance of this process should not be underestimated, since the fence is not only a decorative structure that hides the territory from prying eyes, but also a protective fence designed to prevent suspicious persons from entering the site.

In other words, the design must be reliable, durable and aesthetic. Only under such conditions will it satisfy all the requirements for it. In our case, ease of installation should also be added to the list of conditions.

Materials for building a fence

There are several basic materials that allow you to build an inexpensive and functional structure:

  • tree;
  • Rabitz;
  • corrugated board;
  • plastic.

The main limiter in the construction technology and the combination of materials is financial costs. First you need to choose the material that will become the basis for the fence, then find a suitable economical construction technology, and then make basic calculations.

Wooden fence: pros and cons

Modern hardware stores offer a large number of wood options suitable for the construction of a reliable structure. This material has some advantages over others, which makes it almost the most popular product.

Advantages of wooden structures:


Materials for installing a wooden fence

To build a standard wooden fence, you will need materials such as picket fence, cross boards, supporting pillars, pegs, ropes, cement, sand, shovel, saw, fasteners, special agent against wood decay.

It is best if the entire set of tools is collected in one place within reach to facilitate access to components.

Construction of a wooden fence

Stage 1. We mark the place for the structure, determine the location of the gate. We use pegs and rope. The distance between the posts is 2 meters. This is how the stability of the structure to external influences is ensured.

Stage 2. We take a shovel and dig holes for supporting pillars.

Stage 3. Immerse the pillars in the ground by about one fourth of their length.

Stage 4. We put spacers to fix the pillars and fill the pit with cement mixed with sand.

Stage 5. We drive in transverse boards.

Stage 6. We vertically fix the picket fence on the transverse boards.

Stage 7. We paint the finished fence in the selected color.

On this, the construction of a wooden fence is considered completed. This is a relatively simple version of the fence, which is usually installed as a temporary option.

Mesh fencing is considered to be the most economical option available today. Among the advantages of such fences should be noted:

Clarifying the last point, it should be noted that installation will require tools that are easy to find in every home. In addition, modern stores offer a wide range of nets of the most different colors and sizes, which allows you to move away from the banal appearance fence.

Materials for building a fence:

For those who adhere to more original solutions, there are vinyl coatings, but they tend to lose color over time.

Construction of a chain-link fence

Step 1. We markup.

Step 2. We dig holes for supporting pillars.

Step 3. We place the pipes in the pits.

Mesh fence - chain-links

Step 4. Fill the pits prepared in advance concrete mortar. In some cases, builders simply hammer the pipes into the ground with a sledgehammer. This is possible if the soil is sufficiently soft.

Step 5. We begin to fix the grid. We fix the beginning of the roll at the first pipe, which acts as the beginning of the future fence.

Step 6. We stretch the mesh around the remaining supports, gradually fixing it. It is important to ensure that the mesh does not sag, otherwise all work will be useless.

Stages of work in the sectional construction of the fence

Step 1. Laying the foundation.

Step 2. We build a frame for tension from metal corners.

Step 3. We fix the corners between the supports.

Step 4 We fix the mesh inside the corners by welding.

Chain-link fences are very easy to erect without the help of specialists, which allows you to save a lot and try your hand.

Fencing from corrugated board

This type of fence deservedly can be called the most common. Most often it is used for fencing summer cottages and private houses. To build such a fence, you will need a welding machine and a little patience. In general, the installation technology is very simple, which can be attributed to the advantages of the design.

Modern construction markets offer corrugated board different colors and sizes, so that buyers should not limit themselves in fantasies.

As additional components, you should purchase anti-corrosion paint, supporting structures, logs, shovels, self-tapping screws, and also make a cement mortar.

Installation of a fence from a professional flooring

Step 1. We carry out the markup for the future fence. It is important that the distance between adjacent supports does not exceed two and a half meters. Pegs and twine are used as auxiliary elements.

Step 2. We make recesses in the established places. In the future, these wells will be inserted supporting elements. This task can be carried out using a special drill or simply dig a hole with a shovel. The depth of the pit is standard one hundred and thirty centimeters.

Step 3. We install support pillars at the corners of the territory, and then around the entire perimeter.

Step 4. We strengthen the base of the pillars with cement.

Step 5 We install the logs that are necessary for further attaching the corrugated board.

Step 6 We fasten the sheets to the logs using self-tapping screws.

Step 7 metal elements enamel. In some cases, a primer is used.

In the end, the fence turns out to be quite pleasant in terms of aesthetic characteristics, as well as durable and reliable. It looks much more solid than a fence made of wood or chain-link mesh, and therefore can be regarded as a full-fledged fence.

plastic fence

Plastic deservedly bears the title of one of the most affordable materials for building a fence. This is a real salvation for summer residents who do not want to build expensive structures on their plots.

The positive aspects of such fences are as follows:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • nice appearance.

Installing a plastic fence

Stage 1. We carry out marking on the territory where it is planned to put a fence.

Stage 2. We mark the places where the gate and gate will be.

Stage 3. In established places, we drive support pillars into the ground.

Stage 4. In the corners we fix piles made of durable metal.

Stage 5. We stretch the piles around the perimeter of the site.

Stage 6. We fix the pillars with spacers.

Stage 7. We attach the sections between the supports.

Thus, due to simple machinations, it turns out beautiful and functional fence, which, in terms of its external qualities, although it cannot compete with structures made of decorative stone or forged items, but fully satisfies the owners of the territory.

In this article, the easiest ways to build fences were considered, the choice of which is determined only by your preferences. Now you can build a cheap fence with your own hands.

Video - Construction of a wooden fence

Video - Construction of a mesh fence

Video - Installation of a corrugated fence

Video - Installing a plastic fence

How to build a fence in the country with your own hands? Are there any rules governing construction? What materials can be used? What are the poles made of? In this article we will try to find answers.

Country cottage area. So far, no fence.


Having moved away from the noisy city, most summer residents experience a quite understandable desire for solitude. Alas, the world is not perfect: not everyone and not always has enough luck with their neighbors to share their leisure time with them.

However, there are certain regulatory requirements limiting the construction of fences for summer cottages.

  • According to SNiP 30-02-97, fences must be mesh or lattice. The instruction is related to the need to minimize the shading of neighboring areas.

Important: by decision of the general meeting of the garden partnership, it is allowed to build a blind fence from the side of streets and driveways.

  • In addition, the height and structure of the fences is usually prescribed in the charter of the ST. A typical fence between sites can reach a height of 1.5 meters with a light transmission of at least 50%; the fence on the side of the passage has a height of no more than 2 meters.

Let's move on to specific solutions.

Translucent structures

First, let's pay attention to the fences that will not obscure the neighboring beds and windows, creating all the conditions for a nice communal squabble.


The classic material has only one advantage: its price is lower than that of most competing ones.

More disadvantages:

  • Service life rarely exceeds 5-7 years.
  • Aesthetics of a protection — at the level of a plinth. A very unkempt plinth.
  • Repair is required, as a rule, already from the first year of construction.
  • It is quite possible to overcome an obstacle from a picket fence not only to an attacker, but also to a neighbor's chicken.

The method of construction is extremely simple: fired from below or smeared bituminous mastic the pillars are dug into the ground and connected by crossbars, on which planks are stuffed.

chain link

With greater translucency, a chain-link fence is much more durable and can be overcome with much more difficulty.

How is it built?

  1. With a constant step of 2-2.5 meters, holes 0.7-1.2 meters deep are torn off or drilled. Exact value depends on the type of soil: the denser it is, the less deepening you can do without compromising strength.
  2. Posts are placed in the holes. As a rule, this round pipe diameter 32 - 50 mm.

Please note: galvanized steel is more durable than black steel, but costs 1.5 times more.
Compromise between durability and low cost - processing black steel pipe phosphating rust converter with subsequent painting.

  1. The pillars are set on a plumb line, after which the pits are covered with rubble and compacted.
  2. Crushed stone is filled with liquid sand-cement mortar prepared in a ratio of 1:4.
  3. The chain-link (preferably again galvanized) is attracted to the posts with wire clamps.

The mesh stretched in this way will hold quite freely.

Additional structural rigidity can be given in two ways:

  • Having connected the pillars with crossbars from a professional pipe measuring from 20x40 mm. The chain-link is additionally attracted to the jumpers.
  • Stretching a steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm between the posts above and below. It is threaded directly through the mesh cells and holes drilled in the posts; turnbuckles are used to tension the wire in straight sections.


Polycarbonate attracts with its partial transparency: light passes through it, but it hides the details safely. Thus, with a two-meter height of the fence, it is possible to provide some privacy without violating regulatory requirements.

We are already familiar with the method of constructing the frame: they become pillars from a steel pipe (in this case, a profile). Since the wind load on the fence will be noticeably higher than in the case of a chain-link, it is better to prefer poles with a cross section of at least 60x60 and deepen them by at least a meter.

As a log (horizontal jumpers), a professional pipe measuring 20x40 and above is used. It can be attached to poles both by welding and by bolts; it is desirable that the step between the lags does not exceed 60 cm. Polycarbonate is attracted to them by metal screws with rubber washers; at the same time, the screws are in no case tightened to the stop: the material is rather fragile.

How much will this solution cost? Let's bring current prices on cellular polycarbonate, and at the same time specific gravity material.

Thickness, mm Color Weight, kg/m3 Cost per square meter
3,0 transparent 0,45 107
3,5 transparent 0,5 115
4 transparent 0,7 143
color 155
6 transparent 1,05 226
color 246
8 transparent 1,3 290
color 306

The construction of this type of fence has one subtlety. To fix polycarbonate, you will need an electric screwdriver: screwing even one metal screw with a screwdriver is a non-trivial task, let alone several hundred. In areas without electricity, the solution will be to buy or rent a diesel generator for a summer residence: it will allow you to use power tools and welding without restrictions.

Opaque fences

We also mention a couple of solutions for those cases when the fence can be made completely impenetrable to prying eyes.

Concrete eurofence

Despite the rather heavy material, this name often hides very attractive designs in terms of aesthetics. The fence is a type-setting structure of pillars and typesetting sections installed between them.

The material of the fence is reinforced concrete.

How is the Eurofence installed?

  1. The poles are installed similarly to the poles for a chain-link fence - the pits are compacted with crushed stone and filled with a liquid solution.

Important: both verticality and accuracy of distances are especially important in this case.
Missing by five centimeters, we simply cannot install the sections.

  1. Before the solution sets, the sections are lowered into the grooves of the posts. For greater strength, they can be fixed with a small amount of the same solution. The weight of the sections - 40 - 60 kg allows a couple of physically healthy people to perform the work of installing them without the involvement of equipment.

Nuance: if we are building a fence in a country house located on an inclined site, the slope is compensated either by deepening one edge of the lower section, or by pouring a strip foundation.

profiled sheet

A simple replacement of polycarbonate in the construction described above with a profiled steel sheet will also make it completely opaque. The material has sufficient rigidity (among other things, it is often sheathed with change houses for workers, country houses from block containers and trade kiosks) and a service life of 30 years or more; in addition, thanks polymer coating profiled sheet is not afraid of corrosion.

There are, in general, few subtleties in construction.

  • Two logs - at the bottom and at the top - is enough. And in this case, when flying between the pillars of 2 meters, a 20x40 professional pipe is sufficient.
  • Adjacent sheets overlap for one full wave.
  • Self-tapping screws with press washers are screwed into each groove between the waves. Otherwise, in windy weather, the fence will delight you with an enchanting concert: the sheet will hit the log.
  • The upper lag is attached 5-8 cm below the top edge of the sheet. In this case, its sharp edge will prevent an uninvited guest from overcoming the barrier. (See also the article.)


In this article, we have mentioned only a few solutions from an almost endless list. The video in this article will offer the reader additional information. Good luck!